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Jiangzhao Chen, "Handbook of Perovskite Solar Cells, Volume 1: Fundamentals and Absorber Layer Optimization for Efficiency and Stability "
English | ISBN: 1032509651 | 2024 | 440 pages | PDF | 89 MB
Organic-inorganic hybrid metal halide perovskite materials have attracted significant attention due to their advantages of low cost, tunable band gap, solution processing, high molar extinction coefficient, low exciton binding energy, and high carrier mobility. Perovskite absorber layers play a decisive role in the realization of high-power conversion efficiency in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). This book systematically and comprehensively discusses device structures, working principles, and optimization strategies of perovskite absorber layers for PSCs to help foster commercialization of these environmentally friendly power sources. It describes strategies to optimize the quality of perovskite films, including composition engineering, dimensional engineering, solvent engineering, strain engineering, additive engineering, and interface engineering.

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Jiangzhao Chen, "Handbook of Perovskite Solar Cells, Volume 2: Functional Layer Optimization and Diverse Device Types for Efficiency and "
English | ISBN: 1032509694 | 2024 | 452 pages | PDF | 156 MB
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have received significant attention in academia and industry due to their low cost and high-power conversion efficiency (PCE). Single- and multijunction PSCs have obtained promising certified PCEs, which suggests that PSCs are a very promising next-generation photovoltaic technology. In addition to the perovskite absorber layer, other functional layers, including electron transport layer (ETL), hole transport layer (HTL), and electrode layer (EL), have also made huge contributions to enhancing device performance. This book focuses on the development, advancement, and application of these functional layers in various PSCs.

This volume:
Introduces ETL, HTL, and EL in efficient and stable PSCs.
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Jiangzhao Chen, "Handbook of Perovskite Solar Cells, Volume 3: Critical Challenges and Opportunities in Commercialization "
English | ISBN: 1032509805 | 2024 | 192 pages | PDF | 18 MB
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have emerged as one of the most promising new solar cells, with strong commercial potential. Several challenges remain before PSCs can be released in wide-scale commercial application. This book highlights the opportunities, advancements, and critical challenges involved in the commercial application of PSCs. It discusses large area fabrication, long-term stability, lead management, encapsulation techniques, as well as a commercial roadmap and current and future trends.

This volume:
Details the importance of lead management strategies to minimize toxicity.
Shares progress on photon management.
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Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability: Research, Practice, and Policy by Johnny L. Matson
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 413 Pages | ISBN : 3031669010 | 31.3 MB
The Second Edition of the handbook reflects the diversity of this complex subject matter, addressing its prevalence and presentation, testing methods, and treatment options. In addition to focusing on specific psychopathologies as they affect the course of intellectual disability (ID), several new chapters and significantly updated coverage span the field from in-depth analyses of psychosocial aspects of ID to promising new findings in genetics and the ongoing challenges of tailoring personalized care to meet individual client needs. Expert contributors bridge gaps between the evidence base and best practices for treating clients with ID across disciplines and discuss improved policy for maximum utility.

Key areas of coverage include:
Core etiological approaches in psychopathology and ID, including neuroimaging, behavioral phenotypes and genetic syndromes, psychological and social factors, and epilepsy.
Comorbid psychopathologies (e.g., mood, anxiety, bipolar and personality disorders).
Common clinical conditions (e.g., ADHD, autism, and behavior problems).
Medical and psychological interventions (e.g., psychopharmacology) as well as community and inpatient services.
The Handbook of Psychopathology in Intellectual Disability, Second Edition, is an essential reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other scientist-practitioners in developmental, school, and clinical child psychology, psychiatry, social work, rehabilitation medicine, public health, neuropsychology, and all related disciplines.

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Handbook of Terrorist and Insurgent Groups: A Global Survey of Threats, Tactics, and Characteristics
by Romaniuk, Scott N., Roul, Animesh, Fabe, Amparo Pamela, Besenyő, János

English | 2024 | ISBN: 1138387738 | 785 pages | True PDF EPUB | 19.51 MB

Handbook of Terrorist and Insurgent Groups: A Global Survey of Threats, Tactics, and Characteristics examines the most current and significant terrorist and insurgent groups around the world. The purpose is to create a descriptive mosaic of what is a pointedly global security challenge. The volume brings together conceptual approaches to terrorism, insurgency, and cyberterrorism with substantive and empirical analyses of individual groups, organisations, and networks. By doing so, not only does the coverage highlight the past, present, and future orientations of the most prominent groups, but it also examines and illustrates their key characteristics and how they operate, including key leaders and ideologues. Highlighting specific, individual groups, the chapters collectively present a robust and comprehensive outlook on the current geography of terrorism and insurgency groups operating in the world today. This comprehensive volume brings the collective expertise and knowledge of more than 50 academics, intelligence and security officials, and professionals together, all of whom are considered subject experts in their respective areas of research and practice. The volume is based on both desk-based and fieldwork conducted by experts in these areas, incorporating analyses of secondary literature but also the use of primary data including first-hand interviews on the various groups' regions of operation, their tactics, and how their ideologies motivate their actions.

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Handbuch Altenbildung: Theorien und Konzepte für Gegenwart und Zukunft By Klaus Wallraven, Susanne Becker, Ludger Veelken (auth.), Prof. Dr. Susanne Becker, Prof. Dr. Ludger Veelken, Prof. Dr. Klaus Peter Wallraven (eds.)
2000 | 486 Pages | ISBN: 3810023809 | PDF | 15 MB
Dieses Handbuch versteht sich als systematisches Nachschlagewerk für die theoretische und praktische Beschäftigung mit Altenbildung bzw. Geragogik. Die in diesem Handbuch versammelten über 50 Beiträge von Fachleuten verschiedener Disziplinen beschäftigen sich mit Lernen und Bildung im Alter und zwar sowohl von "jungen Alten" wie von Hochaltrigen und Pflegebedürftigen in Heimen. Die im Mittelpunkt stehende Altenbildung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland wird ergänzt durch den Blick auf einige andere Länder. Der Bogen reicht von Grundlagentexten bis zu Handlungskonzepten in einem wissenschaftlichen Bereich, der die unterschiedlichen Bezeichnungen Alten- oder Altersbildung, Geragogik oder Seniorenbildung trägt. Das Handbuch dient der geragogischen Theoriebildung und Praxis.

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Handbuch Industrielles Beschaffungsmanagement: Internationale Konzepte - Innovative Instrumente - Aktuelle Praxisbeispiele By Professor Lutz Kaufmann Ph.D. (auth.), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Dietger Hahn, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Kaufmann (eds.)
2002 | 1080 Pages | ISBN: 3663015831 | PDF | 38 MB
Im Handbuch Industrielles Beschaffungsmanagement beantworten hochkarätige internationale Wissenschaftler und Praktiker folgende Fragen: - Wie kann das Beschaffungsmanagement strategisch ausgerichtet werden? - Was ist im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Funktionen zu beachten? - Welche Management-Instrumente sind empfehlenswert? - Wie ist eine Hochleistungsbeschaffung organisiert? - Welche personalwirtschaftlichen Maßnahmen sind erforderlich? Neben den neuesten Erkenntnissen aus der Wissenschaft stellen Führungskräfte aus unterschiedlichen Branchen ihre Erfahrungen mit einem professionellen Beschaffungsmanagement vor. Internationale Unternehmen wie ABB, BMW, Continental, DaimlerChrysler, Henkel, Lufthansa, Miele, Siemens, Sony u.a. erläutern ihre Beschaffungskonzepte und demonstrieren deren Umsetzung in den entsprechenden Branchen. In der 2. Auflage werden aktuelle Entwicklungen des Beschaffungsmanagements, wie E-Markets, Cooperative Sourcing, Logistikzentren und Industrieparks, International Purchasing Offices etc. sowie die Einbindung der Beschaffung in Supply Chain Management-Konzepte, integriert. Das Handbuch wendet sich an das Top Management sowie an Führungskräfte aus dem Bereich des Beschaffungs- und Logistikmanagements, die sich neue Impulse für ihr Tagesgeschäft und die Weiterentwicklung ihrer Beschaffungsstrategien holen möchten. Wissenschaftler und Studenten erhalten einen konzentrierten Überblick und Anregungen für eigene Arbeiten.

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Handbuch Institutionelles Asset Management By Heinz J. Hockmann (auth.), Dr. Hartmut Leser, Prof. Dr. Markus Rudolf (eds.)
2003 | 811 Pages | ISBN: 3663015521 | PDF | 26 MB
Banker gehören nicht zu den Globalisierungsgegnern. Fragt man, wer den Banker sei, trifft man auf einen Globalisierungseffekt: Auf dem globalen Kapitalmarkt tummeln sich nicht mehr nur Banken, Sparkassen und Versicherungen, sondern auch Aktienfonds, Hedge Fonds, Immobilienfonds. Sie betreiben immer weniger das klassische Kreditge schäft und immer mehr das lukrativere Gebührengeschäft als Investment Banker, Eigen anlagenmanager, Manager des Kreditportfolios oder agieren, wie es einer der Autoren ausdrückt, "nicht mehr als Investor in Risiko, sondern als Händler in Risiken". Das Buch ist aktuell und informativ. Es liefert einen faszinierenden Über-und Einblick in die moderne Welt der Finanzdienstleistungen. Den Herausgebern ist zu danken, dass sie einen solchen Kreis von Experten gewonnen und mehr als ein Mosaik von Einzelaspekten zusammengestellt haben. Dass Zeichentrickfilme als Anlageobjekte die höchsten Rendi ten, aber auch die höchsten Risiken mit sich bringen, ist einer der vielen "Aha-Effekte" dieses Buches. Bann, im März 2003 PROFESSOR DR. HORST ALBACH Vorwort In den vergangenen fünf Jahren haben die Investmentaktivitäten deutscher institutioneller Anleger in zunehmenden Maße das fachliche Interesse all derjenigen auf sich gezogen, die mittelbar oder unmittelbar mit diesem Themenkreis in Verbindung stehen. Dazu zählen zunächst die Entscheidungsträger und Aufsichtsgremien von institutionellen Inves toren, wie Versicherungen, Banken und Altersversorgungseinrichtungen, aber auch die Dienstleister dieser Institutionen, die Medien und nicht zuletzt die Wissenschaft.

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Handelsforschung 1997/98: Kundenorientierung im Handel By Klaus Barth, Michaela Stoffl (auth.), Volker Trommsdorff, Dr. Helmut Bunge, Dipl.-Kauffrau Andrea Bookhagen (eds.)
1997 | 492 Pages | ISBN: 3409122559 | PDF | 11 MB
Die Herausgeber Professor Dr. Volker Trommsdorff ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Marketing an der Technischen Universität Berlin und Wissenschaftlicher Direktor der Forschungsstelle für den Handel Berlin (FfH) e.V. Die Forschungsstelle für den Handel Berlin (FfH) e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziges und unabhängiges wissenschaftliches Institut mit breitem Forschungsspektrum, das Verbindungen zu Kammern, Verbänden, Hochschulen und öffentlichen Stellen unterhält. Die Autoren Die Autoren sind renommierte Wissenschaftler auf dem Gebiet des Handels sowie bekannte Handelspraktiker.

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Hands-On Large Language Models: Language Understanding and Generation by Jay Alammar, Maarten Grootendorst
English | October 15th, 2024 | ISBN: 1098150961 | 425 pages | True EPUB | 20.41 MB
AI has acquired startling new language capabilities in just the past few years. Driven by the rapid advances in deep learning, language AI systems are able to write and understand text better than ever before. This trend enables the rise of new features, products, and entire industries. With this book, Python developers will learn the practical tools and concepts they need to use these capabilities today.

You'll learn how to use the power of pre-trained large language models for use cases like copywriting and summarization; create semantic search systems that go beyond keyword matching; build systems that classify and cluster text to enable scalable understanding of large amounts of text documents; and use existing libraries and pre-trained models for text classification, search, and clusterings.
This book also shows you how to:
* Build advanced LLM pipelines to cluster text documents and explore the topics they belong to
* Build semantic search engines that go beyond keyword search with methods like dense retrieval and rerankers
* Learn various use cases where these models can provide value
* Understand the architecture of underlying Transformer models like BERT and GPT
* Get a deeper understanding of how LLMs are trained
* Understanding how different methods of fine-tuning optimize LLMs for specific applications (generative model fine-tuning, contrastive fine-tuning, in-context learning, etc.)

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Angela Taraborrelli, "Hannah Arendt and Cosmopolitanism: State, Community, Worlds in Common"
English | ISBN: 1350422762 | 2024 | 208 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Hannah Arendt and Cosmopolitanism presents the first comprehensive study of Hannah Arendt's cosmopolitanism. Challenging the common belief that cosmopolitanism is a negligible or incompatible element of Arendt's thought, it unpacks various key elements of her philosophy such as her critique of human rights, the defence of the "right to have rights" as a right to belong to a particular political community, the scepticism towards the establishment of a world government as a solution to the problem of statelessness, and the importance she attached to the passport. Through this the text argues that Arendt is a theorist of cosmopolitanism in her own right, by reconstructing as systematically as possible an issue that is relatively neglected in the secondary literature.

Taraborrelli shows how Arendt anticipates and develops cosmopolitanism in four main forms - moral, political-institutional, judicial, cultural - and how in her thought there is no insuperable contradiction between cosmopolitanism and belonging to a political community, or between cosmopolitanism and the conditions of political action.
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Happy Apocalypse: A History of Technological Risk by Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, David Broder
English | June 18, 2024 | ISBN: 183976550X | 272 pages | PDF | 6.85 Mb
How risk, disasters and pollution were managed and made acceptable during the Industrial Revolution

Being environmentally conscious is not nearly as modern as we imagine. As a mode of thinking it goes back hundreds of years. Yet we typically imagine ourselves among the first to grasp the impact humanity has on the environment. Hence there is a fashion for green confessions and mea culpas.
But the notion of a contemporary ecological awakening leads to political impasse. It erases a long history of environmental destruction. Furthermore, by focusing on our present virtues, it overlooks the struggles from which our perspective arose.
In response, Happy Apocalypse plunges us into the heart of controversies that emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries around factories, machines, vaccines and railways. Jean-Baptiste Fressoz demonstrates how risk was conceived, managed, distributed and erased to facilitate industrialization. He explores how clinical expertise around 1800 allowed vaccination to be presented as completely benign, how the polluter-pays principle emerged in the nineteenth century to legitimize the chemical industry, how safety norms were invented to secure industrial capital and how criticisms and objections were silenced or overcome to establish technological modernity.
Societies of the past did not inadvertently alter their environments on a massive scale. Nor did they disregard the consequences of their decisions. They seriously considered them, sometimes with dread. The history recounted in this book is not one of a sudden awakening but a process of modernising environmental disinhibition.

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Nazeih Botros, "HDL with Digital Design "
English | ISBN: 1938549813 | 2015 | 750 pages | MOBI | 18 MB
This book introduces the latest version of hardware description languages and explains how the languages can be implemented in the design of the digital logic components. In addition to digital design, other examples in the areas of bioengineering and basic computer design are covered. Unlike the competition, HDL with Digital Design introduces mixed language programming. By covering both Verilog and VHDL side by side, students, as well as professionals, can learn both the theoretical and practical concepts of digital design. The two languages are equally important in the field of computer engineering and computer science as well as other engineering fields such as simulation and modeling.

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Health and Safety: A Breakdown by Emily Witt
English | September 17, 2024 | ISBN: 0593317645 | True EPUB | 272 pages | 2.4 MB
"Haunting . . . [Witt] writes with such cool precision."-Jennifer Szalai, New York Times

"The first great book about what it was like to live through the Trump presidency"-Emily Gould, The Cut
From the New Yorker staff writer and acclaimed author of Future Sex, a memoir about drugs, techno, and New York City
In the summer of 2016, a divisive presidential election was underway, and a new breed of right-wing rage was on the rise. Emily Witt, who would soon publish her first book on sex in the digital age, had recently quit antidepressants for a more expansive world of psychedelic experimentation. From her apartment in Brooklyn, she began to catch glimpses of the clandestine nightlife scene thrumming around her.
In Health and Safety, Witt charts her immersion into New York City's dance music underground. Emily would come to lead a double life. By day she worked as a journalist, covering gun violence, climate catastrophes, and the rallies of right-wing militias. And by night she pushed the limits of consciousness in hollowed-out office spaces and warehouses to music that sounded like the future. But no counterculture, no matter how utopian, could stave off the squalor of American politics and the cataclysm of 2020.
Affectionate yet never sentimental, Health and Safety is a lament for a broken relationship, for a changed nightlife scene, and for New York City just before the fall. Sparing no one-least of all herself-Witt offers her life as a lens onto an era of American delirium and dissolution.

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Heat Kernel on Lie Groups and Maximally Symmetric Spaces (Frontiers in Mathematics) by Ivan G. Avramidi
English | April 26, 2023 | ISBN: 3031274504 | 212 pages | MOBI | 27 Mb
This monograph studies the heat kernel for the spin-tensor Laplacians on Lie groups and maximally symmetric spaces. It introduces many original ideas, methods, and tools developed by the author and provides a list of all known exact results in explicit form - and derives them - for the heat kernel on spheres and hyperbolic spaces. Part I considers the geometry of simple Lie groups and maximally symmetric spaces in detail, and Part II discusses the calculation of the heat kernel for scalar, spinor, and generic Laplacians on spheres and hyperbolic spaces in various dimensions. This text will be a valuable resource for researchers and graduate students working in various areas of mathematics - such as global analysis, spectral geometry, stochastic processes, and financial mathematics - as well in areas of mathematical and theoretical physics - including quantum field theory, quantum gravity, string theory, and statistical physics.

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Held to the Fire
by Matthew Flagler
English | 2023 | ISBN: 1738936503 | 156 Pages | ePUB | 3.5 MB

December 11, 1916. It is two weeks until Christmas. The First World War rages overseas. And in Peterborough, Ontario at around 10:15 am, the Quaker Oats Factory explodes. Held To The Fire dissects the shocking event piece-by-piece. From the stories of those involved, to the drama between major players, and a community pulling together, Matthew Flagler weaves the story within the backdrop of the war, the people, and the economic forces operating at the time.
Inspired by actual events, and told through the lives of those involved,Held To The Fire lays back the curtain of time to reveal an unforgettable story about loss and the resilience of the human spirit.

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Hell or High Water by Neill Atkinson
English | October 1, 2009 | ISBN: 186950786X | 290 pages | PDF | 7.46 Mb
'Hell or High Water' provides a record of the vital contribution the New Zealand merchant navy made to the Allies' war effort during the Second World War.

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Katherine Harloe, "Hellenomania "
English | ISBN: 1138243248 | 2018 | 332 pages | EPUB | 7 MB
Hellenomania, the second volume in the MANIA series, presents a wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary exploration of the modern reception of ancient Greek material culture in cultural practices ranging from literature to architecture, stage and costume design, painting, sculpture, cinema, and the performing arts. It examines both canonical and less familiar responses to both real and imagined Greek antiquities from the seventeenth century to the present, across various national contexts. Encompassing examples from Inigo Jones to the contemporary art exhibition documenta 14, and from Thessaloniki and Delphi to Nashville, the contributions examine attempted reconstructions of an 'authentic' ancient Greece alongside imaginative and utopian efforts to revive the Greek spirit using modern technologies, new media, and experimental practices of the body. Also explored are the political resonances of Hellenomaniac fascinations, and tensions within them between the ideal and the real, the past, present, and future.

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Hello, Higher Self: An Outsider's Guide to Loving Yourself in a Tough World by Bunny Michael
English | June 4, 2024 | ISBN: 0316471569 | 336 pages | PDF | 20 Mb
A "must-read" (Yung Pueblo) "inspirational manifesto for creative misfits and sensitive souls" (James McCrae): an inclusive guide to radical self-love, joy, and acceptance that "softens the harshness that we can't help but let in from the world" (Ilana Glazer)

Insecurities, inadequacies, self-doubt; we all have them, and never more so than in this age ofmedia saturation and technical voyeurism. Enter Bunny Michael, an interdisciplinary artist and podcast host whose work picks up where Alex Elle, Brené Brown, and Julia Cameron leave off.
Bunny knows what it is firsthand to be an outsider:from trying to find their footing in an art world dictated by social media followers, to coming to terms with their queer identity, to dealing with the societal traumas they've inheritedasa person of color in a society that privileges whiteness.It was at a real low point that Bunny first got in touch with their higher self-and ever since has been helping their followers do the same through their art and inspiring Instagram presence.
Building from Bunny's viral memes,Hello, Higher SelfIs a self-care manifesto, calling on readers to radically shift their perspectives from the Learned Hierarchal Beliefs (LHBs) we've all internalized to the self-acceptance we were born into, aka our Higher Selves. This book shines a light into eighteen areas of life where LHBs often lurk-from creativity, to work, to relationships, to race, to sexual pleasure. Bunny's mix ofmeditative advice, written exercises, and personalexamplesmake for a jaw-dropping read.
"Hello Higher Selfoffers the dose of radical self-compassion we all need and serves as a potent reminder that we are enough. Bunny Michael offers us a powerful invitation to dismantle the harmful beliefs society imposes on us and embrace our true and lasting worth. This is a must read." -Yung Pueblo,New York Timesbestselling author ofInward, Clarity & Connection,andThe Way Forward

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High-Yield-Anleihen: Perspektiven für die Risikofinanzierung deutscher Unternehmen By Jobst Müller-Trimbusch (auth.)
1999 | 333 Pages | ISBN: 382440477X | PDF | 10 MB
In Deutschland erfolgte die Ausstattung junger Wachstumsunternehmen mit Risikokapital bisher primär über das Bankensystem. Eine direkte Kapitalaufnahme über Anleihen spielte eine untergeordnete Rolle. Im Vergleich mit dem US-amerikanischen Finanzsystem zeigt Jobst Müller-Trimbusch, dass High-Yield Anleihen für junge Unternehmen ein effizienteres Finanzierungsinstrument als kurzfristige Bankkredite darstellen. Der Autor untersucht die Entwicklungsfaktoren des US-High-Yield Marktes und prognostiziert einen ähnlichen Verlauf für Deutschland. Gründe sind die zunehmend restriktive Kreditvergabe des Bankensystems sowie der sich wandelnde Wettbewerb unter institutionellen Anlegern im Anschluss an die Europäische Währungsunion.

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