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Understanding and Supporting Young Writers from Birth to 8 by Noella M. Mackenzie, Janet Scull
English | August 27, 2024 | ISBN: 1032574186 | 312 pages | PDF | 59 Mb
Understanding and Supporting Young Writers from Birth to 8 provides practitioners with the knowledge and skills they need to support young children as they learn to write. This fully updated second edition offers new guidance on all aspects of writing, from building children's vocabulary and creating multimodal texts to providing support for children who find writing particularly challenging. All chapters have been revised and updated with increased emphasis on engaging with families and catering for children from diverse communities. A new chapter focuses on the Draw, Talk, Write, Share (DTWS) pedagogical approach to teaching writing.

The book discusses the role of oral language in early mark-making and writing in detail and explores the key relationships between "drawing and talking," "drawing and writing," and "drawing, talking, and writing." Each chapter also features practical strategies and samples of writing and/or drawing to illustrate key points, as well as reflective questions to help the reader apply the ideas to their own setting. Further topics covered include:progressions in children's writingwriting in the pre-school yearsdeveloping authorial skillsdeveloping phonological awareness, phonics, and spellinghandwriting and keyboarding skillsteaching writing to plurilingual learnersassessing writingUnderstanding and Supporting Young Writers from Birth to 8 is a contemporary and unique resource that will help early childhood educators, early years schoolteachers, specialist practitioners working with very young children, and students enrolled in Early Childhood or Primary Studies courses to boost their confidence in teaching young learners as they become writers.

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Radhika Vaz, "Unladylike: A Memoir"
English | ISBN: 938306417X | 2015 | 216 pages | EPUB | 634 KB
Unladylike is a memoir that spans four decades of the author's life. From stories about a childhood spent wishing she could change everything about her self (including her parents), to her chronically delayed puberty, and the self esteem issues that accompany a flat chest, Vaz doesn't pull any punches. She takes us through her college years, where under the vigilance of Catholic nuns she grappled with a major decision-to have or not have premarital sex as well as the discovery that the female body is capable of some very strange sounds at very inappropriate times. Out of respect for various exboyfriends, she will dwell on just one man-her wheateating, milkdrinking Jat husband. From their extralong courtship (that he didn't tell his mother about), to their wedding day and beyond, there are lessons for every girl who has ever thought 'one day I'd like to be married'. The lesson is: 'Don't say you weren't warned.'

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Stuart Mullins, "Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children"
English | ISBN: 1922757101 | 2023 | 354 pages | EPUB | 6 MB
On Australia day, 26 January 1966, Jane, Arnna, and Grant Beaumont were abducted from Colley Reserve, Glenelg, South Australia and never seen again, leading to one of Australia's most extensive police investigations and manhunts. Five decades later, no trace of the children has ever been found. Over the years, several individuals have been put forward and investigated as suspects, resulting in false leads and dead ends and with no real suspect until Harry Phipps. On the surface, he was a generous, charismatic, and intelligent-a person of wealth and influence in the community. However, a dramatically different person resided behind the walls of his Glenelg mansion, located a mere 190 metres in direct sight of Colley Reserve. In Unmasking the Killer , author Stuart Mullins ( The Satin Uncovering the Mystery of the Missing Beaumont Children (co-author), Joe My Story (author)) and former South Australian police detective Bill Hayes expose Harry Phipps as the prime suspect in the abduction, disappearance, and likely murder of the Beaumont children. Over ten pieces of circumstantial evidence linking Phipps to the Beaumont abduction are explored in detail, supported by geographic and predator profiling chapters, which detail how these monsters operate. The authors explore a potential link to the 1973 Adelaide Oval abduction of Kirste Gordon and Joanne Ratcliffe and reveal conversations with Haydn Phipps, the eldest son of Harry and a possible eyewitness to events on that fateful day. Stuart and Bill answer the where to next? Along with other experts, they firmly believe the answer to this baffling mystery lay buried at Castalloy, a factory once owned by Harry Phipps.

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Unravelling Anti-Aging: A Critical Sociological Assessment by Jason L. Powell
English | April 26, 2024 | ISBN: 3031578554 | 154 pages | MOBI | 0.58 Mb
In a society where youthfulness and vitality are highly valued, the quest for anti-aging solutions has become increasingly popularized in bio-medical gerontology. However, navigating the vast sea of information, products, and treatments can be overwhelming; there is limited academic rigor and theoretic critique from sociological perspectives.

This book aims to demystify the concept of anti-aging and presents critical social approaches for maintaining a healthy life. By exploring the science, lifestyle factors, and power of bio-medicine, the book will provide readers with a comprehensive monograph to unlock the politics of anti-aging drawing from social approaches.

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Sarah Dimick, "Unseasonable: Climate Change in Global Literatures"
English | ISBN: 023120924X | 2024 | 328 pages | PDF | 11 MB
As climate change alters seasons around the globe, literature registers and responds to shifting environmental time. A writer and a fisher track the distribution of beach trash in Chennai, chronicling disruptions in seasonal winds and currents along the Bay of Bengal. An essayist in the northeastern United States observes that maple sap flows earlier now, prompting him to reflect on gender and seasons of transition. Poets affiliated with small island nations arrive in Paris for the United Nations climate summit, revamping the occasional poem to attest to intensifying storm seasons across the Pacific.

In Unseasonable, Sarah Dimick links these accounts of shifting seasons across the globe, tracing how knowledge of climate change is constructed, conveyed, and amplified via literature. She documents how the unseasonable reverberates through environmentally privileged and environmentally precarious communities. In chapters ranging from Henry David Thoreau's journals to Alexis Wright's depiction of Australia's catastrophic bushfires, from classical Tamil poetry to repeat photography, Dimick illustrates how seasonal rhythms determine what flourishes and what perishes. She contends that climate injustice is an increasingly temporal issue, unfolding not only along the axes of who and where but also in relation to when. Amid misaligned and broken rhythms, attending to the shared but disparate experience of the unseasonable can realign or sharpen solidarities within the climate crisis.
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Use Git Like A Pro
ISBN: 9780135416297 | .MP4, AVC, 1280x720, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 4h 29m | 1.1 GB
Instructor: Aashima Ahuja

The Sneak Peek program provides early access to Pearson video products and is exclusively available to subscribers. Content for titles in this program is made available throughout the development cycle, so products may not be complete, edited, or finalized, including video post-production editing.
Use Git Like a Pro: Introduction
Lesson 1: Getting Started with Git
Learning objectives
1.1 Learn about version control
1.2 Get familiar with Git and GitHub
1.3 Learn Git terminologies
1.4 Set up and install Git
1.5 Learn Git configurations
1.6 Create and clone repositories
1.7 Push an existing project to GitHub
1.8 Summary and exercise
Lesson 2: Working with Git
Learning objectives
2.1 Understand Git workflow
2.2 Add and commit files to Git repo
2.3 Learn about Git Log command
2.4 Fetch and pull
2.5 Learn Git aliases
2.6 Summary and exercise
Lesson 3: Discovering Commits
Learning objectives
3.1 Create perfect commits
3.2 Amend commits
3.3 Write proper commit messages
3.4 Use the Git diff command
3.5 Summary and exercise
Lesson 4: Undoing Changes
Learning objectives
4.1 Learn Git checkout command
4.2 Use Git restore
4.3 Use Git reset
4.4 Learn Git revert
4.5 Summary and exercise
Lesson 5: Discovering Branches and Tags
Learning objectives
5.1 Understand branches
5.2 Understand Head
5.3 Learn Git branch commands
5.4 Understand branching strategies
5.5 Understand Git tags
5.6 Summary and exercise
Lesson 6: Merging and Rebasing
Learning objectives
6.1 Merging theory and concepts
6.2 Merging in practice
6.3 Rebase theory and concepts
6.4 Rebase in practice
6.5 Merging Vs Rebasing
6.6 Create pull requests
6.7 Summary and exercise
Lesson 7: Learning Git Advanced
Learning objectives
7.1 Learn Git stash
7.2 Squashing commits
7.3 Learn interactive rebase
7.4 Learn Git reflog
7.5 Summary and exercise
Use Git Like a Pro: Summary

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Vasopressors and Inotropes Smart Guide:
Essential Pharmacology and ACLS Handbook for ICU, Critical Care Nursing, and Paramedic Practice

English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DZ3VDM44 | 180 Pages | EPUB | 0.8 MB

In the whirlwind of a busy ICU night, I watched a young resident hesitate at the bedside of a critically ill patient. That moment sparked a realization in me: our colleagues needed a clearer, faster way to access life-saving information. I'm Dr. Evelyn P. Hart, and over 15 years in critical care, I've witnessed countless moments where clarity could mean the difference between life and death. This guide was born out of that very need.

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Verfügungen im Wege der Zwangsvollstreckung: Zum Gleichlauf von materiellem Recht und Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht By Behrendt, Christian
2006 | 178 Pages | ISBN: 3428109937 | PDF | 1 MB
Christian Behrendt untersucht in seiner Arbeit das Verhältnis von rechtsgeschäftlichen Verfügungen zu Zwangsverfügungen. Die in einigen Gesetzesbestimmungen enthaltene Gleichstellung dieser Verfügungen ist Ausdruck eines allgemeinen Grundsatzes: Zwangsverfügungen und rechtsgeschäftliche Verfügungen sind gleich. Sie unterscheiden sich allein dadurch, daß bei Zwangsverfügungen der Tatbestand der Einigung der Parteien durch zwangsweise Vornahme gegen den Schuldner ersetzt wird; im übrigen sind Voraussetzungen und Wirkungen grundsätzlich gleich. Der Grundsatz des Gleichlaufs ist aus zwei Gründen erforderlich:1. Weder durch Vertrag noch durch Einschaltung des staatlichen Machtapparates kann in die Rechte Dritter eingegriffen werden (Arikel 103 GG).2. Könnte der Schuldner in einem weitergehenden Umfang rechtsgeschäftlich über sein Vermögen verfügen als Zwangsverfügungen möglich sind, könnte er durch rechtsgeschäftliche Verfügungen den Zugriff des Gläubigers vereiteln. In der Regel gelangen Rechtsprechung und herrschende Lehre bei Einzelproblemen zu den Ergebnissen, die sich aus der Anwendung des Grundsatzes vom Gleichlauf ergeben.

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Vertragswandel und demokratische Legitimation: Auswirkungen moderner völkerrechtlicher Handlungsformen auf das innerstaatliche Recht By Baumbach, Martin
2008 | 197 Pages | ISBN: 3428126130 | PDF | 1 MB
Der Trend zu Internationalisierung und Europäisierung in den rechtlichen Beziehungen hat zu einer starken Einbindung der Nationalstaaten in ein dichtes Netz von Verträgen sowie zur Herausbildung neuer völkerrechtlicher Handlungsformen, die sich überwiegend mit dem Schlagwort der Informalisierung kennzeichnen lassen, geführt. Martin Baumbach untersucht die Auswirkungen dieser Entwicklungen auf die innerstaatliche Kompetenzverteilung. Dazu analysiert und kategorisiert er zunächst die modernen Handlungsformen im völkerrechtlichen Verkehr. Anschließend untersucht der Autor, welches der verfassungsrechtlich relevante Maßstab für die Kompetenzverteilung ist, und sucht dazu das Verhältnis von Gewaltenteilungs- und Demokratieprinzip neu zu bestimmen. Abschließend werden die dabei gewonnenen verfassungsrechtlichen Grundsätze auf die zuvor analysierten völkerrechtlichen Phänomene übertragen.

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Vetternwirtschaft: Briefwechsel zwischen Friedrich II. und Luise Dorothea von Sachsen-Gotha. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt By Berger, Günter; Wassermann, Julia
2012 | 245 Pages | ISBN: 3428135857 | PDF | 1 MB
Vetternwirtschaft - der Titel unserer Auswahl erstmals übersetzter Briefe von Friedrich II. und Luise Dorothea von Sachsen-Gotha signalisiert, dass hier nicht nur Freundlichkeiten im Gewand höfisch-galanten Scherzens ausgetauscht, Neuerscheinungen großer französischer Aufklärer wie Voltaire oder Rousseau kommentiert und rückständigpedantische deutsche Theologen und Gelehrte bespöttelt werden. Es geht vor allem um Interessenausgleich, um Schutz und Unterstützung zwischen dem großen König aus Preußen und der kleinen Herzogin aus Gotha. Und so bewahrt die Militärmaschine der neuen europäischen Großmacht im Siebenjährigen Krieg das ohnmächtige Herzogtum vor dem Schlimmsten, erhält aber dafür ihrerseits zum Unterhalt dieser Maschine thüringische Landeskinder als Kanonenfutter. Die Balance dieses Ausgleichs schaffen Cousin und Cousine, wie sie einander titulieren, mit bewundernswerter Eleganz.Bei aller Eleganz freilich, mit der sie sich ihre Toleranz, Vorurteilsfreiheit und Aufgeklärtheit bescheinigen, sprechen sie der Masse des Volkes doch entschieden die Teilhabe an solcherart Aufklärung ab. Denn Vorurteile bilden die Vernunft des Volkes, ist Friedrich überzeugt, und Luise Dorothea teilt durchaus seine Bedenken, ob es denn dieses dumme Volk verdiene, aufgeklärt zu werden.

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Christian Herrmann, "Video-to-Video Face Recognition for Low-Quality Surveillance Data"
English | ISBN: 3731507994 | 2018 | 182 pages | PDF | 4 MB
The availability of video data is an opportunity and a challenge for law enforcement agencies. Face recognition methods can play a key role in the automated search for persons in the data. This work targets efficient representations of low-quality face sequences to enable fast and accurate face search. Novel concepts for multi-scale analysis, dataset augmentation, CNN loss function, and sequence description lead to improvements over state-of-the-art methods on surveillance video footage.

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Vipassana Meditation: Healing the Healer and The Experience of Impermanence By Dr. Paul R. Fleischman
2023 | 29 Pages | ISBN: 8174140093 | PDF | 1 MB
Ancient Secret Teachings.

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VLSI Design and Test: 21st International Symposium, VDAT 2017, Roorkee, India, June 29 - July 2, 2017, Revised Selected Papers By Brajesh Kumar Kaushik
English | PDF | 2017 | 820 Pages | ISBN : 9811074690 | 96.5 MB
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, VDAT 2017, held in Roorkee, India, in June/July 2017.

The 48 full papers presented together with 27 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 246 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: digital design; analog/mixed signal; VLSI testing; devices and technology; VLSI architectures; emerging technologies and memory; system design; low power design and test; RF circuits; architecture and CAD; and design verification.

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Water-Related Urbanization and Locality: Protecting, Planning and Designing Urban Water Environments in a Sustainable Way by Fang Wang
English | EPUB | 2020 | 377 Pages | ISBN : 981153506X | 262.4 MB
This book discusses the protection, planning, and design of sustainable urban water environments. Against the backdrop of environmental changes, it addresses issues of water resource protection and sustainable development in China and Germany at different stages of urbanization, as well as relevant strategies and lessons learned.

It focuses on three topics: balance between water environment protection and utilization in the urbanization process; sustainable use of water resources in the urbanization process; and water-related planning and design strategies in urbanization and local cultural development processes. In the context of water resources, China and Germany can learn from each other's experiences and can support one another in the fields of urbanization and locality. As such, the book brings together Chinese and Germans scientists from various disciplines, such as planning, geography, landscape, architecture, tourism, ecology, hydraulic engineering and history to provide a multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective on the topic and examine the challenges and opportunities as well as the planning and design strategies to achieve sustainable, water-related urban spaces. By combining theoretical and practical approaches, it appeals to academics and practitioners around the globe.

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Weird Planes and Models: The aftermath of lateral thinking
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DZTRQ66M | 148 Pages | PDF | 18 MB
The history of flight is literally full of weird planes, over-the-top aircraft that are the offspring of the visionary creativity of their designers. In many cases these were outlandish inventions without any scientific basis, destined not even to get off the ground because these would-be designers were almost always individuals endowed with an ego as big as their ignorance. Not all of them, however: some were genuine visionary precursors, true "lateral thinkers". This expression, coined fairly recently by a well-known psychologist, refers to a problem-solving methodology that does not follow the normal sequential logic as in linear thinking, but leads one down different and unexpected paths by looking at things from different angles than usual. Seemingly insane aircraft such as the Stipa-Caproni, Lippisch's Aerodyne or the Horten brothers' and Jack Northrop's flying wings have allowed aviation technology to evolve to the development of ever more efficient jet engines or highly advanced and once inconceivable aircraft such as the B-2, the F-35 and others. Even aeromodeling is not immune to lateral thinking. The list of unusual solutions would be very long to say the least, but the great thing is that some of these children of lateral thinking have since been successfully applied to major aeronautics.

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John D. Cox, "Wetter für Dummies: Wetterphänomene, Klima und meteorologische Begriffe einfach erklärt"
Deutch | ISBN: 3527719482 | 2023 | 400 pages | EPUB | 65 MB
Das Wetter hat einen großen Einfluss darauf wie wir unseren Tag planen, zudem ist es ein beliebtes Gesprächsthema. Dafür wissen wir oft wenig über das, was da um uns herum geschieht. John D. Cox nimmt Sie mit auf eine spannende Reise durch die Erdatmosphäre und deren Verhalten. Sie erfahren, was Sie wissen sollten über Regen, Sonne, Gewitter und andere Wetterphänomene. Der Autor erklärt Ihnen, wie Wetter und Klima zusammenhängen und wie Wettervorhersagen erstellt werden. So werden Sie in Zukunft nicht weniger frieren oder weniger nass werden, aber zumindest wissen, warum dem so ist.

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What Great Moms Feed Their Babies: A Homemade Baby Food Cookbook with Natural, Yummy Recipes by Jamie Olsten
English | January 13, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DSZMLCHZ | 72 pages | EPUB | 7.54 Mb
From sweet potatoes to fish sticks, this cookbook brings you tried-and-true baby food recipes that parents love and babies eat with joy. Each recipe comes with simple steps, clear instructions, and helpful tips from real moms and dads who've made these dishes in their own kitchens.

Inside, you'll find recipes for every stage of your baby's food journey - from first bites to toddler meals. The recipes mix and match simple ingredients like fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins to make fresh, tasty food your little one will love. No fancy gadgets needed - just basic kitchen tools you already have at home.
What makes this cookbook special is how it grows with your baby. Start with smooth purees like sweet potato mash, move on to chunky textures like fruity medleys, and finish with finger foods like fish fingers. Each recipe includes storage tips, so you can make bigger batches and save time.
You'll also find clever parent tricks sprinkled throughout - like how to pick the perfect avocado, which fruits blend best together, and how to make vegetables taste good to tiny taste buds. Plus, there are notes about when to introduce new flavors and textures, making it easy to follow your baby's growing appetite.
These recipes don't just make food - they make mealtime fun and stress-free. Whether you're a busy parent or just starting your baby food adventure, this cookbook helps you feed your little one homemade goodness without spending hours in the kitchen.

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Why We Love the Way We Do by Preeti Shenoy
English | May 26, 2025 | ISBN: 9356292892 | 282 pages | EPUB | 0.53 Mb
Is it possible to tell if it is love or lust? How important is sex in a relationship? Why do break-ups hurt so much? How often should you message a person you fancy? How do you tell if someone is too young or too old for you?

When it comes to relationships, these are the questions that most of us ponder. No matter how young or old we are, we are all looking for ways to make our relationships better. The best way to do that is to understand what makes us behave the way we do.
Why We Love the Way We Do is a collection of essays on relationships based on Preeti Shenoy's hugely popular columns in a national daily, in which the bestselling novelist discusses some of these issues and questions that people in relationships, or those hoping to be in one, face. The topics range from those particular to our modern, technology-filled world (how to move from an online relationship to a real-life one, how to find and keep love online, whether casual sex is worth the effort or not) to those immortal issues (such as how men and women communicate differently, how to deal with a broken heart and how jealousy ruins a relationship) that trouble every heart.
Filled with wonderful insights, sharp observations, humour and real-life examples, and written in her trademark lucid style, Preeti Shenoy brings to this book a perceptiveness about love and friendship that has made her the country's highest-selling woman writer. "

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Why We're Getting Poorer: A Realist's Guide to the Economy and How We Can Fix It by Cahal Moran
English | November 18th, 2025 | ISBN: 0008637954 | 400 pages | True EPUB | 3.87 MB
An insider's guide to our broken economy and how it fails to serve us.

Did you know that while we think of money as notes issued by the government, the truth is that the overwhelming majority of money today is credit created by private banks?
Did you know that the reason housing keeps getting less accessible is because we haven't found a way to separate houses from land in our policies?
And did you know that far from globalisation being a mystical force, certain countries and currencies have dominated the way it has played out - to their own advantage?
Whilst economics is at the heart of the society we live in, governing so many functions from our taxes to where we live to the price of our shopping, few of us have a strong grasp on the subject. This book is here to help.
Why We're Getting Poorer delves into the key topics in economics - money, globalisation, inequality, climate change and growth - showing that what we think we know about these things is wrong, and teaching us what we really need to know. Deciphering the jargon and complexity of economic thinking, with examples ranging from the Simpsons to the German football league to The Inbetweeners, Cahal Moran shows us why our economy set us up to fail, and offers suggestions for how we can make positive changes.

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Windows Server 2025 Administration Fundamentals
by Bekim Dauti

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1836205015 | 630 pages | True/Retail PDF EPUB | 69.79 MB

Deploy, set up, and deliver network services with Windows Server 2025, along with exploring its new features, security, and Microsoft's role-based certifications
Key Features
Install and configure Windows Server 2025 with best practices in different environments
Enhance server security by implementing advanced features, such as secure communication protocols and authentication mechanisms
Prepare thoroughly for the AZ-800 certification exam with practical preparation tips
Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook
Book Description
Windows Server 2025 introduces significant advancements and interesting security features. In this fourth edition, Bekim Dauti, the esteemed author of the previous three editions, brings his extensive experience to provide up-to-date information on these latest enhancements.
You'll be introduced to network fundamentals and installation procedures, and go through post-installation tasks, directory services, and adding roles. The chapters highlight configuration topics, including group policy, virtualization, and data storage. This updated edition covers the new and enhanced features of Windows Server 2025 extensively, including Active Directory Domain Services enhancements, SMB over QUIC, advanced security features, and hotpatching with Azure Arc. Additionally, the book provides insights into tuning, maintaining, updating, and troubleshooting the server, and concludes with a dedicated section on studying and preparing for the AZ-800 certification exam with the help of practical preparation tips. Numerous questions and answers at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge of the concepts covered.
By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped with the knowledge needed to update, maintain, and troubleshoot servers to ensure business continuity by relying on best practices and using step-by-step graphic-driven examples.
What you will learn
Manage directory services effectively, including setting up and maintaining AD DS roles
Add roles to Windows Server 2025 and ensure they integrate seamlessly with the existing infrastructure
Implement and troubleshoot group policies to enforce consistent configurations across the network
Utilize virtualization techniques to optimize server resources and enhance scalability
Secure data storage solutions using encryption, access controls, and backup strategies
Maintain server uptime and reliability through efficient hotpatching practices for applying updates
Who this book is for
This book is for IT professionals, such as system administrators, network engineers, and IT managers, who are starting their journey in Windows Server 2025 administration. It is also suitable for individuals looking to update their knowledge with the latest tools and features in Windows Server 2025. Whether you're responsible for managing server infrastructure, ensuring network security, or optimizing server performance, this book will provide you with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in your role.
Table of Contents
Network Fundamentals and Introduction to Windows Server 2025
Installing Windows Server 2025
What to Do After Installing Windows Server 2025
Directory Services in Windows Server 2025
Adding Roles to Windows Server 2025
Group Policy in Windows Server 2025
Virtualization with Windows Server 2025
Storing Data in Windows Server 2025
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Enhancements
Configuring SMB over QUIC
Implementing New Security Enhancements in Windows Server 2025

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