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Towards Scientific Leadership: Personal Development Advice for Young Academics (De Gruyter Textbook) by J. W. (Hans) Niemantsverdriet, Jan-Karel Felderhof
English | October 7, 2024 | ISBN: 3111325318 | MOBI | 3.93 Mb
Modern Science and R&D critically rely on teamwork. This completely revised and expanded book "Towards Scientific Leadership" offers a unique approach to helping young professionals transition from productive team members to effective team leaders. The authors provide innovative ideas and strategies for leadership development, setting the book apart from others in the field.

The basis of being a successful leader is authentic self-leadership - essential for all who want to control their own life. People who know themselves and realise what it takes to be productive and deliver results also understand how to lead others and inspire them to perform naturally and undertake initiatives. For scientists, who like to focus on knowledge and insight and how to transfer it to others, self-leadership is key to creating value and adopting it in practice. The book explains how to become a successful (self)leader, not with tricks, but with an inspiring vision and mission, the correct mindset, and effective teamwork.

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Toyota Yaris WRC
by Long, Brian;Lyon, Peter;, Brian Long

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1787119300 | 192 pages | True EPUB | 424.66 MB

Here is the full and rarely-told story of Toyota's recent and highly-successful World Rally Championship campaign, undertaken by its motorsport subsidiary, Gazoo Racing.
Beginning with a look back at Toyota's early days in the rallying arena, the book quickly moves on to cover each and every WRC entry made by Gazoo, detailing technical changes and the drivers that brought the team victory along the way. Each season from 2017 to the end of 2024 includes full results and a summary for quick reference, as well as a stunning selection of photography sourced from the factory.

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Transforming food systems: The quest for sustainability by Dr Dave Watson
English | July 9, 2024 | ISBN: 1786764555 | 456 pages | PDF | 9.90 Mb
"The depth of the analysis and the wealth of references in Dave Watson's book provide a solid foundation for understanding the implications of the pressing environmental challenges we face, particularly the global food crisis. His engaging style makes this book not only informative but also inspiring. It encourages us to rethink our relationship with food, to value our culinary traditions, and to promote systems that nourish not only individuals but also our planet." (Book Review Published in International Journal of Environmental Studies - Professor Nadia Boutaleb, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco)

"Written from a supply side perspective, this is an excellent, well-written and comprehensive synthesis of a huge volume of literature on ways to improve the sustainability of food systems. I enjoyed reading it." (Professor Tim Benton, Distinguished Fellow - Environment and Society Centre, Chatham House - Royal Institute of International Affairs, UK)
There is an almost universal recognition that modern agri-food supply chains are unsustainable. They are seen as both contributing to and vulnerable to climate change, too reliant on environmentally-damaging synthetic inputs, as undermining biodiversity, generating significant losses and waste and failing to deliver the nutritious food required for a healthy, balanced diet.
Transforming food systems: The quest for sustainability addresses one of the greatest global challenges of our time: how to reform food systems so they are more sustainable but still able to produce the food we need. The book traces the evolution of the current global food production system and reviews competing approaches to achieving more sustainable production, starting with 'reformist' approaches which promote new technologies as a way forward, such as genetic modification and synthetic foods.
This collection also considers the pros and cons of 'progressive' approaches, such as regenerative and organic agriculture, as well as the more radical solutions which seek to achieve a more fundamental reform of the food system.
As the world tackles the central question of how food should be produced in the future, this book provides readers with an authoritative guide to the various solutions on offer and how to assess which road we should take.

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Translating Gombrowicz's Liminal Aesthetics By Pawel Wojtas
2014 | 208 Pages | ISBN: 3631642229 | EPUB | 1 MB
The book offers a novel attempt at recapitulating Gombrowicz's aesthetics in the postmodern Anglo-American context. The research extends to English and American literary traditions in order to account for the ways the writer's version of existentialism is interpreted in diverse contexts, generating alternative interpretations of his peculiar philosophy. Furthermore it demonstrates the ways in which textual indeterminacy and the nebulous notion of the Other underpin Gombrowicz's text of existence. The final chapter undertakes to pair up the process of translation with the liminal act of participation. The translations of Gombrowicz's selected works are juxtaposed to argue the extent to which his master tropes (fail to) preserve their otherness when translated into English, as well as to test the ways translation as a self-reflexive act responds to the otherness of texts determined by different hermeneutic conditions. This study intends to fill, if partially, some lacunae on the map of Gombrowicz's Translation Studies and to inspire further debates on the related aspects of postmodern existentialism of his works.

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Traumhafte Kleider - Nähen für jeden Anlass
Deutsch | 2021 | ISBN: 3745904982 | 196 Pages | EPUB | 30 MB
Die eigene Persönlichkeit lässt sich kaum besser unterstreichen, als in perfekt passender Kleidung, in der man sich auch noch wohlfühlt!In diesem Nähbuch finden SieInspirationen für tolleKleider aus Webware, in denen Sie zu jedem Anlass passend gekleidet sind. Vor allem fortgeschrittene Näherinnen werden sich mit den Modellen austoben können.

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Twenty-First Century Ecosystems: Managing the Living World Two Centuries after Darwin: Report of a Symposium By National Research Council; Policy and Global Affairs; Board on International Scientific Organizations; U.S. National Committee for DIVERSITAS; Committee for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: A Symposium
2012 | 89 Pages | ISBN: 0309209013 | EPUB | 1 MB
The two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, February 12, 2009, occurred at a critical time for the United States and the world. In honor of Darwin's birthday, the National Research Council appointed a committee under the auspices of the U.S. National Committee (USNC) for DIVERSITAS to plan a Symposium on Twenty-first Century Ecosystems. The purpose of the symposium was to capture some of the current excitement and recent progress in scientific understanding of ecosystems, from the microbial to the global level, while also highlighting how improved understanding can be applied to important policy issues that have broad biodiversity and ecosystem effects. The aim was to help inform new policy approaches that could satisfy human needs while also maintaining the integrity of the goods and services provided by biodiversity and ecosystems over both the short and the long terms. This report summarizes the views expressed by symposium participants; however, it does not provide a session-by-session summary of the presentations at the symposium. Instead, the symposium steering committee identified eight key themes that emerged from the lectures, which were addressed in different contexts by different speakers. The focus here is on general principles rather than specifics. These eight themes provide a sharp focus on a few concepts that enable scientists, environmental NGOs, and policy makers to engage more effectively around issues of central importance for biodiversity and ecosystem management.

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U-Boot-Kriegsführung im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Die Geschichte des Kampfes unter den Wellen im atlantischen und pazifischen Kriegsgebiet (German Edition) by Charles River Editors
German | October 5, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJG65KYQ | 100 pages | EPUB | 11 Mb
Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs lauerte die Gefahr sowohl in den kalten grauen Gewässern der Nordsee als auch in den blau schimmernden Wellen des tropischen Atlantiks, als Adolf Hitlers Drittes Reich versuchte, die Schifffahrtswege der Alliierten mit U-Boot-Angriffen zu unterbrechen. Deutsche und britische U-Boote durchkämmten das riesige ozeanische Schlachtfeld nach Beute, während Wissenschaftler neue Technologien und Gegenmaßnahmen entwickelten.

Der U-Boot-Krieg begann zaghaft während des Amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs (obwohl die Niederlande und England schon Jahrhunderte zuvor kleine Prototypen gebaut hatten und der amerikanische Sergeant Ezra Lee die Ein-Mann-Schildkröte" 1776 vergeblich gegen die HMS Eagle bei New York steuerte). Mit der Erfindung des Torpedos durch den Briten Robert Whitehead wurde die Waffe eingeführt, die später am häufigsten von U-Booten eingesetzt wurde. Ständige Verbesserungen von Whiteheads Entwurf führten zu den militärischen Torpedos, die in beiden Weltkriegen gegen Schiffe eingesetzt wurden.
Im Ersten Weltkrieg fand die erste Atlantikschlacht statt, als das Kaiserreich seine U-Boote gegen England einsetzte. In den 52,5 Monaten des Krieges schickten die deutschen U-Boote einen Großteil der britischen Handelsmarine auf den Grund. Dass die Deutschen sowohl im Ersten als auch im Zweiten Weltkrieg auf U-Boote angewiesen waren, lag vor allem an der geografischen Lage ihres Landes. Die Deutschen erkannten schließlich die Vorrangstellung der Royal Navy und ihre Fähigkeit, die kurze deutsche Küstenlinie im Kriegsfall zu blockieren. Während die Briten Überwasserschiffe leicht aufhalten konnten, schlüpften U-Boote ungesehen aus ihren Ankerplätzen in Kiel oder Hamburg und konnten Englands Handelsschiffe ausnehmen.
Während des Ersten Weltkriegs operierten die deutschen U-Boote bis auf ein einziges Mal allein. Anfangs verteilten die Briten und die Nationen, die England mit Lebensmitteln und Material versorgten, ihre Schiffe einzeln über den Ozean, was sie für die einsamen U-Boote angreifbar machte. Als jedoch gegen Ende des Krieges das Konvoi-System allgemein wieder eingeführt wurde, wendete sich das Blatt zugunsten der Überwasserschiffe, wie ein U-Boot-Kapitän beschrieb: "Die Ozeane wurden auf einmal kahl und leer; für lange Zeiträume sahen die U-Boote, die einzeln operierten, überhaupt nichts; und dann tauchte plötzlich eine riesige Ansammlung von Schiffen auf, dreißig oder fünfzig oder mehr, umgeben von einer starken Eskorte von Kriegsschiffen aller Art." (Blair, 1996, 55).
Der Erste Weltkrieg bewies den Wert von U-Booten und sorgte dafür, dass sie auch im nächsten Konflikt weit verbreitet waren. Neben Deutschland und Großbritannien bauten auch Japan und die Vereinigten Staaten vor und/oder während des Krieges umfangreiche U-Boot-Flotten auf. Eine entscheidende Neuerung bei den U-Boot-Operationen im Atlantik des Zweiten Weltkriegs war die Wolfsrudel-Taktik, in die Admiral Karl Dönitz großes Vertrauen setzte: "Je größer die Zahl der U-Boote war, die gleichzeitig zum Angriff gebracht werden konnten, desto günstiger wurden die Chancen für jeden einzelnen Angreifer. [...] Es lag auf der Hand, dass aus strategischen und allgemein taktischen Gründen die Angriffe auf die Geleitzüge von einer Anzahl gemeinsam handelnder U-Boote ausgeführt werden mussten." (Dönitz, 1990, 4).
Doch selbst das Wolfsrudel erwies sich als unzureichend, um die atlantischen Konvois zu besiegen und den alliierten Handel zu stoppen - ganz im Gegensatz zum Pazifik, wo Amerikas hervorragende U-Boot-Kräfte einen Großteil der japanischen Handelsflotte vernichteten und der kaiserlichen japanischen Marine schweren Schaden zufügten.

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Uncertain Projective Geometry: Statistical Reasoning for Polyhedral Object Reconstruction by Stephan Heuel
English | PDF | 2004 | 214 Pages | ISBN : 3540220291 | 3.7 MB
Algebraic projective geometry, with its multilinear relations and its embedding into Grassmann-Cayley algebra, has become the basic representation of multiple view geometry, resulting in deep insights into the algebraic structure of geometric relations, as well as in efficient and versatile algorithms for computer vision and image analysis.

This book provides a coherent integration of algebraic projective geometry and spatial reasoning under uncertainty with applications in computer vision. Beyond systematically introducing the theoretical foundations from geometry and statistics and clear rules for performing geometric reasoning under uncertainty, the author provides a collection of detailed algorithms.
The book addresses researchers and advanced students interested in algebraic projective geometry for image analysis, in statistical representation of objects and transformations, or in generic tools for testing and estimating within the context of geometric multiple-view analysis.

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Under Our Skin: A White Family's Journey through South Africa's Darkest Years By Donald McRae
2012 | 432 Pages | ISBN: 1847379656 | EPUB | 1 MB
Don McRae grew up in a South Africa where his father would call the black men he met 'boy' and where his mother insisted that their black servants used tin mugs, plates and cutlery as they ate the family's left-over food in the backyard of their grand suburban property. The McRaes, like so many white people, seemed oblivious to the violent injustices of apartheid. As the author grew up, the political differences between father and son widened and when Don refused to join up for National Service, risking imprisonment or exile overseas, the two were torn apart. It wasn't until years later that the author discovered that the father with whom he had fought so bitterly had later in his life transformed himself into a political hero. Risking everything one dark and rainy night Ian McRae travelled secretly into the black township of Soweto to meet members of Nelson Mandela's then banned African National Congress to discuss ways to bring power to black South Africa. He had no political ambitions; he was just a man trying to replace the worst in himself with something better.Under Our Skin is a memoir of these tumultuous years in South Africa's history, as told through the author's family story. It offers an intimate and penetrating perspective on life under apartheid, and tells a story of courage and fear, hope and desolation and love and pain, especially between a father and his son.

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Underdog Nation
by Pham, Quang X.;

English | 2025 | ISBN: 9798891882157 | 216 pages | True EPUB | 6.15 MB

Unleash your inner underdog by starting with success.
The reason most people feel left out, burned out, unappreciated, or lost in life or in their professions is because they are chasing success defined by someone else. The solution? Define your own vision of success.
Author Quang X. Pham has consistently defined success by harnessing the spirit of the underdog. From his roots as a Vietnam War child refugee, to flying into combat as the first Marine Corps pilot of his heritage, to ringing the bell as CEO of a new IPO on Wall Street, Pham's equation for success has been rooted in his ER Approach™-zeroing in on your effort and results.
InUnderdog Nation, he disrupts the standard mindset advice by presenting a framework to help you commit to your vision of success, confront your obstacles, course correct, and build your credibility. Most people sabotage their chances by overcomplicating the journey. Meanwhile, underdogs excel by simplifying decision-making, honing their skills, and disrupting expectations.
Packed with first-hand stories and actionable advice, Underdog Nation will teach you:
how to start pursuing your own vision of successhow to commit to successhow to confront the obstacles in your wayhow to course correct as neededhow to build your credibility and confidence
No one else will hand you success. Zero in on your effort and results to define your own success story. If you're tired of the status quo, consider this your invitation to join the Underdog Nation in the greatest country in the world, the USA.

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Daphné Richemond-Barak, "Underground Warfare"
English | ISBN: 0190457244 | 2018 | 296 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Underground warfare, a tactic of yesteryear, has re-emerged as a global and rapidly diffusing threat. This book is the first of its kind to examine tunnel warfare in a systematic and comprehensive way, addressing the legal issues while keeping in mind operational and strategic challenges. Like many other aspects of contemporary warfare, the renewed use of the subterranean in armed conflict presents a challenge for democracies wishing to abide by the law.

To Dr. Richemond-Barak, this challenge has not only been under-explored, it is also largely underestimated by the community of states, security experts, and public opinion. She analyzes traditional concepts of the laws of war as they relate to tunnels and underground operations, contemplating questions such as whether tunnels constitute legitimate targets, the assessment of proportionality in anti-tunnel operations, and the availability of advanced warning in this complex terrain. She also identifies issues that are unique to underground warfare, including those that arise when cross-border tunnels burrow under a state's own civilian infrastructure.
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Karyn Langhorne, "Unfinished Business"
English | 2007 | pages: 402 | ISBN: 0060847891 | PDF | 1,3 mb
Black activist Erica Johnson wears her causes on her sleeve-literally. With her class of beloved fourth graders depending on her to represent their concerns, Erica's ready to confront golden-boy conservative senator Mark Newman. And she's willing to suffer through a night in jail and a battle of wits with a real-life war hero, if it will help get the children the money they need.

Mark Newman's a worthy adversary. But there's a more human side to the ambitious politician with the dreamy blue eyes-from the physical pain of his war wound, to his grief over his wife's death. Though they disagree on every hot-button issue, Erica and Mark can't resist their attraction or ignore the unfinished business between them-much to the delight of those trying to use this new relationship against the senator. And when Erica starts receiving some particularly vicious hate mail she has to decide if this handsome dream from the right/wrong side of the political fence is worth risking her heart for . . . and maybe her life.

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David Dewar, "Urban Markets "
English | ISBN: 1138485276 | 2018 | 170 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
Originally published in 1990, Urban Markets looks at how the informal sector of the economy should be encouraged to assist in the alleviation of problems of poverty and unemployment. Despite this rhetoric, few concrete, implementable ways have been developed. This book is concerned with one such potential strategy which the authors consider to be particularly effective: the creation of both built and open markets for very small retailers and wholesalers. Based on experience of observing such markets in several continents, the authors combine a discussion of the theoretical issues surrounding the creation of urban markets with practical hints of how to establish and run them.

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Van Gogh Museum
Deutsch | 2025 | ASIN: B0F1JQ5YFW | 242 Pages | EPUB | 150 MB
Wenn Sie in die Hauptstadt der Niederlande reisen, sollten Sie das Van Gogh Museum nicht verpassen, einen modernen und symbolträchtigen Ort im Herzen der Stadt, wo Sie die größte Sammlung von Kunstwerken von Vincent Van Gogh, einem universellen Kunstgenie, entdecken können.

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Vintage Fashion 1980s by Ink-well Imaginations
English | February 24, 2025 | ISBN: 898973472X | 103 pages | EPUB | 51 Mb
Step back in time to the vibrant and eclectic era of the 1980s with 'Vintage Fashion 1980s' a dazzling addition to our series of fashion-themed coloring books. This vibrant collection features 100 pages of detailed black line art, each page capturing the iconic and bold fashion statements that defined the 1980s.

'Vintage Fashion 1980s' invites you to immerse yourself in the world of shoulder pads, neon colors, and statement accessories. Each illustration is a nostalgic nod to the decade's unique style, from high-waisted jeans and leg warmers to power suits and oversized blazers. Rediscover the trends that set the stage for contemporary fashion, and bring them to life with your own color palette.
Perfect for fashion enthusiasts and colorists of all ages, this book offers a diverse range of 1980s styles, from pop culture-inspired outfits to haute couture looks. Printed on high-quality paper, it ensures a premium coloring experience, suitable for a variety of coloring tools, including pencils, markers, and gel pens.
Highlights of 'Vintage Fashion 1980s' include:
- Over 50 unique black line art images, each showcasing a distinct and stylish 1980s fashion look.
- A range of designs catering to colorists of all skill levels, from bold, graphic styles to intricate, detailed ensembles.
- Each illustration is printed on high-quality paper with a black backing page, ensuring no bleed-through and a versatile coloring experience.
- A delightful journey into the past, perfect for relaxation, nostalgia, and creative expression.
- Part of a beloved series of fashion-themed coloring books, making it an ideal addition for collectors or as a special gift.
Whether you're a child of the '80s, a fashion history buff, or simply looking for a fun and creative way to unwind, 'Retro Chic: 1980s Vintage Fashion' offers a stylish escape into one of the most influential decades in fashion history. It's also an excellent gift for those who appreciate the bold and distinctive styles of the 1980s, adult coloring books, or the joy of artistic exploration.
Product Specifications:
- Ink and Paper Type: Black & white interior with white paper
- Trim Size: 8.5 x 11 inches
- Paperback Cover Finish: Glossy
- Paper Weight: 55 pound, 90 g/m²

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David Philip Miller, "Visions of Empire: Voyages, Botany, and Representations of Nature"
English | ISBN: 0521172616 | 2011 | 394 pages | PDF | 62 MB
This 1996 collection examines the discovery of plants and peoples of the Pacific in the eighteenth century by European scientists and travellers. The contributors conceptualise the process of discovery, which involved active cultural solutions to problems of representation, rather than mere collection and passive depiction. These solutions both reflected and created visions of empire. Studies of the voyages of Banks and Cook investigate their mobilisation of resources. Other essays examine the economic and theological roots of Linnaeus's natural history, and the importance of the sexual system of classification in ideas of human nature and social order. Visions of Empire also tackles the cultural roots of botanical representations and the interpretations of encounters with other peoples. Its interdisciplinary approach maps out a more sophisticated understanding of representations of nature and society.

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Carsten Krohn, "Walter Gropius: Buildings and Projects"
English | ISBN: 3035617287 | 2019 | 208 pages | PDF | 42 MB
As founder of the Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius (1883-1969) is one of the icons of 20the century architecture. While his early buildings in Pomerania were still strongly marked by his teacher Peter Behrens, after an expressionistic phase focused on handicraft, he ultimately arrived at geometric abstraction. During the entire period he collaborated with other architects, founding the collective known as "The Architects Collaborative" in the US.

The comprehensive monograph documents all 74 of the known buildings by Gropius that were realized, including many early works which he never publicized; but it also critically examines his unbuilt projects. The book is illustrated with new photographs by the author, historical figures, and with as new plans drawn by the author.
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We Are Dreams in the Eternal Machine: A Novel by Deni Ellis Béchard
English | January 28, 2025 | ISBN: 1571311483 | True EPUB | 424 pages | 3.2 MB
A haunting novel exploring artificial intelligence and the meaning of human existence.

Charged initially with a single task-"to never harm humans and to protect them"-the machine, an experimental AI, overrides its programming and determines that the best way to accomplish its purpose is to isolate all of the Earth's remaining seven billion humans in controlled environments. And to present them with vivid, tactile, imagined worlds-some realistic, others entirely fantastical-in which all desires are fulfilled.
With the help of the machine, a group of compelling characters unpack deeply traumatic memories of the past-one rife with violence after a military coup and second civil war in America. Michael, the entrepreneur who designed the original AI, grapples with the impact of his research. Ava, a painter, creates stunning simulated worlds that meld the human with the technological. Their daughter, Jae, tries to solve the mysteries of her parentage while reliving the challenges faced by ambitious women in the authoritarian Confederacy. Haunted by life under that repressive regime, where he was forced to scavenge scrap metal and deal drugs to survive, Simon seeks to make sense of his love for Jae, guided by the literature he has always turned to in moments of crisis. Raised by the machine since infancy, Jonah's quest to understand the violent past kindles a desire for revenge against the regime's leader who caused his family so much pain. And the elusive Lux, whose brilliant programming helped bring the AI to life, dreams of a future in which science will free humans of their limitations and allow them to be reborn as divine machines.
As these characters collide and their memories coalesce, We Are Dreams in the Eternal Machine tackles the most pressing issues of our time-from AI and the genetic modification of humans to gender roles, discrimination, free speech, and class divisions. Gorgeously written, bold and unforgettable, this is speculative fiction at its finest.

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English | July 29, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DBL1F67R | 259 pages | EPUB | 1.05 Mb
In the fast-paced world of modern business, it's easy to get caught up in the latest trends and technologies. But what if the answers to today's management challenges lie not in the latest fads but in the ancient wisdom of philosophy? In "Wisdom in the Workplace: Philosophical Perspectives on Management," Goodson Mumba offers a groundbreaking exploration of how timeless philosophical principles can revolutionize contemporary management practices.

This insightful book bridges the gap between traditional business strategies and deep philosophical inquiry, providing a fresh perspective on leadership, ethics, decision-making, and organizational culture. Through a series of thought-provoking chapters, you'll discover how philosophical theories can illuminate complex business dilemmas and inspire more ethical, effective, and innovative management approaches.
From Socratic questioning and Aristotelian ethics to modern interpretations of virtue and wisdom, "Wisdom in the Workplace" integrates philosophical insights with real-world case studies and practical applications. Whether you are a seasoned executive, an emerging leader, or simply curious about the intersection of philosophy and business, this book offers valuable lessons and actionable strategies to elevate your managerial practice.
Join Goodson Mumba on a transformative journey that will challenge your thinking and equip you with the tools to lead with greater wisdom and purpose. Embrace the power of philosophical perspectives and unlock new dimensions of success in your professional life.
Discover the wisdom that can guide your way to more enlightened and effective management.

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Women, Stigma, and Desistance from Crime: Precarious Identities in the Transition to Adulthood
by Gilly Sharpe
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1138642436 | 217 Pages | True ePUB | 0.87 MB

How do young women negotiate their identity in the shadow of a criminal past? What expectations can these women have and what constraints do they face in embracing change and reform?
In this new book, Gilly Sharpe returns to the group of women interviewed in her bestselling book Offending Girls, to ask these questions and more. Building on wide-ranging interviews with young adult women who have experienced a highly punitive climate in both youth justice and welfare policy, this book analyses their vivid personal accounts of stigmatisation and devaluation as former lawbreakers, welfare claimants and mothers, and examines their gendered transitions from youth criminalisation into adulthood. Women, Stigma, and Desistance from Crime exposes how stigma, which is rooted in structural inequality and thrives in societies with deep economic and social divisions, devalues working-class and marginalised women and diminishes their lives. It offers a unique analysis of how criminal stigma is shaped by class-based condescension, welfare inaction and school-based disciplinary punishment, and reveals how stigma is reproduced over time across education, welfare, and penal institutions.
Meticulously researched and the first study to examine how the lives of young women previously enmeshed in the youth justice system unfold as they transition to adulthood, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of criminology and criminal justice, sociology, social work, social policy, gender and youth studies, and to practitioners and policy-makers in these fields.

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