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Hans Schoots, "Living Dangerously: A Biography of Joris Ivens"
English | 2000 | pages: 444 | ISBN: 9053563881 | PDF | 13,9 mb
The Dutch film maker Joris Ivens (1898-1989) was one of the founding fathers of documentary film. The career of this eternal traveller spanned over sixty years, from his first film in the twenties to his last, finished at the age of ninety. Among Ivens's friends and collaborators were leading filmmakers and actors like Eisenstein, Pudovkin, Dovzhenko, Chaplin, Milestone, Capra, Losey, Flaherty, Grierson, De Santis, the Taviani brothers, Signoret, Montand and Marker.

In his early years Joris Ivens was a prominent figure in the international film avant-garde. From the thirties onwards he became, according to American film historian Robert Sklar, 'the most important political filmmaker of the decade, probably of the century'. His films on Soviet socialism, the Spanish Civil War, the Indonesian struggle for independence, the Vietnam-war and the Cuban and Chinese revolutions, make him a subject of controversy in any debate on the relationship between art and propaganda.
Hans Schoots has based his biography on new research of Ivenss complete filmwork and of unknown production-documents, personal letters and diaries, found in many archives, such as Ivens's FBI-dossier and State Archives in Moscow and former Eastern-Berlin. Artistic and political milieus in Amsterdam, Berlin, Moscow, New York, Hollywood, Paris, Havana, Hanoi and Beijing provide the background of this fascinating life-story. This is the volume 11 in the Amsterdam University Press series Film Culture in Transition, edited by Thomas Elsaesser.

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Steve Fallon, "Lonely Planet Hungary"
English | 2006 | pages: 216 | ISBN: 1741042232 | PDF | 8,6 mb
Complemented by easy-to use, reliable maps, helpful recommendations, authoritative background information, and up-to-date coverage of things to see and do, these popular travel guides cover in detail countries, regions, and cities around the world for travelers of every budget, along with extensive itineraries, maps with cross-referencing to the text, "Top 10" and "Top 5" lists, and other practical features.

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Love As a Business Strategy: Resilience, Belonging & Success, Updated Edition
English | 2025 | ISBN: 139433253X | 195 Pages | PDF | 1.5 MB
Chock-full of real-world examples of mistakes, heartbreak, and redemption that makes it read more like a juicy exposé than a business book, Love as a Business Strategy offers a new, people-first framework for achieving any business outcome. Written by authors who aren't fans of run-of-the-mill, nap-inducing business or leadership books, this book clearly shows that a better way of doing business is possible, helping readers ditch the status quo, embrace humanity, and achieve lasting success.

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Love, Rita: An American Story of Sisterhood, Joy, Loss, and Legacy by Bridgett M. Davis
English | March 11, 2025 | ISBN: 0063322080, 9780063322103 | True EPUB | 384 pages | 18.9 MB
A searing tribute of sisterhood and family, profound love and loss from the acclaimed author of The World According to Fannie Davis.

In Love, Rita Bridgett M. Davis tells the story of her beloved older sister Rita, who knew Bridgett before she knew herself. Just four years apart in age, as the two sisters grew into young adulthood they left behind their childhood rivalry and became best friends.
Rita was a vivacious woman who attended Fisk University at age sixteen, and went on to become a car test driver, an amateur belly dancer, an MBA, and later a popular special ed teacher; in doing so, she modeled for her younger sister Bridgett how to live boldly. And in the face of family tragedy, the two sisters leaned on each other to heal; their closeness grew, until Rita's life was cut short by lupus when she was forty-four. This led Bridgett to ask the simple, heartbreaking question: Why Rita?
Love, Rita is a brave and beautiful homage that not only celebrates the special, complex bond of sisterhood but also reveals what it is to live, and die, as a Black woman in America.
This moving memoir, full of joy and heartbreak, family history alongside American history, uses Rita's life as a lens to examine the persistent effects of racism in the lives of Black women-and the men they love. This poignant, deeply resonant portrait of an unforgettable woman and her impact on those she left behind is essential reading.

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Lucky Loser: Adventures in Tennis and Comedy by Michael Kosta
English | March 11, 2025 | ISBN: 0063418061, 9780063418097 | True EPUB | 304 pages | 35.98 MB
From a host of The Daily Show and stand-up comic, Michael Kosta, comes a wildly funny and insightful memoir about his unlikely journey from professional tennis player (#864 in the world) to professional comedian (there's no ranking system in comedy but he's probably . . . top 50?).

Before Michael Kosta was performing stand-up comedy specials and hosting The Daily Show, he was a professional tennis "star," reaching the lofty heights of the #864 ranked men's singles player in the world. Stop laughing. That's better than your world ranking. As a tennis pro, Kosta traveled across the globe, competing in such exotic locales as the Netherlands, Tokyo, and even rural Illinois before deciding to put down his racket and pursue a more stable and predictable career: comedy.
In a completely unexpected and wild journey through the backwaters of professional tennis, Kosta shows the unlikely ways life on the court prepared him for life in front of a microphone. Like comedy, tennis is brutally competitive, and most people lose at it. Unlike comedy, no one in tennis puts a gun on the table as they count out your earnings in twenty-dollar bills at the end of the night.
And then there are the things that have more to do with what happens to you-and what you end up learning-as part of growing up. Topics include: how to properlydiscard an unwanted European hard-boiled egg, giving CPR to your dead grandpa, cringe-worthy"sex" in the Red Light District,crying so hard in a car that strangers call the cops, andalso happy things likewhat it feels like when your dreams come true.
From misadventures in tennis to the humbling setbacks of comedy, Lucky Loser is a heart-filled story of making your own luck, the universal experience of failure, and the many ways in which we all inevitably lose on the way to success.

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Lynch on Lynch, Revised Edition by David Lynch, edited by Chris Rodley
English | | ISBN: 0571220185, 9780571261529 | True EPUB | 336 pages | 28 MB
Now fully updated, Lynch on Lynch describes the career of a cinematic genius who has continued to astonish filmgoers with the lovely and life-affirming The Straight Story and the luxurious dread of the Academy Award-nominated Mulholland Drive.

In this definitive career-length interview book, Lynch speaks openly about the full breadth of his creative work, which encompasses not only movies but also a lifelong commitment to painting, a continuing exploration of photography, extensive work in television, and musical collaborations with composer Angelo Badalamenti and singer Julee Cruise.

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Lästiger Scherz oder strafbarer Ernst?: Missbrauch von Zeichen nach § 132a StGB und §§ 124 ff. OWiG: Zeichenunfug oder sanktionswürdiges Delikt By Bottke, Wilfried
2004 | 99 Pages | ISBN: 3428104129 | PDF | 1 MB
Der "Mißbrauch staatlicher oder staatlich geschützter Zeichen" ist nach §§ 124 ff. OWiG mit Geldbuße sanktionierbar. Der "Mißbrauch von Titeln, Berufsbezeichnungen und Abzeichen" ist nach § 132a StGB mit Strafe sanktionierbar. Geschieht Sanktionierung mit dem Grund eines hoheitsanmaßend verwalteten Gutes? Ist es bei allen Missbrauchsarten der Nr. 1-4 des § 132a I StGB dasselbe? Oder hat § 132a StGB statt eines definiblen Schutzgutes nur eine diffuse Schutzzweckmenge, geschweige denn ein begriffenes Gut, das gegen seine hoheitsanmaßende Verwaltung strafrechtlichen Schutz verdient? Welche Bestrafungsvoraussetzungen stellt § 132a StGB? Ist Depoenalisierung zugunsten einer Geldbußensanktionierung verfassungsrechtlich angezeigt? Ist gar Desanktionierung anrätlich?Der Autor versucht die gestellten Fragen zu beantworten. Er analysiert die sanktionierbaren Taten als Delikte des Zeichentrugs, des Zeichenmissbrauchs sowie der Ermöglichung von Zeichentrug und Zeichenmissbrauch. Das in § 132a StGB beschriebene Delikt ist kein "verhaltensgebundenes Delikt ohne Rechtsgutverletzung". Depoenalisierung strafbaren Missbrauchs zugunsten einer Geldbußensanktionierung ist nicht verfassungsrechtlich angezeigt.

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Machine Learning and AI in Cybersecurity
ISBN: 9780135369074 | .MP4, AVC, 1280x720, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 3h 8m | 648 MB
Instructor: Chuck Easttom

The Sneak Peek program provides early access to Pearson video products and is exclusively available to subscribers. Content for titles in this program is made available throughout the development cycle, so products may not be complete, edited, or finalized, including video post-production editing.
Machine Learning and AI for Cybersecurity: Introduction
Lesson 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
Learning objectives
1.1 Current Status of Machine Learning for Cyber Security
1.2 Basics of Machine Learning
1.3 Data Mining Basics
Lesson 2: Defensive Uses of Machine Learning
Learning objectives
2.1 Defensive Uses of Machine Learning
2.2 Offensive Uses of Machine Learning
Lesson 3: Basic Machine Learning Programming
Learning objectives
3.1 TensorFlow Basics
3.2 More with TensorFlow
3.3 TensorFlow Issues
3.4 Neural Networks with TensorFlow
Lesson 4: Large Language Models
Learning objectives
4.1 What Are Large Language Models?
4.2 ChatGPT and Alternatives
4.3 Deep Fakes
Lesson 5: Cyberwarfare
Learning objectives
5.1 Defining Cyber Warfare
5.2 Weaponized Malware
Lesson 6: More ML Coding
Learning objectives
6.1 Neural Network Variations
6.2 Clustering Algorithms
Machine Learning and AI for Cybersecurity: Summary

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Macht und Ohnmacht des Grundgesetzes: Sechs Würzburger Vorträge zu 60 Jahren Verfassung By Dreier, Horst
2009 | 200 Pages | ISBN: 342813219X | PDF | 1 MB
Der Band dokumentiert eine Vortragsveranstaltung, die die Autoren als Vertreter des Öffentlichen Rechts der Universität Würzburg aus Anlaß des 60. Geburtstages des Grundgesetzes in der Würzburger Neubaukirche gestalteten. Der erfreulich große Zuspruch gerade von studentischer Seite ermunterte sie dazu, ihre Referate zur Druckreife zu bringen und gemeinsam in einem Band vorzulegen.Bei aller Heterogenität der Beiträge zeigt sich deutlich, welch enorme Wirkkraft und Gestaltungsmacht das Grundgesetz für die politische Ordnung und die Identität der Bundesrepublik Deutschland entfaltet. Bei zahlreichen Jubiläumsfeiern ist das zu Recht immer wieder betont worden. Das sollte aber unseren Blick nicht dafür trüben, daß die so verstandene "Macht" keine grenzenlose ist. Gewisse Schattenseiten des Grundgesetzes sind möglicherweise als nichtintendierte Folgen mancher für sich genommen wertvoller und wichtiger Entscheidungen des Parlamentarischen Rates zu begreifen und vermutlich nur in sehr beschränktem Umfang vermeidbar. Auch kann die Verfassung ihre eigene Auslegung nur begrenzt steuern, wie Reflexionen auf das Verhältnis von Methodenlehre und Grundgesetz im allgemeinen, Fallanalysen zur kommunalen Selbstverwaltung und zum Auslandseinsatz der Bundeswehr im besonderen zeigen. Vor allem die umstrittene Entsendung deutscher Streitkräfte führt einmal mehr die zentrale Rolle des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vor Augen, dessen einschlägige Leitentscheidung die eher restriktiven Aussagen des Grundgesetzes stark strapaziert und nach dem Urteil mancher dabei die Grenze zur Verfassungsänderung überschritten hat. Schließlich läßt sich am Beispiel der europäischen Integration und Art. 146 demonstrieren, daß das Grundgesetz seinen Geltungs- und Gestaltungsanspruch keineswegs absolut setzt, sondern weitreichende Einbindungen in höherstufige politische Verbände ebenso kennt wie die Möglichkeit eines vollständigen "Identitätswechsels" der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Um den Weg zu einem europäischen Bundesstaat zu ebnen, müßte es sich allerdings selbst zur Disposition stellen. Ob das einmal geschehen wird, vermag heute niemand sicher vorauszusagen. Sicher aber ist, daß das Grundgesetz auch 60 Jahre nach Verkündung in seiner Entwicklung weiter voranschreitet.

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Geshe Rabten, "Mahamudra - der Weg zur Erkenntnis der Wirklichkeit"
Deutsch | 2002 | pages: 111 | ISBN: 3905497425 | PDF | 0,9 mb

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Mammals of Wisconsin Field Guide (Mammal Identification Guides), 2nd Edition by Stan Tekiela
English | March 4th, 2025 | ISBN: 1647555191 | 332 pages | True EPUB | 39.83 MB
Identify Wisconsin mammals with this easy-to-use field guide, organized by family and featuring full-color photographs and helpful information.

Whether you happen upon an animal track or actually see wildlife in nature, interacting with mammals is a thrill. Learn to identify mammals in Wisconsin. With Stan Tekiela's famous field guide, mammal identification is simple and informative. The Mammals of Wisconsin Field Guide features all 71 species found in the state, organized by family and then by size. When you see a mammal, you can determine its family by common visual characteristics and then turn to the corresponding section to find out what it is! Fact-filled information contains the particulars that you want to know, while full-color photographs provide the visual detail needed for accurate identification.
This second edition includes updated photographs and range maps, expanded information, and even more of Stan's expert insights. So grab the Mammals of Wisconsin Field Guide for your next outing to help ensure that you positively identify the wildlife you see.
Inside you'll find:
* All 71 of Wisconsin's mammals, from mice to moose
* Facts about size, habitat, range, young, and more
* Times each animal is most likely to be active and signs it might leave behind
* Professional photos, range maps, and track patterns
* Stan's naturalist notes and fascinating facts

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Management Essentials for Civil Engineers: A Practical Guide to Business, Communication, Ethics, and Risk by Cody A. Pennetti, C. Kat Grimsley, Brian M. Grindall
English | September 24, 2024 | ISBN: 1119851602 | 528 pages | PDF | 20 Mb
The Civil Engineer's Guide to Effective Project Management

A project's success requires more than technical calculations and engineered designs. As this book details, effective management in civil engineering involves aligning operations with the broader context of stakeholder objectives.
Management Essentials for Civil Engineers is a comprehensive resource designed to help civil engineers enhance their project management and business development skills. This text integrates engineering acumen with management principles, offering insights on business, communication, ethics, and risk analysis.
Topics included in this book:project Management Principles specifically tailored for civil engineers with content relevant to infrastructure and real estate projects.Leadership and Power Dynamics to understand and leverage various forms of power that support team objectives.Risk Management concepts to develop skills in anticipating, assessing, and responding effectively to project threats and opportunities.Contract Law and Liability covering the complexities of contractual frameworks, project delivery methods, and broader legal aspects.Effective Communication strategies to enhance interactions with diverse clients, project team members, and external stakeholders.Value Creation principles that consider cost management while ensuring meaningful value in the project deliverables.Systems Perspective viewing projects as integral components of broader operational frameworks, including program and portfolio management.Supplementing the content of each chapter is a narrative that threads through the core topics of this book, providing tangible context to theoretical constructs. This narrative approach facilitates the application of project management principles.
Authored by three professionals with backgrounds in engineering, law, and business, this book combines insightful experiences with practical recommendations. The interdisciplinary approach underscores the book's comprehensive nature, providing core frameworks directly applicable to real-world projects.

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Martini: The Ultimate Guide to a Cocktail Icon by Alice Lascelles
English | October 15, 2024 | ISBN: 1837831351 | 176 pages | PDF | 38 Mb
'When it's Martini Hour, you need a guide and there is no one better than Alice Lascelles.' - Jay Rayner

It's almost 150 years since someone had the idea of mixing dry vermouth and gin - and yet the Martini is now more popular than it's ever been. What's behind this simple drink's enduring success? And can perfection be reached, with a recipe so renowned, yet as personal as how you take your tea...
In The Martini, award-winning journalist, Financial Times columnist and cocktail expert Alice Lascelles goes on a deep-dive into one her favorite drinks -one that's bewitched bartenders, artists, authors, film-makers and barflies for more than a century.
Over the course of 60 recipes, she charts the Martini's journey from the smoky saloons of 1880s New York to the hottest cocktail joints of the 21st century. Discover old-time Martini twists like the Flame of Love and the Tuxedo in the section on Vintage drinks, or turn to Honorary for fun and fruity updates on Lychee and Espresso Martinis. The Classic section, which covers the likes of the Dry Martini, the Vesper and the Gibson, will delight Martini purists, while the Contemporary chapter showcases new-wave Martini recipes from some of the world's top mixologists.
Peppered with anecdotes from the drink's rich history and Alice's travels round the world in search of the ultimate recipe, The Martini voyages from the speakeasies of Tokyo and the dive bars of Brooklyn to the swankiest hotels of St James's. Discover the best Martini to pair with oysters; explore variations infused with olive oil, shiso and jasmine tea; find out why your most important tool is your freezer; and the real reason James Bond liked a shaken, not stirred, Martini.
If you don't know what your perfect Martini looks like, then this book will help you find it. And if you do, then its mix of tips, tricks and trade secrets will almost certainly help you to improve it.
Crisply-designed and illustrated with stunning color photography, The Martini is a stylish, fun and fascinating guide to one of the cocktail world's most enduring classics.

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Mastering Java Reflection and Metaprogramming: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills by Larry Jones
English | March 10, 2025 | ISBN: B0DZZ7M27Z | 621 pages | EPUB | 10 Mb
"Mastering Java Reflection and Metaprogramming: Unlock the Secrets of Expert-Level Skills" is an essential resource for seasoned Java developers eager to delve into the advanced capabilities that set apart proficient programmers. This book demystifies the powerful yet complex topics of reflection and metaprogramming, empowering developers to craft more adaptable, flexible, and dynamic applications. Each chapter methodically unpacks intricate concepts, equipping readers with the skills to transform how they approach Java programming.

Dive into a meticulously curated exploration of Java's most sophisticated features, including dynamic class loading, bytecode manipulation, and the strategic use of annotations. Through a balanced blend of theoretical depth and practical application, this book offers readers valuable insights into the seamless integration of reflection with modern Java features. Learn how to optimize performance while maintaining the highest security standards, ensuring your applications are both efficient and resilient to potential vulnerabilities.
"Mastering Java Reflection and Metaprogramming" offers not just knowledge but the practical tools and patterns needed to implement innovative solutions effectively. Whether you are enhancing existing systems or breaking new ground in software development, this book provides essential guidance and sophisticated strategies. By elevating your understanding of Java's dynamic capabilities, you are empowered to bring enhanced adaptability and cutting-edge functionality to your software projects.

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Mastering OpenAI for Enterprise:
Unlock the Power of OpenAI to Build Intelligent Applications for Businesses with GPT, DALL-E, RAG, and AI Agents

English | 2025 | ISBN: 9348107348 | 239 Pages | EPUB (True) | 14 MB

OpenAI is transforming industries with cutting-edge AI models, redefining how businesses operate, innovate, and compete. Mastering OpenAI for Enterprise is your definitive guide to harnessing the power of OpenAI's groundbreaking technologies, including GPT models, DALL·E, and more. Designed for AI engineers, developers, and business leaders, this book offers an in-depth understanding of OpenAI's tools and their real-world applications in enterprise settings.

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Materials and Electro-mechanical and Biomedical Devices Based on Nanofibers by Alexander L. Yarin , Filippo Pierini , Eyal Zussman , Marco Lauricella
English | EPUB (True) | 2024 | 344 Pages | ISBN : 303148438X | 141.6 MB
The book is interwoven according to the intrinsic logics of modern most important applications of electrospun nanofibers. It discusses such application-oriented nanofibers as self-healing vascular nanotextured materials, biopolymer nanofibers, soft robots and actuators based on nanofibers, biopolymer nanofiber-based triboelectric nanogenerators, metallized nanofibers, and heaters and sensors based on them. It also includes such topics as the injectable nanofibrous biomaterials, fibrous hemostatic agents and their interaction with blood, as well as electrospun nanofibers for face-mask applications. The book also details polyelectrolytes-based complex nanofibers and their use as actuators. It also covers drug release facilitated by polyelectrolytes-based complex nanofibers.

The fundamental aspects of electrospinning of polymer nanofibers discussed in the final part of the book link them to the applications described in the preceding chapters. Such topics as polymer solution preparation and their rheological properties, e.g., viscoelasticity and the related spinnability, the electrical conductivity of polymer solutions, and the cascade of the physical phenomena resulting in formation of nanofibers encompass the experimental aspects. Also, the general quasi-1D equations used for modeling of formation of electrospun polymer nanofibers, and the numerical aspects of their solution are discussed in detail, including such modeling-driven applications as nanofiber alignment by electric focusing fields.

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Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Physikalische Grundlagen
Deutsch | 2025 | ISBN: 3662683253 | 673 Pages | PDF (True) | 42 MB
Dieses Lehrbuch führt interessierte Leserinnen und Leser in die modernen Konzepte der physikalischen Metallkunde und Materialphysik ein. Diese sind gleichermaßen grundlegend für das Verständnis metallischer sowie nichtmetallischer Werkstoffe und bilden daher die Grundlagen der Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik über alle klassischen Werkstoffklassen der Metalle, Keramiken, Gläser und Kunststoffe hinweg. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der naturwissenschaftliche Aspekt, ohne dass die ingenieurwissenschaftliche Sichtweise und der Blick auf technische Anwendungen vernachlässigt wird.

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Hugh Macmillan, "Max Gluckman "
English | ISBN: 1805391720 | 2024 | 184 pages | PDF | 2 MB
This handy, concise biography describes the life and intellectual contribution of Max Gluckman (1911-75) who was one the most significant social anthropologists of the twentieth century.

Max Gluckman was the founder in the 1950s of the Manchester School of Social Anthropology. He did fieldwork among the Zulu of South Africa in the 1930s and the Lozi of Northern Rhodesia/Zambia in the 1940s. This book describes in detail his academic career and the lasting influence of his Analysis of A Social Situation in Modern Zululand (1940-42) and of his two large monographs on the legal system of the Lozi.
From the Introduction:
Max Gluckman was the most influential of a group of social anthropologists who emerged from South Africa during the 1930s into what was essentially a new academic discipline. His description and analysis of events in real time implied a rejection of contemporary social anthropological practice, of the 'ethnographic present', and of hypothetical or conjectural reconstructions and an acceptance of the need to study 'primitive' societies in the context of the modern world.
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Me, But Better: The Science and Promise of Personality Change by Olga Khazan
English | March 11, 2025 | ISBN: 1668012545, 9781668012567 | True EPUB | 288 pages | 2 MB
Is it really possible to change your entire personality in a year? An award-winning journalist experiments with her own personality to find out-and reveals the science behind lasting change.

In recent years, Olga Khazan had been spiraling toward an existential crisis. Though she treasured her loving relationship and her dream job, her neurotic personality often left her snatching dissatisfaction from the jaws of happiness. While her overachieving had always been a professional asset, Olga lately felt like her brittle disposition could shatter under the weight of just one more thing-but could she really change her entire personality?
Research shows that you can alter your personality traits by behaving in ways that align with the kind of person you'd like to be-a process that can make you happier, healthier, and more successful. In Me, But Better, Olga embarks on an experiment to see whether it's possible to go from dwelling in dread to "radiating joy." For one year, Olga reluctantly clicked "yes" on a bucket list of new experiences-from meditation to improv to sailing-that forced her to at least act happy. With a skeptic's eye, Olga brings you on her journey through the science of personality, presenting evidence-backed techniques to help you change your mind for the better. Sharply witty and deeply fascinating, Me, But Better offers a probing inquiry into what it means to live a fulfilling life, and how you can keep diving into change, no matter how uncomfortable it feels.

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Meaning in Life: A Subjectivist Account
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031803612 | 349 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 3 MB
In contrast, this book contends that meaningfulness is not an objective quality of lives, nor is it in some way dependent on such a quality. Meaning is not like truth, which is commonly thought to be an objective quality of propositions. Statements or beliefs are not true simply because someone thinks or feels that they are true. Something can appear true that is in fact false. But a person cannot feel their life to be meaningful, while in fact it is not, because meaning does not depend on the presence of certain features without which no life can be rightly considered meaningful. The book therefore concludes that many people live a meaningful life. Meaning is not the prerogative of an elite minority. It is not a measure of human accomplishments.

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