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Ultimate MLOps for Machine Learning Models: Use Real Case Studies to Efficiently Build, Deploy, and Scale Machine Learning Pipelines with MLOps by Saurabh D. Dorle
English | August 30, 2024 | ISBN: 8197651205 | 314 pages | AZW3 | 30 Mb
The only MLOps guide you'll ever need

Book Description
This book is an essential resource for professionals aiming to streamline and optimize their machine learning operations. This comprehensive guide provides a thorough understanding of the MLOps life cycle, from model development and training to deployment and monitoring. By delving into the intricacies of each phase, the book equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to create robust, scalable, and efficient machine learning workflows.
Key chapters include a deep dive into essential MLOps tools and technologies, effective data pipeline management, and advanced model optimization techniques. The book also addresses critical aspects such as scalability challenges, data and model governance, and security in machine learning operations. Each topic is presented with practical insights and real-world case studies, enabling readers to apply best practices in their job roles.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to MLOps
2. Understanding Machine Learning Lifecycle
3. Essential Tools and Technologies in MLOps
4. Data Pipelines and Management in MLOps
5. Model Development and Training
6. Model Optimization Techniques for Performance
7. Efficient Model Deployment and Monitoring Strategies
8. Scalability Challenges and Solutions in MLOps
9. Data, Model Governance, and Compliance in Production Environments
10. Security in Machine Learning Operations
11. Case Studies and Future Trends in MLOps

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Ultimate Pivot Tables: Solve Real World Problems with Excel by Hayden Van Der Post, Reactive Publishing, Johann Strauss
English | January 24, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DV43S2TC | 217 pages | EPUB | 1.19 Mb
Reactive Publishing

Discover the full potential of Excel with the Ultimate Pivot Tables Guide! Designed for professionals and beginners alike, this book provides a step-by-step approach to mastering pivot tables and solving real-world business problems. From data summarization to dynamic dashboards, you'll learn how to transform complex datasets into actionable insights. Packed with examples from finance, marketing, sales, and beyond, this practical guide ensures you'll walk away with skills you can apply immediately. Whether you're analyzing budgets, tracking KPIs, or building reports, this book is your ultimate Excel companion.

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Ultimate Python Programming: Learn Python with 650+ programs, 900+ practice questions, and 5 projects (English Edition) by Deepali Srivastava
English | May 16, 2024 | ISBN: 935551655X | 710 pages | MOBI | 4.70 Mb
Dive deep into the core concepts of Python

Key Features
● The concepts in this book are illustrated through numerous short code snippets and more than 650 programming examples.
● The book contains a comprehensive collection of over 900 end-of-chapter exercises, including both MCQs and programming exercises. The solutions to all the exercises are also available.
● The book includes coding conventions and best practices for writing efficient, readable, and maintainable code.
This book provides a comprehensive and thorough introduction to Python, a popular programming language used by various top companies across various domains. Whether you are a novice starting your programming journey or an experienced programmer looking to expand your skill set, this book is designed to assist you in mastering core Python concepts.
Starting with the basics, this book guides you through the setup, basic commands, and key language rules. The book covers important ideas like different types of data, variables, and how to control the flow of your programs. You will also learn about collections for organizing data, functions for reusable code, modules for organizing bigger projects, and object-oriented programming for modeling real-world things. Advanced topics include customizing object behavior, efficient data processing, modifying function behavior, and handling errors gracefully.
The book includes many figures and coding examples to give you a visual and hands-on experience. There are numerous exercises that provide opportunities to further reinforce your knowledge. By the end of this book, readers will develop a strong foundation in core Python and will gain the confidence to excel in their studies and professional work.
What you will learn
● Develop programs using procedural, object-oriented, and functional paradigms.
● Understand complex topics like iterators, generators, and decorators.
● Learn how to create and use modules and packages.
● Master the advanced concepts of object-oriented programming.
● Learn how to handle errors in Python and interact with files.
● Automate resource management patterns using context managers.
Who this book is for
This book can be used by anyone who wants to learn Python from scratch. It can be a valuable resource for engineering students and students from other streams who have Python as part of their curriculum. This book facilitates a swift introduction to the language for individuals aiming to transition into data science, AI, or ML.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Python
2. Getting Started
3. Strings
4. Lists and Tuples
5. Dictionaries and Sets
6. Conditional Execution
7. Loops
8. Looping Techniques
9. Comprehensions
10. Functions
11. Modules and Packages
12. Namespaces and Scope
13. Files
14. Object Oriented Programming
15. Magic Methods
16. Inheritance and Polymorphism
17. Iterators and Generators
18. Decorators
19. Lambda Expressions and Functional Programming
20. Exception Handling
21. Context Managers

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Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python
English | 2024 | ISBN: 9348107909 | 508 Pages | EPUB (True) | 62 MB
Robot Operating System (ROS) and Python are essential tools for developing advanced robotics applications, offering reliability and scalability for both research and industrial solutions.ltimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python introduces readers to ROS 2 without requiring prior experience in robotics. It blends theoretical explanations with practical exercises, empowering readers to solve specific robotics problems while understanding the reasoning behind various approaches.

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Ultrafast Imaging and Spectroscopy for Biomedicine by Tzu-Ming Liu
English | 2022 | ISBN: 0735424640 | 262 pages | PDF | 11 Mb
Ultrafast Imaging and Spectroscopy for Biomedicine examines the principles of ultrafast imaging and spectroscopy focusing exclusively on biomedical applications. It addresses embryo development, neural connectomes, macrophage pathology, tumor microenvironment, virtual optical biopsy, nanomedicine pharmacokinetics, and 3D bio-printing for tissue engineering. These ultrafast laser techniques enable the observation of dynamics on very short time scales, providing valuable clues about when, where, and how molecules and cells determine the pathophysiology of medical conditions.

This important book:
* Introduces the principles of ultrafast spectroscopy for those new to the topics
* Covers applications relating exclusively to biomedicine
* Presents a thorough overview of theory and an introduction to major ultrafast techniques
Ultrafast Imaging and Spectroscopy for Biomedicine is a key resource for graduate students, novice researchers, and industry professionals in both optics and biomedicine.

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Peter Turchin, "Ultrasociety: How 10,000 Years of War Made Humans the Greatest Cooperators on Earth"
English | ISBN: 0996139516 | 2015 | 272 pages | AZW | 573 KB
Cooperation is powerful. There aren't many highly cooperative species-but they nearly cover the planet. Ants alone account for a quarter of all animal matter. Yet the human capacity to work together leaves every other species standing. We organize ourselves into communities of hundreds of millions of individuals, inhabit every continent, and send people into space. Human beings are nature's greatest team players. And the truly astounding thing is, we only started our steep climb to the top of the rankings-overtaking wasps, bees, termites and ants-in the last 10,000 years. Genetic evolution can't explain this anomaly. Something else is going on. How did we become the ultra social animal? In his latest book, the evolutionary scientist Peter Turchin (War and Peace and War) solves the puzzle using some astonishing results in the new science of Cultural Evolution. The story of humanity, from the first scattered bands of Homo sapiens right through to the greatest empires in history, turns out to be driven by a remorseless logic. Our apparently miraculous powers of cooperation were forged in the fires of war. Only conflict, escalating in scale and severity, can explain the extraordinary shifts in human society-and society is the greatest military technology of all. Seen through the eyes of Cultural Evolution, human history reveals a strange, paradoxical pattern. Early humans were much more egalitarian than other primates, ruthlessly eliminating any upstart who wanted to become alpha male. But if human nature favors equality, how did the blood-soaked god kings of antiquity ever manage to claim their thrones? And how, over the course of thousands of years, did they vanish from the earth, swept away by a reborn spirit of human equality? Why is the story of human justice a chronicle of millennia-long reversals? Once again, the science points to just one explanation: war created the terrible majesty of kingship, and war obliterated it. Is endless war, then, our fate? Or might society one day evolve beyond it? There's only one way to answer that question. Follow Turchin on an epic journey through time, and discover something that generations of historians thought impossible: the hidden laws of history itself.

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Un'Avventura di Vetro
by Paolo Conforti

Italian | November 18, 2024 | ISBN: 1254896546 | 134 Pages | True epub | 3,13 MB

Hai mai sognato un angolo della tua casa che ti faccia sentire immerso nella natura, senza lasciare il comfort delle tue mura? Scopri il segreto per creare uno spazio che ti regali pace, bellezza e benessere ogni giorno: una veranda che sarà il cuore della tua abitazione.
Non rimandare il sogno di uno spazio di relax e intimità nella tua casa
Immagina: un luogo dove il dentro e il fuori si fondono, dove il tempo rallenta e la luce naturale accarezza ogni angolo. Ma spesso, trasformare una semplice idea in un'oasi di relax può sembrare un progetto irrealizzabile. Ecco il motivo per cui hai bisogno di questo libro: per trovare non solo ispirazione, ma anche una guida pratica, ricca di dettagli tecnici, per realizzare la veranda perfetta per te.
Perché Paolo Conforti è l'esperto che stavi cercando?
Con decenni di esperienza e una carriera di successo nell'architettura di verande e pergolati, Paolo Conforti ha reso realtà i sogni di migliaia di persone, portando la natura nelle loro case. La sua competenza ti guiderà passo dopo passo verso il tuo progetto ideale, dal design alla scelta dei materiali.
5 motivi per scegliere questo libro oggi stesso
Design e funzionalità: scopri come progettare una veranda che valorizzi ogni spazio della tua casa.
Consigli pratici su materiali e strutture: le migliori opzioni per una struttura sicura e duratura.
Suggerimenti innovativi: soluzioni moderne per chi ama l'estetica e la funzionalità.
Integrazione perfetta con la natura: idee per vivere la bellezza naturale ogni giorno.
Una guida completa e dettagliata: dai primi passi del progetto alla realizzazione finale, senza tralasciare nulla.
Inizia ora a trasformare la tua casa in un rifugio di pace e bellezza! Clicca su "Aggiungi al carrello" e rendi il tuo sogno di una veranda perfetta una realtà.
eBook Details:
Paolo Conforti
134 Pages
2 - 3 Hours to read
34k Total words
Release Date: November 18, 2024
ISBN-13: 9791254896549
ISBN-10: 1254896546
Language: Italian
Format: epub
✅File Size: 3,13 MB

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Una guerra navale fallimentare
by Francesco Mattesini

Italian | December 9, 2024 | ISBN: 1255891963 | 263 Pages | True epub | 4,45 MB

Il libro è stato realizzato da Francesco Mattesini, sulla base delle introduzioni della sua collana Direttive tecnico operative di Superaereo, consistente in due volumi, ciascuno di due tomi, prodotti per conto dell'Ufficio Storico della Marina Militare, che coprono il periodo 1939-1941, con una esposizione di documenti scelti, in cui vi sono inseriti gli argomenti essenziali e importanti, per l'interesse degli storici e degli studiosi, senza menomarne troppo il contenuto; e ciò allo scopo di dare la visione di un quadro d'insieme molto dettagliato. Oltre ad essere stati selezionati dal copioso carteggio di Supermarina, il Comando Operativo dello Stato Maggiore della Regia Marina, custodito nell'Archivio dell'Ufficio Storico della Marina Militare, i documenti sono stati integrati con elementi di grande rilevanza elaborati dai Comandi delle altre Forze Armate e dal Comando Supremo, reperiti dall'autore negli archivi degli Uffici Storici degli Stati Maggiori dell'Aeronautica e dell'Esercito, e che riportano gran parte degli scambi di corrispondenza tra tali Enti militari italiani e con l'alleato germanico che poi servirono per compilare i promemoria, gli studi operativi, e le più importanti direttive di carattere navale o strettamente legate alla guerra aero-navale. Sulla base di questi documenti l'Autore ha sviluppato gran parte dell'attività strategica e operativa navale guidata da Supermarina, espressa di propria iniziativa e su direttive del Comando Supremo, a cui per delega del Duce, Capo del Governo e Ministro della Guerra, spettava la direzione delle operazioni delle Forze Armate italiane. L'esposizione trattata è riferita, in particolare, alle operazioni che si ebbero, nel periodo 10 giugno 1940 - 31 dicembre 1941, nel Mediterraneo orientale, e quindi, come il lettore constaterà, soprattutto alla politica strategico-militare che si svolse in questo bacino del "Mare nostrum", e che riguardò l'attività dei cacciatorpediniere e dei sommergibili italiani, impiegati nel contrasto alle missioni offensive della Marina britannica.
eBook Details:
Francesco Mattesini
263 Pages
5 - 6 Hours to read
66k Total words
Release Date: December 9, 2024
ISBN-13: 9791255891963
ISBN-10: 1255891963
Language: Italian
Format: epub
✅File Size: 4,45 MB

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UNBLOCK: Transform your company's profitability through a culture of productivity in just 100 days by Amanda Sokell
English | November 5, 2024 | ISBN: 1788606965 | 254 pages | PDF | 3.23 Mb
More productive people and processes, fast.

In many countries, productivity growth has been sluggish for over 15 years. It is the reason why we are all working harder for less money, and yet despite many attempts to overcome this, it remains a significant challenge.
Yet productivity is a poorly understood concept - few companies measure it effectively, and even fewer understand how they can change it for the better. In UNBLOCK, Amanda Sokell sets out the root cause of a poor productivity culture and outlines four levers to transform your productivity, and therefore your profits, in only 100 days.
Amanda Sokell is a process and productivity expert who helps companies thrive. She's also a popular speaker, author, entrepreneur, creative, polymath and educationalist; lover of learning, chocolate, dancing and difference.
In a 25-year career spanning public relations, software development, coaching, mentoring and training, Amanda has helped transform the productivity culture of organizations from global pharmaceuticals to family-run microbusinesses.

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Kier Wiater Carnihan, Eamonn Forde, Daniel Cross, "Unblocking the Sync: A Band's Guide to Brands, and a Brand's Guide to Bands"
English | 2018 | ASIN: B08RC3GG4R | EPUB | pages: 148 | 0.5 mb
'Unblocking the Sync' is the definitive guide to music sync licensing, aiming to educate both musicians and brands on the potential benefits, and avoidable pitfalls, of working with each other. Created by Record-Play, a global music consultancy for companies such as adidas, Google and Konami, it's a down-to-earth, jargon-busting guide to an increasingly essential sector of both the music and advertising industries.Packed full of interviews, case studies, checklists and expert commentary, 'Unblocking the Sync' is an essential read for anyone unfamiliar with the subject, or curious to know how the 'other half' thinks. Written by Kier Wiater Carnihan and edited by Eamonn Forde, the book also features interviews with music supervisors Thomas Golubić (Breaking Bad) and Andrea Madden (Made in Chelsea), as well as sync experts from Beggars Group, Ninja Tune and more.So whether you're an artist wondering how to get your music placed in an advert, a filmmaker struggling with the mechanics of licensing music, or a brand manager wondering how music can make your marketing sing, the answers are all here. "With many fascinating interviews and true stories from artists and experts from across the sync landscape, Unblocking The Sync makes for both a very entertaining read and a pragmatic look at many of the important considerations for those launching themselves into sync licensing for the first time."Paul Pacifico - CEO at Association of Independent Music (AIM)All proceeds from sales of 'Unblocking the Sync' will be donated to Help Musicians, an independent charity providing help, support and opportunities to empower musicians at all stages of their lives. "Love music; help musicians."(N.B. This first edition of 'Unblocking the Sync' was launched at the beginning of 2018. As a result, a small amount of data, such as the rate card in the chapter 'Getting Paid' (fig. 2) may no longer be 100% accurate. For up-to-the-minute information and advice, please contact Record-Play directly.)

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Unburdened Eating: Healing Your Relationships with Food and Your Body Using an Internal Family Systems (IFS) Approach by Jeanne Catanzaro
English | September 3, 2024 | ISBN: 1962305201 | 197 pages | MOBI | 9.44 Mb
From the time we are born, we are inundated with messages about our bodies―what we should eat, how we should look, and how we should move to achieve certain standards. The pressure to conform is higher for those who don't fit into what society values: youth, thinness, whiteness, fitness, health, and able-bodiedness.

But what if you could let go of the chronic shame, judgment, and self-loathing you hold about food and your body? What if you no longer needed the latest diet, cleanse, or wellness plan to feel better about yourself? What if you could free yourself of all these burdens?
These are the answers you will find inside Unburdened Eating. Written through the lens of Internal Family Systems (IFS), this book offers a sustainable path to heal your relationships with food and your body. Based on Dr. Jeanne Catanzaro's 25+ years working with trauma and eating issues, and informed by the insights of leading voices in the growing field of body liberation, this book will allow you to:Heal the critical and diet-minded parts of yourselfStop trying to fix parts of yourself and your body that are "unacceptable" or "less desirable"Trust yourself to connect to your body with compassion and careBecome more resistant to societal messages about what it means to be healthy and attractiveIt is possible to accept yourself as you are and relax into a more compassionate, trusting relationship with food and your body. And that healing resource lies within you.

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Stefan Riedener, "Uncertain Values: An Axiomatic Approach to Axiological Uncertainty "
English | ISBN: 3110739577 | 2021 | 168 pages | EPUB | 6 MB
How ought you to evaluate your options if you're uncertain about what's fundamentally valuable? A prominent response is Expected Value Maximisation (EVM)―the view that under axiological uncertainty, an option is better than another if and only if it has the greater expected value across axiologies. But the expected value of an option depends on quantitative probability and value facts, and in particular on value comparisons across axiologies. We need to explain what it is for such facts to hold. Also, EVM is by no means self-evident. We need an argument to defend that it's true. This book introduces an axiomatic approach to answer these worries. It provides an explication of what EVM means by use of representation theorems: intertheoretic comparisons can be understood in terms of facts about which options are better than which, and mutatis mutandis for intratheoretic comparisons and axiological probabilities. And it provides a systematic argument to the effect that EVM is true: the theory can be vindicated through simple axioms. The result is a formally cogent and philosophically compelling extension of standard decision theory, and original take on the problem of axiological or normative uncertainty.

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Uncertainty and Enterprise: Venturing Beyond the Known by Amar Bhidé
English | November 22nd, 2024 | ISBN: 0197688357 | 440 pages | True EPUB | 3.66 MB
Uncertainty-doubt about what is or could be-fuels our ambitions and fears. Tantalizing possibilities spur us to innovate and explore. Yet, we also strive to reduce uncertainty. Mountain climbers and deep-sea divers plan carefully. Rules, routines, and research in business, the law, and medicine are designed to increase predictability and forestall unpleasant surprises.

Mainstream economics, however, hides from uncertainty, banishing it to the mystical world of unknown unknowns or reducing it to mechanistic calculation. Its textbooks ignore everyday problems that lack demonstrably correct solutions. But resolute responses to such problems require confidence. Where does confidence come from, especially when we go beyond the known? How do we justify our fallible judgments to ourselves and others?
Drawing on more than thirty years of teaching and research, Amar Bhidé offers compelling answers. Inspired by-while modernizing-the forgotten ideas of the economist Frank Knight and other great twentieth-century thinkers, Bhidé challenges both hyper-rational economic orthodoxy and claims of pervasive behavioral biases. He shows that while big bets require more justification, the facts alone don't persuade skeptics. Instead, narratives that combine reason, contextual evidence, and creative interpretations align our imaginations.
Bhidé's framework and rich examples explain neglected and surprising features of entrepreneurship. He shows how startups and giant corporations coexist; how seemingly bureaucratic procedures encourage the giants to undertake complex high-stakes initiatives; and, how vividly described possibilities help make the imagined real. Cutting through esoteric theories-but avoiding glib prescriptions-Uncertainty and Enterprise examines the foundations of bold yet reasonable action.

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Uncle Bob Williams, "Uncle Bob's Money: Generating Income with Conservative Options Trades"
English | ISBN: 1466307145 | 2011 | 132 pages | AZW3, MOBI | 955 KB + 941 KB

Proven money-making secrets should not belong to the privileged few.
Every investor should know how to generate income using conservative options trades so the risk of loss is low.
It's important to shatter the mystery and secrecy to end the status quo, where options pit traders and large investment firms with math geniuses onboard are able to earn consistently using options trades while the rest struggle to find the same strategies they use.
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Unconventional Resources: Advances in Energy Transition
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032322934 | 728 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 52 MB
The oil and gas sector is a vital player in the energy transition. With their vast resource potential, unconventional shale plays will be an essential part in enabling this change. Unconventional Resources serves as a comprehensive reference covering the latest technologies, methodologies, and applications of unconventional shale resources in the oil and gas industry, and their role in the evolution of the sector's energy transition.

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Under Alien Skies: Environment, Suffering, and the Defeat of the British Military in Revolutionary America by Vaughn Scribner
English | December 3rd, 2024 | ISBN: 1469680777 | 250 pages | True EPUB | 6.72 MB
The Revolutionary War is often celebrated as marking the birth of American republicanism, liberty, and representative democracy. Yet for the tens of thousands of British and Hessian troops sent 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean to wage war under alien skies, such a progressive picture, as Vaughn Scribner reveals, could not have been further from the truth. In Under Alien Skies, Scribner illustrates how foreign soldiers' negative perceptions of the American environment merged with harsh wartime realities to elicit considerable physical, mental, and emotional anguish.

Whether trudging through alligator-infested swamps, nursing a comrade back to health in a rain-sodden tent, or digging trenches in a burned-out port city, most who fought in America under the British army's flag ultimately deemed themselves strangers fighting in a strange land. For them, Revolutionary America looked nothing like the "happy land . . . blessed with every climate" that Revolutionary republicans so successfully promoted. Instead, the War of Independence descended into a quagmire of anxiety, destruction, and distress at the hands of the American environment-a "Diabolical Country," as one British soldier opined, "which no Earthly Compensation can put me in Charity with."

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Under Pressure: Diving Deeper with Human Factors by Lock Gareth
English | March 12, 2019 | ISBN: 199958497X | 342 pages | EPUB | 1.71 Mb
Most incidents and accidents are down to 'human error'. Unfortunately, 'human error' is normal and we can't get rid of it. However, we can reduce the likelihood of one of those, 'Oh s***t moments' if we have an understanding of human factors and develop our non-technical skills.

This is a globally-unique book containing decades of research and practice from high-risk domains translated into the world of recreational and technical diving. This is done through the use of numerous detailed case studies to highlight the value and applicability of these skills. This book is a must for all divers who want to manage their risks more effectively and have fun in the process.

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Jim Ross, "Under the Black Hat: My Life in the WWE and Beyond"
English | ISBN: 1982130520 | 2020 | 320 pages | AZW3 | 4 MB
From legendary wrestling announcer Jim Ross comes a candid, colorful memoir about the inner workings of the WWE and the personal crises he weathered at the height of his career.

If you've caught a televised wrestling match anytime in the past THIRTY years, you've probably heard Jim Ross's throaty Oklahoma twang. The beloved longtime announcer of WWE is already an icon to generations of wrestling fans, and he's not slowing down, having just signed on as the announcer of the starry new wrestling venture All Elite Wrestling. In this follow-up to his bestselling memoir Slobberknocker, he dishes about not only his long career, which includes nurturing global stars like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and John Cena, but also about the challenges of aging and disability, his split from collaborator Vince McMahon, and the sudden death of his beloved wife, Jan. The result is a gruff, endearing, and remarkably human-scale portrait, set against the larger-than-life backdrop of professional wrestling.
Ross's ascent in WWE mirrors the rise of professional wrestling itself from a DIY sideshow to a billion-dollar business.
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Under the Sickle and the Sledgehammer: One Woman's Private Diary from 1930s Soviet Russia by Kirsti Huurre, Anna Hyrske
English | April 22, 2025 | ISBN: 1803996692 | 224 pages | PDF | 7.70 Mb
Under the Sickle and the Sledgehammer was originally published in 1942, as war still raged between Finland and Soviet Union. Its writer was a Finnish woman who emigrated to Russia in the 1930s, convinced the new egalitarian state and workers' paradise would be a better life for her and her young son, hopeful once settled she could send for him. What followed was very different to what was promised: a life in constant fear, under intense government scrutiny, of purges and Great Wraths, good people imprisoned and shot; and state-run propaganda that spun a web of lies around its people. Kirsti / Kaarina eventually escaped, defying the odds when so many of her friends and loved ones did not, and recorded her memories under a pseudonym in what became the second most censored book from Finnish libraries after the war. This is the first English translation of this important memoir. Its original preface states: 'I simply want to provide an honest account of what my friends and I had to live through under the "Stalinist sun".'

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Under the Swastika in Nazi Germany (German History in Focus) by Kristin Semmens, Lisa Pine, Peter C. Caldwell
English | February 9, 2023 | ISBN: 1350142808 | 240 pages | PDF | 7.90 Mb
Under the Swastika in Nazi Germany begins in flames in 1933 with Adolf Hitler taking power and ends in the ashes of total defeat in 1945. Kristin Semmens tells that story from five different perspectives over five chronologically distinct phases in the Third Reich's lifespan. The book offers a much-needed integrated history of insiders and outsiders - Nazis, accomplices, supporters, racial and social outsiders and resisters - that captures the complexity of Germans' lives under Hitler. Incorporating recent research and the voices of those who often remain silent in histories of this period, Under the Swastika in Nazi Germany delivers an up to date, engaging and accessible introduction. Its narrative is further supported by well-chosen images, some familiar and others rarely seen. By revealing the potent combination of coercion and consent at work during the dictatorship, the book allows a deeper understanding of Nazi Germany and provides a vital platform for further inquiry into these twelve years of German history.

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