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Clemens Spiess, "Democracy and Party Systems in Developing Countries: A comparative study of India and South Africa"
English | 2008 | ISBN: 0415468094 | EPUB | pages: 252 | 0.9 mb
This book examines and compares the emergence, development and impact of the party systems in post-colonial India and post-apartheid South Africa. It sheds light on the crucial role and function of party systems in democratising developing countries.

Although often described as political miracles or empirical anomalies, both countries actually figure prominently in party system and democratic theory due to their regional importance and the important role the party system plays in their political trajectory. The author employs a diachronic comparison of the two party systems, with a distinct focus on the role of party agency in the shaping and maintenance of one-party-dominance and on the role of the two party systems as independent variables. Highlighting the similarities and differences between the two systems, he examines whether the lessons learned from the Indian experience in terms of the function and effects of the country's post-independent party system and the role of party agency therein are applicable to South Africa.
This book will be of interest to academics working in the field of democracy, comparative politics and development in general, and South Africa and South Asia in particular.

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Howard Burton, "Democracy: Clarifying the Muddle: A Conversation with John Dunn"
English | 2020 | ASIN: B08MDDNYBH | EPUB | pages: 54 | 0.4 mb
This book is based on an in-depth conversation with political theorist John Dunn, University of Cambridge. John Dunn candidly shares his deep insights on the historical development and current significance and future of democracy in different parts of the world and the relevance of political science departments in achieving democracy and other worthwhile goals.

This carefully-edited book includes an introduction, Democratic Daze, and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter:
I. Illusions and Confusions - Unmasking American stereotypes
II. Historical Examinations - The power of etymology
III. Thinking Deeper - Minimizing political bads
IV. Trust and Belief - Thinking critically
V. China - Challenging Western ideals?
VI. India - The world's largest democracy
VII. Power to the People - Overthrowing autocracy and what happens next
VIII. Towards Progress - Why we should care about all of this
IX.Professional Indulgence - Critically examining "political science"
Democracy: Clarifying the Muddle is also part of the five-part Ideas Roadshow Collection, Conversations About Politics, which is available in hardcover, paperback and electronic format.
About Ideas Roadshow Conversations: Presented in an accessible, conversational format, Ideas Roadshow books not only explore frontline academic research but also reveal the inspirations and personal journeys behind the research.

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Abbas Assi, "Democracy in Lebanon: Political Parties and the Struggle for Power Since Syrian Withdrawal"
English | 2019 | ISBN: 1788319788 | EPUB | pages: 264 | 0.8 mb
The 'Cedar Revolution' in Lebanon, which was sparked by the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri on 14 February 2005, was seen by many as an opportunity for Lebanon's fragile political system to move towards a more stable form of democracy. But contrary to these expectations, in the years since Syrian military withdrawal in April 2005, Lebanon has been plagued with sectarian and political unrest and conflict. Abbas Assi here explores the obstacles that impeded the democratic transition process and how subsequent events since 2005 (such as the passing of UNSCR 1559, the 2006 Hizbullah-Israel war and the Syrian conflict) have bolstered this trend. By looking at these, Assi examines how the intersection of the influence of external factors and powers with domestic conflicts has shaped the behaviour of political parties and has had implications on their ability to reach compromises and initiate democratic reforms. By analysing the impact of the intersection of domestic and external factors on democracy, this book is a vital reference for those studying politics of Lebanon and the Middle East more broadly.

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Nelli Babayan, Thomas Risse, "Democracy Promotion and the Challenges of Illiberal Regional Powers"
English | 2016 | ISBN: 1138654531, 1138391743 | EPUB | pages: 178 | 0.4 mb
This book examines Western efforts at democracy promotion, reactions by illiberal challengers and regional powers, and political and societal conditions in target states. It is argued that Western powers are not unequivocally committed to the promotion of democracy and human rights, while non-democratic regional powers cannot simply be described as "autocracy supporters". This volume examines in detail the challenges by three illiberal regional powers ― China, Russia and Saudi Arabia ― to Western (US and EU) efforts at democracy promotion. The contributions specifically analyze their actions in Ethiopia and Angola in the case of China, Georgia and Ukraine in the case of Russia, and Tunisia in the case of Saudi Arabia. Democratic powers such as the US or the EU usually prefer stability over human rights and democracy. If democratic movements threaten stability in a region, neither the US nor the EU supports them. As to illiberal powers, they are generally not that different from their democratic counterparts. They also prefer stability over turmoil. Neither Russia nor China nor Saudi Arabia explicitly promote autocracy. Instead, they seek to suppress democratic movements in their periphery the minute these groups threaten their security interests or are perceived to endanger their regime survival. This was previously published as a special issue of Democratization.

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Sergiu Gherghina, Joakim Ekman, Olena Podolian, "Democratic Innovations in Central and Eastern Europe"
English | 2019 | ISBN: 0367421674 | EPUB | pages: 132 | 0.9 mb
Democratic Innovations in Central and Eastern Europe expands research on democratic innovations by looking specifically at different forms of democratic innovations in Central and Eastern Europe.

The book covers direct democracy (referendums in particular), deliberative democracy practices and e-participation - forms which are salient in practice because they match the political realities of our time. Expert contributors show how the recent actions of ordinary citizens in several Central and Eastern European countries have challenged the contemporary political order, and grassroots movements and diverse forms of mobilization have challenged the notion of weak civil societies in the East. The empirical evidence presented attempts to deepen citizen involvement in political contexts sometimes quite different from the democratic political systems in the Western world. Using lessons from a still largely underexplored part of Europe, the book both complements and revises theoretical approaches, or complements empirical results in existing studies on democratic innovations.
Democratic Innovations in Central and Eastern Europe will be of great interest to scholars working on democracy, political systems, political engagement, and Central and Eastern European politics. The chapters originally published as a special issue of Contemporary Politics.

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Democratic Struggle, Institutional Reform, and State Resilience in the African Sahel By Leonardo A. Villalón, Rahmane Idrissa (eds.)
2020 | 230 Pages | ISBN: 1498569994 | EPUB | 1 MB
Long on the periphery of both academic research and international attention, the countries of the West African Sahel currently find themselves at the center of global concerns over security, terrorism, migration, and conflict. Since the early 1990s the Sahelian states have also been engaged in political struggles over the construction of democratic institutions. Edited by Leonardo A. Villalón and Abdourahmane Idrissa, Democratic Struggle, Institutional Reform, and State Resilience in the African Sahel addresses a key and little-studied question: How have the politics of democratization across the Francophone Sahel shaped processes of state-building, and with what effects on the resilience of state institutions? Starting from the premise that variation in the politics of institution building and institutional reform-although most frequently justified and debated in terms of democratization-have differing impact on the construction of resilient states , this book examines these processes in six francophone states of the Sahel: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Chad. The contributors represent a set of distinguished scholars from across the region, many of whom have also been important actors in the struggles they analyze.

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Michael Oneill, "Devolution and British Politics"
English | 2004 | ISBN: 0582472741 | EPUB | pages: 404 | 0.6 mb
Devolution has transformed the British Polity in the last decade. Taking this profound change as its theme, Devolutionand British Politics is an up-to date, comprehensive and effective review of the origins and development of the devolution process.Devolution in British Politics offers a de-centralised assessment of British politics and encourages critical thinking regarding contemporary political theory.

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Dial-A-Ride Problems in Transportation Service
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031663454 | 216 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 19 MB
Although the dial-a-ride problem currently plays a crucial role in providing transportation services to specific demographics such as the elderly, those with serious illnesses, or individuals with limited mobility due to disabilities, its potential impact on the overall mobility of the population remains underexplored. Surprisingly, the focus is often narrow, leaving potentials untapped and negatively impacting service providers' profitability. This book proposes several solutions, including strategies for increasing revenue, offering supplementary services, and fostering collaboration. Further, it presents ideas and approaches that address the corresponding problems using operations research methods. The proposals presented here can be used not only to enhance the economic viability of dial-a-ride systems but also boost their impact and visibility. As such, the book shares fundamental insights into solving the dial-a-ride problem and anticipates future trends, leading the way to new frontiers of research.

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Shannon Brincat, "Dialectics in World Politics"
English | 2017 | ISBN: 113808526X | EPUB | pages: 216 | 0.4 mb
This volume explores the conceptual, methodological and praxeological aspects of dialectical analysis in world politics. As dialectics has remained an under-theorised analytical tool in international relations, this volume provides a critical resource for those seeking to deploy dialectics in their own research by showcasing its effectiveness for understanding and transforming world politics. Contributions demonstrate a number of innovative ways in which dialectical thinking can be of benefit to the study of world politics by covering three thematic concerns: (i) conceptual or meta-theoretical dimensions of dialectics; (ii) methodological features and general principles of dialectical approaches; and (iii) applications and/or case studies that deploy a dialectical approach to world politics. Canvassing a diverse range of dialectical approaches on key issues in world politics - from global security to postcolonial resistances, from the theoretical problems of reification and complexity, to the study of the global futures and the intercultural historical expressions of dialectics - Dialectics and World Politics offers key insights into the social forces and contradictions that are generative of transformation in world politics and yet routinely downplayed in orthodox approaches to international relations. Each chapter demonstrates how dialectics can be utilized more broadly in the discipline and deployed in a critical fashion as part of an emancipatory project.

This book was originally published as a special issue of Globalizations.

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Die Entwicklung des Systems Erde, 2. Auflage by Olaf Elicki · Christoph Breitkreuz
Deutsch | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 412 Pages | ISBN : 3662657635 | 216.7 MB
Den Ansatz der klassischen Historischen Geologie aufgreifend, fokussieren die Autoren in diesem neukonzipierten Lehrbuch auf die biogenen und nicht-biogenen Prozesse der Erdentwicklung. Seit der Entstehung unseres Planeten vor etwa 4,5 Milliarden Jahren finden diese komplexen und sich in vielerlei Hinsicht gegenseitig beeinflussenden Prozesse auf zahlreichen Ebenen statt.

Alle Sphären unseres Planeten interagieren miteinander und erzeugen ein permanentes Feedback. Einige dieser Prozesse sind unumkehrbar, wie das Wachstum der Kontinente oder die biologische Evolution, andere Phänomene dagegen laufen zyklisch ab, wie etwa Variationen des Klimas und der Meeresspiegelhöhe. Es gibt Vorgänge, die uns vertraut sind, da sie immer wieder in der Erdgeschichte auftreten oder weil wir sie auch heute als aktive Prozesse beobachten können; andere hingegen sind selten oder gar einmalig und die Erklärung ihrer Phänomene und Ursachen verlangt fachübergreifendes Wissen ebenso wie eine frische undunvoreingenommene Herangehensweise.
Die Autoren führen erdwissenschaftliche und biowissenschaftliche Sichtweisen zusammen, da sich so die eng verwobene Koevolution von Planet und Leben in der geologischen Vergangenheit und der Gegenwart verstehen lässt. Sie dokumentieren die wesentlichen Prozesse der Erdentwicklung. Der „rote Faden" des Buches ist die Zeit. Frühe Zeitabschnitte, wie das Hadaikum und das Archaikum, oder die kambrische Faunenexplosion finden ebenso besondere Beachtung wie die jüngsten Entwicklungen im Quartär. Die wichtigsten Methoden und Werkzeuge werden erläutert. Ein spezieller Schwerpunkt des Buches ist die Biosphäre - ihre Entstehung, Entwicklung und die Auswirkungen der biologischen Evolution auf Atmo-, Hydro- und Geosphäre.
In der vorliegender Neuauflage wurden alle Kapitel dem jüngsten wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisfortschritt angepasst und um zahlreiche Abbildungen erweitert. Insbesondere wurden die Themen zur Entstehung und frühen Evolutiondes Lebens, zu den Prozessen und Vorkommen im jüngeren Känozoikum Mitteleuropas sowie zur Entstehung und Entwicklung des Menschen und auch die aktuelle Problematik des Anthropozäns deutlich ausgeweitet bzw. neu hinzugefügt.
Das Lehrbuch ist für Studierende der Geowissenschaften ab dem 2. Studienjahr konzipiert, soll aber auch Studierenden benachbarter Disziplinen als Einstieg in das „System Erde" und als Nachschlagewerk dienen. Auch für Wissenschaftler und professionelle Nutzer der angewandten Geowissenschaften und Geotechnik wird es hilfreich sein. Zugleich spricht es Lehrer der geo- und bio-relevanten Fächer sowie interessierte Laien an.

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Dieter Henrich, "Dies Ich, Das Viel Besagt: Fichtes Einsicht Nachdenken"
Deutsch | 2022 | ISBN: 3465045882 | PDF | pages: 321 | 3.9 mb
At first glance, self-consciousness seems to belong to what almost goes without saying. In a continuous process of reflection, however, it turns out that it presents one of philosophy's most difficult and momentous problems. Dieter Henrich's treatise "Fichtes ursprungliche Einsicht", which was dedicated to this problem was published more than fifty years ago. Here, Henrich showed that it was Fichte who first grasped the problem and made it the guiding theme of his thinking. In this new book, the unaltered reprinting of this text is followed by a new and extensive series of reflections concerning self-consciousness in the context of a philosophical foundation and the problems which, under the guiding principle of his original insight, set Fichte's system formation into a motion without a definitive solution. Henrich's book can be seen as a renewal of Kant's way of thinking - in relation to a problem whose significance for philosophy is hardly disputed any longer, in a perspective appropriate to the contemporary modes of experience, and in the wake of clarifications that can be gained by reflecting on the dynamics in Fichte's system formations.

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Mark P. Mills, "Digital Cathedrals"
English | 2020 | ISBN: 1641771100 | EPUB | pages: 64 | 0.2 mb
We are now witnessing the build-out of society's first foundationally new infrastructure in nearly a century: the Cloud. It is an ecosystem of information-digital hardware, at the heart of which resides massive warehouse-scale datacenters unlike anything ever built. Given the resources committed to them and the reverence afforded to the companies that build and own them, datacenters might be called the digital cathedrals of the twenty-first century. The emerging Cloud is as different from the communications infrastructure that preceded it, as air travel was different from automobiles. And, using energy as a metric for scale―since there are only two kinds of infrastructures, energy-producing and energy-using―today's global Cloud already consumes more energy than all aviation. Yet, as disruptive as the Cloud has already become, we are in fact just at the end of the beginning of what the digital masons are building for the twenty-first century.

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Digital Transformation: Evaluating Emerging Technologies
English | 2020 | ISBN: 981121462X | 590 Pages | PDF (True) | 33 MB
Selecting the right technology is one of the most critical decisions in technology driven enterprises, and no selection is complete without a thorough and informed evaluation. This book explores the digital transformation movement from three perspectives: the technological, the personal, and the organizational.The technical perspective analyses and evaluates new and up and coming technologies such as IoT and Cloud Technology. The personal perspective focuses on the consumer's attitude and experience in the adoption of technologies such as smart homes, smart watches, drones and wireless devices. And the organizational perspective focuses on evaluating how technology-driven an organization and their core activities or products are.This book is an ideal reference for managers who are responsible for digital transformation in their organizations and also serves a good starting point for researchers interested in understanding the trend. The book contains case studies that may be used by educators in MBA and Engineering and Technology Management MS programs covering digital transformation related courses.

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Judith L. Sychev, "Directing Health Messages Toward African Americans: Attitudes Toward Health Care and the Mass Media"
English | 2021 | ISBN: 0815330510 | EPUB | pages: 304 | 0.6 mb
First Published in 1998. Since the research for this book was completed in 1995, the Clinton Health Security Act of 1993 has vanished. The proposed comprehensive benefits that were to be guaranteed to every American never materialized. Pres. Clinton was never able to present an acceptable way to pay for the system, and Hillary Rodham Clinton, who spearheaded health care reform was relegated back to nearly invisible First Lady status. When Congress takes up health care issues today, the debate is more likely to be about late-term abortion, Medicare reform, or tobacco and smoking regulations. Minority health care-especially preventive health care-has not become part of the national debate and likely will not do so during the 20th Century. Political correctness and research on black health care issues have clashed in a way that the research in this book perhaps could have predicted.

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Directional Living: Get Unstuck, Find Career Fulfillment and Discover a Life That's Right for You, UK Edition by Megan Hellerer
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 0241513375 | 304 pages | True EPUB | 0.98 MB

So many of us have done everything 'right' for our careers; picked a 'career destination', got the grades, made the 5-year plan, checked all the boxes, worked hard and climbed the ladder, and now? You're miserable. Every career milestone has made you feel emptier, and you've finally arrived at your 'destination' to find that you're stuck, unhappy and burned out. You're an 'Underfulfilled Overachiever'.
In the last decade, career coach Megan Hellerer has worked with hundreds of UOs, from CEOs and bestselling authors to award-winning scientists and activists, helping them get unstuck and discover meaningful, purpose-driven work. Directional Living comes from Megan's innovative paradigm, one based on the premise that a fulfilling, purpose-filled career and life is built by following your inner sense of direction, not pursuing a fixed destination.
Both a philosophy and a practical guide, Directional Living is a revolutionary new blueprint that will help you find the work you are uniquely well-suited to do in the world, move from misery to meaning and transform your career on the way to transforming your life.

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Distillation Diagnostics: An Engineer's Guidebook
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1119640113 | 544 Pages | PDF, EPUB (True) | 179 MB
The book describes the capabilities, strengths and limitations of each tool, provides guidance on how to apply these tools to get the most insight and to test theories and ideas, shares the experience of how to correctly interpret the results provided by each technique, and guides the reader to a multitude of additional testing that they can perform to bring them closer to a correct diagnosis and an effective fix. Each technique is illustrated with real case studies and an extensive "dos and don'ts" list.

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Django & DRF 2025: Build Real-World Web Applications and APIs: Mastering Django & Django Rest Framework by Rizo Botirov
English | August 29, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D4JK57FV | 68 pages | EPUB | 0.33 Mb
"Mastering Django & Django Rest Framework: Build Scalable Web Applications and APIs with Real-World Projects"

Unlock the full potential of Django and Django Rest Framework (DRF) with this comprehensive guide that takes you from novice to expert. This book is your ultimate resource, whether you're a beginner looking to break into web development or an experienced developer aiming to sharpen your skills with Django and DRF.
In Part 1, you'll dive deep into Django, one of the most powerful and versatile web frameworks. You'll learn everything from the basics of setting up your environment to mastering Django's architecture, models, views, and templates. Along the way, you'll build a fully functional task management web application that will not only enhance your understanding but also give you a real-world project to showcase in your portfolio.
In Part 2, transition seamlessly into Django Rest Framework, the go-to toolkit for building robust and scalable APIs. You'll learn how to create secure, high-performance APIs, manage data with advanced serializers, and implement authentication systems that keep your applications secure. This part culminates in a hands-on project where you'll build a complete RESTful API for your task management system, ready for deployment.
Why This Book?
* Hands-On Projects: Learn by doing with two complete, real-world projects that you can add to your professional portfolio.
* Comprehensive Coverage: Master both Django and DRF, from the ground up, in one cohesive guide.
* Up-to-Date Content: Stay ahead of the curve with content that reflects the latest Django and DRF best practices for 2025.
* Expert Guidance: Benefit from clear explanations, practical examples, and insider tips from seasoned developers.
Whether you're building your first web application or refining your API development skills, this book provides the knowledge and practical experience you need to excel. Transform your understanding of web development and take your career to the next level with "Mastering Django & Django Rest Framework".

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DK Travel, "DK Peru (Travel Guide)"
English | 2023 | ISBN: 0241472164 | EPUB | pages: 288 | 281.1 mb
Whether you want to chow down on deliciously fresh ceviche in Lima, descend into the wildlife-filled Amazon, or take the trail to Machu Picchu, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Peru has to offer.

With its scorched coastal deserts, steamy jungles and snow-capped mountains, Peru is blessed with beautiful scenery. These spectacular landscapes are an adventurer's playground, too, offering everything from hiking to biking and more. Beyond this lie ancient Inca cities, charming old-world towns and some of the most mouthwatering food in all of South America.
Our updated 2022 travel guide brings Peru to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighborhoods. DK Eyewitness Peru is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.
Inside DK Eyewitness Peru you will find:
- A fully-illustrated top experiences guide: our expert pick of Peru's must-sees and hidden gems
- Accessible itineraries to make the most out of each and every day
- Expert advice: honest recommendations for getting around safely, when to visit each sight, what to do before you visit, and how to save time and money
- Color-coded chapters to every part of Peru, from Cusco to the Central Sierra, Cordillera Blanca to the Amazon Basin
- Practical tips: the best places to eat, drink, shop and stay
- Detailed maps and walks to help you navigate the region country easily and confidently
- Covers: Central Lima, Miraflores and San Isidro, Barranco, Beyond the Center, The Southern Coast,Arequipa, Canyons and Lake Titicaca, Cusco and the Sacred Valley, Central Sierra, Cordillera Blanca, The Northern Desert, The Northern Highlands, The Amazon Basin
About DK Eyewitness:
At DK Eyewitness, we believe in the power of discovery. We make it easy for you to explore your dream destinations. DK Eyewitness travel guides have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 1993. Filled with expert advice, striking photography and detailed illustrations, our highly visual DK Eyewitness guides will get you closer to your next adventure. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations, from pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides. Named Top Guidebook Series at the 2020 Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards, we know that wherever you go next, your DK Eyewitness travel guides are the perfect companion.

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DK Travel, "DK Top 10 Phuket (Pocket Travel Guide)"
English | 2022 | ISBN: 0241568978 | EPUB | pages: 128 | 157.1 mb
Thailand's largest island, Phuket is so much more than its notorious nightlife. Away from the hustle and bustle, secluded beaches, tranquil temples and lush rainforests offer travel experiences galore.

Make the most of your trip to this beautiful island with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Phuket has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about.
Inside DK Eyewitness Top 10 Phuket you will find:
- Up-to-date information with insider tips and advice for staying safe
- Top 10 lists of Phuket's must-sees, including Phuket Town, Wat Chalong,Patong and Khao Sok National Park
- Phuket's most interesting areas, with the best places for sightseeing, food and drink, and shopping
- Themed lists, including the best scenic walks, beaches, outdoor activities, Buddhist temples and much more
- Easy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day trip, a weekend or a week
- A laminated pull-out map of Phuket plus seven full-color area maps
Looking for more on Beijing's culture, history and attractions? Try our DK Eyewitness Thailand's Beaches and Islands.
About DK Eyewitness:
At DK Eyewitness, we believe in the power of discovery. We make it easy for you to explore your dream destinations. DK Eyewitness travel guides have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 1993. Filled with expert advice, striking photography and detailed illustrations, our highly visual DK Eyewitness guides will get you closer to your next adventure. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations, from pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides. Named Top Guidebook Series at the 2020 Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards, we know that wherever you go next, your DK Eyewitness travel guides are the perfect companion.

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Bob Rae, "Doing the Continental: A New Canadian-American Relationship"
English | 2010 | ISBN: 1554887585 | EPUB | pages: 176 | 0.2 mb
Advance Praise for Doing the Continental: "Everyone has opinions about the state of Canada-U.S. relations, but few have the knowledge to provide informed judgments. Professor Dyment happily falls into the latter category. While some of the prescriptions are controversial, this concise book has been carefully thought out and provides excellent grist for the Canadian policy mill. Doing the Continental is a must read for those interested in Canadian-American relations." Michael Kergin, Canada's Ambassador to the United States, 2000 to 2005.

When President Barack Obama sat at his desk for the first time in the Oval Office in January 2009, one of the farthest things from his mind was Canada. On Capitol Hill the whirling pursuit of interests was intense. In Ottawa, Canada's senior officials were too preoccupied to appreciate that the nations neighbours to the south weren't paying attention to the affairs and concerns of the Great White North. Canada's relations with the United States are broad and deep, and with Obama in his second term in office, the two countries have entered what could be considered a new era of hope and renewal. From water and energy policy to defence, environmental strategy, and Arctic sovereignty, David Dyment provides an astute, pithy analysis of the past, present, and future continental dance between two countries that have much in common, yet often step on each others feet.

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