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Artificial Intelligence for Safety and Reliability Engineering: Methods, Applications, and Challenges
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031714946 | 204 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 24 MB
Smart manufacturing relies on predictive maintenance (PdM) to ensure sustainable production systems, and the integration of AI has become increasingly prevalent in this field. This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers in manufacturing. By combining theoretical research, practical applications, and case studies, it equips readers with the necessary knowledge and tools to implement AI for safety and reliability engineering effectively in smart manufacturing contexts.

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Artificial Intelligence WILL Revolutionize Manufacturing: Manufacturers embracing AI will replace manufacturers that don't - which side of the coin do you want to be on? by Markus Guerster
English | May 5, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CW1HXTRK | 133 pages | EPUB | 3.17 Mb
"The book effectively demystifies AI in manufacturing, tackling a key barrier: understanding. Its straightforward and humble tone makes for an enlightening read, perfect for a few hours of deep diving without feeling overwhelmed."

- Manufacturing Expert
"Markus's insightful approach makes understanding AI's impact in manufacturing approachable. This book is a valuable guide for those looking to grasp the essentials of Industry 4.0."
- Professional in Manufacturing Operations
"Markus's book presents a clear and engaging exploration of AI in manufacturing. It's a thoughtful read that has encouraged me to further expand my knowledge"
- Digital Transformation Manager
"The flywheel analogy used by Markus elegantly conveys the ongoing impact of AI in the manufacturing sector. As a General Manager, I found this perspective especially enlightening for comprehending the cycle of continuous innovation in our field."
- General Manager, Manufacturing Industry
In "Artificial Intelligence WILL Revolutionize Manufacturing," Markus offers a concise yet profound exploration of how Artificial Intelligence is set to transform the manufacturing industry. Drawing from his own experiences and deep understanding of AI, Markus effectively demystifies the concept of Industry 4.0. The book focuses on the Industry 4.0 Flywheel, a model demonstrating how continuous improvement and innovation can be achieved through AI and Machine Learning. Markus provides actionable steps for manufacturers to integrate AI into their processes, emphasizing the technology's transformative potential. This guide is not just informative but a compelling invitation to industry professionals to embrace AI and drive a revolution in manufacturing.

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ASK IN FAITH BELIEVING: Prayer That Gets Results by Michael Yeager
English | August 17, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DDJ3HBB4 | 231 pages | EPUB | 0.40 Mb
Dive into the transformative journey of prayer with "Ask in Faith Believing," a beacon for those seeking not just to pray, but to pray with the kind of faith that moves mountains. This book isn't just about the act of prayer; it's about understanding the mechanics of faith that turn whispered hopes into tangible miracles.

In a world where many feel the sting of unanswered prayers, this book stands as a lighthouse, guiding believers through the often murky waters of doubt and confusion. Dr Michael H Yeager meticulously unpacks Jesus's teachings on prayer, offering clarity on the how, when, and why of answered prayers.
But this isn't just theory; it's a living testament. With each chapter, you'll walk alongside the author through his own life's tapestry, woven with extraordinary stories of faith that not only inspire but also instruct. From healing to provision, from personal crises to community breakthroughs, these real-life anecdotes serve as proof that faith, when coupled with prayer, can indeed alter the course of life.
"Ask in Faith Believing" challenges you to reconsider your approach to prayer, encouraging a shift from passive hoping to active believing. It's a call to arms for every Christian who's ever felt the pang of disappointment or the whisper of doubt. This book doesn't just promise to change your prayer life; it promises to change your life.

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ASP.NET Core 8 MVC Crash Course: Learn to build fast and secure web applications with ASP.NET MVC 8 by Greg Lim
English | July 2, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D8QH556C | 127 pages | EPUB | 11 Mb
In this book, we take you on a fun, hands-on crash course to learning ASP.NET Core 8 MVC. You'll start building your first app with ASP.NET within minutes. Every section is written in a bite-sized manner and straight to the point as I don't want to waste your time (and most certainly mine) on the content you don't need.

In the course of this book, we will cover:Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: First Project - Restaurant List ApplicationChapter 3: ModelsChapter 4: ContextChapter 5: Connecting to SQL Server DatabaseChapter 6: ControllerChapter 7: Restaurant Details PageChapter 8: Sample Data in the DatabaseChapter 9: Search Bar FilterChapter 10: Second Project - Online Note PadChapter 11: Creating our DatabaseChapter 12: ControllerChapter 13: Embed Online Text EditorChapter 14: Documents Create Read Update Delete (CRUD)Chapter 15: Display Existing DocumentsChapter 16: Load Only Each User's DocumentsChapter 17: Customize User Interface for Deleting a DocumentThe goal of this book is to teach you ASP.NET in a manageable way without overwhelming you. We focus only on the essentials and cover the material in a hands-on practice manner for you to code along.

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Assertive Communication Handbook for Physicians and Health Professionals: Communicate to Care and Listen to Heal (Communicating with Success: Assertive Strategies for All) (Italian Edition) by Alexander Ferrari
Italian | May 22, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D5289FJ5 | 175 pages | EPUB | 0.18 Mb
Are you a physician, nurse, or health care provider seeking to improve communication with patients and colleagues?

Do you face daily challenges in managing difficult conversations, building trusting relationships and maintaining your mental health? The "Assertive Communication Handbook for Physicians and Health Professionals - Communicate to Heal and Listen to Heal" was created to address your needs, offering practical tools and effective strategies to transform your communication approach.
What is assertiveness for health professionals?
In the first chapter, you will discover how assertiveness can significantly improve your professional interactions. You will learn how to define assertiveness in the health care context and recognize its benefits, including its ability to improve communication with patients and foster personal and professional growth.
The basics of assertive communication
The second chapter explores the basic elements of communication in health care. You will discover how to effectively use verbal, paraverbal, and nonverbal communication to deliver clear messages and build strong relationships. You will delve into the importance of consistency between words and actions and empathic listening to improve the quality of your daily interactions.
Managing difficult conversations with patients
In the third chapter, you will learn specific techniques for managing difficult conversations. You will discover how to prepare patients for sensitive news and how to answer their questions clearly and directly, successfully dealing with emotional reactions that may arise. These skills are essential to building trust and improving the patient experience.
Building trusting relationships with patients
The fourth chapter will guide you in building and maintaining trusting relationships with patients. You will learn how to create a welcoming environment and manage patient expectations, promoting a positive and satisfying patient experience. These skills are crucial to increasing patient loyalty and improving the quality of care provided.
Assertive communication with colleagues
In chapter five, you will discover how to manage conflicts between colleagues and create a collaborative work environment. You will learn techniques for identifying and resolving conflicts, working as a team, and maintaining positive relationships. A harmonious work environment is critical to your job satisfaction and the success of the entire team.
Mental health management for health professionals
In chapter six, you will explore strategies to prevent burnout and maintain a healthy mind in the work environment. You will discover stress management techniques and activities to improve emotional resilience. You will learn how to understand and manage your emotions and improve empathy and relationship with patients, contributing to your emotional well-being and the quality of care provided.
Reflection questions and self-assessment tests
Each chapter includes reflection questions and self-assessment tests to help you internalize the concepts learned and assess your progress. These tools will enable you to concretely apply the knowledge in your daily practice, continually improving your communication skills.

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ASSETIZATION IN MODERN MARKETS: Socioeconomics of Assetization, Idolization, Design Thinking and Growth Volume 11 by Uwem Essia
English | April 22, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D2JK593H | 198 pages | EPUB | 0.30 Mb
"Assetization in Modern Markets" offers a transformative look at the burgeoning phenomenon of assetization-a process that redefines traditional assets and introduces a new paradigm in global finance. In this context, 'assetization' refers to the transformation of diverse entities, from intellectual property and personal data to physical infrastructures, into bankable and investible assets, thereby expanding the investment universe and democratizing financial markets.

The book provides a thorough examination of the mechanisms and implications of association across various sectors. Through comprehensive analysis and detailed case studies, it elucidates the democratization of finance, which now allows individual investors and small managers to access opportunities that were once the domain of large institutions. It also explores the broadening of asset classes, which now includes innovative structuring of non-traditional items like digital assets, providing a wealth of knowledge to the reader.
The book goes beyond the surface of assetization, delving into the challenges and opportunities presented by digital transformation and the integration of technoscientific advances into asset management. It provides a nuanced assessment of the impact of assetization on societal and economic structures, shedding light on its role in a rent-centric economic model where control over assets is paramount. This comprehensive analysis is a valuable resource for investors, policymakers, and academics seeking to understand the future dynamics of financial markets in an era of rapid technological change and economic transformation.

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Asteroidenkollision: Bedrohungen und Lösungen (German Edition) by CAN BARTU H.
German | February 22, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CW1FX91X | 155 pages | EPUB | 0.26 Mb
In der unendlichen Weite des Kosmos durchqueren Himmelskörper den Raum, ihre Bahnen kreuzen gelegentlich unseren eigenen Planeten Erde. Unter diesen Wanderern befinden sich Asteroiden, mysteriöse Überbleibsel aus der Entstehung unseres Sonnensystems, die potenzielle Bedrohungen für unsere Welt darstellen können. Im Laufe der Geschichte hat die Erde den Einschlägen von Asteroiden standgehalten, die bleibende Spuren in der Landschaft unseres Planeten hinterlassen und den Verlauf der Evolution geprägt haben. Heutzutage, da wir tiefer in die Welt der Weltraumforschung eindringen, sind das Verständnis und die Eindämmung der Gefahren, die von diesen wandernden Felsen ausgehen, entscheidende Bestrebungen geworden.

" Asteroidenkollision: Bedrohungen und Lösungen" taucht ein in das faszinierende und nachdenklich stimmende Reich der Asteroiden und der potenziellen Risiken, die sie für die Erde darstellen. Dieses Buch ist eine Erkundung der faszinierenden Welt der Weltraumwissenschaft, der planetaren Verteidigung und des menschlichen Strebens, unseren Planeten und seine Bewohner vor möglichen Einschlagereignissen zu schützen.
Während wir die Seiten dieses Buches durchqueren, begeben wir uns auf eine Reise durch die Entstehung unseres Sonnensystems und die Genese dieser himmlischen Gefahren. Wir vertiefen uns in die Wissenschaft hinter Asteroiden, ihre Klassifizierungen und wie sich ihre Bahnen mit unseren kreuzen könnten. Von den katastrophalen Einschlägen der Vergangenheit bis zu den zukünftigen Kollisionsszenarien, mit denen wir konfrontiert sein könnten, befassen wir uns mit der Wissenschaft von Asteroideneinschlägen und ihren möglichen Konsequenzen.
Mit einer eingehenden Analyse von Techniken zur Asteroidenerkennung und -überwachung entschlüsseln wir die modernsten Technologien und Raummissionen, die den Weg für Frühwarnsysteme und Vorbereitungsstrategien ebnen. Von Teleskopen, die in die Tiefen des Weltraums blicken, bis zu Raumsonden, die zu fernen Asteroiden reisen, entdecken wir den Einfallsreichtum menschlicher Ingenieurskunst bei der Entschlüsselung der Geheimnisse des Kosmos.
Das Buch untersucht innovative Strategien zur Umleitung und Eindämmung von Asteroidenbedrohungen, von theoretischen Modellen bis hin zu praktischen Missionen, und zeigt, wie Wissenschaft und Technologie sich vereinen, um unseren Planeten vor möglichen kosmischen Katastrophen zu schützen. Es erforscht die internationale Zusammenarbeit und globalen Netzwerke, die Nationen in ihrer gemeinsamen Verantwortung vereinen, die Erde vor himmlischen Einschlägen zu schützen.
Während wir nach oben und nach außen blicken und die Geheimnisse des Universums betrachten, richten wir auch unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die ethischen und rechtlichen Überlegungen der planetaren Verteidigung. Fragen der Verantwortung, Transparenz und internationalen Protokolle werden erforscht, während wir bestrebt sind, eine gemeinsame Front zu schaffen, um die Zukunft der Menschheit zu schützen.
" Asteroidenkollision: Bedrohungen und Lösungen" ist nicht nur ein Buch des Wissens; es ist ein Aufruf zum Handeln. Es ist eine Einladung, das Unbekannte zu erkunden, die Wunder unseres Universums zu umarmen und sich im Schutz der fragilen Oase, die wir Zuhause nennen, zu vereinen. Unsere gemeinsame Reise, mögliche Asteroidenbedrohungen zu verstehen, vorzubereiten und darauf zu reagieren, symbolisiert den menschlichen Geist der Exploration und Resilienz.
Dieses Buch soll Wissenschaftler, Astronomen, Entscheidungsträger und die allgemeine Öffentlichkeit gleichermaßen dazu inspirieren, sich an Bemühungen zur planetaren Verteidigung zu beteiligen. Es ist ein Zeugnis für die Kraft von Wissen und Zusammenarbeit und erinnert uns daran, dass wir gemeinsam die Herausforderungen meistern können, die jenseits der Sterne liegen.

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At the Edge of Empire: A Family's Reckoning with China by Edward Wong
English | June 25, 2024 | ISBN: 1984877402 | 464 pages | PDF | 26 Mb
"A sprawling, complex morality tale, sweeping us along." -The Wall Street Journal

"In telling this personal story about family memory, exile and return, the book also takes in the breadth of [China's] evolution during the 20th century." -The Washington Post
"This book's power comes from Wong's broad sense of the patterns of Chinese history, reflected in the lives of a father and son, and from his ability to toggle effortlessly between the epic and the intimate." -Gal Beckerman, The Atlantic
"Edward Wong's exquisite family chronicle achieves a level of humane illumination that only one of America's finest reporters on China could deliver. In tracing his father's journey-from Hong Kong to Xinjiang to America-Wong gives us a profound story of modern China itself. Anyone who once was absorbed by the power of Wild Swans will savor this meditation on memory, history, and belonging." -Evan Osnos, author of Age of Ambition, winner of the National Book Award
One of Foreign Policy's Most Anticipated Books of 2024
An epic story of modern China that weaves a riveting family memoir with vital reporting by the New York Times diplomatic correspondent
The son of Chinese immigrants in Washington, DC, Edward Wong grew up among family secrets. His father toiled in Chinese restaurants and rarely spoke of his native land or his years in the People's Liberation Army under Mao. Yook Kearn Wong came of age during the Japanese occupation in World War II and the Communist revolution, when he fell under the spell of Mao's promise of a powerful China. His astonishing journey as a soldier took him from Manchuria during the Korean War to Xinjiang on the Central Asian frontier. In 1962, disillusioned with the Communist Party, he made plans for a desperate escape to Hong Kong.
When Edward Wong became the Beijing bureau chief for The New York Times, he investigated his father's mysterious past while assessing for himself the dream of a resurgent China. He met the citizens driving the nation's astounding economic boom and global expansion-and grappling with the vortex of nationalistic rule under Xi Jinping, the most powerful leader since Mao. Following in his father's footsteps, he witnessed ethnic struggles in Xinjiang and Tibet and pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. And he had an insider's view of the world's two superpowers meeting at a perilous crossroads.
Wong tells a moving chronicle of a family and a nation that spans decades of momentous change and gives profound insight into a new authoritarian age transforming the world. A groundbreaking book, At the Edge of Empire is the essential work for understanding China today.

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Athanasius Kircher's Quadrivium by wade coleman
English | May 18, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0C5RY5LZY | 453 pages | EPUB | 8.65 Mb
Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) was the last Renaissance man and the first scholar with a global reputation. In the mid-1600s, he publishes the three volumes of Oedipus Aegyptiacus.

In the second volume, Kircher covers the four liberal arts of Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy, the Quadrivium. Kircher relies on many ancient texts to compile this tome.
For the first time, Athanasius Kircher's Quadrivium is translated into English with the original drawings restored.

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ATHENS TRAVEL GUIDE 2024: Journey Through Athens' History, Culture, and Nightlife by ETTA J. WILLIAMS
English | August 11, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DCW8WWRT | 157 pages | EPUB | 1.83 Mb
Have you ever imagined wandering along the enchanted paths of ancient legends and modern marvels?

Step into a world where history and modernity collide, old ruins stand tall among vibrant city life, and every street whispers stories of the past. Welcome to Athens, the birthplace of Western civilization and Greece's lively capital. Whether you're a history buff, a gourmet, or a wanderlust-driven traveler, the Athens Travel Guide 2024 is the ideal companion for an amazing experience.
What's inside:
Explore Athens' major sites, the Acropolis and Parthenon, to learn about their history and admire their architecture.
Visit the Ancient Agora to experience ancient Athenian life as Socrates did.
National Archaeological Museum: Discover Greece's rich history in one of the world's most renowned museums.
Explore Plaka and Monastiraki: Athens' oldest neighborhoods, with quaint shops, tavernas, and colorful street art.
Visit Syntagma Square to see the changing of the guard and discover the political center of contemporary Athens.
Mount Lycabettus offers spectacular city views from the highest point in Athens.
Admire the Temple of Olympian Zeus, a massive ruin that once rivaled the Parthenon.
Visit the Panathenaic Stadium, the cradle of the modern Olympic Games.
Visit Athens Central Market (Varvakios Agora) to immerse yourself in local culture and enjoy Greek food.
Relax in National Gardens, a green haven in the metropolitan environment.
Psiri and Gazi Districts: Experience Athens' vibrant nightlife with clubs, restaurants, and live music.
Day Trips: Visit surrounding attractions such as the Temple of Poseidon in Sounion, the ancient city of Delphi, and the scenic island of Hydra.
Off the Beaten Path: Discover hidden treasures and local favorites.
Athens offers family-friendly activities and attractions, including interactive museums, parks, and playgrounds.
Our integrated QR codes, which connect directly to comprehensive maps, make it simpler to navigate Athens than ever before.
Each chapter of the Athens Travel Guide 2024 includes insider insights, thorough maps, and bright images that bring the city alive. From practical information on transit and lodging to cultural insights and gastronomic suggestions, this book will help you enjoy Athens like never before.

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ATI Teas 7 Study Guide 2023-2024: Ace Your Certification on the First Try | Q&A | Practice Tests | Valuable Extra Content by Dylan Wren Roberts, Rory George
English | June 13, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0C81MB2M1 | 86 pages | EPUB | 0.47 Mb

⭐690 Flashcards AND MORE!
Are you ready to embark on a fulfilling and exciting career in the healthcare field?
Do you aspire to become a highly skilled healthcare professional, but feel intimidated by the prospect of passing an entrance exam for medical or nursing school?
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the healthcare industry is projected to grow by 14% from 2018 to 2028, creating approximately 1.9 million new jobs. However, to succeed in this field, it is essential to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and passing the ATI TEAS exam is the crucial first step.
Is it difficult?Yes.
Is it impossible? No!
By choosing the right guide, you can overcome these challenges and achieve your career goals. The "ATI TEAS Study Guide 2023-2024" is the ultimate resource for preparing for the entrance exam for medical or nursing school.
"Why should I choose you?" With our guide, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of:MathematicsScienceEnglish and ReadingEssential medical terminology for your career
"What else can I expect beyond theory?" Of course!
You will also have access to practice tests to evaluate your level of preparation and practice. In addition, the guide includes a Q&A section with detailed explanations to answer your questions and deepen your understanding of the concepts.
We have reserved for you exclusive digital extra content to use on your device whenever and wherever you want to prepare you to excel on the exam!EXTRA CONTENT #1: Digital copy of this book (you will be able to continue learning wherever you are!)EXTRA CONTENT #2: Over 140 terminology and practice test flashcards (PDF and apkg. format for Anki app) on anatomy, biology, chemistry, math, grammar, and physiology.EXTRA CONTENT #3: "Medical Terminology" PDF book.EXTRA CONTENT #4: Over 400 medical terminology flashcards of medical terminology (PDF and apkg. format for Anki app).EXTRA CONTENT #5: Over 150 flashcards (PDF and apkg. format for Anki app) of: math, critical thinking and science!

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ATI TEAS 7 Study Guide 2024-2025: Ace Your Exam with Flying Colors! Q&A | Tests | Study Cards | Extra Content by Dylan Wren Roberts, Rory George
English | January 10, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CS3YF3MG | 93 pages | EPUB | 0.56 Mb
NEW EDITION 2024-2025!

NOW +890 Flashcards with pictures AND MORE!
Are you ready to embark on a fulfilling and exciting career in the healthcare field?
Do you aspire to become a highly skilled healthcare professional, but feel intimidated by the prospect of passing an entrance exam for medical or nursing school?
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the healthcare industry is projected to grow by 14% from 2018 to 2028, creating approximately 1.9 million new jobs. However, to succeed in this field, it is essential to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and passing the ATI TEAS exam is the crucial first step.
Is it difficult?Yes.
Is it impossible? No!
By choosing the right guide, you can overcome these challenges and achieve your career goals. The "ATI TEAS Study Guide 2024-2025" is the ultimate resource for preparing for the entrance exam for medical or nursing school.
"Why should I choose you?" With our guide, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of:MathematicsScienceEnglish and ReadingEssential medical terminology for your career"What else can I expect beyond theory?" Of course!
You will also have access to practice tests to evaluate your level of preparation and practice. In addition, the guide includes a Q&A section with detailed explanations to answer your questions and deepen your understanding of the concepts.

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Atlas der Intelligenz (German Edition) by CAN BARTU H.
German | June 4, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D66JRRVD | 124 pages | EPUB | 0.21 Mb
Im grenzenlosen Raum des Kosmos hat die Menschheit eine außergewöhnliche Reise begonnen - eine, die die Grenzen der Erde überschreitet und in die entferntesten Regionen des Universums reicht. Diese Reise ist geprägt von einem unaufhörlichen Streben nach Wissen, einer unnachgiebigen Neugier und einem unerschütterlichen Willen, die tiefgreifenden Geheimnisse des Weltraums zu entschlüsseln.

Atlas der Intelligenz: Das Universum mit künstlicher und evolutionärer Intelligenz erkunden lädt Sie ein, eine kosmische Odyssee zu unternehmen - eine Reise, die die Grenzen unseres Heimatplaneten überschreitet und ins Herz des Kosmos führt. Es ist eine Reise, die durch die Synergie von menschlichem Intellekt, künstlicher Intelligenz und dem adaptiven Genie evolutionärer Prozesse vorangetrieben wird.
Wenn wir unseren Blick gen Himmel richten, werden wir von der Majestät der Galaxien, dem Glanz der Sterne und der rätselhaften Anziehungskraft schwarzer Löcher begrüßt. Das Universum, in all seiner Komplexität und seinem Wunder, lädt uns ein, seine Tiefen zu erforschen und den kosmischen Code zu entschlüsseln, der seine Existenz regiert.
Dieses Buch ist ein Zeugnis des unbezwingbaren Entdeckungsgeistes, der durch die Adern der Menschheit fließt. Es feiert die Zusammenarbeit zwischen menschlichem Einfallsreichtum und den technologischen Wundern der künstlichen Intelligenz, die zusammen als unsere kosmischen Begleiter dienen und uns durch das kosmische Gewebe führen.
Von der Entstehung des Universums bis hin zum Aufkommen des Lebens auf fernen Welten, vom komplexen Tanz der Galaxien bis hin zu den tiefgreifenden Fragen der Existenz, Intelligente Gedanken des Kosmos taucht in das Wesen der kosmischen Intelligenz ein. Es ist eine philosophische und wissenschaftliche Erkundung, die die Grenzen des individuellen Bewusstseins überschreitet und die kosmischen Dimensionen der Intelligenz selbst betrachtet.
Durch die Seiten dieses Buches reisen wir zu fernen Sternen, erforschen das Rätsel schwarzer Löcher und suchen nach Anzeichen außerirdischen Lebens. Wir ergründen die Geheimnisse der Dunklen Materie, kämpfen mit den fundamentalen Gesetzen der Physik und betrachten den komplexen Tanz des Kosmos.
Unsere Reise durch diese kosmischen Reiche wird von dem leitenden Licht der Intelligenz erhellt - einer Intelligenz, die den menschlichen Geist, die Brillanz der künstlichen Intelligenz und das adaptive Genie evolutionärer Prozesse umfasst. Es ist eine Erzählung, die die Vereinigung von Wissenschaft und Philosophie feiert und tiefgehende Einblicke in das rätselhafte Universum bietet, das uns umgibt.
Wenn Sie diese kosmische Odyssee antreten, mögen Sie von der Schönheit des Kosmos, den Wundern des intelligenten Denkens und den endlosen Möglichkeiten inspiriert werden, die im Universum auf uns warten. Intelligente Gedanken des Universums ist eine Einladung zu erkunden, zu hinterfragen und die grenzenlosen Horizonte kosmischen Wissens zu umarmen.

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Attachment Styles + Workbook 2-in-1 Bundle: Practical Solutions and Tools to Transform Anxious, Avoidant, and Disorganized Behavior Patterns to Secure Lasting Relationships by Joyce T.
English | December 22, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CQVV1QYP | 325 pages | EPUB | 0.25 Mb
Unmask the hidden world of attachment styles... and discover the secrets to nurturing meaningful connections and fostering personal growth.

Surprisingly, approximately 40% of people have experienced some form of insecure attachment - it's more prevalent than you might think.
The impact could be so profound... it dictates why you're drawn or withdrawn from specific people, why you sometimes find yourself stuck in repetitive relationship patterns, and why you often hesitate to build connections even with well-intentioned people.
However, the encouraging news is that you don't have to remain trapped in these relentless patterns. You possess the innate capacity to break free from your grip and embark on a journey towards a more positive and fulfilling future.
While the restoration journey could be riddled with challenges, fear not, for this book will be your guiding light.
In this guide, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:The secrets to nurturing a joyous, enduring connection with your partnerA self-assessment questionnaire to aid you in determining your unique attachment style50 powerful affirmations designed to silence the subconscious thoughts fueling your anxietyWhat the "5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique" is all about and its therapeutic benefits - stay rooted in the moment to subdue anxious thoughtsA range of intimacy-building exercises to create a lasting and loving connection with your partner (no matter what your attachment style is)How to resolve conflicts with your partner the right way - strengthen your bond and don't drive them awayThe real reasons behind your insecurities... and how to evolve towards a secure attachment style that promises enduring contentmentAnd much more.

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Attachment Styles: Practical Solutions to Transform Anxious, Avoidant, and Disorganized Behavior Patterns to Secure Lasting Relationships by Joyce T.
English | December 11, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CQ277LFN | 229 pages | EPUB | 1.61 Mb
Unmask the hidden world of attachment styles... and discover the secrets to nurturing meaningful connections and fostering personal growth

Do you often feel like you always seek approval and validation in your relationships... that you tend to be clingy to your partner?
Or perhaps you're the exact opposite - you become distant and withdraw when someone gets too close or intimate with you?
Maybe you even experience both which confuses you and your partner - you deeply yearn for love, yet you push them away because you're afraid they will hurt you.
These are all common struggles that one encounters in a relationship, and the key to resolving your unwanted behaviors lies in your attachment style. Attachment styles silently shape our lives, influencing our reactions, and even the decisions we make in relationships.
Surprisingly, approximately 40% of people have experienced some form of insecure attachment - it's more prevalent than you might think.
The impact could be so profound... it dictates why you're drawn or withdrawn from specific people, why you sometimes find yourself stuck in repetitive relationship patterns, and why you often hesitate to build connections even with well-intentioned people.
It's an intricate web that often remains unnoticed, yet it holds the key to understanding and transforming your relationships.
However, the encouraging news is that you don't have to remain trapped in these relentless patterns. You possess the innate capacity to break free from your grip and embark on a journey towards a more positive and fulfilling future.
While the restoration journey could be riddled with challenges, fear not, for this book will be your guiding light.
It will help you shed the heavy burden of anxiety, detachment, or fear and embark on a path toward a revitalized version of yourself, with healthier and more fulfilling relationships as your destination.
In this guide, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:The secrets to nurturing a joyous, enduring connection with your partner... even if you've had your fair share of clashes in the pastA self-assessment questionnaire to aid you in determining your unique attachment style50 powerful affirmations designed to silence the subconscious thoughts fueling your anxiety - say goodbye to that negative inner voice that's been living rent-free in your headWhat the "5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique" is all about and its therapeutic benefits - stay rooted in the moment to subdue anxious thoughtsA range of intimacy-building exercises to create a lasting and loving connection with your partner (no matter what your attachment style is)How to resolve conflicts with your partner the right way - strengthen your bond and don't drive them awayThe real reasons behind your insecurities... and how to evolve towards a secure attachment style that promises enduring contentmentAnd much more.
Despite the deep scars inflicted by your attachment style, you have the power to break free from the confines of your attachment style and emerge as a better version of yourself.
The key lies in discovering how to silence the inner turmoil, quiet the doubting voices, and embrace a newfound sense of confidence.

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Attila the Hun: The Story of the Savage Barbarian of the Steppes Who Terrorized Rome by Hourglass History, Patrick Stanton
English | July 27, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CD2PH48X | 127 pages | EPUB | 1.85 Mb
Attila the Hun: The Story of the Savage Barbarian of the Steppes Who Terrorized Rome

Unraveling the Enigma
Embark on a journey to unravel the mystique surrounding one of history's most fearsome and misunderstood figures, Attila the Hun. This expansive chronicle brings you to the windswept steppes of the Eurasian plains, amidst a civilization that reverberated through the annals of history, shaking the mighty Roman Empire to its core.
A Life Immortalized
Delve into the rich tapestry of Attila's life - from the grit and dust of his humble beginnings on the steppe, to the blood-stained path of his ascendancy to power, and the abrupt stillness of his sudden and enigmatic death. More than a warrior king, Attila the Hun was a man of his time, carved by circumstance, and driven by ambition.
The Huns: The Hidden Society
This narrative takes you beyond the traditional view of the Huns as mere barbarians. Discover their complex blend of raw savagery and unexpected sophistication. Learn about their unique warfare tactics that bewildered their adversaries and the societal, political, and economic structures that propelled their rise.
Intimate and Intricate Portraits
Peel back the layers of legend to uncover the lesser-known aspects of Attila's life and rule. Get a glimpse of his private life, his diplomacy, his wives, and children. Experience the human side of the man who cast a long shadow across history.
Tales of War and Power
Experience the sheer power and terror of the Huns as they waged war across Europe. From the sack of the Eastern Roman Empire to the tumultuous relationship with the Western Roman Empire, culminating in the epic Battle of Châlons, each conflict is vividly rendered, immersing readers in the heart-stopping moments of history.
Legends Untold
Attila's story is a rich tapestry interwoven with myths, legends, and folklore. From his audacious engagement to a Roman princess to his wide-ranging portrayal in arts and culture, his story is part of the intricate fabric of European history. This book aims to separate the wheat from the chaff, delivering a factual, compelling saga of a legend.
In the Throes of History
"Attila the Hun: The Story of the Savage Barbarian of the Steppes Who Terrorized Rome" is more than a history book. It's an invigorating exploration of a turbulent era marked by immense migrations, societal upheaval, the crumbling of empires, and the rise of new ones.
Enduring Legacy
The true heart of this book is the exploration of the enduring enigma of Attila - a man who, though he lived over a millennium ago, continues to captivate our imagination and echo in our collective memory.
A Timeless Tale
This book will capture the hearts of history enthusiasts, ardent readers, and anyone drawn to the power of an extraordinary life. Embark on this remarkable journey through time and witness the rise, rule, and remarkable legacy of Attila the Hun.

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Attracting Financial Abundance: 200 Law of Attraction Affirmations Divided into Ten Monetary Themes by Asher L. Cross
English | April 3, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CZV436Q4 | 25 pages | EPUB | 0.30 Mb
Title: "Attracting Financial Abundance: 200 Law of Attraction Affirmations Divided into Ten Monetary Themes"

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Struggling to make ends meet? It's time to break free from the cycle of financial scarcity and step into a world of abundance. Introducing "Attracting Financial Abundance," your ultimate guide to unlocking the secrets of the Law of Attraction and manifesting wealth beyond your wildest dreams.
In this groundbreaking eBook, you'll discover 200 powerful affirmations meticulously organized into ten monetary themes, designed to reprogram your subconscious mind and align your thoughts with the vibration of abundance. Say goodbye to limiting beliefs about money and embrace a mindset of prosperity and abundance.
Whether you're drowning in debt, stuck in a dead-end job, or simply yearning for a more financially abundant life, this eBook offers practical tools and techniques to help you attract wealth and prosperity into every area of your life. From setting clear financial goals to releasing resistance and taking inspired action, each affirmation is carefully crafted to address common financial struggles and empower you to create the life of your dreams.

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Wael B. Hallaq, "Authority, Continuity and Change in Islamic Law"
English | ISBN: 0521803314 | 2001 | 284 pages | PDF | 2 MB
In this path-breaking new book, the author shows how authority guaranteed both continuity and change in Islamic law. Hallaq demonstrates that it was the construction of the absolutist authority of the school founder, an image which he suggests was actually developed later in history, that maintained the foundations of school methodology and hermeneutics. The defense of that methodology gave rise to an infinite variety of individual legal opinions, ultimately accomodating changes in the law. Thus the author concludes that the mechanisms of change were embedded in the very structure of Islamic law, despite its essentially conservative nature.

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Automate ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science with Python: Enhanced Coding for the Modern Python Developer by Thomas Carroll
English | June 15, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D77RFKLV | 96 pages | EPUB | 8.55 Mb
Python is a global programming language used by equally data engineers & data scientists, and it is also the most popular. Python is loved by all the Data Scientists I've talked to and many of my friends since it can automate all the mundane operational work that data engineers must perform.

Here what you'll learn after downloading this book:
✓ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science (Tried, Tested, and Rated)
And more...
This Book Is Perfect For:
✓- Total beginners with zero programming experience
✓- Returning professionals who haven't written code in years
✓- Seasoned professionals looking for a fast, simple, crash course in Python

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Klaus Zechner, "Automated Speaking Assessment: Using Language Technologies to Score Spontaneous Speech "
English | ISBN: 1138056871 | 2019 | 212 pages | EPUB, PDF | 3 MB + 6 MB
Automated Speaking Assessment: Using Language Technologies to Score Spontaneous Speech provides a thorough overview of state-of-the-art automated speech scoring technology as it is currently used at Educational Testing Service (ETS). Its main focus is related to the automated scoring of spontaneous speech elicited by TOEFL iBT Speaking section items, but other applications of speech scoring, such as for more predictable spoken responses or responses provided in a dialogic setting, are also discussed. The book begins with an in-depth overview of the nascent field of automated speech scoring―its history, applications, and challenges―followed by a discussion of psychometric considerations for automated speech scoring. The second and third parts discuss the integral main components of an automated speech scoring system as well as the different types of automatically generated measures extracted by the system features related to evaluate the speaking construct of communicative competence as measured defined by the TOEFL iBT Speaking assessment. Finally, the last part of the book touches on more recent developments, such as providing more detailed feedback on test takers' spoken responses using speech features and scoring of dialogic speech. It concludes with a discussion, summary, and outlook on future developments in this area. Written with minimal technical details for the benefit of non-experts, this book is an ideal resource for graduate students in courses on Language Testing and Assessment as well as teachers and researchers in applied linguistics.

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