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Introduction to Electrospinning and Nanofiber
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031743091 | 192 Pages | PDF (True) | 8 MB
The target audience of this is senior undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and engineering practitioners who are about to enter or entering the fields of nanofiber, nanofiber materials, electrospinning, and the like. This book is expected to prepare the readers, rather than providing the details of any specifics. This type of book is necessary because many researchers in training need basics to jump start the projects related to the research topics above. They also need to understand the potential applications to be direct their research. However, this type of book is missing, regardless of many handbooks or books focused on a specific field. The first half of the book introduces the basics of electrospinning and nanofiber technologies, leading the readers into the field step by step. It is expected to set a solid foundation for researchers in training (e.g. graduate students) before the jump into the particular research project (e.g. PhD thesis project). The contents are ordered such way that junior researchers normally follow. This book can also be used as a general reference book for those who are interested in the subjects. Each chapter is written as independent as possible, with references listed at the end of the chapter. Readers who can dig deep into the field after reading the chapters and the references listed.

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Introduction to Ship-to-Ship Transfers for Oil Tankers
by Alexander Arnfinn Olsen
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031748018 | 72 Pages | True PDF | 2.46 MB

This book provides an outline of the Ship-to-Ship transfer process, and how ship's masters and officers can conduct this inherently dangerous activity safely. It is non-technical in detail making it an ideal resource for first-year students completing their studies in nautical science, or as a refresher resource for professionals already employed in the tanker sector. Moreover, this book would serve as a good handrail for shore-based personnel involved in planning and executing ship-to-ship transfers. It would be used a mid-range textbook for apprentices, officer cadets posted to crude/gas carriers. Due to its non-technical approach, accessible style and nature, the book would be good resource for students and teachers/trainers in the maritime field.

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Rupert Matthews, "Jack the Ripper's Streets of Terror: Life During the Reign of Victorian London's Most Brutal Killer"
English | ISBN: 1782122125 | 2013 | 208 pages | EPUB | 27 MB
This is a new take on the Jack the Ripper story. Focusing on the people who lived through the Ripper's reign of terror, it shows what happened when familiar London streets suddenly became the hunting grounds of a monster. This book looks at the crimes of Jack the Ripper through the eyes of the Londoners who had to survive his career of brutal savagery. It follows the way the crimes affected the local population, the rumors that swept the streets, the alarms, the riots, the persecutions, the suspicions, and the sheer naked terror of the awful autumn when Jack the Ripper stalked the streets. This is the authentic version of how the case of the Ripper pulled apart lives in London's East End.

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Judical Minimalism - For and Against: Proceedings of the 9th Kobe Lectures. Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto, June 2008 By Yasutomo Morigiwa, Hirohide Takikawa (eds.)
2012 | 99 Pages | ISBN: 3515101365 | PDF | 1 MB
In his Kobe Lecture, Cass Sunstein reflects upon his judicial minimalism, a doctrine asserting that the proper role of the judiciary is to go "narrow and shallow," collectively making minimal changes to its jurisprudence. He goes "beyond judicial minimalism" by reflecting on the goal and conditions that make the minimalist strategy reasonable, culminating in the conclusion that there are situations when a different strategy is more efficient. Ten commentators carefully examine Sunstein's legal theory, especially his arguments for and against judicial minimalism. Sunstein himself replies to the comments by appealing to the notion of fallibility. This book attempts to evaluate the pros and cons of judicial minimalism as an important strategy for legal interpretation.

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Junk Journal Joy
by Francesca Radice

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1684817137 | 224 pages | True EPUB | 54.36 MB

Discover the Transformative Power of Creativity with Junk Journaling In this inspiring and heartfelt guide, author Francesca shares her personal journey of making junk journals, revealing how this simple yet profound practice can help you reconnect with your emotions, find inner peace, and bring more well-being into your life. #1 New Release in Book Making & Binding Book binding beginners and experts welcome. Whether you're new to book binding or an experienced crafter, this scrapbooking book is packed with simple yet powerful projects and prompts that will guide you from start to finish. Learn how to create a journal from scratch using recycled and affordable materials, transforming everyday items into a beautiful keepsake. You'll also explore the art of scrapbooking, mixed media art, and other creative techniques that turn your journal into a personal treasure. The ultimate book on book binding. Filled with scrapbook ideas, bookbinding techniques, and tips for creating your own unique scrapbooking journal, this book will inspire you to take action and start junk journaling with confidence. As you dive into the stories and exercises within, you'll feel a sense of connection, accomplishment, and inner peace. Let Junk Joy Journal be your guide to finding magic in the mundane and cherishing the beauty that already exists in your life. Inside, you'll find: Creative fun by learning to make beautiful junk journals using recycled and affordable materials. Enhanced well-being by using journaling as a therapeutic outlet to reduce stress and overcome creative blocks. Personal growth and a sense of connection through guided prompts and personal stories that inspire self-discovery. If you liked other book binding books such as Junk Journal Cutouts, Making Handmade Books, or Treasure Book Making, you'll love Junk Journal Joy.

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Justizberichterstattung in der direkten Demokratie: Kongress der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 22.-23. Juni 2017 in Bellinzona By Daniel Kipfer, Anne Kühler (eds.)
2019 | 170 Pages | ISBN: 3515123687 | PDF | 1 MB
Welche Rolle spielt die Justizberichterstattung für die Verwirklichung des Rechts in der direkten Demokratie? Diese Frage tangiert sowohl rechtliche und gerichtspolitische als auch demokratietheoretische Themen im Verhältnis zwischen Recht, Öffentlichkeit, Medien und Justiz: So hängt die Wahrnehmung der Justiz - und mit ihr des Rechts - in der Öffentlichkeit maßgeblich davon ab, wie in den Medien darüber berichtet wird. Die mediale Vermittlung der Rechtsprechungstätigkeit beeinflusst in der direkten Demokratie auch die zukünftige Gesetzgebung, wodurch die Art und die Qualität der Justizberichterstattung eine für den demokratischen Rechtsstaat fundamentale Bedeutung erlangen.Die Autorinnen und Autoren beleuchten die gesellschaftlichen Rollen von Justiz und Medien in ihrer Wechselwirkung. Sie untersuchen den Einfluss der Medien auf die Rechtsprechungstätigkeit und auf die Art und Weise, wie die Justiz in der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen wird.

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Kabbalah For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Arthur Kurzweil
English | February 11th, 2025 | ISBN: 1394315139 | 400 pages | True EPUB | 2.77 MB
A trustworthy, easy-to-read guide to an integral part of Judaism

Kabbalah For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your factual and objective guide to understanding Kabbalah-a spiritual practice, also known as the "received tradition," that's connected to Judaism. This easy-to-follow resource walks you through how to connect to and better understand the Kabbalistic way of life, through explaining what Kabbalah is and isn't and detailing the Kabbalistic approach to the Torah, the Talmud, the Mishnah, and more Jewish texts. You'll also discover how to practice common rituals, worship, and pray as a practitioner of Kabbalah with this informative resource.
* Understand the foundations of Kabbalah (including core ideas)
* Know what Kabbalistic practice and study entails
* Discover key Kabbalah resources
Perfect for practicing Kabbalists who want to brush up on the basics and for the Kabbalah-curious-Kabbalah For Dummies, 2nd Edition is a must-read resource for anyone who wants to understand the fundamentals of one of the world's great spiritual practices.

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Kannten die Griechen die Demokratie? Zwei Studien By Christian Meier, Paul Veyne
2015 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 3515111395 | PDF | 1 MB
Ob die Griechen die Demokratie kannten - daran sollte man zweifeln, weil man sonst so leicht nicht der großen, unsichtbaren Unterschiede gewahr wird, die sie von uns trennen. Sie sind uns ungemein fremd; um so mehr, je weniger wir es bemerken. Was uns an ihnen vertraut zu sein scheint und was ja auch wirklich nicht wie die Hinterlassenschaft eines exotischen Volkes sich ausnimmt, ist nur gleichsam der sichtbare Teil eines Eisbergs. Manch einer könnte auf den Titel: "Kannten die Griechen die Demokratie?" antworten: Kennen wir sie etwa? Noch aber taugt die Überschrift "Demokratie" dazu, jenes Ensemble zu bezeichnen, das uns wichtig ist; Rechtsstaat (auch Sozialstaat), Grundrechte, Verfassung samt bestimmten ihrer Voraussetzungen im allgemeinen Diskurs, das so leicht in andere Weltgegenden nicht zu übertragen ist und das die Griechen nicht kannten. Gleichwohl scheint einiges dabei zu sein, sich zu verschieben - und dann wären die Griechen es heute um so mehr, die nun wirklich die Demokratie kannten; freilich auf ihre Weise. Der in diesem Band abgedruckte wissenschaftliche Dialog zwischen Christian Meier und Paul Veyne aus den 1980er Jahren erscheint in der mittlerweile dritten Auflage.

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Karolingische Kaiser als Sportler: Ein Beitrag zur frühmittelalterlichen Körpergeschichte By Achim Thomas Hack
2015 | 89 Pages | ISBN: 3515111476 | PDF | 1 MB
Die große Bedeutung des Sports in der neueren und neuesten Zeit ist - selbst dann, wenn gerade keine Olympiade oder Weltmeisterschaft stattfindet - völlig unbestritten. Auch in der Antike gehörten sportliche Aktivitäten unterschiedlicher Art ganz selbstverständlich zum Alltag; sie sind schon seit langem Gegenstand der althistorischen Forschung. Wie verhielt es sich aber in den Jahrhunderten dazwischen? Gab es auch im Mittelalter Sport? Und wenn ja, welche Bedeutung hatte er?Indiesem Band geht Achim Thomas Hackder Frageam Beispiel der karolingischen Könige und Kaiser nach. Wie sich herausstellt, finden sich bereits in den Quellen des 8. und 9. Jahrhunderts zahlreiche Elemente, die wir heute mit großer Selbstverständlichkeit dem Bereich des Sports zuweisen: Einzelsportarten und Mannschaftsdisziplinen, regelmäßiges Training, Wettbewerb und Sieg. Den Rahmen für diese Untersuchung bildet die in der Mediävistik noch wenig etablierte Körpergeschichte, die sich mit der Beschreibung und Bewertung des Körpers sowie seiner unterschiedlichen Funktionen und Tätigkeiten etc. beschäftigt.

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Letitia Stuart Savage, "Kaufmann's: The Big Store in Pittsburgh "
English | ISBN: 1467119903 | 2016 | 160 pages | EPUB | 6 MB
Join Letitia Stuart Savage on a journey to a time of leisurely shopping for the latest fashions complete with a side of Mile High Ice Cream Pie from the Tic Toc Restaurant.

In 1871, Jacob and Isaac Kaufmann created a classic Pittsburgh institution. The business grew from a small store on the South Side to a mammoth clothing house downtown that outfitted the community. The removal of the original freestanding clock upset customers, so Kaufmann's added its iconic version in 1913. A redesign of the store's first floor attracted national attention in the 1930s. While most Pittsburghers remember and celebrate the downtown store, others recall the suburban branches - miniatures of the expansive flagship store.

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Keltische Geschichte: Ein fesselnder Überblick über die Kelten (German Edition) by Billy Wellman, Volker Husberg
German | December 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DQDWR3R6 | 165 pages | EPUB | 14 Mb
Haben Sie sich jemals Gedanken über die alten Kelten in Irland gemacht und darüber, was sie zu dem machte, was sie waren?

Wussten Sie, dass Halloween auf sie zurückgeht, dass sie die Harfe erfunden haben oder dass sie Schwerter führten, die bis zu einem Meter lang waren?

In diesem Buch erfahren Sie historische Fakten über die Kelten wie diese und vieles mehr. Ob Sie die Kelten bereits kennen oder noch nie von ihnen gehört haben, dieses Buch ist für Sie. Wenn Sie mehr über das Leben der Kelten, ihre Kultur und das keltische Erbe des modernen Irlands erfahren möchten, finden Sie alles in diesem umfassenden und fesselnden Führer.
In unserer Einführung in die keltische Geschichte lernen Sie alle Aspekte des keltischen Lebens auf leicht zugängliche Weise kennen, mit Bildern und in leicht verständlicher Sprache (kein akademischer Jargon!).
Wir führen Sie durch die keltische Geschichte, indem wir Folgendes erklären:Wo die Kelten herkamen und wer sie waren.Wie sie Irland besiedelten.Die wichtigsten keltischen Mythen, Götter, Göttinnen, Sagen und Helden.Ihre jahreszeitlichen Feste und Feierlichkeiten.Schlüsselgeschichten, die die Kelten und die modernen Iren beeinflusst haben.Keltische Kunst und ihre glanzvolle Entwicklung und ihr Einfluss im Laufe der Jahrhunderte.Keltische Rituale in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.Der Einfluss des Christentums auf die keltische Gesellschaft.Der Aufstieg des Christentums in Irland und der Niedergang des Heidentums.Warum die Kelten wichtig sind.Und vieles mehr!

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Sean McGlynn, "Kill Them All: Cathars and Carnage in the Albigensian Crusade"
English | ISBN: 0752486322 | 2015 | 320 pages | AZW3 | 4 MB
The bloody Albigensian Crusade launched against the Cathar heretics of southern France in the early thirteenth century is infamous for its brutality and savagery, even by the standards of the Middle Ages. It was marked by massacres and acts of appalling cruelty, deeds commonly ascribed to the role of religious fanaticism.Here, in the first military history of the whole conflict, Sean McGlynn tells the story of the crusade through its epic sieges of seemingly impregnable fortresses, desperate battles and destructive campaigns, and offers expert analysis of the warfareinvolved, revealing the crusade in a different light - as a bloody territorial conquest in which acts of terror were perpetrated to secure military aims rather than religious ones.The dramatic events of the crusade and its colourful leading characters - Simon de Montfort, Louis the Lion, Innocent III, Peter of Aragon, Count Raymond of Toulouse - are brought to life through the voices of contemporary writers who fought and experienced it.

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King of Finance: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy: From Wall Street to Main Street - A Guide to Financial Dominance by Sean Jiang Jing, US International Finance Foundation Non-Profit, China Listed Companies Association Non-Profit
English | August 18, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DDLBXVH2 | EPUB | 0.14 Mb
In the ever-evolving landscape of global finance, "King of Finance: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy" emerges as a beacon of wisdom and practical guidance. Authored by [Your Name], this comprehensive book delves into the intricate world of finance, offering readers a treasure trove of strategies designed to navigate and thrive in today's interconnected economic systems.

The book is a testament to the author's deep understanding of financial markets, investment strategies, and the nuances of economic policies that shape our world. It is crafted for a diverse audience, from seasoned investors to budding entrepreneurs, and anyone in between who seeks to grasp the complexities of finance and economics.
For those seeking to master the art of finance in a global context, "Jiang Jing (Sean), King of Finance: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy" is an indispensable resource. This book is not just a guide; it is a roadmap for financial literacy, empowerment, and success in the modern world. With clear insights and actionable advice, it equips readers with the knowledge to make informed decisions and adapt to the ever-changing global economic landscape.
Whether you are looking to expand your portfolio, start a business, or simply understand the world economy better, "King of Finance" is your go-to companion. It is a must-read for anyone with a passion for finance and a drive to succeed in the global market.

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Rachel Caine, "Kiss of Death (Morganville Vampires, Book 8)"
English | 2010 | pages: 121 | ISBN: 0451229738 | PDF | 0,9 mb
A new chapter in the New York Times bestselling Morganville Vampires saga.

Vampire musician Michael Glass has attracted the attention of a big- time producer who wants to cut a demo and play some gigs-which means Michael will have to enter the human world. For this, he's been assigned escorts that include both a dangerous immortal as well as Michael's all-too-human friends. And with that mix of personalities, this is going to be a road trip from hell...

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Kommunikationsmuster in B2B Customer Journeys:
Eine Taxonomie des Kommunikationsverhaltens organisationaler Käufer

Deutsch | 2025 | ISBN: 3658466111 | 303 Pages | PDF (True) | 11 MB

Neue Kommunikationstechnologien sowie die gesteigerte Verfügbarkeit von Informationen verändern laufend das Spektrum der Informationsmöglichkeiten in organisationalen Beschaffungsprozessen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht das Buch die Prämissen für das Kommunikationsverhalten in Buying Centern und berücksichtigt dabei verschiedene Ausgangssituationen in der B2B Customer Journey. Mit Rückgriff auf die Theorie des Wahrgenommenen Risikos, die Informationsökonomie und die Media Synchronicity Theorie wird ein theoretischer Bezugsrahmen entwickelt, der die Wahl von Touchpoints in der B2B Customer Journey anhand der Kommunikationsbedürfnisse in spezifischen Kaufsituationen konzeptualisiert. Die entwickelte Hypothesenbasis wird anhand einer Befragung von mehr als 500 Buying Center Mitgliedern empirisch überprüft und mündet in der Entwicklung einer Taxonomie von fünf B2B Kommunikationstypen. Die Ergebnisse erweitern nicht nur den wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand, sondern liefern auch konkrete Impulse zur Ausrichtung der anbieterseitigen Marketingaktivitäten an den Kommunikationspräferenzen der identifizierten B2B Kommunikationstypen.

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Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer by Faisal Islam
English | January 14th, 2025 | ISBN: 1718503520 | 432 pages | True EPUB (Retail Copy) | 11.61 MB
Learn Kotlin Through 37 Projects

Kotlin isn't just for building Android apps. As you'll learn in Kotlin from Scratch, it's also a general programming language for crafting both elegant and efficient code.
With the aid of 37 hands-on projects, you'll move quickly through the language basics while building your problem-solving skills, even tackling advanced concepts like fractals, dynamic systems, and nature-inspired algorithms. You'll explore the way Kotlin handles variables, control structures, functions, classes, and data structures, and you'll learn to create visualizations using Kotlin and the JavaFX graphics library. Then you'll build increasingly sophisticated apps to practice what you've learned while tackling challenges from math and science to algorithms and optimization.
As you progress through the book, you will:
* Simulate physical systems, like the intricate dance of binary stars
* Implement the classic Hill cipher for encryption and decryption
* Generate beautiful fractals with recursive algorithms
* Program classic computer science algorithms for sorting and searching
* Solve the infamous Berlin52 traveling salesman problem
Expand your language repertoire and improve your computational thinking with Kotlin from Scratch.

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Kotlin Proframming Essentials: A Complete Reference for App Developers by Jayden Reed
English | November 16, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DNCHZZ6R | 285 pages | EPUB | 1.28 Mb
Kotlin Programming Essentials: A Complete Reference for App Developers

Unlock the power of Kotlin and transform your app development skills with this comprehensive guide! Whether you're new to Kotlin or looking to level up your expertise, this book is the ultimate resource.
Book Summary:
Kotlin Programming Essentials: A Complete Reference for App Developers is your go-to guide for mastering Kotlin, the programming language that's changing the way Android and cross-platform apps are developed. This book covers everything you need to know, from basic syntax to advanced features, and offers hands-on examples for real-world app development.
With a focus on practical usage, this book delves into the core aspects of Kotlin programming, including object-oriented principles, functional programming features, and building apps using Kotlin. You'll explore building Android apps, using Kotlin for server-side development, and even harnessing Kotlin Multiplatform for cross-platform solutions. Perfect for developers of all skill levels, this book will help you understand Kotlin's modern syntax and efficient practices to improve your coding productivity.
Key Features:Complete Reference: A thorough, step-by-step guide to Kotlin, including syntax, features, and best practices.Real-World Examples: Hands-on examples and code snippets for Android development and Kotlin-based applications.Cross-Platform Focus: Learn how to use Kotlin Multiplatform for shared code between Android, iOS, and web applications.Up-to-Date Content: Covers the latest Kotlin features, ensuring you stay on top of trends in modern app development.Beginner-Friendly: Easy-to-follow explanations make complex concepts accessible, perfect for developers of all experience levels.
Author Bio:
Written by an experienced Kotlin developer and author, this book provides clear, practical insights based on years of working with Kotlin in real-world projects. The author's expertise ensures you're learning the most effective ways to write Kotlin code.

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La fascinante historia de la humanidad: 1000 hechos intrigantes y 101 momentos históricos insólitos (Spanish Edition) by Ahoy Publications
Spanish | October 2, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJG3DXBM | 426 pages | EPUB | 45 Mb
Desvele la extraordinaria historia de la humanidad: 1000 datos interesantes y 101 momentos extraños!

Dos manuscritos en un solo libro:Historia de la humanidad: 1000 datos interesantes de la humanidad desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestros días101 momentos extraños de la historia de la humanidad
Embárquese en un fascinante viaje a través del tiempo con estos dos extraordinarios manuscritos que profundizan en los momentos fascinantes, extraños y cruciales de la historia de la humanidad. Desde los albores de la civilización hasta los acontecimientos más extravagantes que han dado forma a nuestro mundo, este libro ofrece una exploración exhaustiva y entretenida de nuestro pasado.
Historia de la humanidad: 1000 datos interesantes sobre los seres humanos desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días
Sumérjase en una extensa exploración de la historia de la humanidad, que abarca la vasta línea de tiempo desde 200.000 a.C. hasta nuestros días. Descubra las notables migraciones, inventos, civilizaciones y guerras que han alterado para siempre nuestro paisaje global.
En esta parte podrá:Explorar las primeras migraciones humanas: Comprender los movimientos de los pueblos antiguos a través de los continentes en busca de supervivencia y crecimiento.Descubrir inventos revolucionarios: Conocer las creaciones que impulsaron a la humanidad, desde las herramientas de piedra hasta la rueda.Profundizar en las culturas antiguas: Descubrir los secretos de civilizaciones antiguas como Egipto y Mesopotamia.Seguir una detallada cronología histórica: Conozca los acontecimientos más importantes, como el auge del cristianismo, la unificación de Alemania y la Revolución Industrial.Conocer acontecimientos menos conocidos: Entérese de momentos cruciales que no suelen tratarse en las escuelas, como la Primavera Árabe.Comprender los acontecimientos modernos: Explore temas contemporáneos como la crisis de los refugiados y el auge de las redes sociales.
101 momentos extraños de la historia de la humanidad
Viaje a través de los momentos más sorprendentes, divertidos y desconcertantes de la historia. Desde las travesuras de la Edad de Piedra hasta los dilemas digitales de hoy en día, este manuscrito ofrece una perspectiva entretenida y esclarecedora de las rarezas de la historia de la humanidad.
En esta parte, usted podrá:Descubrir las acrobacias de la Edad de Piedra: Asómbrese con las sorprendentes hazañas de nuestros primeros antepasados.Explorar el enigmático Egipto: Adéntrese en las misteriosas historias del antiguo Egipto que han desconcertado a los eruditos durante siglos.Navegar por la locura medieval: Conozca las extrañas creencias y prácticas de la Edad Media.Adentrarse en los enigmas del Renacimiento: Descubra las prácticas poco convencionales que dieron forma al mundo moderno durante el Renacimiento.Revivir acontecimientos impactantes del siglo XX: Conozca los acontecimientos más asombrosos que marcaron la historia reciente.Explorar las rarezas de la era digital: Navegue por los momentos más extraños de la historia de la tecnología moderna.Y mucho más.
Transforme su comprensión de la historia
Este libro de doble manuscrito es su guía definitiva del pasado humano, repleta de hechos intrigantes e historias peculiares que transformarán su comprensión de la historia. Perfecto para los entusiastas de la historia, los amantes del trivial y cualquiera que desee aprender y entretenerse a la vez.

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Lake Garda Travel guide: A comprehensive guide to exploring its unique charm, historical sites, must-visit destinations, and maps by Hayley Bay
English | July 24, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DB63NP91 | 148 pages | EPUB | 17 Mb
Discover Top Attractions, Including Insider's Map Around Lake Garda!

This guidebook will help you experience the best of Lake Garda, providing all the information and insights you need for a fantastic trip.
Benefits of the Book:
1. Discover Hidden Gems:
Explore Towns: Easily navigate the beautiful towns of Sirmione, Desenzano del Garda, Riva del Garda, and Malcesine. The guide reveals hidden attractions and local secrets, ensuring you see all the highlights.
Scenic Routes: Find the most beautiful walking and cycling paths to enjoy stunning views of the lake and mountains.
2. Enjoy the local culture:
Cultural Insights: Learn about the rich history and heritage of Lake Garda, from ancient Roman ruins to medieval castles.
Local Festivals: Get information on local events and festivals to experience the vibrant culture and traditions of the area.
3. Savor delicious cuisine:
Restaurant Recommendations: Enjoy the best Italian food with our list of top restaurants, trattorias, and cafes around Lake Garda. From fresh seafood to delicious pasta, your taste buds will love it.
Local Delicacies: Discover where to find local specialties like olive oil, wine, and cheese, and visit local markets and vineyards.
4. Practical Travel Tips:
Accommodation Options: Find the perfect place to stay, whether you want luxurious lakeside resorts, charming bed-and-breakfasts, or budget-friendly hotels.
Transportation Guide: Get detailed advice on how to get around, including tips on using ferries, trains, buses, and rental cars.
Itineraries: Use suggested itineraries that cater to different interests, whether you love adventure, history, or relaxing.
5. Enhanced Travel Experience:
Activities and Adventures: Discover a wide range of activities, from water sports and hiking to wine tasting and spa retreats.
Shopping Guide: Learn where to shop for the best local crafts, souvenirs, and fashion.
What You Stand to Enjoy:
1. A Stress-Free Trip:
Easy to Use: The guidebook is organized in a way that makes it easy to find what you need without any hassle.
Insider Tips: Benefit from the knowledge of experienced travelers and local experts to make the most of your time in Lake Garda.
2. Memorable Experiences:
Unique Insights: Get exclusive recommendations that you won't find online, helping you discover the true essence of Lake Garda.
Unforgettable Moments: Create lasting memories with carefully curated experiences that highlight the best of Lake Garda.

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Las islas Baleares durante la Antiguedad Tardia siglos III-X: Historia Y Arqueologia by Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros
Spanish | May 16, 2024 | ISBN: 1789692369 | 496 pages | PDF | 31 Mb
This volume brings together different contributions on the history and archaeology of the Balearic Islands during Late Antiquity. Together, these contributions provide an overview of the period between the 3rd and 10th centuries AD, traditionally considered to be one of the least known periods in the history of the islands. The scarcity of written sources and, to a certain extent, of archaeological research, but also the historiographical influence of the 'dark ages', had given rise to a negative perception of these moments in island history and relegated the archipelago to a marginal role. It should be remembered, however, that the Balearic Islands were located in a strategic position on the trade routes of the western Mediterranean. It was precisely this location that made them a target for Rome, which occupied the Balearic Islands (Mallorca and Menorca) in 123 BC. In the 4th century AD, they came to constitute an independent province within the Roman Empire, before being conquered successively by the Vandals (455 AD) and Byzantines (534 AD) and ending up in Islamic hands at the beginning of the 10th century. This volume brings together, without being exhaustive, some examples of historical and archaeological research that have led to a notable improvement in our knowledge of this period. Undoubtedly, the research carried out in recent decades, both in academia and in preventive or emergency archaeology, has contributed to a substantial improvement in our knowledge of this long period of transition, a period in which the islands of the Balearic archipelago were transformed and finally entered the Middle Ages.

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