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Las colonias de la Sudáfrica británica: Historia y legado del imperialismo británico en la Sudáfrica y Zimbabue modernas (Spanish Edition) by Charles River Editors
Spanish | July 17, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D9P957D5 | 378 pages | EPUB | 27 Mb
En 1884, el príncipe Otto von Bismarck, canciller alemán, reunió a los plenipotenciarios de todas las grandes potencias de Europa para tratar la colonización de África de forma que se evitara provocar una guerra. Este acontecimiento -conocido como la Conferencia de Berlín de 1884-1885- galvanizó un fenómeno que llegó a conocerse como la Lucha por África. La conferencia estableció dos reglas fundamentales para la conquista europea de África. La primera de ellas era que no se reconocería la anexión sin pruebas de una ocupación práctica, y la segunda, que una ocupación práctica se consideraría ilegal sin una petición formal de protección realizada en nombre de un territorio por su líder, petición que debía plasmarse por escrito en forma de tratado legal.

Comenzó así una carrera, encabezada principalmente por intereses comerciales europeos en forma de sociedades anónimas, para penetrar en el interior de África y cortejar a sus dirigentes con armas, baratijas y alcohol y, una vez obtenidas sus marcas o sellos en tratados espurios, comenzar a establecer las fronteras de las futuras colonias africanas europeas. La facilidad con que esto se logró se debió a que, en ese momento, el liderazgo tradicional africano estaba desunido y el pueblo acababa de recuperarse de siglos de conmoción infligida por la trata de esclavos. Así pues, usurpar la autoridad, intimidar a una sociedad ya rota y enfrentar a un líder contra otro fue una tarea diplomática tan infantilmente sencilla que el asunto quedó zanjado, en su mayor parte, en menos de una década.
Sin embargo, hubo algunas excepciones, la más notable de las cuales fue quizás la nación zulú, una monarquía centralizada de enorme poderío militar que necesitó una guerra colonial británica, la famosa guerra anglo-zulú de 1879, para lograr la pacificación. Otra era la de los amaNdebele, una rama de los zulúes, establecida ya en la década de 1830 en el sudeste de lo que en el futuro sería Rodesia y, más tarde, Zimbabue. Ambas eran monarquías poderosas y centralizadas, fortificadas por un ejército profesional organizado y agresivo, subdividido en regimientos y deudor de una lealtad fanática a la corona. Los zulúes no eran objeto de tratados, y su historia quizá sea tema de otro episodio de esta serie, pero los amaNdebele sí lo eran, y los primeros tratantes y concesionarios europeos debían andar con mucho cuidado al entrar en sus tierras. Pasaría mucho tiempo antes de que el inevitable curso de la historia obligara a los amaNdebele a someterse a la dominación europea. Aunque los tratados y la diplomacia británica de las cañoneras desempeñaron un papel importante, al final fueron la guerra, la conquista y la derrota en batalla las que doblegaron a los amaNdebele.
A pesar de ello, los amaNdebele, pese a su derrota militar final, gozaban de un enorme respeto por parte de los británicos. Lo mismo ocurría con los zulúes. Los británicos eran una nación marcial, y veían el concepto del "noble salvaje" como el romance de una época pasada, que ofrecía la estima debida a una aristocracia gobernante, según las reglas de la caballería. Con la derrota de los amaNdebele en 1893 en una guerra que se ha dado en llamar la Guerra Matabele, los agentes de la Compañía Británica de Sudáfrica, al asumir el pleno control administrativo del territorio, establecieron también la norma de convertir en leones a los amaNdebele. Se puso de moda mitificar los nobles orígenes de los amaNdebele, su valor y virtuosismo en la batalla y su incorruptible adhesión al código de guerra espartano.

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Lasting Love: 42 Relationship Hacks for a Happy Marriage by Jasmine Williams
English | December 22, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CQVWSGGP | 140 pages | EPUB | 1.27 Mb
Embark on a Journey to Everlasting Love!

"Lasting Love: 42 Relationship Hacks for a Happy Marriage" is your essential guide to a fulfilling and joyous partnership. In this insightful book, discover transformative tips and practical advice that will rejuvenate and strengthen your marriage.
Why You Need This Book:Expert Guidance: The author offers a blend of wisdom, humor, and real-world examples.Practical Hacks: Each of the 42 hacks is designed to be easily integrated into your daily life, making positive changes achievable.Diverse Perspectives: The book addresses common marital challenges, offering solutions for couples at any stage of their relationship.Transform Your Marriage Today!Improve Communication: Learn the art of effective and compassionate communication.Deepen Intimacy: Explore techniques to enhance emotional and physical closeness.Resolve Conflicts: Gain tools for constructive conflict resolution and mutual understanding.

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Le Guide Complet du SEO: Donnez de la visibilité à votre business en ligne grâce au SEO ! (French Edition) by Andréa Bensaid
French | March 31, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CW1MWG6X | 457 pages | EPUB | 25 Mb
Devenez le numéro 1 en ligne

Vous voulez donner de la visibilité à votre business en ligne, générer plus de trafic sur votre site web, et augmenter vos conversions ?
Ce livre est fait pour vous si vous voulez émerger en ligne sans le moindre investissement et simplement grâce à toutes les connaissances SEO engrangées à travers cet ouvrage.
Dans ce guide complet du SEO, vous allez découvrir :Le fonctionnement des moteurs de rechercheLes astuces pour trouver les bons mots clésLes bonnes pratiques pour optimiser le SEO de vos pagesLes mécaniques pour rendre son contenu SEO friendlyLes méthodes pour augmenter la popularité de votre site grâce au netlinkingLes leviers SEO techniques indispensables à activerLes applications concrètes du SEO pour les entreprises localesLes techniques SEO propres aux sites e-commerceLes astuces pour optimiser votre réputation en ligne avec le SEOLe référencement naturel est LE levier d'acquisition incontournable pour positionner vos pages dans les premiers résultats de Google et de loin le plus rentable sur le long terme.
Ce livre s'adresse à tous les indépendants débutants ou aguerris qui ambitionnent d'augmenter leur visibilité sur Internet et de booster leur trafic en ligne. Le SEO permet d'attirer des internautes intéressés par vos produits, services, offres ou contenus à l'aide de leviers 100 % organiques, sans publicité (c'est à dire gratuitement ).
Le guide complet du SEO a vocation à vous assister dans la mise en place d'une stratégie de référencement adaptée à vos besoins, à l'aide de techniques accessibles et compréhensibles, sans nécessiter de connaissances techniques. Il s'appuie sur un langage clair et sur des concepts bien expliqués pour vous guider à toutes les étapes de votre stratégie SEO.
À propos de l'auteur
Andréa Bensaid a une expertise approfondie dans référencement naturel depuis 2010. Il est le premier consultant SEO a avoir développé une méthodologie de sortie de pénalité Pingouin en 2012 et occupe la position numéro 1 sur le mot clé référencement naturel sur Google depuis plus de 5 ans. Il est le fondateur de l'agence Eskimoz, leader du référencement naturel en France et en Europe avec plus de 200 consultants SEO. L'agence est élue 1ère société de conseil par Les Echos en 2015 dans son célèbre classement "Les champions de la croissance". Andréa joue également le rôle de Business Angel auprès des jeunes pousses de la French Tech, en accompagnant des entreprises qui font du SEO un facteur clé de leur succès. Le magazine Challenges lui offre la 3ème place de son classement des Business Angels les plus actifs en France avec plus de 50 startups en portefeuille.
Andréa cumule plus de 12 ans d'expérience en SEO et a accompagné directement les plus grandes marques françaises comme la Maaf, Franprix, L'Oréal, Bouygues, Maison du Monde, Sandro et plein d'autres !
Les recommandations faites dans ce livre sont toutes issues des stratégies mises en place pour ses clients et ont produit des résultats pérennes. Ce livre est directement le fruit de son expérience !
Si vous voulez comprendre le SEO et mettre une stratégie pragmatique en place, ce livre est fait pour vous !

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Leadership at the Edge of Innovation: Navigating the 4th Industrial Revolution in Manufacturing by Dennis Kuzmenko
English | May 31, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D2DSH1XF | 269 pages | EPUB | 0.40 Mb
Unlock the Secrets to Thriving in Manufacturing's Technological Frontier. From historical milestones to cutting-edge innovations, explore the dynamic landscape of manufacturing with expert guidance.

In Leadership at the Edge of Innovation, Dennis Kuzmenko, a veteran with over two decades of hands-on experience in manufacturing across North America, offers a comprehensive guide for navigating the tumultuous waters of technological transformation. This book isn't just for industry insiders-it is for anyone striving to understand and harness the power of innovation in today's business landscape.
Kuzmenko's insights cut through the noise, providing actionable strategies and unique perspectives that challenge conventional wisdom. Drawing from historical milestones in industrial revolutions to the latest breakthroughs in emerging technologies, he crafts a compelling narrative that illuminates the path forward for manufacturing leaders.
Far from a mere compilation of best practices, Leadership at the Edge of Innovation offers a roadmap for shaping the future of manufacturing. Through meticulous analysis and forward-thinking vision, Kuzmenko equips readers with the tools they need to not only survive but thrive amidst rapid technological change.
Inside Leadership at the Edge of Innovation readers will:Gain profound insights into the forces shaping the technological landscape of manufacturing.Access actionable strategies and perspectives honed by Dennis Kuzmenko's two decades of industry experience.Explore historical milestones and emerging technologies to understand the past, present, and future of manufacturing.Receive a comprehensive roadmap for thriving amidst rapid technological change.Discover thought-provoking ideas that challenge conventional wisdom and inspire innovative leadership.Equip themselves with the tools and mindset necessary to lead the charge in transforming the manufacturing landscape.Explore the strategic integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in manufacturing processes and leadership strategies, unlocking new potentials for efficiency, decision-making, and innovation.And much more...Inside Leadership at the Edge of Innovation is a manifesto for those at the forefront of innovation. Whether you're a seasoned executive or an aspiring leader, get your copy of this essential resource and discover how to lead the charge in transforming the manufacturing landscape.

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Leadership Coaching: Igniting Influence, Driving Innovation, and Cultivating Trust in Business by Jess Pryce
English | November 20, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CNR4XQ15 | 135 pages | EPUB | 2.04 Mb
Ready to supercharge your leadership prowess and turbo-boost your team's success?

Being an effective leader involves so much more than just managing a team or overseeing operations.
Unlock the door to leadership excellence and watch as your team transforms into a powerhouse of innovation and decisive action, propelling your organization and company into the future.
Becoming a masterful leader is a marathon, not a sprint. Arm yourself with the essential tools and guidance to ascend to new heights in your leadership expertise.
Introducing Leadership Coaching, a must-read book for anyone who wants to ignite influence, drive innovation, and cultivate trust within their business.
With high-quality and effective leadership, the motivation and output of your team will skyrocket, not to mention the impact it will have on the results.
The practical insights on offer here provide you with all the tools you need to inspire your employees to build trust, drive innovative solutions, and accelerate personal development.
Inside Leadership Coaching, discover:Why empowerment is key for successful leadership.How to cultivate trust within your organization for heightened employee engagement.How to drive innovation by fostering adaptive thinking, creating an environment conducive to creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.The power that effective leadership coaching can have on fast-tracking success and taking your team and your business to the next level.Don't leave the success of your business to chance. Adopt a stronger leadership style, and watch your organization and company thrive.

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Learn Fault Finding in Integrated Circuit IC with Schematic Diagram: A Complete Advance Guide for Hardware Problems Troubleshooting (Part 2 by muhammad asif
English | June 16, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D333LBQJ | 52 pages | PDF | 1.81 Mb
Troubleshooting smartphone Integrated Circuit faults and make money opportunity!

Tired of fault finding on smartphones? End the pain and uncertainty now. Introducing "A Complete Guide to Learn How To Read Schematic To Solve Smartphone Integrated Circuit Problems." This ebook is packed with step-by-step instructions on practical electronic fault-finding and troubleshooting and block diagram photos, so you can learn by doing.
If you've thought about getting information Reading Integrated Circuit IC Chip Data Sheet on smartphone PCB, but don't know where to start, this ebook gives you the information you need. Starting with understanding how to read schematic diagrams, you'll be introduced to fault-finding symptoms to diagnosis, You able to Test Integrated Circuit and their PCB track, and Troubleshooting Smartphone IC Faults - all while gaining the Schematic PDF and information you need to start working on smartphone circuits.
Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a DIY hobbyist, or simply someone who wants to do fault-finding on the smartphone PCB, this ebook will help you.
Benefits of Having This Ebook:Cost Savings: Save hundreds of dollars on repair by learning how to diagnose and fix smartphone charging battery problems yourself without costly repair services.Peace of Mind: Say goodbye to the anxiety of not knowing the symptoms of smartphone problems. Empower yourself to tackle any smartphone-critical IC issue with confidence by following this guide.Skill Development: Cultivate technical skills that can benefit you in both personal and professional settings.What You Will Gain:In-depth understanding of smartphone schematic, from the motherboard to the integrated circuits and everything in between.Reading IC Block Diagram in Schematic Tool To Trace FaultsStep-by-step instructions by detailed integrated circuit picture diagrams, and concise guidance at every turn.Troubleshooting electronic circuits voltage and current Complete Beginners GuideReading Mobile Schematic Diagram in IC Fault FindingReading IC Pin Number in the Hardware Solution Diagram.Use a Digital Multimeter To Take Readings.Key Features Of Charging IC With Schematic DiagramTroubleshooting techniques and tips to resolve a wide range of smartphone battery charging issues.Fault-wise Multimeter Readings in Fault Finding.Troubleshooting and repairing the Battery temperature sensor FaultFault Symptoms Of Battery ConnectorFault Symptoms Of BQ IC using Schematic DiagramQuickly fault-finding tips and tricks can give you an edge in learning smartphone repair.

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Learn Piano for Adult Beginners: 3 Books in 1: Play Piano in 30 Days! ( Audio + Video ) by Play ToWin
English | July 10, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D97GNB6H | 143 pages | EPUB | 36 Mb
Awaken the Pianist Within- Fast, Fun, and Easy Piano Lessons for Adults!

Dive into the world of piano with this comprehensive guide tailored specifically for adult beginners. Whether you're taking your first musical steps or rekindling an old passion, this book is designed to fuel your enthusiasm and guide you towards mastery of the classical piano.
What's Inside:
Book 1: Piano Lessons for Adult BeginnersMaster the basics in just 30 days! Explore music theory, learn to read sheet music, and understand key musical concepts like rhythm, tempo, and dynamics. Practical exercises, along with tips on hand positioning and posture, will solidify your foundational skills.Book 2: Piano Music Sheet for Adult BeginnersPlay beautiful classical songs with your right hand. This section features 40 simplified arrangements of iconic pieces, each accompanied by online audio and video tutorials to enhance your learning experience.Book 3: Advanced Piano Music Sheet for Adult BeginnersElevate your playing with 40 songs arranged for both hands. Challenge yourself with more complex compositions and refine your coordination and dexterity.Bonus Features:Comprehensive audio and video resources to aid your practice.A detailed practice planner to help you set and achieve your musical goals.Why Choose This Book? "Learn Piano for Adult Beginners" offers a holistic approach to learning the piano. By blending theory with practical application, this guide ensures a rounded and enjoyable educational experience. It's not just about learning the notes but embracing the joy and art of classical piano music.
Song Highlights:Single-Hand Pieces: "Ode to Joy," "Aura Lee," "Jingle Bells," "Swan Lake," and more.Both-Hands Pieces: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," "Amazing Grace," "Clair de Lune," "For Elise," and more.Transform from a novice to a skilled pianist and discover the joy of music through "Learn Piano for Adult Beginners." Perfect for self-study or as a gift for anyone looking to embark on a musical journey. Embrace the challenge, enjoy the process, and play the music you love.

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Learn Smarter - Python: Interactive Guide by Nesta Parchment
English | June 3, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D62FHPT9 | PDF | 1.96 Mb
Welcome, programmers! In this exciting journey through the world of coding, we're going to learn Python, a powerful and friendly programming language.

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Learn Smartphone Repair with Diagnostic Schematics: A Complete Beginners Guide for Hardware Problems Troubleshooting (Part 1): Diagram Reading Step-by-Step ... Step-by-Step Instructions, and Photos) by muhammad asif azeemi
English | May 1, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D362P8CY | 28 pages | PDF | 1.48 Mb
Troubleshooting smartphone critical faults and make money opportunity!

Tired of fault finding on smartphones? End the pain and uncertainty now. Introducing "A Complete Guide to Learn How To Read Schematic To Solve Smartphone Hardware Problems." This ebook is packed with step-by-step instructions on diagram reading and schematic photos, so you can learn by doing.
If you've thought about getting information Reading Schematic Diagram of smartphones, but don't know where to start, this ebook gives you the information you need. Starting with Understanding the Schematic Diagram Tool in Hardware Fault Tracing, you'll be introduced to Fault Tracing Techniques and Hardware Solution PDF files in the Tool, You able to Test PCB Track and its electronic components, and Troubleshooting Smartphone Hardware Faults - all while gaining the Schematic tools and information you need to start working on smartphone circuits.
Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a DIY hobbyist, or simply someone who wants to do fault tracing on the smartphone PCB, this ebook will help you.
Benefits of Having This Ebook:Cost Savings: Save hundreds of dollars on repair bills by learning how to diagnose and fix smartphone hardware problems yourself without costly repair services.Peace of Mind: Say goodbye to the anxiety of not knowing how to trace smartphone problems. Empower yourself to tackle any smartphone-critical hardware issue with confidence by following this guide.Skill Development: Cultivate technical skills that can benefit you in both personal and professional settings.What You Will Gain:In-depth understanding of smartphone schematic, from the components to the motherboard and everything in between.Reading Schematic Tool Hardware Solution Diagrams To Trace FaultsStep-by-step instructions by detailed picture diagrams, and concise guidance at every turn.Reading Dots in the Hardware Solution Diagram.Use Four Digit Digital Multimeter To Take GR Readings.Troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve a wide range of smartphone hardware issues.Fault-wise Multimeter Readings in Fault Tracing.Use Hardware Solution Diagram in Fault TracingQuickly fault finding tips and tricks can give you an edge in learning smartphone repair.

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Learn SQL in less than 20 hours: Understand the Language and Do It Yourself by JUAN PABLO ROMERO AGUIRRE
English | June 15, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D74775WG | 213 pages | EPUB | 3.59 Mb
Learn SQL in Less Than 20 Hours is your essential guide to mastering SQL and database management. Designed for beginners, this book takes you step by step through the fundamentals and basic commands of SQL, with a practical approach that allows you to start applying what you learn from day one.

In the information age, data is the most valuable resource. Whether you're interested in programming, data analysis, or simply want to acquire a new skill, this book provides you with a solid foundation in SQL, an indispensable language for working with databases and extracting value from information.
This book is structured as a practical course divided into five days, combining theory and exercises that help you consolidate your knowledge. Each chapter is designed to simulate the time you would spend in a real training environment, ensuring effective and results-oriented learning.
What will you learn?Day 1 (0-4 hours): Introduction to SQL and basic commands such as SELECT, WHERE, and GROUP BY.Day 2 (4-8 hours): Subqueries and different types of JOINS.Day 3 (8-12 hours): Data manipulation operations (DML) such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.Day 4 (12-16 hours): Modifying table structures and views.Day 5 (16-20 hours): Creating and managing indexes, sequences, synonyms, and roles.At the end of the book, you will find an appendix with practical exercises to solidify your knowledge and become proficient in SQL. Additionally, you have access to a GitHub repository where exercises and code examples are regularly updated, ensuring you always have up-to-date material to practice with.
Why choose this book?Practical approach: Learn SQL effectively through constant practice.Clear structure: Follow a step-by-step journey that facilitates learning, ideal for beginners.Versatility: Useful for students, IT professionals, data analysis experts, and anyone interested in programming.Positive reviews: This book has helped many get started in the world of SQL and databases.

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Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation by Henri van Maarseveen
English | May 28, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D5GTBD8W | 102 pages | EPUB | 1.15 Mb
Overview of Machine Translation

Machine Translation (MT) refers to the automatic conversion of text from one language to another by a computer. The goal is to achieve translations that are as accurate and natural-sounding as possible. Over the years, various approaches have been developed to tackle the complexities of language, ranging from rule-based methods to more advanced statistical and neural techniques.
In the early days, MT relied heavily on hand-crafted rules and dictionaries. These rule-based systems, while pioneering, struggled with the vast variability and ambiguity inherent in human language. The advent of statistical methods marked a significant leap, allowing computers to learn from large corpora of bilingual text to produce more nuanced translations.
Traditional Statistical Methods
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) emerged as a powerful paradigm in the 1990s. SMT systems use statistical models to translate text, relying on probability distributions derived from bilingual text corpora. The core idea is to break down the translation process into smaller, more manageable components, typically phrases, and then reassemble them into the target language. Key techniques in SMT include:
Phrase-Based Translation: Instead of translating word-by-word, phrases (groups of words) are translated to capture more context and produce more accurate translations.
Language Models: These models ensure that the generated translations are grammatically correct and fluent in the target language.
Alignment Models: These help in identifying which words or phrases in the source language correspond to those in the target language.
While SMT brought significant improvements over rule-based systems, it still faced several challenges. Translations often lacked fluency and accuracy, especially for longer sentences or languages with significant syntactic differences.
Impact on the Development of OpenAI's AI Software
The insights and techniques from Cho et al.'s paper have had a profound impact on the development of AI systems at OpenAI and beyond. By demonstrating the efficacy of neural networks in capturing complex language patterns, this research paved the way for more advanced models like the Transformer and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer).
OpenAI's development of these models builds on the foundational concepts introduced in the paper, particularly the shift towards end-to-end learning and the use of continuous space representations. The success of the RNN Encoder-Decoder architecture inspired further innovations in sequence-to-sequence learning, ultimately leading to the sophisticated language models we see today.
Understanding the historical context and evolution of machine translation provides a solid foundation for appreciating the advancements introduced by Cho et al.'s 2014 paper. By addressing the limitations of traditional SMT with innovative neural techniques, this research has significantly influenced the trajectory of AI development, contributing to the creation of more powerful and versatile translation systems at OpenAI and other organizations. As we delve deeper into the technical details in subsequent chapters, this foundational knowledge will help readers grasp the significance and impact of these advancements.

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LEHRPLANGESTALTUNG, -ENTWICKLUNG UND -MODELLE: Lernziele, Kursinhalte und Unterrichtsstrategie (German Edition) by Uwem Essia
German | April 7, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CZTMFJM2 | 145 pages | EPUB | 0.74 Mb
Der Lehrplanentwicklungsprozess organisiert systematisch, was gelehrt wird, wer unterrichtet wird und wie es gelehrt wird. Wie diese Komponenten im Bildungs-/Lernmix miteinander in Beziehung stehen, ist Gegenstand der Lehrplangestaltung, -entwicklung und -umsetzung. Die wichtigste Aufgabe im Curriculum-Entwicklungsprozess besteht darin, die Lernenden im Auge zu behalten und sie in den Prozess einzubeziehen. Einige Best Practices, die Sie bei der Gestaltung des Lehrplans im Hinterkopf behalten sollten, sind: (1) Ermittlung der Bedürfnisse der Studierenden; (2) Lernziele entwickeln; (3) eine Lehrplankarte erstellen; (4) Überprüfung potenzieller Herausforderungen; (5) das Design ändern; und (6) bewerten Sie Ihr Design.

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Lendas do Iluminismo: A vida e o legado de Voltaire (Portuguese Edition) by Charles River Editors
Portuguese | August 9, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DCRXJCLC | 82 pages | EPUB | 7.28 Mb
"Segurar uma caneta é estar em guerra". - Voltaire

"Todos os homens são iguais; não é o seu nascimento, mas a própria virtude que faz a diferença". - Voltaire
A grande narrativa do Iluminismo, geralmente contada e entendida em termos de progresso e modernidade, aparece frequentemente como uma evolução simplificada das armadilhas da superstição, do feudalismo e de todas as coisas "irracionais" para um mundo mais parecido com o de hoje. O Iluminismo, juntamente com o Renascimento, é responsável pela transição para a adesão à razão, ao secularismo e à promoção de valores como a liberdade individual e colectiva. Ao Iluminismo, juntamente com o Renascimento, é atribuída a transição para a adesão à razão, o laicismo e a promoção de valores como a liberdade individual e colectiva. No centro do movimento em França esteve François-Marie Arouet, mais conhecido pelo pseudónimo Voltaire, cujos volumosos escritos defendiam um maior liberalismo, incluindo a liberdade religiosa e a separação entre a Igreja e o Estado. Para além do clássico Candide, Voltaire foi um polemista mordaz, cujos ataques satíricos à Igreja Católica foram dos mais ferozes do seu tempo. Voltaire também compreendia os riscos que corria com estes escritos, explicando a dada altura: "É perigoso ter razão em assuntos em que os homens estabelecidos estão errados".
O Iluminismo é visto com carinho e serve para reforçar a noção de que o presente é superior ao passado, mas as coisas não mudaram tão rapidamente ou tão completamente como muitos acreditam. De facto, alguns historiadores recentes têm questionado a crença de que o Iluminismo foi responsável pela Revolução Francesa, o que é uma questão vital quando se trata de Voltaire. Afinal, Voltaire, como é conhecido pelos seus contemporâneos e pela maioria dos seus leitores modernos, é amplamente considerado como o pináculo do pensamento iluminista, o símbolo da era da razão e o precursor dos valores modernos. Neste sentido, a sua obra é frequentemente considerada a espinha dorsal da Revolução Francesa, que teve início cerca de uma década após a sua morte. Voltaire foi, sem dúvida, monumental, mas foi também um produto excecional do seu tempo, e os seus escritos podem introduzir os leitores no quadro mais vasto do Iluminismo como uma soma de forças, tendências e desenvolvimentos contrastantes e variados.
A leitura da narrativa de Voltaire deve ser feita com prudência e espírito crítico, pois mesmo os factos mais salientes da sua biografia têm a marca da auto-figuração e atraem constantemente o leitor para uma perspetiva tentadora, mas simplificada, de uma história pessoal progressiva. Embora seja importante valorizar a sua influência, é também importante separar o homem real da sua reputação, estabelecida em grande parte pelos seus próprios escritos. Como bem explicou um historiador, "contar a vida de Voltaire é... tanto descrever a construção autoconsciente e a mitificação de uma identidade intelectual como enumerar os acontecimentos objectivos que marcaram a sua carreira".
Lendas do Iluminismo: thA Vida e o Legado de Voltaire examina a vida e a obra de um dos filósofos mais famosos do século XVIII. Juntamente com imagens de pessoas, locais e eventos importantes, aprenderá sobre Voltaire como nunca antes, num piscar de olhos.

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Leonidas of Sparta: The Life and Legacy of the Ancient Warrior King Who Defended All Greece by Hourglass History, Alexander Kingsley
English | May 22, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0C625B25G | 114 pages | EPUB | 0.83 Mb
Unearth the legend of King Leonidas of Sparta with this gripping and masterfully crafted book that delves deep into the life, legend, and enduring legacy of one of history's most celebrated warriors. Hourglass History proudly presents a captivating story that weaves together historical accuracy, myths, and legends to bring you closer to the ancient world of Sparta and its most iconic hero.

Discover the world of ancient Sparta, from its unique social structure and rigorous education system to the role of women in society. Follow Leonidas as he ascends to the throne and faces the looming threat of the mighty Persian Empire under King Xerxes I.
Experience the epic Battle of Thermopylae, where Leonidas and his 300 elite Spartan warriors made their legendary last stand against overwhelming odds. Relive the heroics, sacrifice, and tactical genius that have resonated through the ages and inspired countless generations.
In this meticulously researched and engaging narrative, we unravel the truth behind the myths that surround Leonidas and explore the archaeological discoveries that shed light on the historic battle. Immerse yourself in the art and literature inspired by this courageous king, whose influence on the heroic ideal in Western culture remains unrivalled.
Leonidas of Sparta: The Life and Legacy of the Ancient Warrior King Who Defended All Greece is an enthralling journey into the heart of Spartan bravery, honour, and sacrifice. This is the perfect book for history enthusiasts, students, and anyone captivated by the enduring spirit of the Spartans. Uncover the man behind the myth and the everlasting impact of his courage and sacrifice on history and human imagination.

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Life: Words of Wisdom: Searching for Happiness by Carmen Ramirez Perez
English | August 30, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DFSNBHTF | 34 pages | PDF | 2.90 Mb
Life Words of Wisdom: Searching for Happiness offers practical guidance and inspiring insights for finding joy and fulfillment. Through simple, heartfelt advice and timeless wisdom, this book helps you navigate life's challenges and discover a deeper sense of happiness and purpose. Ideal for anyone seeking to enrich their life and embrace a more meaningful path.

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Lincoln & Churchill: Statesmen at War by Lewis E Lehrman
English | June 14, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0794J9942 | 693 pages | EPUB | 14 Mb
"With penetrating insight, Lehrman unfolds the contrasts and similarities between these two leaders... I savored every page of this magnificent work."-Doris Kearns Goodwin, #1New York Times-bestselling author ofTeam of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

Winner of the Abraham Lincoln Institute of Washington's 2019 book prize
Lewis E. Lehrman, a renowned historian and National Humanities Medal winner, gives new perspective on two of the greatest English-speaking statesmen-and their remarkable leadership in wars of national survival.
Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill, as commanders in chief, led their nations to victory-Lincoln in the Civil War, Churchill in World War II. They became revered leaders-statesmen for all time. Yet these two world-famous war leaders have never been seriously compared at book length. Acclaimed historian Lewis Lehrman, in his pathbreaking comparison of both statesmen, finds that Lincoln and Churchill-with very different upbringings and contrasting personalities-led their war efforts, to some extent, in similar ways. As supreme war lords, they were guided not only by principles of honor, duty, and freedom, but also by the practical wisdom to know when, where, and how to apply these principles. Even their writings and speeches were swords in battle. Gifted literary stylists, both men relied on the written and spoken word to steel their citizens throughout desperate and prolonged wars.And both statesmen unexpectedly left office near the end of their wars-Lincoln by the bullet, Churchill by the ballot. They made mistakes, which Lehrman considers carefully. But the author emphasizes that, despite setbacks, they never gave up.

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Linux: Essential Knowledge for Beginners 100 by Bunka Publishing, Michael Johnson, John Smith
English | August 18, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DDL8G4XP | 212 pages | EPUB | 1.09 Mb
Discover the fundamentals of Linux with this comprehensive guide.

Learn how everything in Linux functions as a file, including devices.
Gain a deep understanding of Linux file permissions and the root user's unrestricted access.
Master the use of commands like chmod and chown to modify file permissions and ownership.
Explore the structure of file permissions and learn to interpret detailed file information with ls -l.
Understand the power of sudo for executing commands with superuser privileges.
Modify command behavior using environmental variables and delve into the shell as a command-line interpreter.
Get acquainted with the Bash shell, the most commonly used shell, and automate tasks with shell scripts.
Explore essential commands like echo, grep, and understand piping and redirection in Linux.
Manage background jobs, display running processes with ps, and terminate processes using the kill command.
Navigate important directories such as /etc, /var, and /home, and understand the significance of hidden files.
This book is your gateway to mastering Linux operations and enhancing your computing skills.
・Everything in Linux is a File, Including Devices
・Understanding Linux File Permissions
・Understanding the Root User's Unrestricted Access
・Changing File Permissions with chmod
・Changing File Ownership with chown Command
・Understanding File Permissions Structure
・Understanding the ls -l Command for Detailed File Information
・Using sudo to Execute Commands with Superuser Privileges
・Using Environmental Variables to Modify Command Behavior
・Understanding the Shell as the Command-Line Interpreter
・The Bash Shell: The Most Commonly Used Shell
・Automating Tasks with Shell Scripts
・Understanding the Echo Command in Linux
・Exploring the Grep Command for Text Searching
・Understanding Piping in Linux
・Mastering Redirection in Linux
・Managing Background Jobs in Linux
・Displaying Running Processes with ps
・Terminating Processes with the kill Command
・Understanding the /etc Directory
・Understanding the /var Directory in Linux
・Exploring the /home Directory in Linux
・Understanding Hidden Files in Linux

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Liquid Matter, Revised Edition by Joseph Angelo
English | April 1, 2020 | ISBN: 8887252866 | 234 pages | EPUB | 6.69 Mb
Some of life's most essential activities such as power generation, air transportation, space exploration, sewage systems, and modern medicine depend upon humankind's ability to understand and predict how liquids and gases behave. Liquid Matter, Revised Edition gives an in-depth look into the fundamental characteristics of various liquids required for life on Earth and beyond. With liquids being one of the three most familiar states of matter encountered on Earth, this reference describes the role of liquids in Earth's most essential processes. This newly updated edition focuses on several important liquids, including water, blood, oil, and mercury, highlighting the most important scientific principles upon which the field is based. Chapters

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Dodeman André, "Literary Location and Dislocation of Myth in the Post/Colonial Anglophone World "
English | ISBN: 9004359834 | 2017 | 274 pages | PDF | 6 MB
The English-speaking world today is so diverse that readers need a gateway to its many postcolonial narratives and art forms. This collection of essays examines this diver¬sity and what brings so many different cul¬tures together. Whether Indian, Canadian, Australasian or Zimbabwean, the stories dis¬cussed focus on how artists render experi¬ences of separation, belonging, and loss. The histories and transformations postcolonial countries have gone through have given rise to a wide range of myths that retrace their birth, evolution, and decline. Myths have enabled ethnic communities to live together; the first section of this collection dwells on stories, which can be both inclusive and exclusive, under the aegis of 'nation'.

While certain essays revisit and retell the crucial role women have played in mythical texts like the
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Little Book of Massive Manifesting: Start Winning & Stop Losing - 200 Techniques to Manifesting Dreams, Relieve Anxiety, Stop Negativity, Get a New Mindset, Declutter and Focus on the Power of Now by George Mentz
English | February 22, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BWM4TC2W | 119 pages | EPUB | 2.31 Mb
This is an amazing book about getting a fresh start on life and a new beginning. To go to the next level of performance and abundance, we need techniques and strategies to win and fulfill our big dreams. This book is about winning and manifesting your potential by eliminating anxiety and clutter and cultivating a mindset of a superstar.

If you want a short book with many powerful ideas for success and peak performance, this is it. Commissioner Mentz has authored dozens of books and taught thousands of people on the concepts of wealth management, mindfulness, imagination, productivity, strategic management, success, self help and self actualization. The mind is a powerful tool, but if it is not kept in top condition, you may find your progress lacking. This book is about recharging and becoming your best.

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