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Muskonomics: Mastering Business with the Elon Musk Playbook by Carl J. Damgaard
English | December 3, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CPFTJQSW | 204 pages | EPUB | 0.17 Mb
Dive into the captivating pages of "Muskonomics: Mastering Business with the Elon Musk Playbook" by Carl J. Damgaard. This book is your backstage pass to the mind of one of the boldest visionaries of our time-Elon Musk.

Discover the secrets that propelled Musk from the co-founder of PayPal to the architect of revolutionary companies like SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink. Uncover the playbook that turns ordinary businesses into extraordinary ventures.
Explore Musk's upbringing and early influences, learning how daring to dream beyond conventional limits became the cornerstone of his unparalleled achievements.
Delve into the art of calculated risk-taking and see how Musk's fearless approach can be a guiding compass for your business. Uncover the lessons that transform challenges into catalysts for growth.
Muskonomics dissects how Musk disrupts traditional markets, creating new norms that challenge the status quo. Gain insights into Musk's playbook for identifying opportunities for market disruption in your own industry.
Leadership is Musk's forte. Explore the strategies behind assembling and motivating high-performance teams.
Muskonomics unveils the alchemy of leadership that sparks innovation and propels teams toward unparalleled success.
Musk's commitment to sustainability isn't just a trend-it's a paradigm shift. Learn how businesses can integrate environmental responsibility into their DNA, aligning purpose with profit.
Journey through the electrifying narrative of Tesla, Musk's automotive triumph. Muskonomics decodes Tesla's market strategies, product innovation, and brand building, offering lessons for businesses navigating competitive markets.
Explore Musk's ventures beyond Earth and contemplate the implications of space colonization on the future of business.
As the pages turn, Muskonomics doesn't just provide insights; it offers a blueprint. Summarize key principles and receive practical advice on how to infuse Musk's strategies into your business. Embrace innovation, take risks, and think big.
Close the book not with an end, but with a call to action. Ignite the spark of Muskonomics within your entrepreneurial spirit. Let it blaze into a transformative flame that reshapes industries, challenges norms, and propels your journey to enduring success.

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My 0 Point Weight Loss Program Cookbook: Effortless Zero Point Recipes That Helped Me Lose Weight: A Beginners Diet Guide (Zero Point Cookbook For Weight Loss) by Shawn Johnson
English | July 24, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DB5KXTHJ | 92 pages | EPUB | 1.50 Mb
✓Are you fed up with restrictive diets that leave you longing for flavor?

Say goodbye to bland meals and hello to the No Point Weight Loss Diet! This revolutionary cookbook transforms healthy eating into a joyful experience, proving that you can lose weight without sacrificing taste.
Inside, you'll discover a year's worth of mouthwatering recipes designed to delight your palate and nourish your body. From savory breakfasts to hearty dinners and even indulgent desserts, each dish is a celebration of flavor and wellness.
Here's why this cookbook will change your life:Flavor-Packed Recipes: 365 days of deliciousness that will make you forget you're on a diet.No More Calorie Counting: Enjoy the freedom of eating without obsessing over numbers.8 Months Worth of Weight Loss Journey: Recipes from someone who has gone through a weight loss program.6 Essential Tips for a Smoother Weight Loss JourneyPerfect for Foodies: Finally, a diet that celebrates taste and satisfaction!Easy-to-Follow Instructions: Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned cook, you'll find success with our clear and concise recipes.

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My Ukraine : A History of Ukraine Witnessed by Four Generations by Irina Komarova
English | February 9, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BVGSW1XH | 147 pages | EPUB | 1.34 Mb
This is a family story of a woman who is half Ukrainian and half Russian. She was born in Ukraine, and met several generations of her ancestors in both countries. The environment, and ways of everyday living, life stories of the direct kin's members, and historical events they witnessed form the basis for this memoir. The collapse of the Russian Tsar Empire, Lenin's revolution, the formation of Communist state, Holodomor in Ukraine, occupation of the Western Ukraine, World War II, philosophy of living in the Soviet Union, crush of the communist ideology are historical events based on the relatives' experience and the author's own observations.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the differences of these two peoples brought them to a point, where they chose the opposite civilizational, political, social and historical future. Ukraine has been pursuing democracy and Russia is happy with Putin's regime. Such diverse progress of these two states caused the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
In this saga, the author has depicted the livelihood, traditions, values, cultures, and mentality of the two nations that make up her heritage.

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My Value-Creation Journey: An Autobiography of My Work by Bartley Madden
English | January 13, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CSBGRZJV | 210 pages | EPUB | 5.48 Mb
This book traces the career of Bartley J. Madden, whose early research produced the cash flow return on investment (CFROI) metric and the life-cycle valuation framework that is used today by many large money management firms worldwide. He developed the pragmatic theory of the firm that utilizes systems thinking, begins with purpose, and spotlights the critical importance of knowledge-building proficiency in driving a firm's long-term performance. And his knowledge-building loop continues to facilitate insightful answers to better questions

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Mythologie Grecque: Un voyage à travers les mythes et légendes de la Grèce antique (Easy History Français) (French Edition) by Jim Barrow
French | April 30, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0C411995D | 113 pages | EPUB | 1.20 Mb
Vous êtes passionné par la mythologie classique et vous voulez en savoir plus ? Vous venez d'approcher le monde grec antique et vous voulez en découvrir tous les secrets ?

Vous avez certainement entendu parler de la mythologie grecque des milliers de fois, vous l'avez étudiée à l'école et vous vous y êtes peut-être même ennuyé, mais si je vous disais qu'il existe une toute nouvelle façon de l'apprendre, qui vous rendra certainement accro aux héros du passé ?
Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la naissance de la culture grecque antique, du contexte dans lequel elle est née aux premiers mythes sur la création du cosmos en passant par les célèbres figures immortelles des héros grecs qui, aujourd'hui encore, nous donnent des exemples de passion, de force et de beauté...
Vous découvrirez la plus ancienne tradition grecque des dieux régissant les lois du cosmos et de l'univers...
Et vous découvrirez que derrière les identités bienveillantes ou malveillantes des dieux se cachent des espoirs et des peurs tout à fait humains qui les ramènent à une dimension beaucoup plus terrestre et les unissent à nous tous, avec leurs forces mais aussi, souvent, leurs faiblesses.
Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez :Le contexte historique et géographique de la mythologieLes origines du mytheLes principaux mythes grecs de la créationLes légendes et les grands cycles de la mythologieEt bien plus encore...

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Mythologie Japonaise: Un voyage à travers les mythes et légendes du Japon ancien (Easy History Français) (French Edition) by Jim Barrow
French | February 13, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BVRJRZLZ | 121 pages | EPUB | 0.87 Mb
Mythologie japonaise : un voyage dans les profondeurs de la tradition japonaise entre mythes et légendes.

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce qui a inspiré les samouraïs ou les protagonistes d'anime ? Vous souhaitez découvrir ce qui se cache derrière la culture japonaise, si mystérieuse et multiforme ?
Dans un pays comme leJapon, de plus en plus controversé et changeant, où les grands gratte-ciels se mêlent aux temples à l'architecture particulière et où le caractère sacré de la Nature s'oppose à des logiques de production toujours plus néfastes pour l'environnement, la tradition, la plus ancienne, reste un mystère fascinant qui recèle de grandes histoires et légendes.
Par exemple, le mythe d'Izanagi et Izanami, frère et sœur qui ont joué un rôle fondamental dans la création du Japon et dont sont nés les Kami élémentaires, des dieux symbolisant des aspects naturels et culturels importants du Japon.
Ce livre est une tentative sans précédent de réconcilier les âmes de ce pays si technologique mais en même temps si connecté à la spiritualité sauvage de la Nature.
Vous découvrirez la plusancienne tradition japonaisedes démons, monstres, fantômes et puissances immatérielles qui régissent les lois du cosmos et de l'univers.
Vous remarquerez que, malgré l'éloignement géographique, derrière les identités bienveillantes ou malveillantes qui régissent l'univers de la culture japonaise se cachent des espoirs et des craintes tout à fait humains, qui nous unissent tous et font paraître cette partie du monde un peu moins lointaine.
Les histoires, aussi insolites qu'elles puissent vous paraître au début, prendront progressivement une saveur familière et rassurante au fil de votre lecture.
Dans ce livre, vous pourrez apprendre :L'histoire de la mythologie japonaiseLes origines du monde selon d'anciens textes japonaisLes principaux mythes japonais et leur évolutionEt bien plus encore...

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Mythologie Nordique: Plongez dans l'univers légendaire des dieux et des Héros Nordiques. Une exploration fascinante de la Mythologie Viking. (French Edition) by Franck Alder
French | March 26, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BZQJ9HJS | 102 pages | PDF | 17 Mb
Le livre sur la Mythologie Nordique est une exploration complète et fascinante de la mythologie viking. À travers les pages de ce livre, les lecteurs sont invités à découvrir les mythes et les légendes qui ont façonné la culture nordique depuis des siècles.

Le livre commence par une introduction sur l'histoire de la mythologie nordique, suivie d'un chapitre dédié aux dieux et déesses nordiques les plus importants, tels que Odin, Thor, Freyja, Loki, et bien d'autres. De la création du monde au Ragnarok, chaque chapitre est richement illustré de magnifiques images, accompagnées d'explications détaillées sur les caractéristiques et les actions de chaque divinité.
Les héros et les créatures mythiques sont également présentés dans le livre. Les légendes épiques des Volsungs sont racontées en détail, ainsi que les histoires de trolls, de géants, de dragons et d'autres créatures fantastiques.
Le livre se termine par une section sur l'influence de la mythologie nordique sur la culture populaire contemporaine, de la littérature à la musique en passant par les films et les séries télévisées. Vous retrouverez également des contes de fées populaires aux pays nordiques.

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Mythologie Égyptienne: Voyage au cœur de l'Égypte antique. Découvrez la fascinante mythologie des dieux et des pharaons. (French Edition) by Franck Alder
French | March 26, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BZQGPMHD | 100 pages | PDF | 20 Mb
"La Mythologie Égyptienne" est un livre fascinant qui explore en profondeur l'univers mythologique de l'égypte antique.

Ce livre vous plongera dans un monde de dieux, de déesses et de croyances qui ont façonné la vie et la culture des anciens Égyptiens.
L'auteur vous emmène dans un voyage captivant à travers l'histoire de l'Egypte antique, en expliquant la signification des mythes et des légendes qui ont survécu à travers les siècles. Vous découvrirez les histoires fascinantes des dieux égyptiens les plus célèbres, tels que Ra, Isis, Osiris, Anubis et bien d'autres. Vous apprendrez également comment les anciens Égyptiens ont utilisé les mythes pour expliquer les phénomènes naturels et les événements de la vie quotidienne.
En plus de fournir une analyse détaillée de la mythologie égyptienne, le livre examine également les rituels religieux, les pratiques funéraires et les croyances populaires de l'Égypte ancienne. Vous en apprendrez davantage sur les symboles, les amulettes et les hiéroglyphes utilisés par les anciens Égyptiens pour communiquer avec les dieux et les déesses.

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Mythologie Égyptienne: Un voyage à travers les mythes et légendes de l'Égypte antique (Easy History Français) (French Edition) by Jim Barrow
French | March 7, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BXT1M9SP | 112 pages | EPUB | 1.76 Mb
Mythologie égyptienne : la vérité cachée dans les papyrus de l'Égypte antique. Voici l'information secrète qui pourrait révolutionner votre idée de la grandeur et changer votre réalité aujourd'hui.

Comment dominer le monde pendant plus de 3 000 ans à partir d'une étendue de sable infinie ?
La majorité des livres, des programmes et des films se concentrent sur les grands artefacts égyptiens : pyramides, statues, momies, éléments fascinants, mais ce faisant, ils ne prêtent aucune attention à la source de vérité sur la civilisation égyptienne : les papyri.
Dans ce livre, nous ferons un voyage de plusieurs milliers d'années, en regardant des milliards de grains de sable se transformer en l'une des civilisations les plus étudiées de l'histoire, pleine de secrets qui, aujourd'hui encore, n'ont pas été révélés.
Que découvrirez-vous dans les pages de ce livre ?Le véritable gardien du savoir égyptien : le scribeCosmogonie égyptienne : le mythe des origines selon la doctrine d'Hermopolis, Héliopolis et MemphisLe pouvoir des anciennes divinités égyptiennesLes secrets de Tefnut : la déesse de l'humiditéLa divinité verte : GebLe conflit entre Horus et Seth pour l'héritage d'OsirisLe rituel de momification et les pratiques magiquesTemples et Pyramides : le visage de la grandeurL'Égypte aujourd'hui : ce qu'il en resteCe ne sont là que quelques-unes des informations que vous découvrirez en lisant ce manuel, qui a été créé pour... :Les amateurs d'histoire et les chercheurs qui ne se contentent pas des programmes télévisés et des histoires populairesLes amateurs d'Égypte antique qui veulent aller au-delà des informations classiques contenues dans les livres d'histoireNe vous contentez pas des images, des histoires et des contes les plus populaires : lisez et voyez par vous-même la véritable source de l'Égypte antique, et découvrez pourquoi elle a dominé le monde pendant 3000 ans.

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Méthodologie de la cartographie: Le monde en cartes by Matthieu Alfré, Christophe Chabert, Emilie Aubry
French | January 4, 2023 | ISBN: 2080296647 | 192 pages | PDF | 9.29 Mb
Une méthode unique pour réussir ses cartes et croquis. Acquérir les bons réflexes est essentiel pour aborder sereinement l'épreuve de création et de réalisation des cartes et croquis. Cet ouvrage donne toutes les clés pour élaborer une carte dans les conditions du concours. Un ouvrage pour comprendre les enjeux géopolitiques mondiaux. Une analyse des enjeux mondiaux et régionaux pour réviser efficacement les grands repères géopolitiques. Chaque carte est accompagnée d'un commentaire qui éclaire sa construction : explication du sujet, justification de la problématique, architecture de la légende, mise en perspective du sujet.

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Napoleon Bonaparte Compilation of his maxims, opinions and famous phrases, thematically arranged by Jorge Luis Bastons
English | June 17, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0C8GF9JHC | 131 pages | EPUB | 0.21 Mb
If these days, more than 250 years after his birth and 200 years after his death, we are still talking about Napoleon Bonaparte, it is because he has undoubtedly made such a noise that his life and work have transcended History. That is why he is the personage whose biography is the most written in the world, after Jesus Christ.

And although this book begins with a necessary preliminary study of the main facts of his life, it is not and it is not intended to be a biography of Napoleon. What is in here is a thematic selection and compilation of his main quotes, phrases and
reflections on the subjects which Napoleon was most interested in. Here is a wide- ranging exposition and thematic disintegration of his sayings and reflections, which is much more varied, organized and complete than the one carried out two centuries ago by Honoré de Balzac.
Here we show a Bonaparte who expresses himself "literally" in his own terms -a Napoleon who speaks in the first person about both the leading of war and the way to conduct diplomacy; a Napoleon who expresses his vision of a unified Europe, and the ways of coming to power and how to stay in power. He makes clear what happened during the French Revolution, its real aims and its actors; he also reflects on the Administration of the State, laws and Justice; he gives his opinion on the freedom of press, and also on God, faith and the various religions; on economy and taxes; on the family; on ethics; on happiness; on women; on love and sex. And even -and this paints him in full- he gives us his own opinion on his many merits, detailing all his legacies to France and to humanity.

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Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Workbook: A Guided Journey to Healing, Reclaiming Your Power, and Thriving Beyond Toxic Relationships (Interpersonal Mastery) by Andy Gardner
English | June 27, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D8BTHNQS | 178 pages | EPUB | 3.35 Mb
Unveil Your Power!

Are you trying to heal from narcissistic abuse?
Do you find moving on and building trust again overwhelming?
Looking for advice on how to spot narcissistic traits and characteristics?
Embark on a life-changing journey with the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Workbook. Transform pain into triumph as you reclaim your identity and soar beyond the scars left by toxic relationships.
Here's part of the life-transforming guidance inside:Discover Narcissism: Understand the beast you battled. From subtle traits to overt actions, get the knowledge to never fall prey again!Empowerment Awaits: Turn your past into power. Reclaim every piece of yourself that was overshadowed by shadowy figures.Tools Galore: Arm yourself with emotional toolkits. From boundary-setting to self-care, these pages reveal steps for building a stronger you.Heal with Real Stories: Connect with narratives that echo your past but foretell a different future. Your journey is unique - yet universally understood.Practical Exercises: Don't just read these - act. Engage with exercises that transform theory into therapeutic practice.Grow and Thrive: Plant seeds of self-love and watch them bloom in every area of your life, from personal peace to enriching relationships.Safety First: Learn the locks that keep the past out of your future. Secure your newfound peace!.Focused Recovery: These pages target different facets of your recovery, ensuring a comprehensive healing experience. Tailored to guide, uplift, and empower.

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NAVIGATE SWIFTLY AND RESOLVE CHALLENGES: A Reliable Leader's Manual for Addressing Difficult Issues| Building a High-Performance Team| Fostering a Positive ... Culture|Communication Mastery by Jerry A. O'Brien
English | January 22, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CT464XZC | 122 pages | EPUB | 0.49 Mb
NAVIGATE SWIFTLY AND RESOLVE CHALLENGES: A Reliable Leader's Manual for Addressing Difficult Issues

Unlock the Secrets of Leadership Excellence with Jerry A. O'Brien
Dear Leaders, Innovators, and Visionaries,
Embark on a transformative journey with Jerry A. O'Brien's latest masterpiece, "Navigate Swiftly and Resolve Challenges: A Reliable Leader's Manual for Addressing Difficult Issues." This isn't just a book; it's your compass to becoming a dynamic and influential leader in today's fast-paced world.
Why This Book?
In the competitive landscape of leadership, Jerry A. O'Brien stands as a beacon of inspiration, drawing on a wealth of experience as a successful leader and strategist. With "Navigate Swiftly and Resolve Challenges," he unveils the blueprints of leadership excellence, guiding you through the intricacies of effective leadership, workplace culture, and professional growth.
What You'll Discover:
Proven Strategies: Learn battle-tested strategies for leading through challenges, fostering collaboration, and building a high-performance team that propels your organization toward success.
Strategic Vision: Acquire the tools to set clear goals, create a sustainable vision, and achieve a balance between short-term wins and long-term success in your leadership journey.
Personal Mastery: Cultivate emotional intelligence, embrace continuous learning, and achieve a harmonious work-life balance, ensuring your personal growth aligns with your professional success.
Why Jerry A. O'Brien?
Jerry A. O'Brien is not just an author; he is a thought leader and mentor. With a track record of success in leadership and a commitment to empowering others, he brings a unique blend of insights, stories, and actionable strategies to elevate your leadership prowess.
Become the Leader You Aspire to Be!
"Navigate Swiftly and Resolve Challenges" is more than a book; it's your roadmap to becoming the influential leader you aspire to be. Order your copy now and step into a future where challenges are opportunities, and success is not just a destination but a continuous journey.

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NAVIGATING BRILLIANCE: 50 Greatest Books on Business Leadership Philosophy Negotiations Spirituality Relationships and MBA Concepts with Summary and Analysis by George Mentz
English | August 30, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CH1BTV7P | 141 pages | EPUB | 0.78 Mb
In a fast-paced world brimming with information, finding the time to delve into the profound thoughts of great minds can be a daunting task. "Navigating Brilliance" is your compass through the intricate terrains of business leadership, philosophy, negotiations, spirituality, relationships, and MBA concepts.

In this meticulously crafted compendium, the distilled wisdom of fifty remarkable authors converges, offering a panoramic view of human thought and experience. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking leadership insights, an inquisitive soul pondering the mysteries of existence, a negotiator aiming to refine your strategies, or someone on a journey of self-discovery, this book holds invaluable summaries that transcend boundaries and disciplines.
Dive into the philosophical reflections of visionaries who have shaped our understanding of life, morality, and purpose. Immerse yourself in the art of successful negotiations as outlined by experts who have paved the way for effective communication and mutually beneficial agreements. Explore the realms of spirituality and uncover universal truths that resonate across cultures and traditions.
Discover the keys to fostering meaningful relationships and enhancing interpersonal connections. Whether it's the intricacies of familial bonds, friendships, or romantic relationships, these pages offer insights that can transform your interactions.
For those interested in the world of business education, "Navigating Brilliance" demystifies MBA concepts, providing a solid foundation for navigating the complexities of the corporate landscape.
This book is not just a collection of summaries; it's a gateway to unparalleled knowledge. It's an invitation to stand on the shoulders of intellectual giants and peer into the heart of human understanding. Each summary is a stepping stone, inviting you to explore the original works and embark on your own journey of discovery.
"Navigating Brilliance" is more than a book-it's a bridge between worlds of thought, a source of inspiration, and a companion for those who seek to enrich their lives through the wisdom of ages. Embark on this transformative reading experience and chart your course through the vast ocean of human ideas and experiences.

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Navigating E-Commerce: A Comprehensive Guide to Marketing and Analytical Strategies by Anelly Aya
English | April 23, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D2KY54TW | 84 pages | EPUB | 1.38 Mb
"Navigating E-Commerce: A Comprehensive Guide to Marketing and Analytical Strategies" is your definitive roadmap to success in the dynamic world of online retail. From understanding your target audience to leveraging cutting-edge technologies, this book equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

The book begins by exploring the evolution of e-commerce, tracing its past, present, and future trends. It underscores the importance of embracing technological advancements and staying ahead of the curve to remain competitive in the digital marketplace. Through real-world examples and case studies, readers gain insights into the strategies employed by successful e-commerce businesses, including market giants like Amazon and Alibaba.
One of the key themes of the book is the significance of understanding your target audience in the digital marketplace. By delving into consumer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies and offerings to meet the needs of their customers effectively. The book offers practical advice on building a strong brand identity online and crafting compelling product descriptions and visuals to captivate audiences and drive conversions.
Moreover, the book delves into the power of search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing in maximizing reach and engagement. Readers learn how to harness the potential of email marketing and influencer marketing to drive sales and build brand loyalty. Additionally, the book explores emerging trends such as mobile commerce, voice commerce, and augmented reality, offering insights into how businesses can capitalize on these trends to enhance the customer experience and drive growth.
In addition to marketing strategies, the book delves into the analytical side of e-commerce, emphasizing the importance of data analytics for decision-making. Readers learn how to track key metrics, conduct A/B testing, and leverage data-driven insights to optimize performance and drive business success. Furthermore, the book explores topics such as conversion rate optimization, retargeting, and customer relationship management, providing readers with practical strategies for enhancing customer engagement and retention.
The book also addresses crucial considerations for e-commerce businesses looking to expand internationally, including market research, localization, and regulatory compliance. Additionally, it delves into topics such as crisis management, sustainability, and ethical practices, highlighting the importance of resilience and responsibility in the face of challenges and disruptions.
"Navigating E-Commerce" is a comprehensive guide that empowers readers with the knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to succeed in the fast-paced world of online retail. Whether you're a seasoned e-commerce entrepreneur or just starting your journey, this book provides invaluable insights and actionable advice to help you navigate the complexities of the digital marketplace and achieve your business goals.

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Navigating Uncertainty: Effective Risk Management in Construction Projects by Scott Burkholder
English | January 16, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CSJMB3WG | 54 pages | EPUB | 0.15 Mb
"Embark on a transformative journey through the complexities of construction project management with 'Navigating Uncertainty: Effective Risk Management in Construction Projects.' Tailored exclusively for project managers, this compelling guide is a beacon in the dynamic sea of uncertainties. Uncover strategies to navigate the intricacies of risk, turning challenges into opportunities for unprecedented success.

This literary compass equips project managers with invaluable insights, offering a roadmap to identify, assess, and mitigate risks effectively. Seamlessly blending theory with real-world case studies, each page unveils actionable techniques to safeguard timelines, budgets, and stakeholder satisfaction. From cutting-edge risk assessment methodologies to proven crisis management tactics, this book empowers project managers to confidently steer their projects through any storm.
In a profession where uncertainty is inevitable, 'Navigating Uncertainty' emerges as an indispensable companion, ensuring project managers not only weather the storms but thrive amidst them. Elevate your project management prowess and transform uncertainty into a strategic advantage with this essential guide."

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Neuro-Symbolic AI: Design transparent and trustworthy systems that understand the world as you do by Alexiei Dingli, David Farrugia
English | May 31, 2023 | ISBN: 1804617628 | 196 pages | PDF | 4.97 Mb
Explore the inner workings of AI along with its limitations and future developments and create your first transparent and trustworthy neuro-symbolic AI system

Key Features:Understand symbolic and statistical techniques through examples and detailed explanationsExplore the potential of neuro-symbolic AI for future developments using case studiesDiscover the benefits of combining symbolic AI with modern neural networks to build transparent and high-performance AI solutions
Book Description:
Neuro-symbolic AI offers the potential to create intelligent systems that possess both the reasoning capabilities of symbolic AI along with the learning capabilities of neural networks. This book provides an overview of AI and its inner mechanics, covering both symbolic and neural network approaches.
You'll begin by exploring the decline of symbolic AI and the recent neural network revolution, as well as their limitations. The book then delves into the importance of building trustworthy and transparent AI solutions using explainable AI techniques. As you advance, you'll explore the emerging field of neuro-symbolic AI, which combines symbolic AI and modern neural networks to improve performance and transparency. You'll also learn how to get started with neuro-symbolic AI using Python with the help of practical examples. In addition, the book covers the most promising technologies in the field, providing insights into the future of AI.
Upon completing this book, you will acquire a profound comprehension of neuro-symbolic AI and its practical implications. Additionally, you will cultivate the essential abilities to conceptualize, design, and execute neuro-symbolic AI solutions.
What You Will Learn:Gain an understanding of the intuition behind neuro-symbolic AIDetermine the correct uses that can benefit from neuro-symbolic AIDifferentiate between types of explainable AI techniquesThink about, design, and implement neuro-symbolic AI solutionsCreate and fine-tune your first neuro-symbolic AI systemExplore the advantages of fusing symbolic AI with modern neural networks in neuro-symbolic AI systems
Who this book is for:
This book is ideal for data scientists, machine learning engineers, and AI enthusiasts who want to explore the emerging field of neuro-symbolic AI and discover how to build transparent and trustworthy AI solutions. A basic understanding of AI concepts and familiarity with Python programming are needed to make the most of this book.

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Newspapers: A Century of Decline: How the Internet was the Last Straw for Print News by Robin Bromby
English | August 18, 2016 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B01KOJ8ZK8 | 89 pages | EPUB | 1.42 Mb
From the broadcast of the first news bulletin on radio in 1920, daily newspapers have been under pressure from a succession of challenges, ranging from television to suburban weeklies until - finally - the internet. Along the way the industry was beset by industrial disputes, reluctance to embrace the latest technologies, crippling rises in costs of newsprint and labour, traffic gridlock that hampered city newspaper deliveries. By the time it became possible to get your news on a computer, and then on other mobile devices, the newspaper industry was passed its best. Then many papers made the near fatal decision to give away their news for free online, a strategy that was realised too late to be a dreadful mistake. Newspapers: A Century of Decline charts this century-long saga.

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No Grid Survival Projects: Complete Transformational Eco-Smart Homesteads -Master Permaculture, Sustainable Architecture and Water Innovations for Resilient Off-Grid Living Communities- 2-in-1 Bundle by Rowan Fieldstone
English | June 14, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D773YM43 | 293 pages | EPUB | 0.80 Mb
Transform Your Reality and Secure Your Future with the Definitive Guide to Sustainable Off-Grid Living

Three Exclusive Bonuses included with every purchase:Seasonal Permaculture Calendar: This invaluable resource guides you through seasonal activities to keep your homestead thriving all year round.Eco-Smart Architectural Designs: Explore a collection of innovative, sustainable home designs that blend functionality with environmental stewardship.Water Innovation Manual: Learn cutting-edge techniques for water collection, purification, and recycling to ensure your homestead never runs dry.Are you concerned about the increasing unpredictability of global events and environmental challenges?
Do you aspire to a self-sufficient lifestyle where you and your loved ones can thrive independently of mainstream systems?
Are you seeking clear, authoritative guidance to transform the complex dream of off-grid living into an achievable, enjoyable reality?
You're not alone. Amidst growing uncertainties, the allure of a secure, independent life harmonized with nature is more compelling than ever. However, transitioning to such a lifestyle comes with its complexities, particularly for those new to concepts like permaculture, sustainable building, and sophisticated water systems.
No Grid Survival Project offers a comprehensive roadmap that simplifies these complexities into actionable steps, building your skills and confidence progressively. Designed for individuals at any skill level, this guide provides a realistic framework to support your journey to a resilient and sustainable life.
Here's just a glimpse of what you'll discover inside:Master Permaculture: Establish and nurture a thriving garden ecosystem that requires minimal intervention to maintain its productivity.Sustainable Architecture: Step-by-step guides on constructing eco-friendly homes using materials that ensure both durability and minimal environmental impact.Innovative Water Solutions: From rainwater harvesting to advanced filtration techniques, ensure a perpetual supply of clean water.Community Building Strategies: Learn how to foster strong community ties that enhance mutual support and resilience.Energy Self-Sufficiency: Harness the power of solar, wind, and other renewable energies to create a self-reliant homestead.Practical DIY Projects: Tailored projects that will turn theory into practice, from building greenhouses to setting up off-grid power systems.And much more...Whether motivated by environmental concerns, a desire for independence, or a passion for embracing a simpler, more fulfilling way of life, this guide equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to make your off-grid dreams a reality.
And for those just starting from scratch, worry not. This book will take you by the hand and guide you through every step of the process!

Links are Interchangeable - Single Extraction


New Member

No Grid Survival Projects: Transformational Eco-Smart Homesteads - Master Permaculture, Sustainable Architecture, and Water Innovations for Resilient Off-Grid Living Communities - 2 by Rowan Fieldstone
English | June 9, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D6NF5F87 | 129 pages | EPUB | 0.43 Mb
Transform Your Reality and Secure Your Future with the Definitive Guide to Sustainable Off-Grid Living

Three Exclusive Bonuses included with every purchase:Seasonal Permaculture Calendar: This invaluable resource guides you through seasonal activities to keep your homestead thriving all year round.Eco-Smart Architectural Designs: Explore a collection of innovative, sustainable home designs that blend functionality with environmental stewardship.Water Innovation Manual: Learn cutting-edge techniques for water collection, purification, and recycling to ensure your homestead never runs dry.Are you concerned about the increasing unpredictability of global events and environmental challenges?
Do you aspire to a self-sufficient lifestyle where you and your loved ones can thrive independently of mainstream systems?
Are you seeking clear, authoritative guidance to transform the complex dream of off-grid living into an achievable, enjoyable reality?
You're not alone. Amidst growing uncertainties, the allure of a secure, independent life harmonized with nature is more compelling than ever. However, transitioning to such a lifestyle comes with its complexities, particularly for those new to concepts like permaculture, sustainable building, and sophisticated water systems.
"No Grid Survival Project" offers a comprehensive roadmap that simplifies these complexities into actionable steps, building your skills and confidence progressively. Designed for individuals at any skill level, this guide provides a realistic framework to support your journey to a resilient and sustainable life.
Here's just a glimpse of what you'll discover inside:Master Permaculture: Establish and nurture a thriving garden ecosystem that requires minimal intervention to maintain its productivity.Sustainable Architecture: Step-by-step guides on constructing eco-friendly homes using materials that ensure both durability and minimal environmental impact.Innovative Water Solutions: From rainwater harvesting to advanced filtration techniques, ensure a perpetual supply of clean water.Community Building Strategies: Learn how to foster strong community ties that enhance mutual support and resilience.Energy Self-Sufficiency: Harness the power of solar, wind, and other renewable energies to create a self-reliant homestead.Practical DIY Projects: Tailored projects that will turn theory into practice, from building greenhouses to setting up off-grid power systems.And much more...Whether motivated by environmental concerns, a desire for independence, or a passion for embracing a simpler, more fulfilling way of life, this guide equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to make your off-grid dreams a reality.
And for those just starting from scratch, worry not. This book will take you by the hand and guide you through every step of the process!

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