Unity Pro 2019.2.9f1 (x64)



x64 | Languages:English | File Size: 940 MB

The world's leading real-time creation platform. Unity is used to create half of the world's games. Our real time platform, powered by tools and services, offer incredible possibilities for game developers, and creators across industries and applications.

Start bringing your vision to life today. Unity's real-time 3D development platform empowers you with all you need to create, operate, and monetize.

Unity 2019:
Performance by default, next-gen rendering and artist tooling
Unity 2019 enhances Unity's entire platform and gives creators the power to express their talents and collaborate more efficiently.

Explore Unity:
Rich & Extensible Editor
Multiplatform Support
Engine Performance
Instant Games
Graphics Rendering
Artist & Designer Tools
Connected Games
Team Collaboration
Cloud Diagnostics
Live Ops Analytics
Unity Asset Store
Unity Connect

Whats New
2019.2.9f1 Release Notes Fixes:

Known Issues in 2019.2.9f1
-Android: Application.internetReachability returns NotReachable on certain devices even if internet is available
-Graphics - General: Project crashes on opening in ShaderLab::IntShader::postLoad(Shader*)
-Input: [Windows] IMGUI input doesn't work in builds when using preview InputSystem package
-Mobile: Player Settings window becomes blank and starts spitting errors after going to Android Settings > Icon
-Mobile: [Android] Crash in java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError when application location is changed to SD card on Android device
-Physics: Crash on block_remove when changing mesh to Plane in Skinned Mesh Renderer while cloth component attached
-Profiling: "Other" category is not shown in the player Profiler graph if a sample is not selected
-Profiling: buntuUnity hangs when Deep Profiling and Call Stacks are enabled.
-Scene Management: Enabled Prefab is disabled after upgrading to Improved Prefabs
-Scene Management: Transform::GetWorldToLocalMatrix crash during first import when accessing Components in Prefabs
-Scripting: Custom built DLL's scripts which have classes derived from UIBehaviour cannot be added as a component anymore
-Scripting: Handles.Disc function performance is very slow in Scene View
-Scripting: [Templates] Clamp BlendShapes are set to true by default when creating new projects
-iOS: OS 13 UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest() crashes when opening local file with "file:///" prefix

-AI: Fixed an issue with NavMesh carving which prevents paths from passing in-between two obstacles placed at particular positions near tile borders.
-Android: Fixed an Android video player crash.
-Editor: Fixed an incorrect handling of Unicode characters that use 2 bytes in the application file name when building the Player.
-Editor: Fixed an issue with "Find References In Scene" where it does not list references for scripts within packages.
-Graphics: Fixed a crash in Async.
-Graphics: Fixed a shader compiler crash on some tessellation shaders without proper target pragma.
-IL2CPP: Fixed a possible crash in the debugger when stepping through managed code frames where some callers do not have symbol files
-Scripting: Fixed a crash in SortByExecutionOrder when reloading assemblies in the editor
-Scripting: Fixed an issue with custom editors not working when adding non-editor only assembly definition, unless the user reimports all assets.
-Scripting: Fixed the functionality of FatalError and AccessViolation ForcedCrashCategory's on POSIX platforms
-Shaders: Added new surface shader pragma "nocolormask" to prevent auto-generating ColorMask. This way users can override the ColorMask with their own.
-UI: Fixed and issue wiht UI Sliders on secondary screens which do not respond correctly when using Multiple Displays.
-UI Elements: Fixed and exception thrown when using UIE Debugger to toggle visibility of a root visual element of a panel.
-Video: Fix and issue where Video Clip fails to upload to Cache Server when upgrading an old project to a newer version of Unity
-Windows: Fixed an issue with second monitor inheriting the resolution of the main display during game play.
-XR: Fixed a crash on devices using ARcore while multithreaded rendering is activated.
-XR: Fixed a instability issues with Depth based LSR for HoloLens V1 devices.




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