LMT Anti Logger 5.2.2 (x64)
File size: 15.4 MB
LMT Anti Logger is meant to help you stay protected against various types of malware, such as viruses, trojans or keyloggers.
Block keylogger, screenlogger, clipboard logger and webcam logger. You guys can download AntiKeyLoggerTester to test this feature.
Real-time protection from viruses / trojans / keyloggers.
Of course it is not as good as other big antivirus software so you should use LMT Anti Logger as a 2nd layer of protection beside your Antivirus software. My software only checks processes when they are created. It's used Virustotal, heuristic, AI and Yara rules.
Password Manager.
Config Windows Security.
Secure online shopping / payment: My software will open a browser in a special environment, so you can rest assured online transactions without worrying about data theft.
Protect browser password. It will notify you when a software tries to steal the browser password. Now only support Google Chrome, MS Edge Chromium and Firefox
Using AI to increase malware detection.
System Requirement
CPU: 1 GHz processor or faster.
RAM: 4 GB of free RAM for 64-bit operating systems.
.Net Framework 4.7
Visual C++ 2015 is the minimum version, VC++ 2017/2019 are backwards compatible.