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Intelligent Warfare: The Memoirs of General Sir Frank Kitson GBE KCB MC and Bar DL
by Frank Kitson
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1036122913 | 272 Pages | True ePUB | 4.85 MB

General Sir Frank Kitson's memoir details his distinguished 41-year career, highlighting his innovative tactics and leadership in key conflicts.
As this superb memoir bears out, General Sir Frank Kitson's 41-year career ranks among the most distinguished and eventful of the post-1945 era.
Commissioned into the Rifle Brigade at the end of the Second World War, he distinguished himself during the vicious Mau Mau campaign. His highly innovative tactics and personal courage earned him his first Military Cross. The second quickly followed in Malaya at the height of the Emergency.
In typically understated style, the Author describes his role planning the fight against communist aggression in Oman and his two tours in Cyprus, the second when commanding 1st Battalion The Royal Green Jackets.
His effective uncompromising approach while commanding 39 Infantry Brigade in Belfast in the early 1970s was to have life-long security implications for Kitson and his family. Despite controversy he was marked out for high command. As GOC 2nd Armoured Division in BAOR and Commandant of The Staff College, his forensic brain and experience made a significant impact at a time of change. His final appointment was Commander-in-Chief UK Land Forces.
How fortunate that this gifted, gallant and inspiring leader was persuaded by his ever-supportive wife Elizabeth to record his career and military thinking, albeit on the condition it would only be published after his death. The result is a highly readable, wide-ranging work which will appeal to all interested in late 20th Century military history.

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Erica Feldmann, "Intention Obsession: A Practical and Fun Witchcraft Companion with Self-Care Rituals and DIY Projects, Perfect for Winte"
English | ISBN: 0063353334 | 2025 | 304 pages | EPUB | 129 MB
Conjure an intention-filled life with this practical guidebook of magickal rituals for every season of the zodiac, from Erica Feldmann, owner and founder of the Salem-based store, HausWitch.

Let's face it, we could all use a bit more magick in our lives. Even if you're not ready to commit to a black velvet cloak or join a coven (yet), Intention Obsession is a book for all types of seekers, sharing practical magick and self-care rituals for any kind of lifestyle. Think of the magick in this book as an antidote to our world of relentless productivity, oppression, and estrangement.
As the owner of the popular HausWitch store in "Witch City" Salem, Massachusetts, Erica Feldmann knows firsthand that many people are curious about witchcraft, but don't quite know where to start. This book is her invitation into a new, enchanting realm, where you can learn to create exactly the life you want to live by working with intention.
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Interactions Between Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field: A Theoretical Approach to Ion Stopping in Magnetized Plasmas by Hrachya Nersisyan , Christian Toepffer , Günter Zwicknagel
English | PDF (True) | 2007 | 192 Pages | ISBN : 3540698531 | 12.1 MB
This monograph focusses on the influence of a strong magnetic field on the interactions between charged particles in a many-body system. Two complementary approaches, the binary collision model and the dielectric theory are investigated in both analytical and numerical frameworks. In the binary collision model, the Coulomb interaction between the test and the target particles is screened because of the polarization of the target. In the continuum dielectric theory one considers the interactions between the test particle and its polarization cloud. In the presence of a strong magnetic field, there exists no suitable parameter of smallness. Linearized and perturbative treatments are not more valid and must be replaced by numerical grid or particle methods. Applications include the electron cooling of ion beams in storage rings and the final deceleration of antiprotons and heavy ion beams in traps.


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Interaktive Systeme: Band 1: Grundlagen, Graphical User Interfaces, Informationsvisualisierung By Bernhard Preim
Deutsch | PDF | 2010 | 646 Pages | ISBN : 3642054013 | 105.6 MB
Wie müssen Benutzungsschnittstellen komplexer Computersysteme gestaltet werden? Wovon hängt die Effizienz der Interaktion ab? Was macht die User Experience interaktiver Produkte aus? Diesen Fragen widmet sich die grundlegend überarbeitete zweite Auflage des Buchs Interaktive Systeme. Um vielfältigen Aspekten und Trends gerecht zu werden, erscheint das Buch nun in zwei Bänden, vom Autorenteam in verständlicher, wissenschaftlich fundierter Weise geschrieben. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele, Handlungsempfehlungen sowie weiterführende Literaturhinweise machen das Buch sowohl für Studierende wie auch für Praktiker zu einem lesenswerten und umfassenden Kompendium.

Basierend auf kognitiven Grundlagen bietet Band 1 eine umfassende Einführung in den Entwurf interaktiver Systeme. Von den Eingabegeräten bis zum Dialogdesign werden alle wichtigen Aspekte der Gestaltung fensterbasierter Systeme ausführlich diskutiert. Abgerundet wird der Band durch die Diskussion von modernen Techniken der Informationsvisualisierung.

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Shame: Methods, Theories, Norms, Cultures, and Politics By Cecilea Mun
2019 | 240 Pages | ISBN: 1498561365 | EPUB | 1 MB
Shame is one of the most stigmatized and stigmatizing of emotions. Often characterized as an emotion in which the subject holds a global, negative self-assessment, shame is typically understood to mark the subject as being inadequate in some way, and a sizable amount of work on shame focuses on its problematic or unhealthy aspects, effects, or consequences. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Shame reorients readers to a more balanced understanding of what shame is, as well as its value and social function. The contributors recognize shame as a complex, richly layered, conscious or unconscious phenomenon, and the collection offers an understanding of how theories of shame can help or hinder us in understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us. It also highlights how a diverse range of perspectives on shame can enlighten our understanding of both the positive and negative aspects of this powerful emotion. Edited by Cecilea Mun, these chapters by an international group of scholars reflect a broad range of methods, disciplinary perspectives, and both theoretical and practical concerns regarding shame.

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Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture By Walter J. Ong
2013 | 353 Pages | ISBN: 080141105X | EPUB | 1 MB
Drawing on a wide range of disciplines-linguistics, phenomenological analysis, cultural anthropology, media studies, and intellectual history-Walter J. Ong offers a reasoned and sophisticated view of human consciousness different in many respects from that of structuralism. The essays in Interfaces of the Word are grouped around the dialectically related themes of change or alienation and growth or integration. Among the subjects Ong covers are the origins of speech in mother tongues; the rise and final erosion of nonvernacular learned languages; and the fictionalizing of audiences that is enforced by writing. Other essays treat the idiom of African talking drums, the ways new media interface with the old, and the various connections between specific literary forms and shifts in media that register in the work of Shakespeare and Milton and in movements such as the New Criticism. Ong also discusses the paradoxically nonliterary character of the Bible and the concerted blurring of fiction and actuality that marked much drama and narrative toward the close of the twentieth century.

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International Commercial Agreements: An Edinburgh Law Guide By Michala Meiselles
2013 | 336 Pages | ISBN: 0748679057 | PDF | 1 MB
A cross-disciplinary introduction to the complex world of international commercial agreementsNo contract can be perfect but the parties should aim for perfection, and this book aims to show you how to achieve this. So when planning, negotiating and writing international commercial agreements, it is important to know exactly what essential issues need to be addressed. What considerations do you need to take into account when planning an agreement? What writing techniques will ensure that your contract is suited to your needs? What provisions should you include in such a contract? Michala Meiselles answers these questions in an easy-to-use, clear and concise fashion, combining the most up-to-date material on the subject and an understanding of the learning needs of those approaching this subject for the first time. Whether you're a business manager, lawyer or student, this is your go-to guide to find out drafting commercial agreements.Key FeaturesIncludes case studies, checklists and features that flag key informationWritten in easy-to-understand language, avoiding obscure legaleseEach chapter starts with an overview and ends with a summary of key pointsIncludes templates of agreement clauses for you to model your own contracts on Relevant across different countries and jurisdictions

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International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance 2023 by Uday Kumar, Ramin Karim, Diego Galar, Ravdeep Kour
English | EPUB (True) | 2024 | 780 Pages | ISBN : 3031396189 | 123.7 MB
This proceedings brings together the papers presented at the International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance 2023 (IAI2023). The conference integrates the themes and topics of three conferences: Industrial AI & eMaintenance, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM) and, Advances in Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability (ARMS) on a single platform. This proceedings serves both academy and industry in providing an excellent platform for collaboration by providing a forum for exchange of ideas and networking.

The 21st century has seen remarkable progress in Artificial Intelligence, with application to a variety of fields (computer vision, automatic translation, sentiment analysis in social networks, robotics, etc.) The IAI2023 focuses on Industrial Artificial Intelligence, or IAI. The emergence of industrial AI applications holds tremendous promises in terms of achieving excellence and cost-effectiveness in the operation and maintenance of industrial assets. Opportunities in Industrial AI exist in many industries such as aerospace, railways, mining, construction, process industry, etc. Its development is powered by several trends: the Internet of Things (IoT); the increasing convergence between OT (operational technologies) and IT (information technologies); last but not least, the unabated fast-paced developments of advanced analytics. However, numerous technical and organizational challenges to the widespread development of industrial AI still exist.
The IAI2023 conference and its proceedings foster fruitful discussions between AI creators and industrial practitioners.

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International Handbook on Education in Southeast Asia
by Lorraine Pe Symaco and Martin Hayden
English | 2024 | ISBN: 981168135X | 1488 Pages | True PDF | 28 MB

This International Handbook provides a detailed account of the education systems of 11 Southeast Asian nations, including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor- Leste, and Vietnam. It presents a systematic sector-by-sector explanation of how these national education systems deliver educational services and respond to national and international issues and challenges. With 56 chapters, the International Handbook is the region's most comprehensive educational reference source. In the first of its chapters, the editors introduce the regional context and draw attention to the distinctive characteristics of each of the 11 systems. Southeast Asia, representing 8.5% of the world's population, is as dynamic as it is diverse. The International Handbook charts progress and establishes a benchmark for documenting future developments. It also provides a stepping-off point for more detailed investigations of decision-making processes and outcomes across the 11 national education systems.

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International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law (Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law) By Orna Ben-Naftali (editor)
2011 | 480 Pages | ISBN: 0191001600 | EPUB | 1 MB
The idea that international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) are complementary, rather than mutually exclusive regimes generated a paradigmatic shift in the international legal discourse. The reconciliation was driven by a humanistic ethos and its purpose was to offer greater protection of the rights to life, liberty and dignity of all individuals under all circumstances. The complementarity of both regimes currently enjoys the status of the new orthodoxy and simultaneously invites critical reflection. This collection of essays accepts the invitation, offering diverse assessments of the merits of taking human rights to the battlefields of the twenty-first century. International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law comprises three parts: part I focuses on the paradigmatic (security based "armed conflict" vs. human rights centered "law enforcement" paradigms) and the normative complexities of the interaction between both regimes in the "fight against terror" and in other, allegedly new, types of wars. Part II discusses the interplay between IHRL and IHL in the context of three specific regimes: belligerent occupation, the European Court of Human Rights, and the protection of cultural heritage. Part III explores the potential fusion of IHL and IHRL into a new paradigm in two areas: post-bellum accountability and compensation to victims of war crimes. The range of issues, multitude of competing norms and narratives, and shifting paradigms explored in this collection, converse with each other. This conversation mirrors the process through which international law - paying deference to political realities while simultaneously seeking to transcend them - charts new pathways to advance its humanizing project.

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International Law Essentials By John Grant
2014 | 180 Pages | ISBN: 074869840X | PDF | 1 MB
Your introductory guide to the laws that govern states and their interactionsFrom human rights and the use of force to settling disputes and the sea, this concise guide gives you the basic facts about international law. Learn about its history, discover how it has developed over time and find out which sources you should be accessing and how to use them. Summary sections of Essential Facts and Essential Cases will help students to learn and revise.

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Sandrine Kott, "International Organizations and the Cold War: Competition, Cooperation, and Convergence "
English | ISBN: 1350416495 | 2025 | 272 pages | PDF | 4 MB
The post-WWII era was a time of superpower confrontation and antagonistic bloc politics, but it was also a period in which organized internationalism reached its peak as both an ideological value and a political practice. This open access volume explores how international organizations affected the evolution and nature of Cold War rivalries, and how they in turn were shaped by them.

In seeking to understand the role that international organizations have played as sites of confrontation, this volume also highlights their role as spaces for mediation and negotiation, particularly for middle-size powers and colonized or newly decolonized countries. Through multiple perspectives, based on a diverse array of historical sources, the authors collectively explore how international organizations were able to bridge and move beyond the Cold War divide by promoting common causes and shaping common scientific knowledge, communities and practices.
Rather than focusing exclusively on western-dominated institutions within the UN system which have received the most scholarly attention to date,
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International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017 By Vera Murgul
English | PDF | 2018 | 1367 Pages | ISBN : 3319709860 | 115.8 MB
This book includes the proceedings of the 19th International Scientific Conference "Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017", which was held in Khabarovsk, Russia on 10-13 April 2017. The book presents the research findings of scientists working at universities in the Far Eastern, Siberian and Ural Federal Districts of Russia, and of Serbia, which are unique regions notable for sustainably operating complex transport infrastructures in severe climatic and geographic environments. It also offers practical insights into transportation operation under such conditions.

The book discusses the experiences of colleagues from Slovenia, Ukraine and Latvia in the development of transport infrastructure and construction of transport facilities and features and includes the results of a wide range of studies, such as managing multimodal transportation, improving the efficiency of locomotives, electric locomotives, traction substations, electrical substations, relay protection and automation devices, and power-factor correction units. It addresses topics like renewable energy sources, problems of the mathematical and simulation modelling of electromagnetic processes of electrical power objects and systems, aspects of cost reduction for fuel-and-power resources, theoretical aspects of energy management, development of transport infrastructure, modern organizational and technological solutions in construction, new approaches in the field of management, analysis and monitoring in transport sector.Comprising 142 high-quality articles covering a wide range of topics, these proceedings are of interest to anyone engaged in transport engineering, electric power systems, energy management, construction and operation of transport infrastructure buildings and facilities.

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International Transfers of Health Data: A Global Perspective
by Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci and Mark Fenwick
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819799821 | 267 Pages | True PDF | 2.5 MB

In an age of digital globalization, navigating the complex landscape of international health data transfers presents significant challenges. This anthology delves into the intricate matrix of regulations, policies, and technologies that govern the transnational flow of health data and provides a comprehensive analysis of the legal frameworks across multiple jurisdictions.
This volume sheds light on a range of topics, spanning the multifaceted data transfer mechanisms anchored in the General Data Protection Regulation to the landmark Schrems II court decision that resulted in the invalidation of the Privacy Shield, giving rise to the new Standard Contractual Clauses and the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. These seminal events triggered reforms not just in Europe and the US but have had far-reaching effects on global policy frameworks.
In light of these developments, the book explores the contemporary regulatory shift spanning countries from the Global North and Global South. This comprehensive exploration encompasses a diverse array of nations, from the European Union, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, to China, Australia, Nigeria, Colombia and India. With insights from leading experts and enriched by global case studies, this collection offers a holistic view of the evolving dynamics in international health data transfers. The book provides an indispensable resource for policymakers, legal scholars, healthcare professionals, and technology enthusiasts traversing the intersection of law, ethics, and global health data in the 21st century.

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Internationalization of Higher Education and Digital Transformation: Insights from Morocco and Beyond
by Aicha Adoui
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031764439 | 408 Pages | True ePUB | 3.6 MB

This edited volume provides a comprehensive examination of the intersection between internationalization of higher education and digital transformation, with a focus on insights from Morocco. Through a series of chapters authored by experts in the field, the book covers a wide range of topics, including critical thinking in intercultural education, the transformative impact of internationalization on educators and students, technological integration, challenges, opportunities, policy perspectives, and future directions.

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Internet of Things, 2nd Edition
by Shriram K Vasudevan, Abhishek S Nagarajan
English | 2020 | ISBN: 938899101X | 332 Pages | True ePUB | 11 MB

Addressing and identification protocols, along with their descriptions, are discussed in Chapter 4.
Cloud is major component of IoT as they help to control things from remote places, process and feedback data, etc. Chapter 5 has an in-depth discussion on cloud technology from IoT perspective Data analytics is another associated field of IoT discussed in Chapter 6, which looks into different machine learning algorithms and real-time data analytics. Relevant and important case studies are discussed in Chapter 7, including examples from energy, medical, and vehicle industries.

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Interpretable Machine Learning with Python: Build explainable, fair, and robust high-performance models with hands-on, real-world examples, 2nd Edition by Serg Masís
English | October 31, 2023 | ISBN: 180323542X | True EPUB/PDF | 606 pages | 44.4/53.4 MB
A deep dive into the key aspects and challenges of machine learning interpretability using a comprehensive toolkit, including SHAP, feature importance, and causal inference, to build fairer, safer, and more reliable models.

Key Features
Interpret real-world data, including cardiovascular disease data and the COMPAS recidivism scoresBuild your interpretability toolkit with global, local, model-agnostic, and model-specific methodsAnalyze and extract insights from complex models from CNNs to BERT to time series models
Book Description
Interpretable Machine Learning with Python, Second Edition, brings to light the key concepts of interpreting machine learning models by analyzing real-world data, providing you with a wide range of skills and tools to decipher the results of even the most complex models.
Build your interpretability toolkit with several use cases, from flight delay prediction to waste classification to COMPAS risk assessment scores. This book is full of useful techniques, introducing them to the right use case. Learn traditional methods, such as feature importance and partial dependence Descriptions to integrated gradients for NLP interpretations and gradient-based attribution methods, such as saliency maps.
In addition to the step-by-step code, you'll get hands-on with tuning models and training data for interpretability by reducing complexity, mitigating bias, placing guardrails, and enhancing reliability.
By the end of the book, you'll be confident in tackling interpretability challenges with black-box models using tabular, language, image, and time series data.
What you will learn
Progress from basic to advanced techniques, such as causal inference and quantifying uncertaintyBuild your skillset from analyzing linear and logistic models to complex ones, such as CatBoost, CNNs, and NLP transformersUse monotonic and interaction constraints to make fairer and safer modelsUnderstand how to mitigate the influence of bias in datasetsLeverage sensitivity analysis factor prioritization and factor fixing for any modelDiscover how to make models more reliable with adversarial robustness
Who this book is for
This book is for data scientists, machine learning developers, machine learning engineers, MLOps engineers, and data stewards who have an increasingly critical responsibility to explain how the artificial intelligence systems they develop work, their impact on decision making, and how they identify and manage bias. It's also a useful resource for self-taught ML enthusiasts and beginners who want to go deeper into the subject matter, though a good grasp of the Python programming language is needed to implement the examples.

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Interpretation of Love: God's Love and Ours By Dennis Ngien
2012 | 86 Pages | ISBN: 1620325160 | EPUB | 1 MB
The ministry is more than preaching, but preaching is its priority. This conviction is one Dr. Ngien has lived and worked with. As a sequel to A Faith Worth Believing, Commending and Living, and Giving Wings to the Soul, Interpretation of Love: God's Love and Ours is a third collection of sermons and talks, preached with rigor and humor, reverence and relevance. Basic to the book is the assertion that the one possessed of a penetrating eye, coupled with a compassionate heart, could interpret, and thus be an effective agency of love. We are saved not so that we might be good, but so that we are God's--chosen and set apart to be his holy, beloved family. Because we are his, we are to dress ourselves differently (Col. 3:12-13). The wardrobe of the holy saints is full of love. The imperative of the new self is to reflect Christ's holiness in the way that we relate to each other. The selfishness that was at the core of our existence now gives way to a loving self-sacrifice for the good of others, resulting in a theology of radical reversal, which is the theology of a holy life: (i) compassion instead of contempt for or indifference to others; (ii) kindness instead of malice; (iii) humility instead of arrogance; (iv) gentleness instead of rudeness; (v) patience instead of anger; (vi) forbearance instead of resentment; and (vii) forgiveness instead of revenge. This is the fruit of Christ's redemptive act on the cross manifest in those who live in joyous obedience and willful submission to the Holy Spirit. Readers will be drawn into the depth of biblical and theological truths presented with anecdotes and antidotes.

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Interpretations: Reading the Present in Light of the Past By Jude P. Dougherty
2018 | 176 Pages | ISBN: 0813229898 | PDF | 1 MB
Interpretations is a collection of essays produced by the distinguished philosopher Jude Dougherty over the past decade, written to inform or to provide commentary on contemporary issues. In probing the past to interpret the present they draw upon a perspective that one may call classical, the perspective of Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, and their followers across the ages, notably Thomas Aquinas, and his modern disciples, such as Etienne Gilson and Jacques Maritain. The first part of Interpretations is an attempt to understand modernity's break with the past, the repudiation of Scholasticism and the classical tradition. Dougherty does this by referencing the dominant preoccupations of the Middle Ages, of the Renaissance, of the Reformation, of eighteenth-century British empiricism, and of nineteenth-century German philosophy, drawing upon the readings of Remi Brague, Pierre Manent, and others. What unifies these reflections is the role of religion (both in Christianity and Islam) in society and its impact on the culture, as well as looking at what is called "modernity" where this role becomes reduced or absent. The second part of the volume examines selected addresses by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI from a philosophical point of view. Benedict, like others through the course of history, has recognized the role of religion in producing cultural unity. These essays are an appreciation primarily of the subtlety of the former pontiff's thought. The third part of Interpretations collects essays and addresses on the practice and nature of philosophy that Dean Dougherty has given throughout his career at The Catholic University of America, and reflects the trajectory of his career and the development of his thought.

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Klaus Junker, "Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths: An Introduction"
English | ISBN: 0521720079 | 2012 | 240 pages | PDF | 65 MB
From the age of Homer until late antiquity the culture of ancient Greece and Rome was permeated by images of Greek myths. Gods and heroes were represented as statues, on vase and wall paintings, on temples, on sarcophagi as well as in other media. This book provides a concise introduction to the interpretation of the images of Greek myths. Its main aim is to make the pictorial versions of the myths comprehensible on their own terms. Ancient artists were well aware of the potential - but also the limitations - of these 'silent' images and of the strategies that made them 'speak' to the audience/viewer. The book explains the theoretical and methodological issues at stake and discusses in detail a number of case studies. It will be useful and stimulating for all advanced undergraduate and graduate students taking courses and all scholars with an interest in Greek mythology and ancient art.

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