Guthrie QA-CAD 2020 A.62 | 139 MB
(QA-CAD also includes all the features and functions of CAD Viewer, CAD Markup, SymbolCAD, and also includes the valuable add-on extension CAD Viewer Batch Command.)
Export embedded data to EXCEL/CSV:
• Export embedded data to EXCEL forms for First Article Inspection, AS9102/EN 9102 and PPAP
• Export embedded data to a spreadsheet (EXCEL/ CSV) for revision management or inspection
• Export ballooned drawing to PDF
• Export bills of characters to customisable EXCEL reports.
Balloons (bubbles) drawing feature:
• You can choose to draw balloons (bubbles) or QA Stamps on AutoCAD / PDF drawing
• Overlay drawings with unlimited no. of balloons or QA stamps and Markup annotations.
• Field-based data or attributes may be embedded into balloons or QA stamps.
Support multiple formats:
• Vector (DWG, DXF, HPGL/2, DWF), pixel (TIFF, JPG, BMP) and PDF formats can be opened and stamped.
• All AutoCAD DWG/DXF versions/ formats support including AutoCAD 2019.
• Inventor DWG format support including Inventor 2019.
• Save the drawing with bubbles and markup overlays to PDF, DWG, DXF, TIFF ...
Auto-numbered Balloons:
• Stamps are automatically numbered and easily configured.
• Alter numbering system of balloons (QA Stamps) anytime during stamping process.
Balloon size, color and numbers:
• Color changer - Choose from 20 different ballooning ink (stamping inks).
• Alter each stamp to any size.
• Rotate stamps in any direction.
• Add leaders to stamps.
Capture data from CAD drawing:
• Automatically pick up dimension values from drawings.
• Automatically pick up GD&T symbols from drawings. (plan to support in near future)
Save balloon edits:
• Save balloons (QA stamps) and markup annotations separate to the drawing.
Integration with your email software:
• Send ballooned PDF by email with just the process of a button.
User-defined Stamp:
• User-defined Time / Date / 'Checked by' stamp.
Field entry control:
• Option to configure field entry controls as a dropdown list of user defined values.