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Frauenbewegung in Deutschland 1848-1933 By Angelika Schaser
2006 | 169 Pages | ISBN: 3534152107 | PDF | 1 MB
Angelika Schaser gibt einen Überblick über ein Jahrhundert deutscher Frauenbewegung, wie er derzeit auf dem Buchmarkt nicht zu haben ist. Die Autorin behandelt alle Aspekte der deutschen Frauenbewegung von der Gründung zahlreicher Frauenverbände im 19. Jahrhundert und der Forderung nach dem Wahlrecht über das Erlangen des aktiven wie passiven Stimmrechts im Jahr 1918 bis zur Machtergreifung durch die Nationalsozialisten und dem damit verbundenen Bruch der Entwicklung.

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Greg Frost-Arnold, "Free Logic: A Generalization "
English | ISBN: 1009114050 | 2025 | 110 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Classical logic assumes that names are univocal: every name refers to exactly one existing individual. This Principle of Univocality has two parts: an existence assumption and a uniqueness assumption. The existence assumption holds that every name refers to at least oneindividual, and the uniqueness assumption states that every name refers to at most one individual. The various systems of free logic which have been developed and studied since the 1960s relax the existence assumption, but retain the uniqueness assumption. The present work investigates violations of both halves of the Principle of Univocality. That is, whereas the free logics developed from the 1960s are called 'free' because they are free of existential assumptions, the current Element generalizes this idea, to study logics that are free of uniqueness assumptions. We explore several versions of free logic, comparing their advantages and disadvantages. Applications of free logic to other areas of philosophy are explored.

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A. Arockia Bazil Raj, "Free Space Optical Communication: System Design, Modeling, Characterization and Dealing with Turbulence"
English | ISBN: 3110449951 | 2015 | 234 pages | EPUB | 10 MB
Recent progress in ICT has exceeded our expectations for meeting the requirement of multimedia society in the 21st century. The FSOC is considered to be one of the key technologies for realizing very high speed multi GbPs large-capacity terrestrial and aerospace communications. In FSOC, the optical beam propagation in the turbulent atmosphere is severely affected by various factors suspended in the channel. Wavefront aberration correcting with continuous beam alignment are the key requirements for a successful installation of an FSOC system which are the main contributions in our book.

Establishment of FSOC setups, development of accurate weather station, measurement of atmospheric attenuation (Att) and turbulence strength (Cn2), development of new models to predict the Att and Cn2, design of Response Surface Model and Artificial Neural Network based on controller, implementation of neural-controller in FPGA and attaining the BER of 6.4x10^-9 during different outdoor environments. All the original contributions, newness, findings and experimental results etc., are reported in the book. Subject of work; Wireless Optical Communication.
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Free Spirited: 60 No/Lo Cocktail Recipes for the Sober Curious by Colleen Graham
English | October 15, 2024 | ISBN: 0008732191, 0008664196 | True EPUB | 144 pages | 35.4 MB
The no-low alcohol lifestyle is booming, as more and more consumers are seeking fabulous mixed drinks that skip the alcohol.

Gone are the days of sugary Shirley Temples and soda-topped fruit juice. It is time for a mocktail revolution that combines non-alcoholic ingredients to create sensational alcohol-free drinks that rival any boozy well-crafted Martini or Old-Fashioned.
Whether sober-curious or conscious of the health benefits of abstaining from alcohol, Free Spirited will guide readers through this flavor-fuelled journey in low-/no-alcohol adult beverages. With a primer in bartending techniques to create better drinks, it's perfect for beginners and seasoned mixologists alike. You'll learn how to recreate timeless drinks like the Margarita and Old Fashioned into non-alcoholic wonders and discover original recipes that offer inspiration for personal cocktail experimentation.
With 60 recipes, there is something for everyone, from a Cos-No-Politan and Sober Sidecar to a Hibiscus Tea-Tini and Blueberry-Mint Smash, with charming original illustrations, easy-to-follow recipes, and delicious no/lo drinks for the sober curious.

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Freedom and Necessity: St. Augustine's Teaching on Divine Power and Human Freedom By Gerald Bonner
2007 | 142 Pages | ISBN: 0813214742 | PDF | 1 MB
Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), bishop of Hippo Regius (the modern Annaba in Algeria), is considered one of the outstanding thinkers in Western Christian civilization, Catholic and Protestant alike. Particularly influential has been his pessimistic doctrine of divine predestination, which holds that only a small proportion of humanity has been selected by God for salvation, while the overwhelming majority, including all unbaptized persons, are damned. Yet, paradoxically, Augustine's exposition of the Eucharistic unity of the elect in the Body of Christ, his Christology, and his emphasis on love as the principal mark of the Godhead have provided a pattern for Christian devotion and spirituality down through the ages.This book seeks to explain this paradox in Augustine's theology by tracing how these different emphases arose in his thought, and speculating as to why he endorsed, in the end, his theology of predestination. The book is intended not only for students of theology and church history, but even more for readers attracted to Christian doctrine. Written in straightforward language, it supplies adequate references to original sources for those wishing to further pursue the subject. The author, a historian turned theologian, has studied Augustine for more than sixty years and seeks neither to extenuate nor to condemn him, but to depict his thought. His book will prove fruitful for all who engage it. ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Gerald Bonner is university reader emeritus at the University of Durham. From 1991 to 1994 he was distinguished professor of early Christian studies in the School of Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America. He is the author or editor of several books including St. Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies and The Monastic Rules. PRAISE FOR THE BOOK:"As a well-known and respected Augustinian scholar, Gerald Bonner does a masterful job of shedding light on this paradox found in the writings and sermons of Augustine. . . . His book will prove very helpful not only to the person already engaged in the study of Augustinian theology but also the initiate as well." ― John C. Meyer, Catholic Books Review"Covering a varied range of topics within the confines of a book of merely 142 pages is a remarkable tour de force, something which only an erudite Augustine scholar such as Gerald Bonner is able to accomplish. . . . The author's lucid literary style, with its meticulous choice of wording, makes this book a pleasure to read and a storehouse of quotable phrases. He amply demonstrates his familiarity with various writings of Augustine (his anti-Pelagian writings, epistles, sermons, early dialogues, and, of course, his masterpieces (Confessions, De civitate Dei, De Trinitate)), which greatly contributes to the richness of the work. This fine study not only provides a refreshing, balanced view of Pelagianism, it does the same of Augustine. . . . Each chapter of this concise publication contains such a wealth of insights and enough food for thought to make it worth reading again and again." ― Geert Van Reyn, Augustiniana "Bonner writes with sensitivity and complexity on Augustine's views of freedom, responsibility, and predestination. One senses his bafflement and disappointment with an Augustine he clearly loves who could not see his way to rejecting the shocking consequences of his predestinarianism." ― Speculum"This book is the fruit of many years of thought and writing. Its author writes with a clarity which reflects this quiet maturing of its conclusions. . . . Bonner is visibly working out not just what Augustine really thought and why, but what is to be made of it by the modern believer, including himself. This is an approach Augustine himself would have warmed to. He liked nothing better as an author than an honest working out of experimental an

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Naomi T. Campa, "Freedom and Power in Classical Athens"
English | ISBN: 1009221434 | 2024 | 212 pages | EPUB | 3 MB
Athenian democracy was distinguished from other ancient constitutions by its emphasis on freedom. This was understood, Naomi T. Campa argues, as being able to do 'whatever one wished,' a widely attested phrase. Citizen agency and power constituted the core of democratic ideology and institutions. Rather than create anarchy, as ancient critics claimed, positive freedom underpinned a system that ideally protected both the individual and the collective. Even freedom, however, can be dangerous. The notion of citizen autonomy both empowered and oppressed individuals within a democratic hierarchy. These topics strike at the heart of democracies ancient and modern, from the discursive principles that structure political procedures to the citizen's navigation between the limitations of law and expression of individual will to the status of noncitizens within a state. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access. Check our website Cambridge Core for details.

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Freedom and the Human Person By Richard Velkley
2007 | 290 Pages | ISBN: 0813215080 | PDF | 1 MB
In the Western tradition, freedom and the human person have been at the center of philosophical, theological, moral, and political debates since the origins of this tradition. Although contemporary discourse betrays the multiplicity of these roots, the necessary historical perspective for evaluating them is almost always lacking, even in scholarly studies. The terms "freedom" and "person" carry such overwhelming force in the modern world that the critical distance required for grasping what is at stake in using them is extremely hard to gain. The present collection seeks to contribute toward finding that distance by making the tradition of thought more a living reality and not an object of arid analyses. Unlike most collections the present one transcends disciplinary boundaries, as it acknowledges the interconnectedness of philosophical, theological, and political arguments on these themes. The contributors are prominent authorities in particular historical periods or in figures in Western thought, and they treat approaches to freedom and the human person in ancient Greek, biblical, medieval and modern sources, although the major emphasis is on the thought of leading philosophers (Plato, Boethius, Aquinas, Ockham, Machiavelli, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Husserl, et al.). Their essays bring forward profound contrasts in how freedom and personhood have been grounded and characterized, notably the contrasts between groundings in natural reason and in supernatural revelation, between premodern teleological thinking and modern thinking on self-sovereignty without teleology, and within modern thought between positions favoring individual autonomy and others securing freedom and its exercise in communal or traditional life. Several of the papers shed light on the relations of freedom and personhood to the human powers of speech, thought, and judgment. The contributors to the volume are Seth Benardete, Michael Gillespie, Leon Kass, Robert B. Pippin, Robert Rethy, John M. Rist, Brian J. Shanley, O. P., Susan Meld Shell, Robert Sokolowski, Eleonore Stump, Nathan Tarcov, and Michael P. Zuckert (with Jesse Covington and James Thompson).Richard Velkley, former professor of philosophy at the Catholic University of America, is Celia Scott Weatherhead Professor of Philosophy at Tulane University. He is author of Freedom and the End of Reason: On the Moral Foundation of Kant's Critical Philosophy and Being after Rousseau: Philosophy and Culture in Question.

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Albrecht Classen, "Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Pre-Modern World: Cultural-Historical, Social-Literary, and Theoretical Reflec"
English | ISBN: 3110737124 | 2021 | 320 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
Contrary to common assumptions, medieval and early modern writers and poets often addressed the high value of freedom, whether we think of such fable authors as Marie de France or Ulrich Bonerius. Similarly, medieval history knows of numerous struggles by various peoples to maintain their own freedom or political independence. Nevertheless, as this study illustrates, throughout the pre-modern period, the loss of freedom could happen quite easily, affecting high and low (including kings and princes) and there are many literary texts and historical documents that address the problems of imprisonment and even enslavement (Georgius of Hungary, Johann Schiltberger, Hans Ulrich Krafft, etc.). Simultaneously, philosophers and theologians discussed intensively the fundamental question regarding free will (e.g., Augustine) and political freedom (e.g., John of Salisbury). Moreover, quite a large number of major pre-modern poets spent a long time in prison where they composed some of their major works (Boethius, Marco Polo, Charles d'Orléans, Thomas Malory, etc.). This book brings to light a vast range of relevant sources that confirm the existence of this fundamental and impactful discourse on freedom, imprisonment, and enslavement.

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Frei vom verklemmten Erbe: Warum viele Christen so wenig von gutem Sex verstehen - und wie sich das ändern kann By Paul König
2013 | 144 Pages | ISBN: 3940188654 | EPUB | 1 MB
Der erste Erotik-Ratgeber, der die Bibel wörtlich nimmt. Vorsicht, dieses Buch bricht Tabus!Gott, die Bibel und Sex: Passt das zusammen? Unbedingt! Schließlich ist guter Sex eine Erfindung Gottes. Er will, dass seine Menschen total erfüllte Sexualität erleben. Deshalb stehen in der Bibel, die auch Wort Gottes genannt wird, richtig gute und konkrete Tipps dafür. Leider hatten viele "fromme" Menschen von Anfang an etwas dagegen. Und so wurde aus einem erfüllten Erbe ein verklemmtes Erbe.Paul König spricht in seinem Buch Klartext: über die Geschichte der Prüderie, das Versagen der Kirchen und Gemeinden, vor allem aber darüber, wie erfüllter Sex in der Bibel beschrieben wird - vom erotischen Striptease bis zur Liebe in freier Natur, von prickelnder Verbalerotik bis zum Rezept gegen Pornografie-Abhängigkeit und Ehebruch. Der Autor scheut nicht vor Kritik zurück, deckt moderne Irrtümer auf, hat keinerlei Respekt vor etablierten Tabuzonen und eröffnet Wege zu neuen Denkweisen.Ein Buch für mutige Christen gleich welcher Konfession, die ihre Bibel als Sex-Ratgeber neu entdecken und das verklemmte Erbe endlich loswerden wollen.

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Freiheit des Glaubens und Systematik des Grundgesetzes: Zum Gewährleistungsgehalt schrankenvorbehaltloser Grundrechte am Beispiel der Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit By Vosgerau, Ulrich
2007 | 231 Pages | ISBN: 3428124278 | PDF | 1 MB
Kopftuch- und Kruzifixentscheidung des BVerfG haben deutlich werden lassen, daß bereits die dogmatischen Grundlagen des Umgangs mit der Glaubens- und Gewissensfreiheit des Grundgesetzes unklar geblieben sind. Diese dogmatischen Grundlagen sind nicht durch oberflächliche oder nur am letztlich beliebigen rechtspolitischen Vorverständnis orientierte Kritik am BVerfG zu gewinnen, sondern in der heutigen Zeit - zur Vorbereitung einer rationalen und demokratisch legitimierten Einwanderungs- und Integrationspolitik - neu und von der Dichotomie grundrechtlicher Freiheit und demokratischer Teilhabe her zu bestimmen. Diese Neubestimmung, die auch den offenen Paradigmenstreit im öffentlichen Recht zwischen Grundordnungs- und Rahmenordnungsthese sowie das institutionelle Grundrechtsdenken, die Prinzipienlehre und die These von der herausgehobenen Bedeutung der historisch-subjektiven Auslegung neu einordnet und fruchtbar macht, führt zu einer gewandelten Perspektive: schrankenvorbehaltlose Grundrechte haben keinen Schutzbereich, sondern einen Gewährleistungsgehalt, d. h. sie sind in die Rechtsordnung eingeordnet. Der Glaube ist wortwörtlich frei, Religionsfreiheit bietet aber keine Handlungsprivilegien im forum externum. Mithin ist auch Art. 136 I WRV keine "Schrankenbestimmung", sondern eine Klarstellung des nichtprivilegierenden Gewährleistungsgehalts der religiösen Freiheitsrechte des Grundgesetzes.

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French Renaissance Monarchy: Francis I & Henry II (Seminar Studies) By R. J. Knecht
2017 | 156 Pages | ISBN: 1138161136 | EPUB | 1 MB
First published in 1984, Professor Knecht's study quickly established itself as the best short account of the period. The reigns of Francis I and Henry II, spanning the first half of the sixteenth century, are one of the most colourful and formative periods of French history. In addition to examining the nature and effectiveness of their reigns, Professor Knecht also examines their foreign policies which brought them into conflict with other major powers. For this new edition the author has added a new chapter on patronage and the arts.

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Driss Ablali, "French theories on text and discourse "
English | ISBN: 3110794330 | 2023 | 292 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
It could be alleged that present-day French linguistics is characterized by a specific connection between the epistemology of text and that of discourse. The contributions gathered in this volume aim to reconsider this link - or dichotomy? - in light of the latest research developments. They are organized in three parts: the first explores the text-discourse connection, while the second and third tackle the epistemologies of text and discourse.

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Freundschaft in finsteren Zeiten Gedanken zu Lessing By Hannah Arendt
2021 | 142 Pages | ISBN: 3957576067 | EPUB | 1 MB
Die politische Dimension der Freundschaft entfaltet Hannah Arendt in ihren klassisch gewordenen Gedanken zu Lessing, die das gemeinsame Interesse an der Welt betonen. Denn die geschlossene Welt der Brüderlichkeit, in die Erniedrigte und Beleidigte sich ehemals zurückziehen konnten, ist in finsteren Zeiten zerstört worden, der Rückzug ins Private gescheitert und das Vergangene nicht zu bewältigen. Hannah Arendt setzt diesen verlorengegangenen Möglichkeiten eine Vision der Freundschaft entgegen, deren politische Leidenschaft vom gemeinsamen Interesse für die Welt lebt. Ihre ebenso polemische wie tröstende Auffassung des Miteinanders erhält im Licht der gegenwärtigen Polarisierung der Gesellschaft und politisch-gesellschaftlicher Krisen neue Bedeutung und Kraft.

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Friedrich Schiller und die Demokratie By Tresselt, Matthias
2009 | 211 Pages | ISBN: 3428131258 | PDF | 1 MB
Wie hat sich Schiller zur Demokratie verhalten? Obgleich politische und staatsrechtliche Debatten das Aufklärungszeitalter prägten und die Französische Revolution eine bedeutende Rolle im zeitgenössischen Denken spielte, ist Schillers Rechtsdenken, sind die Demokratiebezüge in seinem Werk bislang wenig, fast gar nicht beachtet worden. Hier setzt Matthias Tresselt mit seinem Buch an.Der Gang der Darstellung orientiert sich an einem entpolitisierten Ideenbegriff der Demokratie, der sich von den parteipolitischen Vereinnahmungen des ausgehenden 18. Jahrhunderts löst. Dieser Demokratiebegriff enthält den Freiheitsschutz der Bürger, die Teilhabe des Staatsbürgers an der Herrschaft (politische Gleichheit) sowie die internationalen Bezüge der Demokratie. In acht Abschnitten wirft der Autor jeweils ein zeitgenössisches Problem der Staatsrechtslehre auf und stellt dessen Verarbeitung in Schillers Werk dar. Diese acht Abschnitte sind drei Großkapiteln zugeordnet, in denen das Demokratieverständnis Schillers entfaltet wird.Mit Blick auf das dramatische und historiographische Werk zeigt der Verfasser Schillers stete Fixierung auf den Menschen und seine Vorstellung, das Wohl der Gesamtheit hänge vom Schicksal des Einzelnen ab. Schiller legitimiere den Staat vom Individuum her - ein erster wichtiger Schritt in Richtung Demokratie. Tresselt resümiert, Schiller sei - anders als bisher angenommen - ein demokratischer Denker gewesen, der mit der Demokratie und ihrer Struktur vertraut war, ihr offen gegenüber stand und sie unter bestimmten, insbesondere ethischen Voraussetzungen für möglich und erstrebenswert hielt.The subject of this study is democratic political thought in the dramatic and historiographic opus of Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805). The study situates the references to democracy in Schiller's work against the historical backgrounds of German territorial absolutism and the French Revolution, and evaluates them on the basis of a modern concept of democracy. The study is divided into three main chapters. In chapter one, the author shows that Schiller understood, illustrated and called for the substance of democracy, i.e. security, self-determination and citizens' rights of individual liberty. Similarly to Humboldt, the author argues, Schiller considered citizens' self-determination to be the origin of individual and cultural progress. The author discusses in detail the significance of individual liberty rights and human rights in Schiller's work, examining in particular the principles of communication and justice in $aDon Karlos$z and $aMaria Stuart$z. In addition, the author points out parallels to Kant's concept of human dignity. In chapter two, the author asks whether Schiller was familiar with the structure of democracy, i.e. with the political equality of citizens. The author advances the opinion that democratic structures are latent in Schiller's work, but are not realised in the modern sense. Schiller, it is argued, considered political equality possible and wished it to materialise as a form of governance for future generations. However, democracy for Schiller was possible only under certain prerequisites. In demonstrating this, the author distinguishes between legal prerequisites (representation, independence of the citizens and members of parliament) and ethical prerequisites (political maturity). In chapter three, the author highlights the universality of democracy, i.e. the references to European and international law in Schiller's work. The author concludes that Schiller was a European thinker who apprehended the protection of civic liberty, particularly freedom of religion, as the core of a European identity. Moreover, Schiller spoke in support of peace in Europe and a balance of power between the European states. The author argues that ultimately, Schiller followed Hugo Grotius in advocating a humanitarian form of international law.

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From 9 to Success By Y.C. Halan
2023 | 150 Pages | ISBN: 8119554302 | EPUB | 1 MB
An indispensable guide for anyone aspiring to achieve unparalleled professional excellence.In today's interconnected world, the job market is evolving at an unprecedented pace, demanding a new set of skills to thrive in a globalised economy. From 9 to Success is a compelling guide that equips individuals with the necessary skills and competencies to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving employment landscape.With insights from various industries and real-life success stories, the book offers a comprehensive roadmap to identify, cultivate, and showcase the skills that are highly sought after in the global job market. From communication and emotional intelligence to mind management, it explores the essential competencies and provides a structured way of developing them in order to excel in diverse professional environments. The book also emphasises the importance of fostering a global mindset that transcends borders and industries and...

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From Boolean Logic to Switching Circuits and Automata: Towards Modern Information Technology by Radomir S. Stanković , Jaakko Astola
English | PDF (True) | 2011 | 212 Pages | ISBN : 3642116817 | 105.6 MB
Logic networks and automata are facets of digital systems. The change of the design of logic networks from skills and art into a scientific discipline was possible by the development of the underlying mathematical theory called the Switching Theory. The fundamentals of this theory come from the attempts towards an algebraic description of laws of thoughts presented in the works by George J. Boole and the works on logic by Augustus De Morgan.

As often the case in engineering, when the importance of a problem and the need for solving it reach certain limits, the solutions are searched by many scholars in different parts of the word, simultaneously or at about the same time, however, quite independently and often unaware of the work by other scholars. The formulation and rise of Switching Theory is such an example.
This book presents a brief account of the developments of Switching Theory and highlights some less known facts in the history of it. The readers will find the book a fresh look into the development of the field revealing how difficult it has been to arrive at many of the concepts that we now consider obvious . Researchers in the history or philosophy of computing will find this book a valuable source of information that complements the standard presentations of the topic.

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From Byzantium to Constantinople: An Urban History by John Matthews
English | December 5, 2024 | ISBN: 0197585493 | True EPUB | 280 pages | 7.2 MB
The consecration of the city of Constantinople in 330 CE on the emplacement of the Greek city of Byzantium was one of the most important moments in the whole of Graeco-Roman history. The foundation of the city responded to important changes in the social, political, and cultural character of the Roman empire of the first three centuries. In its role as the capital of the Byzantine Empire, it provided a setting for a new religion and the framework for more than a thousand years of continued Roman history in the east. From Byzantium to Constantinople explores, in great detail, the Graeco-Roman context of the city and its early history in the first century of its identity as the new Rome.

The book surveys the events that led to the establishment of Constantinople, the circumstances of its foundation, and the first hundred years of its development as an imperial capital city resting upon a new religious identity. Based on a description and critical evaluation of the sources of the earlier history of the city of Byzantium, it attends to one document in particular-the Notitia Urbis Constantinopolitanae-a regional survey of the resources and monuments of the city, written in the early fifth century but preserving many details of the city as it had developed from its Greek and Roman background. Ranging from descriptions of Constantinople's facilities for the fighting of fires and distributions of bread, to the number of churches established in this period, the Notitia allows for a study of the economic and social diversity and housing conditions of its regions.
Constantinople, the new Rome founded by the first Christian emperor, was not built in a day nor did it lack an earlier history as an important city in a strategic location. The integration of these diverse and variously problematic sources enables the foundation of Constantinople to be understood in terms of a developing understanding of its role, and as a series of initiatives that could be accommodated by the resources of the government as it responded to new and distinctly non-Classical loyalties.

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From CIA To CEO: Unconventional Life Lessons for Thinking Bigger, Leading Better and Being Bolder by Rupal Patel
English | May 9, 2022 | ISBN: 1788706749, 1788706617, 9781788706629 | True EPUB | 320 pages | 0.4 MB
An Analyst's Guide for Entrepreneurship Development

Former CIA analyst Rupal Patel shares how you can dominate the entrepreneur industry using world-changing knowledge and skills.
Combine state intelligence with corporate motivation. Starting her career in the Central Intelligence Agency, Rupal Patel soon found herself as an influential business advisor for leaders and CEOs around the world. Now, she shares how you can achieve your executive goals using clandestine advice. From CIA to CEO is a leadership book that uses esoteric strategies that will guide you to overcome challenges and achieve success, aimed not only at entrepreneurs and CEOs but also at professionals across all fields seeking to enhance their leadership and strategic thinking skills. Exploring the three biggest lessons that every successful entrepreneur must know, you can be bolder, think smarter, and lead better every step of the way to the top of your career.
Unlock the CEO within. The road to success never starts with the business; it starts with their leaders, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to think bigger, lead better, and be bolder, regardless of their current role or industry. Based on her own journey from analyst to advisor, Rupal explores the best ways to amplify your strengths through expanding your skills. Dig deep into your identity and develop the trade that works for you. That way, your business can succeed in ways never thought possible.
Inside From CIA to CEO, you'll find tactical methods for the best entrepreneurship development possible, such as ways to:
Create a long-term ops planInstall conviction into your company through mental frameworksHow to take action when the mission goes wrongBecoming a mentor for future entrepreneurs
So if you enjoyed entrepreneur books such as Million Dollar Weekend, Diary of a CEO, or BreakProof, then you will love From CIA to CEO.

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From Class to Race: Essays in White Marxism and Black Radicalism (New Critical Theory) by Charles W. Mills
English | November 19, 2003 | ISBN: 0742513017, 0742513025 | True EPUB | 312 pages | 0.8 MB
In From Class to Race, Charles Mills maps the theoretical route that brought him to the innovative conceptual framework outlined in his academic bestseller The Racial Contract (1997). Mills argues for a new critical theory that develops the insights of the black radical political tradition. While challenging conventional interpretations of key Marxist concepts and claims, the author contends that Marxism has been "white" insofar as it has failed to recognize the centrality of race and white supremacy to the making of the modern world. By appealing to both mainstream liberal values and the structuralism traditionally associated with the left, Mills asserts that critical race theory can radicalize the mainstream Enlightenment and develop a new kind of contractarianism that deals frontally with race and other forms of social oppression rather than evading them.

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Daniel Stein, "From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels: Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 3110426560 | 2015 | 422 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
This essay collection examines the theory and history of graphic narrative as one of the most interesting and versatile forms of storytelling in contemporary media culture. Its contributions test the applicability of narratological concepts to graphic narrative, examine aspects of graphic narrative beyond the 'single work', consider the development of particular narrative strategies within individual genres, and trace the forms and functions of graphic narrative across cultures. Analyzing a wide range of texts, genres, and narrative strategies from both theoretical and historical perspectives, the international group of scholars gathered here offers state-of-the-art research on graphic narrative in the context of an increasingly postclassical and transmedial narratology.

This is the revised second edition of From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels
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