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    Solid Angle Katana to Arnold

    File size: 459 MB (total) Arnold for Katana (or KtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Katana interface. Features: Natural integration with Katana nodes, scenegraph, and scripting. Multi-threaded scene translation, made possible by Geolib3 in Katana 2. Bundled...
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    Solid Angle Katana 3.0 3.2 to Arnold Win/Lnx

    Solid Angle Katana 3.0 - 3.2 to Arnold Win/Lnx Title: Solid Angle Katana 3.0 - 3.2 to Arnold Win/Lnx Info: Arnold for Katana (or KtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Katana interface. Features: Natural integration with Katana nodes, scenegraph...
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    Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.6.0 for Cinema4D R18 to R20

    Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.6.0 for Cinema4D R18 to R20 | 889.2 mb The Arnoldrenderer team is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (C4DtoA) 2.6.0 for Cinema4D. This version uses the Arnold core, and it includes the beta version of Arnold GPU. [b 2.6.0 - Release Date June...
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    Solid Angle Katana 3.1 to Arnold

    Solid Angle Katana 3.1 to Arnold | 304.5 mb The Arnoldrenderer team is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (or KtoA) for Katana. This version uses the Arnold 5.4.0 core, and it includes the beta version of Arnold GPU. [b Release Date August 1, 2019[/b] Bug...
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    Solid Angle Houdini to Arnold 4.2.0 (x64) for Houdini

    Solid Angle Houdini to Arnold 4.2.0 (x64) for Houdini | 738.5 mb The Arnoldrenderer team is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (or HtoA) 4.2.0 for Houdini. This is a feature release bringing alembic layering, alembic material translation and alembic motion blur improvements. It also...
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    Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.6.0 for Cinema4D R18 to R20 (x64)

    Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.6.0 for Cinema4D R18 to R20 (x64) | 889.2 mb The Arnoldrenderer team is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (C4DtoA) 2.6.0 for Cinema4D. This version uses the Arnold core, and it includes the beta version of Arnold GPU. [b 2.6.0 - Release Date...
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    Solid Angle 3ds Max to Arnold 3.2.53 for 3ds Max 2018 2020 (x64)

    Solid Angle 3ds Max to Arnold 3.2.53 for 3ds Max 2018-2020 (x64) | 935.8 mb The Arnoldrenderer team is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (or MAXtoA) 3.2.53 for Autodesk 3ds Max. This version uses the Arnold core. [b 3.2.53 - Release Date July 31, 2019[/b] Enhancements: -...
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    Solid Angle Houdini to Arnold 4.2.0 (x64) for Houdini

    Solid Angle Houdini to Arnold 4.2.0 (x64) for Houdini | 738.5 mb The Arnoldrenderer team is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (or HtoA) 4.2.0 for Houdini. This is a feature release bringing alembic layering, alembic material translation and alembic motion blur improvements. It also...
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    Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.6.0 for Cinema4D R18 to R20 (x64)

    Solid Angle Cinema4D to Arnold 2.6.0 for Cinema4D R18 to R20 (x64) | 889.2 mb The Arnoldrenderer team is pleased to announce the availability of Arnold (C4DtoA) 2.6.0 for Cinema4D. This version uses the Arnold core, and it includes the beta version of Arnold GPU. [b 2.6.0 - Release Date...
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    Solid Angle Maya to Arnold for Maya 2017-2019 (Win/Mac/Lnx)

    Solid Angle Maya to Arnold for Maya 2017-2019 (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 1.9 GB (Total) Arnold for Maya (or MtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Maya interface. Features - Seamless integration with Maya shapes, cameras, lights and shaders. - Image Based Lighting...
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    Solid Angle 3ds Max To Arnold v3.1.30 For 3ds Max-AMPED

    Solid Angle 3ds Max To Arnold v3.1.30 For 3ds Max-AMPED File Size: 871 MiB Launched at SIGGRAPH 2016 and now with Arnold 5.0, Arnold for 3ds Max (or MAXtoA) is bundled standard with 3ds Max 2018, providing a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard 3ds Max interface. Features -...
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    Solid Angle Katana to Arnold

    File size: 592 MB (total) Arnold for Katana (or KtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Katana interface. Features: Natural integration with Katana nodes, scenegraph, and scripting. Multi-threaded scene translation, made possible by Geolib3 in Katana 2. Bundled...
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    Solid Angle Houdini to Arnold 4.1.0 for Houdini

    File size: 684 MB (total) Arnold for Houdini (or HtoA) provides a tight bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Houdini interface, in a way that is familiar to both Houdini users and Arnold users in Maya or Softimage. It also enables smooth lighting workflows between Houdini and...
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    Solid Angle Cinema4D To Arnold 2.5.2 for Cinema4D

    File size: 433 MB (total) Arnold is an advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer built for the demands of feature-length animation and visual effects. Originally co-developed with Sony Pictures Imageworks and now their main renderer, Arnold is used at over 300 studios worldwide including ILM...
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    Solid Angle Maya To Arnold 3.2.1 for Maya

    File size: 925 MB (total) Arnold for Maya (or MtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within Maya's standard interface. MtoA is now shipping with the Arnold 5.0 core. Features: Seamless integration with Maya shapes, cameras, lights and shaders. Image Based Lighting support...
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    Solid Angle Maya to Arnold 3.2.1 for Maya 2017-2019 (Win/Mac/Lnx)

    Solid Angle Maya to Arnold 3.2.1 for Maya 2017-2019 (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 1.9 GB (Total) Arnold for Maya (or MtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Maya interface. Features - Seamless integration with Maya shapes, cameras, lights and shaders. - Image Based Lighting...
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    Solid Angle 3ds Max To Arnold 3.1.26 for 3ds Max

    File size: 993 MB (total) Arnold is an advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer built for the demands of feature-length animation and visual effects. Originally co-developed with Sony Pictures Imageworks and now their main renderer, Arnold is used at over 300 studios worldwide including ILM...
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