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Herbs, Spices and Flavourings by Tom Stobart
English | December 14, 2017 | ISBN: 191069049X | 240 pages | MOBI | 7.24 Mb
Tom Stobart's award-winning Herbs Spices and Flavourings has long been recognized as the authoritative work on the subject. It is a truly amazing source of information covering, alphabetically, over 400 different herbs, spices, and flavorings found throughout the world and based on the extensive notes he made on his travels in 70 countries. Each entry carries detailed descriptions of the origin, history, magical, medicinal, scientific and culinary uses, together with a thorough assessment of tastes and effects of cooking, freezing and pickling. The author assigns the scientific, botanical, native and popular names for given plants and ingredients making exact identification easy and clearing up any confusions which may exist on differing countries' names and usages. No other work in print has ever covered with such exhausting precision this important subject making this work of reference essential for all cooks, gardeners and horticulturists.

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Suzanne Vromen, "Hidden Children of the Holocaust: Belgian Nuns and their Daring Rescue of Young Jews from the Nazis"
English | 2008 | pages: 215 | ISBN: 019518128X | PDF | 3,8 mb
In the terrifying summer of 1942 in Belgium, when the Nazis began the brutal roundup of Jewish families, parents searched desperately for safe haven for their children. As Suzanne Vromen reveals in Hidden Children of the Holocaust, these children found sanctuary with other families and schools-but especially in Roman Catholic convents and orphanages.

This remarkable book offers an inspiring chronicle of the brave individuals who risked everything to protect innocent young strangers, as well as a riveting account of the "hidden children" who lived to tell their stories.

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Hiob: Gott - Mensch - Leid By Renate Brandscheidt; Christine Görgen; Mirijam Schaeidt
2015 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 3429038170 | PDF | 1 MB
Wie sind das Unheil und das Böse in der Welt mit der Vorstellung eines allmächtigen und allgütigen Gottes zu vereinbaren? Auf diese Hiobsfrage geht der vorliegende Band aus unterschiedlicher Perspektive ein.R. Brandscheidt behandelt die im Hiobbuch dargebotenen Formen der Auseinandersetzung mit dem unschuldigen Leiden sowie der Suche nach Trost. W. Schüßler geht dem philosophischen Ringen um diese Frage nach, um schließlich Denker vorzustellen, die ihre eigene philosophische Position im Hiobbuch allegorisch ausgedrückt sehen. Ch. Görgen sucht im Rückgriff auf Viktor E. Frankl aufzuzeigen, dass es dem Menschen trotz Leids immer noch möglich ist, Sinn zu finden und zu verwirklichen. Und M. Schaeidt nähert sich dem Hiobbuch vom Osterereignis her als Geschichte einer Befreiung, welche nie durch Verdrängung, sondern nur durch die Annahme der uns bedrängenden Realitäten geschieht.

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Hollywood-Legenden: Das Leben von Joan Fontaine (German Edition) by Charles River Editors
German | September 11, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DGVWYGPL | 46 pages | EPUB | 5.24 Mb
"Wissen Sie, ich hatte ein verdammt hartes Leben. Nicht nur der schauspielerische Teil. Ich bin bei einem internationalen Ballonrennen mitgeflogen. Ich habe mein eigenes Flugzeug geflogen. Ich bin auf den Hunden geritten. Ich habe eine Menge aufregender Dinge getan. - Joan Fontaine

1939 hatte Olivia de Havilland ihre wohl denkwürdigste Rolle als Melanie Hamilton in Vom Winde verweht (1939), dem vielleicht berühmtesten Film der amerikanischen Geschichte. Die Hollywood-Legende besagt jedoch, dass sie die Rolle nur bekam, weil ihre eigene jüngere Schwester, Joan Fontaine, für die Rolle vorsprechen sollte und stattdessen Olivia empfahl, damit sie für Scarlett O'Hara vorsprechen konnte. Obwohl Fontaine und de Havilland später Geschichte schrieben, indem sie als einzige Schwestern einen Oscar als beste Darstellerinnen gewannen, ist diese Anekdote nur eine von vielen Geschichten über die beiden Schwestern, die ihre streitbare und komplizierte Beziehung beleuchten. Fontaine sagte einmal: "Ich habe zuerst geheiratet, ich habe den Oscar vor Olivia gewonnen, und wenn ich zuerst sterbe, wird sie zweifellos wütend sein, weil ich ihr zuvorkam". De Havilland selbst sagte einmal: "Joan ist sehr klug und scharfsinnig und kann bissig sein".
Einer der Gründe, warum sich die Menschen weiterhin für die Schwestern interessieren, ist natürlich, dass beide eine so lange Schauspielkarriere hatten. Fontaine wurde vor allem durch ihre 60 Jahre andauernde Karriere und ihre zahlreichen hochkarätigen Ehen in Erinnerung gerufen. Mit ihrem typischen Humor scherzte Fontaine darüber, dass sie so viele Ehemänner hatte, und kommentierte scherzhaft: "Wenn man so weiter heiratet wie ich, lernt man das Hobby von jedem." Aber diese Aufmerksamkeit hat nur dazu gedient, ihre sehr ernsthafte Karriere zu verschleiern, die ihr den Oscar als beste Schauspielerin für ihre Rolle in Alfred Hitchcocks Suspicion (1941) einbrachte. Eine weitere Nominierung erhielt sie für ihre Rolle in Die treue Nymphe (1943), und in ihrer jahrzehntelangen Fernsehkarriere wurde sie 1980, fast 40 Jahre nach ihrem Oscar-Gewinn für Suspicion, für ihre Rolle in Ryans Hoffnung für einen Emmy nominiert. Fontaine trat sogar am Broadway in einigen Produktionen auf, die mehrere Jahre lang liefen.
Hollywood-Legenden: Das Leben von Joan Fontaine berichtet über das Leben und die Karriere einer der erfolgreichsten Schauspielerinnen Hollywoods. Zusammen mit Bildern von wichtigen Menschen, Orten und Ereignissen erfahren Sie im Handumdrehen mehr über Joan Fontaine als je zuvor.

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Victoria Aarons, "Holocaust Graphic Narratives: Generation, Trauma, and Memory"
English | ISBN: 1978802560 | 2019 | 256 pages | PDF | 4 MB
In Holocaust Graphic Narratives, Victoria Aarons demonstrates the range and fluidity of this richly figured genre. Employing memory as her controlling trope, Aarons analyzes the work of the graphic novelists and illustrators, making clear how they extend the traumatic narrative of the Holocaust into the present and, in doing so, give voice to survival in the wake of unrecoverable loss. In recreating moments of traumatic rupture, dislocation, and disequilibrium, these graphic narratives contribute to the evolving field of Holocaust representation and establish a new canon of visual memory. The intergenerational dialogue established by Aarons' reading of these narratives speaks to the on-going obligation to bear witness to the Holocaust. Examined together, these intergenerational works bridge the erosions created by time and distance. As a genre of witnessing, these graphic stories, in retracing the traumatic tracks of memory, inscribe the weight of history on generations that follow.

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How to Become a Microcap Millionaire: A three-step strategy for stock market success by Justin Waite
English | December 17, 2024 | ISBN: 1804091421 | 240 pages | PDF | 8.06 Mb
What if you could change your life through investing in the stock market - without risking everything?

Stock-picking is difficult - most lose in the long run. But it is also the best way to make life-altering returns in the markets. Justin Waite knows this from experience, having achieved 4,600% returns over the past 12 years buying and selling shares.
Justin didn't just experience profits and bull markets, though. He also survived a downturn and vicious bear market. In the process he discovered that, while there is no reward without risk, there are also powerful and overlooked things you can do to protect against outsized risk - without limiting your reward.
This book shares his unique and proven investing methods in depth, so that you can achieve the same freedom and independence - starting today.
Justin reveals:
- the most common mistakes investors make, and why - and how to lastingly beat them
- the kinds of companies most likely to provide the best rewards for the lowest risk - and how to efficiently identify them
- the best times to invest in these companies - and how to move fast to secure your positions
- a highly effective way of managing your portfolio to protect you from loss - without sacrificing gains.
How to Become a Microcap Millionaire is a ground-breakingly candid and revealing guide to the inner workings of a successful private investor - equipping those with determination to confidently achieve financial freedom for the long run.

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How to Negotiate Book: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Negotiations by Skriuwer .com
English | December 30, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DRZ5D2YC | 256 pages | EPUB | 1.11 Mb
"How to Negotiate" is a detailed guide designed to equip readers with the essential skills and strategies needed to excel in both personal and professional negotiations. This book goes into the complexities of negotiation, offering practical advice and proven techniques to help readers reach favorable results in various situations.

The introduction sets the stage by highlighting the key role of negotiation in daily life and outlining the book's goals. Readers will learn why mastering negotiation is crucial for success and how the strategies discussed can be applied in real-world scenarios.
The first chapter builds a solid foundation by defining negotiation and exploring its different types. It introduces readers to the psychological principles behind negotiation, emphasizing the importance of understanding human behavior and decision-making processes. The discussion extends to how these principles apply differently in personal versus professional contexts and across various negotiation settings.
Following chapters provide a step-by-step approach to effective negotiation, starting with thorough preparation and planning. Readers will learn how to set clear goals, understand the stakes, gather essential information, and analyze the other party's interests. This preparation is critical for building strong profiles of negotiation counterparts and anticipating their responses.
The core of the book focuses on specific negotiation strategies and tactics, distinguishing between collaborative and competitive approaches, and detailing methods for effective communication, persuasion, and influence. Subsequent chapters guide readers through the actual negotiation process, from setting the agenda and making initial proposals to navigating through offers and counteroffers and ultimately resolving conflicts and closing deals.
One of the most valuable sections of the book addresses overcoming challenges and obstacles in negotiations, offering strategies for dealing with difficult parties, de-escalating tensions, and finding common ground. This section is particularly beneficial for those facing high-stakes or emotionally charged negotiations.
Advanced techniques covered later in the book include negotiating in complex, multi-party scenarios, understanding cultural differences, and maintaining ethical standards. These insights are crucial for professionals dealing with global business environments or intricate legal negotiations.
The book also explores negotiation in specific contexts such as business deals, legal settlements, and personal relationships, providing context-specific advice and strategies. This targeted guidance helps readers apply general negotiation principles to the unique challenges of different negotiation scenarios.
Practical applications and real-life case studies enrich the book's content, offering readers a chance to learn from both successful and unsuccessful negotiations. These examples, coupled with practical exercises and role-playing scenarios, allow readers to actively develop and refine their negotiation skills.
In conclusion, "How to Negotiate" recaps the essential strategies and tactics discussed, motivating readers to continue developing their skills. The book closes with recommendations for further reading and resources, encouraging ongoing learning and mastery of the art of negotiation. This guide is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to become a more effective negotiator and achieve better outcomes in all aspects of life.

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How to Overcome Regret: Understanding, Accepting, and Moving On (Self Help Books) by
English | January 7, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DSJT873D | 248 pages | EPUB | 0.58 Mb
How to Overcome Regret is a comprehensive guide that explores the complex emotions surrounding regret and how it impacts our lives. This book delves into the psychological, emotional, and physical effects of regret, helping readers understand its origins and how it influences decision-making. Whether you're struggling with regret over past decisions or simply curious about the role regret plays in our lives, this book provides the tools and insights needed to process and overcome these feelings.

The journey begins with an exploration of what regret is, the different types of regret, and the myths surrounding this powerful emotion. Readers will learn to identify the sources of their regret, differentiate it from guilt, and understand how external factors contribute to these feelings. The book also examines the psychological aspects of regret, including how it affects the brain, the role of cognitive biases, and the impact of social comparison.
Moving forward, How to Overcome Regret offers practical strategies for accepting and processing regret through mindfulness, journaling, and self-compassion. It also provides cognitive-behavioral techniques to challenge negative thoughts and build resilience against future regret. The book emphasizes the importance of relationships, decision-making, and personal growth in overcoming regret, offering readers a path to turn regret into motivation for positive change. With real-life success stories, case studies, and expert perspectives, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand and move past their regrets, ultimately fostering a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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How to Stay Sane in a House Share by Alice Wilkinson
English | March 18th, 2025 | ISBN: 0241696348 | 256 pages | True EPUB | 2.78 MB
If you've found yourself asking this question (returning home from a day of winning in the workplace only to realise you've lost the fight for your own living room - again) then it's likely that you're one of the millions of people living in a house share in the UK, US and beyond.

Between marriage rates dwindling and the cost-of-living soaring, house sharing is becoming more and more common - but that doesn't stop it being one of the most complex living set-ups of the 21st century. Thankfully, journalist and serial house sharer, Alice Wilkinson is here to help you stay sane when you're feeling stuck.
This is the friendly and informed guide to house sharing you have been waiting for. From how to choose the right housemate to navigating conflict when it (inevitably) arises, Alice draws on interviews with experts such as Professor Dunbar, 'The Millennial Therapist' Sara Kuburic and more to explore the anxieties that run the lives of young professionals living in house shares to help create a more harmonious home.

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How to Write a Funny Speech . . . for a Wedding, Bar Mitzvah, Graduation & Every Other Event You Didn't Want to Go to in the First Place by Carol Leifer, Rick Mitchell
English | March 11, 2025 | ISBN: 1797232231, 9781797234953 | True EPUB | 144 pages | 18.9 MB
Learn how to write and give a flawlessly funny speech for any occasion with Emmy-winning comedy writersCarol Leifer and Rick Mitchell. With a foreword by Carol Burnett.

Giving a speech about someone is hard. Giving a funny speech that people are actually going to pay attention to is even harder. In How to Write a Funny Speech for a Wedding, Bar Mitzvah, Graduation & Every Other Event You Didn't Want to Go to in the First Place, Leifer and Mitchell will teach you how to write the perfect speech so you can look awesome, make some people laugh, and get it over with.
Quick and easy to use, this book is broken into short chapters full of priceless tips and advice. Leifer and Mitchell will walk you through how to:properly write, phrase, and deliver your speech so you not only flatter your subject but also keep the rest of the audience interested (and maybe you'll even get a standing ovation, but we can't guarantee that-that would be cool, though, right?).Nail down how to get started so people actually pay attention to you (in a good way).Figure out how to deliver and perfect comedic nuances with a crash course in what you should and shouldn't say so you don't scare the compression socks off grandma.
Hear from these seasoned comedy writers as they dish out public speaking advice that will make you look like you totally do this all the time. Take a closer look at a handful of successful real‑life speeches from real‑life people, annotated for a better understanding of why other people were better than you soyoucan be better thanthem. Enjoy bonus content like Carmela's retirement toast to Tony Soprano and Homer Simpson's speech at Bart's graduation. And if, in the end, you still have no idea what to say about your niece at her Bat Mitzvah, there's a handy fill-in speech template at the back so you can spend more time figuring out what you're going to wear.
Happy writing!
EXPERT AUTHORS: As asuccessful comedy writer, Carol Leifer has been Emmy‑nominated for her writing on such classics as Seinfeld, The Larry Sanders Show, Saturday Night Live, and the Oscars, and won a Writer's Guild Award for her work on Modern Family, among many other accolades. She is a writer/co‑executive producer for the Emmy‑winning HBO show Hacks and a writer/consulting producer for HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm. Rick Mitchell has written for TMZ and had a six‑season stint writing for The Ellen DeGeneres Show, winning him five Daytime Emmys. Delivering speeches at countless organization benefits, weddings, and more, the pair are seasoned speech-givers ready to help you successfully write and deliver your own.
EASY TO USE: This practical book on writing and delivering a funny speech is divided into short, easy-to-read sections with plenty of tips, advice, and templates, making the task much less daunting for anyone and everyone.
HANDY PUBLIC SPEAKING REFERENCE BOOK: A timeless aid for writing and delivering a speech at any point in life, How to Write a Funny Speech ... is a useful book to give, receive, and keep.
Perfect for:
Anybody who needs to write a speech celebrating a friend, family member, or coupleBest men and maids/matrons of honor for weddings or vow renewalsFamily and friends of graduates, retirees, or honoreesBar mitzvah or bat mitzvah celebrants

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HTML para principiantes: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre HTML5, estructuras web y buenas prácticas para crear sitios profesionales (Spanish Edition) by José Marin de la Fuente
Spanish | September 28, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJ7XNHHQ | 77 pages | EPUB | 0.27 Mb
Si siempre has querido crear tus propios sitios web o estás buscando una guía práctica que te lleve de lo más básico a lo avanzado en HTML, ¡este es el curso que estabas esperando!

Con "HTML para principiantes", aprenderás todo lo necesario para dominar el lenguaje que da vida a Internet. Desde la creación de la estructura básica de una página hasta los últimos avances de HTML5, este eBook te guiará paso a paso con ejemplos claros, buenas prácticas, y los secretos que todo desarrollador web debe conocer.
Descubrirás cómo crear formularios interactivos, optimizar tu código para motores de búsqueda (SEO), y diseñar sitios accesibles y eficientes. No importa si eres un principiante absoluto o si ya tienes algo de experiencia: este eBook está diseñado para que puedas construir y optimizar sitios web modernos de manera profesional.

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Human Factors in the U.S. Railroad Industry
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032771402 | 236 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 16 MB
At the heart of the U.S. Railroad Industry are human operators who continue to make it work and operate. However, humans are susceptible to error, fatigue, and risky behaviors. Understanding how these impact the safety of the industry remains a crucial topic to be studied. Human Factors in the U.S. Railroad Industry investigates the human factor behind one of the world's biggest railway networks and synthesizes the body of research that has been produced by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) on Human Factors in the Railroad industry since 1993.

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Human Renaissance : Redefining Humanity : A Blueprint for Survival, Unity, and Flourishing in the Age of AI by Ranadhir Ghosh
English | February 13, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DVQK5G69 | 329 pages | EPUB | 0.57 Mb
This book explores the profound implications of artificial cognition and its impact on our future, delving into the hypothesis that the universe operates as an information system and the role of human consciousness in interpreting quantum data. It draws parallels between the emergence of tool use in early species and the current age of artificial cognition, emphasizing the need to confront the potential consequences of rapid technological advancements. The narrative addresses the alignment of individual aspirations within organizations, the evolution of consciousness, and the integration of artificial cognition into the workforce, highlighting the importance of human-machine collaboration. Ethical considerations and the quest for general artificial intelligence (AGI) are discussed, presenting significant philosophical and ethical implications for the nature of intelligence and its impact on society. Ultimately, the book envisions a future where artificial cognition transforms various aspects of society, advocating for a harmonious balance between competition and cooperation to foster a sustainable and equitable future

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Human-Robot Interaction: Bridging the Gap Between Humans and Machines by Sam Green
English | November 20, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DNRGTCGT | 111 pages | EPUB | 1.14 Mb
"Human-Machine Interface: Designing the Future of Interaction" explores the fascinating world where humans and machines meet, unlocking the potential of intuitive and powerful technologies that shape our daily lives. This comprehensive guide delves into the design, evolution, and future of Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs), offering insights into the technologies that bridge the gap between human intention and machine functionality.

From touchscreens and voice assistants to augmented reality (AR), gesture recognition, and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), this book examines the diverse range of HMIs that have revolutionized industries such as healthcare, automotive, consumer electronics, and industrial automation.
Whether you're a designer, engineer, or technology enthusiast, this book provides:A deep dive into the principles of effective HMI design, including usability, accessibility, and feedback mechanisms.An overview of cutting-edge HMI technologies, such as AI-driven personalization, IoT integration, and emotion-sensing interfaces.Practical insights into industry-specific applications of HMIs, from smart cars to immersive medical tools.A thoughtful exploration of the ethical and social implications of emerging HMI innovations, such as data privacy and equitable access.With a focus on the future, "Human-Machine Interface" illuminates the path forward for designing interfaces that are not only functional but also inclusive, intelligent, and adaptable. Discover how the evolution of HMIs will redefine the way humans interact with machines-enhancing productivity, creativity, and connectivity across every aspect of life.
This book is your guide to the transformative power of Human-Machine Interfaces.

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Hybrides Projektmanagement:
Die praktische Anwendung deterministischer und agiler Projektmanagementmethoden

Deutsch | 2025 | ISBN: 3658465352 | 146 Pages | PDF (True) | 51 MB

Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt die Grundlagen und die Anwendung der Projektplanung sowie des Projektcontrollings prägnant und praxisorientiert. Dabei adressieren die Autoren Einsteiger ins Projektmanagement ebenso wie erfahrene Projektmanager und es stehen bewährte traditionelle Methoden in Kombination mit neueren, agilen Ansätzen des Projektmanagements im Fokus der Betrachtungen. Da Theorie und Praxis mitunter getrennte Wege gehen, wird die Applikation der beschriebenen Projektmanagementmethoden begleitend anhand eines Projektes mit hybridem Ansatz veranschaulicht. Um dies möglichst praxisnah zu gestalten, wurde hierfür ein reales, erfolgreich abgeschlossenes Digitalisierungsprojekt der angewandten Forschung als Grundlage verwendet.

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Hydrogen Transportation and Storage by Mohammad Reza Rahimpour, Mohammad Amin Makarem, Parvin Kiani
English | November 6, 2024 | ISBN: 1032466103 | 282 pages | MOBI | 6.28 Mb
The success of hydrogen energy markets depends on developing efficient hydrogen storage and transportation methods. Hydrogen may be stored in various ways, including compression, liquefaction, adsorption, hydrides, and reformed fuels. Hydrogen's application, transport method, storage time, and other factors all have an impact on the technology choices available for its long‑term storage. This book comprehensively reviews hydrogen storage and transportation technologies along with related safety hazards and challenges.Introduces hydrogen storage and transportation materials and standardsIncludes miscellaneous hydrogen storage methodsCovers different hydrogen transportation technologiesComprehensively describes hydrogen storage and transportation safety considerationsProvides economic assessments and environmental challenges related to hydrogen storage and transportationPart of the multivolume Handbook of Hydrogen Production and Applications, this standalone book guides researchers and academics in chemical, environmental, energy, and related areas of engineering interested in development and implementation of hydrogen production technologies.

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Adilifu Nama, "I Wonder U: How Prince Went beyond Race and Back"
English | ISBN: 1978805179 | 2019 | 186 pages | PDF | 7 MB
Featured in the 2020 Association of University Presses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show

In 1993, Prince infamously changed his name to a unique, unpronounceable symbol. Yet this was only one of a long string of self-reinventions orchestrated by Prince as he refused to be typecast by the music industry's limiting definitions of masculinity and femininity, of straightness and queerness, of authenticity and artifice, or of black music and white music.
Revealing how he continually subverted cultural expectations, I Wonder U examines the entirety of Prince's diverse career as a singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer, record label mogul, movie star, and director. It shows how, by blending elements of R&B, rock, and new wave into an extremely videogenic package, Prince was able to overcome the color barrier that kept black artists off of MTV. Yet even at his greatest crossover success, he still worked hard to retain his credibility among black music fans. In this way, Adilifu Nama suggests, Prince was able to assert a distinctly black political sensibility while still being perceived as a unique musical genius whose appeal transcended racial boundaries.
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Jason Bruner, "Imagining Persecution: Why American Christians Believe There Is a Global War against Their Faith"
English | ISBN: 1978816812 | 2021 | 250 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Many American Christians have come to understand their relationship to other Christian denominations and traditions through the lens of religious persecution. This book provides a historical account of these developments, showing the global, theological, and political changes that made it possible for contemporary Christians to claim that there is a global war on Christians. This book, however, does not advocate on behalf of particular repressed Christian communities, nor does it argue for the genuineness (or lack thereof) of certain Christians' claims of persecution. Instead, this book is the first to examine the idea that there is a "global war on Christians" and its analytical implications. It does so by giving a concise history of the categories (like "martyrs"), evidence (statistics and metrics), and theologies that have come together to produce a global Christian imagination premised upon the notion of shared suffering for one's faith. The purpose in doing so is not to deny certain instances of suffering or death; rather, it is to reflect upon the consequences for thinking about religious violence and Christianity worldwide using terms such as a "global war on Christians."

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Sam Fellowes, "In Defence of Psychiatric Diagnoses"
English | ISBN: 3031744772 | 2024 | 265 pages | PDF | 5 MB
This open access book makes a distinctive contribution by providing a novel defence of psychiatric diagnoses. It defends psychiatric diagnoses by portraying them as idealised models understood in a neo-Kantian sense. It reject accounts which see psychiatric diagnoses as biomedical entities or as natural kinds.

Drawing upon this neo-Kantian approach to scientific models, the book provides a novel metaphysical account of what psychiatric diagnoses are and novel epistemological guidelines for constructing psychiatric diagnoses. Psychiatric diagnoses are portrayed as models which abstract away from particular aspects of particular people to create generalised models that are applicable to multiple people.
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Robert G. Kaufman, "In Defense of the Bush Doctrine"
English | 2007 | pages: 262 | ISBN: 0813124344 | PDF | 1,2 mb
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, shattered the prevalent optimism in the United States that had blossomed during the tranquil and prosperous 1990s, when democracy seemed triumphant and catastrophic wars were a relic of the past. President George W. Bush responded with a bold and controversial grand strategy for waging a preemptive Global War on Terror, which has ignited passionate debate about the purposes of American power and the nation's proper role in the world.

In Defense of the Bush Doctrine offers a vigorous argument for the principles of moral democratic realism that inspired the Bush administration's policy of regime change in Iraq. The Bush Doctrine rests on two main pillars―the inadequacy of deterrence and containment strategies when dealing with terrorists and rogue regimes, and the culture of tyranny in the Middle East, which spawns aggressive secular and religious despotisms.
Two key premises shape Kaufman's case for the Bush Doctrine's conformity with moral democratic realism. The first is the fundamental purpose of American foreign policy since its inception: to ensure the integrity and vitality of a free society "founded upon the dignity and worth of the individual." The second premise is that the cardinal virtue of prudence (the right reason about things to be done) must be the standard for determining the best practicable American grand strategy.
In Defense of the Bush Doctrine provides a broader historical context for the post-September 11 American foreign policy that will transform world politics well into the future. Kaufman connects the Bush Doctrine and current issues in American foreign policy, such as how the U.S. should deal with China, to the deeper tradition of American diplomacy. Drawing from positive lessons as well as cautionary tales from the past, Kaufman concludes that moral democratic realism offers the most compelling framework for American grand strategy, as it expands the democratic zone of peace and minimizes the number and gravity of threats the United States faces in the modern world.

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