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Backscattering Sources, Volume 1
by Alessandro Curcio, Giuseppe Dattoli, Emanuele Di Palma

English | 2024 | ISBN: 0750359722 | 270 pages | True PDF EPUB | 53.16 MB

The top-performing x-ray and gamma ray sources are synchrotrons and free-electron Lasers, which require large investment. Consequently, more affordable and accessible platforms are required for research and applications based on x-rays and gamma rays. Compton backscattering (CBS) is a subset of Thomson and Compton scattering and is the mechanism through which high energy electrons interacting with low energy photons transfer part of their energy to the photons. Accordingly, an infrared photon can e.g. be 'transformed' into an x-ray or gamma ray, in a CBS process. Monochromatic and ultrashort x-ray and gamma ray sources are challenging to make; however, CBS provides a compact and accessible platform for this purpose. Aimed at those entering the field for the first time, this first volume provides a background in classical electromagnetism and relativity to facilitate the understanding of Thomson and Compton particle scattering. The general scattering theories are presented, along with laser and electron beam transport and optics. This first volume should equip the reader with the necessary background and insight to understand more advanced topics in Volume 2.

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Backscattering Sources, Volume 2
by Alessandro Curcio, Giuseppe Dattoli, Emanuele Di Palma

English | 2024 | ISBN: 0750359773 | 155 pages | True PDF EPUB | 17.5 MB

The top-performing x-ray and gamma ray sources are synchrotrons and free-electron lasers, which require large investment. Consequently, more affordable and accessible platforms are required for research and applications based on x-rays and gamma rays. Compton backscattering (CBS) is a subset of Thomson and Compton scattering and is the mechanism through which high energy electrons interacting with low energy photons transfer part of their energy to the photons. Accordingly, an infrared photon can, for example, be 'transformed' into an x-ray or gamma ray, in a CBS process. Monochromatic and ultrashort x-ray and gamma ray sources are challenging to make; however, CBS provides a compact and accessible platform for this purpose.Aimed at those entering the field for the first time, this second volume focuses on CBS that produces intense gamma rays of higher energy than typical scattering processes. Theoretical problems between the high energy electrons and laser interactions are discussed, along with the possibility of exploring new effects in strong field quantum electrodynamics and how they can be observed. CBS 'factories' and their design characteristics are analysed and later chapters take a more detailed examination of CBS applications and the future of the field.

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Bacteria to AI: Human Futures with our Nonhuman Symbionts
by N. Katherine Hayles
English | 2025 | ISBN: 0226837475 | 287 Pages | PDF | 8 MB

A new theory of mind that includes nonhuman and artificial intelligences.
The much-lauded superiority of human intelligence has not prevented us from driving the planet into ecological disaster. For N. Katherine Hayles, the climate crisis demands that we rethink basic assumptions about human and nonhuman intelligences. In Bacteria to AI, Hayles develops a new theory of mind-what she calls an integrated cognitive framework (ICF)-that includes the meaning-making practices of lifeforms from bacteria to plants, animals, humans, and some forms of artificial intelligence. Through a sweeping survey of evolutionary biology, computer science, and contemporary literature, Hayles insists that another way of life, with ICF at its core, is not only possible but necessary to safeguard our planet's future

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Banish Bedtime Battles: The Ultimate Six-Week Plan to Help Your School-Aged Child Sleep Independently by Ellen Flannery-Schroeder, Chelsea Tucker
English | June 18, 2024 | ISBN: 1538187892 | 206 pages | PDF | 6.93 Mb
It's 10pm, the golden hour. You're tired after a long day. The dishes are done, homework finished, and the kids are finally asleep. But no sooner is your head on your pillow before you hear them coming...those feet down the hallway. They're coming for you, coming for your rest, coming for your sanity, coming for your bed! You are losing sleep and patience, but the real concern is the effect on your child. Parents know that sleep is vital but often don't know how to help their child become an independent sleeper without the bedtime battles.

Banish Bedtime Battles presents an easy method to get your school-aged child to sleep in their own bed throughout the night. With expert guidance, you'll help your child develop critical coping skills essential to increasing their confidence and competence at bedtime (and beyond!). Armed with powerful parenting strategies presented in the book, you'll be ready to use your personalized six-week plan to solve your child's nighttime struggles. You'll master specific skills to refine and maintain the new bedtime routine, with plenty of troubleshooting tips. Finally, you can enjoy some well-deserved peace, quiet, and sleep!

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Basiswissen E-Mail-Marketing: Kunden binden, Absatz steigern, Kosten senken By Johne, Thomas
2006 | 58 Pages | ISBN: 389644266X | PDF | 1 MB
Ziel des Ratgebers ist es, Ihnen einen schnellen und kompakten Überblick über die verschiedenen Aspekte des E-Mail-Marketings zu geben: Von der E-Mail-Marketingplanung und Methoden der Adressgewinnung bis hin zur Entwicklung wirksamer Maßnahmen und technischer Aspekte. Zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen, liefert der Leitfaden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen - der Leser profitiert von der Beratungspraxis des Autors: Viele Beispiele helfen, das Zusammenspiel mit dem klassischen Marketing zu verstehen. Checklisten und Arbeitsunterlagen erleichtern Ihnen erste Umsetzungsschritte, wie zum Beispiel: Arbeitsunterlage - Stärken-/Schwächenanalyse Kundenkommunikation, Arbeitsunterlage - Permissionmarketing, Arbeitsunterlage - Grundstruktur E-Mail-Newsletter.

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Basiswissen Kundenorientierung - Kundenbindung: Strategien für erfolgreiche Kundenbeziehungen By Johne, Thomas
2005 | 50 Pages | ISBN: 389644252X | PDF | 1 MB
Warum soll ein Kunde eigentlich ausgerechnet Ihr Angebot in Anspruch nehmen und nicht das Ihrer Mitbewerber? Haben Sie sich diese Frage schon einmal gestellt? Um den Herausforderungen am Markt - austauschbare Produkte und Dienstleistungen sowie wachsende Macht der Kunden - erfolgreich zu begegnen, wird Kundenorientierung auch für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen immer bedeutender. Kundenerwartungen zu kennen ist die Voraussetzung für den Markterfolg: Nur wenn Sie den individuellen Bedürfnissen Ihrer Kunden gerecht werden, gewinnen Sie wirklich zufriedene Kunden, die Ihnen langfristig de Treue halten - und verschaffen sich so echte Wettbewerbsvorteile. Ziel dieses Leitfadens ist es, Ihnen einen schnellen und kompakten Einblick in die Grundkonzepte der Kundenorientierung und der Kundenbindung zu geben. Er beschreibt praxisorientiert Strategien und Methoden des aktiven Beziehungsmanagements. Ein Querschnitt der in der Praxis zum Einsatz kommenden Kundenbindungsinstrumente wird dabei ebenso behandelt wie organisatorische Aspekte. Zahlreiche Checklisten und Arbeitsunterlagen erleichtern die Umsetzung im Alltag des Marketings.

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Be My Hero: Il ladro dei miei sogni
Italiano | 2025 | ASIN: B0DYZP5JY9 | 323 Pages | EPUB | 2 MB
E adesso? Adesso è una popstar che scrive canzoni d'amore mentre io coltivo fiori per... funerali di favole. La sua faccia è ovunque, la sua voce è ovunque. E, a quanto pare, anche nella mia vita.

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Before The Bestseller: Your Proven Path to Book Sales Without Wasting Time & Money by Alex Strathdee, Laura Russom, Steve Sarner
English | March 4, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DW3RVZKM | 222 pages | EPUB | 33 Mb
Are you ready for readers?

In January 2022, Joseph Nguyen had no platform, no followers, and no brand-just an idea for a book.
By December 2024, he was a New York Times bestselling author with over 1 million copies sold.
What happened in between?
Whether you're a first-time author or looking to reignite sales, Before the Bestseller reveals the proven paths nonfiction authors take to launch books that sell-and keep selling.
Inside, you'll discover:How authors including Mike Michalowicz of Profit First (1M+ copies sold) focused on micro-communities to create echo-chambersWho Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz sent bulk forms to that sold over 500,000 copies of Go For NoWhy James Clear of Atomic Habits leveraged the 3-2-1 email list format for long-term salesWhat made Rich Dad Poor Dad the #1 bestselling finance book of all timeHow Doug Evans used social media networking to sell 100,000+ copies of The Sprout Book at book launchWhy John Strelecky sold over 8 million copies by handing his book out at Chamber of Commerce MeetingsHow the author convinced 11 universities to send his book to 40,000 students& many, many more book marketing tactics used by bestselling authors proven to sell millions of copies
No matter if you're traditionally published, hybrid, or self published, this is the most comprehensive guide on book marketing and selling more copies of your book in existence.
You'll love this well extraordinary selling guide, because it is backed with data and the stories will keep you motivated.
Stop guessing. Start succeeding. Your bestseller begins here.
Get it now.

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Behind the Badge: The remarkable & compelling true story of a boy from Egypt who became one of Australia's most senior police, for readers of THE GOOD COP & I CATCH KILLERS by Nick Kaldas, Roger Joyce
English | 5 March 2025 | ISBN: 0733342124 | 320 pages | EPUB | 4.04 Mb
The true story of one of Australia's top cops for readers of I CATCH KILLERS and THE GOOD COP

Nick Kaldas is a cop's cop. From investigating war criminals to taking down global drug operations, Kaldas has seen the worst humanity can offer. But he's also seen which human qualities can lead to greatness.
This is the compelling true story of an immigrant boy from Egypt who rose from beat cop to become one of the most senior police officers in Australia. During his time in the NSW police force, he was one of Australia's first Arab undercover cops, headed up both the Homicide and Gang Squad units, reformed the Counter Terrorism team and then became the Deputy Police Commissioner.
He has also faced down some of the toughest, most brutal criminal organisations in the world. In the Middle East, he was hand-picked by the United Nations to investigate the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri; investigate the illegal use of chemical weapons in Syria; and was the Director of Internal Oversight Services at UNRWA, the UN agency tasked with assisting Palestine refugees.
Having negotiated hostage situations, gained the trust of the Syrian secret police and chaired the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, Kaldas has learned a thing or two about resilience, courage and fortitude. In Behind the Badge, he describes the most challenging cases that have shaped him and reveals what it takes to stand up for what's right in the face of insurmountable opposition.
'The type of cop we all aspire to be.' GARY JUBELIN
'A glimpse of the personal cost of pursuing what is right.' MICK KEELTY, former Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
'Kaldas's motto "I regret nothing" summarises this exciting new book.' LOUIS FREEH, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
'Challenge, intrigue, high achievement, danger, pride, dogged determination and self-belief - it's all here and more.' SIR PAUL STEPHENSON QPM, former Commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police Service

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Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody, "Benjamin Fondane's Ulysses: Bilingual Edition "
English | ISBN: 0815635168 | 2017 | 184 pages | AZW3 | 513 KB
From 1923, when he emigrated from Bucharest, to his deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944, Benjamin Fondane made a unique and independent-minded contribution to the literary and intellectual life of Paris. One of the most significant pieces in Fondane's body of work is the long poem Ulysses, first published in 1933. Fondane considerably revised his text during the dark years of occupied Paris, and it is this second "edition without an end," left unfinished at the time of his deportation, that is translated here. It is a moving testament to the poetic voice and philosophical engagement of this exceptional figure of the Paris avant-garde.

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Emily Brady Professor of Philosophy, "Between Nature and Culture: The Aesthetics of Modified Environments"
English | 2018 | ISBN: 1786610760, 1786610752 | PDF | pages: 144 | 5.0 mb
Within philosophy, a new interest in aesthetics beyond the arts has encouraged the rapid growth of environmental aesthetics. Within this literature, however, less attention has been given to the spaces and places that emerge from various nature-culture interactions. This has meant the relative neglect of types of environments to which the majority of people have access, and interact with, in a sustained manner. In this respect, these are the environments in which many of us understand and value nature. Through a greater understanding of how humans interact with these environments and the types of relationships that emerge through this interaction, we address seek to address this gap.

Between Nature and Culture provides a systematic, philosophical account of the main issues and problems that pertain to the aesthetics of modified environments, as well as new insights concerning the generation and appreciation of landscapes and environments that fall between (non-human) nature and (human) culture, including gardens, agricultural and ecologically restored landscapes, and land and ecological art works.

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Agnia Grigas, "Beyond Crimea: The New Russian Empire"
English | ISBN: 0300214502 | 2016 | 352 pages | AZW3 | 1060 KB
How will Russia redraw post-Soviet borders? In the wake of recent Russian expansionism, political risk expert Agnia Grigas illustrates how-for more than two decades-Moscow has consistently used its compatriots in bordering nations for its territorial ambitions. Demonstrating how this policy has been implemented in Ukraine and Georgia, Grigas provides cutting-edge analysis of the nature of Vladimir Putin's foreign policy and compatriot protection to warn that Moldova, Kazakhstan, the Baltic States, and others are also at risk.

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Beyond Division: The Resilient Lives of Thirty Diverse Israeli Women Leaders
by Bilha Chesner Fish
English | 2025 | ASIN: B0DGF765HN | 320 Pages | True ePUB | 13.1 MB

Drawn from fresh post-pandemic interviews, Beyond Division relates stories of how thirty diverse Israeli women leaders, artists, scientists, philanthropists, healers, academics-religious and secular Jews, Christians, Druze, Ethiopians, Arabs, and others, from the North to the South-lead lives of purpose in their polarized nation, despite war and socio-ethnic differences.
This unique collection of personal stories reveals the experiences, struggles, and successes of thirty diverse women leaders, post-pandemic. Beyond Division paints a vivid picture of Israel's challenges-past, present, and future-while depicting a love of country that unites all and inspires hope.
Among the thirty women featured: CEO of Diagnostic Robotics Kira Radinsky; artist and owner of Druze Holocaust Art Gallery, Bothaina Halabi; former Knesset Minister of Immigration and Absorption, Pnina Tamano-Shata; CEO of Arabic News and Social Media Platform, Ghada Zoabi; Board Chair of Medinol and founder of the NJR School of the Heart Judith Richter; CEO of Israeli Flying Aid, Gal Lusky; Particle Physicist and Social Activist Shikma Schwartzman Bressler, and IDF Special Nachal Division and Kibbutz Kfar Aza member, Varda Goldstein.
The author, a native Israeli who immigrated to the US fifty years ago, weaves into the book memories of the Israel of her youth, of how the familiar landscapes and original ideals have been transformed, yet still endure, and concludes that a nation divided can still be held together by a single person's love of country and community. As stated in the book's foreword by Dr. Uriel Reichman: "Dr. Fish's book is not only one of promise and hope, but one that highlights the growing need for women in leadership."

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Beyond Employee Engagement: Building workplace cultures that drive legendary employee experiences and phenomenal customer experiences! by Kristina Vaneva
English | August 8, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CWY5ZG2K | 342 pages | EPUB | 9.59 Mb
What elevates organizations from ordinary to extraordinary?

Ever wondered what sets extraordinary workplaces apart? Eager to discover your role in fostering such excellence? Look no further - with a foreword by Dave Ulrich, Beyond Employee Engagement is an essential read for you!
Embark on a journey into the heart of workplace culture, where every step, from attraction to offboarding and potential reboarding, plays a pivotal role in shaping an outstanding employee experience and driving a phenomenal customer experience. In this definitive blueprint, discover the art of purposeful cultural crafting through practical, well-researched, and proven methods. Understand how your direct actions can transform ordinary workplaces into extraordinary, award-winning organizations that drive exceptional business results.
What if organizations could contribute to creating better human beings?
With Beyond Employee Engagement, you'll discover how investing in employees' holistic experiences creates advocates who go above and beyond the call of duty. Learn about the symbiotic relationship between engaged employees, customer loyalty, heightened profitability, and vibrant communities and societies.
Who Holds the Key to Transformation? You do!
This book's your compass if you are a student, a practitioner, or a true believer in the pivotal role of Human Resources. It's a guide for leaders, managers, and aspiring team leaders who wish to positively impact people and contribute to a better world. Whether you're aiming to build an organizational culture, create a company that is top of mind for impressive talents, or assemble an authentic employee engagement strategy, this book provides everything you need on your journey.
Your Blueprint to Success:
Create inspiring workplaces that transcend the ordinary! Grab your copy of Beyond Employee Engagement today, and let this blueprint empower you to make a lasting difference. Take part in a united movement to shape and impact a future where work's not just a place, but a purposeful journey of fulfillment, a transformative experience for employees, customers, and beyond.

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Brittney C. Cooper, "Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women "
English | ISBN: 0252082486 | 2017 | 208 pages | AZW3 | 779 KB
Beyond Respectability charts the development of African American women as public intellectuals and the evolution of their thought from the end of the 1800s through the Black Power era of the 1970s. Eschewing the Great Race Man paradigm so prominent in contemporary discourse, Brittney C. Cooper looks at the far-reaching intellectual achievements of female thinkers and activists like Anna Julia Cooper, Mary Church Terrell, Fannie Barrier Williams, Pauli Murray, and Toni Cade Bambara. Cooper delves into the processes that transformed these women and others into racial leadership figures, including long-overdue discussions of their theoretical output and personal experiences. As Cooper shows, their body of work critically reshaped our understandings of race and gender discourse. It also confronted entrenched ideas of how-and who-produced racial knowledge.

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Mari Fitzduff, "Beyond Violence: Conflict Resolution Process in Northern Ireland"
English | 2002 | pages: 253 | ISBN: 9280810782 | PDF | 8,8 mb
After almost thirty years of bloody conflict, the opposing parties in Northern Ireland signed the "Good Friday Agreement" in 1998, a document that specifies how to share power, thus bringing to an end the fighting that had claimed so many lives. What were the processes of conflict resolution that enabled Northern Ireland to move beyond violence and agree to such a settlement? Mari Fitzduff was involved in many of these processes and was a close observer of the others. Drawing on her extensive experience, she outlines the strategic developments, arrived at slowly and with difficulty over the years, that enabled agreement to be reached. These include programs that successfully addressed the inequalities between the Protestant and Catholic communities, resulting in a more positive approach to cultural and political diversity and a significant decrease in tensions. Beyond Violence contains valuable, practical insights for those who are struggling to manage and resolve ethnic, religious, political, or cultural conflicts.

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Big Data and Security: Second International Conference, ICBDS 2020, Singapore, Singapore, December 20-22, 2020, Revised Selected Papers by Yuan Tian
English | EPUB | 2021 | 665 Pages | ISBN : 9811631492 | 116.4 MB

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Big Data and Security, ICBDS 2020, held in Singapore, Singapore, in December 2020.
The 44 revised full papers and 8 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected out of 153 submissions. The papers included in this book are orfanized according to the topical sections on cybersecurity and privacy, big data, blockchain and internet of things, and artificial intelligence/ machine learning security.

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Bioeconomy for Beginners by Joachim Pietzsch
English | EPUB | 2020 | 221 Pages | ISBN : 3662603896 | 97.7 MB

This book provides an interdisciplinary and comprehensible introduction to bioeconomy. It thus provides basic knowledge for understanding a transformation process that will shape the 21st century and requires the integration of many disciplines and industries that have had little to do with each other up to now. We are talking about the gradual and necessary transition from the age of fossil fuels, which began around 200 years ago, to a global economy based on renewable raw materials (and renewable energies). The success of this transition is key to coping with the challenge of climate change.
This book conceives the realization of bioeconomy as a threefold task - a scientific, an economic and an ecological one.
· Where does the biomass come from that we need primarily for feeding the growing world population but also for future energy and material use? How can it be processed in biorefineries and what role does biotechnology play in this regard?
· Which aspects of innovation economics need to be considered, which economic aspects of value creation, competitiveness and customer acceptance are important?
· What conditions must a bioeconomy fulfil in order to enable a sustainable development of life on earth? May it be regarded as a key to further economic growth or shouldn't it rather orient itself towards the ideal of sufficiency?
By dealing with these questions from the not necessarily consistent perspectives of proven experts, this book provides an interdisciplinary overview of a dynamic field of research and practice that raises more questions than answers and thus may nurture the motivation of many more people to seriously engage for the realization of a bioeconomy.

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Biomarkers in Dermatology
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031665120 | 300 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 18 MB
This book provides a practical guide to the use of biomarkers in the clinical decision-making process and the subsequent effect that they can have in the management of patients with a range of dermatological conditions. It features a number of detailed reviews of various biomarkers, including those associated with mitochondrial DNA, tissue-based proteins and Merkel cell carcinoma. Chapters also define appropriate diagnostic and management criteria when utilizing biomarkers in day-to-day clinical practice enabling the reader to develop their decision-making skills.

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Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: 7th International Conference, Living Machines 2018, Paris, France, July 17-20, 2018, Proceedings by Vasiliki Vouloutsi
English | PDF | 2018 | 569 Pages | ISBN : 3319959719 | 126.67 MB
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Living Machines 2018, held in Paris, France, in July 2018.The 40 full and 18 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The theme of the conference targeted at the intersection of research on novel life-like technologies inspired by the scientific investigation of biological systems, biomimetics, and research that seeks to interface biological and artificial systems to create biohybrid systems.


xBiomimetic and Biohybrid Systems

Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: 7th International Conference, Living Machines 2018, Paris, France, July 17-20, 2018, Proceedings by Vasiliki Vouloutsi
English | PDF | 2018 | 569 Pages | ISBN : 3319959719 | 126.67 MB
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Living Machines 2018, held in Paris, France, in July 2018.The 40 full and 18 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The theme of the conference targeted at the intersection of research on novel life-like technologies inspired by the scientific investigation of biological systems, biomimetics, and research that seeks to interface biological and artificial systems to create biohybrid systems.

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