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Michael Morgan, "Delmarva's Patty Cannon: The Devil on the Nanticoke"
English | 2015 | ISBN: 1626198128, 1540212599 | EPUB | pages: 128 | 3.0 mb
Truth lies behind the grim and grisly legend of Patty Cannon.

Using surprise and treachery, Cannon even employed a free African American accomplice to lure her unsuspecting prey. Captives who survived confinement in Patty's cells were sold south. The position of the Cannon home on the shadowy border between Delaware and Maryland allowed her to dodge the law until a local farmer unearthed the remains of her victims in 1829. Patty mysteriously died in jail awaiting trial. Author Michael Morgan investigates the chilling history of one of the nation's first serial killers.

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Democracy or Else: How to Save America in 10 Easy Steps by Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Tommy Vietor
English | June 25, 2024 | ISBN: 1638931437 | 192 pages | PDF | 38 Mb

From your friends at Pod Save America comes a useful and illustrated guide to saving American democracy just in time for the 2024 election and 2025 insurrection
If you're looking to navigate the chaotic, dunce-infested waters of American politics, Democracy or Else is here to help you tackle what might be the greatest question of our time: How do you get involved in the political process and make a real difference without giving in to the sense of impending dread that hangs over our society like a nameless stench? Each chapter will take readers step-by-step through the perilous journey of
* Getting informed when you don't know which influencer to trust (all of them!)
* Donating and volunteering where you can have the biggest impact
* Organizing, protesting, and even running for office yourself
* Staying engaged in politics without losing hope or your mind or all of your friends
Democracy or Else is a resource for everyone―from political junkies following every turn of the news cycle to young people getting ready to vote for the first time. And it's filled with practical advice from some of the smartest experts and least annoying politicians around. The stakes and average global temperatures have never been higher―but there have also never been so many opportunities to join the fight. It's an age of contradictions!

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Daniel Muhsal, "Der Homerische Mythos und die Grundlagen neuplatonischer Theologie: Proklos' Traktat über die Dichtung Homers"
Deutsch | 2022 | ISBN: 3110787288 | EPUB | pages: 377 | 1.6 mb
Welche Rolle spielt die allegorische Exegese der drei ›Theologen‹ Homer, Hesiod und Orpheus für die philosophische Systematik des spätantiken Neuplatonismus? Der Homerische Mythos und die Grundlagen neuplatonischer Theologie geht dieser Fragestellung nach, indem er den sechsten Traktat aus Proklos' Politeia-Kommentar in deutscher Erstübersetzung vorlegt und diesen zugleich mit einem ausführlichen philologischen und philosophischen Kommentar versieht. So öffnet dieser Text gewissermaßen ein Fenster, das uns in die Werkstatt des Philosophen blicken lässt: Hier sehen wir Proklos, wie er durch seine Auseinandersetzung mit der klassischen Mythologie zu einer Behandlung der Grundlagen seines eigenen philosophischen Systems gelangt. Diese Grundlagen seiner Philosophie werden durch den Mythos zugleich begründet und aus der formalen Abstraktion in eine lebendige Anschaulichkeit überführt. Der Traktat bildet zudem die zentrale Quelle für unsere Kenntnis der neuplatonischen Dichtungstheorie und Allegoresetechnik, die durch Übersetzung und Kommentar erstmals einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich gemacht wird.

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Kathryn Best, "Design Management: Managing Design Strategy, Process and Implementation Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 1472573676 | 2015 | 216 pages | EPUB | 113 MB
All designers will feel that creativity and innovation are at the heart of their designs. But for a design to have an effective and lasting impact it needs to work within certain structures, or have those structures created suitably around it. No matter how you work, a design can always be improved by assessing where it fits into the market, how it best to strengthen it before it's set in stone, who it could appeal to. It needs to be managed.

In this accessible and informative second edition, Kathryn Best brings together the theory and practice of design management. With new interviews, case studies and related exercises, she provides an up to date guide for students wanting to know more about the strategy, process and implementation crucial to the management of design.
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Kathryn Best, "Design Management: Managing Design Strategy, Process and Implementation Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 1472573676 | 2015 | 216 pages | PDF | 7 MB
All designers will feel that creativity and innovation are at the heart of their designs. But for a design to have an effective and lasting impact it needs to work within certain structures, or have those structures created suitably around it. No matter how you work, a design can always be improved by assessing where it fits into the market, how it best to strengthen it before it's set in stone, who it could appeal to. It needs to be managed.

In this accessible and informative second edition, Kathryn Best brings together the theory and practice of design management. With new interviews, case studies and related exercises, she provides an up to date guide for students wanting to know more about the strategy, process and implementation crucial to the management of design.
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Reiko Hillyer, "Designing Dixie: Tourism, Memory, and Urban Space in the New South"
English | 2014 | ISBN: 0813936705 | EPUB | pages: 280 | 3.5 mb
Although many white southerners chose to memorialize the Lost Cause in the aftermath of the Civil War, boosters, entrepreneurs, and architects in southern cities believed that economic development, rather than nostalgia, would foster reconciliation between North and South. In Designing Dixie, Reiko Hillyer shows how these boosters crafted distinctive local pasts designed to promote their economic futures and to attract northern tourists and investors.

Neither romanticizing the Old South nor appealing to Lost Cause ideology, promoters of New South industrialization used urban design to construct particular relationships to each city's southern, slaveholding, and Confederate pasts. Drawing on the approaches of cultural history, landscape studies, and the history of memory, Hillyer shows how the southern tourist destinations of St. Augustine, Richmond, and Atlanta deployed historical imagery to attract northern investment. St. Augustine's Spanish Renaissance Revival resorts muted the town's Confederate past and linked northern investment in the city to the tradition of imperial expansion. Richmond boasted its colonial and Revolutionary heritage, depicting its industrial development as an outgrowth of national destiny. Atlanta's use of northern architectural language displaced the southern identity of the city and substituted a narrative of long-standing allegiance to a modern industrial order. With its emphases on alternative southern pasts, architectural design, tourism, and political economy, Designing Dixie significantly revises our understandings of both southern historical memory and post-Civil War sectional reconciliation.

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Devil's Gun (Disco Space Opera, Book 2) by Cat Rambo
English | August 29, 2023 | ISBN: 1250269350 | True EPUB | 288 pages | 4.5 MB
Life's hard when you're on the run from a vengeful pirate-king...

When Niko and her crew find that the intergalactic Gate they're planning on escaping through is out of commission, they make the most of things, creating a pop-up restaurant to serve the dozens of other stranded ships.
But when an archaeologist shows up claiming to be able to fix the problem, Niko smells something suspicious cooking. Nonetheless, they allow Farren to take them to an ancient site where they may be able to find the weapon that could stop Tubal Last before he can take his revenge.
There, in one of the most dangerous places in the Known Universe, each of them will face ghosts from their past: Thorn attempts something desperate and highly illegal to regain his lost twin, Atlanta will have to cast aside her old role and find her new one, Dabry must confront memories of his lost daughter, and Niko is forced to find Petalia again, despite a promise not to seek them out.
Meanwhile, You Sexy Thing continues to figure out what it wants from life―which may not be the same desire as Niko and the rest of the crew.

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David Doughan, "Dictionary of British Women's Organisations, 1825-1960"
English | 2001 | ISBN: 0713002239, 0713040459 | EPUB | pages: 232 | 2.9 mb
This dictionary is the first attempt to identify systematically the large heterogeneous group of women's organisations that grew up from the early 19th century up to the beginning of the modern women's movement, from women abolitionists and Chartists through Social workers, nurses, suffragists and sexual reformers to women pilots, journalists and cricketers. The work brings together over 500 separate entities on a wide variety of societies, associations, clubs, unions and other professional, social and political bodies organised by women or for men.

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Nikola Richter, "Die Lebenspraktikanten"
Deutsch | 2006 | pages: 190 | ISBN: 3596169925 | PDF | 1,1 mb
Man weiß nicht so recht. Ist Nikola Richter eine von der Bundesagentur für Arbeit clever in den Literaturbetrieb eingeschleuste Agentin, eine Art Effizienz- und Motivationscoach für künftige Karrieristen? Oder sollte man ihr (nicht immer lustiges) Büchlein eher als subtil subversive Warnung vor der Kältezone Arbeitsmarkt begreifen? Getreu dem Motto, hat ja eh alles keinen Sinn? Abschreckend genug sind sie ja, die Fallbeispiele der sieben jungen Leutchen im gnadenlosen Rattenrennen um Arbeitsplatz, Selbstverwirklichung und gesellschaftlichen Aufstieg! Der Rezensent, karrierelos, aber glücklich seufzend über seine harmlosen Bücher gebeugt, entscheidet sich für Letzteres. Er gestattet sich den Luxus, Linn, Anika, Nils, Victor, Jasmin und wie sie alle heißen, herzlich um ihr Schicksal zu bedauern.

Schon das Buchcover mit seinen Steckbrettfigürchen weist auf die Austauschbarkeit der sieben Berufsanfänger hin. Eine rastlose Praktikanten-Geisterarmee billiger und williger, unter- oder schlimmer noch, unbezahlter Arbeitskräfte, effizient, unauffällig bis zur Selbstaufgabe, noch den letzten Dreck dankbar und mit einem Lächeln erledigend. Man will ja dem Chef positiv in Erinnerung bleiben auf dem Weg nach oben. Dass diese Chefs die in regelmäßigem Turnus wechselnden Gesichter längst gar nicht mehr wahrnehmen, ist eine der bitteren Erfahrungen dieses Buches, von dem Nikola Richter behauptet, es basiere auf real Erlebtem.
Leiden wir also mit Jasmin, die in einem deutsch-polnischen Altersheim Lebenserfahrung tanken will, und nun in der Walachei in einer leeren Wohnung auf triste Plattenbauten starrt. Während Jasmin im tiefen Osten mental verdorrt, künden ihre SMS an die zuhause Gebliebenen vom Aufstieg. Positiv denken, eben! Und flexibel bleiben bis zum Brechen. Auch wenn Personalchefs ihre schauerlichen Psychospielchen mit bibbernden Bewerbern durchziehen, mobbende Sekretärinnenzicken eifersüchtig ihre Pfründen verteidigen und das neuerworbene Business-Kostüm böse am Hintern zwackt.
Effizienzmaximierung, "Humankapital", Begriffsscheußlichkeiten die einen Alt-68er erschauern lassen, scheinen den jungen Leuten förmlich eingebrannt. Kein Karl Marx weit und breit. Einzig Nils, der Outlaw unter den glorreichen Sieben, tritt als Verweigerer jeglichen Konsums auf - um doch nur wieder bei privaten Lebensmaximierungsmodellen zu enden. Selbst der altmodische Begriff Liebe wurde in dieser schönen neuen Arbeitswelt wegrationalisiert und durch Smileys aus der Ferne ersetzt, während die Mundwinkel längst erschöpft herunterhängen. Ein Arbeitsmarkts-Journal, bei dem man nicht weiß, ob man lachen oder weinen sollte. Aber dies zeichnet gute Bücher ja häufig aus! -Ravi Unger

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Christopher Bayes, "Discovering the Clown, or The Funny Book of Good Acting"
English | ISBN: 1559365617 | 2019 | 192 pages | EPUB | 685 KB
"Christopher Bayes is a master, an extraordinary visionary who has done more to liberate young American actors over the last two generations than I can possibly express. His classes in Clowning are philosophical manifestos; the power of his laughter inextricable from the depth of his spirit. This book is a treasure. Nothing can replace the experience of being in the room with a master teacher, but this practical, playful, brilliant book is the next best thing. Read it. It is indispensable." -Oskar Eustis, Artistic Director, The Public Theater

Discovering the Clown, or The Funny Book of Good Acting is a unique glimpse into the wild world of the Clown, unveiling "the playful self, the unsocialized self, the naive self...the big stupid who just wants to have some fun with the audience." An essential guide for artists and actors wanting to set free the messy and hilarious Clown within.
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Margarett Waterbury of Edible Portland, "Distilled in Oregon: A History & Guide with Cocktail Recipes"
English | 2017 | ISBN: 1467137723, 1540214702 | EPUB | pages: 208 | 3.5 mb
Early Oregon fur traders concocted a type of distilled beverage known as "Blue Ruin," used in commerce with local Native Americans. Drawn by the abundant summer harvests of the Willamette Valley, distillers put down roots in the nineteenth century. Because of Oregon's early sunset on legal liquor production in 1916-four years before national Prohibition-hundreds of illicit stills popped up across the state. Residents of Portland remained well supplied, thanks to the infamous efforts of Mayor George Baker. The failed national experiment ended in 1933, and Hood River Distillers resurrected the sensible enterprise of turning surplus fruit into brandy in 1934. Thanks in part to the renowned Clear Creek Distillery triggering a craft distilling movement in 1985, the state now boasts seventy distilleries and counting. Author Scott Stursa leads a journey through the history of distilling in the Beaver State.

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DK France (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 024167297X | 576 pages | True EPUB | 322.48 MB
Whether you want to visit fairytale châteaux, stroll amid rolling fields of blossoming lavender or learn what makes a noble vintage, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that France has to offer. Few countries capture the imagination quite like France. The world-famous cuisine is as rich and varied as the glorious landscapes, the wine as renowned and captivating as the art. From the alpine peaks to the Mediterranean beaches, each region has its own robust history and lively culture to inspire visitors.

Our newly updated guide brings France to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighborhoods. We've also worked hard to make sure our information is as up-to-date as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak. DK Eyewitness France is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.
Inside DK Eyewitness France you will find:
* A fully-illustrated top experiences guide: our expert pick France's must-sees and hidden gems
* Accessible itineraries to make the most out of each and every day
* Expert advice: honest recommendations for getting around safely, when to visit each sight, what to do before you visit, and how to save time and money
* Color-coded chapters to every part of France, from Brittany to the French Alps, Provence to the Pyrénées
* Practical tips: the best places to eat, drink, shop and stay
* Detailed maps and walks to help you navigate the region country easily and confidently
* Covers: Île de la Cité, Marais and Beaubourg, Tuileries and Opéra, Champs-Elysées and Invalides, The Left Bank, Beyond the Centre, Île de France, Le Nord and Picardy, Champagne, Alsace and Lorraine, Normandy, Brittany, The Loire Valley, Franche-Comté, The Massif Central, The Rhône Valley and the French Alps, Poitou and Aquitaine, The Dordogne, The Pyrénées, Languedoc and Roussillon, Provence and the Côte d'Azur, Corsica

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DK Ireland (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 0241672996 | 320 pages | True EPUB | 215.83 MB
Small but spectacular, the Emerald Isle dazzles from coast to coast.

Whether you're seeking the surreal beauty of the Giant's Causeway, the historic halls of Trinity College, or the perfect pub to enjoy a pint of Guinness, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Ireland has to offer.
Beloved by Hollywood filmmakers, Ireland's dramatic beauty will no doubt be recognizable to visitors as the backdrop of Star Wars and Game of Thrones. The cities, meanwhile, beckon with the promise of cosy pubs and charming locals. And with Belfast and Dublin offering their own unique identities and rich histories, Ireland's two capitals are sure not to disappoint.
Our annually updated guide brings Ireland to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our trademark illustrations.
You'll discover:
* our pick of Ireland's must-sees, top experiences, and hidden gems
* the best spots to eat, drink, shop, and stay
* detailed maps and walks which make navigating the country easy
* easy-to-follow itineraries
* expert advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe
* color-coded chapters to every part of Ireland, from Donegal to Dublin, Cork to Kilkenny
* our new lightweight format, so you can take your guide with you wherever you go
Planning a city break? Try our pocket-friendly Top 10 Dublin for top 10 lists to all things Dublin.

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DK Italy (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 024167316X | 560 pages | True EPUB | 348.25 MB
Live la dolce vita and explore Italy's hidden gems, must-sees, and top experiences.

Whether you want to explore the evocative ruins of an ancient empire, go wine tasting in Tuscany, or sip espresso and watch the world go by on one of the magnificent piazzas, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Italy has to offer.
Inside the pages of this Italy travel guide, you'll discover:
* Our pick of Italy's best spots to eat, drink, shop, and stay
* Detailed maps and walks make navigating the city easy
* Easy-to-follow itineraries to help you plan your trip
* Expert advice and travel tips to help you get ready, get around, and stay safe
* Color-coded chapters to every part of Italy, from Venice to Rome, and Sicily to Sardinia
* Available in a handy format that is lightweight and portable
Embark on a Latin adventure
Tick Italy off your bucket list and see the best that this culture-rich nation has to offer - from its rich natural beauty to sumptuous food and wine. This updated travel guide combines expert-led insights and detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights with stunning imagery to bring Italy to life.
With more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than anywhere else on Earth, there is no better place to experience the glories of European art and architecture. Witness the refined Renaissance churches of Florence, bask on the unspoiled beaches of Puglia, or ski the spectacular slopes of the Dolomites. There is something for everyone!
DK Eyewitness Italy has been updated regularly to make sure the information is as up-to-date as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak.
More adventures to uncover
For more than two decades, DK Eyewitness guides have helped travelers experience the world through the history, art, architecture, and culture of their destinations. Expert travel writers and researchers provide independent advice, recommendations, and reviews. Discover guidebooks to hundreds of places around the globe!

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DK London (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 0241673232 | 352 pages | True EPUB | 275.26 MB
Winner, Gold Award, Top Guidebook at the 2020 Wanderlust Magazine Reader Travel Awards.

Planning a trip to London? Look no further.
Whether you want to tread the footsteps of kings and queens in the royal palaces, catch a show in the vibrant West End theater district, or sample the tantalizing array of street food from around the world, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that London has to offer.
Every corner of London is brimming with personality. Dripping in pomp and tradition, Whitehall and Westminster are best known for their iconic sights and regal architecture. The rolling fields and peaceful woodlands of Hampstead Heath feel a world apart from the financial district of the City, where corporate suits can be seen flocking into futuristic skyscrapers. And when the sun sets, Soho bursts into life - the perfect spot for an evening out.
Our annually updated guide brings this cosmopolitan capital to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our trademark illustrations.
You'll discover:
* our pick of London's must-sees, top experiences, and hidden gems
* the best spots to eat, drink, shop, and stay
* detailed maps and walks which make navigating the city easy
* easy-to-follow itineraries
* expert advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe
* color-coded chapters to every part of London, from Mayfair to Shoreditch, King's Cross to the South Bank
* our new lightweight format, so you can take your guide with you wherever you go
Have less time? Try our pocket-friendly Top 10 London for top 10 lists to all things London.

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DK New York City (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 0241673240 | 328 pages | True EPUB | 198.70 MB
Winner of the Travel Media Awards 2019 Guide of the Year

Whether you want to visit the iconic Empire State Building, take a leisurely stroll through Central Park, or sample the sublime cocktails in East Village, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that New York City has to offer.
Dynamic and diverse, New York City is bursting at the seams with unmissable sights, mouth-watering cuisines, and truly unique experiences. From the soaring skyscrapers of Manhattan to the trendy bars of Brooklyn, the vibrant jazz clubs of Harlem to the cobblestoned streets of SoHo, the city offers everything in abundance.
Our annually updated guide brings New York City to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our trademark illustrations.
You'll discover:
* our pick of New York City's must-sees, top experiences, and hidden gems
* the best spots to eat, drink, shop, and stay
* detailed maps and walks which make navigating the city easy
* easy-to-follow itineraries
* expert advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe
* color-coded chapters to every part of New York City from the Upper East Side to Lower Manhattan, Chelsea to Chinatown
* our new lightweight format, so you can take your guide with you wherever you go
Have less time? Try our pocket-friendly Top 10 New York City for top 10 lists to all things New York City.

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DK Paris (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 024167509X | 328 pages | True EPUB | 202.65 MB
Discover Paris - a city synonymous with art, fashion, gastronomy, and culture.

Whether you want to be awed by iconic landmarks, lose yourself in the Louvre, or shop till you drop, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Paris has to offer.
Paris is a treasure trove of things to see and do. Packed full of world-famous palaces, museums, and galleries, the city shines with opulence and elegance. But Parisians know that there is more to life than glitz and glamour. Simpler pleasures are offered in abundance - think tiny winding streets, quirky old bookshops, and centuries-old cafés.
Our annually updated guide brings Paris to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our trademark illustrations.
You'll discover:
* our pick of Paris' must-sees, top experiences, and hidden gems
* the best spots to eat, drink, shop, and stay
* detailed maps and walks which make navigating the country easy
* easy-to-follow itineraries
* expert advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe
* colour-coded chapters to every part of Paris, from Champs-Élysées to Belleville, Montmartre to Montparnasse
* our new lightweight format, so you can take it with you wherever you go
Want the best of Paris in your pocket? Try our Top 10 Paris for top 10 lists to all-things Paris.

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DK Portugal (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 0241675537 | 400 pages | True EPUB | 269.18 MB
Your once-in-a-lifetime trip to sun-soaked Portugal starts here!

Whether you are looking for world - renowned beaches, serene hilltop villages, verdant islands or captivating cities - Portugal has it all! This DK Eyewitness travel guide will take you through everything you need to see and do in this gorgeous country.
Inside the pages of this Portugal travel guide, you'll discover:
* Our pick of Portugal's must-sees, top experiences and hidden gems.
* The best spots to eat, drink, shop and stay.
* Detailed maps and walks make navigating the region easy.
* Easy-to-follow itineraries.
* Expert advice: Get ready, get around and stay safe.
* Color-coded chapters to every part of Portugal, from Lisbon to Porto and the Algarve to the Azores, Minho and Madeira
* Our new lightweight format makes it easy for you to take it with you wherever you go.
This small but immensely varied country has something for everyone. If you crave adventure, travel through the soaring mountains and volcanic craters of the Azores to the subtropical paradise of Madeira to get your fix. If that is not quite your thing, urban Portugal is just as unmissable. Explore the cutting-edge galleries, cool hangouts and restaurants of Lisbon and Porto - two of Europe's trendiest cities.
This updated travel guide is your ideal companion when planning a trip to Portugal. It's packed with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the hidden gems, along with stunning photography and hand-drawn illustrations. DK Eyewitness Portugal helps you plan and travel hassle-free. It has been updated regularly to ensure the information is as up-to-date as possible following the COVID-19 outbreak.
For more than two decades, DK Eyewitness guides have helped travelers experience the world through the history, art, architecture, and culture of their destinations. Expert travel writers and researchers provide independent advice, recommendations and reviews. Discover guidebooks to hundreds of places around the globe!

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DK Rome (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 024167557X | 352 pages | True EPUB | 251.28 MB
Discover Rome - a feast for the eyes, soul and stomach.

Whether you want to wander through the ruins of the Roman Forum, gaze up at the spectacular ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, or taste the world-famous food at the bustling markets of Campo de' Flori, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Rome has to offer.
An eternal city fusing ancient wonders with a busy modern metropolis, Rome brings history to life like nowhere else. Grab an espresso and immerse yourself in the exuberant street life, navigating cobbled alleyways and popular piazzas. Or, for a more relaxing retreat, stroll through the leafy expanses of Villa Borghese and unwind with a wine on a pavement café.
Our annually updated guide brings Rome to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights and advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our trademark illustrations.
You'll discover:
* our pick of Rome's must-sees, top experiences, and hidden gems
* the best spots to eat, drink, shop, and stay
* detailed maps and walks which make navigating the city easy
* easy-to-follow itineraries
* expert advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe
* color-coded chapters to every part of Rome, from the Vatican to Caracalla, Trastevere to Esquiline
* our new lightweight format, so you can take your guide with you wherever you go

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DK Scotland (Travel Guide), 2024 Edition by DK Travel
English | September 24th, 2024 | ISBN: 024167560X | 288 pages | True EPUB | 303.43 MB
Whether you want to explore the ramparts of Edinburgh Castle, adventure through breathtaking Highland landscapes or sample the finest local produce washed down by ancient malts, your DK Eyewitness travel guide makes sure you experience all that Scotland has to offer.

Famed for its majestic mountains, desolate moorlands and shimmering lochs, Scotland's remote and wild regions are an absolute joy for outdoor enthusiasts seeking an escape from city life. Scotland's urban centres have a lot to offer too, from cutting-edge art galleries and world-class museums to a flourishing food scene and a scintillating roster of cultural events, comedy and theatre.
Our updated guide brings Scotland to life, transporting you there like no other travel guide does with expert-led insights, trusted travel advice, detailed breakdowns of all the must-see sights, photographs on practically every page, and our hand-drawn illustrations which place you inside the country's iconic buildings and neighborhoods. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings to life.
DK Eyewitness Scotland is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.
Inside DK Eyewitness Scotland you will find:
* A fully-illustrated top experiences guide: our expert pick of Scotland's must-sees and hidden gems
* Accessible itineraries to make the most out of each and every day
* Expert advice: honest recommendations for getting around safely, when to visit each sight, what to do before you visit, and how to save time and money
* Color-coded chapters to every part of Scotland, from Edinburgh and Glasgow to Southern Scotland and the Highlands and Islands
* Practical tips: the best places to eat, drink, shop and stay
* Detailed maps and walks to help you navigate the region country easily and confidently
* Covers: Edinburgh, Southern Scotland, Glasgow, Central and Northeast Scotland, Highlands and Islands

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