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Existenzgründung und Existenzsicherung in Deutschland und international: RKW-Kuratorium By Franz, Otmar
2014 | 170 Pages | ISBN: 3896736639 | PDF | 1 MB
Deutschland braucht eine vitale Gründerszene. Denn Unternehmensgründungen bringen frischen Wind und innovative Konzepte in die Wirtschaft. Sie stärken den Wettbewerb und tragen so dazu bei, dass sich Deutschlands Unternehmen erfolgreich auf den Weltmärkten behaupten können. Vor allem aber sind Startups der beste Weg, die eigenen Talente zu verwirklichen und Neues zu wagen. Diesen Aufbruchsgeist, der mich bei meinen vielen Treffen mit jungen Gründerinnen und Gründern immer wieder beeindruckt, will ich weiter stärken. Mit diesen Worten beginnt das RKW-Kuratoriumsmitglied Dr. Philipp Rösler seinen Einleitungsaufsatz zum Thema des 21. Bandes des RKW Kuratoriums „Existenzgründung und Existenzsicherung in Deutschland und international" und fasst bereits wesentliche Ergebnisse zusammen.In insgesamt 17 Beiträgen diskutieren Autoren aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft die Bedeutung der Gründerszene für die Leistungs- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft, betrachten Chancen, aber auch Risiken von Gründungen und skizzieren Wege der Unterstützung und Förderung.Das RKW-Kuratorium ist eine Institution des RKW Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrums der Deutschen Wirtschaft e. V. Hier versammeln sich einmal im Jahr hochrangige Persönlichkeiten, um bedeutsame Zukunftsfragen für den deutschen Mittelstand zu diskutieren.

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Exit Strategy: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Selling Your Business Without Regret
by Rob Walling, Sherry Walling
English | 2025 | ASIN: B0DWXCYG3V | 280 Pages | True ePUB | 1.24 MB

Sell your business. Stick the landing. We'll show you how.
Exit Strategy is everything you need to know about selling a business.
Dr. Sherry Walling, a clinical psychologist specializing in entrepreneur mental health, and Rob Walling, a serial entrepreneur who has secured life-changing sums in multiple exits, have teamed up to provide you with a roadmap for navigating this treacherous terrain, offering a rare combination of practical savvy and emotional nuance that can only come from a true understanding of the journey.
Exit Strategy will teach you:
* When is the right time to sell? Including frameworks to decide if you want to sell, when it's the right time, and what you want to get out of it.
* Navigating the process & players. Practical instructions on how to structure your deal, build your support team, and minimize any collateral damage to yourself, your employees, and your family.
* Beyond the big check. Here's where most books on selling your business stop. But your life goes on. This book will help you manage the huge range of financial, experiential, and relational experiences you'll have after the sale.
Whether you're thinking about selling your business, you're midway through the process, or you've just come out the other side dizzy and disoriented, Exit Strategy will help you avoid million-dollar mistakes and set yourself up to thrive in your next phase of life.

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Exit Strategy: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Selling Your Business Without Regret
by Rob Walling, Sherry Walling
English | 2025 | ASIN: B0DWXCYG3V | 280 Pages | PDF | 2.2 MB

Sell your business. Stick the landing. We'll show you how.
Exit Strategy is everything you need to know about selling a business.
Dr. Sherry Walling, a clinical psychologist specializing in entrepreneur mental health, and Rob Walling, a serial entrepreneur who has secured life-changing sums in multiple exits, have teamed up to provide you with a roadmap for navigating this treacherous terrain, offering a rare combination of practical savvy and emotional nuance that can only come from a true understanding of the journey.
Exit Strategy will teach you:
* When is the right time to sell? Including frameworks to decide if you want to sell, when it's the right time, and what you want to get out of it.
* Navigating the process & players. Practical instructions on how to structure your deal, build your support team, and minimize any collateral damage to yourself, your employees, and your family.
* Beyond the big check. Here's where most books on selling your business stop. But your life goes on. This book will help you manage the huge range of financial, experiential, and relational experiences you'll have after the sale.
Whether you're thinking about selling your business, you're midway through the process, or you've just come out the other side dizzy and disoriented, Exit Strategy will help you avoid million-dollar mistakes and set yourself up to thrive in your next phase of life.

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Explorations in Monte Carlo Methods (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) by Ronald W. Shonkwiler, Franklin Mendivil
English | June 15, 2024 | ISBN: 3031559630 | 295 pages | MOBI | 44 Mb
Monte Carlo Methods are among the most used, and useful, computational tools available today. They provide efficient and practical algorithms to solve a wide range of scientific and engineering problems in dozens of areas many of which are covered in this text. These include simulation, optimization, finance, statistical mechanics, birth and death processes, Bayesian inference, quadrature, gambling systems and more.

This text is for students of engineering, science, economics and mathematics who want to learn about Monte Carlo methods but have only a passing acquaintance with probability theory. The probability needed to understand the material is developed within the text itself in a direct manner using Monte Carlo experiments for reinforcement. There is a prerequisite of at least one year of calculus and a semester of matrix algebra.
Each new idea is carefully motivated by a realistic problem, thus leading to insights into probability theory via examples and numerical simulations. Programming exercises are integrated throughout the text as the primary vehicle for learning the material. All examples in the text are coded in Python as a representative language; the logic is sufficiently clear so as to be easily translated into any other language. Further, Python scripts for each worked example are freely accessible for each chapter. Along the way, most of the basic theory of probability is developed in order to illuminate the solutions to the questions posed. One of the strongest features of the book is the wealth of completely solved example problems. These provide the reader with a sourcebook to follow towards the solution of their own computational problems. Each chapter ends with a large collection of homework problems illustrating and directing the material. This book is suitable as a textbook for students of engineering, finance, and the sciences as well as mathematics. The problem-oriented approach makes it ideal for an applied course in basic probability as well as for a more specialized course in Monte Carlo Methods. Topics include probability distributions, probability calculations, sampling, counting combinatorial objects, Markov chains, random walks, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, option pricing, gamblers ruin, statistical mechanics, random number generation, Bayesian Inference, Gibbs Sampling and Monte Carlo integration.

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Extraction 2018: Proceedings of the First Global Conference on Extractive Metallurgy by Boyd R. Davis
English | PDF,EPUB | 2018 | 2862 Pages | ISBN : 3319950215 | 160.67 MB
This three volume set presents papers from the first collaborative global metallurgy conference focused exclusively on extractive topics, including business and economic issues. Contributions examine new developments in foundational extractive metallurgy topics and techniques, and present the latest research and insights on emerging technologies and issues that are shaping the global extractive metallurgy industry. The book is organized around the following main themes: hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, sulfide flotation, and extractive metallurgy markets and economics.


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Fachkräftemangel im deutschen Mittelstand und Integration: RWK-Kuratorium By Franz, Otmar
2013 | 194 Pages | ISBN: 3896736329 | PDF | 1 MB
Es ist ein Thema, das mit jedem Jahr an Bedeutung gewinnt: das Fehlen von Fachkräften. Der Fachkräftemangel ist da und wird sich noch verschärfen: Bedingt durch den demographischen Wandel sinkt das Erwerbspersonenpotenzial signifikant - eine besondere Herausforderung für Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.Auf der Suche nach Fachkräften müssen kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit Großunternehmen konkurrieren - mit ungleichen Voraussetzungen. Gerade der Mittelstand tut also gut daran, möglichst bald initiativ zu werden und sich mit der Thematik auseinanderzusetzen. Was kann im Besonderen der Mittelstand zur Fachkräftesicherung und -gewinnung tun? Welche Potenziale bieten beispielsweise ältere Beschäftigte, Frauen oder Personen mit Migrationshintergrund? Und was für Möglichkeiten bietet etwa Diversity Management für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen?Der 20. Band des RKW-Kuratoriums greift diese und weitere zentrale Fragen für den Mittelstand auf und liefert Antworten und Erklärungen in 20 Beiträgen von Autoren aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft.Das RKW-Kuratorium ist eine Institution des RKW Rationalisierungs- und Innovationszentrums der Deutschen Wirtschaft e. V. Hier versammeln sich einmal im Jahr 50 hochrangige Persönlichkeiten, um bedeutsame Zukunftsfragen für den deutschen Mittelstand zu diskutieren.

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Chengchao Qu, "Facial Texture Super-Resolution by Fitting 3D Face Models"
English | ISBN: 3731508281 | 2018 | 234 pages | PDF | 12 MB
This book proposes to solve the low-resolution (LR) facial analysis problem with 3D face super-resolution (FSR). A complete processing chain is presented towards effective 3D FSR in real world. To deal with the extreme challenges of incorporating 3D modeling under the ill-posed LR condition, a novel workflow coupling automatic localization of 2D facial feature points and 3D shape reconstruction is developed, leading to a robust pipeline for pose-invariant hallucination of the 3D facial texture.

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Falafel: Delicious recipes for Middle Eastern-style patties, plus sauces, pickles, salads and pitta by Dunja Gulin
English | August 15th, 2023 | ISBN: 178879527X | 160 pages | True EPUB | 38.03 MB
Enjoy freshly cooked falafel at home with more than 65 recipes for deep-fried and oven-baked patties, plus sauces, pickles, and salads plus easy flatbreads.

Falafel are deep-fried balls or patties of chickpea or fava beans, with added herbs, spices, onion, garlic and are widely eaten across the Middle East. While the style varies from region to region, they are usually eaten in a wrap or pitta with salad, tahini, pickles, and a spicy sauce.
In North America, prior to the 70s, falafel was found only in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Jewish neighborhoods and restaurants. Today, the dish is a common and popular street food in many cities throughout America. It's not hard to see why: they also fall into that wondrous overlapping category of being crave-worthy and satisfying, as well as nutritious and fairly low in fat. What's more, they are a brilliant source of protein for those who don't eat meat. They are also rich in fiber, and often made with added vegetables, nuts and seeds, or grains, as are many of the delicious recipes in this book. Try the Fennel & Lemon Scented Falafel or Juicy Brown Rice Faux-lafel.
Find Crunchy Sesame Falafel or Falafel Croquettes or enjoy snacks such as tasty Mediterranean Seed Falafel, all packed with good stuff, and very low fat. Whip up a drizzle such as Home-made Tahini Sauce as the perfect complement to your hot, freshly cooked patties. Finally, make tangy quick pickles, crisp herby salads, and easy flatbreads so you can serve your freshly cooked falafel with all the trimmings and enjoy it as its best.

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False: How Mistrust, Disinformation, and Motivated Reasoning Make Us Believe Things that Aren't True by Joe Pierre
English | March 3rd, 2025 | ISBN: 0197765270 | 256 pages | True EPUB | 0.57 MB
An illuminating exploration of the psychology of false belief that lies at the root of science denialism, political polarization, and rampant belief in misinformation and disinformation.

Microchips in our vaccines, stolen elections, climate change denial―in the face of a bewildering range of misbeliefs that stem from mistrust of informational sources, exposure to misinformation and disinformation, and partisan polarization, it's easy to dismiss those who disagree with us as "delusional", "psychotic", or merely "ignorant". But what if none of these judgments are supported by how we really come to believe things, and the truth is that we are all prone to false beliefs? What can we do to protect ourselves in this post-truth world?
Drawing on decades of experience as a psychiatrist and clinical professor, Joe Pierre invites readers to journey with him through the normal quirks of brain functioning―such as "heuristics", cognitive biases, motivated reasoning, cognitive dissonance, and bullshit receptivity―that create the cognitive vulnerabilities to false belief innate within us all. With a cross-disciplinary approach, False illuminates the psychology of false belief that lies at the root of contemporary media mistrust, science denialism, and political polarization, and highlights that contrary to popular opinion, deficits of intelligence and mental health are usually not to blame.
With a refreshingly unbiased lens, Pierre suggests an antidote to false beliefs and makes the case for softening our convictions, viewing our ideological opponents with compassion, and mending the rifts in our relationships as individuals and societies alike.

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FastAPI Cookbook: Develop high-performance APIs and web applications with Python by Giunio De Luca
English | August 2, 2024 | ISBN: 1805127853 | 358 pages | PDF | 7.27 Mb
Enhance your web development skills, from setting up your environment and advanced integrations to building robust, high-traffic web applications with practical, scalable solutions

Key FeaturesExplore FastAPI in depth, from basic setup to advanced features such as custom middleware and WebSocketsDiscover practical strategies to optimize app performance and handle high trafficImplement SQL and NoSQL integration techniques for versatile data management in FastAPI applicationsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description
FastAPI is a cutting-edge Python framework that is revolutionizing the way web apps and APIs are built. Known for its speed, simplicity, and scalability, FastAPI empowers developers to create high-performing applications with ease. This book will help you leverage FastAPI's immense potential to handle high-traffic scenarios and integrate seamlessly with modern Python tools.
The book begins by familiarizing you with the basics of setting up and configuring your FastAPI environment before moving to the intricacies of building RESTful APIs, managing data with SQL and NoSQL databases, and handling authentication and authorization. Next, you'll focus on advanced topics such as custom middleware, WebSocket communication, and integration with various Python libraries. Each chapter is meticulously crafted with practical recipes, progressing from foundational concepts to advanced features and best practices. The concluding chapters show you how to optimize performance, implement rate limiting, and execute background tasks, empowering you to become a proficient FastAPI developer.
By the end of this book, you'll have gained the skills you need to migrate existing apps to FastAPI, and be equipped to tackle any challenge in the modern web development landscape, ensuring your apps are not only functional, but also efficient, secure, and scalable.
What you will learnExplore advanced FastAPI functionalities such as dependency injection, custom middleware, and WebSocketsDiscover various types of data storage for powerful app functionality with SQL and NoSQLImplement testing and debugging practices for clean, robust codeIntegrate authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure web appsAcquire skills to seamlessly migrate existing applications to FastAPIWrite unit and integration tests, ensuring reliability and security for your appsDeploy your FastAPI apps to production environments for real-world useWho this book is for
This book is for Python developers looking to enhance their skills to build scalable, high-performance web apps using FastAPI. Professionals seeking practical guidance to create APIs and web apps that can handle significant traffic and scale as needed will also find this book helpful by learning from both foundational insights and advanced techniques. The book is also designed for anyone familiar with RESTful APIs, HTTP protocols, and database systems, as well as developers looking to migrate existing applications to FastAPI or explore its advanced features.
Table of ContentsFirst Steps with FastAPIWorking with DataBuilding RESTful APIs with FastAPIAuthentication and AuthorizationTesting and Debugging FastAPI ApplicationsIntegrating FastAPI with SQL DatabasesIntegrating FastAPI with NoSQL DatabasesAdvanced Features and Best PracticesWorking with WebSocketsIntegrating FastAPI with other Python LibrariesMiddleware and WebhooksDeploying and Managing FastAPI Applications

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Michael Grinberg, "Feature-Based Probabilistic Data Association for Video-Based Multi-Object Tracking"
English | ISBN: 3731507811 | 2018 | 296 pages | PDF | 4 MB
This work proposes a feature-based probabilistic data association and tracking approach (FBPDATA) for multi-object tracking. FBPDATA is based on re-identification and tracking of individual video image points (feature points) and aims at solving the problems of partial, split (fragmented), bloated or missed detections, which are due to sensory or algorithmic restrictions, limited field of view of the sensors, as well as occlusion situations.

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Feeling at Home: Transforming the Politics of Housing by Alva Gotby
English | January 21, 2025 | ISBN: 180429621X, 9781804296646 | True EPUB | 192 pages | 0.6 MB
Our feelings about housing are political, and a grasp of them is essential to solving the housing crisis - from the author of They Call It Love

Housing is more than bricks and mortar. The home is where our hopes and dreams play out, and it lies at the heart of our lives. This is where we rest, eat, and relax. The home we enjoy can determine our health, life expectancy, and day-to-day well-being. In contrast, the lack of a stable residence can lead to mental and physical illness and often premature death. This is central to how we conceive of a good and dignified life.
Feeling at Home grapples with the practical and emotional questions of housing - domestic labour, privacy, security, ownership, and health. Is it possible to imagine success without home ownership? Alva Gotby makes clear that solving the housing crisis is about much more than housing stock. It is about revolutionising our everyday lives and labours.

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Feminism in the United States by Alison Dahl Crossley
English | August 16, 2024 | ISBN: 1032317191 | 232 pages | PDF | 3.23 Mb
Feminism in the United States: A Concise Introduction presents readers with the key debates and ideas central to contemporary US feminism. With a focus on intersectionality, the book highlights the goals, tactics, and varieties of feminism.

This engaging, clear, and accessible text includes current examples, case studies, profiles of key figures in the movement, and opportunities/resources to gather more information. The reader will learn how to employ a feminist lens as an informed conversationalist, social media user, news consumer, and if so desired, activist. Readers will learn about the varieties of contemporary US feminism and how different strands of feminism emerge; the heterogeneity of the movement as it endures over generations in both hospitable and inhospitable climates; and the inequalities addressed and tactics used by feminists to create lasting social change.
Feminism in the United States is ideal for undergraduate students, particularly those enrolled in introductory classes in feminist, gender, and sexuality studies and related programs, as well as for the anyone seeking to explore feminism for the first time.

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Field Guide to Mammals of Madagascar
by Garbutt, Nick;

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1472991672 | 368 pages | True EPUB | 183.17 MB

A comprehensive photographic field guide to Madagascar's stunning mammal fauna
Thanks to millions of years of isolation, the island of Madagascar is home to one of the most remarkable assemblages of mammals on earth. Nowhere else can boast such a combination of species-richness and endemism.
Field Guide to Mammals of Madagascar covers all native species found on the island, including bats, tenrecs, mice and lemurs, as well as a small number of introduced, non-native species. Detailed species accounts cover description and identification, habitat and distribution, behaviour and where the best places to see a species might be; a detailed distribution map for each species is also included.
Supporting chapters cover the island's regions and habitats, threats to mammals, conservation, and important mammal-watching sites. The book is illustrated throughout with exceptional photography, including species rarely photographed previously.
Field Guide to Mammals of Madagascar is an essential addition to the backpack of any wildlife-watcher visiting this amazing island.

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Financial Mathematics, Derivatives and Structured Products (Springer Finance) by Raymond H. Chan, Yves ZY. Guo, Spike T. Lee
English | June 13, 2024 | ISBN: 9819995337 | 507 pages | MOBI | 53 Mb
This book introduces readers to the financial markets, derivatives, structured products and how the products are modelled and implemented by practitioners. In addition, it equips readers with the necessary knowledge of financial markets needed in order to work as product structurers, traders, sales or risk managers.

This second edition substantially extends, updates and clarifies the previous edition. New materials and enhanced contents include, but not limited to, the role of central counterparties for derivatives transactions, the reference rates to replace LIBOR, risk-neutral modelling for futures and forward, discussions and analysis on risk-neutral framework and numéraires, discrete dividend modelling, variance reduction techniques for Monte Carlo method, finite difference method analysis, tree method, FX modelling, multi-name credit derivatives modelling, local volatility model, forward variance model and local-stochastic volatility model to reflect market practice.
As the book seeks to unify the derivatives modelling and the financial engineering practice in the market, it will be of interest to financial practitioners and academic researchers alike. The book can also be used as a textbook for the following courses:
* Financial Mathematics (undergraduate level)
* Stochastic Modelling in Finance (postgraduate level)
* Financial Markets and Derivatives (undergraduate level)
* Structured Products and Solutions (undergraduate/postgraduate level)

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Financial Planning for Retirement: Simple, Practical Strategies to Save, Manage Your Money, and Secure a Stable Income for a Worry-Free Retirement - USA by Kay Atkinson
English | February 11, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DWZ5XH49 | 126 pages | EPUB | 1.26 Mb
Transform Your Retirement: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building the Future You Deserve

Retirement planning doesn't have to be overwhelming. If you're feeling uncertain about your financial future or unsure where to begin, "Financial Planning for Retirement" will guide you through the essential steps for building a secure and stress-free retirement plan.
This book simplifies complex financial concepts and helps you take control of your future with practical advice and actionable strategies.
Here's what you'll learn:Creating a Retirement Timeline: Set achievable goals and a clear path toward the retirement you envision.Investment & Savings Strategies: Maximize your savings with proven investment strategies that build wealth over time.Pensions: Understand your pension options, how to integrate them into your plan, and ensure they support your retirement needs.Healthcare Planning: Navigate healthcare costs and insurance options to avoid surprises in retirement.Legacy & Estate Planning: Protect your legacy and ensure your estate is handled according to your wishes.Budgeting for Retirement: Learn how to manage expenses and set a sustainable retirement budget.With this book, you'll find the clarity and confidence to create a personalized retirement plan that works for you. Whether you're just starting or refining your approach, "Financial Planning for Retirement" offers the tools and insights you need to build a secure and fulfilling future.

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Finanzierung in Unternehmensnetzwerken: Vom Unternehmensnetzwerk zur Holding By Becher, Daniel
2005 | 78 Pages | ISBN: 3896442376 | PDF | 1 MB
In der Wirtschaftspraxis hat es sich mehr und mehr gezeigt, dass die Fähigkeit zur Unternehmensführung eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die volle Ausschöpfung wirtschaftlicher Chancen ist. Die strategische Planung der Finanzierung ist und bleibt auch in Zukunft ein zentraler Erfolgsfaktor.Der Leitfaden zur innovativen Finanzierung in Unternehmensnetzwerken hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, in praxisnaher Form, mit praktischen Beispielen unterlegt, Erfahrungen und Möglichkeiten einer erfolgreichen Finanzierung innerhalb von Netzwerken zu vermitteln. Die Anregungen und Beispiele gelten für große und im Besonderen für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen.Gerade in der Finanzierung von und durch Unternehmensnetzwerke liegen in Zukunft erhebliche Reserven, die es im Hinblick auf einen organisatorischen Wandel der kleinen und mittleren Betriebe aufzuzeigen gilt. Je mehr Unternehmensnetzwerke und Unternehmer, die Netzwerke gründen oder festigen wollen, die Erkenntnisse und Informationen einer soliden und erfolgreichen Finanzierung auswerten und strategisch modernere Führungsmethoden praktizieren, umso erfolgreicher werden sie sich im Wettbewerb behaupten.

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Fodor's Essential New Zealand (Fodor's Travel Guides), 4th Edition by Fodor's Travel Guides
English | February 11th, 2025 | ISBN: 1640977481 | 544 pages | True EPUB | 139.93 MB
Whether you want to explore Auckland, bungee-jump in Queenstown, or visit The Lord of the Rings sights in Middle-earth, the local Fodor's travel experts in New Zealand are here to help! Fodor's Essential New Zealand guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.

Fodor's "Essential" guides were named by Booklist as the Best Travel Guide Series of 2020!
Fodor's Essential New Zealand travel guide includes:
* AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do
* MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time
* MORE THAN 45 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidently
* COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust!
* HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more
* PHOTO-FILLED "BEST OF" FEATURES on "Best National Park Adventures," "Best Wineries," "Best Beaches," and more
* TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money
* HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, geography and more
* SPECIAL FEATURES on "Maori Art," "Searching for Middle-earth," and "Tramping New Zealand," "Wines of New Zealand," and more
* LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems
* UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Auckland, Wellington, Bay of Islands, Queenstown, Abel Tasman National Park, Christchurch, Hawke's Bay, Milford Sound, Rotorua, Waitomo, and more.

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Formal Verification of Just-In-Time Compilation
by Barrière, Aurèle;

English | 2025 | ISBN: 9798400713781 | 176 pages | True EPUB | 6.36 MB

This book outlines a methodology to develop formally verified Just-in-Time compilers. Just-in-Time compilation is a technique to execute programs, where execution is interleaved with optimizations of the program itself. These compilers often produce fast executions, so much so that their use has grown greatly for dynamic programming languages. Most modern web browsers today use Just-in-Time compilation to speed up the execution of the JavaScript programs they execute.
However, the techniques used in Just-in-Time compilers can be particularly complex. This complexity can be a source of bugs and vulnerabilities. How can you make sure that your Just-in-Time compiler is bug-free? For traditional ahead-of-time compilers, many techniques have been developed to prevent compilation bugs. One such technique is formally verified compilation, where the compiler itself comes with proof that the semantics of the compiled program correspond to the semantics of the source program. But Just-in-Time compilers are more recent, less understood, and have been the target of far fewer verification efforts.
To bring formal verification to Just-in-Time compilation, the book identifies a set of specific verification challenges and presents novel solutions for each of them. Such challenges include dynamic optimizations, speculative optimizations, deoptimizations, and the interleaving of interpretation and machine code generation. The author repurposes proof techniques from formally verified ahead-of-time compilers like CompCert. Following this methodology, readers can develop Just-in-Time compilers and formally prove that they behave as prescribed by the semantics of the program they execute. All proofs within the book have been mechanized in the Coq proof assistant.

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Roy Ingleton - Fortress Kent: The Guardian of England
Pen & Sword | 2012 | ISBN: 1848848889 | English | 230 pages | PDF | 79.21 MB
Since the dawn of civilization, Britain has been menaced by foreign powers and invasive hordes, anxious either to pillage and plunder or to invade and rule over this green and pleasant land.

Situated on the extreme southeastern corner of England, the county of Kent is the nearest point to continental Europe, and has so been the targeted landing point for most of these incursions. From the time of the Angles, Jutes and Saxons to the Second World War, the Men of Kent and Kentish Men have had to set up and maintain defensive structures, from Norman castles to 1940 pill boxes, from the Royal Military Canal to the anti-tank ditches carved out of the hills around the coast.
This book is the story of these: the threats which led to the erection and construction of various defensive obstacles, their upkeep and garrisoning and, in some cases, their ultimate destruction.

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