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Gute Unterhaltung: Eine Dekonstruktion der abendländischen Passionsgeschichte By Byung-Chul Han
2017 | 119 Pages | ISBN: 3957572754 | EPUB | 1 MB
Unbeobachtet findet Unterhaltung heute ihren Weg aus Brettspielen und Fernsehsendungen in alle Bereiche unseres Alltags und wird zum machtvollen Modus der Kommunikation. Wie ist dieses Phänomen zu deuten und woher stammt die weitverbreitete Unterhaltungsfeindlichkeit im abendländischen Denken? In seinem weitsichtigen und originellen Essay liest Byung-Chul Han die zahlreichen Ausgestaltungen von Unterhaltung ausgehend von der christlichen Passionsgeschichte als Anti-Emanzipation in der okzidentalen Philosophie: ob Gottlosigkeit, schlechte Kunst, Unmündigkeit, politische Unterwerfung oder Entfremdung, Unterhaltung wird als Symptom verschiedensten Unheils gezeichnet. Von Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger über Adorno, Luhmann bis hin zu Rauschenberg - "Gute Unterhaltung" ist ein faszinierendes Poesiealbum der Ideengeschichte.

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Gute Wissenschaft By Münch, Ingo von
2012 | 163 Pages | ISBN: 3428139526 | PDF | 1 MB
Eine Essentiale guter Wissenschaft ist die Unabhängigkeit der Lehrenden und Forschenden. Auftragsforschung muss unter diesem Aspekt nicht immer problematisch sein, wird dies aber mit Gefälligkeitsgutachten, wenn parteilich und intransparent betrieben. Bei Verfahren der Berufung auf eine Professur muss ein fairer Wettbewerb gewährleistet sein, was bei Pro-forma-Ausschreibungen nicht der Fall ist. Nicht illegal, aber hochschulpolitisch nicht wünschenswert ist die immer häufigere Erscheinung sog. Spagatprofessoren. Der Verbesserung der Lehre sollte ein größerer Stellenwert als bisher eingeräumt werden. Im Hinblick auf die Forschung plädiert die vorliegende Studie für die Beibehaltung der Habilitation; organisatorische Mängel im Verfahren müssen allerdings abgestellt werden. Ein Schwerpunkt der Erörterung des Themas Gute Wissenschaft betrifft die Praxis wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen. Hierbei geht es nicht nur um Plagiate, sondern auch um die Beurteilung von Doppelveröffentlichungen, Veröffentlichungen im Kollektiv oder anonym, und um den Umfang von Veröffentlichungslisten wie überhaupt um den Stellenwert von Veröffentlichungen und den damit zusammenhängenden Veröffentlichungsdruck. Für gute Wissenschaft ist auch die Wissenschaft als Lebensform, insbesondere das Prinzip der Kollegialität, von nicht zu unterschätzender Bedeutung.Die vorliegende Studie stützt sich auf Vorarbeiten z.B. der DFG, der MPG und des deutschen Hochschulverbandes, vor allem aber auf die eigenen Erfahrungen des Verfassers aus seiner langjährigen Tätigkeit als Hochschullehrer an verschiedenen Universitäten des In- und Auslandes.

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Hagar's Vocation: Philosophy's Role in the Theology of Richard Fishacre, OP By R. James Long
2015 | 296 Pages | ISBN: 0813227372 | PDF | 1 MB
Genesis 16 tells of Abraham conceiving Ishmael with his wife Sarai's servant Hagar. Dominican Friar Richard Fishacre (ca. 1200-1248) used this Biblical narrative to explore the relationship of the natural and Divine sciences. Fishacre believed that the theologian must first study the world, before he could be fruitful as a theologian. How do the natural sciences, in short, help us better understand the Scriptures? Fishacre, like his contemporaries Albert the Great (ca. 1200-1280) and Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) looked at ways that the newly-translated natural philosophy of Aristotle, with its empirical emphasis and a belief that knowledge begins in sense perception, could supplement the more otherworldly Neoplatonic approach to philosophy and the sciences inherited from St. Augustine. Hagar's Vocation is a collection of fifteen essays which focus on the contributions of Richard Fishacre, the first Dominican theologian at Oxford to have left a written legacy. The questions addressed by Fishacre include his arguments for God's existence, the multi-faceted problem of the human soul, the eternity of the world, the nature of light, the free choice of the will, angels and "spiritual matter," interiority and self-knowledge, undoing the past and God's absolute power, the magical arts, and the role of philosophy in a theology of creation. R. James Long, the world's leading authority on Fishacre, in this volume promises to establish this hitherto little studied English friar as a major figure in the development of a learned or philosophically grounded theology that remains the great achievement of High Scholasticism.

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Hair in Infectious Disease: Recognition, Treatment, and Prevention by Ralph M. Trüeb, Hudson Dutra Rezende, Maria Fernanda Reis Gavazzoni Dias
English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 423 Pages | ISBN : 3031307534 | 304.7 MB
The novel viral pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has sparked uncertainties and controversies as to its origin, epidemiology, and natural course. In this situation, the medical disciplines have strived to contribute to a better understanding of the disease with the best available evidence gained from the scientific method of observation and statistics. The study of the cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19 has evolved with the hope that they may be useful as markers for the disease, for prognostication, and further insights into the pathogenesis of the disease manifestations. In the wake of COVID-19, we have decided to take a more general look at the hair and scalp in infectious disease. Specifically, we must recognize that infectious diseases have wider preconditions besides the infectious agents, to include environmental and societal factors. Unless we also take account of the ecological, immunological, and behavioral circumstances that affect the emergence and spread of infectious diseases, including those of the hair and scalp, our knowledge of the pathogens and their connection to clinical disease presentation remain only partial and incomplete.

This book aims at illustrating in detail the environmental and individual preconditions, the pathogens, the clinical presentations, and the management of the infectious diseases that affect the hair and scalp, to include superficial and deep bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, infestations, systemic infectious diseases causing hair loss, their effective treatment, and their prevention.
Hair in Infectious Disease offers a complete overview of infectious hair disease and guides the practitioner in the choice of the best treatment; it will be a valued companion to board-certified dermatologists and dermatologists in training.

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Justin Podur, "Haiti's New Dictatorship: The Coup, the Earthquake and the UN Occupation"
English | ISBN: 0745332579 | 2012 | 208 pages | EPUB | 383 KB
In 1804 Haiti became the world's first independent black Republic following a slave revolution. 200 years later, ravaged by colonialism and violence, it was placed under UN military occupation. Haiti's New Dictatorship charts the country's recent history, from the 2004 coup against President Aristide to the devastating 2010 earthquake, revealing a shocking story of abuse and indifference by international forces. Justin Podur unmasks the grim reality of a supposedly benign international occupation, arguing that the denial of sovereignty is the fundamental cause of Haiti's problems. A powerful challenge and wake-up call to the international NGO and development community, Haiti's New Dictatorship is essential reading for anyone concerned with justice in the global south and progressive development policies.

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Hamas: A Beginner's Guide By Khaled Hroub
2010 | 196 Pages | ISBN: 074532973X | PDF | 1 MB
This beginner's guide to Hamas has been fully revised and updated. It now covers all the major events since the January 2006 elections, including the conflict with Fatah and Israel's brutal offensive in Gaza at the end of 2008.Explaining the reasons for Hamas's popularity, leading Al-Jazeera journalist and Cambridge academic Khaled Hroub provides the key facts that are so often missing from conventional news reports. It's a one-stop guide that gives a clear overview of Hamas's history, key beliefs, and its political agenda.This unique book provides a refreshing perspective that gets to the heart of Hamas.

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Hamiltonia: A State and Local Government Simulation
by Kaitlin N. Sidorsky and Kelly B. Smith
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1538192489 | 376 Pages | True ePUB | 21 MB

Students in state and local politics courses frequently have low levels of prior knowledge about the topic and even lower levels of engagement. Hamiltonia: A State Government Simulation promotes experiential and active learning by boosting engagement and making the content memorable and meaningful. By putting themselves in the driver's seat of creating state and local government institutions, students understand how variations in the rules of the game drastically affect the outcome in state politics and the policy areas they care about, like education, criminal justice, health care, and the environment.
This new text and simulation provide a full grounding in the basics of state and local government while also giving students an opportunity to apply what they have learned by building their own fictional fifty-first state from the ground up. Students will write a state constitution that gives shape to the institutions and rules, then engage directly with what they built - participating in an election, addressing pressing policy issues, and experiencing the challenges and opportunities of state-level political leaders. Hamiltonia brings political science concepts alive, provides the context for students to more fully understand state and local politics and feel more empowered to influence politics and policy where they live.
Features of this exciting book include:
An out of the box, class-tested simulation, ready to use in multiple settings and in a full range of course sizes
A full package of instructor resources available at, including an instructor manual, lecture slides, a test bank, and downloadable support materials for the simulation
Pedagogical aids like learning objectives, key terms, and suggested discussion questions to ensure students understand the basics before they jump into the simulation
Policy chapters on education, criminal justice, environment, and health to show the real-world implications of state and local government institutions and processes

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Hammertoes: A Case-Based Approach by Emily A. Cook
English | EPUB | 2019 | 419 Pages | ISBN : 3319165518 | 203.1 MB
Comprised exclusively of clinical cases demonstrating the various management strategies for hammertoes, this concise, practical casebook will provide foot and ankle surgeons with the best real-world strategies to properly treat these frequent deformities of the lower extremity and their complications. Beginning with a review of the relevant anatomy and biomechanics of the toe, each subsequent chapter includes case material with a unique clinical presentation, followed by a description of the diagnosis, assessment and management techniques used to treat it, as well as the case outcome, literature review and clinical pearls and pitfalls. Chapters included illustrate different surgical fixation techniques, including PIPJ arthroplasty and arthrodesis, tendon transfers and tenotomies, and osteotomies, as well as management strategies for complications.

Pragmatic and reader-friendly, Hammertoes: A Case-Based Approach is an excellent resource for foot and ankle surgeons treating this common but frustrating condition.

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Dominique Charpin, "Hammurabi of Babylon"
English | ISBN: 1350197785 | 2021 | 270 pages | EPUB | 7 MB
Hammurabi was the sixth king of ancient Babylon and also its greatest. Expanding the role and influence of the Babylonian city-state into an imperium that crushed its rivals and dominated the entire fertile plain of Mesopotamia, Hammurabi (who ruled c. 1792-1750 BCE) transformed a minor kingdom into the regional superpower of its age. But this energetic monarch, whose geopolitical and military strategies were unsurpassed in his time, was more than just a war-leader or empire-builder. Renowned for his visionary Code of Laws, Hammurabi's famous codex - written on a stele in Akkadian, and publicly displayed so that all citizens could read it - pioneered a new kind of lawmaking. The Code's 282 specific legal injunctions, alleged to have been divinely granted by the god Marduk, remain influential to this day, and offer the historian fascinating parallels with the biblical Ten Commandments. Dominique Charpin is one of the most distinguished modern scholars of ancient Babylon. In this fresh and engaging appraisal of one of antiquity's iconic figures, he shows that Hammurabi, while certainly one of the most able rulers in the whole of prehistory, was also responsible for pivotal developments in the history of civilization.

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Han Feizi, the Art of Statecraft in Early China (Vol.1): A Bilingual Edition
by Jens Østergaard Petersen, Yuri Pines
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9004699074 | 453 Pages | PDF | 3.8 MB

Volume 1 of a 2-volume set: This annotated translation of Han Feizi introduces one of China's most controversial political texts. Generations of Chinese literati have deplored Han Feizi's cynical assault on moralising discourse, blatant authoritarianism, and gleeful derision of fellow intellectuals. Yet many were attracted to the text's practical advice, especially its advocacy of reliance on impartial standards rather than on the personal qualities of the leaders (who may be dupes, selfish, or both). And many more admired the text's incisiveness, wit, humour, and realistic approach to politics.
The new translation makes the text's political philosophy and its literary gems accessible to the interested readers.

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Han Feizi, The Art of Statecraft in Early China (Vol.2): A Bilingual Edition
by Jens Østergaard Petersen and Yuri Pines
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9004723439 | 661 Pages | PDF | 4.42 MB

Volume 2 of a 2-volume set: This annotated translation of Han Feizi introduces one of China's most controversial political texts. Generations of Chinese literati have deplored Han Feizi's cynical assault on moralising discourse, blatant authoritarianism, and gleeful derision of fellow intellectuals. Yet many were attracted to the text's practical advice, especially its advocacy of reliance on impartial standards rather than on the personal qualities of the leaders (who may be dupes, selfish, or both). And many more admired the text's incisiveness, wit, humour, and realistic approach to politics.
The new translation makes the text's political philosophy and its literary gems accessible to the interested readers.

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Handbook of Addiction, Recovery and Quality of Life: Cross-cutting Perspectives from Around the Globe by Maria Florence, Wouter Vanderplasschen, Mansoo Yu, Jessica De Maeyer, Shazly Savahl
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 466 Pages | ISBN : 3031658728 | 51.4 MB
This handbook brings together research and innovation across two important and related fields, quality of life (QoL) and addiction recovery. Though both fields of research are equally vibrant, this volume brings together the advancing scholarly exploration of the intersection between QoL and addiction recovery. It provides comprehensive coverage of the theoretical perspectives on QoL in the field of addiction and recovery; instruments and methodologies to assess QoL; different types of addiction in specific populations and QoL; and practices and interventions for supporting recovery and promoting QoL. It importantly includes international and intercultural perspectives on QoL and addiction recovery. By including sound theoretical, conceptual, historical, empirical and cross-cultural contributions on QoL and addictions, the volume offers many opportunities for advancing support, treatment and recovery of persons with addiction problems based on their subjective perspectives and experiences.

This handbook is a go-to resource for a wide interdisciplinary readership interested in quality-of-life research, subjective well-being, public health, and addiction research.

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Handbook of Biochips: Integrated Circuits and Systems for Biology and Medicine by Mohamad Sawan
English | EPUB (True) | 2022 | 1343 Pages | ISBN : 1441993185 | 287.9 MB
This book provides a broad survey of the field of biochips, including fundamentals of microelectronics and biomaterials interaction with various, living tissues, as well as numerous, diverse applications. Although a wide variety of biochips will be described, there will be a focus on those at the brain-machine interface. Analysis is included of the relationship between different categories of biochips and their interactions with the body and coverage includes wireless remote control of biochips and arrays of microelectrodes, based on new biomaterials.


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Handbook of Burns Volume 1: Acute Burn Care by Marc G. Jeschke
English | EPUB | 2020 | 578 Pages | ISBN : 3030189392 | 106.7 MB
The second edition of this volume provides updated information on acute burn treatment. It also discusses genomic responses to burns and novel techniques in this area. Divided into four topical parts, this book provides insights into the history, epidemiology, prevention of burns, as well as initial and pre-hospital management of burns, acute burn care and therapy, and non-thermal burns. All chapters have been edited by leading world authorities on burn care and offer readers a broad overview of the techniques and outcomes in this area.


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Handbook of Chinese Migration to Europe
by Mette Thuno, Simeng Wang
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9004519300 | 727 Pages | PDF | 6.68 MB

The Handbook of Chinese Migration to Europe offers a comprehensive exploration of recent human mobility from China to Europe. Written by leading scholars from various disciplines, its 23 chapters delve into the multifaceted dimensions of Chinese migrants and their descendants across Europe, providing novel explorations into migration motivations and pathways, China's diaspora engagement, economic entrepreneurship, socialization, and identity constructions. Each chapter presents existing scholarship and contributes with fresh empirical research that challenges conventional assumptions. Whether you are a researcher, policymaker, journalist, commentator, practitioner, or student, this handbook provides invaluable insights, reshaping our understanding of migration and China-Europe dynamics in the 21st century.

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Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: Volume 1, Second Edition by Erik P. Blasch
English | EPUB | 2022 | 753 Pages | ISBN : 3030745678 | 142.3 MB
The Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems establishes an authoritative reference of DDDAS, pioneered by Dr. Darema and the co-authors for researchers and practitioners developing DDDAS technologies.

Beginning with general concepts and history of the paradigm, the text provides 32 chapters by leading experts in ten application areas to enable an accurate understanding, analysis, and control of complex systems; be they natural, engineered, or societal:
The authors explain how DDDAS unifies the computational and instrumentation aspects of an application system, extends the notion of Smart Computing to span from the high-end to the real-time data acquisition and control, and manages Big Data exploitation with high-dimensional model coordination.
The Dynamically Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS) paradigm inspired research regarding the prediction of severe storms. Specifically, the DDDAS concept allows atmospheric observing systems, computer forecast models, and cyberinfrastructure to dynamically configure themselves in optimal ways in direct response to current or anticipated weather conditions. In so doing, all resources are used in an optimal manner to maximize the quality and timeliness of information they provide.
Kelvin Droegemeier, Regents' Professor of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma; former Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
We may well be entering the golden age of data science, as society in general has come to appreciate the possibilities for organizational strategies that harness massive streams of data. The challenges and opportunities are even greater when the data or the underlying system are dynamic - and DDDAS is the time-tested paradigm for realizing this potential.
Sangtae Kim, Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at Purdue University.

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Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems: Volume 2 by Frederica Darema, Erik P. Blasch, Sai Ravela, Alex J. Aved
English | EPUB (True) | 2023 | 937 Pages | ISBN : 3031279859 | 138.1 MB
This Second Volume in the series Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS) expands the scope of the methods and the application areas presented in the first Volume and aims to provide additional and extended content of the increasing set of science and engineering advances for new capabilities enabled through DDDAS. The methods and examples of breakthroughs presented in the book series capture the DDDAS paradigm and its scientific and technological impact and benefits. The DDDAS paradigm and the ensuing DDDAS-based frameworks for systems' analysis and design have been shown to engender new and advanced capabilities for understanding, analysis, and management of engineered, natural, and societal systems ("applications systems"), and for the commensurate wide set of scientific and engineering fields and applications, as well as foundational

The DDDAS book series aims to be a reference source of many of the important research and development efforts conducted under the rubric of DDDAS, and to also inspire the broader communities of researchers and developers about the potential in their respective areas of interest, of the application and the exploitation of the DDDAS paradigm and the ensuing frameworks, through the examples and case studies presented, either within their own field or other fields of study.
As in the first volume, the chapters in this book reflect research work conducted over the years starting in the 1990's to the present. Here, the theory and application content are considered for:
Foundational Methods
Materials Systems
Structural Systems
Energy Systems
Environmental Systems: Domain Assessment & Adverse Conditions/Wildfires
Surveillance Systems
Space Awareness Systems
Healthcare Systems
Decision Support Systems
Cyber Security Systems
Design of Computer Systems
The readers of this book series will benefit from DDDAS theory advances such as object estimation, information fusion, and sensor management. The increased interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Neural Networks (NN) provides opportunities for DDDAS-based methods to show the key role DDDAS plays in enabling AI capabilities; address challenges that ML-alone does not, and also show how ML in combination with DDDAS-based methods can deliver the advanced capabilities sought; likewise, infusion of DDDAS-like approaches in NN-methods strengthens such methods. Moreover, the "DDDAS-based Digital Twin" or "Dynamic Digital Twin", goes beyond the traditional DT notion where the model and the physical system are viewed side-by-side in a static way, to a paradigm where the model dynamically interacts with the physical system through its instrumentation, (per the DDDAS feed-back control loop between model and instrumentation).

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Handbook of Gerontology Research Methods: Understanding successful aging By Leigh Riby
2017 | 251 Pages | ISBN: 1138779032 | PDF | 1 MB
The Handbook of Gerontology Research Methods offers a clear understanding of the most important research challenges and issues in the burgeoning field of the psychology of aging. As people in developed countries live longer, so a range of research methods has evolved that allows a more nuanced understanding of how we develop psychological and neurologically. Allied to this is an increasing concern with the idea of well-being, a concept which places cognitive performance and development within a more socially grounded context.With contributions from a range of top international scholars, the book addresses both typical and atypical aging, highlighting key areas such as physical and cognitive exercise, nutrition, stress, diabetes and issues related to death, dying and bereavement. Successful ageing is emphasised throughout the text. Each chapter concludes with a series of practical tips on how to undertake successful research in this area. This unique collection is the first book to provide both a concise overview of the major themes, findings and current controversies in this growing field, as well as an understanding of the practical issues when researching older adults which may impact on research outcomes, intervention, policy and future directions.Designed for both students and researchers interested in the psychology of aging, but also highly relevant for students or researchers in related fields such as health psychology and social care, the Handbook of Gerontology Research Methods is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand more about the psychology of aging.

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Handbook of Insurance, Second Edition by Georges Dionne
English | PDF (True) | 2013 | 1133 Pages | ISBN : 1493908618| 16.4 MB
This new edition of the Handbook of Insurance reviews the last forty years of research developments in insurance and its related fields. A single reference source for professors, researchers, graduate students, regulators, consultants and practitioners, the book starts with the history and foundations of risk and insurance theory, followed by a review of prevention and precaution, asymmetric information, risk management, insurance pricing, new financial innovations, reinsurance, corporate governance, capital allocation, securitization, systemic risk, insurance regulation, the industrial organization of insurance markets and other insurance market applications. It ends with health insurance, longevity risk, long-term care insurance, life insurance financial products and social insurance.

This second version of the Handbook contains 15 new chapters. Each of the 37 chapters has been written by leading authorities in risk and insurance research, all contributions have been peer reviewed, and each chapter can be read independently of the others.

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Handbook of Linguistic Annotation edited by James Pustejovsky, Nancy Ide
English | June 29, 2017 | ISBN: 9402408797, 9402414266 | True EPUB | 1468 pages | 13.4 MB
This handbook offers a thorough treatment of the science of linguistic annotation. Leaders in the field guide the reader through the process of modeling, creating an annotation language, building a corpus and evaluating it for correctness. Essential reading for both computer scientists and linguistic researchers.

Linguistic annotation is an increasingly important activity in the field of computational linguistics because of its critical role in the development of language models for natural language processing applications.
Part one of this book covers all phases of the linguistic annotation process, from annotation scheme design and choice of representation format through both the manual and automatic annotation process, evaluation, and iterative improvement of annotation accuracy.
The second part of the book includes case studies of annotation projects across the spectrum of linguistic annotation types, including morpho-syntactic tagging, syntactic analyses, a range of semantic analyses (semantic roles, named entities, sentiment and opinion), time and event and spatial analyses, and discourse level analyses including discourse structure, co-reference, etc. Each case study addresses the various phases and processes discussed in the chapters of part one.

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