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Languages of Belief and Early Sociology in Nineteenth-Century France: The Elementary Forms of Sociological Life
by Michiel Van Dam
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031700228 | 333 Pages | True PDF | 10 MB

This book presents a new reading of the history of French social science and religion through an investigation of early sociology's techniques for narrating the category of belief. The author argues that by looking at the history of social sciences in this manner, we gain a deeper understanding of both our present debates on post-secularity as well as our modernist past, both of which were thoroughly shaped by their reflections and critiques on the notion of belief yet failed to enter into any sort of meaningful communication with each other. This book seeks to rectify this failure by introducing the concept of 'belief-languages', an anthropological framework designed to historicize different discussions on belief and allow for their comparative description and analysis.

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M.D. Sasaki, Clarence T., "Laryngeal Physiology for the Surgeon"
English | ISBN: 1597560812 | 2007 | 99 pages | EPUB | 19 MB
This beautifully presented book enables a sound understanding of the three principal functional priorities of the larynx protection, respiration, and phonation. Dr. Sasaki explores these three functional categories in terms of phylogeny, functional morphology, and neuromuscular reflexes. The book features numerous illustrations and tables and most chapters are preceded by focused case presentations introducing relevant clinical descriptions. Uniquely and invaluably, Sasaki has included original experimental data from the Yale Larynx Laboratory in order to support physiologic performance important to the understanding of clinical behavior.

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Las catacumbas de Roma y París: Historia y legado de los osarios más famosos de Europa (Spanish Edition) by Charles River Editors
Spanish | August 6, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DCGHMMNM | 134 pages | EPUB | 9.12 Mb
Una inexplicable corriente de viento recorre el suelo de tierra del estrecho pasadizo, que parece no tener fin. Las vacilantes llamas de las antorchas instaladas en las ásperas paredes de piedra, que parecen papel de lija, crean sombras espeluznantes en el suelo de tierra. Se oyen susurros sin cuerpo que se entremezclan con el frío del aire enmohecido, lo que hace que a muchos se les erice el vello de los brazos. Lógicamente, esto no es más que un truco de la mente, pero los susurros se sienten indudablemente tangibles y reales, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que el visitante se encuentra en compañía de miles y miles de cadáveres apilados en las paredes desde el suelo hasta el techo. Este tipo de imágenes es lo que suele venir a la mente cuando se mencionan las catacumbas romanas, pero estos cementerios subterráneos eran mucho más que eso.

A finales del siglo XVIII, cuando los disturbios políticos se agitaban en el corazón de París, los vecinos de los barrios que rodeaban los cementerios urbanos de la ciudad se enfrentaban a una crisis acuciante: el hedor putrefacto de los cadáveres en descomposición, muchos de los cuales eran probablemente amigos y familiares, se colaba en todas las casas y negocios debido al desbordamiento de los cementerios. Hacía tiempo que la población de la ciudad había superado la capacidad de sus cementerios centenarios, y las fosas comunes repletas de cadáveres permanecían abiertas durante meses, a veces más de un año, a la espera de que se unieran más cuerpos. En poco tiempo, las necrópolis llenas a rebosar derramaban los huesos en las iglesias vecinas.
Durante y después de la Ilustración, la ciencia era una herramienta popular, y muchos empezaron a cuestionarse los posibles perjuicios para la salud que podría acarrear ese deterioro continuo. Ante la creciente preocupación y el aumento de las quejas, el anciens regime de Francia tomó medidas para iniciar el largo proceso de trasladar los huesos viejos de las morgues y las tumbas antiguas a los kilómetros de túneles bajo las calles de la ciudad, ahora conocidos como las Catacumbas de París.
Sin embargo, mientras el gobierno francés daba este primer paso, estalló una revolución en todo el país, que en un principio trajo consigo cambios moderados antes de convertirse en un brutal Reinado del Terror por parte de los revolucionarios. El caos sería testigo de un aterrado retorno a una república más moderada y, finalmente, del ascenso de Napoleón Bonaparte; sin embargo, a lo largo de toda esta agitación, el tema de la reforma funeraria en París siguió siendo acuciante y la conversación comenzó a pasar de ser una mera cuestión práctica de espacio y salud a un debate que incluía a legisladores, sacerdotes, moralistas y ciudadanos de a pie. En pocas palabras, el gobierno recién formado tenía que decidir qué hacer con los muertos, sin importar la política.
Las catacumbas de Roma y París: Historia y legado de los osarios más famosos de Europa examina los orígenes de estas necrópolis, su evolución a lo largo de los años y el periodo de redescubrimiento que puso estos cementerios subterráneos en el mapa. Junto con imágenes que representan a personajes, lugares y acontecimientos importantes, aprenderá sobre las catacumbas romanas y parisinas como nunca antes.

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Las guerras ruso-turcas: historia y legado de los conflictos entre el Imperio ruso y el Imperio otomano (Spanish Edition) by Charles River Editors
Spanish | August 6, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DCDV9KZX | 144 pages | EPUB | 2.68 Mb
Algunas de estas incursiones fueron contrarrestadas por los europeos occidentales y la Liga Santa, pero el enemigo más frecuente de los otomanos fue el Imperio ruso, que se oponía a ellos por razones geopolíticas y religiosas. Desde las negociaciones hasta las batallas, los dos bandos se disputaron la posición a lo largo de cientos de años, y el comienzo de los combates puede haber representado la mejor oportunidad de los otomanos para conquistar Moscú y cambiar el curso de la historia.

Para cualquiera que intente comprender los orígenes de la Rusia moderna y el inicio de las guerras ruso-turcas, la búsqueda debe comenzar con el zar Pedro I (1672-1725), que se hizo llamar Pedro el Grande en vida. El apodo es apropiado, teniendo en cuenta la forma en que Pedro sacó a Rusia de la Edad Media y la introdujo en el siglo 18th . Mediante una serie de campañas, Pedro convirtió a Rusia en un formidable imperio que posteriormente se convertiría en una fuerza importante en el continente europeo, al tiempo que emulaba a Europa Occidental y convertía a Rusia en un Estado internacional que interactuaba con las demás potencias continentales. Al revolucionar y modernizar las armas rusas, incluida la creación de la primera fuerza naval de Rusia, Pedro pudo llevar a cabo una política exterior agresiva y expansionista que sentó las bases de la forma en que el mapa europeo se redibujaría una y otra vez en los siglos venideros.
thA finales del siglo XVII, Pedro el Grande lanzó un ataque contra Azov, una fortaleza otomana cerca de la desembocadura del Dniéper en el mar de Azov. La conquista de la fortaleza proporcionaría a Moscovia un puerto y la capacidad de atacar Crimea desde el mar, pero incluso después de que los rusos lo lograran, el premio final -el libre acceso al Mar Negro- seguía fuera del alcance de Rusia debido a la fuerza de la flota otomana en el Mar Negro y a los retos logísticos que suponía conquistar la península de Crimea. Además, poco después de la conquista de Azov, Pedro emprendió una guerra mucho más costosa en el norte contra Suecia por la conquista de los puertos del mar Báltico. El Imperio otomano, que acababa de firmar un humillante tratado con Austria, Polonia y Venecia por el que renunciaba a Hungría y otras conquistas, se alegró del respiro, pero volvió a entrar en conflicto con Rusia por el enemigo de Pedro, el rey Carlos XII de Suecia, que se había refugiado en la Moldavia otomana tras su derrota en la batalla de Poltava en julio de 1709. El sultán Mustafá II se negó a entregarlo, lo que llevó a Pedro a invadir Moldavia, y el siguiente siglo de conflicto alteraría permanentemente el curso de ambos imperios.
En el siglo 19th , el zar se refería notoriamente al Imperio Otomano como el "enfermo de Europa", y al comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el Imperio Otomano se describía a menudo como una potencia en declive, sumida en la corrupción administrativa, que utilizaba tecnología inferior y estaba plagada de un liderazgo deficiente. La idea general es que el Imperio Otomano estaba "rezagado", probablemente debido al claro estancamiento del imperio entre 1683 y 1826. Sin embargo, se puede argumentar que este retrato es a menudo engañoso y no ofrece una imagen más completa del estado del Imperio Otomano. El hecho de que el otro imperio multicultural existente, el Imperio Austrohúngaro, tampoco sobreviviera a la Primera Guerra Mundial debería poner en tela de juicio esta "narrativa aceptada". Si se observan las reformas, los avances tecnológicos y los esfuerzos de modernización realizados por la élite otomana entre 1826 y el comienzo de la Primera Guerra Mundial, cabe preguntarse por qué semejante afán de cambio no logró salvar a los otomanos cuando medidas similares adoptadas por otras naciones, como Japón durante la era Meiji, sí dieron lugar al ascenso de una potencia mundial en el siglo 20th .

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Latest natural remedies and methods for treating arthritis and joint problems by Samuel Greenberg
English | August 8, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DCN7492K | 77 pages | EPUB | 3.83 Mb
Natural remedies and folk methods to relive and heal arthritis and joint problems

This book describes scientifically proven methods, which were practiced for centuries by folk medicine and naturopathy, and can help patients with arthritis and joint problems to reduce the frequency of acute periods, increase periods of remission, significantly ease the symptoms and even, in some cases, eliminate pain and swelling of joints, improve your mobility, immunity, general well-being and quality of life. All these positive changes are possible if you strictly adhere to and follow the four-step plan outlined in the book, which includes the idea of a proper balanced diet, exercise, consultation with specialists and the use of unconventional but quite effective medical procedures and means of naturopathy and traditional medicine.
What is inside the book?
This book presents a four-step plan that includes recommendations for healthy eating, superfoods against pain, special exercises and anti-inflammatory supplements rich in fatty acids and some minerals, as well as other medications that can be bought in grocery stores, on the Internet and in pharmacies. They proved to be excellent means and helped millions of people with arthritis and joint problems get rid of pain and swelling, improve flexibility and quality of life.
Start implementing this plan today
No matter what type of arthritis treatment you suffer, you will have far more options than from your doctor. These capabilities will give you the opportunity to better control your health, mobility and pain. Using some of the suggested pain treatments, you can make your life more enjoyable, with fewer restrictions and less pain. Arthritis should not stand in your way and stop you from living a full life.

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P. Rich, "Latin America: Its Future in the Global Economy"
English | 2001 | pages: 301 | ISBN: 0333929012, 1349425427 | PDF | 1,0 mb
Latin America: It's Future in the Global Economy is a timely contribution to the effort to meet the complex challenges entailed in Latin America's increasing participation in world markets. Taking into account the recent changes in the region and a future WTO conference, twelve economists and two international trade lawyers provide a framework for the analysis of trade negotiations by identifying key points of disagreement among trading partners, and discuss controversial issues such as the environment, labour and agriculture, exceptional protection, investment, services, e-commerce and the efficiency of the dispute settlement mechanism. The contributors identify the optimum approach for Latin America to take in protecting its interests and enhancing its advantages in global trade, and assess the various tools that negotiators might use during the forthcoming round of multilateral negotiations. They make concrete recommendations concerning trade strategy, policy, implementation and management together with suggestions as to how Latin America and other developing countries can increase their bargaining power in order to deal with new circumstances as they arise.

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Leadership in Modern War: From WW2 to the War Against ISIS by James Stuart Brooks
English | June 30th, 2023 | ISBN: 139906729X | 248 pages | True EPUB | 26.12 MB
How would you react under fire? Fight or flight? What if you were in charge of a squad of men, with their lives in your hands? The next decision you make could be fatal for you and your comrades or could be devastating to your enemy. The wrong decision could haunt you for the rest of your career and beyond.

The decisions taken by commanders in the field are analyzed in a detached manner by historians. But what, for example, was the thought process of a reconnaissance tank officer operating far ahead of any supporting troops in the Second World War, or a machine-gunner trying to differentiate friend from foe in the Gulf War? How might a British infantry officer in the Iraq War deal with the situations he faced in combat, or a platoon commander in the War Against ISIS, where the enemy had no fear of dying and even embraced it? How do you come to terms with the consequences of your decisions, the right ones as well as the tragically wrong ones?
James Brooks presents defining moments such as these to put you in the shoes of the decision-maker. You can decide when to cross a bridge in Taliban territory, whether to land a helicopter under fire to rescue Marines in danger, and how to lead a command center targeting ISIS through air strikes. These decisions, compared with what the veterans did themselves, teach more about humanity than they do about the tactics of war and serve as lessons for the decisions we face in everyday life.
In a career that traced the rise and fall of ISIS from 2014 to 2021, James served in the US Marine Corps as a scout sniper platoon commander, intelligence officer, and counter-propaganda mission lead. After two deployments to the Middle East and a year-and-a-half fighting ISIS propaganda online, James returned to his hometown to teach a subject called "Perspectives in Modern War" to high school seniors. Building from the stories of his own service, as well as those of the men and women he fought alongside, in Leadership in Modern War James captures these lessons and explores just what it is like to be on the front line facing your foe.
Warfare has changed in the twenty-first century, but the enduring lessons of conflict remain the same. It is brutal and unforgiving - but it is also character-defining.

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Learn Generative AI with PyTorch
by Mark Liu

English | 2024 | ISBN: 1633436462 | 434 pages | True PDF | 44.76 MB

Create your own generative AI models for text, images, music, and more!
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and DALL-E have transformed the way we work. Learn Generative AI with PyTorch takes you on an incredible hands-on journey through creating and training AI models using Python, the free PyTorch framework and the hardware you already have in your office. Along the way, you'll master the fundamentals of General Adversarial Networks (GANs), Transformers, Large Language Models (LLMs), variational autoencoders, diffusion models, LangChain, and more!
In Learn Generative AI with PyTorch you'll build these amazing models:
A simple English-to-French translator
A text-generating model as powerful as GPT-2
A diffusion model that produces realistic flower images
Music generators using GANs and Transformers
An image style transfer model
A zero-shot know-it-all agent
All you need is Python and the fundamentals of machine learning to get started. You'll learn the rest as you go!
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the book
Learn Generative AI with PyTorch teaches the underlying mechanics of generative AI by building working AI models from scratch. Every model you'll create is fun and fascinating, in projects that include generating color images of anime faces, changing the hair color in a photograph, training a model to write like Hemingway, and generating music in the style of Mozart.
Throughout, you'll use the intuitive PyTorch framework that's instantly familiar to anyone who's worked with Python data tools. You'll begin by creating simple content like shapes, numbers, and images using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Then, each chapter introduces a new project as you work towards building your own LLMs.
About the reader
For Python programmers who know the basics of machine learning. No knowledge of PyTorch or generative AI required.
About the author
Dr. Mark Liu is a tenured finance professor and the founding director of the Master of Science in Finance program at the University of Kentucky. He has more than 20 years of coding experience, a Ph.D. in finance from Boston College.

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LEARN GO 2024 Edition: Concurrent Programming and Practical Applications by Diego Rodrigues
English | September 7, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DGF9DRBV | 232 pages | EPUB | 0.21 Mb
LEARN GO 2024 Edition

Concurrent Programming and Practical Applications
Welcome to "LEARN GO: Concurrent Programming and Practical Applications - 2024 Edition", the definitive guide to transforming your programming skills. Written by Diego Rodrigues, an author with over 180 published titles in six languages, this book offers an essential and deep journey to mastering the Go language and its applications in developing modern and highly scalable systems.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this comprehensive manual explores Go, a language designed by Google that has become the choice of major companies to tackle the challenges of scalability and efficiency in distributed systems. From setting up your development environment to fully understanding the syntax, you'll be guided through a practical and structured learning process focused on building fast, secure, and future-proof applications.
You will learn to master advanced techniques such as using goroutines for lightweight concurrency, synchronization control with channels and mutex, and creating modern architectures with microservices and RESTful APIs. The book also dives into code optimization for cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, allowing you to make the most of these technology giants' infrastructure.
Additionally, you will delve into best practices for file manipulation, flow control, arrays, slices, and unit testing, ensuring that your code is not only efficient but also reliable and scalable. Practical exercises at the end of each chapter challenge you to solve real-world problems, applying the knowledge gained to create innovative, high-performance solutions designed for the era of cloud computing and distributed systems.
This is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to take their programming skills to the next level. If you're ready to stand out in a highly competitive market, "LEARN GO: Concurrent Programming and Practical Applications" is your guide. Master one of the most powerful and relevant programming languages on the market and be prepared to shape the future of technology with solutions that transform the current landscape.

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Learn LLVM 17: A beginner's guide to learning LLVM compiler tools and core libraries with C++ by Kai Nacke, Amy Kwan
English | January 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CL772K23 | 614 pages | PDF | 26 Mb
Learn how to build and use the complete spectrum of real-world compilers, including the frontend, optimization pipeline, and a new backend by leveraging the power of LLVM core libraries

Book Description
LLVM was built to bridge the gap between the theoretical knowledge found in compiler textbooks and the practical demands of compiler development. With a modular codebase and advanced tools, LLVM empowers developers to build compilers with ease. This book serves as a practical introduction to LLVM, guiding you progressively through complex scenarios and ensuring that you navigate the challenges of building and working with compilers like a pro.
The book starts by showing you how to configure, build, and install LLVM libraries, tools, and external projects. You'll then be introduced to LLVM's design, unraveling its applications in each compiler stage: frontend, optimizer, and backend. Using a real programming language subset, you'll build a frontend, generate LLVM IR, optimize it through the pipeline, and generate machine code. Advanced chapters extend your expertise, covering topics such as extending LLVM with a new pass, using LLVM tools for debugging, and enhancing the quality of your code. You'll also focus on just-in-time compilation issues and the current state of JIT-compilation support with LLVM. Finally, you'll develop a new backend for LLVM, gaining insights into target description and how instruction selection works.
By the end of this book, you'll have hands-on experience with the LLVM compiler development framework through real-world examples and source code snippets.
What you will learnConfigure, compile, and install the LLVM frameworkUnderstand how the LLVM source is organizedDiscover what you need to do to use LLVM in your own projectsExplore how a compiler is structured, and implement a tiny compilerGenerate LLVM IR for common source language constructsSet up an optimization pipeline and tailor it for your own needsExtend LLVM with transformation passes and clang toolingAdd new machine instructions and a complete backendWho this book is for
This book is for compiler developers, enthusiasts, and engineers new to LLVM. C++ software engineers looking to use compiler-based tools for code analysis and improvement, as well as casual users of LLVM libraries who want to gain more knowledge of LLVM essentials will also find this book useful. Intermediate-level experience with C++ programming is necessary to understand the concepts covered in this book.
Table of ContentsInstalling LLVMThe Structure of a CompilerTurning the Source File into an Abstract Syntax TreeBasics of IR Code GenerationIR Generation for High-Level Language ConstructsAdvanced IR GenerationOptimizing IRThe TableGen LanguageJIT CompilationDebugging Using LLVM ToolsThe Target DescriptionInstruction SelectionBeyond Instruction Selection

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Learn PYTHON with Projects by Sriphagaarucht Srinhichaarnun, Rachanee Kalayavinai
English | June 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D6WHLP1T | 433 pages | PDF | 18 Mb
Learn to code with PYTHON from scratch in Part I, no basic programming knowledge required. You can create various projects yourself by learning more in Part II. Some examples only allow you to edit fonts for Python development in non-English countries.The knowledge gained will make learning to program in other languages easier. In Part II, readers will learn: Development of various projects as follows:

Learn how to modify game programs that make it easier to develop your own games with popular games such as Alien, Snake, Pac-man, and Tic-Tac-Toe using Pygame and Freegame.
Web Application
Learn to create and develop websites for database management systems using Django, including using SQLite database, decorating websites beautifully with CSS, and tools that come with Django.
Data Analysis
Create beautiful and functional data visualization using MatDescriptionlib and Pygal. Use bar graphs, line graphs, maps, or other visualizations. Suitable for research and business presentations.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Learn the basics of Artificial intelligence and all the tools needed to code: MatDescriptionlib, Scipy, Scikit-learn and Numpy.

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Linda Causee, "Learn to Make a Foundation-Pieced Quilt"
English | 2018 | ISBN: 0881958727 | EPUB | pages: 68 | 5.9 mb
Learn to Make a Foundation-Pieced Quilt gives you easy-to-follow instructions to teach you the foundation piecing technique in no time, and you get six wall quilt patterns to practice with including stars, baskets and more. Foundation piecing is a quilting technique used to make patchwork quilts without templates, careful cutting or tedious measuring. It involves sewing patchwork onto a foundation like paper, fabric or stabilizer in a numerical order, according to the foundation pattern. Full-size foundation patterns for each of the six projects are included. You'll love stitching all of these quilts in colors to match your home or to make as special gifts. Have fun as you learn to make these foundation-pieced quilts! 32 pages.

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Leitlinien in der Chirurgie vor dem Spiegel von Qualitätssicherung und Rechtsprechung: GSG-Umsetzung in der Praxis Bedeutung für die Gefäßchirurgie By J. O. Jost (auth.), Prof. Dr. J. O. Jost, Dr. G. H. Langkau (eds.)
1997 | 198 Pages | ISBN: 3642477070 | PDF | 6 MB
Seit 20 Jahren wird mit zahlreichen Gesetzen und Vorschriften versucht, den Anstieg der Kosten, die für die Gesundheit der Bundesbürger aufgebracht werden müssen, zu verringern. Mit dem am 1. Januar 1993 in der ersten Stufe in Kraft getretenen Gesundheitsstrukturgesetz werden diese Bemühungen fortgesetzt. Neu sind erhebliche Eingriffe des Staates in alle Bereiche des Gesundheitswesens. Die Auswirkungen für die Krankenhäuser sind in vollem Umfang immer noch nicht absehbar. Experten aus Politik, Krankenhäusern und Krankenkassen legen ihre Erfahrungen nach 2 Jahren GSG vor. Im vorliegenden Buch äußern sich Politiker zu den bisherigen Vorgaben und den beabsichtigten gesetzlichen Weiterentwicklungen. Zukunftsperspektiven des Arztes, Qualitätssicherung und Auswirkungen der neuen Entgeltformen im Krankenhaus werden dargelegt. Am Beispiel der Gefäßchirurgie werden Klinik und Organisationsmanagement vor den neuen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen vorgestellt. Angesichts der knapper gewordenen Ressourcen wird medizinisches Handeln in Zukunft vermehrt auch mit den Maßstäben der Effektivität und der Ökonomie gemessen werden müssen. Als Folge dieser Entwicklung sind medizinische Standards und Leitlinien erarbeitet worden, an denen ärztliche Tätigkeit in Zukunft orientiert werden soll. Auswirkungen dieses so bestimmten ärztlichen Handelns werden vor dem Spiegel von Qualitätssicherung und Rechtsprechung dargelegt. Im vorliegenden Buch werden die Ansichten renommierter Fachleute zu diesen Fragen vorgestellt und diskutiert.

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Let's do IT: Business-IT-Alignment im Dialog erreichen By Christa Weidner (auth.)
2013 | 187 Pages | ISBN: 364232830X | PDF | 4 MB
Wertvolles Potenzial der IT bleibt zu Lasten des ROI in vielen Unternehmen ungenutzt. Doch sicherlich ist die Tatsache, dass die strategisch wichtige Unterstützung für das Business sich nicht voll entfalten kann, noch viel höher zu bewerten, da Marktanteile verloren oder gar nicht erst gewonnen werden. Der vorgestellte Ansatz geht davon aus, dass alles erforderliche Wissen für die beste Lösung bereits in der Organisation vorhanden ist. Dieser meist unentdeckte Schatz des kollektiven Wissens muss nur gehoben werden. Mithilfe von speziellen Methoden wird das kollektive Wissen aufgespürt, um so eine umfassende Liste mit Überlegungen, Anregungen, Konzepten oder Lösungen zu erhalten. Stakeholdermanagement und Change Management sind dabei inklusive. Der Ansatz verspricht, Wertschöpfung und Effizienzsteigerung durch die Einbindung und Motivation der Betroffenen. Die Projekte gewinnen an Planbarkeit und Risiken werden reduziert. Das Projektergebnis entspricht den Anforderungen und unterstützt das Business in optimaler Art und Weise.

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Tovia Singer, "Let's Get Biblical!: Why doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah? Volume 1"
English | 2014 | ISBN: 0996091300 | PDF | pages: 436 | 29.1 mb
Explore the Jewish and Christian Scriptures with the world renowned Bible scholar and expert on Jewish evangelism, Rabbi Tovia Singer. This new two-volume work, Let's Get Biblical! Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?, takes the reader on an eye-opening journey through timeless passages in Tanach, and answers a pressing question: Why doesn't Judaism accept the Christian messiah? Are the teachings conveyed in the New Testament compatible with ageless prophecies in the Jewish Scriptures? Rabbi Singer's fascinating new work clearly illustrates why the core doctrines of the Church are utterly incompatible with the cornerstone principles expressed by the Prophets of Israel, and are opposed by the most cherished tenets conveyed in the Jewish Scriptures. Moreover, this book demonstrates how the Church systematically and deliberately altered the Jewish Scriptures in order to persuade potential converts that Jesus is the promised Jewish messiah. To accomplish this feat, Christian "translators" manipulated, misquoted, mistranslated, and even fabricated verses in the Hebrew Scriptures so that these texts appear to be speaking about Jesus. This exhaustive book probes and illuminates this thought-provoking subject. Tragically, over the past two millennia, the church's faithful have been completely oblivious to this Bible-tampering because virtually no Christian can read or understand the Hebrew Scriptures in its original language. Since time immemorial, earnest parishioners blindly and utterly depended upon manmade Christian "translations" of the "Old Testament" in order to understand the "Word of God." Understandably, churchgoers are deeply puzzled by the Jewish rejection of their religion's claims. They wonder aloud why Jewish people, who are reared since childhood in the Holy Tongue, and are the bearers and protectors of the sacred Oracles of God, do not accept Jesus as their messiah. How can such an extraordinary people dismiss such an extraordinary claim? Are they just plain stubborn? Let's Get Biblical thoroughly answers these nagging, age-old questions.

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Let's Move the Needle
by Shannon Downey

English | 2024 | ISBN: 1635868904 | 264 pages | True EPUB | 24.73 MB

Create change in the world with this inspiring guide to social activism, from the artist and craftivist behind Badass Cross Stitch.
Craftivism, or the space where art and activism meet, is a powerful, ever-evolving social justice movement that continues to grow and diversify as more voices and mediums take part in it.InLet's Move the Needle, Shannon Downey, an outspoken voice in the craftivist movement for over a decade, provides a roadmap and accessible toolkit for burgeoning art activists.
Filled with self-reflective activities, exercises, prompts, and stories,Let's Move the Needleeducates and empowers creatives to center their art around collective action in service of political, social or community issues they are most passionate about; affirming that everyone can be a changemaker and that change-making can be generative, enjoyable, and a bit sassy!

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Life on Earth-like Planets
Gaia and Her Sisters

English | 2025 | ISBN: 9811295077 | 164 Pages | PDF (True) | 24 MB

From its ancient Greek roots to Lovelock's groundbreaking 1979 book, the concept of Gaia has evolved to depict Earth as a single, intricate organism sustaining life through the interplay of its organic and inorganic elements. From the Hadean epoch, where life's emergence radically transformed our planet, to the present, Earth stands as our sole model for understanding life's potential on other Earth-like worlds. While the lifeforms that evolve on Earth-like planets would not necessarily be identical to those on Earth, they must satisfy the same constraints. These constraints are the central subject of this book.

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Literaturkompass Politikwissenschaft: Einfuhrung in die politikwissenschaftliche Literatur By Jürgen Hartmann, Luise Sanders (auth.)
2013 | 237 Pages | ISBN: 3658001623 | PDF | 2 MB
Diese Einführung schlägt für Studierende und Dozenten eine Schneise in die politikwissenschaftliche Literatur und bietet einen Überblick über die wichtigen Schlüssel-, Lehr- und Forschungstexte der Politikwissenschaft und deren Teilgebiete.

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Magnus Marsden, "Living Islam: Muslim Religious Experience in Pakistan's North-West Frontier"
English | 2006 | pages: 315 | ISBN: 0521852234, 0521617650 | PDF | 1,9 mb
Popular representations of Pakistan's North-West Frontier have long featured simplistic images of tribal blood feuds, fanatical religion, and the seclusion of women. The rise to power of the radical Taliban regime in neighboring Afghanistan enhanced the region's reputation as a place of anti-Western militancy. Immersed in the lives of the Frontier's villagers for more than ten years, Magnus Marsden's evocative study of the Chitral region challenges all these stereotypes. His exploration contributes much to understanding religion and politics within and beyond the Muslim societies of southern Asia.

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David J. Miklowitz, "Living Well with Bipolar Disorder: Practical Strategies for Improving Your Daily Life "
English | ISBN: 1462553532 | 2024 | 252 pages | PDF | 8 MB
What does it take to achieve a successful career, healthy habits, and fulfilling relationships-even with bipolar disorder (BD)? What common stressors do you need to look out for, and how can you cope with them? No one is better suited to provide people with BD with practical problem-solving help than leading expert David J. Miklowitz. From managing mood swings to dealing with anxiety, getting enough sleep, defusing family conflicts, and troubleshooting medications, this book offers keys to effective self-care. Short, clearly formatted chapters with downloadable practical tools help you tackle challenges as they arise and plan for trouble spots that lie ahead. With Dr. Miklowitz's empowering guidance, navigate your own unique path to living well.

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