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Finanzielle Stabilität der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung und Grundrechte der Leistungserbringer: Vorträge im Rahmen der 1. Berliner Gespräche zum Gesundheitsrecht am 16. und 17. Juni 2003 By Sodan, Helge
2004 | 106 Pages | ISBN: 3428113853 | PDF | 1 MB
Seit langem befindet sich die gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV) in Deutschland in einer strukturellen und vor allem finanziellen Krise. Allein seit 1977 hat der Gesetzgeber diese Sozialversicherung durch über 50 größere Gesetze mit mehr als 7.000 Einzelbestimmungen zu sanieren versucht - jedoch ohne dauerhaften Erfolg und mit erheblichen Belastungen der Leistungserbringer, wie etwa von Ärzten und Zahnärzten, Krankenhäusern, Apotheken sowie pharmazeutischen Unternehmen. Die jährlichen Ausgaben der chronisch defizitären GKV sind mittlerweile auf insgesamt über 140 Milliarden Euro gestiegen. Trotz der erheblichen finanziellen Aufwendungen bleibt die GKV selbst eine Dauerpatientin.Der vorliegende Band 1 der neu gegründeten Publikationsreihe "Schriften zum Gesundheitsrecht" gibt die Vorträge wieder, die im Rahmen der "1. Berliner Gespräche zum Gesundheitsrecht" am 16. und 17. Juni 2003 gehalten wurden.In der Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts dient die Formel von der "Sicherung der finanziellen Stabilität und damit der Funktionsfähigkeit" der GKV zur Rechtfertigung von - teilweise intensiven - Eingriffen in Grundrechte der Leistungserbringer, besonders in die grundgesetzlich geschützte Berufsfreiheit. Der Beitrag von Walter Leisner ist der Frage gewidmet, ob die finanzielle Stabilität der GKV ein grundgesetzliches Gebot darstellt; er befaßt sich wesentlich auch mit dem Aspekt der "sozialen Schutzbedürftigkeit". Friedhelm Hufen sieht den Gestaltungsspielraum des Gesetzgebers zur Durchführung weiterer "systemerhaltender" und rein kostenorientierter Reformmaßnahmen mit Rücksicht auf die Grundrechte der Leistungserbringer geringer, als durch die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts konzediert. Raimund Wimmer beschäftigt sich mit der Bedeutung gerade des Grundrechts der Berufsfreiheit im Spannungsverhältnis zum sozialgesetzlich verankerten Grundsatz der Beitragssatzstabilität. Beiträge aus der Sicht eines hochrangigen Repräsentanten eines weltweit tätigen amerikanischen Pharmakonzerns (Stefan Oschmann), des Vorsitzenden des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der Entwicklung im Gesundheitswesen (Eberhard Wille) und eines Bundestagsabgeordneten (Eike Hovermann) unterstreichen den interdisziplinären Ansatz der Schrift.

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Janet Nelson-Hood, "Finding Little Bear "
English | ISBN: 1483598713 | 2017 | 72 pages | EPUB | 3 MB
Miracles are surprising and somewhat unbelievable, events that defy nature or scientific laws. Therefore, they are considered to be the work of a "Devine Agency". "Pray for a Miracle" is a term that each of us has heard or said at one time or another in our lives. Two times in my life I have prayed for a miracle and two times a miracle has happened. Our family was traveling on vacation through central Oregon. As we approached the summit of a mountain range wilderness area, we spotted a tiny dog running lost and frightened. After hours of trying to rescue him, he disappeared into the wilderness resulting in sadness and tears. Continuing on our 400 mile journey, we reached our destination, had our vacation and returned to our home on the Oregon coast. My thoughts were continuous about the little dog and my heart was troubled. I prayed for a miracle.

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James A. Davis, "Finite Fields and their Applications: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applic"
English | ISBN: 3110621231 | 2020 | 214 pages | PDF | 4 MB
The volume covers wide-ranging topics from Theory: structure of finite fields, normal bases, polynomials, function fields, APN functions. Computation: algorithms and complexity, polynomial factorization, decomposition and irreducibility testing, sequences and functions. Applications: algebraic coding theory, cryptography, algebraic geometry over finite fields, finite incidence geometry, designs, combinatorics, quantum information science.

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Finsler and Lagrange Geometries: Proceedings of a Conference held on August 26-31, Iaşi, Romania by M. Anastasiei, P. L. Antonelli
English | PDF | 2003 | 315 Pages | ISBN : 1402013906 | 23.3 MB
In the last decade several international conferences on Finsler, Lagrange and Hamilton geometries were organized in Bra§ov, Romania (1994), Seattle, USA (1995), Edmonton, Canada (1998), besides the Seminars that periodically are held in Japan and Romania. All these meetings produced important progress in the field and brought forth the appearance of some reference volumes. Along this line, a new International Conference on Finsler and Lagrange Geometry took place August 26-31,2001 at the "Al.I.Cuza" University in Ia§i, Romania. This Conference was organized in the framework of a Memorandum of Un derstanding (1994-2004) between the "Al.I.Cuza" University in Ia§i, Romania and the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. It was especially dedicated to Prof. Dr. Peter Louis Antonelli, the liaison officer in the Memorandum, an untired promoter of Finsler, Lagrange and Hamilton geometries, very close to the Romanian School of Geometry led by Prof. Dr. Radu Miron. The dedica tion wished to mark also the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Peter Louis Antonelli. With this occasion a Diploma was given to Professor Dr. Peter Louis Antonelli conferring the title of Honorary Professor granted to him by the Senate of the oldest Romanian University (140 years), the "Al.I.Cuza" University, Ia§i, Roma nia. There were almost fifty participants from Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Romania, USA. There were scheduled 45 minutes lectures as well as short communications.


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Paolo Sironi, "FinTech Innovation: From Robo-Advisors to Goal Based Investing and Gamification "
English | ISBN: 1119226988 | 2016 | 192 pages | AZW3 | 1496 KB
A survival guide for the FinTech era of banking

FinTech Innovation examines the rise of financial technology and its growing impact on the global banking industry. Wealth managers are standing at the epicenter of a tectonic shift, as the balance of power between offering and demand undergoes a dramatic upheaval. Regulators are pushing toward a 'constrained offering' norm while private clients and independent advisors demand a more proactive role; practitioners need examine this banking evolution in detail to understand the mechanisms at work. This book presents analysis of the current shift and offers clear insight into what happens when established economic interests collide with social transformation. Business models are changing in profound ways, and the impact reaches further than many expect; the democratization of banking is revolutionizing the wealth management industry toward more efficient and client-centric advisory processes, and keeping pace with these changes has become a survival skill for financial advisors around the world.
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Fire On The Ganges: Life Among the Dead in Banaras By Radhika Iyengar
2023 | 371 Pages | ISBN: 9356994676 | EPUB | 1 MB
Life Among the Dead in Banaras

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Bruce Picken, "Fire Support Bases Vietnam: Australian and Allied Fire Support Base Locations and Main Support Units "
English | ISBN: 1921941545 | 2016 | 500 pages | EPUB | 10 MB
Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. In its simplest sense, a fire support base was an often hastily constructed fortified artillery base position, usually sited forward close to the center of the area of operations in support of task force, battalion or company operations. The role of the fire support base was to bring artillery and mortar fire within range of friendly forces operating in depth. Artillery gun areas were not unique to the Vietnam conflict. In previous wars they were deployed in allied territory to cover the front lines and to support advancing troops. The concept was first applied in Vietnam by US forces and quickly adapted by Australian forces arriving in Phuoc Tuy Province in May 1966 to fight a new kind of war. This conflict was not like its predecessors and the fire support bases were now more usually sited in territory dominated by the enemy to provide much-needed protection for forces operating in bitterly contested areas. Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a detailed account that identifies every fire support base by date, location and role and provides an outline of the operations in which they participated. This is an essential reference book for those with a serious interest in the Vietnam War, and adds valuable detail to the study of a campaign that occupies a unique place in the Australian psyche.

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Firing God By Cheryl Abram
2014 | 98 Pages | ISBN: 1908664487 | EPUB | 1 MB
Cheryl Abram was at the end of her rope: her life was falling apart on every level and she had "succeeded" in making herself unworthy, incomplete and separate. Then, one day this practicing Christian took a "leap of doubt" and fired God, or at least the God she had created.Cheryl's outward circumstances did not miraculously improve-this is not a fairy-tale story of allowing abundance into her life. Rather, as she puts it: I'm no longer afraid, anxious or expectant. It's still about me, but the "me" is not the "me" that I thought it was. It's not a little limited human being that was born and will die. I am not that. As a human being, I can see that I am connected to everything around me. I am a whole part of the tapestry of this world. We are all here for and as each other. To read how that came about and what it means in an everyday life for Cheryl and the implications for you and me, dive into the pages of this book.A last word from Cheryl: "I've just added a little sexy, brown-sugary southern Louisiana sweetness to the enlightenment pool."

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Claude Gillono, Leife Hulbert - First Blood: US 1st Armoured Divison in Tunisia (Under the Gun 2)
Oliver Publishing Group | 2010 | ISBN: 0980659310 | English | 36 pages | PDF | 29.29 MB

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First Love: Guiding Teens through Relationships and Heartbreak by Lisa A. Phillips
English | February 4, 2025 | ISBN: 1538161680 | True EPUB | 288 pages | 0.3 MB
A critical resource for parents to help their teens through the perplexing world of love and heartbreak that Booklist refers to as a "guidebook for parents of teens wading into new emotional waters, providing them with solid instruction, tips for healthy modeling, and recommended communication strategies.

Today's young people are beginning their love lives in a time of rapidly changing ideas and ideals about identity, commitment, sexuality, and consent. For parents, the new realities of teenage relationships can be both mystifying and daunting.
In First Love: Guiding Teens through Relationships and Heartbreak, Lisa A. Phillips chronicles the challenges today's adolescents face as they navigate crushes, dating, and breakups-and the challenges adults face as they strive to provide guidance and support. Phillips sheds light on how the relationships teens have today are different from their parents' generation, including their reliance on technology and social media, the rise of young people identifying as LGBTQ+, high rates of depression and anxiety, and consent consciousness. She provides concrete strategies and insights from experts and teens themselves on ways parents and other adults can help young people cope with the timeless issues of love and heartbreak.
Told from the perspective of a professor, mother, and award-winning journalist, First Love is a critical resource for parents, educators, mental health professionals, and others who want to understand the new realities of teen relationships-and help teens become caring, self-aware, and thriving young adults.

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First Steps in Differential Geometry: Riemannian, Contact, Symplectic by Andrew McInerney
English | PDF (True) | 2013 | 420 Pages | ISBN : 146147731X | 4.3 MB
Differential geometry arguably offers the smoothest transition from the standard university mathematics sequence of the first four semesters in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations to the higher levels of abstraction and proof encountered at the upper division by mathematics majors. Today it is possible to describe differential geometry as "the study of structures on the tangent space," and this text develops this point of view.

This book, unlike other introductory texts in differential geometry, develops the architecture necessary to introduce symplectic and contact geometry alongside its Riemannian cousin. The main goal of this book is to bring the undergraduate student who already has a solid foundation in the standard mathematics curriculum into contact with the beauty of higher mathematics. In particular, the presentation here emphasizes the consequences of a definition and the careful use of examples and constructions in order to explore those consequences.

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Five Festal Garments: Christian Reflections on the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther (Volume 10) (New Studies in Biblical Theology) By Barry G. Webb
2001 | 151 Pages | ISBN: 0830826106 | EPUB | 1 MB
In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Barry Webb offers fresh and illuminating perspectives on the "festival garments" of love, kindness, suffering, vexation and deliverance through a study of The Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther.

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Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing: The Last Self-Help Book You Will Ever Need By Gloria Arenson
2001 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 0743213874 | EPUB | 1 MB
Tap Your Troubles Away It's that simple. Meridian Therapy is a self-healing system that can be learned in minutes and can relieve a lifetime of emotional pain. A cutting-edge technique based on the ancient art of acupressure, it involves stimulating the energy meridians in the body by tapping on specific energy points and awakening their healing power. In Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing, noted therapist Gloria Arenson explains the scientific basis of Meridian Therapy and teaches readers the five easy-to-follow steps that will allow them to break free from stress and negative emotions. Meridian Therapy can be practiced any time, anywhere, in order to Improve performance in sports, work, and the bedroom Stop the fears that limit activities and ruin relationships Eliminate the urge to procrastinate Conquer cravings and compulsions Heal emotional scars and painful memories Improve self-esteem Dissolve panic attacks before they start

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Fixation to Freedom: The Enneagram of Liberation By Eli Jaxon-Bear
2019 | 275 Pages | ISBN: 1732952345 | EPUB | 1 MB
Your true nature is happiness and bliss. Everyone wants to be happy. This is a universal component of the human condition and may seem so self-evident that it does not bear noting. So why is it that so few people are truly happy? If it is true that our nature is happiness and bliss, why has it been so rare for people to realize this? Why has it been so rare for people to live their lives in gratitude and love? There is a living intelligence in all people that seeks ultimately to discover its true identity and source. It is a fortunate and mysterious moment when the desire for happiness leads to the investigation into personal identity, also known as self-inquiry. In the light of direct self-inquiry, limitations that once seemed to define oneself are discovered to be more like transparent lines drawn on water. They exist only on the surface of consciousness in one's imagination. When these illusions of mind are clearly exposed, true limitless being reveals itself. The Enneagram has appeared in our time as an illusory medicine to cure an imaginary disease. The disease is the egoic idea of separation from God, from one s true source. The cure is to look in the wisdom mirror of the Enneagram to see past all false identification to the truth of being. Eli Jaxon-Bear presents a radically new model of the ego and the psyche. Bringing together his background in Buddhism with the Sufi work on essence, he presents a fresh approach to awakening by using the Enneagram's nine fixated structures of ego to clearly describe who you are not. You will see how habits of egoic identification continuously appear to veil the pure, pristine consciousness that you truly are. When these habits of mind are exposed, there is a clear choice to end the bondage of ego-based suffering and to realize the vast, inherent freedom of one' s true nature. In this book, Eli gives us the map of the prison of mind and the keys to freedom.

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Fixing Language: An Essay on Conceptual Engineering by Herman Cappelen
English | May 29, 2018 | ISBN: 0198814712 | True EPUB | 224 pages | 0.4 MB
Herman Cappelen investigates ways in which language (and other representational devices) can be defective, and how they can be improved. In all parts of philosophy there are philosophers who criticize the concepts we have and propose ways to improve them. Once one notices this about philosophy, it's easy to see that revisionist projects occur in a range of other intellectual disciplines and in ordinary life. That fact gives rise to a cluster of questions: How does the process of conceptual amelioration work? What are the limits of revision? (How much revision is too much?) How does the process of revision fit into an overall theory of language and communication?

Fixing Language aims to answer those questions. In so doing, it aims also to draw attention to a tradition in 20th- and 21st-century philosophy that isn't sufficiently recognized. There's a straight intellectual line from Frege and Carnap to a cluster of contemporary work that isn't typically seen as closely related: much work on gender and race, revisionism about truth, revisionism about moral language, and revisionism in metaphysics and philosophy of mind. These views all have common core commitments: revision is both possible and important. They also face common challenges about the methods, assumptions, and limits of revision.

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Gareth L. Pawlowski - Flat-Tops and Fledglings: A History of American Aircraft Carriers
Castle Books | 1971 | ISBN: 0498076415 | English | 536 pages | PDF | 230.8 MB

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Flirting with Disaster: A Novel by Naina Kumar
English | January 14, 2025 | ISBN: 0593723902 | True EPUB | 320 pages | 1.9 MB
She needs a divorce from her husband-but a hurricane threatens to dredge up their stormy, passionate past in this sizzling romance from the bestselling author of Say You'll Be Mine.

It's been years since Meena separated from her husband, Nikhil . . . years since they first laid eyes on each other in their home state of Texas, years since they spontaneously wed in Las Vegas and she felt true happiness. Now a high-powered lawyer on Capitol Hill and ready to move on (at least, she thinks so) with another successful lawyer, Shake, Meena has returned to Texas. This time, finally to obtain a divorce.
But there's one thing Meena didn't account for: a hurricane forming in the Gulf, veering right toward them and giving them no choice but to hunker down in the home they had built together. Suddenly, she finds herself trapped amid gale-force winds and pelting rain with the man she once loved.
As they spend more time together, Meena begins to remember everything that drew her to Nikhil: his small-town charm, his thoughtful nature . . . his absurdly good looks. But being with Shake makes sense to her. He's steady, ambitious, and wants exactly what she wants. So she'll stick to her plan, come hell or high water. But will her windswept heart make the right choice, once the eye passes over and the storm settles?
With sharp observations about second chances at love, ambition and Indian American identity, and with characters who share an undeniable chemistry, Flirting with Disaster is a modern romance with the sensibility of a classic.

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Flood Legends: Global Clues of a Common Event By Charles Martin
2009 | 162 Pages | ISBN: 0890515530 | EPUB | 1 MB
The story of the Deluge - or the Global Flood of Noah - permeates nearly every culture in the world in some way, shape, or form. While details vary between the different cultures, the same basic elements, occur in all versions. Despite the striking similarities of these accounts, some mythologists have looked at the minor differences in the stories and declared: "This never happened!"There is another alternative - to accept that the different versions all refer to the same event - passed on from generation to generation, through various developing cultures. Through these legends, this epic event has remained woven into the tapestry of cultural history - sharing not just the story of survival, but the power of obedience, and the fulfillment of God's enduring promise.

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Kurt Weissen, "Florentine Banks in Germany: The Market Strategies of the Alberti, Medici, and Spinelli, 1400-1475"
English | ISBN: 3968222474 | 2024 | 556 pages | PDF | 4 MB
"Florentine Banks in Germany" offers a thorough examination of the market strategies employed by the influential Florentine banking families Alberti, Medici, and Spinelli from 1400 to 1475. Kurt Weissen reveals how these powerful merchants navigated the challenges and opportunities of the German market, facilitating key financial transfers between Germany and the Roman Curia. By leveraging advanced banking practices and building extensive networks across Europe, they played a crucial role in shaping medieval trade and finance, leaving a lasting impact on the development of economic systems in the early modern period, particularly within the realms of commerce and banking.

"Florentinische Banken in Deutschland" bietet eine Untersuchung der Marktstrategien, die von den florentinischen Bankiersfamilien Alberti, Medici und Spinelli zwischen 1400 und 1475 angewandt wurden. Kurt Weissen zeigt auf, wie diese Kaufleute die Herausforderungen und Chancen des deutschen Marktes nutzten und Finanztransfers zwischen Deutschland und der römischen Kurie ermöglichten. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Bankpraktiken spielten sie eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gestaltung des mittelalterlichen Handels und Finanzwesens und hatten einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Wirtschaftssysteme der Frühen Neuzeit, insbesondere im Bereich des Handels und Bankwesens.

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Mark Jurdjevic, "Florentine Political Writings from Petrarch to Machiavelli "
English | ISBN: 0812224329 | 2019 | 336 pages | AZW3 | 587 KB
In the fifteenth-century republic of Florence, political power resided in the hands of middle-class merchants, a few wealthy families, and powerful craftsmen's guilds. The intensity of Florentine factionalism and the frequent alterations in its political institutions gave Renaissance thinkers ample opportunities to inquire into the nature of political legitimacy and the relationship between authority and its social context.

This volume provides a selection of texts that describes the language, conceptual vocabulary, and issues at stake in Florentine political culture at key moments in its development during the Renaissance. Rather than presenting Renaissance political thought as a static set of arguments, Florentine Political Writings from Petrarch to Machiavelli instead illustrates the degree to which political thought in the Italian City revolved around a common cluster of topics that were continually modified and revised-and the way those common topics could be made to serve radically divergent political purposes.
Editors Mark Jurdjevic, Natasha Piano, and John P. McCormick offer readers the opportunity to appreciate how Renaissance political thought, often expressed in the language of classical idealism, could be productively applied to pressing civic questions. The editors expand the scope of Florentine humanist political writing by explicitly connecting it with the sixteenth-century realist turn most influentially exemplified by Niccolò Machiavelli and Francesco Guicciardini. Presenting nineteen primary source documents, including lesser known texts by Machiavelli and Guicciardini, several of which are here translated into English for the first time, this useful compendium shows how the Renaissance political imagination could be deployed to think through methods of electoral technology, the balance of power between different social groups, and other practical matters of political stability.
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