Unity Pro 2019.3.5f1 (x64)



x64 | Languages:English | File Size: 1.66 GB
Unity software or video games Unity3D design and manufacture a complete set, consisting of a powerful game engine and development environment programming and development. Unity easy to do because most of the games in the graphical environment and low utilization of code, many companies and encourages users to take advantage of it. Support for popular programming languages, using three-dimensional modeling software and intelligent motor outputs physics including characteristics of the Unity Pro software.

Facilities and software features of Professional Unity:
-Visual attractive and user-friendly environment
-Mono powerful software for editing programming languages
-Support for programming languages ​​C #, javascript, and Boo
-Ability to import the output of three-dimensional design software such as 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, etc.
-There are a variety of Shader, effects and visual effects High Definition
-High-speed rendering operation
-Full simulation and advanced types of terrain, weather, automotive and ...
-nVIDIA PhysX engine to simulate physical, speed, friction, impact, etc.
-take advantage of new technologies lighting and shading for moving objects

System Requirements:

For development:
-OS:Windows 7 SP1+,8,10,64-bit versions only
Server versions of Windows & OS X are not tested.
-CPU:SSE2 instruction set support.
-GPU:Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.

The rest mostly depends on the complexity of your projects.
Additional platform development requirements:
-Android:Android SDK and Java Development Kit (JDK); IL2CPP scripting backend requires Android NDK.
Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 (64-bit), Visual Studio 2015 with C++ Tools component or later and Windows 10 SDK

For running Unity games:

-OS:Windows 7 SP1+
-Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities.
-CPU:SSE2 instruction set support.
-iOS player requires iOS 9.0 or higher.
-Android:OS 4.1 or later; ARMv7 CPU with NEON support or Atom CPU; OpenGL ES 2.0 or later.
-WebGL: Any recent desktop version of Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Safari.
-Universal Windows Platform: Windows 10 and a graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilitiesWhats New:
Unity Pro 2019.3.5f1 Release Notes

-2D: Fix crash in TilemapRenderer with URP while shaders are compiling again after an update in URP version.
-2D: Fixed crash in TilemapRenderer with URP while shaders are compiling again after an update in URP version with multiple SceneView/GameView windows in the Editor Layout.
-Animation: Fixed RMB contextual menu not showing up for animation transitions
-Asset Import: Fix opening a scene from a package
-Asset Pipeline: Fix crash on Windows when opening a project created in Ubuntu
-Asset Pipeline: Fix for subscene importer that didn't always load updated version of an asset. Objects loaded during import in import worker process, are now being unloaded.
-Asset Pipeline: Optimised copying an asset, so that a refresh of the asset database is not triggered.
-Asset Pipeline: Perform garbarge collection during asset importing.
-Audio: Fix scheduled play of AudioSource after the same AudioSource has been paused and stopped
-Editor: Fix Canvas and Light's Render Mode's drop down values are the same when inspecting one of the Components.
-Editor: Fix editor crash when null is passed in Event.PopEvent
-Editor: fix for event drawer not finding the event types present on data members parent types.
-Editor: Fixed foldout icon for Contacts property under Rigidbody 2D component.
-Editor: Fixed the styling issue, where the control does not get filled with blue color when an entity is dragged onto it.
-Editor: Improved time taken to load assets with missing script references
-GI:Fixed format for shadowmask
-GI: Settings didn't update in the UI if they were changed from a script.
-Graphics: Fix bilinear setup in Metal
-Graphics: Fixed a bug where compressing a texture using EditorUtility.CompressTexture() did not trigger an upload to the GPU of the changed texture data.
-Graphics: Fixed a crash in CreateExternalTexture when passing a native pointer to ID3D11ShaderResourceView*.
-iOS: Fix Profiler support for iPhone XR/XS/XS Max and above.
-iOS: Fix Unity Remote errors when using iPhone XR/XS/XS Max and above.
-iOS: Prevented the crash reporter crashing when you breakpoint an iOS crash.
-macOS: Fixed the issue that target window gets hidden when dragging files.
-Package Manager: Fixed a crash on Windows when launching the Unity editor using a path that has a lowercase drive letter.
-Particles: Fix crash when loading asset bundles containing legacy particles in Unity 2018 or newer
-Physics: Fix a runtime assertion being triggered for a very specific configuration of a Raycast against a CapsuleCollider2D .
-Prefabs: Fix applying prefab override from a scene where the MonoBehaviour lives in a namespace and has FormerlySerializeAs on the fields.
-Prefabs: Fix the position of prefab instances in the hierarchy, both in the scenes and prefabs with nesting.
-Prefabs: Fixed editor entering infinite loop on certain bad prefabs. The bad prefabs are now patched during load.
-Prefabs: Prevent crash when importing broken prefab asset
-Profiler: Fixed a crash that occurred when loading Profiler data captured in newer Unity versions.
-Profiler: Fixed an issue whereby the Profiler window did not always refresh its content after loading a capture file.
-Scripting: Attempting to set a SerializedProperty.manageReferenceValue with a UnityEngine.Object now throws an InvalidOperationException rather than crashing the editor
-Scripting: SerializeReference values can no longer be a specific specialization of a generic type(inflated type). This was done to avoid a crash when treating those.
-Terrain: Fixed issue where an unsupported texture format was reported in headless mode.
-UI Elements: Fix case 1218762runtime package ScrollView is repainted differently when it has been hidden
-UI Elements: Prevent crash when importing prefabs with broken Canvas
-Video: ackport Video Player playing back 360/VR files is garbled and/or makes the program unresponsive
-XR: Fix for XR SDK-Modifying QualitySettings.antiAliasing via scripts doesn't work.

-Version Control: Added ability to set Version Control settings which are available in the Editor Settings through the Unity command line (1192475)
-XR: Updated minimum version of Windows Mixed Reality package.
-XR: Updated Oculus XR Plugin to 1.2.0

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