All Emperor2011's Software in one thread !! (updated daily)


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DBF Viewer 2000 v8.45 Multilingual | Size: 4.81 MB
Language: English

If you're seeking a fast, effective solution for viewing and editing all sorts of DBF files, DBF Viewer 2000® is the answer. This feature-rich program can handle files from dBase, Visual dBase, Foxpro, Visual FoxPro and Clipper, to name just a few, with a performance that easily rivals costly professional database utilities.

Its optimised proprietary engine means that no matter what your file size, DBF Viewer 2000 is incredibly fast, performing any task you set it - from a simple query and duplicate clean-up to data export - at lightning speed.

With DBF Editor's simple, dynamically generated visual dialogues, you can easily see the structure of your DBF files and edit them exactly as you would with native database management tools. In addition to being able to view the contents and structure of DBF files, you can also view and edit dBase III, dBase IV, dBase Level 7, FoxPro and Visual FoxPro format memo fields.

Command line automation is fully supported, making it simple to repeat activities including data import, replacement and export and clean-up of duplicate records. Because DBF Viewer 2000 is completely independent of database engines, drivers and database management systems, you can simply install the program and start viewing and editing DBF files immediately.

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Desinfec't (Desinfect) 2024 [DE] | Size: 4.04 GB
Language: English

Das Rettungssystem bei Virenbefall.
Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware/Anti-Schädlings-Notfallsystem mit integrierten Viren-Scannern.
Vom Computer-Magazin c't.

Startfähige ISO-Datei für USB-Stick.
Inklusive Info und Anleitung (PDF).

Wer befürchtet, sich einen Virus eingefangen zu haben, sollte das Notfallsystem/Sicherheitstool Desinfec't starten. Das Live-System läuft eigenständig und von Windows abgeschottet. So können Sie Viren sicher aufspüren und ausschalten. Das Tool kann aber noch mehr: beispielsweise Daten retten.

Die Viren-Signaturen können ganz einfach aktualisiert werden.

Desinfec't ist das seit vielen Jahren etablierte Notfallsystem der c't-Redaktion, dass direkt von DVD oder einem USB-Stick startet. Mit den integrierten Scannern spürt man nicht nur Viren auf, sondern macht sie auch unschädlich. Außerdem kann man über das Notfallsystem Daten von einem nicht mehr startenden Windows auf USB-Datenträger kopieren und somit wichtige Dokumente wie eine Abschlussarbeit retten. Unter Umständen ist es sogar möglich, versehentlich gelöschte und somit verloren geglaubte Dateien wiederherzustellen. Für all das braucht man keinen Titel in Raketenwissenschaften. Die Bedienung ähnelt der von Windows und auf dem Desktop sollte sich die meisten sofort zurechtfinden. So kann jeder ohne viel Vorwissen direkt eine Virenjagd starten und eine ganze Reihe typischer Computer-Probleme lösen.

Desinfec't ist ein Live-System auf Basis der Linux-Distribution Ubuntu. Für den Betrieb muss Windows komplett heruntergefahren sein. So kann man aus einem sicheren Abstand auf das inaktive Betriebssystem sehen und ein Virus kann nicht noch mehr Schaden anrichten. Da Desinfec't auf Linux basiert, braucht man keine Angst haben, dass für Windows geschriebene Viren auf das System überspringen. Außerdem versetzt sich Desinfec't nach jedem Neustart in den Werkszustand zurück und es ist nach jedem Reboot wie neu. Als Vorsichtsmaßnahme kann Desinfec't standardmäßig von Windows-Festplatten nur lesen und nicht darauf schreiben und Daten verändern. Erst wenn Sie etwas verändern wollen, um etwa den aufgespürten Trojaner unschädlich zu machen, schalten Sie den Schreibmodus explizit ein. So brauchen Sie auch keine Angst zu haben, etwas kaputt zu machen.

Wenn man das System direkt von einer DVD startet, merkt es sich Daten nur flüchtig im RAM. So kann man nichts dauerhaft speichern und muss Signaturen und Updates nach jedem Reboot neu aus dem Internet herunterladen. Besser ist es, Desinfec't auf einen USB-Stick zu kopieren. Das kann man direkt unter Windows machen oder man startet Desinfec't und erzeugt aus dem laufenden System einen Stick mit dem Notfallsystem. In beiden Fällen benötigt man zwingend einen USB-Stick mit mindestens 16 GByte Speicherplatz. Von einem Stick läuft das System nicht nur deutlich schneller und verlässlicher, sondern es kann sich auch Sachen wie aktualisierte Virensignaturen oder Desinfec't-Updates merken. Diese Daten landen auf einer beschreibbaren Partition.

Eine Installation auf USB-Stick mit der Anwendung "Rufus" ist nicht möglich. Am einfachsten gelingt die Stick-Erstellung, wenn Windows bereits läuft. Dann müssen Sie lediglich das ISO-Image mounten. Unter Windows 10 gelingt das über einen Doppelklick darauf. Nun öffnen Sie den Datenträger über den Explorer. Die Anwendung „Desinfect2USB" installiert das System auf einem Stick.

Da Desinfec't eine bootfähige Anwendung ist, muss man das Betriebssystem erst herunterfahren und nach dem Neustart in den Bootoptionen des Computers das Medium mit Desinfec't auswählen.

Voraussetzungen: USB-Stick mit mindestens 16 GiB.

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Directory Opus 13.10 Build 9004 Multilingual | Size: 23.96 MB
Language: English

Are you frustrated by the limitations of Windows Explorer? Directory Opus provides a complete Explorer Replacement with far more power and functionality than any other file manager available today.

Just some of the features include
- Single or dual pane file display and folder trees
- Tabbed interface let you keep multiple folders open and switch quickly between them
- Unique Explorer Replacement mode provides a full replacement for Windows Explorer
- Quickly filter, sort, group and search your folders
- Color-code your files, assign status icons, star ratings, tags and descriptions
- View images, documents and more. Image marking lets you sort your photos quickly and easily
- Batch renaming including easy-to-use keyboard macros
- View and edit file metadata
- Support for FTP and archive formats like Zip, 7Zip and RAR
- Built-in tools including synchronize and duplicate file finder
- Calculate folder sizes and print or export folder listings
- Queue multiple file copies for improved performance
- Fully configurable user interfaccolors, fonts, toolbars, keyboard hotkeys, and a full scripting interface let you tailor Opus exactly to suit your needs
- Efficient, multi-threaded, modern design. Supports the latest 4K monitors.

What makes Opus unique?

Built for speed
Opus is written in native C++ multi-threaded code; compiled for the latest 64 bit CPUs, with high performance our number one design principle.

Fully configurable
Change the colors. Change the fonts. Change the toolbars and menus. Set up hotkeys. Opus adapts to how you want to use it.

Makes file management a breeze
Powerful searching, sorting, grouping, labelling and tagging features let you take control of your files like never before.

Endlessly extensible
Work with third-party tools as easily as with the built-in features. A full scripting interface, including scriptable dialogs, means your imagination is really the only limit.

Replace Windows Explorer and don't look back
Our unique Explorer Replacement mode provides a full replacement for Windows Explorer.
Single or dual pane file display and folder trees
Tabbed interface let you keep multiple folders open and switch quickly between them
Integrated viewer, metadata editor and utility panel
Built-in tools including synchronize and duplicate file finder
Leverage indexed search engines like Windows Search and Everything

Windows Requirements: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, and Server versions

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Duden Korrektor v14.1.707 Microsoft Office Add-On [DE] | Size: 165.27 MB
Language: English

Der Duden Korrektor für Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook) sichert die Qualität Ihrer Texte auf Basis der ausgezeichneten Rechtschreib- und Grammatikprüfung von Duden. Er unterstützt Sie verlässlich bei der Korrektur Ihrer Texte.

Rechtschreibprüfung, wie sie sein soll: einfach, schnell, zuverlässig. Dabei ist die Korrektur der Rechtschreibung erst der Anfang: Der neue Duden Korrektor korrigiert in Microsoft Word und Microsoft Outlook neben der Rechtschreibung auch Grammatik, Zeichensetzung und Stil. Dabei findet unsere Korrektur mehr Fehler als jede andere Korrekturlösung.

• Rechtschreibprüfung mit Korrekturvorschlägen
• Umfangreiche Grammatikprüfung (beispielsweise Getrennt- und Zusammenschreibung, Kommasetzung, Kongruenz, etc.)
• Gewährleistung konsistenter Schreibweise bei Schreibvarianten
• Fünf verfügbare Prüfstile für Schreibvarianten, darunter Dudenempfehlungen und Pressestil
• Schnelle Interaktionen: Fehlergruppen lassen sich mit einem einzigen Klick bearbeiten
• Ablenkungsarmer Korrekturmodus "Nur aktuellen Fehler anzeigen"
• Erkennung von Eigennamen schon vor der eigentlichen Korrektur
• Stilprüfung markiert z.B. Füllwörter, Umgangssprache, veraltete Ausdrücke und zu lange Sätze
• Thesaurus mit umfangreichem Angebot an Synonymen
• Zusatzwörterbücher mit Positiv- und Negativeinträgen





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Enigma Virtual Box 11.00 Build 20240826 Multilingual | Size: 7.5 MB
Language: English

Enigma Virtual Box is used to virtualize the file system and allows you to merge the files used by your application into one executable file without extracting files to the virtual disk. Enigma Virtual Box supports all file types: dynamic libraries (*. Dll), ActiveX / COM objects (*. Dll, *. Ocx), video and music files (*. Avi, *. Mp3), text files (*. Txt , * doc) and many others. Enigma Virtual Box does not remove temporary files on the disk emulation file occurs only in the internal memory of the process.

The main advantages are
Enigma Virtual Box virtual does not extract the files to disk and does not create any temporary files on your computer.
Support for x86 (32 bit) and x64 (64-bit) executables that run on all versions of Windows NT.
The system supports any type of file virtualization.
The program allows you to compress the virtual files, thus reducing the overall size of your application several times.

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ExamDiff Pro Master Edition | Size: 36.93 MB
Language: English

ExamDiff Pro is a powerful and easy-to-use file and directory comparison tool for Windows. It includes numerous helpful features for comparing and merging many kinds of files and folders - from source code to Office documents to Zip archives to files on remote computers. If you've been frustrated with other comparison utilities, you will find that ExamDiff Pro offers a much more user-friendly and customizable experience.

For developers
track changes in files and folders
perform code reviews
easily merge different versions of files using two- and three-way diff and merge.
share HTML and printed difference reports with your colleagues
compare a local website to an FTP server (using the FTP plug-in)
ignore programming language comments to focus only on the most important aspects of your source code
visualize different aspects of code through syntax highlighting
compare executable files (DLLs, EXEs, etc.) using built-in binary comparison

For regular computer users
quickly navigate through differences
synchronize files and directories between your PC and external media
create directory snapshots for future comparison and archiving
quickly find and undo mistakes by comparing files with previous versions
easily drag and drop files and directories
compare from Windows Explorer using the built-in Shell extension

For testers
validate test results by comparing them with a baseline
save test comparison results into reports

For writers
edit your documents within the comparison window using the built-in text editor
use synchronized word wrap to compare document paragraphs
compare Word, Excel, and PDF documents using plug-ins

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Fast Video Cutter Joiner 5.3.0 Multilingual | Size: 24.32 MB
Language: English

Editing video data can be done in numerous ways, and thanks to the latest advancements in software and online services, cutting, trimming, joining or editing video content has become easier than ever. Fast Video Cutter Joiner aims at offering users a simple, clutter-free desktop solution for either cutting individual video files, or, joining multiple together, therefore making resorting to more complex software or online services not required.

Right from the start, we find out quite quickly that the app is centered on simplicity, and users have an easy choice to make, by selecting to either cut or, join videos. The design, as well as the layout of the interface, isn't elaborate, but we didn't feel that this aspect impeded the app's functionality in any way.

Adding files and initializing the processing is quite straightforward, meaning that even novices won't have any issues.

When it comes to selecting the cutting or joining types, users have a bit more flexibility, in the sense that the application offers two modes, a simple, and a more advanced one. The latter will enable one to select parameters that pertain to the characteristics of the output videos, such as format, as well as audio characteristics.

Last but not least, it is fair to mention that Fast Video Cutter Joiner does come equipped with minor playback capabilities, in the form of a rudimentary player, which allows users to preview the loaded video content.

Simple in design, and even simpler in handling, Fast Video Cutter Joiner can provide average performance for the user who seeks a way of quickly cutting or joining video clips.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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Fort Firewall 3.13.8 | Size: 6.03 MB
Language: English

Protecting your computer against threats on the internet usually means one has to filter internet access more strictly. What better way to do that if not by using a firewall? Windows comes packed with a firewall by default. If you're not satisfied with it and are looking for more ways to control and monitor your PC's access to the internet, Fort Firewall could be one particular way to go.

What can this application do for me?
As far as its features are concerned, you get the full package. Start with filtering content by network addresses or by grouping the apps on your PC. Limit internet access and speed or usage for certain applications. Keep an eye on the evolution of your PC's connections by analyzing the stored traffic statistics. Get the help you desire from graphical displays showing bandwidth development. If one adds the fact that the whole program is based on WFP, otherwise known as Windows Filtering Platform, you come to the conclusion that this application integrates very well with Windows operating systems.

More security or simply more control
Probably the most interesting aspect for basic users is the added security it can provide for your PC. Practically, by giving more room for control and more options to tailor internet usage to one's tastes, you might be able to increase the security on your PC, but it's up to you. Fear not though, if there are certain exceptions to be made, you can simply add them to a whitelist, thus not overprotecting your machine.

Fort Firewall is an application that does not necessarily bring something new to the table. On the contrary, it employs a classic formula. Still, it offers more control over your PC's internet connections, the way certain apps use your bandwidth, and how your machine interacts with the internet for achieving various tasks. Every aspect of this application is there to simplify the way one interacts with their PC's firewall security system.

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Genuine Soundware VB3-II v2.3.0 | Size: 8.28 MB
Language: English

Released in 2023, this is the second version of GSi's most famous product: VB3-II Tonewheel Organ emulator. This marks 20 years of research and development of this instrument.





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GiliSoft RAMDisk 7.2.0 | Size: 7.13 MB
Language: English

GiliSoft RAMDisk appears like a physical hard disk to the operating system and programs. You choose its size (depending on the amount of RAM in your system), drive letter, and file system. You can copy, move and delete files on it. Like a physical disk, a RAM disk can also be shared so as to be accessed by other computers on a network! The RAM disk bypasses the system hard drive, which is the slowest part of a computer. Freeing your data storage and retrieval from this mechanical disk gives your system an immediate boost.

- Delivers Astounding Performance Improvements for Gaming Enthusiasts Using PC/Laptop-Based Games
- Speeds Up your internet Browsing Experience
- Enhances Internet Privacy, Security and Malware Protection
- Optimized Video and Audio Production or Rendering
- Extends the Life and Increases the Performance of your SSD
- Provides Software Developers with Optimized Performance During Compilations, Use of Development Aids Such as MS Visual Studio, and Introduces Database Acceleration into Developed Applications

Why Choose Gilisoft RAMDisk?
Use a GiliSoft RAM disk to boost performance and speed up access to data. Unlike your system hard drive, a RAM disk contains no moving parts to generate noise and heat. Because your computer's memory is so much faster than the hard disk, a RAM disk greatly improves application performance. Databases, compilers, and graphic design programs process large amounts of data which tax a computer's resources. A RAM disk drive makes data more readily available, balancing the load on a processor When you browse web pages, junk data is written to your browser's cache memory. By running your browser cache in a RAM disk and not saving the disk image file when you end your session, unwanted cache files are deleted automatically, saving hard drive space. Finally, a RAM drive uses much less energy than a physical hard drive, and therefore extends the charge of a laptop computer's battery.

What's new
• official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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Hasleo Disk Clone 4.5 | Size: 26.81 MB
Language: English

Hasleo Disk Clone is a free and all-in-one Windows cloning software that can help you migrate Windows to another disk, clone one disk to another disk or clone one partition to another location.

You can use it in the following situations, but not limited to the following situations.
1. Migrate Windows to SSD or HDD (smaller or larger) without reinstalling Windows and applications.
2. Clone one disk to another disk (smaller or larger) as a backup.
3. Clone a partition to another location without losing any data.

System, disk and partition cloning tool
This particular application provides a wizard-based GUI designed to help you quickly copy the content of disks or partitions on your PC, or perform Windows migration as easy and as fast as possible. The advantage of such a tool is that you get to transfer all your data without having to reinstall the operating system or all your software programs.

Migrate Windows with ease
Once you launch Hasleo Disk Clone, you will be greeted by the main window, which provides three simple options: system clone, disk clone or partition clone, each accompanied by a simple description.

If you need to migrate Windows, then keep in mind that, in the following step, the application automatically selects all the partitions that need to be cloned for the new system to work properly. However, the destination disk is your choice and so are the size and the location of the partitions to create. There are a few things you need to take into account when selecting the alignment mode.

Hasleo Disk Clone starts copying the system and, as you can imagine, it is a rather long process, so you can configure it to shut down the PC once it is finished.

The steps are practically the same when copying disks or partitions to another locations. You can use Hasleo Disk Clone to backup disks to a specific location or clone a partition without risking data loss.

Backup your system and migrate Windows
Hasleo Disk Clone makes it possible for you to migrate Windows and create secure backups of your disks and partitions. It promises to handle your data with care and comes with a simple wizard that allows anyone to use it, regardless of their experience.

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LDPlayer Multilingual | Size: 725.47 MB
Language: English

LDPlayer is a free Android emulator for PC users playing Android games easily on Windows. Based on Android 5.1.1, it supports a wide range of compatibility in running high-performance, high-graphic mobile games on PC. In addition to playing Android games on PC, you can also access Google Play Store for other apps and specify the location of the device. With its multi-functional design and user-friendly settings, LDPlayer literally performs better than a real phone.

Download the APKs and drag them over the UI to install
The setup is a quick and straightforward process that does not require special attention from your part. The app comes with a sleek and stylish interface and thanks to its side-panels, it enables swift navigation and browsing, similarly to the Android OS.

As indicated after installation, you need to download the APK packages for the games you want to play. Afterwards, you can simply drag over the interface to install or you can use the dedicated installation button, if you find that more convenient.

Take note that the tool comes with a quick link to Google Play and providing that you have or create an account with the service, you can find the games you want from here.

Enables you to create macros and mapping for all game genres
A noteworthy feature is that the tool comes with several advanced options to create custom mapping for the games you are playing. Therefore, you can set key and mouse discs, set the view based on the game graphics or place buttons on the screen for shooting or casting spells.

At the same time, the program allows you to create macros, which can come in handy if you are playing more advanced games that rely on sensitivity of the push, tilt, drag or click. In case none of the mapping options work for your game, then you will be happy to learn that you can create a custom one just as easily.

An intuitive and smooth Android emulator application
All in all, LDPlayer can come in handy for both users and developers who do not have an Android device, but still want to try out the latest games or perhaps, test out apps developed for this operating system.

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Laser Photo Wizard Professional 12.0 | Size: 32.39 MB
Language: English

Laser Photo Wizard Professional is powerful software for creating images ready for Laser Photo Engraving. The system offers extensive controls to convert photos to grayscale black and white images. It then can use one of three effects to create pure black and white images for the laser.

Laser Photo Wizard uses three methods to achieve this
• Edge Sketching - This method looks at the edges of an image to create a sketch of the image. This has an artistic quality and works very well on low cost lasers.
• Dithering - This method uses a series of black and white dots that are arranged so that the gray value in and give area is preserved.
• Combined Dithering with Sketch - This method, that works well with wood, increases the contrast of the engraved image buy dithering and also considering the edges of the photo.

The system also has the ability to add text, vector outlines and overlays to the image. A built in black and white editor is offered in the pro version.

What's new
• official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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Listary Pro Beta Multilingual | Size: 13.53 MB
Language: English

Listary is a unique search utility for Windows. Not only does it make file browsing truly flexible -- thanks to its multi-file managers support -- but the ultra-compact UI also redefines minimalism. The lightweight design doesn't stop it from providing various advanced features however, that may fit the needs of both casual and power users alike. All you have to do is just type the file name that you're looking for, and Listary will display the search results at breakneck speed.

Listary is an excellent find-as-you-type search utility that makes searching items in large unmanageable lists of Windows applications a breeze. It works with items in Windows Explorer, Task Manager, Registry Editor, Windows Desktop, file Open/Save dialogs and other components.

• Favorite and Recent Folders
Speed up your work by gaining instant access to your favorite folders and files. Access any deeply nested folder with a keystroke. Listary also brings recent folders and files at your fingertips from Explorer and File Open/Save Dialog box. Last opened file is automatically highlighted for instant access.
• Quick Switch
This feature lets a file dialog switch to the folder you're viewing in your favorite file manager instantly or vice versa. Your currently opened folders in all applications are also listed for quick access.
• Find as You Type
The powerful find-as-you-type feature lets you browse through large, unmanageable lists of files, folders and other entries with incredible ease. Start typing intuitively and watch Listary highlight items for you in real time, no matter how large the list is. Type any part of item name and use space as a wildcard to fill in for characters you can't recall. Find your target as quickly as you can type.
• Access from Anywhere
Mouse middle-click, hot keys, tray icon, or simply double-click on any part of the empty area in Explorer, Desktop and standard file open/save dialogs . Accessing your favorite folders is never so easy.
• Smart Commands
Run command prompt in current directory, show/hide file extensions, show/hide hidden files and folders, export list contents to a CSV file that can be opened in Excel, copy folder path to clipboard, and many more, all with a single click or keystroke.
• Excellent Keyboard Support
Never take your hands off the keyboard again. Search for whatever you want, sift through the list with tab or arrow keys, open your list of favorites and recently used files/folders with simple hotkeys, and run Listary's Smart commands all using the keyboard.
• Total Commander Integration
With the help of Listary, you can even use Total Commander to completely replace file dialogs. Directory menu items of Total Commander can also be added to Listary favorite for quick access from anywhere.
• Change directory
Enrich your file browsing experience by switching directories and folders by directly typing the path and any part of folder name. The auto-completer provides options to choose from as you speed towards your target folder.
• Support Various Applications
Listary has perfect support for Windows components like Explorer, Desktop, standard file open/save dialogs and browse for folder dialogs. Famous file managers (like Total Commander, Directory Opus and xplorer2) are also supported. You can also use all features in some utilities like 7-zip, WinRAR and FileZilla.
• Multi-language User Interface
Seven interface languages are available for your own choice.

For Win 10 & 11

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MAGIX Samplitude Pro X8 Suite Multilingual | Size: 768.65 MB
Language: English

Samplitude Pro X is music production software for audio professionals that fulfils the highest demands in quality for each and every audio production, from first take to final master. Samplitude Pro X provides recording and mixing engineers with practical functions that revolutionize the standard DAW workflow. Edit in real time, during recording. Apply effects in a custom manner to individual clips. Visualize volume, frequency and phase information for selected tracks. Discover custom interfaces and automations that will redefine the efficiency of your very own workflow!

Functions that make all the difference

In detail
Edit even the smallest segments in large projects more efficiently. The Object editor gives you control over your own plug-ins, sends and automations for each clip.

Live editing
Start a recording - and start editing too, without waiting around. You can now cut, edit and export during the recording process.

Audio patterns
Find commonalities in your material. The audio search function marks similar sounds in locations throughout a file.

In color
The new WaveColor function lets you contrast frequencies and map out the sound character of recordings on the visual level.

In control
Keep everything in view: With the program's Visualization tool you can monitor each track for peaks, loudness, frequency or phasing.

The user interface offers you the best options for freely arranging all elements within the docking system. Enjoy rapid access to essential functions at all times. Create your own workspaces.

Brand new functions
Creating custom workflows for our users has been a particular focus during the development of Samplitude Pro X8. The program now offers a range of new features based on knowledge gained from many years of experience and customer feedback. Discover new search functions, expanded automations, flexible editors and the right orientation for every step of your project - as the leading DAW for both all-rounders and specialists, Samplitude Pro X8 contains everything needed to achieve perfect sound. Hybrid power in a bundle - only in Samplitude Pro X8 Suite. Discover SOUND FORGE Pro 16, the latest Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 9, two new iZotope Elements and bonus powerful instruments.

System Requirements
- You need a 64-bit version for the following operating systems
- Windows 11, Windows 10
- Processor
- - Intel 6th generation Core i-series or higher
- - AMD Ryzen or higher RAM
- RAM: 16 GB
- Graphics card: INFUSION Engine 3 provides hardware acceleration for import and export using Intel, NVIDIA and AMD GPUs
- - Intel Graphics HD 620 or higher with 4 GB (Intel driver version or higher)
- - NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050ti or higher with 4 GB (GeForce Game Ready driver version 496.76 or higher)
- - AMD Radeon RX470 or higher with 4 GB
- Available drive space: 2 GB for program installation (10 GB recommended)

Program languages: English, Deutsch, Français, Español

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MediaMonkey Gold 2024.0.0.3045 Beta Multilingual | Size: 111.11 MB
Language: English

MediaMonkey is a music manager and media jukebox for serious music collectors and iPod users. It catalogs your CDs, OGG, WMA, MPC, FLAC, APE, WAV and MP3 audio files. It looks up missing Album Art and track information via Freedb and the web, and includes an intelligent tag editor and an automated file and directory renamer to organize your music library.

Its player automatically adjusts volume levels so that you don't have continually fiddle with the volume control and supports hundreds of Winamp plug-ins and visualizations; or if you prefer, it can use Winamp as the default player.
MediaMonkey includes a CD ripper, CD/DVD Burner, and audio converter for saving music, and manual or automated playlist editors for creating music mixes. It also includes portable audio device synchronization that allows you to synch tracks and play lists with devices such as the iPod and other portable audio devices.

- Find music with advanced search functionality that digs through your collection to find tracks according to almost any criteria that you can think of. Search for Composer, Year, Beats per minute; find Lyrics, etc. and stop pulling your hair out trying to find music you know you have.
- Customize your library by setting filters to display only Artists or Albums that match criteria that you set. For example, set a filter that causes Artists to appear in the tree only if they contain Albums that are currently available, and are of any genre other than 'Children'.
- Encode unlimited MP3s without having to manually install a new MP3 encoder (the free version of MediaMonkey includes a time-limited LAME MP3 encoder. If you're so inclined, you can manually replace it with the free LAME encoder, or you can just upgrade to MediaMonkey Gold).
- Catalog your physical CDs and use the Virtual CD feature to keep track of what CDs you own and at the same time see which subset of tracks from those CDs are copied to your hard drive. Instead of tracking your CDs and tracks separately, the virtual CD function gives you an integrated view...
- Import and save audio tracks from Audio CDs and MP3 CDs with unprecedented flexibility using the Virtual CD. It allows you to sample tracks from various sources, select which ones you want to import, and then import and save the files in a single operation.
- Create Previews, short samples of audio tracks, that you can use when trying to decide which audio files you want to add to your collection.
- Use a Sleep Timer to play your music, gradually fade it over a set period of time, and then turn off your PC - perfect for listening to tunes before you go to sleep.
- Burn CDs at the maximum speed permitted by your hardware.

All MediaMonkey Gold Features
- Audio / Music Manager
- Media Player (play MP3, OGG, WMA etc.)
- Equalizer / DSP Effects / Volume Leveler
- Party Mode & Auto-DJ
- CD Ripper: Encode MP3, OGG, WMA, FLAC
- Audio Converter
- Auto Renamer / File Organizer
- Auto Tag Editor with Album Art Lookup
- Find Duplicate Tracks and Missing Tags
- Playlist Manager (auto music mixes)
- Generate reports and statistics
- Customization via scripts
- iPod and MP3 Player Synchronization
- Integrated CD/DVD Burner (Audio & Data) (up to 48x) (up to 4x)
- File Monitor (automatically updates library)
- Advanced Searches and AutoPlaylists
- Advanced Portable Device Synchronization with on-the-fly format conversion
- Unlimited MP3 encoding
- Virtual CD / Previews
- Advanced Filters
- Sleep Timer

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Minimal Audio Effects Bundle Complete 2024.8 | Size: 39.94 MB
Language: English

Get instant access to the entire Minimal Audio ecosystem. Explore all our software, and access all of our sounds, wavetables, and preset expansion packs inside Current.


Whats New

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Net Monitor For Employees Pro 6.3.6 | Size: 100.75 MB
Language: English

Powerful Employee Monitoring Software. Increasing productivity in offices is not as much a task you may think. If you are a business leader, a teacher, a chairman of a company or project supervisor, you need strong employee monitoring software to keep an eye over the screen of your students, employees and team members.

Employee Monitoring and Why It is Essential for Your Business
Businesses worldwide suffer from employees not doing what they are paid to do. With that costing business a lot of money and time, especially small businesses or those who are struggling to get on top of their competition.

Why is employee monitoring software essential for your business?
Employee monitoring software has become an essential part of any business because it helps businesses track employee activity and prevent employees from sharing confidential company data by uploading it to their personal cloud or downloading it to their USB drives.

The web opens prime avenues for employees to expose sensitive or regulated data. This makes for a major blind spot where companies can be at risk

- Of employees running application reports to collect sensitive data.
- Of employees installing remote control applications to work from home.
- Of employees uploading sensitive data to their personal cloud or downloading it to their USB drive.

What can employers track?
Employers can record and track any screen activity with Desktop Recorder and then export it as MPEG4 (video) or JPEG (pictures). This comes in very useful when employers are not on their computers or phones/tablets. They can also log and export any Internet Usage and Application Usage data using Reporting. Keystroke Logging and exporting of all presses keys in a specific time frame is also available.

Biggest benefits of employee monitoring
- Businesses can save large sums of money that they are spending on employee wages and development. It can particularly help small and struggling businesses.
- It increases productivity and lessens the time wasted of employees slacking off.
- It offers security measures to protect confidential data and the integrity of a company.

The most important features for employee monitoring
- Desktop Recorder is a great feature that runs in the background and records all desktop activity.
- Internet control is a crucial tool to block all unwanted pages like Facebook, Twitter, etc...
- Reporting lets you log web and application usage and log keystrokes.
- Remote control even allows you to control computers from a mobile/tablet.
- View and block any unwanted applications or processes.
- Restrictions allow you to restrict the use of certain devices and functions. By locking USB drives you can prevent employees from downloading or uploading any files to the PC
- Several tools allow you to turn the computer on or of, lets you run shell commands, open webpages, etc.
- Increase productivity with our integrated messaging, desktop sharing and file sharing features.

New in Version
Major new features
- Application Blocking

Additional tools like
- Disable Printing
- Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL
- Mute computers
- Limit remote computer audio volume
- Clear Desktop

What's new
• official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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PowerISO 8.9 (x64) Multilingual Portable | Size: 7.73 MB
Language: English

PowerISO is a powerful CD / DVD / BD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount ISO files with internal virtual drive. It can process almost all CD / DVD / BD image files including ISO and BIN files. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution. You can do every thing with your ISO files and disc image files.

Main Features
Support almost all CD / DVD / BD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, CDI, DAA and so on).
What is DAA file? DAA file (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes.
Open and extract ISO file. You can extract ISO file with a single click.
Burn ISO file to CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray disc. PowerISO is a professional burning software. With this tool, you can create Audio CD, Data CD, Data DVD, Video DVD or VCD. PowerISO also supports Blu-Ray burning.
Burn Audio CD from MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files.
Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files.
Create ISO file or BIN file from hard disk files or CD / DVD / BD discs.
Edit ISO image file directly.
Mount ISO file with internal virtual drive. PowerISO can mount all popular disc image files to built-in virtual drive.
Convert image files between ISO / BIN and other formats. PowerISO can not only convert BIN to ISO, but also convert almost all image file formats to standard ISO image file.
Create bootable USB drive. PowerISO allows you to setup Windows through USB drive.
Make bootable ISO file and create bootable CD, DVD disc.
Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Can be used easily. PowerISO supports shell integration, context menu, drag and drop, clipboard copy paste...

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PowerISO 8.9 Multilingual | Size: 9.78 MB
Language: English

PowerISO is a powerful CD / DVD / BD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount ISO files with internal virtual drive. It can process almost all CD / DVD / BD image files including ISO and BIN files. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution. You can do every thing with your ISO files and disc image files.

Main Features
Support almost all CD / DVD / BD-ROM image file formats (ISO, BIN, NRG, CDI, DAA and so on).
What is DAA file? DAA file (Direct-Access-Archive) is an advanced format for image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes.
Open and extract ISO file. You can extract ISO file with a single click.
Burn ISO file to CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray disc. PowerISO is a professional burning software. With this tool, you can create Audio CD, Data CD, Data DVD, Video DVD or VCD. PowerISO also supports Blu-Ray burning.
Burn Audio CD from MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files.
Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files.
Create ISO file or BIN file from hard disk files or CD / DVD / BD discs.
Edit ISO image file directly.
Mount ISO file with internal virtual drive. PowerISO can mount all popular disc image files to built-in virtual drive.
Convert image files between ISO / BIN and other formats. PowerISO can not only convert BIN to ISO, but also convert almost all image file formats to standard ISO image file.
Create bootable USB drive. PowerISO allows you to setup Windows through USB drive.
Make bootable ISO file and create bootable CD, DVD disc.
Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Can be used easily. PowerISO supports shell integration, context menu, drag and drop, clipboard copy paste...

Supported languages
English, Arabic, Armenian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Kazakh

Supported operating systems
32-bit Windows: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10
64-bit Windows: Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10

System Requirements
Microsoft Windows operating system.
Intel Pentium 166MHz or above.
64MB memory.
At least 10MB hard disk space.

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