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High Win Rate RSI Trading Strategies: Highly Profitable RSI Day Trading Strategies for Trading Crypto, Forex and Stocks in 2024! by Robb Teally
English | March 3, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CX1K8X5F | 107 pages | EPUB | 1.90 Mb
Uncover the Most Profitable RSI Day Strategies for Trading Crypto, Forex and Stocks in 2024!Discover a treasure trove of high-probability RSI signals designed to pinpoint potential market tops and bottoms, enabling you to predict market movements before they happen. This guide also includes a number highly profitable RSI day trading strategies that are not only rule-based but are designed to give you a formidable edge in the markets.

Here are some of the things this comprehensive guide includes:predictive Capabilities of the RSI: Discover how to anticipate market reversals, identify trends, and spot trading opportunities before they materialize using the RSI, enabling you to act before the crowd.Advanced Divergence Trading Strategies: Learn how to decode the RSI and implement advanced divergence trading techniques to spot lucrative trading opportunities.Profitable RSI Day Trading Strategies: Dive deep into a variety of rule based RSI day trading strategies meticulously designed to maximize profits and minimize risk.Developing a Rule-Based Trading System: Learn how to build a rule-based trading system using RSI, setting clear entry and exit rules, and implementing effective risk management strategies.Whether you trade cryptocurrencies, forex, or stocks, take your trading to the next level and gain a competitive edge in the markets with these advanced RSI strategies included in this book.

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Highly Sensitive Empath vs. Narcissistic Individual Unveiled: A Comprehensive Guide to Recognize, Navigate, and Flourish in Relationships with these Contrasting Personalities (Healing Haven Book 1) by Joyce T.
English | March 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CX9HH7SM | 206 pages | EPUB | 0.50 Mb
Are you in a relationship with someone, and you feel like they keep taking from you without giving in return, feeling drained and beat down as a result?

Do you want to break free from the grip of a narcissist and master how to attract empathetic and caring individuals who uplift rather than hurt you?
If yes, worry no more!
Look no further!
Undoubtedly, opposites attract, and when it comes to relationships, empaths, and narcissists are like magnets - an ideology driven by the illusion that contrasting personalities can complete each other. So, if you've found yourself in a cycle of relationships that seem to drain your vitality and joy, don't blame yourself-blame the misguided belief that two different individuals can fill each other's voids.
But there's good news-you don't have to endure this any longer. You have the power to cut the ties and cultivate emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually enriching relationships.
In this guide, you will be guided toward:Identifying your empathetic traits, recognizing narcissistic behaviors, and understanding why empaths and narcissists are drawn to each otherSpotting and handling through narcissistic manipulation with confidenceAssessing whether you're experiencing empathetic burnout and discovering strategies to protect your energyBreaking free from a narcissistic relationship and initiating the healing process, including healing from the aftermathEstablishing crucial boundaries and unapologetically maintaining healthy limitsPrioritizing your emotional well-being and forging deep, healthy emotional connections as an empathBonus: Unleashing success in the workplace to thrive in all aspects of your life

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Histoire du Championnat d'Europe de football: Des origines à l'aperçu de l'édition 2024 (Easy History Français) (French Edition) by Jim Barrow
French | June 10, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D6Q219ND | 469 pages | EPUB | 2.97 Mb
Si vous êtes passionnés de football, je vous invite à plonger avec moi dans l'extraordinaire aventure des Championnats d'Europe de football avec " Histoire du Championnat d'Europe de football : Des origines à l'aperçu de l'édition 2024 ". Ce livre, faisant partie de la collection Easy History, est un hommage à la passion, aux moments inoubliables et aux protagonistes qui ont fait de ce tournoi un grand événement.

Dans ce voyage de plus de 400 pages, je vous ramènerai au premier tournoi de 1960, où tout a commencé. À travers les pages, nous revivrons ensemble les émotions des éditions passées, comme l'incroyable exploit de la Grèce en 2004, lorsqu'une équipe considérée comme outsider a surpris le monde entier en remportant le titre contre toute attente. Je vous raconterai comment l'Islande, en 2016, a conquis les cœurs des supporters avec sa course historique jusqu'en quart de finale, devenant un symbole de détermination et d'esprit d'équipe.
Que trouverez-vous dans ce livre :Approfondissement pour chaque édition : Des premières compétitions aux éditions les plus récentes, chaque tournoi est raconté avec passion et soin, mettant en lumière les moments cruciaux et les histoires moins connues.Synthèse des matchs les plus significatifs : Nous analyserons ensemble les matchs qui ont marqué l'histoire des Championnats d'Europe, comme le but dramatique à la 120e minute de David Trezeguet en finale de 2000 ou la performance extraordinaire de Marco van Basten en 1988.Carrières des meilleurs footballeurs : Vous découvrirez les vies et les carrières des joueurs qui ont laissé une empreinte indélébile, comme Michel Platini, Cristiano Ronaldo et bien d'autres.Faits curieux et anecdotes : Je vous révélerai des histoires en coulisses et des curiosités, comme le célèbre coup de tête d'Oliver Bierhoff en 1996, qui a marqué le premier but en or de l'histoire du tournoi, et le penalty en feuille morte d'Antonín Panenka en 1976, qui a décidé la finale de manière spectaculaire. Il y aura également des approfondissements sur les contextes dans lesquels se sont déroulées les différentes éditions, comme par exemple les guerres balkaniques qui ont influencé l'édition de 1992.Aperçu de l'édition 2024 : Je vous offrirai un aperçu exclusif de la prochaine édition en Allemagne, avec des analyses des équipes participantes et des protagonistes possibles.Mon pronostic : Je me suis amusé à prédire la prochaine édition, vous pourrez ainsi vous moquer de moi en le relisant après le tournoi !

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Histoire du Japon Ancien: Des Villages Jōmon à la Splendeur d'Edo (French Edition) by Jim Barrow
French | March 3, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CX2ZFFW1 | 122 pages | EPUB | 1.34 Mb
L'histoire ne devrait pas rester confinée aux salles de classe. Explorez de manière captivante l'histoire du Japon avec ce guide pratique qui offre une vision riche et nuancée du passé du pays !

Explorez l'histoire fascinante du Japon, une terre de samouraïs légendaires, de ninjas habiles et de geishas envoûtantes. Dans " Histoire du Japon Ancien : Des Villages Jōmon à la Splendeur d'Edo ", je vous conduirai à travers les époques qui ont façonné la nation du Soleil Levant.
Plongez-vous dans la période Jomon en découvrant la société, les modes de vie et les rituels d'une époque lointaine. Traversez la période Yayoi avec ses arts, sa classification sociale et ses croyances magiques. Explorez le développement durant la période Kofun et l'innovation architecturale de l'ère Asuka.
Du période Edo qui a façonné la société moderne à la célèbre période d'isolement "Sakoku", ce guide propose un voyage captivant à travers les siècles. Découvrez comment les victoires et les défaites du passé ont façonné le Japon moderne et l'ont transformé en ce que nous connaissons tous aujourd'hui.
Dans ce guide spectaculaire, vous découvrirez :Un compte rendu détaillé de l'histoire du Japon ancien dans une chronologie bien agencée d'événements pour une lecture facile à assimiler.Une plongée dans la période Jomon, y compris le fonctionnement de la société, les modes de vie qu'ils appréciaient et les rituels qu'ils honoraient.Une exploration approfondie de la période Yayoi, comprenant les objets artisanaux qu'ils créaient, la classification sociale à laquelle ils adhéraient et leurs croyances religieuses et magiques.La connaissance de tous les développements notables survenus pendant la période Kofun et comment ce progrès a influencé le Japon moderne.La compréhension de l'impact que la période Asuka a eu sur le Japon, y compris les influences taoïstes, les systèmes de réforme Taika et leur architecture.Une analyse approfondie de la manière dont la période Edo a eu un impact significatif sur notre vision actuelle du Japon, des structures sociales à l'agriculture en passant par l'art.Et bien plus encore !

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Histoire du Japon moderne: De la restauration Meiji à la renaissance après-guerre (Easy History Français) (French Edition) by Jim Barrow
French | June 18, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D7HX1PSC | 150 pages | EPUB | 1.10 Mb
Dans "Histoire du Japon moderne : De la restauration Meiji à la renaissance après-guerre", je vous invite à un voyage fascinant à travers l'extraordinaire transformation du Japon.

Ce volume, qui fait partie de la série "Easy History", a été écrit pour diffuser l'histoire du Japon de manière simple et accessible, sans sacrifier la profondeur ni la précision. Mon intention est d'ouvrir une fenêtre sur le passé de cette nation incroyable, en montrant comment elle est passée d'un pays isolé à l'une des puissances les plus influentes et respectées du monde, en jetant un coup d'œil sur la culture pop et sur ce qui rend le Japon si emblématique aux yeux de tous.
Mon récit couvre la période allant de l'ère révolutionnaire Meiji à l'impressionnante renaissance du Japon d'après-guerre, en explorant les moments clés qui ont défini son histoire moderne. Grâce à mon langage clair et simple, je souhaite vous faire découvrir comment le Japon a navigué entre tradition et modernité, en faisant face à des défis politiques, culturels et technologiques, et comment ces événements ont façonné la nation que nous connaissons aujourd'hui.
L'"Histoire du Japon moderne" n'est pas seulement un récit d'événements historiques ; c'est un ouvrage qui cherche à relier le passé au présent, en illustrant comment l'histoire du Japon influence encore la société actuelle. Au fil des chapitres, je souhaite vous inspirer une profonde appréciation du Japon, en soulignant la résilience et l'innovation qui ont permis à cette nation de surmonter les périodes de crise et d'en ressortir plus forte.
Laissez-vous séduire par l'esprit unique du Japon et découvrez avec moi son histoire, un voyage riche en leçons de résilience et de renouveau. "Histoire du Japon moderne" n'est pas un simple livre, c'est une invitation à comprendre et à célébrer la capacité d'un pays à se réinventer tout en gardant un œil sur l'avenir.

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Histoire et culture du Japon - Édition 2-en-1: De l'antiquité à la culture pop contemporaine (Easy History Français) (French Edition) by Jim Barrow
French | June 23, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D7V3P6SY | 270 pages | EPUB | 2.48 Mb
Découvrez l'histoire fascinante du Japon avec cet ensemble unique, combinant deux ouvrages essentiels : "Histoire du Japon moderne" et "Histoire du Japon Ancien".

Rédigé par Jim Barrow, ce volume 2-en-1 offre une exploration complète et accessible de la riche histoire japonaise, des premiers peuples jusqu'à la culture pop contemporaine.
Faisant partie de la série "Easy History", cet ouvrage se distingue par son approche simple et claire, permettant à tous les lecteurs de comprendre facilement les événements historiques clés et leurs impacts sur le Japon d'aujourd'hui et de demain.
Qu'est-ce que vous trouverez dans ce livre :
Histoire du Japon Ancien :Les premières sociétés et la formation des premières civilisations japonaisesL'ère des empereurs légendaires et l'influence de la Chine et de la CoréeLe développement du bouddhisme et du shintoïsmeLes périodes Heian et Kamakura et l'évolution de la culture samouraïHistoire du Japon Moderne :La période Edo et l'isolement volontaire du JaponL'ère Meiji et l'ouverture au monde occidentalLes conflits du 20ème siècle et la Seconde Guerre mondialeLa renaissance économique et l'émergence du Japon comme puissance mondialeLa culture pop contemporaine et son influence mondialeRéflexions et perspectives :Analyse des défis actuels et futurs du Japon dans un contexte régional et internationalRéflexions sur l'évolution culturelle et les tendances futuresQue vous soyez un passionné d'histoire ou simplement curieux d'en savoir plus sur le Japon, ce livre est une ressource incontournable.

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History of Feminism Mansplained by a White Man: Men and Feminism, a Necessary Alliance (Easy History) by Jim Barrow
English | August 23, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CW1GGYTV | 99 pages | EPUB | 1.40 Mb
If someone were to ask, "What makes a man a man?" the first qualities that might come to mind are physical strength, endurance, leadership, and a certain emotional detachment. These traits are often seen as typical of the male identity.

However, in recent years, as women and various minority groups have claimed more space and highlighted inequalities, the traditional image of the straight man seems to be undergoing an "identity crisis", leaving many without a clear model of masculinity to follow.
This book is divided into two distinct parts, offering a thorough and engaging dual analysis of feminism, both from a historical and contemporary perspective, before exploring what the future holds for the modern male:
Part One: The History of FeminismTraces the evolution of feminism from its roots in the 18th century to the present day.Analyzes the different waves of feminism, the issues they addressed, and the key struggles for equality.Highlights significant figures and pivotal moments that have shaped the journey toward gender equality.Part Two: Why Men Must Ally with FeministsExamines feminism from the male perspective, explaining why all men should be allies.Discusses the reasons why many men today feel powerless and out of control in their lives (and no, it's not women's fault!).Offers reflections on how to develop a new masculinity that is modern, inclusive, and aligned with the values of today's society.Why Did I Write This Book?
Simply put: men are more likely to listen to another man than to a woman. Is this wrong? Absolutely. But is it the reality? Unfortunately, yes. I'm using an advantage I shouldn't have but do, to start a conversation.
My goal is to challenge the notion that feminism is an "enemy of masculinity" and instead encourage men to ally themselves with it, perhaps by actively contributing to and advocating for a better society. This doesn't mean becoming defensive or dismissive, but rather embracing the idea that feminism isn't just about women's rights; it's about creating a world where every individual, regardless of gender, can live with dignity and respect. Men, too, have much to gain from breaking down gender barriers-more honest relationships, greater emotional freedom, and a less violent society.
Writing this book is my personal contribution to promoting this vision.
With this in mind, I hope this book offers valuable insights and tools for navigating change. It's not about losing something but about gaining a world where everyone, including men, can live better lives.

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History of Jamaica: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Indigenous Tribes, Spanish Colonization, British Rule, Independence, and Modern Times (South American Countries) by Captivating History
English | July 22, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D9ZLMX43 | 146 pages | EPUB | 7.01 Mb
Embark on an Unforgettable Journey Through Jamaica's Past

Dive into the amazing story of Jamaica, a country shaped by the trials of slavery and the incredible strength of its people. This book tells how enslaved Africans, despite enduring terrible hardships, built the foundation of Jamaica's vibrant culture and heritage.
What You'll Learn:
The First InhabitantsDiscover the daily life of the Taíno, Jamaica's original people.Arrival of ColumbusLearn about Columbus's arrival and the changes brought by Spanish colonization.British TakeoverUnderstand how the British took control from the Spanish.Life on PlantationsSee the harsh realities of life on plantations for enslaved people.Maroons' ResistanceExplore the brave fight for freedom by the Maroons, escaped slaves who stood strong against their oppressors.Black Pride ChampionsGet to know heroes like Marcus Garvey who promoted black pride and self-reliance.End of SlaveryFollow the complex journey towards abolishing slavery and achieving freedom.Jamaican IndependenceTrace Jamaica's path to independence in 1962, including its political struggles and successes.Modern JamaicaExamine the ongoing challenges and triumphs of modern Jamaica.Why This Book?
This book is more than just a history lesson; it's a celebration of Jamaica's enduring spirit and cultural richness. Here's why you should read it:Engaging Stories: Real-life accounts bring history to life, making it easy to understand and relate to.Simple Explanations: Complex events are broken down into clear, easy-to-follow explanations.Inspiration: Be inspired by the resilience and strength of people who faced great challenges and overcame them.Relevance: Learn how the past influences the present and how Jamaica's history shapes its current identity.Perfect for history lovers, students, and anyone curious about how past events shape our world today.

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Hitlers indirekter Beitrag zur Unabhängigkeit Indiens (German Edition) by Anmol Yadav
German | May 24, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0C69TN6BM | 40 pages | EPUB | 0.84 Mb
Manche Leute würdigen den Gandhismus für die Befreiung Indiens, dann sollten sie ihre Studien korrigieren, denn als der Weltkrieg begann, bezog die britische Regierung Indien in den Krieg ein, ohne die gewählte Provinzregierung Indiens zu fragen. Deshalb trat der indische Kongress aus der Regierung zurück und begann, die britische Regierung zu kritisieren und sich ihr zu widersetzen, aber Nehru war nicht für Abul Kalam Azad usw., Gandhiji entwarf am 8. August 1942 allein die Quit India-Bewegung und entwarf das Kongress Komitee. Übergab es dem Kongress und noch in derselben Nacht Alle großen und kleinen Führer des Kongresses wurden ins Gefängnis gesteckt, was zur Folge hatte, dass die Bewegung ohne Führer richtungslos wurde, die Menge begann, in den Städten Unheil gegen die Briten zu treiben, die keinen Führer mehr hatten, mit dem sie umgehen konnte,

Diese „Quit India"-Bewegung wurde von der englischen Regierung sehr gewaltsam beendet, es wurden nur weiße Polizisten eingesetzt und Bomben und Granaten auf die Agitatoren abgefeuert, Kanonen wurden eingesetzt, etwa 20.000 Agitatoren wurden getötet und innerhalb von zwei bis drei Tagen schafften die Briten diese Bewegung Es ist klar, dass es erwähnenswert ist, dass alle großen Führer des Kongresses, die 1942 ins Gefängnis gesteckt wurden (Nehru Gandhi), bis 1946 fast vier Jahre lang im Gefängnis festgehalten wurden. In diesen Jahren machte Nehru Ji die Entdeckung des Buches „Indien wurde geschrieben". nur im Gefängnis.
Nun einige Dinge, die es zu beachten gilt
● Nehru, Abulkalamji, Rajendra Prasad usw. lehnten zunächst die Quit India-Bewegung ab, aber unter dem Druck von Gandhiji verabschiedete das Kongress Komitee sie.
● Große Führungskräfte wurden ins Gefängnis gesteckt, wer leitete es also?
● Alle großen Anführer wurden am ersten Tag der Bewegung verhaftet, der Rest wurde gefunden und gefasst.
● Im Jahr 1942 selbst wurde diese Bewegung vollständig unterdrückt und gelöscht.
● Fast vier Jahre lang saßen alle Kongressführer im Gefängnis, und es wurden nirgendwo Dokumente gefunden, aus denen hervorgeht, dass Nehru, Gandhi usw. die Bewegung im Gefängnis anführten.
● Nach der Quit-India-Bewegung, die 1942 selbst auf unmenschliche Weise unterdrückt wurde, gab es in Indien keine Gandhi-politischen Bewegungen mehr.
Nun muss man darüber nachdenken und argumentieren, dass die Gandhianer zwischen 1943 und 1946 keine Bewegung unternommen haben, als die Bewegung innerhalb weniger Tage von den Briten beendet wurde und alle großen Führer des Kongresses für fast vier Jahre inhaftiert wurden Selbst nach ihrer Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis kam es zu keiner Bewegung. Welche Leistung vollbrachten Gandhi und Nehru also im Jahr 1947, als die Briten in Indien entwurzelt wurden?
Alle hatten nichts getan, aber Gandhiji wurde im Gefängnis gefoltert, weshalb das erste Wort nach dem Verlassen des Gefängnisses war, dass ich tun werde, was der Vizekönig sagen werde.

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Holistic Home Office: Creating Productive and Inspiring Workspaces by Anelly Aya
English | May 9, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D3VRFWJP | 64 pages | EPUB | 1.60 Mb
"Holistic Home Office: Creating Productive and Inspiring Workspaces" is a comprehensive guide designed to help individuals transform their home offices into spaces that foster productivity, creativity, and well-being. This book offers practical strategies, insights, and inspiration for creating a workspace that supports both work and personal fulfillment.

The book begins by exploring the concept of holistic workspace design, emphasizing the importance of considering physical, mental, and emotional well-being in the home office environment. Readers are introduced to the principles of holistic living and guided through the process of integrating these principles into their workspace design to create a harmonious and inspiring work environment.
Each chapter of the book focuses on a specific aspect of home office design and organization, offering practical tips, strategies, and examples to help readers optimize their workspace for productivity and well-being. Topics covered include decluttering, organization systems, ergonomic design, lighting, nature integration, and personalization.
Readers learn how to declutter their home offices to create space for focus and creativity, establish organization systems that streamline workflows and reduce stress, and design ergonomic workstations that support physical health and comfort. The book also explores the role of lighting in creating a productive and inspiring workspace, highlighting the importance of natural light and offering tips for optimizing artificial lighting for different tasks and activities.
Nature integration is another key theme in the book, with chapters dedicated to bringing the outdoors inside and incorporating natural elements into the home office environment. Readers learn how plants, natural materials, and nature-inspired design can enhance well-being, creativity, and productivity in the workspace.
Personalization is also emphasized as a way to create a workspace that reflects individual preferences, interests, and values. Readers are encouraged to infuse their home offices with personal touches, such as artwork, photographs, and meaningful objects, to create a space that feels uniquely their own.
"Holistic Home Office: Creating Productive and Inspiring Workspaces" is more than just a guide to home office design-it's a roadmap to creating a workspace that nurtures both professional success and personal fulfillment. Whether you're a remote worker, freelancer, entrepreneur, or telecommuter, this book offers the tools and inspiration you need to create a workspace that supports your goals, aspirations, and well-being.

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Home Interior Design Handbook: Learn to Renovate, Decorate, and Style Your Home by Sumreen Mahmood
English | December 6, 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BPDM4XZB | 173 pages | EPUB | 21 Mb
Do you want to understand interior design, but aren't sure where to begin? Simplified, Realistic, eye- Opening. This is the most comprehensive yet straightforward book for interior design and decoration. This book is designed to help you achieve a complete grip on home interiors starting from basics to landing your own interior business.

At completion of this interior design handbook, you will have mastered the most popular interior design styles, in depth information and come out with confidence to understand and design any home interior with efficiency and grace. Master your design skills, understand your unique style and overcome a major obstacle. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master.
From expert interior design decor tips to how to use your home interior design ideas to make your home look expensive. Complete Understanding of necessary skills you need to become an Interior Designer. A complete Section on How to Decorate Each Area of Your Home.

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Homeopathic Psychology: Understanding the Mind in Holistic Healing by Anelly Aya
English | May 24, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D565NYKF | 120 pages | EPUB | 1.67 Mb
"Homeopathic Psychology: Understanding the Mind in Holistic Healing" offers a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between homeopathy and psychology, illuminating the profound connection between mental and physical health. Authored collaboratively through a series of 30 chapters, this book delves into the principles, practices, and applications of homeopathic psychology, presenting a holistic approach to healing that honors the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

The introductory chapters lay the groundwork for understanding homeopathy as a system of medicine that treats the individual as a whole, addressing the underlying energetic imbalances that contribute to mental and emotional symptoms. Readers are introduced to the principles of homeopathic treatment, including the law of similars, individualization, and the vital force, which serve as guiding principles in prescribing remedies tailored to each patient's unique symptom profile and constitution.
Subsequent chapters delve into various aspects of homeopathic psychology, including constitutional types, personality profiles, emotional states, and mental symptoms, offering insights into the diverse manifestations of psychological distress and the corresponding homeopathic remedies. Case studies illustrate the application of homeopathic principles in addressing conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADHD, and trauma, demonstrating the effectiveness of individualized treatment approaches in promoting healing and well-being.
The book also explores the integration of homeopathy with conventional psychology, envisioning collaborative models of care that combine homeopathic remedies with psychotherapeutic interventions to support comprehensive assessment, integrated treatment planning, and coordinated support for patients. Future directions in homeopathic psychology are examined, highlighting emerging trends such as personalized medicine, digital health technologies, cultural competency, and ethical considerations, which hold promise for advancing theory, research, and clinical practice in this field.
Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on the practitioner-patient relationship as the cornerstone of effective holistic healthcare, fostering empathy, trust, and collaboration in promoting healing and well-being. Case studies illustrate the transformative power of homeopathic psychology in addressing a range of mental, emotional, and behavioral issues, offering hope and inspiration to practitioners and patients alike.
"Homeopathic Psychology: Understanding the Mind in Holistic Healing" serves as a valuable resource for homeopaths, psychologists, healthcare professionals, and individuals interested in exploring the intersection between homeopathy and psychology. By integrating the principles and practices of both disciplines, this book offers a holistic approach to mental health care that honors the complexity and resilience of the human psyche, guiding readers on a journey toward greater understanding, compassion, and healing.

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Hopi Mythology and Legend: Hourly Journey Through Time with Myth by Chronicle Press
English | May 29, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D5LRBD4S | 42 pages | EPUB | 0.85 Mb
Dive into a world where the holy and the everyday meet, and where powerful spirits and ancient gods change the land and the people who live there. The book "Hopi Mythology and Legends" will help you learn about the deep and mysterious customs of the Hopi people. The Hopi are an indigenous group whose stories are full of the essence of life, nature, and the universe. This book invites you to discover the complex web of Hopi myths. Each story shows a world full of divine knowledge, amazing creatures, and timeless heroes.

In this book, there are more than just stories. It takes you on a trip into the spirituality and culture of the Hopi people. As you read about the epic trips of the Hopi ancestors, who moved across vast landscapes based on dreams and prophecies, you can feel the power of change. See the complicated ceremonies and practices that the Hopi use to connect with their gods and the natural world. You will be enthralled by the story's high level of confusion and burstiness, which will make reading both exciting and deeply moving. You will learn about the beauty and wisdom of Hopi folklore as you read each page, as you travel across the mesas and deserts of the American Southwest.

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Horizons of Tomorrow: A Journey through Science, Technology, and Innovation by Byron-Scott Jones
English | June 15, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D77YZQS2 | 211 pages | EPUB | 2.06 Mb
Dive into a world where science fiction meets reality in "Horizons of Tomorrow: A Journey through Science, Technology, and Innovation" by Byron-Scott Jones. This captivating exploration unveils the intricate tapestry of human ingenuity that has shaped our modern existence.

From the dawn of scientific inquiry to the forefront of artificial intelligence, each chapter embarks on a thrilling odyssey through pivotal moments in history and visionary breakthroughs. Discover the foundational principles of scientific thought that sparked revolutions, and trace the evolution of engineering from ancient marvels to today's transformative technologies.
Witness the birth of the digital age and the profound impact of robotics, where machines become our partners in progress. Uncover the mysteries of mathematics as the universal language underpinning every technological marvel, and explore the vast cosmos through the lens of physics.
Delve into the chemical compounds that define our world, and journey through the biology of life itself, where innovation meets the frontiers of medical discovery. Experience the power of mechanical and electrical engineering as they propel us towards sustainable futures and unprecedented advancements in space exploration.
Enter the realm of data science and artificial intelligence, where information becomes the new currency of progress, and nanotechnology opens doors to realms once deemed impossible. Witness the revolution in renewable energy that promises to reshape our planet's destiny.
Through compelling narratives and insightful reflections, "Horizons of Tomorrow" not only illuminates the past and present of scientific achievement but also invites readers to envision a future where limitless possibilities await. Join Byron-Scott Jones on a quest to inspire the next generation of thinkers, dreamers, and innovators as we stand on the brink of extraordinary new horizons.

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House Wiring for Renovations and Additions: Electrical Remodeling and Redesigning by Mike W. Miller
English | May 5, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D3FJ7RGC | 116 pages | EPUB | 2.82 Mb
Do you want to Breathe a New Life into Your Home - Safely? House Wiring for Renovations and Additions is your one-stop resource guide.

Empower Yourself to tackle electrical projects during your next renovation or addition with confidence. This complete guide empowers you with the knowledge and skills on how to decorate for every home, style, and budget to make informed choices and navigate electrical tasks safely and effectively.
Be as it may, whether you are a DIY enthusiast or a homeowner planning a major upgrade, this guide provides you with:Step-by-step instructions for common electrical tasks, including Kitchen Remodel to ensure completing your projects correctly.Understanding electrical load requirements for kitchen renovations.How to safely install a new circuit breaker for a renovation.Troubleshooting common electrical problems during home additions.Clear explanations of electrical concepts and components with photos, empower you to understand your home's wiring system.Crucial safety procedures to keep you and your loved ones protected throughout the process.Expert guidance on planning electrical wiring needs for renovations and additions, including choosing the right electrician.Future-proofing strategies to ensure your wiring adapts to evolving technologies and your changing needs.Stop relying on guesswork and avoid costly mistakes. House Wiring for Renovations and Additions is your one-stop resource guide for creating a safe, efficient, and future-proof electrical system in your home.

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How Attachment Styles Work: Discover The Cause Of Your Relationship Patterns & Learn To Build Love That Lasts (LoveWell Series) by LearnWell Books
English | October 17, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CL97CDB7 | 160 pages | EPUB | 3.30 Mb
80-PAGE INTERACTIVE WORKBOOK: Uncover Your Attachment Style

SELF-ASSESSMENT: Identify Your Relationship Patterns
BuildSecure, Lasting Bonds In All Relationships
Are you tired of repeating the same relationship mistakes? Do you wonder why you always attract a certain "type"? This book will help you break free from destructive patterns and create the loving, secure relationships you deserve.
Imagine:Understanding why you panic when your partner needs space and how to feel secure insteadTransforming arguments into opportunities for deeper connection and mutual understandingHealing childhood wounds that have sabotaged your adult relationships for years
Real readers share their breakthroughs:"I finally understand my anxious attachment style. Now I can self-soothe instead of bombarding my partner with texts." - Asha, 38"Learning about my avoidant tendencies helped me open up emotionally. My relationship has never been stronger." - Jamie, 41"The exercises on healing attachment wounds helped me forgive my parents and stop projecting old hurts onto my partner." - Taylah, 37
You'll discover:The four attachment styles and how they shape your relationshipsHow to identify your core attachment wounds and begin the healing processPractical strategies to regulate your emotions in triggering situationsTechniques to build empathy and compassion for yourself and others
The comprehensive workbook includes:An in-depth attachment style assessment to pinpoint your patternsReflective exercises to explore your childhood experiences and their impactStep-by-step guides to improve communication and conflict resolutionMindfulness practices to increase emotional awareness and regulation
⭐ BONUS FEATURES ⭐FREE Online Learning Tutorials: Deepen your understanding with expert insightsSupportive Community: Connect with others on the path to secure attachmentRegular Updates: Stay current with the latest in attachment theory research-

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How David Crockett's Frontier Image and Martyrdom at the Alamo Shaped America by Phillip Thomas Tucker
English | July 23, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DB2PSCT6 | 78 pages | EPUB | 0.58 Mb
Very few historical figures and their mythical and romantic images in American history have had a more profound impact on the course of American history in both the nineteenth century and the twentieth century than the popular frontiersman David Crockett. In his own lifetime, Crockett became a living legend. When he was killed by Mexican forces at the Alamo in the early morning of March 6,1836, it fueled a national anger and outrage that led in part to the Mexican-American War in which Mexico lost half its territory, including California. Then, in the twentieth century, the Davy "Crockett Craze" left a significant emotional and psychological impact on an entire generation of young Americans, the "Baby Boomers," who fought and died in the Vietnam War. This book has explored the significant impact of the image of Crockett in American history and on generations of Americans.

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How I Got Happy: The Messy Truth About Healing Past Trauma, Building Emotional Strength & Getting Happy Again (LiveWell Series) by LearnWell Books
English | October 29, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CM3895TF | 159 pages | EPUB | 2.63 Mb

Click 'Read more' to see the book'sINCREDIBLE FEATURESbelow
Are you ready to feel the joy of true happiness?Have you lived under the clouds of anxiety and depression for too long?This book is like the outstretched hand of a friend who will help you to feel love and excitement in your heart again.
You will emerge with a full heart, hope for your brightest future, a deep, lasting self-love, and even love for the hardest parts of your journey so far.
You will discover:practical Strategies: Identify triggers, navigate executive dysfunction, and build a personalized coping toolbox.Self-Love and Resilience: Cultivate self-love and resilience with new tools for growth.Guidance for Healing: Receive guidance on seeking therapy, finding the right therapist, and embracing vulnerability.Relatable Wisdom: Witness the mental health struggles of an author brave enough to bare her soul.Embracing Emotions: Discover the liberating art of letting go, and fostering resilience in the face of adversity.Holistic Approach: Challenge the typical dialogue around mental health. Find a new perspective that can cause a breakthrough in your understanding of how to find your happiness.Tailored Guidance: Find tailored coping techniques that recognize and respect your unique needs, including those on the autism spectrum.Mindfulness Unleashed: Embrace the power of mindfulness and self-awareness to find calm amid the chaos of life.

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How Racism Has Changed the World : Can We Fight It Together? by Bhaskar Bora
English | May 26, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D5BW6RFN | 314 pages | EPUB | 1.17 Mb
In "How Racism Has Changed the World," Dr Bhaskar Bora embarks on a profound exploration of one of humanity's most pervasive and destructive forces. This meticulously researched and deeply personal book delves into the history, manifestations, and enduring impact of racism across the globe.

From the ancient roots of racial discrimination to contemporary systemic inequalities, Dr Bora examines how racism has shaped societies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, and beyond. He provides a comprehensive analysis of institutional racism, revealing how education, healthcare, housing, and the criminal justice system perpetuate racial disparities.
Drawing on a wealth of historical and contemporary sources, "How Racism Has Changed the World" also highlights the resilience, resistance, and contributions of marginalized communities. Through powerful case studies, personal narratives, and global perspectives, Dr Bora illuminates the intersectionality of racism and its compounded effects on women, immigrants, and indigenous peoples.
This book is more than an academic treatise; it is a call to action. Dr Bora offers practical strategies for dismantling systemic racism, promoting equity, and fostering solidarity. By integrating education, advocacy, and technology, he charts a path toward a more just and inclusive future.

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How To Analyze People: A Comprehensive Guide to Analyzing People and Understanding Human Behavior by Melanie J. Driscoll
English | June 14, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CY978NZD | 79 pages | EPUB | 0.14 Mb
How To Analyze People: A Comprehensive Guide to Analyzing People and Understanding Human Behavior

Understanding the intricacies of human behavior is a skill that can be immensely beneficial in both personal and professional settings. "How To Analyze People: A Comprehensive Guide to Analyzing People and Understanding Human Behavior" is your ultimate resource for developing this valuable expertise. This guide delves into the fundamental principles of psychology, body language, and interpersonal dynamics to help you decode the complex tapestry of human actions and motivations.Inside this Guide, You'll Discover:psychological Foundations: Learn the core theories and concepts that underpin human behavior, including personality types, cognitive biases, and emotional intelligence.Body Language Mastery: Gain insights into non-verbal communication, understanding what people are really saying through their gestures, facial expressions, and posture.Behavioral Analysis Techniques: Equip yourself with practical tools and methodologies for observing and interpreting behavioral patterns in various contexts.Interpersonal Skills: Enhance your ability to connect with others, build rapport, and foster meaningful relationships by applying psychological insights.Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Explore detailed case studies that illustrate the application of behavioral analysis in everyday situations, from the workplace to social interactions.Ethical Considerations: Understand the importance of ethical practices in analyzing and influencing behavior, ensuring that your skills are used responsibly.Whether you're a professional looking to improve your leadership skills, a student of psychology, or simply someone interested in understanding the people around you better, this comprehensive guide offers practical knowledge and actionable insights. Embark on a journey to become more perceptive, empathetic, and effective in your interactions by mastering the art and science of analyzing people.

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