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Imparare lo Spagnolo : Metodo Intuitivo con Grammatica, Esercizi e Situazioni Reali per Imparare lo Spagnolo in Modo Divertente! (Italian Edition) by RAÚL SAUCED
Italian | April 9, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0C1ZSBSNV | 194 pages | EPUB | 1.61 Mb
★NUOVA EDIZIONE AGGIORNATA E RIEDITATA - GRAZIE PER I VOSTRI FEEDBACK!★Sei alla ricerca di un metodo intuitivo e pratico che ti guidi per mano nell'apprendimento dello spagnolo?Sei stanco dei corsi di lingua molto teorici e poco pratici, noiosi e che non portano ad alcun risultato tangibile?Vorresti davvero iniziare a parlare spagnolo in poco tempo?Se hai risposto di si ad almeno una di queste domande, allora ho una buona notizia per te!

Tante persone iniziano a studiare una lingua con molto entusiasmo, convinti di potercela fare... ma dopo non molto tempo si scoraggiano, frustrate e deluse dai pochi risultati ottenuti. Un altro sogno destinato a rimanere nel cassetto...
So benissimo cosa si prova in questa situazione. È per questo che ho deciso di aiutarti con un corso di spagnolo pratico, intuitivo e divertente per padroneggiare in poco tempo questa bellissima lingua!
Secondo diversi dati, in tutto il mondo ci sono circa 480 milioni di persone che parlano questa lingua, che si posiziona al secondo posto tra le più diffuse al mondo! Impararla può quindi essere la chiave per aprire le porte a nuove esperienze, amicizie e sbocchi professionali! Quello che ti proponiamo non è il solito noioso corso per imparare lo spagnolo. Si tratta di un vero e proprio viaggio in cui verrai accompagnato passo dopo passo nell'apprendimento di questa affascinate lingua! Con soli 15-20 minuti al giorno di studio potrai raggiungere il tanto desiderato sogno di parlare in spagnolo! Dopo qualche giorno sarai in grado di raccontare la tua prima barzelletta in spagnolo!
Ecco nel dettaglio cosa troverai all'interno di questo manuale di lingua spagnola:★Spiegazioni delle principali regole grammaticali★★Esercizi (CON SOLUZIONI) per consolidare e mettere in pratica le nozioni apprese★★Dialoghi tratti da situazioni reali★★Termini da imparare e utilizzare nelle conversazioni più frequenti★★Brevi storie divertenti, aneddoti e modi di dire della cultura spagnola★★Un Capitolo Bonus con i migliori consigli per apprendere velocemente qualsiasi lingua★★E molto altro ancora! ★Quello che ti proponiamo è pertanto un metodo completo ed esaustivo, frutto della collaborazione tra autentici appassionati di lingue straniere che sanno esattamente di cosa hai bisogno per rendere il tuo percorso tutto in discesa!

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Implementing Scrum in Complex Organizations - A Battle Guide: Mastering Agility: Strategies and Insights for Navigating Scrum in Complex Organizations (Agile Battle Guides) by J.H.J. Jaap Zwart
English | June 16, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CX11RJVV | 99 pages | EPUB | 8.21 Mb
"Implementing Scrum - A Battle Guide" offers a comprehensive exploration into the intricate process of adopting Scrum within complex, hierarchical organizations. By addressing common challenges such as cultural shifts, the necessity for decentralization, transparency, and collaboration, the book provides practical solutions for empowering cross-functional teams and securing top management commitment. With a forward-looking perspective, it delves into emerging trends and innovations, including automation, artificial intelligence, and DevOps practices, underscoring the potential for enhanced project management and competitive advantage. Through insightful analysis and real-world case studies, this guide demonstrates how mastering Scrum can lead to increased productivity, improved collaboration, and the delivery of high-quality products, ultimately transforming organizational dynamics and driving sustainable success.

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Impossible Monsters: Dinosaurs, Darwin and the War Between Science and Religion by Michael Taylor
English | March 14th, 2024 | ISBN: 1847926789 | 496 pages | MOBI | 15 Mb
Impossible Monsters is the captivating story of the discovery of the dinosaurs and how it upended our understanding of the origins of the world.

In 1811, a twelve-year-old girl uncovered some strange-looking bones in Britain's southern shoreline. They belonged to no known creature and were buried beneath a hundred feet of rock. Over the next two decades, as several more of these 'impossible monsters' emerged from the soil, the leading scientists of the day were forced to confront a profoundly disturbing possibility: the Bible, as a historical account of the Earth's origins, was wildly wrong.
This is the dramatic story of the crisis that engulfed science and religion when we discovered the dinosaurs. It takes us into the lives and minds of the extraordinary men and women who made these heretical discoveries, those who resisted them, as well as the pioneering thinkers, Darwin most famous among them, who took great risks to construct a new account of the earth's and mankind's origins.
Impossible Monsters is the riveting story of a group of people who not only thought impossible things but showed them to be true. In the process they overturned the literal reading of the Bible, liberated science from the authority of religion and ushered in the secular age.

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IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS VOCABULARY: List of Sentence Starters & Power Words for Business Success by Darlene Pinkernell-Tarnoski, Happiness 1000
English | February 1, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CTSN741D | 61 pages | EPUB | 0.50 Mb

Write Like a Pro: Sentence Starters & Power Words for Business Success100 Sentence Starters & Power Words to Captivate Your Audience in Every Business CommunicationWrite Like a CEO: Mastering the Art of Business Vocabulary & Powerful Sentence ConstructionBeyond Basic Business Writing: Unlock Powerful Language Skills for Every Professional SituationSample:
Sentences to Thank Customers for Positive Reviews:
1.Wow! Your amazing review made our day! Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience."
2.We're thrilled to hear you had such a great experience! Your kind words mean the world to us."
3.It warms our hearts to know you're happy! Thanks for being a wonderful customer and sharing your feedback."
4.Reading your review put a huge smile on our faces! We strive to deliver exceptional service, and we're so glad you noticed."
5.Thank you for highlighting [specific aspect]! We're passionate about [area of praise], and your appreciation means a lot."
6.Your review is truly appreciated! We're constantly learning and growing, and your feedback helps us improve.

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IN THE POTTERS HANDS: Becoming A Vessel of Honor by Michael Yeager
English | March 31, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CW1KHG9B | 250 pages | EPUB | 0.52 Mb
In the Potter's Hands: Becoming a Vessel of Honor

Dr. Michael H. Yeager presents a powerful analogy in "In the Potter's Hands," drawing on the biblical imagery of God as the potter and us as the clay to explore the profound ways in which God shapes believers into vessels of honor. With a foundation in scripture, personal insights, and revelatory experiences, Yeager demonstrates how this metaphor extends far beyond a simple comparison, offering deep spiritual lessons about transformation and purpose.
The book outlines the meticulous process of shaping, centering, and sometimes reconstructing us, illustrating how, through divine intervention, individuals are transformed in unexpected and profound ways. It emphasizes the importance of the kiln - representing life's trials and tribulations - in solidifying and strengthening us, preparing us to fulfill our divine destinies.
Through "In the Potter's Hands," readers are invited to view their challenges as necessary steps in their spiritual development, essential for becoming resilient, purposeful vessels ready for God's use. Yeager's insights provide a roadmap for understanding the depth of God's involvement in our lives, encouraging us to embrace our journeys with faith and courage. This book serves as a reminder that, in God's skilled hands, we can emerge from the furnace of life stronger and more beautiful, ready to achieve our highest potential.

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INCEPTION: Unveiling the Secrets of Inspirational Leadership by Shah Mohammed
English | July 20, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CCJQXN2G | 492 pages | EPUB | 1.82 Mb
Unlock the secrets to becoming an exceptional leader with "Inception: Unveiling the Secrets of Inspirational Leadership." This captivating book takes you on a transformative journey, exploring the depths of leadership principles, personal development, strategic skills, decision-making, and cognitive biases that shape influential leaders.

Whether you are an aspiring leader seeking to develop your skills, an experienced executive striving for continuous growth, or someone passionate about unlocking the potential of inspirational leadership, this book is designed to provide you with valuable insights, practical strategies, and thought-provoking perspectives.
Curiosity piqued? Prepare to embark on a quest that reveals the untold wisdom of revered leaders from diverse fields. Through immersive storytelling and real-life examples, this book will captivate your imagination and provide practical insights that can be applied to your leadership journey.
Foundational Principles: The heart of great leadership lies in a set of foundational principles. Learn the true essence of respect, rise beyond charisma, and understand why leadership is not about self but others. Embrace authenticity, be a follower before leading, and discover the transformative impact of mentors in shaping tomorrow's leaders.
Personal Development: Leadership is a journey of continuous growth. Discover the power of a growth mindset and ignite your passion as you explore the art of differentiation in standing out as a leader. Master the delicate art of self-promotion, adopt a winning attitude, and acquire cross-domain knowledge to become a well-rounded leader. Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and drive innovation in your organization.
Strategies and Skills: Leadership demands a diverse toolkit of strategies and skills. Explore the power of radical candor and understand the transformative "fake it till you make it" concept. Learn how to be business smart and user smart to navigate complex challenges. Embrace the art of hiring people smarter than yourself, celebrate small wins, and recognize the efforts that propel your team forward. Develop your coaching abilities and navigate with emotional agility.
Decision Making and Problem Solving: Leaders are faced with critical decisions and complex problems. Acquire an eye for detail, cultivate an opportunity-centric mindset, and harness data-driven decision making. Embrace decisiveness and master the art of facilitation to lead productive discussions.
Convincing People: Influence is at the core of inspirational leadership. Learn the art of convincing others, target emotional minds, and utilize Dale Carnegie techniques to inspire action. Unlock the power of dialogue and hone your active listening skills. Utilize the transformative art of storytelling to captivate and inspire your team.
Creativity and Innovation: Unleash your creative potential and foster innovation. Cultivate a growth mindset for generating ideas and embrace curiosity as a catalyst for exploration. Overcome functional fixedness and find inspiration through art as a serious hobby. Discover the art of generating multiple ideas and embrace strategic procrastination to enhance creativity.
Cognitive Biases: Unveil the hidden biases that cloud judgment and decision making. Understand the impact of status quo bias, anchoring bias, sunk cost bias, and framing bias to make better-informed choices.

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INCLUSIVE PENSION SCHEMES FOR SOCIAL SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT: Closing the Fiscal Gaps that Leave the Informal Sector Behind by Uwem Essia
English | January 31, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CTSHB33C | 184 pages | EPUB | 1.63 Mb
"Inclusive Pension Schemes for Social Security and Development" offers an insightful exploration into the complexities of extending pension coverage to the informal sector across diverse regions, including Africa and ASEAN countries. The book addresses the challenges posed by aging populations, technological advances, and the need for financial inclusion, presenting innovative strategies for achieving universal pension coverage. A well-designed and administered universal pension scheme can be a more productive fiscal tool than taxes for mopping up resources for social security and self-sustaining development, underscoring the importance of tailored solutions, stakeholder engagement, trust building, and effective policy implementation. This comprehensive guide is book 9 of the Series, Public Finance, Fiscal Policy and Tax Management.

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Indian Instant Pot Cookbook: Over 200 Traditional Recipes That Are Easier, Quicker and Healthier by Ayden Willms
English | July 2, 2021 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B098LRJF6M | EPUB | 3.16 Mb
Indian Instant Pot Cookbook is your source for quick, flavorful Indian favorites and contemporary weekday meals. With 200+ well-tested recipes authorized by Instant Pot covering every meal of the day, this is a go-to resource for classic chicken, lamb, and vegetarian curries; daals, soups, and seafood like fennel and saffron spiced mussels; breakfast delights like spicy frittata and ginger almond oatmeal; and sweet treats like rose milk cake and fig and walnut halwa.

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Indie Hacking: The Entrepreneurs Guide to Building Profitable Side Projects by Dimitar A. Ivanov
English | October 23, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CLNDB1FB | 111 pages | EPUB | 0.42 Mb
Are you ready to unlock the world of indie hacking and turn your side projects into profitable ventures? Look no further than "Indie Hacking - The Entrepreneurs Guide to Building Profitable Side Projects" your ultimate resource for carving your niche in the digital landscape.

In a world dominated by massive corporations and startups chasing unicorns, the indie hacker movement is revolutionizing entrepreneurship. It's about creating your path to financial independence by starting small and staying scrappy. This book is your roadmap to success.
Inside these pages, you'll discover:
1. The Indie Hacker Mindset: Learn how to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, embracing creativity, resourcefulness, and persistence to turn your ideas into income.
2. Idea Generation: Unearth inspiration, spot opportunities, and refine your ideas into side projects with genuine profit potential.
3. Building and Launching: Get practical advice on developing your projects, including tips on coding, design, and creating a minimum viable product (MVP). Discover the art of launching to gain initial traction.
4. Marketing and Growth: Master the art of marketing on a budget, from content creation to social media, email marketing, and SEO. Scale your projects with strategic growth tactics.
5. Monetization Strategies: Explore diverse monetization models, from subscription services to affiliate marketing and product sales. Find the strategy that best suits your project.
6. Case Studies: Dive into real-world success stories of indie hackers who turned their side projects into profitable businesses. Learn from their experiences and adapt their strategies.
7. Staying Lean and Efficient: Discover how to manage your projects while keeping costs low and productivity high. Time is money, and this book shows you how to make the most of it.
8. Legal and Financial Considerations: Understand the legal and financial aspects of running your indie business, including taxes, contracts, and intellectual property.
9. Sustaining Your Passion: Learn how to maintain your enthusiasm and motivation throughout the journey. Avoid burnout and continue building profitable side projects.

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Infestation of Objects: Discernment, The Ritual, Challenges & Difficulties by Fr. Nonnette C. Legaspi
English | August 29, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DFQKK8J9 | 159 pages | EPUB | 5.02 Mb

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Information Commons: A Bold New Vision for Libraries by Quentin Oneill
English | August 25, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DF3RS57C | 244 pages | EPUB | 1.26 Mb
The Information Commons is a bold new vision for libraries that reimagines them as places where people can come together to learn, create, and collaborate. In this book, David Lankes argues that the traditional library model is no longer sufficient in a world where information is constantly changing and growing. He proposes that libraries should become Information Commons, where people can access information from a variety of sources, learn new skills, and connect with others to solve problems. Lankes begins by discussing the challenges facing libraries today. He argues that the traditional library model is based on a print-centric view of information that is no longer relevant in a digital world. He also notes that libraries are facing increasing competition from other sources of information, such as Google and Amazon. In response to these challenges, Lankes proposes a new vision for libraries as Information Commons. He argues that libraries should be places where people can come together to learn, create, and collaborate. He also believes that libraries should be more proactive in helping people find the information they need.

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Information Services in the Library: A Practical Guide by Reuben Maddox
English | August 25, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DF93F9TD | 177 pages | EPUB | 1.05 Mb
Information Services in the Library: A Practical Guide Information services in the library are essential for providing users with the resources they need to find and use information effectively. This practical guide provides librarians with the tools and knowledge they need to create and maintain effective information services in their libraries. The book begins with an overview of the information services landscape, including the different types of information services that libraries offer, the technologies that support these services, and the challenges and opportunities facing libraries in the digital age. The next section of the book focuses on the core components of information services, including collection development, reference services, instruction, and outreach. Each chapter provides an overview of the key concepts and practices related to each component, as well as practical advice for librarians on how to implement these practices in their own libraries.

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Infrastructure as Code for Beginners: Deploy and manage your cloud-based services with Terraform and Ansible by Russ McKendrick
English | May 31, 2023 | ISBN: 1837631638 | 222 pages | EPUB | 8.06 Mb
Master Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and streamline your DevOps workflows using Terraform and Ansible

Key Features:
- Employ effective strategies and approach IaC projects efficiently by diving deep into its fundamentals
- Understand the working of Terraform and Ansible and integrate them into your CI/CD workflows
- Work with real-world examples of IaC across multiple cloud providers (Azure & AWS)
Book Description:
The Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach ensures consistent and repeatable deployment of cloud-based IaaS/PaaS services, saving you time while delivering impeccable results. Infrastructure as Code for Beginners is a practical implementation guide that helps you gain a clear understanding of the foundations of Infrastructure as Code and make informed decisions when implementing it.
With this book, you'll uncover essential IaC concepts, including planning, selecting, and implementing the right tools for your project. With step-by-step explanations and real-world examples, you'll gain a solid understanding of the benefits of IaC and the scope of application in your projects. You'll learn about the pros, cons, and best practices of different IaC tools such as Terraform and Ansible, and their use at different stages of the deployment process along with GitHub Actions. Using these tools, you'll be able to design, deploy, and secure your infrastructure on two major cloud platforms, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. In addition, you'll explore other IaC tools such as Pulumi, AWS CloudFormation, and Azure Bicep.
By the end of this book, you'll be well equipped to approach your IaC projects confidently.
What You Will Learn:
- Determine the right time to implement Infrastructure as Code for your workload
- Select the appropriate approach for Infrastructure-as-Code deployment
- Get hands-on experience with Ansible and Terraform and understand their use cases
- Plan and deploy a workload to Azure and AWS clouds using Infrastructure as Code
- Leverage CI/CD in the cloud to deploy your infrastructure using your code
- Discover troubleshooting tips and tricks to avoid pitfalls during deployment
Who this book is for:
This book is for cloud engineers, software developers, or system administrators responsible for deploying resources to host applications. Ideal for both beginners and experienced professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge. Experience in manually deploying resources for applications in public clouds such as AWS or Microsoft Azure is a must. A basic understanding of programming or scripting languages, such as Python, Bash, PowerShell, etc. as well as familiarity with version control systems like Git, is a prerequisite.

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Inner Peace and Wisdom: Lessons Learned from 15 Spiritual Mentors by Charles Mombo
English | October 17, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CL9VDSVG | 45 pages | EPUB | 2.64 Mb
Welcome to "Inner Peace and Wisdom: Lessons Learned from 15 Spiritual Mentors." This book chronicles a transformative ten-year journey, during which the author immersed themselves in the teachings of several prominent new thought authors of our era. These insights guided the author's journey of self-discovery, fostering personal growth and empowerment that have profoundly impacted their life.

Each chapter corresponds to a pivotal year in the author's life, marked by fresh insights, challenges, and significant moments of self-awareness. With the guidance of these renowned authors, they gained a deeper comprehension of the mind's and spirit's potential.
Join the author in the pages ahead as he delves into the works of luminaries. In the following pages, you will accompany him on this decade-long journey of self-exploration. He will explore the works of authors like Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Claude Bristol, Orison Swett Marden, Vernon Howard, Eric Butterworth, Florence Scovel Shinn, Wallace Wattles, James Allen, Joseph Benner, Napoleon Hill, Johnnie Coleman, and Genevieve Behren.
Each of these writers has profoundly influenced the author's journey, sharing invaluable lessons on manifestation, positive thinking, self-love, the essence of intention, the magic of belief, success principles, and the road to inner liberation. Their teachings have enlightened the author on life's interconnectedness, the power of words and thoughts, the science behind abundance, and the mastery of self-discipline.

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Innovate to Dominate: Strategies for Going from Zero to One by Finley Gale
English | February 1, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CTSZ96MW | 126 pages | EPUB | 0.14 Mb
Are you ready to embark on a transformative entrepreneurial journey that will take you from "Zero to One" and position you as a dominant force in your industry? "Innovate to Dominate" is your essential guide to mastering the art of innovation and entrepreneurship, equipping you with the strategies and insights needed to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape.

Why Choose "Innovate to Dominate"?
In a world where innovation is the currency of success, this ebook sets the stage for your entrepreneurial breakthrough. Author [Your Name] unlocks the secrets to:Innovation Mastery: Understand what it truly means to innovate and disrupt, and learn how innovation is the key to going from zero-where opportunities are untapped-to one-where you dominate your niche.Identifying Opportunities: Dive deep into market research, trends analysis, and creative problem-solving to pinpoint entrepreneurial opportunities that others miss.Building a Strong Foundation: Craft a solid business plan and strategy that guides your venture toward sustainable growth. Master the elements of a successful business model and create a unique value proposition.Fostering Innovation: Discover how the right team and a positive company culture can fuel innovation and drive your business forward. Learn how to recruit, retain, and inspire top talent.Navigating Challenges: Face common entrepreneurial challenges head-on with practical strategies for overcoming setbacks and adversity. Embrace resilience and adaptability as your secret weapons.Securing Funding: Explore various funding options, from bootstrapping to venture capital, and understand the pros and cons of each source. Learn the art of pitching to investors and securing the funding your venture deserves.Mastering Marketing and Branding: Unleash the power of effective marketing and branding to reach and engage your target customers. Build a strong brand identity and deliver unparalleled value.Scaling and Growth: Transition from a startup to a scalable business with insights into managing growth and seizing the opportunities it brings.Industry Domination: Explore the concept of monopoly and strategies for creating and maintaining a competitive advantage. Learn from the success stories of industry giants.Embracing the Future: Stay ahead of the curve by examining emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of entrepreneurship. Understand the importance of continuous innovation in a changing world."Innovate to Dominate" is not just a book; it's your roadmap to entrepreneurial excellence. Whether you're an aspiring business owner or a seasoned entrepreneur, this ebook equips you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration you need to thrive, innovate, and dominate in your industry.
Unlock the full potential of your entrepreneurial spirit and join the ranks of visionary innovators who understand that the journey from zero to one is filled with opportunities, challenges, and uncharted territories. Start your journey today and become the dominant force in your industry.

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Innovating with Technology: AI and Beyond: Embracing the Future: Navigating AI, IoT, and Emerging Tech Trends by Eilon Netzer
English | December 19, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CQQ38FHM | 74 pages | EPUB | 1.31 Mb
The eBook titled "Innovating with Technology: AI and Beyond" by Circle offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration into the rapidly evolving world of technology, focusing on the most influential advancements and their implications for businesses and society.

"Innovating with Technology: AI and Beyond" provides an in-depth analysis of groundbreaking technological advancements and their transformative impact across various sectors. The book opens by charting the history of major technological milestones, from the birth of the modern internet and mobile revolution to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). It emphasizes the pivotal role of these innovations in shaping today's digital landscape.
A significant portion of the book is dedicated to exploring the intricacies of AI, including its subfields like machine learning and deep learning. It offers real-world applications of AI, such as image recognition in autonomous vehicles, and discusses the technology's current limitations and common misconceptions. The book stresses the importance of understanding AI beyond its surface-level capabilities to fully harness its potential in various domains.
The eBook delves into the emergence of smart cities, highlighting how advanced IoT infrastructure optimizes resources and enhances quality of life. It also explores quantum computing and augmented/virtual reality, showcasing their potential to solve complex problems and merge virtual experiences with reality.
One of the key themes is the evolution of technology through different phases: inception, growth, maturity, and decline. This framework helps readers understand the lifecycle of technological innovations and their business implications, from early adoption to mainstream integration and eventual obsolescence.
The book also serves as a guide to navigating the vast world of emerging technologies. It introduces resources like online courses, workshops, books, and conferences that offer knowledge and insights into these technologies. These resources cater to various proficiency levels, from beginners to experts, underlining the importance of continuous learning in the digital age.
In conclusion, "Innovating with Technology: AI and Beyond" is a vital resource for understanding the dynamic world of technology. It provides readers with the knowledge to anticipate and adapt to technological changes, thereby empowering them to thrive in an increasingly digital world. The eBook targets a broad audience, aiming to elevate the reader's understanding of technology and its multifaceted impacts on business, society, and everyday life.

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Innovation's Hidden Walls: Uncovering Limitations of Jobs To Be Done, Design Thinking, and the Diffusion of Innovation Model. (The Strategy Nexus: Business & Brand Insights) by Shah Mohammed
English | November 2, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CMKBLCR2 | 211 pages | EPUB | 7.50 Mb
Are you on a quest to unlock the secrets of innovation? Journey with us as we explore the hidden walls that confine conventional wisdom about innovation.

In "Innovation's Hidden Walls," we delve deep into the core principles of Jobs To Be Done (JTBD), Design Thinking, and the Diffusion of Innovation Model. While these methodologies have been celebrated for sparking innovation, this book takes a critical look at their limitations. Discover how these walls can restrict your innovation endeavours, and learn how to break through them to truly transform your approach to problem-solving.
Uncover the untold stories of innovation that transcend traditional methods. Challenge the status quo of design thinking to access greater creativity. Explore global perspectives and real-world case studies that broaden your innovation horizons.
Who should read this book:Aspiring innovators seeking fresh insights into creativity and problem-solving.Entrepreneurs looking to disrupt industries and redefine the rules.Design thinkers, product managers, and business leaders ready to ignite change.Anyone passionate about understanding the dynamics of innovation and breaking free from traditional models.

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Insider Secrets of Business Buyers: Discover what real-life dealmakers do to transform their businesses and their lives by Jonathan Jay
English | February 2, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CTXHVMPL | 135 pages | EPUB | 0.81 Mb
If you want to buy a business successfully, you need to know what real-life dealmakers do - all client's of Jonathan Jay's Mastermind Programme.

This book will guide you along the journey of buying a business - and avoiding the pitfalls.
Jonathan Jay has been an entrepreneur since dropping out of university aged 19.
He first sold a business in 1999 and first bought a business in 2006 which then turned into a life-changing Private Equity deal in 2007.
Now 51 years old, he has built businesses in publishing, digital marketing, adult education and coaching, and preschool education and sold each of them. During the pandemic, he made 48 business acquisitions to create the 4th largest group in his sector in less than three years.
One notable deal in 2016 was buying a £5m annual revenue digital marketing company from its Private Equity owner for just £1 and selling it just eleven months later for £1.25m!
He is an advocate of a healthy work-life balance, having suffered mental and physical burnout, and believes you can achieve success without business taking over your life!
He now helps other people buy businesses and avoid expensive mistakes - as he says, he has made them all!

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Instagram Branding: Mastering Visual Storytelling and Engagement for Business Success by K. Connors
English | May 25, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D57XQF25 | 69 pages | EPUB | 1.52 Mb
Instagram Branding: Mastering Visual Storytelling and Engagement for Business Success

Unlock the secrets to Instagram success with "Instagram Branding: Mastering Visual Storytelling and Engagement for Business Success." This must-have Instagram ebook is your ultimate guide to transforming your Instagram presence into a dynamic platform for brand growth and business success. Perfect for entrepreneurs, marketers, influencers, and small business owners, this book is packed with actionable tips for Instagram marketing, helping you stand out in the crowded social media landscape.
Dive into the world of Instagram and discover how to set up a profile that commands attention, develop a cohesive brand aesthetic, and create content that captivates your audience. With chapters dedicated to leveraging hashtags, riding the wave of trends, and using Instagram Stories to their fullest potential, this book covers every angle of social media marketing. Learn the insider secrets to building a loyal community, analyzing performance metrics, and monetizing your Instagram brand.
"Instagram Branding" is not just another business branding book; it's a treasure trove of strategies and insights designed to help you master social media marketing. Stay ahead of the curve with the latest updates and features, and turn your Instagram account into a powerful tool for engagement and sales. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to elevate your current strategy, this book provides the tools and knowledge you need to achieve Instagram greatness.
With a casual tone and a touch of wit, "Instagram Branding" makes learning about social media marketing both fun and accessible. The book is filled with real-life scenarios and practical takeaways, ensuring you can implement the tips and tricks immediately. Whether you're looking to boost your brand's visibility, increase engagement, or drive sales, this Instagram ebook has got you covered.

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Instant Authentic Self-Confidence: Discover The 19 Cognitive & Behavioral Patterns That Create Immediate Confidence & Self-Esteem by LearnWell Books
English | 0 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CGHXMSMH | 182 pages | EPUB | 4.51 Mb

You walk into the room and everyone feels your confident presence. You have a magnetic force about you.
What if this sort of confidence could be found in simple new behaviors or thought patterns? What if it was available to you immediately? What would you do with it? What would you go after? How would your life transform?
Thankfully, instant, authentic self-confidence is right in front of you. It's just a matter of discovering some simple new ways of thinking and acting.
LearnWell - the best-selling ✅Publisher - has produced this guide and Workbook to reveal exactly how to switch on your confidence today!
You're about to discover:Innate Confidence: Even if you've been through intense challenges, you'll rediscover your inherent self-assurance, through the transformative power of this book.Real-Life Comparison Stories: Connect with relatable characters and gain insights into how their confidence impacts their lives.Causes Of Low Confidence: Disempower the causes of your lack of confidence, such as trauma, bullying, and family and societal pressures.The Cycles Of Confidence: Learn the formula that can redirect your confidence trajectory with the simplest adjustment.Embrace Discomfort For Growth: Discover the positive power of discomfort. Unlock new opportunities, relationships, and resilience.Fearless Risk-Taking: Overcome the fear of failure and achieve your goals by learning how to embrace calculated risks.Self-Care & Acceptance: Enhance your self-love with affirming self-talk, care routines, and self-gifting strategies, fostering positive self-relationship.Workbook Support: The interactive workbook accelerates your learning, applying principles for tangible results, and reinforcing confidence restoration and growth.Imagine your life as you tackle tasks, big or small, with unwavering self-belief. Your interactions are confident, genuine, and empowering. You find joy in embracing discomfort and engaging in new experiences fearlessly. Throughout the day, you uplift others, radiating self-assurance. You unwind with self-care practices, affirming your worth. Your life brims with purpose, authenticity, and inner strength.

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