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US Battle Tanks 1917-1945 by Steven J. Zaloga
English | May 21, 2024 | ISBN: 1472858824 | PDF | 374 pages | 156 MB
A comprehensive and detailed illustrated examination of the development and combat performance of US battle tanks from World War I to the end of World War II.

In this, the first of two highly illustrated volumes examining the complete history of US Army and US Marine Corps battle tanks, Steven J. Zaloga focuses on the history of the tank in American service from the first experiments with armored vehicles in the early years of the 20th century through to the end of World War II.
Expanding on material published in Osprey series including New Vanguard, Campaign, and Duel, US Battle Tanks 1917-1945 explores the concepts and practice of tank development from the Renault FT, through the M4 Sherman to the M26 Pershing. It describes the experiences of the crews who saw combat, the performance of each tank in battle, and how each American armored fighting vehicle compared with the enemy armor it faced, as well as the key lessons learned from combat that led to new concepts and technological breakthroughs.

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Usability and User Experience Design: The Comprehensive Guide to Data-Driven UX Design by Benjamin Franz, Michaela Kauer-Franz
English | January 25, 2024 | ISBN: 1493224964 | 737 pages | MOBI | 34 Mb
Calling all designers and developers! This is your all-in-one guide to UX and usability design for digital products. See how an effective user experience incorporates insights from psychology, design principles, and practical data. Follow a proven approach for selecting your design methods, and then walk through the data-driven UX design process in detail: perform context analysis, specify requirements, develop solution prototypes, and test your products. Learn from example case studies and full-color illustrations to take your design to the next level!

Design digital products for B2C, B2B, and medical applications that provide outstanding user experiencePlan your design, perform context of use analyses, and identify requirementsDevelop and evaluate design solutions, from the prototyping phase to the testing and review stageTheory of Design
What makes design effective? Get to know the building blocks that create an incredible user experience: ergonomics and usability, data evaluation, user research, human information processing, design principles, and more.
UX Design Process
Master data-driven UX design. Explore methods to analyze the context of use for your design project. Use techniques such as prototypes and wireframes to develop a design solution, and then refine it through usability and UX testing.
Design in Action
See examples of design come to life! Follow three case studies that illustrate the design process for digital products: a B2C mobility application, a B2B customer relationship management application, and a B2C/B2B medical appointment portal.

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Gavin Allanwood, Peter Beare, "User Experience Design Creating Designs Users Really Love"
English | ASIN : B01BNHG6Q0 | 2014 | 183 pages | EPUB, PDF | 43 + 41 MB
Applicable to a wide spectrum of design activity, this book offers an ideal first step, clearly explaining fundamental concepts and methods to apply when designing for the user experience.Covering essential topics from user research and experience design to aesthetics, standards and prototyping, User Experience Design explains why user-centered methods are now essential to ensuring the success of a wide range of design projects.This second edition includes important new topics including; digital service standards, onboarding and scenario mapping. There are now 12 hands-on activities designed to help you start exploring basic UX tasks such as visualizing the user journey and recognizing user interface patterns.Filled with straightforward explanations and examples from around the world, this book is an essential primer for students and non-designers needing an introduction to contemporary UX thinking and common approaches.Designed specifically for newcomers to UX Design, the companion website offers extra material for hands-on activities, templates, industry interviews, contributor notes, and sources of guidance for those seeking to start a career in the industry.

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Using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Updated for Version R2 By Andreas Luszczak (auth.)
2013 | 414 Pages | ISBN: 3658017082 | PDF | 24 MB
Precise descriptions and instructions enable users, students and consultants to easily understand Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Microsoft offers Dynamics AX as its premium ERP solution, supporting large and mid-sized organizations with a complete business management solution which is easy to use. Going through a simple but comprehensive case study - the sample company 'Anso Technologies Inc.' - this book provides the required knowledge to handle all basic business processes in Dynamics AX. Exercises are there to train the processes and functionality, also making this book a good choice for self-study.ContentsBasics and Technology - Navigation and User Interface - Supply Chain Management - Trade and Logistics - Manufacturing - Financial ManagementTarget GroupIT executivesIT professionals and consultants for business management solutionsNew and current users of Dynamics AXStudents of information technology, business administration and similar disciplinesAuthorDr. Andreas Luszczak is project manager and consultant, responsible for the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX in numerous projects. He has been teaching Dynamics AX at renowned universities in Austria. In addition to Dynamics AX, he has years of experiences with the implementation of further business solutions (Microsoft Dynamics NAV/Navision and others) working as a consultant as well as IT manager/CIO in the industry.

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Using NEPA to Combat Global Warming by David L. Keys
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 204 Pages | ISBN : 3031693159 | 8.7 MB
This book will help policy makers, university students, and the general public understand how the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is intended to work, and how it can be used to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to combat global warming. Unlike all other books on NEPA, this book focuses on the global warming problem in terms of thermodynamics and entropy. It explains how NEPA can help combat global warming by operationalizing the "energy requirements and conservation potential" analysis requirement in the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations, 40 CFR 1502.16 (a)(7), and it puts the past, present, and future of the NEPA statute, the CEQ regulations, and energy analysis requirements all in one easy to find, portable place. It will be an excellent resource for university students and teachers, policy analysts, and those members of the public that want to know all about the NEPA Process.

As a third edition, the book contains new analysis on the amended NEPA statute (2023) and revised CEQ regulations (2024), CEQ's January 9, 2023 interim guidance on how to incorporate GHG emissions into NEPA documents, the social costs of carbon, the long-term strategy of the United States to get to net-zero GHG by 2050, assessing climate risk in NEPA reviews, and the link between energy requirements analysis required by 40 CFR 1502.16 (a) (7) and reduced GHG emissions.

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Venezuela's Collapse: The Long Story of How Things Fell Apart by Carlos Lizarralde
English | March 19, 2024 | ISBN: 9798884033856, ASIN: B0CXLN5R7V | True EPUB | 361 pages | 0.6 MB
How did Latin America's exceptional democracy become a nearly failed state? Why would a leader firmly in control lead one of the planet's richest countries into a humanitarian crisis? Conventional wisdom blames the madness of a populist leader who squandered an oil fortune. In Venezuela's Collapse, Carlos Lizarralde offers an alternative account that places race, ethnicity, and the struggle over resources at the center of the Hugo Chavez story.

The book chronicles 500 years of demographic and economic strands that came together in 1998 with the election of a dashing new President. By following Chavismo's dismantling of the liberal state, the ransacking of public enterprises, and the appearance of a feudal world of violence, hunger, and disease, Venezuela's Collapse offers a compelling argument about what happened in the country.
Venezuela's uncertain future will be determined, for better or for worse, by the fractured and conflicted past that fueled the Bolivarian Revolution. Carlos Lizarralde's account will become a key road map in the years ahead.

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Vergangenheitsbewältigung am Ende des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts By Helmut König, Michael Kohlstruck, Andreas Wöll (auth.), Helmut König, Michael Kohlstruck, Andreas Wöll (eds.)
1998 | 456 Pages | ISBN: 3531131567 | PDF | 21 MB
Dr. Helmut König ist Professor am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft der RWTH Aachen.

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Verortungen: Geschlechterverhältnisse und Raumstrukturen By Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Dörhöfer, Prof. Dr. phil. Ulla Terlinden (auth.)
1998 | 212 Pages | ISBN: 3810027863 | PDF | 9 MB
InhaltDieses Buch widmet sich verschiedenen aktuellen und historischenEntwicklungen von Raumstrukturen. Raumstrukturen werden gebildet auseinzelnen Elementen der Gesamtheit des Raumes: den Metropolen, Ansiedlungen,Baukörpern, Freiflächen, Innenräumen. Ihr Beziehungsgefüge und ihreAusprägung ergeben ein komplexes Muster, in dem sich das soziale Lebenabspielt und widerspiegelt. In diesem Buch geht es um die Fragen, wie sichdas Verhältnis der Geschlechter im Raum niederschlägt, wie es durch den Raumbeeinflusst wird, ob und wie sich beider Wandel miteinander verknüpfen. Dabeiwerden neuere Entwicklungen und Tendenzen soziologischer Stadtforschungaufgezeigt, um zu analysieren, welche Bedeutung sie für einenemanzipatorischen Prozess haben. Durch die Verbindung der bisherigenFrauenforschung in Architektur und räumlicher Planung mit philosophischenÜberlegungen der Poststrukturalisten, neuen sozialwissenschaftlichenErkenntnissen der Geschlechterforschung und architekturtheoretischen Ansätzendes Dekonstruktivismus wird ein Impetus auch für die Entwurfs- undPlanungspraxis gegeben. Das Buch richtet sich deshalb sowohl an Leserinnenund Leser, die sich wissenschaftlich mit dem Raum befassen, als auch ansolche, die gestaltend auf ihn Einfluss nehmen. Die Autorinnen: Kerstin Dörhöfer, Hochschule der Künste, Berlin; Ulla Terlinden, Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel.

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Verrechnungspreise aus organisations- und agencytheoretischer Sicht By Udo Buscher (auth.)
1997 | 255 Pages | ISBN: 3824403676 | PDF | 6 MB
Die Bestimmung von Verrechnungspreisen stellt in dezentralen Unternehmen häufig ein Problem dar. Aus organisationstheoretischer Sicht spielen hierbei insbesondere Koordinations- und Motivationsaspekte eine entscheidende Rolle. Udo Buscher berücksichtigt insbesondere organisationsbedingte Konflikte, auf die in der Literatur zur Verrechnungspreisbildung selten angemessen eingegangen wird. Ursache dieser Konflikte ist häufig das gleichzeitige Bestehen von asymmetrischen Informationsständen und Interessendivergenzen zwischen Organisationsmitgliedern. Mit Hilfe von agencytheoretischen Überlegungen werden Verrechnungspreismodelle um verhaltensbezogene Aspekte erweitert. Für ausgewählte Modellformulierungen zeigt der Autor, daß - entgegen den Ergebnissen traditioneller Modellformulierungen - ein Bedarf an Verrechnungspreisen zur Entscheidungskoordination besteht.

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Versichertenschutzfonds in der deutschen Assekuranz: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ihres Einsatzes in der Kfz-Haftpflicht- und Lebensversicherung By Andreas Horsch (auth.)
1998 | 408 Pages | ISBN: 340914417X | PDF | 20 MB
Dr. Andreas Horsch war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung und Kreditwirtschaft von Prof. Dr. Joachim Süchting an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Er ist heute Vorstandsreferent bei der Westdeutschen Landesbank Girozentrale in Münster.

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Versicherung als Bestandteil der Risikopolitik privater Haushalte: Grundlagen der Risikopolitik - Individualversicherungsprodukte - Kreditkarten-Versicherungen By Bernd C. Mossgraber (auth.)
1996 | 211 Pages | ISBN: 3409188258 | PDF | 4 MB
1. 1 Problemstellung und Vorgehensweise Seit jeher sind Menschen, Tiere und Sachen einer Vielzahl von Gefahren, z. B. Erdbeben, Feuersbrünsten, Stürmen, Überschwemmungen, Vulkan ausbrüchen und Seuchen, ausgesetzt. Gegen den Eintritt vieler aus diesen Gefahren resultierenden Schaden ereignisse konnte man sich in früheren Zeiten nicht oder nur unzurei chend schützen, und auch heutzutage ist dies trotz vielfacher Sicher heitsvorkehrungen, Einsatz modernster Technik und Auswertung neue ster Forschungsergebnisse der unterschiedlichsten wissenschaftlichen Dis ziplinen häufig nicht in ausreichendem Umfang möglich. Neben den oben genannten Gefahren, die ganz überwiegend dem Bereich der Naturgefahren zuzuordnen sind, wurden vor allem mit der Erfindung der Dampfmaschine und der danach beginnenden Industrialisierung der Wirtschaft, durch die Entwicklung moderner Verkehrs- bzw. Trans portmittel und durch die damit bedingte Ausweitung des Handels, durch technische Neuerungen sowie durch die Entstehung komplexer Volks wirtschaften zahllose neue Gefahrenpotentiale von den Menschen 'künst lich' geschaffen. Menschen, Tiere und Sachen sind Gefahren ausgesetzt, gleichgültig, ob sich die Gefahren im Fall ihrer Realisierung in wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht auswirken oder nicht. Die Gefahren bedrohen die Menschen und gefähr den stets die Erreichung der von ihnen angestrebten Ziele. Die Ungewiß heit über zukünftig eintretende Ereignisse und damit über den Grad der Zielerreichung allen Tuns ist also ein Grundproblem der menschlichen Existenz.

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Vielfältige Lebensweisen: Dynamisierungen in der Triade Geschlecht - Sexualität - Lebensform By Jutta Hartmann (auth.)
2002 | 295 Pages | ISBN: 3810033952 | PDF | 10 MB
vielfältige Lebensweisen. Gesellschafts-, diskurs- und subjekttheoretische Zugänge zusammenführend stellt dieser neu für Pädagogik und Erziehungswissenschaft entwickelte Begriff vermeintliche Gewissheiten über Geschlecht und Sexualität in Frage. Er umreißt Geschlecht, Sexualität und Lebensform als diskursiv hervorgebracht und sensibilisiert für Uneindeutigkeiten und fließende Übergänge in diesen sozialen Feldern. Dabei folgt er einer Vorstellung von Handlungsfähigkeit, die die Möglichkeit einer bewussten Aktivität gegenüber Normen und eines Neuentwerfens von Existenz- und Lebensweisen betont. Vor dem Hintergrund dieses Begriffs analysiert die Autorin ausgewählte Beiträge aus Diskursen kritischer Pädagogik der 1990er Jahre: aus der Pädagogik der Vielfalt, antihomophoben und der geschlechtsreflektierenden Pädagogik. Wie werden in den Beiträgen dominante Vorgaben in den Feldern von Geschlecht - Sexualität - Lebensform hinterfragt, wie aber auch reproduziert oder in neuer Form hervorgebracht? Die Studie erschließt sowohl TheoretikerInnen als auch PraktikerInnen ein neues Analyseinstrumentarium, sensibilisiert für diskursive Konstruktionsmechanismen und liefert Ansatzpunkte für eine Pädagogik vielfältiger Lebensweisen.

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Visionary Leadership: A Guidebook for 21st Century Organizations and Entrepreneurial Teams by Thomas E. Anderson, II
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 322 Pages | ISBN : 3031677242 | 16.2 MB
This book provides managers and leaders with a conceptual framework for visionary leadership to help them rediscover their vision in a more meaningful way with long-lasting results. It guides managers and leaders through four overlapping phases of the vision development and realization cycle at different levels and during various life stages. It teaches leaders to embrace employees as visionary partners in the journey to build a better organization.

The founder-CEO's journey to lead a high-growth company begins with the ability to see their role within the company-and the company itself-through new lenses. While it requires a CEO to evolve and grow with their company as their plans for the company expand, the visionary should not solely set their sights on new horizons. Their ability to see within their company should become more granular as well.
Featuring real-world case examples and chapter summaries with key takeaways, this book allows the business leader to walk themselves through the process of visioning with their team from start to finish. It also allows consultants and coaches to see the full lifecycle of a vision and support the visionary at any level of an organization.

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Volksreligion und Herrschaftskirche: Die Wurzeln religiösen Verhaltens in westlichen Gesellschaften By Franz Höllinger (auth.)
1996 | 318 Pages | ISBN: 366311774X | PDF | 9 MB
Das Kirchenvolksbegehren, das heuer in Österreich durchgeführt und von mehr als einer halben Million Menschen unterschrieben wurde, bringt zum Ausdruck, daß es in der Kirche wieder einmal -wie schon so oft in der Ge schichte - gärt. Es beweist aber auch, daß die christliche Religion vielen Menschen auch heute noch ein Anliegen ist. Schon folgen dem Österreichi schen Volksbegehren ähnliche Initiativen in Deutschland und in anderen Ländern. Die Aufhebung des Pflichtzölibats, der Abbau der amtskirchlichen Hierarchie und die Aufwertung der Laien in der Kirche sind Forderungen, die schon vor 500 Jahren gestellt wurden. Heute kommt noch der Wunsch hinzu, die katholische Kirche möge endlich von ihren nicht mehr zeitgemä ßen Positionen zur Sexualität und zur Frage des weiblichen Priesteramtes Abstand nehmen und anstelle ihrer "Drohbotschaft" die christliche "Frohbotschaft" in den Vordergrund stellen. Im vorliegenden Buch, der überarbeiteten Fassung meiner Habilitationsschrift, wird nicht näher auf diese aktuellen innerkirchlichen Geschehnisse eingegangen, sie bilden je doch den gesellschaftlichen Hintergrund meiner Überlegungen. Ich gehöre selbst zu jenen Menschen, die die kirchliche Religion und Moral als bedrük kend erlebt und aus diesem Grund der Kirche den Rücken gekehrt haben. Gleichzeitig bin ich aber ein religiös Suchender geblieben und nicht bereit, die Religion in ihren vielfaltigen Erscheinungsformen auf den Abfallhaufen der Geschichte zu werfen.

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Wandel im Schneckentempo: Arbeitszeitpolitik und Geschlechtergleichheit im deutschen Wohlfahrtsstaat By Diana Auth (auth.)
2002 | 292 Pages | ISBN: 366311810X | PDF | 7 MB
Das Buch untersucht den Zusammenhang von Arbeitszeit, Geschlechterverhältnis, Arbeitsmarkt und Wohlfahrtsstaat. Analysiert werden die Struktur des Politikfelds Arbeitszeitpolitik und die geschlechtsspezifischen Auswirkungen arbeitszeitpolitischer Maßnahmen in derArbeitsmarkt-, Sozialversicherungs- und Familienpolitik. Die Bedeutung der staatlichen Steuerung durch Arbeitszeitpolitik beim Wandel von derAlleinverdienerehe zur modernierten Versorgerehe wird aufgezeigt.

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Edwidge Danticat, "We're Alone: Essays"
English | ISBN: 1644453029 | 2024 | 192 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
A collection of exceptional new essays by one of the most significant contemporary writers on the world stage

Tracing a loose arc from Edwidge Danticat's childhood to the COVID-19 pandemic and recent events in Haiti, the essays gathered in We're Alone include personal narrative, reportage, and tributes to mentors and heroes such as Toni Morrison, Paule Marshall, Gabriel García Márquez, and James Baldwin that explore several abiding themes: environmental catastrophe, the traumas of colonialism, motherhood, and the complexities of resilience.
From hurricanes to political violence, from her days as a new student at a Brooklyn elementary school knowing little English to her account of a shooting hoax at a Miami mall, Danticat has an extraordinary ability to move from the personal to the global and back again. Throughout, literature and art prove to be her reliable companions and guides in both tragedies and triumphs.
Danticat is an irresistible presence on the page: full of heart, outrage, humor, clear thinking, and moral questioning, while reminding us of the possibilities of community. And so "we're alone" is both a fearsome admission and an intimate invitation―we're alone now, we can talk.
Read more

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English | May 10, 2024 | ISBN: 832532662X | 193 pages | EPUB | 1.33 Mb
Do you want to make websites that people will love? Are you prepared to start your programming career? Get comfortable, fasten your seatbelt, and get ready for an amazing educational journey. This book will walk you through simple, step-by-step tutorials and provide you with all the necessary direction to build your first program with style and create a functional website that will provide you with quick access to all of your favorite websites.

You can paint on the web, but how do you begin? The Web Designer Book for Beginners by Thomas T. Haws, a web design expert known for making clients' websites look cutting edge, gives you the tools to make your dreams come true, even if you have never done it before.
This complete guide gives you everything you need to know to become a web design pro:
Learn the Basics: Learn languages that people want to use, like HTML, CSS, and the basics of JavaScript, so you can build a strong website.
Plan to have an effect: Find out the basic rules of web design that keep people interested, from user experience (UX) to eye-catching graphics.
How to Be Successful: Explore practical tips and techniques to build responsive websites that perfectly adapt to any device, ensuring a seamless experience for everyone.
Stay Ahead of the Curve: Get insights from Thomas T. Haws himself on crafting modern websites that meet today's user standards. Learn industry secrets and learn the latest design trends.
Unlock Web Design Benefits: Go beyond looks! Understand how a well-designed website can boost your brand image, drive user engagement, and eventually, achieve your business goals.
Don't wait! Unleash your imagination and commence on your web design journey with The Web Designer Book for Beginners. Order your copy today and start building websites that impress

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Web Development with Django by Ben Shaw, Saurabh Badhwar, Andrew Bird
English | January 25, 2021 | ISBN: 1839212500 | 826 pages | PDF | 25 Mb
Do you want to develop reliable and secure applications which stand out from the crowd, rather than spending hours on boilerplate code? Then the Django framework is where you should begin. Often referred to as a 'batteries included' web development framework, Django comes with all the core features needed to build a standalone application.

Web Development with Django takes this philosophy and equips you with the knowledge and confidence to build real-world applications using Python.
Starting with the essential concepts of Django, you'll cover its major features by building a website called Bookr - a repository for book reviews. This end-to-end case study is split into a series of bitesize projects that are presented as exercises and activities, allowing you to challenge yourself in an enjoyable and attainable way.
As you progress, you'll learn various practical skills, including how to serve static files to add CSS, JavaScript, and images to your application, how to implement forms to accept user input, and how to manage sessions to ensure a reliable user experience. Throughout this book, you'll cover key daily tasks that are part of the development cycle of a real-world web application.
By the end of this book, you'll have the skills and confidence to creatively tackle your own ambitious projects with Django.

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Weiblichkeit, Männlichkeit und Gesundheit: Medizinpsychologische und psychosomatische Untersuchungen By Hildegard Felder, Elmar Brähler (auth.), Prof. Dr. rer. biol. hum. habil. Elmar Brähler, Dr. biol. hom., Dipl.-Psych. Hildegard Felder (eds.)
1999 | 211 Pages | ISBN: 3531132393 | PDF | 7 MB
In diesem Band wird der Einfluß des biologischen Geschlechts und der Geschlechtsrollen und -stereotypen auf das körperliche und seelische Wohlbefinden anhand neuer, meist empirischer Untersuchungen diskutiert. Behandelt werden - in teilweise kontroverser Form - Aspekte wie die Auswirkungen der Geschlechtsrollen, die Genese geschlechtstypischer Somatisierung, geschlechtstypische Attributionen, geschlechtstypische Krankheitskonzepte von Psychotherapeuten, die epidemiologische Befundlage bei psychischen Erkrankungen, der Einfluß der Frauenerwerbsbeteiligung auf die Gesundheit sowie das Selbstkonzept von Männern und Frauen im transkulturellen Vergleich.

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Weight, Fat Loss: The Forbidden Secret to Weight Loss, What No One Else Is Telling You. Based On Weight Loss Research. by Dr. Maria H.
English | January 11, 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B09QBKJJVZ | 114 pages | EPUB | 1.36 Mb
Struggle with weight loss no more! Understand the difference between WEIGHT and FAT loss - The real reason the number on the scale won't budge but ALSO the reason your health and fitness FALLS instead of rising up when you go on a diet. Weight, Fat Loss talks about losing weight with the correct fulfilling diet and minimal exercise!

Tested and approved by a panel of nutritionists and doctors, based on the formula that improves health and fitness instead of losing energy and hair along with the pounds. Weight, Fat Loss explains why diets like keto and other fad diets are not sustainable and stop working in the long run. Its clearly laid out steps are easy to follow with the fitness resource kit provided inside.
Stop, and back away from the appetite-suppressing lollipop!
With research-based evidence and breakthrough results, Dr. Maria H. has developed this comprehensive guide that explains in detail about calorie requirements tailored to YOUR body and activity level. Learn about how protein can completely transform your just weight loss journey into a fat loss, lean muscle gain, and fitness journey. This book will have you discovering The How, The Help, and The Halt of losing fat and keeping it off for good.
Dr. Maria H. has done the heavy lifting of wading through the abundance of information (and misinformation) surrounding diet management and used her scientific background to pinpoint the proven steps for successful weight loss. Weight, Fat Loss presents the program that is based on everyday resources to ensure desired results.
Start your final weight loss journey today as this book shares with you the secret to:Clearly navigate the 3 phases of weight loss (The How - getting started, The Help - active weight loss, and The Halt - the phase where your weight gets stuck) alongside in-depth explanations and solutions.Understand the untold and super important facts about how our bodies burn calories.What proportion of Macronutrients does your body actually requires to lose fat.Tools like, 'The best fitness App' you need to set off on this fitness journey.Understand the potential of "PROTEIN' to upgrade your health and fitness.Bust myths about TRX, Weight training, and other major exercises to determine which fitness activities will work best for you.Once you become part of #TheLeanyBeanMovement, you'll receive that exclusive resource kit which includes a progress tracker, and guide to the right tools and products to accomplish each of your fitness milestones.
Transform your health with Weight, Fat Loss today!

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