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Rock Solid Resilience
by Somerset, Dean;Pope, Dan;, Dan Pope, DPT, OCS, CSCS

English | 2025 | ISBN: 171822415X | 320 pages | True EPUB | 97.14 MB

Pain is a poor coach, and the old adage "if it hurts, don't do it" leaves a lot of questions: Why are you hurting? Should you keep going? Should you change your training entirely?Rock Solid Resilienceteaches you how to build a resistance training program based on how you move, your stage of training, and what you're capable of achieving-all so you can build the resilience to strength train for a lifetime.
A practical guide on how to train for longevity,Rock Solid Resilienceequips you with knowledge about how injuries happen and what you can do to prevent them before they interrupt your training. You'll learn to determine whether an injury can heal with rest, if adjustments can be made to safely keep going, or if you should consult a medical professional.
A self-assessment will help you ascertain your body type's strengths and weaknesses so you can manage your training workload with the proper difficulty level and progression. Overviews of basic movements-including squats, deadlifts, pushes, and pulls-are complemented with variations to make them safer and effective for your specific needs:6 variations on the squat with modification tips to protect your knees, back, and hips10 variations on pressing and pulling movements that protect the shoulders, upper back, and chest18 variations of core movements that allow you to build strength while progressing to other exercises34 warm-up, level-up, and accessory exercises that provide progressions and regressions to elevate training and avoid plateaus
Finally, you will learn to create a personalized program that prioritizes injury prevention as you work toward your goals at a pace that is challenging. Three sample workouts are provided to use as is or as examples to modify for your own program.
Rock Solid Resilienceisn't a program for a few weeks; it's a guidebook you'll use for the rest of your lifting life. Learn to listen to your body and train for decades to come.
Earn continuing education credits/units!A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.

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Rom und Germanien: Geschichte der Konflikte und Interaktionen des Römischen Reiches mit den germanischen Stämmen (German Edition) by Charles River Editors
German | October 5, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJL9GJFB | 72 pages | EPUB | 9.10 Mb
Trotz aller Errungenschaften, Siege und Eroberungen in der langen Geschichte des republikanischen und kaiserlichen Roms ist die Meinung weit verbreitet, dass die Römer bei einer entscheidenden Eroberung versagt haben: der Unterwerfung Deutschlands. In der Tat haben Historiker dieses Versagen als Hauptursache für den Untergang des gesamten Reiches bezeichnet, da die ständigen Kriege gegen die germanischen Stämme und die Notwendigkeit, die Rheingrenze um jeden Preis gegen diese Stämme zu verteidigen, dazu beitrugen, das Reich in die Knie zu zwingen. An dieser Schlussfolgerung ist etwas Wahres dran, aber die Realität war viel unbeständiger, als man oft glaubt.

Vom 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zum Zusammenbruch des Weströmischen Reiches im 5. Jahrhundert n. Chr. waren die Beziehungen zwischen dem Großreich und den Bewohnern des heutigen Deutschlands sehr komplex und beschränkten sich nicht auf einfache Kriegsführung. Der Archäologe Are Kolberg geht davon aus, dass vier verschiedene Aspekte zu berücksichtigen sind: Militär, Handel, Geschenke und Plünderungen. Man könnte auch den politischen Aspekt hinzufügen, wenn man bedenkt, welchen Einfluss die deutschen Truppen auf die Thronbesteigung der verschiedenen Kaiser zu verschiedenen Zeiten hatten.
Als römisches Gebiet umfasste Germanien einst bedeutende Landstriche östlich des Rheins bis zur Elbe. rdBis ins 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. waren die Römer auf dieser Ostseite stark vertreten, doch schließlich setzte eine fränkische Invasion dieser Präsenz ein Ende, und der Begriff Germania wurde speziell für das Gebiet westlich des Rheins verwendet, das die beiden Provinzen Germania Superiore und Germania Inferiore, also Ober- und Niedergermanien, umfasste. Diese Provinzen waren für die Verteidigung des Reiches von zentraler Bedeutung, so dass Triers gegen Ende der römischen Herrschaft einen der vier Regierungssitze stellte.
Die Germanen stammten aus Skandinavien und waren hauptsächlich Viehzüchter und Jäger, aber sie bildeten mehrere verschiedene Gruppen, von denen die wichtigsten die Goten, die Vandalen, die Franken und die Sachsen waren. Innerhalb jeder Gruppe gab es eigene Stämme, und als ihre Bevölkerung wuchs, konnte das Land, das sie in Skandinavien besetzten, sie nicht mehr ernähren, so dass sie begannen, nach Süden zu wandern und sich außerhalb der Grenzen des Römischen Reiches niederzulassen. Die Germanen waren wilde Krieger, die im Kampf eine recht grobe, aber effektive Taktik anwandten. Sie stürmten geradewegs auf den Feind zu und kämpften im Nahkampf mit Langschwertern und Schilden. Sie trugen keine Rüstung und nur Tierfelle. Die meisten Krieger trugen ihr Haar lang, rot gefärbt und zu einem Zopf gebunden.
Die Reibereien zwischen Rom und den germanischen Stämmen gehen auf das Jahr 113 v. Chr. zurück. In den folgenden 500 Jahren kam es zu einer Reihe groß angelegter römischer Feldzüge gegen die verschiedenen Stämme, die zu zahlreichen Schlachten und ständigen Aufständen führten, wann immer ein Teil des Gebiets östlich des Rheins für längere Zeit besetzt war. Die Auswirkungen dieser ständigen Kriegshandlungen auf beiden Seiten können nicht unterschätzt werden, und gleichzeitig hatten die Kämpfe und anderen Interaktionen enorme kulturelle und politische Einflüsse in beide Richtungen.

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Romanesque and the Year 1000
by Gerhard Lutz, John McNeill, Richard Plant

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032945710 | 348 pages | True PDF EPUB | 121.12 MB

Romanesque and the Year 1000 examines the art and architecture of the Latin West between c. 970 and c. 1030, a period which witnessed crucial developments in iconography and stylistic expression across a wide range of media. Despite the complex political situation in late 10th-century Europe - a period marked by chaos in some areas and the effective exercise of authority in others - the last quarter of the century saw an apparent upsurge in artistic production in the Empire, southern Britain, Lombardy, the Alps, and the Mediterranean, albeit one whose survival rate is low. The decades after the millennium have left a larger residue of work, notably in France, Catalonia and northern Italy, but were the 1020s artistically more dynamic than the 980s? How might we describe the cultural climate of the Latin West between c. 970 and c. 1030? Individual chapters examine the influence of Carolingian art on artistic production around 1000; the emergence of new approaches to architecture in France, Germany, England and northern Italy; and the response of artists to perceived order and disorder at the turn of the millennium. There are studies of architectural sculpture in Catalonia and Castile, new town foundation in Saxony and monastic architecture in southern Britain, together with examinations of Ottonian sarcophagi, book covers in gold and ivory, the wall-paintings at Reichenau, the patronage of Willigis at Mainz and Robert the Pious in northern France, the early Romanesque of Poland and Hungary, and the reflection of a new type of affective piety in the manuscript illumination of late Anglo-Saxon England. Romanesque and the Year 1000 presents a wealth of new research into artistic production at a critical period and is of interest to art historians, archaeologists, and historians alike.

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Sterling Professor of Humanities Harold Bloom, "Romeo and Juliet"
English | 2010 | pages: 122 | ISBN: 1604138130 | PDF | 0,7 mb
Shakespeare's tragedy about two star-crossed lovers from warring families has stirred audiences and readers alike and inspired other artists for generations. This invaluable literary reference guide offers a selection of the finest contemporary criticism of this classic Shakespeare play, plus an introduction from Shakespearean scholar Harold Bloom, a list of other works by the Bard, an annotated bibliography, and an index for easy reference.

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Rommel's Ghost Division: Dash to the Channel - 1940 by David Mitchelhill-Green
English | August 1, 2024 | ISBN: 1526715171 | 394 pages | PDF | 110 Mb
Adolf Hitler invaded Western Europe in May 1940. After breaking through the supposedly 'impenetrable' Ardennes, Erwin Rommel was at the forefront of the Wehrmacht's audacious drive through France. Rommel, who had no prior experience leading an armored division in combat, moved with such speed and nerve that he frequently surprised French units by arriving far earlier than expected. Crossing the Meuse River, we follow Rommel-in what he referred to as 'practically a lightning Tour de France'-as he pushed through northern France to the English Channel. His spectacular victory at the coastal port of Saint-Valéry-en-Caux was crowned by the capture of Cherbourg. Following the armistice, Rommel was involved in reenacting certain battles, such as crossing the Somme, for the documentary Sieg im Westen (Victory in the West). This is the story of Rommel and the 7th Panzer Division-the so-called 'Ghost Division'-in France, 1940.

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Roms berüchtigtste Niederlagen: Die Geschichte und das Vermächtnis der Schlacht von Cannae und der Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald (German Edition) by Charles River Editors
German | October 5, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DHYG2SKF | 237 pages | EPUB | 14 Mb
Obwohl die Römer nach dem Ersten Punischen Krieg die Oberhand über Karthago gewannen, zwang der legendäre karthagische Feldherr Hannibal die Römer im Zweiten Punischen Krieg mehr als ein Jahrzehnt lang in die Knie. Während Militärhistoriker immer noch erstaunt darüber sind, dass er seine Armee fast 15 Jahre lang in Italien in der Nähe von Rom halten konnte, rätseln die Gelehrten immer noch über einige seiner Entscheidungen, einschließlich der Frage, warum er nie versucht hat, gegen Rom zu marschieren.

Dennoch war Hannibal eine derartige Bedrohung, dass die Römer auf eine noch nie dagewesene Art und Weise reagierten, als die Karthager im Frühjahr 216 v. Chr. den Feldzug wieder aufnahmen, indem sie die Stadt Cannae, einen wichtigen Nachschubknotenpunkt, einnahmen und sich entlang der Linie platzierten, die Konvois aus den Häfen und Lagerhäusern des Südens zurücklegen mussten, um Rom zu erreichen. Das konnten und wollten die Römer nicht auf sich sitzen lassen: Rom stellte das größte Heer in der Geschichte seiner Stadt auf, eine Streitmacht von 80.000 bis 100.000 Mann, und marschierte mit den Konsuln Varro und Paullus an der Spitze nach Süden. Dieses militärische Ungetüm setzte sich über die Verzögerungstaktik hinweg, die Maximus bevorzugt hatte, und war fest entschlossen, Hannibal so schnell wie möglich ein für alle Mal zu vernichten. Polybius beschrieb die unglaubliche Größe dieses römischen Heeres: "Der Senat beschloss, acht Legionen ins Feld zu schicken, was in Rom noch nie zuvor geschehen war, wobei jede Legion aus fünftausend Mann bestand, abgesehen von den Verbündeten. ... Die meisten ihrer Kriege werden von einem Konsul und zwei Legionen mit ihrem Anteil an Verbündeten entschieden, und nur selten setzen sie alle vier gleichzeitig und in einem Dienst ein. Aber in diesem Fall war die Angst und der Schrecken vor dem, was passieren würde, so groß, dass sie beschlossen, nicht nur vier, sondern acht Legionen ins Feld zu schicken."
Jede große Nation oder jedes große Reich hat in seiner Geschichte mindestens einen schrecklichen militärischen Verlust oder eine Katastrophe erlitten, und das Römische Reich, das vielleicht größte Reich, das jemals in der westlichen Welt existierte, bildete keine Ausnahme von dieser Regel. Zwar hat Rom im Laufe seiner langen und bewegten Geschichte Niederlagen und regelrechte Massaker erlitten, aber keine davon war für das Reich so erschütternd wie die Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald im Jahr 9 n. Chr.. Diese Schlacht, die in Deutschland stattfand, ist auch als Varian-Katastrophe bekannt, benannt nach dem Statthalter der römischen Provinz Germanien, Publius Quinctilius Varus. Varus war nicht nur der römische Statthalter der von den Römern kontrollierten Teile Germaniens, sondern auch die höchste militärische Autorität, die über das Wer, Was, Wo, Wann, Warum und Wie der militärischen Manöver und Operationen entscheiden konnte. Varus war also der direkte Befehlshaber der römischen Legionen, die in der Schlacht vernichtet wurden.
Die Schlacht ist nicht nur für Militärhistoriker und Archäologen von Bedeutung, sondern auch für moderne Offiziere in aller Welt. Erst 2009 veröffentlichte das Army Command and General Staff College der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ein Werk, das sich mit den römischen Legionen im Teutoburger Wald befasste. In diesem Werk wurde die Schlacht untersucht, um die von Varus begangenen Fehler zu verstehen und herauszufinden, wie man sie vermeiden kann. Auch wenn es für ein modernes Militär ungewöhnlich erscheinen mag, die Fehler der Vergangenheit zu untersuchen, so ist dies nicht der Fall; die Armee nutzte die Schlacht als Beispiel dafür, wie eine theoretisch unterlegene Streitmacht, die germanischen Krieger, eine überlegene Streitmacht, die römischen Legionen, besiegen konnte.

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Richard D. White Jr, "Roosevelt the Reformer: Theodore Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner, 1889-1895"
English | 2003 | pages: 275 | ISBN: 0817313613 | PDF | 1,9 mb
Covers a fascinating period of Theodore Roosevelt's life, his first six years in Washington

Roosevelt the Reformer sheds light on an important chapter in the biography of the flamboyant 26th president of the United States. From 1889 to 1895-before he was a Rough Rider in the Spanish-American War and before he oversaw the building of the Panama Canal and won the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize-"Teddy" Roosevelt served as one of three civil service commissioners. This was a significant period of his life because he matured politically and learned how to navigate through Washington politics. He sparred with powerful cabinet officers and congressmen and survived their attempts to destroy him. He cultivated important friendships and allegiances, flourished intellectually, and strengthened his progressive views of social justice, racial theory, and foreign relations. It was a period altogether significant to the honing of administrative talent and intellectual acuity of the future president.
Richard White Jr. situates young Roosevelt within the exciting events of the Gilded Age, the Victorian era, and the gay nineties. He describes Roosevelt's relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and adversaries. Many of these people, such as Henry Cabot Lodge, Cecil Spring-Rice, Alfred Mahan, Henry Adams, and John Hay would significantly influence Roosevelt when he later occupied the White House. White explores TR's accomplishments in civil service reform, the effect of the commission experience on his presidency a decade later, and his administrative legacy.
In addition to Harvard University's immense collection of Roosevelt
correspondence, White drew from original sources such as the Civil Service Commission files in the National Archives, the Library of Congress, the National Park Service Roosevelt Historical Site at Sagamore Hill, and the records of the National Civil Service Reform League.

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Root Cause Analysis: Uncovering the True Causes of Problems and Driving Lasting Solutions by Sam Green
English | November 17, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DNG4SCW4 | 72 pages | EPUB | 1.52 Mb
"Root Cause Analysis: Uncovering the True Causes of Problems and Driving Lasting Solutions" is a comprehensive guide to understanding and mastering the art of problem-solving through Root Cause Analysis (RCA). In this book, you'll learn how to go beyond surface-level symptoms to identify and address the underlying issues that lead to recurring problems in your organization.

Whether you're in manufacturing, healthcare, IT, or any other field, this book provides the tools, techniques, and processes you need to conduct thorough and effective RCA. From foundational methods like the 5 Whys and Fishbone Diagram to advanced techniques like Fault Tree Analysis and data-driven approaches, this book covers a wide range of strategies to help you uncover root causes and develop sustainable solutions.
With practical case studies and real-world examples, you'll discover how RCA can be applied in various industries to improve quality, reduce inefficiencies, and prevent future challenges. You'll also learn how to integrate RCA into your organization's culture, create a continuous improvement mindset, and empower teams to drive lasting change.
Perfect forbusiness leaders, managers, quality professionals, and anyone involved in problem-solving and process improvement, Root Cause Analysis is your ultimate resource for unlocking the true potential of your organization by addressing issues at their core.

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Dale Gelfand, "Rosa Parks, Updated Edition (Black Americans of Achievement)"
English | 2007 | pages: 129 | ISBN: 0791095231 | PDF | 1,6 mb
On December 1, 1955, seamstess Rosa Parks took a stand by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. Her defiance against an unjust system triggered the Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped spark the civil rights movement in the 1960's. Her bold act and its historic consequences are documented in Rosa Parks, Updated Edition, which includes fresh, up-to-date information on the life and legacy of a woman known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.

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Rote Warnung: Sexgeschichten ab 18 unzensiert (German Edition) by Polina Dark
German | February 3, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DVZTVYYW | 211 pages | EPUB | 0.34 Mb
Titel: ** *Rote Warnung* - Ein spannender Roman, der Mystery und Reflexion vereint

Entdecken Sie *Rote Warnun*, einen fesselnden Roman, der Spannung, Selbstbeobachtung und moralische Dilemmas vermischt. Verfolgen Sie die Geschichte von Kelly, einer jungen Absolventin, die unerwartet eine Stelle an einer renommierten Englischakademie erhält. Hinter viktorianischen Mauern verbergen sich strenge Regeln und beunruhigende Verantwortlichkeiten. Zwischen ihrer Vergangenheit, ihren Bestrebungen und den Geheimnissen des Systems muss Kelly sich in einem komplexen Universum zurechtfinden, in dem jede Entscheidung zählt.
Eingebettet in eine reichhaltige und immersive Umgebung bietet dieses Werk eine Reflexion über persönliche Grenzen, Moral und den Druck der modernen Gesellschaft. Mit seinen vielschichtigen Charakteren und der fesselnden Erzählung wird Sie Rote Warnung von Anfang bis Ende fesseln.
- Eine originelle und unvorhersehbare Handlung.
- Zeitgenössische Themen zu Ethik und Selbstvertrauen.
- Perfekt für Fans von Psycho-Thrillern und Sozialdramen.

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Route 66 Travel guide 2025: A comprehensive guide exploring America's historic sites, must-visit stops, maps, culture, unique landmarks, and natural wonders by Hayley Bay
English | November 22, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DNV865Q2 | 204 pages | EPUB | 26 Mb
Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with the Route 66 Travel Guide, a comprehensive resource for navigating America's most iconic highway. Whether you're a first-time traveler or a seasoned road-tripper, this guide has everything you need to make your journey along the "Mother Road" exciting, stress-free, and memorable.

What You'll Gain From This Guide:

Detailed Route Overview

- Explore the history, significance, and charm of Route 66 as you travel through eight states, from Illinois to California.
Attractions and Landmarks
- Discover iconic stops, including Cadillac Ranch in Texas, the Blue Swallow Motel in New Mexico, and the Santa Monica Pier in California.
- Find hidden gems like ghost towns, quirky roadside attractions, and historic diners.
Dining and Accommodation Recommendations
- Access hand-picked lists of vintage motels, budget-friendly accommodations, and luxury stays.
- Enjoy a curated guide to must-visit diners and local eateries for an authentic Route 66 dining experience.
Maps and Full-Color Photos
- Navigate easily with detailed maps of each section of Route 66.
- Enjoy vibrant, full-color photographs that capture the essence of Route 66, from scenic landscapes to iconic neon signs.
State-by-State Insights
- Explore tailored tips and highlights for each state along the route, showcasing unique attractions and must-see stops.
Practical Travel Tips
- Learn essential tips on packing, budgeting, and staying safe on the road.
- Access advice for road conditions, best travel seasons, and vehicle preparation.
Local Culture and History
- Immerse yourself in the stories, traditions, and historical significance of Route 66 towns and communities.
Bonus Features
-Itinerary Planner
- Get a customizable, day-by-day planner to design your perfect Route 66 road trip. Whether you want a weeklong journey or a month-long exploration, this planner ensures you don't miss a thing.
-Travel Journal
- Includes dedicated pages to document your experiences, jot down memories, and collect mementos like tickets and postcards from your trip.
Why This Guide Stands Out
This travel guide is more than just a resource-it's your trusted companion for creating lasting memories. With its user-friendly format, vivid photos, and insider tips, you'll have everything you need to plan, navigate, and enjoy your Route 66 adventure.

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Michael Seth, "Routledge Handbook of Modern Korean History"
English | 2020 | pages: 408 | ISBN: 0367581663 | PDF | 2,5 mb
Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century when Korea became entangled in the world of modern imperialism and the old social, economic and political order began to change; this handbook brings together cutting edge scholarship on major themes in Korean History. Contributions by experts in the field cover the Late Choson and Colonial periods, Korea's partition and the diverging paths of North and South Korea.

Topics covered include:
- The division of Korea
- Religion
- Competing imperialisms
- Economic change
- War and rebellions
- Nationalism
- Gender
- North Korea Under Kim Jong Il
- Global Korea
The Handbook provides a stimulating introduction to the most important themes within the subject area, and is an invaluable reference work for any student and researcher of Korean History.

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Ruby Programming: Dynamic, Object-Oriented Language for Simplicity and Productivity by Theophilus Edet
English | November 17, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DKGB5KGJ | 1059 pages | EPUB | 1.42 Mb
Ruby Programming: The Dynamic, Object-Oriented Language for Simple and Productive Code!

Are you ready to explore Ruby, the dynamic, object-oriented language that emphasizes simplicity and productivity? Ruby Programming: Dynamic, Object-Oriented Language for Simplicity and Productivity is the perfect guide for developers of all levels looking to harness Ruby's powerful yet elegant syntax and capabilities. Ruby's focus on human-readable code makes it accessible, and its robust features make it indispensable for building modern applications.
Unlock Ruby's Versatility Across Nine Programming Models
Ruby's versatility is demonstrated through its core support for nine powerful programming models, including Imperative Programming, Structured Programming, Metaprogramming, Reflective Programming, Component-Based Programming, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Service-Oriented Programming, Event-Driven Programming, and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). This book explains how each of these models can be implemented in Ruby, providing you with an in-depth understanding of the language's dynamic capabilities.
Whether you're building complex systems or designing domain-specific solutions, Ruby's flexibility allows you to approach problems in different ways. By understanding Ruby's programming models, you'll gain the ability to create modular, maintainable, and scalable solutions across various domains.
Boost Your Productivity with Ruby's Elegant and Readable Syntax
Ruby's expressive syntax is designed for simplicity and productivity. It enables developers to write concise, clear code without sacrificing power. This book showcases how to leverage Ruby's Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) features to create modular, reusable components that reduce complexity and enhance scalability.
In addition, Metaprogramming and Reflective Programming in Ruby provide advanced techniques for creating code that can inspect, modify, and define new behaviors at runtime, giving developers more flexibility and control over their applications.
Build Robust Applications with Ruby's Strong Support for Event-Driven Architectures
Ruby also shines in Event-Driven Programming and Service-Oriented Programming, making it an excellent choice for building applications that require real-time interactions or microservice architectures. This book demonstrates how to design event-driven systems and connect services for seamless, scalable applications.
Moreover, Ruby's support for Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) allows you to tailor Ruby's syntax to create solutions specific to your business needs or technical domain, increasing both the simplicity and productivity of your development process.
Start Coding in Ruby for Simplicity and Robust Productivity
Discover a streamlined Ruby learning experience with this innovative, modular approach. This book offers a flexible and accessible format, allowing you to progress at your own pace and focus on the topics most relevant to your needs. Enjoy clear structure, customization options, and a user-friendly design that enhances understanding and retention. Ruby Programming: Dynamic, Object-Oriented Language for Simplicity and Productivity is your complete guide to mastering Ruby's powerful features. Whether you are building web applications, automating processes, or exploring advanced programming models, this book gives you the tools to write efficient, elegant, and maintainable Ruby code.

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Kamalabai Ogale, "Ruchira: selected maharashtrian vegetarian recipes"
English | 2014 | pages: 140 | ISBN: 8129129736 | EPUB | 3,2 mb

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Terry Pratchett, "Ruhig Blut. Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt."
Deutsch | 2000 | pages: 292 | ISBN: 3442416523 | PDF | 1,0 mb
Ruhig Blut ist der Scheibenwelt-Roman Nummer 23, und mit ihm setzt diese Serie ihren langen Weg fort. Pratchett ist ein Autor, der bei seinen Fans soviel Hingabe hervorruft, dass sich diese mit einem Freudenschrei auf diesen neuen Roman stürzen werden. Nicht-Fans wundern sich möglicherweise, was es mit dem ganzen Wirbel wohl auf sich hat - und das in ein paar Worten zu beschreiben, ist ein schwieriges Unterfangen. Wem Pratchett völlig neu ist, der sollte am besten mit einer Kostprobe anfangen, und dafür ist dieser Roman so gut geeignet wie jeder andere. Aber die Fans haben da eine viel präzisere Frage. Sie wissen, dass es Scheibenwelt-Romane in zwei Qualitätsstufen gibt: die ziemlich guten und die großartigen. Wenn also beispielsweise Schweinsgalopp und Mummenschanz ziemlich gut waren, so waren Hohle Köpfe und Fliegende Fetzen großartig. Auch wenn echte Fans auf die Ersteren nicht verzichten würden, sie leben regelrecht für die Letzteren. Und mit Ruhig Blut hat Pratchett wieder einmal ins Schwarze getroffen - dieser Roman gehört zu den großartigen.

Die Handlung ist eine Abwandlung des früheren Scheibenwelt-Romans Lords und Ladies, bei der die räuberischen Elfen des älteren Romans durch kultivierte, doch tödliche Vampire ersetzt wurden und das winzige Königreich Lancre von seinen Hexen verteidigt wird. Aber die Handlung selbst hat sicherlich am wenigsten mit dem Reiz Pratchetts zu tun. Ruhig Blut ist voll von fabelhaften Figuren (nicht zuletzt die Hexen selbst, von denen wir noch einiges erfahren werden), humorvollen Situationen und außergewöhnlicher Kreativität - und sogar einiges von Pratchetts berühmter, nüchterner Weisheit (über die inneren ethischen Konflikte, denen wir alle ausgesetzt sind, und die Ungerechtigkeit, Menschen wie Dinge zu behandeln). Pratchetts Vampire sind elegante Bela-Lugosi-Typen, und sie treffen auf eine merkwürdige, doch einnehmende Allianz aus Hexen, blauhäutigen Kobolden, die wie Bob-Roy-Schlümpfe aussehen, einen zweifelnden Priester mit einem Furunkel im Gesicht und einer magischen hausgroßen Phoenix - alles in einer nahtlosen, absolut fesselnden Mischung, bei der das Universum gut aufgehoben zu sein scheint. Absolut empfehlenswert! -Adam Roberts

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Rumi in the Age of AI by Murat Durmus
English | January 8, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DSM185T8 | 107 pages | EPUB | 3.56 Mb
"Rumi in the Age of AI" invites readers on a transformative journey where timeless mysticism meets modern technology.

This book explores the profound question: What would Rumi, the great 13th-century mystic and poet, say to us in an era dominated by algorithms and artificial intelligence?
Blending Rumi's poetic wisdom with the challenges of our digital age, author Murat Durmus creates a bridge between the sacred and the synthetic. Through powerful quotes and a captivating narrative, the book inspires readers to rediscover the human soul's infinite potential amidst the hum of machines.
Step into the field beyond zeros and ones, where Rumi's timeless wisdom and your most authentic self await.

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Zev Chafets, "Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One"
English | 2010 | pages: 240 | ISBN: 1595230637 | EPUB | 0,3 mb
Do you remember your first time?

People tend to remember the moment they first heard The Rush Limbaugh Show on the radio. For Zev Chafets, it was in a car in Detroit, driving down Woodward Avenue. Limbaugh's braggadocio, the outrageous satire, the slaughtering of liberal sacred cows performed with the verve of a rock-n-roll DJ-it seemed fresh, funny and completely subversive. "They're never going to let this guy stay on the air," he thought.
Almost two decades later Chafets met Rush for the first time, at Limbaugh's rarely visited "Southern Command." They spent hours together talking on the record about politics, sports, music, show business, religion and modern American history. Rush opened his home and his world, introducing Chafets to his family, closest friends, even his psychologist. The result was an acclaimed cover-story profile of Limbaugh in The New York Times Magazine.
But there was much more to say, especially after Limbaugh became Public Enemy Number One of the Obama Administration. At first Limbaugh resisted the idea of a full-length portrait, but he eventually invited Chafets back to Florida and exchanged more than a hundred emails full of his personal history, thoughts, fears and ambitions. What has emerged is an uniquely personal look at the man who is not only the most popular voice on the radio, but the leader of the conservative movement and one of the most influential figures in the Republican Party.
While Limbaugh's public persona is instantly recognizable, his background and private life are often misunderstood. Even devoted Dittoheads will find there's a lot they don't know about the self-described "harmless little fuzzball" who has, over the years, taken on the giants of the mainstream media and the Democratic Party-from Bill and Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama-with "half his brain tied behind his back, just to make it fair." Chafets paints a compelling portrait of Limbaugh as a master entertainer, a public intellectual, a political force, and a fascinating man.

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Rust Programming: Safe, Concurrent Systems Programming Language for Performance and Memory Safety by Theophilus Edet
English | November 24, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DKMK9KK8 | 872 pages | EPUB | 1.45 Mb
Rust Programming: The Safe, Concurrent Systems Language for Performance and Memory Safety!

Are you looking to harness the power of a language that prioritizes safety, concurrency, and performance? Rust Programming: Safe, Concurrent Systems Programming Language for Performance and Memory Safety is the ultimate guide for mastering Rust's unique blend of high performance and reliable memory safety. Whether you are building systems software, embedded applications, or high-performance services, this book equips you with the knowledge to leverage Rust's groundbreaking features.
Unlock Rust's Strength in Six Powerful Programming Models
Rust is more than just a systems programming language-it provides strong core support for six diverse programming models: Imperative Programming, Generic Programming, Asynchronous Programming, Parallel Programming, Functional Programming, and Security-Oriented Programming. These models offer flexibility for creating highly efficient, concurrent applications with built-in safety guarantees.
This book provides a comprehensive look at how each of these programming models operates within Rust. From imperative code that tightly controls execution flow to functional patterns that promote concise, immutable data processing, Rust gives you the freedom to choose the right approach for your project.
Achieve Maximum Performance and Safety with Rust's Memory Management
Rust's standout feature is its memory safety without the need for a garbage collector. This allows you to write high-performance, low-level code without risking crashes or memory leaks. By exploring Imperative Programming and Generic Programming, this book guides you through writing flexible, reusable code that benefits from Rust's strict compile-time guarantees. The combination of performance and safety makes Rust ideal for systems where reliability is critical.
Build Concurrent and Asynchronous Applications for High Performance
Rust's concurrency model is designed to prevent common issues such as data races. This book demonstrates how Rust excels in Asynchronous Programming and Parallel Programming, allowing you to build systems that efficiently handle multiple tasks at once. Whether you are writing web servers, real-time applications, or network services, Rust ensures thread-safe execution without sacrificing performance.
Secure Your Code with Rust's Focus on Safety and Security
Rust is designed with security in mind, making it an ideal choice for Security-Oriented Programming. By enforcing strict memory management rules and preventing buffer overflows and null pointer dereferencing, Rust ensures that your applications are safe from common security vulnerabilities.
Ready to master a language that combines safety, performance, and concurrency like no other? Rust Programming: Safe, Concurrent Systems Programming Language for Performance and Memory Safety offers you the tools to build reliable, high-performance software. Whether you're developing systems-level applications or tackling large-scale projects, this book provides the knowledge and practical techniques to harness Rust's powerful features.

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S'affirmer avec confiance: L'art de créer des relations épanouies et authentiques (French Edition) by Sabrina DU PERRAY
French | October 11, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJYJFV79 | 67 pages | EPUB | 0.16 Mb
Vous sentez-vous parfois incapable de dire non, par peur de décevoir ou de créer des conflits ? Avez-vous du mal à exprimer vos besoins et à vous affirmer dans vos relations personnelles ou professionnelles ? Il est temps de reprendre le contrôle et d'apprendre à vivre des relations qui vous respectent et vous valorisent.

Dans S'affirmer avec confiance, découvrez comment l'affirmation de soi peut transformer vos interactions et vous permettre de vous épanouir. À travers des conseils pratiques, des outils de communication efficaces et des stratégies concrètes, ce livre vous guide pas à pas pour :Identifier les racines du manque d'affirmation de soi.Poser des limites claires sans culpabilité.Dire adieu à la peur des conflits et du jugement.Construire des relations basées sur le respect mutuel et la confiance.Intégrer l'affirmation de soi dans votre quotidien pour une vie alignée avec vos valeurs.Que vous souhaitiez améliorer vos relations personnelles, développer votre confiance en vous ou simplement vivre en accord avec vos besoins, ce guide complet vous donne toutes les clés pour oser vous affirmer avec assurance et authenticité.

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Edward T. Cotham Jr., "Sabine Pass: The Confederacy's Thermopylae"
English | 2004 | pages: 289 | ISBN: 0292705948 | PDF | 3,1 mb
Winner, Dan and Marilyn Laney Prize, Austin Civil War Round Table, 2005

In an 1882 speech, former Confederate president Jefferson Davis made an exuberant claim: "That battle at Sabine Pass was more remarkable than the battle at Thermopylae." Indeed, Sabine Pass was the site of one of the most decisive Civil War battles fought in Texas. But unlike the Spartans, who succumbed to overwhelming Persian forces at Thermopylae more than two thousand years before, the Confederate underdogs triumphed in a battle that over time has become steeped in hyperbole. Providing a meticulously researched, scholarly account of this remarkable victory, Sabine Pass at last separates the legends from the evidence.
In arresting prose, Edward T. Cotham, Jr., recounts the momentous hours of September 8, 1863, during which a handful of Texans-almost all of Irish descent-under the leadership of Houston saloonkeeper Richard W. Dowling, prevented a Union military force of more than 5,000 men, 22 transport vessels, and 4 gunboats from occupying Sabine Pass, the starting place for a large invasion that would soon have given the Union control of Texas.
Sabine Pass sheds new light on previously overlooked details, such as the design and construction of the fort (Fort Griffin) that Dowling and his men defended, and includes the battle report prepared by Dowling himself. The result is a portrait of a mythic event that is even more provocative when stripped of embellishment.

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