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Nancy R. Reagin, "A German Women's Movement: Class and Gender in Hanover, 1880-1933"
English | 1995 | ISBN: 0807845256 | EPUB | pages: 338 | 1.3 mb
Nancy Reagin analyzes the rhetoric, strategies, and programs of more than eighty bourgeois women's associations in Hanover, a large provincial capital, from the Imperial period to the Nazi seizure of power. She examines the social and demographic foundations of the Hanoverian women's movement, interweaving local history with developments on the national level. Using the German experience as a case study, Reagin explores the links between political conservatism and a feminist agenda based on a belief in innate gender differences. Reagin's analysis encompasses a wide variety of women's organizations-feminist, nationalist, religious, philanthropic, political, and professional. It focuses on the ways in which bourgeois women's class background and political socialization, and their support of the idea of 'spiritual motherhood' combined within an antidemocratic climate to produce a conservative, maternalist approach to women's issues and other political matters. According to Reagin, the fact that the women's movement evolved in this way helps to explain why so many middle-class women found National Socialism appealing.

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Jeffrey Heath, "A Grammar of Jamsay"
English | 2008 | pages: 760 | ISBN: 3110201135 | PDF | 2,9 mb
Jamsay is the largest-population language among some twenty Dogon languages in Mali, West Africa. This is the first comprehensive grammar of any Dogon language, including a full tonology. The language is verb-final, with subject agreement on the verb and with no other case-marking. Its most striking feature is the morphosyntactically triggered use of stem-wide tone-contour overlays on nouns, verbs, and adjectives. All stems have a lexical tone contour such as Hgh, L[ow]-H, HL, or LHL with at least one H-tone. An exam of tone overlay is tone-dropping to stem-wide all-L. This is used for Perfective verbs (in the presence of a focalized constituent), and for a noun or adjective before an adjective. It is also used to mark the head NP in a relative clause (the head NP is not extracted, so this is the only direct indication of head NP status). The verb in a relative clause is morphologically a participle, agreeing with the head NP in humanness and number, rather than with the subject. "Intonation" is used grammatically. For example, NP conjunction 'X and Y' is expressed as X Y, without a conjunction, but with "dying-quail" intonation on both conjuncts.

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A Grammar of Warlmanpa
by Mitchell Browne
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1760466638 | 578 Pages | PDF | 10 MB

This volume is a descriptive analysis of Warlmanpa, a highly endangered language traditionally spoken northwest of the town of Tennant Creek, where most of the remaining speakers now live.
This grammatical description is based on language work carried out by community members and linguists since 1952, and is the first published reference grammar of the language.
The major areas of analysis include phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax. This volume also provides description of typologically notable features, including: a two-way stop contrast at each place of articulation; a complex second-position auxiliary system containing participant and tense/mood/aspect information; associated motion; and a lack of evidence for noun phrases.
This volume lays the foundation for future Warlmanpa language work.

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A Guerra Naval das Guerras Mundiais: A História e o Legado dos Navios, Tácticas e Batalhas travadas durante a Grande Guerra e a Segunda Guerra Mundial (Portuguese Edition) by Charles River Editors
Portuguese | October 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJZKQC5Z | 269 pages | EPUB | 15 Mb
As imagens mais emblemáticas da Primeira Guerra Mundial são as da guerra em terra. Retratam as linhas de trincheiras, os buracos dos obuses e o arame farpado. Mostram uma geração de jovens de uniforme, a viver em buracos escavados na terra, de espingarda na mão, à espera do próximo bombardeamento de artilharia devastador. Mas parte dessa mesma geração enfrentou uma guerra muito diferente, que foi igualmente importante para decidir o destino da Europa, mas que é frequentemente esquecida nas histórias populares. Foi a guerra no mar. Foi vital para a vertente económica da guerra, uma vez que os Aliados cortaram as linhas de abastecimento da Alemanha em relação ao mundo exterior, pressionando assim as indústrias militares dos seus adversários. Aqui tiveram lugar acontecimentos que atraíram a América para a guerra, fornecendo aos Aliados uma nova reserva de mão de obra e assegurando assim que a balança do conflito penderia a seu favor.

A guerra no mar testou inovações. Algumas, como a frota de submarinos da Alemanha, foram um enorme sucesso que definiu o futuro da guerra. Outras, como os aviões marítimos, desempenharam apenas um pequeno papel, mas actuaram como prelúdio de mudanças maiores que estavam para vir. Outros, como os cruzadores de batalha, foram fracassos dispendiosos. Tanto no mar como em terra, esta foi uma guerra que iria moldar o futuro do mundo.
O combate naval sofreu uma metamorfose significativa durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. A Alemanha nazi e o Japão imperial lançaram alguns dos mais poderosos navios de guerra que alguma vez navegaram nos oceanos, mas o conflito testemunhou o aparecimento e o triunfo do porta-aviões como o verdadeiro monarca dos mares do século XX. A guerra submarina expandiu-se e desenvolveu-se, enquanto a tecnologia e a doutrina das aeronaves sofreram várias alterações revolucionárias devido às exigências implacáveis do novo ambiente de combate.
As narrativas populares sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial centram-se frequentemente no domínio dos panzers alemães sobre os tanques soviéticos, britânicos e americanos, mais pouco blindados e pouco armados, ou nas soberbas capacidades de combate das Waffen SS e dos soldados comuns da Wehrmacht. As forças terrestres alemãs gozavam de uma vantagem indiscutível sobre os seus inimigos graças à excelente tecnologia dos veículos, enquanto os soldados alemães massacravam um grande número de recrutas soviéticos e se revelavam adversários formidáveis mesmo para os seus homólogos ingleses e americanos mais bem treinados.
No entanto, o Eixo não conseguiu proteger nem os mares nem os céus, e a sua derrota nestas áreas acabou por conduzir à sua ruína. Muitos projectos de aviões altamente avançados definharam nas pranchetas de desenho dos engenheiros da Junkers e da Messerschmitt, deixados por desenvolver devido ao desinteresse dos altos comandos ou à simples falta de recursos. Os caças mais avançados desenvolvidos pela Alemanha nazi e pelo Japão imperial foram igualados ou ultrapassados por aeronaves como o F6F Hellcat dos EUA (que alcançou taxas de destruição entre 13 para 1 e 19 para 1 contra os caças "Zero" japoneses) ou o P-51 Mustang.
A América, com os seus vastos recursos produtivos e imensa capacidade de fabrico, forneceu sozinha o material que salvou a Grã-Bretanha e a União Soviética da derrota. Fê-lo controlando as rotas marítimas e acabando com grande parte da ameaça de ataques de submarinos, fornecendo à Inglaterra e à Rússia quantidades espantosas de alimentos, armas, matérias-primas, camiões, tanques, aviões, edifícios pré-fabricados, botas, munições, medicamentos e até locomotivas inteiras e conjuntos de material circulante ferroviário. Mais de 50% de toda a base de abastecimento da União Soviética em tempo de guerra, desde alimentos e vestuário a armas e veículos, provinha diretamente dos Estados Unidos.

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A Guide to Hormonal Dermatology by Ramanjit Singh, Nidhi Sharma, Torello Lotti
English | May 31, 2024 | ISBN: 9819977142 | 189 pages | MOBI | 4.10 Mb
This book covers all aspects of how various Hormonal diseases affect Skin Health. It covers essential parts of the most common Hormonal disease - Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), i.e., its Pathogenesis, investigations, and individual clinical features with their Line of management.

Chapters also provide information about other common yet less discussed hormonal issues like- Diabetes, Thyroid disease, and obesity affecting the skin and what signs and symptoms should be looked for in such patients for early diagnosis and treatment.
Hence, this book assists Dermatologists, Consulting Physicians, Post Graduates, and Interns in a holistic understanding and practical management of standards as well as other miscellaneous issues like Diet and Hormones and Urticaria and Hormones.

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A Historical Approach to Materials Under Irradiation (ISTE Invoiced) by Serge Bouffard
English | March 18, 2025 | ISBN: 178945221X | 320 pages | PDF | 56 Mb
Researchers and students have not yet had access to a book which would enable them to trace the origins of the concepts that explain the behavior of materials under irradiation. This book fills the gap.

As far back as antiquity, the notions of purity and disorder have been evoked to explain the different properties of materials. It was geologists who developed the subject in the 19th century. Then, with the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity, disorder in materials became the domain of physicists and chemists. The first observations focused on the color changes of ionic crystals, then gradually all the techniques for characterising materials were used. However, questions about the resistance of the components of the first atomic piles to irradiation led to the development of irradiation studies.
This book describes the historical approaches to particle transport and defect creation mechanisms. Several chapters detail the history of irradiation of different types of materials: metals, semiconductors, iono-covalent insulators, polymers and radiolysis of water. The final two chapters deal with irradiation tools and applications.

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A History of Britain's Transport by Jeremy Black
English | February 5, 2025 | ISBN: 1036109569 | True EPUB | 224 pages | 0.5 MB
Covers the evolution of transport history, from walking and packhorses to modern rail, motoring, and air travel.

An accessible book to draw on popular interest in transport history, routes, vehicles and experiences. Transport history is social and industrial national history. Passengers and freight will be covered including all types of transport from walking and packhorses, that predominated for much of national history, both of which tend to be underrated, to changes brought by improvements to road transport from the Romans to medieval bridgebuilders and eighteenth-century turnpikes, and, in parallel, river, coastal and canal travel, again from the Romans to the eighteenth century. The story moves to the age of rail, motoring and lastly air. All forms overlap. as well as being sequential.

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A History of Britain's Transport by Jeremy Black
English | February 28th, 2025 | ISBN: 1036109569 | 242 pages | True PDF | 3.04 MB
Covers the evolution of transport history, from walking and packhorses to modern rail, motoring, and air travel.

An accessible book to draw on popular interest in transport history, routes, vehicles and experiences. Transport history is social and industrial national history. Passengers and freight will be covered including all types of transport from walking and packhorses, that predominated for much of national history, both of which tend to be underrated, to changes brought by improvements to road transport from the Romans to medieval bridgebuilders and eighteenth-century turnpikes, and, in parallel, river, coastal and canal travel, again from the Romans to the eighteenth century. The story moves to the age of rail, motoring and lastly air. All forms overlap. as well as being sequential.

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Tom Sparrow, "A History of Habit: From Aristotle to Bourdieu"
English | ISBN: 073918198X | 2013 | 328 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
From bookshelves overflowing with self-help books to scholarly treatises on neurobiology to late-night infomercials that promise to make you happier, healthier, and smarter with the acquisition of just a few simple practices, the discourse of habit is a staple of contemporary culture high and low. Discussion of habit, however, tends to neglect the most fundamental questions: What is habit? Habits, we say, are hard to break. But what does it mean to break a habit? Where and how do habits take root in us? Do only humans acquire habits? What accounts for the strength or weakness of a habit? Are habits something possessed or something that possesses? We spend a lot of time thinking about our habits, but rarely do we think deeply about the nature of habit itself.

Aristotle and the ancient Greeks recognized the importance of habit for the constitution of character, while readers of David Hume or American pragmatists like C.S. Peirce, William James, and John Dewey know that habit is a central component in the conceptual framework of many key figures in the history of philosophy. Less familiar are the disparate discussions of habit found in the Roman Stoics, Thomas Aquinas, Michel de Montaigne, René Descartes, Gilles Deleuze, French phenomenology, and contemporary Anglo-American philosophies of embodiment, race, and gender, among many others.
The essays gathered in this book demonstrate that the philosophy of habit is not confined to the work of just a handful of thinkers, but traverses the entire history of Western philosophy and continues to thrive in contemporary theory. A History of Habit: From Aristotle to Bourdieu is the first of its kind to document the richness and diversity of this history. It demonstrates the breadth, flexibility, and explanatory power of the concept of habit as well as its enduring significance. It makes the case for habit's perennial attraction for philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists.
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Eric Shiraev, "A History of Psychology: A Global Perspective Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 1452276595 | 2014 | 520 pages | EPUB | 3 MB
Offering a fresh, accessible, and global approach to the history of psychology, the fully revised Second Edition of Eric B. Shiraev's A History of Psychology: A Global Perspective, provides a thorough view of psychology's progressive and evolving role in society and how its interaction with culture has developed throughout history, from ancient times through the Middle Ages and the modern period to the current millennium. Taking an inclusive approach, the book addresses contemporary and classic themes and theories with discussion of psychology′s applications and its development in many cultures and countries. High-interest topics, including the validity of psychological knowledge and volunteerism, offer readers the opportunity to apply the history of psychology to their own lives.

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A Journey in Service: An Autobiography
by Ibrahim Babangida
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9789786006024 | 440 Pages | PDF | 3.2 MB

Babangida, who led Nigeria from 1985 to 1993, played a pivotal role in shaping the nation's economic and political landscape. His memoir provides insights into critical decisions made during his tenure, the challenges of governance, and his vision for a stable and prosperous Nigeria.

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A Journey into Modern Physics: From Relativity to Quantum Technologies
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031777743 | 266 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 23 MB
This book offers a short journey into the surprising and spectacular world of modern physics characterized by disruptive ideas and theory from both a conceptual and applicative point of view. Starting from Einstein's theory of relativity in which the concepts of space, time, and gravity are completely revised, before arriving at the bizarre and fascinating universe of quantum physics which with its applications has completely changed our way of life. Particular attention is also paid to the conceptual foundations and paradoxes of quantum mechanics thanks to which the so-called second quantum revolution has developed in more recent times, destined to introduce a new generation of quantum technologies such as computers, cryptography, and teleportation into our lives. In addition to new quantum technologies, the operating principles of the most important applications of quantum mechanics which have become widespread in everyday life are illustrated simply and concisely. The book has an essentially informative character, without making use of complicated formulas or technicalities, therefore it does not require in-depth knowledge of physics or mathematics; the knowledge acquired in high school is sufficient to understand the topics covered.

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A Journey Through America: Patriotic Observations and Commentary by Lawrence Kadish
English | March 4, 2025 | ISBN: 888845729J, 9798888457306 | True EPUB | 256 pages | 3.5 MB
A Journey Through America introduces insightful commentary on our American democracy. Author Lawrence Kadish draws from over eighty-five years of lived experience, allowing him to celebrate our nation's strengths, reflect on our self-inflicted errors, and draw attention to the challenges of a nation that remains humanity's last hope.

An astute and insightful observer of our nation's political experience, Lawrence Kadish draws on his decades of advocacy on behalf of a nation he loves to advance its founding principles. A Journey Through America offers cautionary advice, inspiring words, and a reminder that a great nation needs to remain strong and united in the face of challenges from within and abroad.

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A Kwanzaa Keepsake and Cookbook: Celebrating the Holiday with Family, Community, and Tradition by Jessica B. Harris
English | November 5, 2024 | ISBN: 1668035863 | 208 pages | MOBI | 3.69 Mb
From the award-winning author of High on the Hog-inspiration for the "energetic, emotional, and deeply nuanced" (The New York Times) Netflix series of the same name-comes a new and updated edition of A Kwanzaa Keepsake, another important exploration of African American culture, food, and family, featuring recipes and stories to help this generation create unique holiday traditions.

Now with a new introduction by award-winning writer and iconic culinary historian Jessica B. Harris, a foreword by chef and television personality Carla Hall, revised recipes and stories, and a fresh new package, A Kwanzaa Keepsake offers proverbs, ceremonies, family projects, inspirational biographies, blessings, and of course, wonderful recipes. Structured around the seven days of Kwanzaa and the virtues each day represents, Harris shares a themed feast for each night, designed to reflect the principle of the day. Some of the menus include:
-Umoja (Unity), featuring dishes of multinational origin such as Seasoned Olives, Mechoui-Style Leg of Lamb with cumin, mint, and chili, and a classic Caribbean rum punch, and reminds readers of the union of all peoples of African descent.
-Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), composed of dishes from the African continent including Sweet Potato Fritters, Grilled Pepper Salad, and Piment Aimee, a hot sauce from one of the author's friends.
-Kuumba (Creativity) is a healing supper and communal meal that opens the gates of remembrance through food. The repast is centered around a heritage recipe and includes others for Pickled Black-Eyed Peas, a fish dish from the the Ivory Coast, Spicy Cranberry Chutney, and a killer pecan pie with molasses whipped cream.
Interspersed throughout the book are spaces to record family memories, sayings, and recipes. Rich in culinary history, and a source of inspiration for treasuring and recording family traditions both old and new, A Kwanzaa Keepsake is a book to cherish, and one that families will turn to again and again.

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A Life in Fifty Books: A ✅Publisher's Memoir by Anthony Cheetham
English | May 6th, 2025 | ISBN: 1035912767 | 208 pages | True EPUB | 71.38 MB
In November 1966, by way of Mexico City, Eton College, Balliol College, Oxford, and a Norwegian raspberry farm, Anthony Cheetham entered the doors of a publishing company for the first time to begin work as a junior editor. Fifty-eight years later he could look back on a career in which he had shaped the landscape of post-war British publishing to a significant degree, having established such prominent and notably successful companies as Century, Orion, Quercus and Head of Zeus, and launched imprints - from Abacus in 1973 to Zephyr in 2017 - that continue to flourish in the third decade of the twenty-first century.

Starting with Homer's Odyssey and ending with works by the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and the German historian Ernst Kantorowicz, Anthony Cheetham has selected fifty books as mileposts with which to map the course of his long and productive career. Many of these are titles that he himself published (Dune, The Thorn Birds, A Suitable Boy, Meetings with Remarkable Trees, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo); some are books he wished he had published (Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time); others are simply masterworks that left an indelible mark on him (The Lord of the Rings, War and Peace).
A Life in Fifty Books is an affectionate and revelatory account of a publishing life remarkable for its longevity, its entrepreneurial energy and for the breadth and catholicity of its output - which runs the gamut of seriousness from academically distinguished works of history, science and philosophy to Confessions of a Window Cleaner. Full of encounters with remarkable individuals as well as extraordinary books and embellished with beautiful photographs of book jackets from the 1950s to the present day, A Life in Fifty Books is an engagingly written survey of an industry which, in its author's well-chosen words, offers its practitioners '...a passport to roam across the entire spectrum of human experience, endeavour and belief'.

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A Masterclass in Needle Felting Wildlife: Methods and techniques to take your needle felting to the next level by Cindy-Lou Thompson
English | June 15, 2022 | ISBN: 1787117472 | 128 pages | MOBI | 228 Mb
The art of needle felting can produce hyper-realistic, almost taxidermic results. With a little know-how, some needles, wool, and a few inexpensive accessories, you can learn to needle felt like a professional.

Take your needle felting to a whole new level to create a range of lifelike wildlife. World class felting master Cindy-Lou Thompson of Chicktin Creations will take you through the steps. Covering four popular and well-loved wild animals (Hare, Fox, Badger and Otter), with illustrated step-by-step instructions, Cindy guides you through the process of creating different body shapes, proportions, armatures, coats, and blending, as well as realistic finishing touches such as eyes, nails, ears and detailing.
Learn how to achieve a professional finish you will be proud of with different textured coats; how to blend, clip and add shape, and apply a realistic finishing touch with a variety of mediums and methods, some of which Cindy has designed and developed herself.
From the author of the best-selling book A Masterclass in Needle Felting Dogs, this follow-up volume will teach you new techniques, and inspire you to try exciting creations of your own!

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William Shakespeare, "A Midsummer Night's Dream (Webster's Chinese-Traditional Thesaurus Edition)"
English | 2006 | pages: 115 | ISBN: 0497901986 | PDF | 0,9 mb
This edition is written in English. However, there is a running Chinese-Traditional thesaurus at the bottom of each page for the more difficult English words highlighted in the text. There are many editions of A Midsummer Night's Dream. This edition would

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Frank L. Holt, "A Mystery from the Mummy-Pits: The Amazing Journey of Ankh-Hap"
English | ISBN: 0197694047 | 2024 | 216 pages | PDF | 9 MB
As the world recently commemorated the hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, our fascination with the pharaoh begs for a balanced view. Most Egyptian tombs are not royal; most were never carefully cleared and documented; most have not had their occupants treated with respect or returned to their sepulchers; and most recovered mummies have not escaped the modern trafficking in ancient bodies and body parts. The story of Ankh-Hap, a Ptolemaic-era mummy seized in the nineteenth century from the infamous mummy-pits of Egypt, provides a salutary example of what most mummies have endured.

Like a detective, Frank Holt makes use of a robust combination of scientific tools and archival research to tell the story of Ankh-Hap's life, death, and his mummified remains, which ended up in the back of an American college classroom.
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Thomas Laudal, "A New Approach to the Economics of Public Goods "
English | ISBN: 0367787776 | 2021 | 94 pages | AZW3, MOBI | 420 KB + 450 KB
Public goods are typically defined only in reference to the good itself but, as this book argues, the public goods can be better understood if contextual variables are incorporated. This book discusses the production and provision of public goods. It asserts that changes related to public goods are better understood if the category of goods are not decided solely by the properties of the good itself. We also need to focus on how the enabled utility of a good is influenced by the production and the provision of the good.

The book opens with a brief introduction to common conceptions of public goods and a review of the existing literature - highlighting the limitations of current definitions of public goods. It presents a new multi-layered approach to public goods. This has implications for the discourse on public goods and for our understanding of the societal and environmental impact of public goods. The implications are illustrated in several areas; public goods in ancient history, privatization, innovation, competitiveness and prices, democracy and political standards, and economic growth.
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Ryuji Sasaki, "A New Introduction to Karl Marx: New Materialism, Critique of Political Economy, and the Concept of Metabolism "
English | ISBN: 3030529495 | 2021 | 240 pages | AZW3 | 728 KB
This book provides a concise overview of Marx's philosophy and political economy, tracing various changes of his theoretical views over time through his practical and theoretical engagements with contradictions of capitalism from the unique perspective of Japanese Marxism. While it offers an objective introduction to Marx's critique of capitalism, Sasaki uniquely pays particular attention to the concept of "metabolism," whose disruption under the capitalist mode of production causes exhaustion of labour-power as well as natural resources. Sasaki reconstructs Marx as a revolutionary thinker, whose devoted his entire life for the sake of establishing a more free and equal society beyond capitalism. Sasaki's book shows that Marx's passion for the socialist revolution in his last years is recorded in his late excerpt notebooks that become available through the

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