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Kompendium E-Learning By Prof. Dr. Helmut M. Niegemann, Silvia Hessel M.A., Dirk Hochscheid-Mauel M.A., Kristina Aslanski Dipl. Ing., Markus Deimann M.A., Gunther Kreuzberger Dipl. Inf (auth.)
2004 | 411 Pages | ISBN: 3642622410 | PDF | 10 MB
E-Learning ist fester Bestandteil modernen Lehren und Lernens. Gleichzeitig schaffen neue Technologien ständig neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten, beispielsweise mobiles Lernen. Wie aber lässt sich die Qualität neuer E-Learning-Angebote sichern, wie die Qualität existierender Angebote beurteilen? Welche didaktischen Prinzipien sind Grundlage für effektives E-Learning? Welche aktuellen lehr-/lernpsychologischen Theorien und Befunde sind hilfreich bei der Konzeption? Bei diesen Fragen setzt das Kompendium E-Learning an: Behandelt werden alle Entscheidungsebenen der Konzeption und der Entwicklung von computer- und webbasierten Lernumgebungen, von der Bedarfsanalyse bis zu Usability-Studien und der Feldevaluation. Gezeigt wird auch, wie bewährte Theorien durch geeignete Kombination der Modellkomponenten auf neue Anforderungen der Praxis übertragen werden können.Das Kompendium E-Learning versteht sich als Handbuch für alle, die sich in Schule, Hochschule, Aus- und Weiterbildung mit der Konzeption, Entwicklung und Evaluation von E-Learning befassen. Zugleich kann es als Lehrbuch für Studierende der Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie, Medienwissenschaft, Informatik, Betriebswirtschaft und verwandter Disziplinen eingesetzt werden.

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Kubernetes Secrets Handbook: Design, implement, and maintain production-grade Kubernetes Secrets management solutions by Emmanouil Gkatziouras, Rom Adams, Chen XI
English | January 31, 2024 | ISBN: 180512322X | 294 pages | EPUB | 3.76 Mb
Gain hands-on skills in Kubernetes Secrets management, ensuring a comprehensive overview of the Secrets lifecycle and prioritizing adherence to regulatory standards and business sustainability

Key FeaturesMaster Secrets encryption, encompassing complex life cycles, key rotation, access control, backup, and recoveryBuild your skills to audit Secrets consumption, troubleshoot, and optimize for efficiency and complianceLearn how to manage Secrets through real-world cases, strengthening your applications' security posture
Book Description
Securing Secrets in containerized apps poses a significant challenge for Kubernetes IT professionals. This book tackles the critical task of safeguarding sensitive data, addressing the limitations of Kubernetes encryption, and establishing a robust Secrets management system for heightened security for Kubernetes.
Starting with the fundamental Kubernetes architecture principles and how they apply to the design of Secrets management, this book delves into advanced Kubernetes concepts such as hands-on security, compliance, risk mitigation, disaster recovery, and backup strategies. With the help of practical, real-world guidance, you'll learn how to mitigate risks and establish robust Secrets management as you explore different types of external secret stores, configure them in Kubernetes, and integrate them with existing Secrets management solutions.
Further, you'll design, implement, and operate a secure method of managing sensitive payload by leveraging real use cases in an iterative process to enhance skills, practices, and analytical thinking, progressively strengthening the security posture with each solution.
By the end of this book, you'll have a rock-solid Secrets management solution to run your business-critical applications in a hybrid multi-cloud scenario, addressing operational risks, compliance, and controls.
What you will learnExplore Kubernetes Secrets, related API objects, and CRUD operationsUnderstand the Kubernetes Secrets limitations, attack vectors, and mitigation strategiesExplore encryption at rest and external secret storesBuild and operate a production-grade solution with a focus on business continuityIntegrate a Secrets Management solution in your CI/CD pipelinesConduct continuous assessments of the risks and vulnerabilities for each solutionDraw insights from use cases implemented by large organizationsGain an overview of the latest and upcoming Secrets management trends
Who this book is for
This handbook is a comprehensive reference for IT professionals to design, implement, operate, and audit Secrets in applications and platforms running on Kubernetes. For developer, platform, and security teams experienced with containers, this Secrets management guide offers a progressive path-from foundations to implementation-with a security-first mindset. You'll also find this book useful if you work with hybrid multi-cloud Kubernetes platforms for organizations concerned with governance and compliance requirements.
Table of ContentsUnderstanding Kubernetes Secret ManagementWalking through Kubernetes Secret Management ConceptsEncrypting secrets in transit and at restDebugging and Troubleshooting Kubernetes SecretsSecurity, Auditing and ComplianceDisaster Recovery and BackupsChallenges and Risk for Managing Secrets in Kubernetes Production EnvironmentExploring Secret Storage on AWSExploring Secret Storage on Azure

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Käpt'ns Dinner: Familienchaos ahoi
Deutsch | 2024 | ISBN: 3453428811 | 737 Pages | EPUB | 1 MB
Das denkt sich Maria, als sie als Bordshop-Leiterin auf dem Kreuzfahrtschiff anheuert, dessen Kapitän ihr Bruder Lukas ist. Wenn sie beide schon zusammen in See stechen - warum dann nicht gleich die ganze Familie einladen? Während nach und nach die Verwandtschaft zusteigt, beschleicht Maria jedoch das Gefühl, dass das nicht die beste Idee war. Schließlich ging bei der letzten Zusammenkunft ein Familienmitglied über Bord. Und auch dieses Mal verschwindet ein Passagier spurlos ... Zwischen Kapitänsdinner und Landgängen, zwischen Sonnendeck und Innenkabine müssen sich Maria und ihre Familie mit so manchen Verwechselspielen, Missverständnissen und Geheimnissen konfrontieren. Und am Ende wird es richtig stürmisch an Bord der "Soleil" ...

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La mente ferita
by Giorgio Nardone

Italian | June 10, 2021 | ISBN: 8833317560 | 144 Pages | epub | 0,78 MB

Una malattia. Un lutto. Ma anche un messaggio in una chat capace di ferirci, andando a toccare un punto in cui siamo particolarmente fragili. In tutti i casi, il dolore lascia sempre il segno. Nella migliore delle ipotesi ne conserviamo il ricordo, consapevoli di essere ciò che siamo anche grazie a esso; nella peggiore ci ferisce indelebilmente, provocando in noi reazioni che nel lungo termine divengono disfunzionali e possono addirittura portare alla formazione di veri disturbi. Come ferite che non si cicatrizzano, le esperienze dolorose provocano altro dolore e si accompagnano ad altre emozioni: paura, angoscia, rabbia. Lavorare con i disturbi legati a esperienze traumatiche e dolorose significa saper intervenire ad hoc sulla modalità percettivo-emotiva della persona, aiutandola, a seconda dei casi, a ricollocare gli eventi nel passato, a gestire un presente angosciante e spaventoso o un futuro che improvvisamente perde di significato, sparisce o assume valenze di perdita intollerabili. I protocolli di intervento sviluppati in questo ambito dalla Terapia Strategica permettono, oltre a ciò, di guidare la persona a strutturare nuovi apprendimenti, in particolare la capacità di gestire efficacemente le emozioni: apprendimenti fondamentali in particolar modo quando si parla di dolore e di perdita, inevitabili compagni della nostra esistenza di esseri umani.
eBook Details:
Giorgio Nardone
144 Pages
2 - 3 Hours to read
34k Total words
Release Date: June 10, 2021
ISBN-13: 9788833317564
ISBN-10: 8833317560
Language: Italian
Format: epub
✅File Size: 0,78 MB

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La Storia della Siria: Un Viaggio Attraverso i Secoli (Italian Edition) by Matteo Russo-Gebauer
Italian | July 28, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CD4W2GV1 | 81 pages | EPUB | 0.42 Mb
Immergiti nel fascino di una terra millenaria attraverso le pagine di "La Storia della Siria". Questo libro ti offre un viaggio avvincente attraverso i secoli, rivelando gli affascinanti capitoli di una delle più antiche civiltà del mondo.

In questa opera unica, esplorerai la storia ricca e travagliata della Siria, dalla sua antica origine fino alle sfide moderne. Scoprirai la magnificenza degli imperi che dominarono queste terre, l'eredità artistica e archeologica dei siti turistici, e i tesori naturali e gastronomici che hanno plasmato l'identità di questa terra affascinante.
Con una scrittura coinvolgente e rigorosamente basata su fatti, il libro ti guiderà alla scoperta di città antiche come Palmira e Damasco, con le loro testimonianze straordinarie di un passato glorioso. Esplorerai anche le tracce dei grandi conquistatori, come Alessandro Magno e Saladino, che hanno lasciato un'impronta indelebile sulla storia della Siria.
Le pagine di questo libro ti porteranno anche alla scoperta dei tesori naturali della Siria, dai suoi paesaggi mozzafiato alle ricchezze della flora e della fauna. Avrai l'opportunità di immergerti nella ricca cucina siriana, con i suoi gusti autentici e le tradizioni culinarie millenarie.
"La Storia della Siria" è un'opera unica, interamente testuale, che ti offre la possibilità di conoscere questa terra straordinaria attraverso fatti e avvenimenti storici accurati. Questo libro sarà una guida avvincente e informativa, ideale per chi è appassionato di storia, cultura e viaggi nel tempo.

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Tracey Hopkins, "LabNotes: Guide to Lab & Diagnostic Tests"
English | 2005 | pages: 223 | ISBN: 0803612656 | PDF | 1,4 mb
Printed on rewritable, waterproof paper, this pocket sized quick reference tool for nurses covers explaining, preparing and caring for patients before, during and after common diagnostic testing.

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Large Language Model Crash Course: Hands on With Python by Jamie Flux
English | November 10, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DMNRPFLP | 417 pages | PDF | 1.58 Mb
Unlock the full potential of Natural Language Processing (NLP) with the definitive guide to Large Language Models (LLMs)!

This comprehensive resource is perfect for beginners and seasoned professionals alike, revealing the intricacies of state-of-the-art NLP models. Dive into a wealth of knowledge packed with theoretical insights, practical examples, and Python code to implement key concepts. Experience firsthand the transformative power LLMs can have on a variety of applications spanning diverse industries.
Key Features:
* Comprehensive coverage-from foundational NLP concepts to advanced model architectures.
* Detailed exploration of pre-training, fine-tuning, and deploying LLMs.
* Hands-on Python code examples for each chapter.
* SEO-optimized knowledge that encompasses a wide array of tasks and capabilities in NLP.
What You Will Learn:
* Grasp the basics with an introduction to Large Language Models and their influence on NLP.
* Delve into the essentials of NLP fundamentals critical for LLM comprehension.
* Analyze traditional language models, including their mechanisms and limitations.
* Discover the power of word embeddings such as Word2Vec and GloVe.
* Explore how deep learning catalyzed a revolution in natural language processing.
* Understand the structure and functionality of neural networks relevant to NLP.
* Master Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and their applications in text processing.
* Navigate the workings of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks for long-term text dependencies.
* Appreciate the transformative impact of the Transformer architecture on NLP.
* Learn the importance of attention mechanisms and self-attention in modern LLMs.
* Decode the architecture and function of the BERT model in NLP tasks.
* Trace the evolution and design of GPT models from GPT to GPT-4.
* Explore pre-training methodologies that underpin large-scale language models.
* Fine-tune LLMs for specific applications with precision and effectiveness.
* Innovate with generative model fine-tuning for creative text generation tasks.
* Optimize models through contrastive learning for superior performance.
* Excavate the nuances of in-context learning techniques in LLMs.
* Apply transfer learning principles to enhance language model capabilities.
* Comprehend the nuances of training LLMs from a technical standpoint.
* Prepare datasets meticulously for language model training success.

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Riikka Koulu, "Law, Technology and Dispute Resolution: The Privatisation of Coercion"
English | 2020 | pages: 227 | ISBN: 0367665239, 113855538X | PDF | 35,7 mb
The use of new information and communication technologies both inside the courts and in private online dispute resolution services is quickly changing everyday conflict management. However, the implications of the increasingly disruptive role of technology in dispute resolution remain largely undiscussed. In this book, assistant professor of law and digitalisation Riikka Koulu examines the multifaceted phenomenon of dispute resolution technology, focusing specifically on private enforcement, which modern technology enables on an unforeseen scale. The increase in private enforcement confounds legal structures and challenges the nation-state's monopoly on violence. And, in this respect, the author argues that the technology-driven privatisation of enforcement - from direct enforcement of e-commerce platforms to self-executing smart contracts in the blockchain - brings the ethics of law's coercive nature out into the open. This development constitutes a new, and dangerous, grey area of conflict management, which calls for transparency and public debate on the ethical implications of dispute resolution technology.

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David Nelson, "Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry"
English | ISBN: 1319228003 | 2021 | 1248 pages | EPUB | 384 MB
Lehninger's Principles of Biochemistry earned acclaim for its presentation and organization of complex concepts and connections, anchored in the principles of biochemistry. This legacy continues in the eighth edition with a new framework that highlights the principles and supports student learning.

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Fallon Ukpe, "Life Is a Squiggly Line: Start Embracing Imperfection and Stop Settling for Safe"
English | ISBN: 1544505566 | 2019 | 134 pages | EPUB | 3 MB
We have been programmed to believe that the line of life is a perfect, straight trajectory up and to the right, but that's simply not how life works. And now, we have a problem, because perfect is impossible and life isn't a straight line-it's a squiggly line.

Yet we continue to strive for something that is unattainable, unfulfilling, and unnecessary. The pursuit of perfection is leaving us overworked and underwhelmed with the trajectory of our lives. If that's where you find yourself, there is good news: you have a choice.
You can choose to reject the myth of perfection and embrace imperfection. In
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Susan Fox, "Little Women of Baghlan: The Story of a Nursing School for Girls in Afghanistan, the Peace Corps, and Life Before the Ta"
English | ISBN: 1935925210 | 2013 | 368 pages | EPUB | 6 MB
Little Women of Baghlan is the true account of an ordinary young woman who answers the call to service and adventure during an extraordinary time in world history. Her story rivals the excitement, intrigue, and suspense of any novel, unfolding against the backdrop of changing social mores, the Cold War, the Peace Corps, and a country at the crossroads of China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and Iran. When John F. Kennedy, delivers a speech in the Senate Chambers on a hot July day in 1957, a young girl named Joanne Carter listens from the Senate gallery. Ten years later Kennedy has been assassinated and America is mired in the Vietnam War. Jo remembers Kennedy's words and is inspired to join the Peace Corps. She flies into Afghanistan on March 21, 1968. From her plane window, the Hindu Kush Mountains appear desolate and barren, not unlike the surface of the moon. On the ground, Kabul explodes into color and sound. Taxis honk. Busses spew diesel fumes, sharing traffic lanes with donkeys and camels. The air is infused with the aroma of wool, dust, and dung. As the Volunteers tour the Blue Mosque in Mazar-e Sharif, three Russian MIGS buzz the courtyard, foreshadowing the Soviet invasion of 1989. With co-workers Nan and Mary, Jo starts a school of nursing for Afghan girls. The students are almost non-literate. The hospital lacks equipment, trained doctors, and a reliable source of water. Babies routinely expire from poor delivery practices. On Christmas Eve 1968, Jo walks the frozen mud streets of Baghlan. Overhead, the Apollo 8 astronauts orbit the moon. In January, the women travel on vacation to India, prompting the Peace Corps director in Kabul to dub them the "Little Women of Baghlan." They make a stop at Peshawar Air Base in Pakistan, and Jo attracts the attention of a handsome, charismatic airman. When they return, Jo reflects on the paradox that is Afghanistan. The Afghans are mired in poverty, yet generous to the point of embarrassment. The men are welcoming and solicitous of the Volunteers, yet capable of turning a blind eye to the suffering of their wives, daughters, and sisters. The climate is harsh and unforgiving; the Hindu Kush starkly beautiful. During her two-year deployment, Jo fills the pages of a small, compact diary, never dreaming her tiny handwriting will eventually become a significant historical account. Nearly a half century later, her journal is a bittersweet reminder of a country that has since vanished-a country on the brink of becoming a modern nation, moving toward the recognition of women's rights. The Volunteers live in safety. They celebrate the end of the holy month of Ramadan and Eid-al-Fitr with their Afghan hosts; the Muslims bring a Christmas tree to their American guests. The Peace Corps workers are long gone, replaced by Soviet troops in 1979, mujahideen fighters ten years later, the Taliban in 1996, and the United States military in 2001, joined by NATO forces in 2003. Afghanistan is no longer the name of a country, it is the name of a war. The country Jo once called home has been buried under layers of recent history, and there is little evidence to suggest that such a time or place ever existed.

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Quentin Stevens, "Loose Space: Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life"
English | 2006 | pages: 318 | ISBN: 0415701163, 0415701171 | PDF | 7,2 mb
In cities around the world people use a variety of public spaces to relax, to protest, to buy and sell, to experiment and to celebrate. Loose Space explores the many ways that urban residents, with creativity and determination, appropriate public space to meet their own needs and desires. Familiar or unexpected, spontaneous or planned, momentary or long-lasting, the activities that make urban space loose continue to give cities life and vitality.

The book examines physical spaces and how people use them. Contributors discuss a wide range of recreational, commercial and political activities; some are conventional, others are more experimental. Some of the activities occur alongside the intended uses of planned public spaces, such as sidewalks and plazas; other activities replace former uses, as in abandoned warehouses and industrial sites. The thirteen case studies, international in scope, demonstrate the continuing richness of urban public life that is created and sustained by urbanites themselves
- Presents a fresh way of looking at urban public space, focusing on its positive uses and aspects.
- Comprises 13 detailed, well-illustrated case studies based on sustained observation and research by social scientists, architects and urban designers.
- Looks at a range of activities, both everyday occurrences and more unusual uses, in a variety of public spaces - planned, leftover and abandoned.
- Explores the spatial and the behavioral; considers the wider historical and social context.
- Addresses issues of urban research, architecture, urban design and planning.
- Takes a broad international perspective with cases from New York, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Rome, Guadalajara, Athens, Tel Aviv, Melbourne, Bangkok, Kandy, Buffalo, and the North of England.

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Luxury and Corruption: Challenging the Anti-Corruption Consensus
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1529212413 | 241 Pages | PDF | 3.2 MB
The world has been bombarded in recent years with images of the luxurious lives and wealth of corrupt oligarchs and kleptocrats, amassed at the expense of ordinary people. Such images exploit our feelings of injustice, are taken as indicative of moral decay, and inspire a desire to purge our economies of dirty money, objects, and people. But why do anti-corruption efforts routinely fail? What kind of world are they creating? Looking at luxury art, antiquities, superyachts, and populist politics, this book explores the connection between luxury and corruption, and offers an alternative to the received wisdom of how we tackle corruption.

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Making the Human: Race, Allegory, and Asian Americans
by Corinne Mitsuye Sugino
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1978839707 | 213 Pages | PDF | 4.2 MB

From the debate over affirmative action to the increasingly visible racism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian Americans have emerged as key figures in a number of contemporary social controversies. In Making the Human: Race, Allegory, and Asian Americans, Corinne Mitsuye Sugino offers the lens of racial allegory to consider how media, institutional, and cultural narratives mobilize difference to normalize a white, Western conception of the human. Rather than focusing on a singular arena of society, Sugino considers contemporary sources across media, law, and popular culture to understand how they interact as dynamic sites of meaning-making. Drawing on scholarship in Asian American studies, Black studies, cultural studies, communication, and gender and sexuality studies, Sugino argues that Asian American racialization and gendering plays a key role in shoring up abstract concepts such as "meritocracy," "family," "justice," "diversity," and "nation" in ways that naturalize hierarchy. In doing so, Making the Human grapples with anti-Asian racism's entanglements with colonialism, antiblackness, capitalism, and gendered violence.

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Managing Workspace Changes:
How Organizations Use Innovative Workspace Concepts to Facilitate Organizational Change

English | 2024 | ISBN: 365846691X | 258 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 10 MB

Managing innovative workspace concepts as an organizational change initiative has gained attention among practitioners and researchers. Despite the tremendous potential workspace concepts might bring to organizations, managing workspace changes is a complex undertaking that requires the consideration of various factors. Many workspace change projects fail and encounter resistance from those affected, often because such projects are not sufficiently based on organizational development and change management knowledge and principles. This book addresses this issue by exploring the process of managing workspace changes along four explorative studies. Building upon a systematic literature review and a longitudinal, in-depth case study inside the insurance industry, the conceptual basis, key principles, change activities and sensemaking patterns are identified. These findings are summarized and integrated into a holistic and scientifically developed process model that shows how workspace changes can be dynamically managed to facilitate organizational change. In doing so, theoretical contributions are derived and valuable recommendations for practitioners in facility management, human resources and change management provided.

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Franjo Cecelja, "Manufacturing Information and Data Systems: Analysis, Design and Practice"
English | 2002 | pages: 201 | ISBN: 1857180313 | PDF | 12,6 mb
Recent years have witnessed an increase in the use of information technology in manufacturing, so much so that it has rapidly permeated the organization at every level. Consequently, there is a growing need for those related to or interested in manufacturing to understand the nature of this technology and the way it can best be used to increase competitive advantage, hence the profit. This book is a contribution towards better understanding of information technology and information systems and their application in manufacturing.

The main feature of this book is that it addresses information systems and its application in manufacturing with a view to improving the competitive advantage. It offers fundamental understanding of information technology and underpinning principles, but also practical issues related to its implementation and operation. Additionally, the material is structured such that the reader is taken logically from basic principles to practical issues of information systems. Yet, chapters tend to be sufficiently independent making the text suitable for those with particular interest.

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Marketing and AI: Shaping the Future Together
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031761928 | 304 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 11 MB
The growing availability of data, intelligent computational systems, and affordable storage and software has spurred a keen interest among marketers to explore new artificial intelligence (AI) methods and applications to enhance outcomes. However, this technological race can lead marketers to hastily implement AI platforms without a clear objective, causing organizations to lose focus, become disconnected from customers, waste resources, and blindly follow a never-ending trend. This book explores the influence of AI on the marketing field. Featuring full papers presented at the 2024 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference in Coral Gables, FL, USA, this book offers research, theories, methodologies, and case studies on the use of AI by marketers in various areas to better serve customers and satisfy their needs. It also explore the role that academics play in supporting marketing scholars, students, researchers, consumers, practitioners, and stakeholders in understanding and navigating these technological changes.

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Mastering ASP.NET Web API:
Build powerful HTTP services and make the most of the ASP.NET Core Web API platform

English | 2017 | ISBN: 9781786463951 | 448 Pages | EPUB (True) | 3 MB

Microsoft has unified their main web development platforms and this unification will help you effectively develop web applications using various aspects of the ASP.NET platform that can be deployed on both Windows and Linux. With ASP.NET Core (Web API), it will become easier than ever to build secure HTTP services that can be used from any client.

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Mastering AWS CloudFormation - Second Edition: Build resilient and production-ready infrastructure in Amazon Web Services with CloudFormation by Karen Tovmasyan
English | November 10, 2023 | ISBN: 1805123904 | 310 pages | EPUB | 6.65 Mb
Achieve operational excellence by running scalable, testable, modular, repeatable, extendable, and customizable infrastructureKey FeaturesLeverage AWS CloudFormation to manage your entire infrastructureGet up and running with maintaining your infrastructure as code and automating your environmentSimplify infrastructure management and increase productivity with AWS CloudFormationPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description

The advent of DevOps and the cloud revolution has compelled software engineers and operations teams to rethink how to manage complex infrastructures and build resilient solutions. With this AWS book, you'll find out how you can use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to simplify infrastructure operations and manage the modern cloud with AWS CloudFormation.
This guide covers AWS CloudFormation comprehensively, from template structures to developing complex and reusable infrastructure stacks. It takes you through template validation, stack deployment, and handling deployment failures. It also demonstrates the use of AWS CodeBuild and CodePipeline for automating resource delivery and implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices.
As you advance, you'll learn how to modularize and unify your template on the fly using macros or by fixating the version using modules. You'll create resources outside of AWS with custom resources and catalog them with the CloudFormation registry. Finally, you'll improve the way you manage the modern cloud environment on AWS by extending CloudFormation through the AWS serverless application model (SAM) and the AWS cloud development kit (CDK).
By the end of this book, you'll have mastered key AWS CloudFormation concepts and will be able to extend its capabilities for developing and deploying your own infrastructure.What you will learnUnderstand modern approaches to IaCDevelop universal, modular, and reusable CloudFormation templatesDiscover ways of applying continuous delivery with CloudFormationImplement IaC best practices in the AWS cloudProvision massive applications across multiple regions and accountsAutomate template generation and software provisioning for AWSExtend CloudFormation features with custom resources and the registryModularize and unify templates using modules and macrosWho this book is for
If you are a developer who wants to learn how to write templates, a DevOps engineer or SRE interested in deployment and orchestration, or a solutions architect looking to understand the benefits of streamlined and scalable infrastructure management, this book is for you. Prior understanding of the AWS Cloud is necessary.Table of ContentsWorking with CloudFormationAdvanced Template DevelopmentValidation, Linting, and Deploying the StackContinuous Integration and DeploymentDeploying to Multiple Regions and Accounts Using StackSetsConfiguration Management of EC2 Instances Using cfn-initCreating Resources Outside AWS Using Custom ResourcesCreating Your Own Resource Registry for CloudFormationScale Your Templates Using Macros, Nested Stacks, and ModulesGenerating CloudFormation Templates Using AWS CDKDeploying Serverless Applications Using AWS SAMWhat's Next?

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Paul Orland, "Math for Programmers: 3D graphics, machine learning, and simulations with Python"
English | 2021 | pages: 692 | ISBN: 1617295353 | PDF | 26,4 mb
To score a job in data science, machine learning, computer graphics, or cryptography, you need to bring strong math skills to the party. Math for Programmers teaches the math you need for these hot careers, concentrating on what you need to know as a developer.

Filled with lots of helpful graphics and more than 300 exercises and mini-projects, this book unlocks the door to interesting-and lucrative!-careers in some of today's hottest programming fields.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

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