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Balloon Flying Handbook
by Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.

English | 2025 | ISBN: 9798305153200 | 289 pages | True PDF EPUB | 128.13 MB

This Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11B) introduces the basic pilot knowledge and skills that are essential for piloting balloons. It introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that will be needed as they progress in their pilot training. This handbook is for student pilots, as well as those pursuing more advanced pilot certificates.
Student pilots learning to fly balloons, certificated pilots preparing for additional balloon ratings or who desire to improve their flying proficiency and aeronautical knowledge, and commercial balloon pilots teaching balloon students how to fly should find this handbook helpful. This book introduces the prospective pilot to the realm of balloon flight and provides information and guidance to all balloon pilots in the performance of various balloon maneuvers and procedures.
This handbook conforms to pilot training and certification concepts established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). There are different ways of teaching, as well as performing flight procedures and maneuvers, and many variations in the explanations of aerodynamic theories and principles. This handbook adopts a selective method and concept to flying balloons. The discussions and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles.

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James K. Peterson, "Basic Analysis IV: Measure Theory and Integration"
English | ISBN: 1138055115 | 2020 | 500 pages | AZW3 | 10 MB
Basic Analysis IV: Measure Theory and Integration introduces students to concepts from measure theory and continues their training in the abstract way of looking at the world. This is a most important skill to have when your life's work will involve quantitative modeling to gain insight into the real world. This text generalizes the notion of integration to a very abstract setting in a variety of ways. We generalize the notion of the length of an interval to the measure of a set and learn how to construct the usual ideas from integration using measures. We discuss carefully the many notions of convergence that measure theory provides.

* Can be used as a traditional textbook as well as for self-study
* Suitable for advanced students in mathematics and associated disciplines
* Emphasises learning how to understand the consequences of assumptions using a variety of tools to provide the proofs of propositions
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Richard Nelson-Jones, "Basic Counselling Skills: A Helper′s Manual"
English | ISBN: 1473912997 | 2015 | 216 pages | AZW3 | 531 KB
This practical bestseller from leading expert Richard Nelson-Jones introduces the essential counselling skills for the helping professions. Now in its fourth edition, it guides you through the key skills for helping work across a range of settings, such as counselling, nursing, social work, youth work, education and many more. It explores 17 key counselling skills, including:

-asking questions
-facilitating problem solving
-negotiating homework
Each chapter describes a particular skill, illustrates it using clear case examples across a range of settings and then helps you consolidate and practise what you′ve learned through a set of creative activities.
Further chapters cover professional issues including a
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Basic Engineering Mathematics
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9798230249832 | 2265 Pages | EPUB (True) | 23 MB
This book provides a solid foundation in basic engineering mathematics, covering essential topics such as algebra, calculus, trigonometry, vectors, matrices, and differential equations. Designed for engineering students, it offers clear explanations of mathematical principles and their practical applications to solve real-world engineering problems.

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Manfred te Grotenhuis, "Basic SPSS Tutorial"
English | ISBN: 1483369412 | 2015 | 120 pages | AZW3 | 3 MB
This supplementary book for the social, behavioral, and health sciences helps readers with no prior knowledge of IBM® SPSS® Statistics, statistics, or mathematics learn the basics of SPSS. Designed to reduce fear and build confidence, Basic SPSS Tutorial by Manfred te Grotenhuis and Anneke Matthijssen guides readers through point-and-click sequences using clear examples from real scientific research and invites them to replicate the findings. Relevant outcomes are provided for reference, and exercises at the end of Chapters 2 - 5 provide additional practice. After reading the book and using the program, readers will come away with a basic knowledge of the most commonly used procedures in statistics.

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Battle of the Titans: Mastering the Forces of Sex, Money, and Power in Relationships by Debra Kaplan, Debra L Kaplan
English | September 2, 2020 | ISBN: 0578746026 | 184 pages | PDF | 3.25 Mb
Do you and your partner fight about sex and money?Are you sexually or financially disempowered?Do you undervalue yourself or overvalue your partner?Do you want to cultivate authentic power in your relationship?If you answered yes to these questions, then this book is your guide to self-empowerment!

No one wants to feel powerless, and yet we are destined to feel vulnerable and powerless particularly when we are in intimate relationships. The fact that power differentials exist is not in question; how couples learns to navigate them is. In unhealthy or abusive relationships sex and money are weapons of power for ultimate control and exploitation, and power struggles about sex and money can occur even in the healthiest of relationships-it's the human condition. So how do individuals and couples learn to balance power in their relationship? The answer is different for each relationship, but all healthy relationships are built on empowered partners.
Battle of the Titans: Mastering the Forces of Sex, Money, and Power in Relationships is a compelling and constructive dive into modern-day power dynamics. Framed in Greek mythology, personal narrative and therapeutic intervention, author and therapist, Debra Kaplan provides essential tools and insights to:
Successfully harness authentic power.Identify exploitation and engage healthy boundaries.Clarify the underlying attachment styles in relationships that contribute to over-valuation and under-valuation of self.Create healthy sexual and financial boundaries in relationship.

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Battleship Duke of York: An Anatomy from Building to Breaking by Ian Buxton, Ian Johnston
English | July 15, 2021 | ISBN: 1526777290 | 320 pages | EPUB | 28 Mb
Unlike the United States, which has preserved a number of battleships as museums or memorials, not a single British dreadnought survives in the country that invented them. This book is an ambitious attempt to achieve the next best thing-a level of documentation in plans, photographs and words that portrays every aspect of the ship, albeit in two dimensions. Although the ship was chosen primarily because of the wealth of source material,Duke of Yorkenjoyed a distinguished wartime career that included sinking the German battleshipScharnhorstin 1943 and serving as the flagship of the British Pacific Fleet in 1945, so is a fitting subject for such in-depth treatment.

The core of the book is the reproduction in full color of a complete set of as-fitted plans of the ship, including many details and close-ups. These are complemented by an unusually thorough set drawn after the ship's major refit in March 1945, showing all the modifications undertaken to prepare the ship for service alongside the US Navy in the Pacific. Photographic coverage begins with the stunning views taken by the builder's professional cameraman during every stage of construction, continues with many shots of the ship during her active service, and concludes with an illustrated chronology of the breaking up. This last is included not just for completeness but because photos of the ship at various stages of demolition demonstrate many aspects of the interior structure, compartments and their fittings that are otherwise invisible.
While the emphasis may be primarily visual, the accompanying narrative and captions display the expertise and in-depth knowledge of the authors, making the text as enlightening as the illustration. The result is a uniquely comprehensive portrait of a great ship in all its complexity, and a book that no warship enthusiast will want to miss.

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Baudynamik for Beginners by Dirk Proske
Deutsch | PDF,EPUB | 2021 | 346 Pages | ISBN : 3658335831 | 110.1 MB
Verschiedene Bauwerkseinstürze, wie der bekannte Einsturz der Tacoma-Brücke 1940, sind auf die Vernachlässigung baudynamische Effekte zurückzuführen. Mit dem Trend zu immer filigraneren Bauwerken nimmt die Bedeutung baudynamischer Effekte weiter zu. Gleichzeitig müssen bestehende Bauwerke für aktuelle dynamische Einwirkungen, wie Erdbeben, ertüchtigt werden. Basierend auf diesen Entwicklungen ist heute ein grundlegendes Verständnis der baudynamischen Zusammenhänge für den Bauingenieur unabdingbar.

Dieses Buch basiert auf einer Einstiegsvorlesung zur Baudynamik über ein Semester. Es kann deshalb nicht umfänglich sein, aber es bietet auf der Grundlage einfacher physikalischer und mathematischer Zusammenhänge Erläuterungen des Ein- und Mehrmassenswingers und der verteilten Massen. Darüber hinaus werden Lösungen für baudynamische Probleme wie Dämmung, Dämpfung und Tilger erläutert. Den Abschluss bildet eine kurze Einführung in die mathematischen Lösungsverfahren und in verschiedene dynamische Einwirkungen. Das Buch wurde mit dem Ziel erstellt, dem Leser einen schnellen Einstieg zu erlauben. In dem Buch finden sich zahlreiche Rechen- und Anwendungsbeispiele.
Der Inhalt
Einleitung mit baudynamischen Konsequenzen und Einteilung der Bauwerke - Kinematik und Bewegungen - Einmassenschwinger - Mehrmassenschwinger - Verteilte Massen - Dämmung, Dämpfung und Tilger - Numerische Lösungs- und Näherungsverfahren - Außergewöhnliche dynamische Einwirkungen - Windeinwirkungen - Erschütterungen - Erdbeben
Die Zielgruppe
Studierende des Bauingenieurwesens
Der Autor
Dirk Proske studierte in Dresden und London Bauingenieurwesen. Er war an verschiedenen Hochschulen, wie der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien und der TU Delft, und für verschiedene Ingenieurbüros und Firmen, wie z.B. Axpo, tätig. Seit 2018 arbeitet er als Professor für Risikomanagement an der Berner Fachhochschule.

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Gert Walden, "Baumschlager Eberle Annäherungen | Approaches (German and English Edition)"
Deutsch, English | 2010 | pages: 146 | ISBN: 3211791582 | PDF | 24,1 mb
Es gibt Architekten, die aus ihren Visionen mehr oder weniger brauchbare Konzepte für die Realität des Gebauten ableiten. Andere Architekten stellen sich der Realität, um sie zu verbessern. Das Büro Baumschlager Eberle setzt sich mit den komplexen Sachverhalten von Ökonomie, Ökologie, Ressourcen und der Gesellschaft auseinander, die gemeinsam den kulturellen Kontext unserer Lebenswelt bilden. Eine solche Annäherung findet auf möglichst vielen, von rationaler und emotionaler Intelligenz erreichbaren Ebenen statt: Immer mit dem Ziel vor Augen, Architektur als etwas Konkretes einzubringen, das für die unterschiedlichen Orte des Bauens und die heterogenen Kreise der Nutzer wertewirksam wird.

Um Annäherungen geht es auch in diesem Buch. Die AutorInnen
nehmen Kontakt mit einer Architektur auf, die ein schlüssiges Denksystem darstellt. Die Elemente des Entwurfs, seiner Darstellung und die Materialisierung sind wesentliche Orientierungspunkte einer solchen Begegnung zwischen den Schreibenden, der Architektur und jenen Menschen, die für sie die Verantwortung übernehmen. Daher kommen auch Carlo Baumschlager und Dietmar Eberle selbst zu Wort, um die Ziele der Architektur ihrer mittlerweile sieben Büros sowie ihrer Lehrtätigkeit näherzubringen.

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Bayesian A/B Decision Models
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819802032 | 257 Pages | PDF (True) | 34 MB
Bayesian A/B Decision Models encapsulates J Christopher Westland's deep expertise in algorithmic decision-making, honed through years of experience in specialized fields like auditing and serving as an expert witness in computing damages for corporate and industrial legal cases. While traditional statistical methods provide valuable insights, they often fall short of capturing the complexities of real-world scenarios that require sophisticated decision-making. Enter the Bayesian A/B decision model ― a powerful alternative that offers the flexibility and adaptability essential for navigating the intricate demands of consultancy and legal expert roles.Westland has found the versatility of Bayesian A/B models to be particularly transformative, enabling him to respond effectively to diverse and dynamic requests for detailed analytical reports. This approach allows for the delivery of precise financial analyses and outcomes that are highly tailored and often beyond the reach of traditional methods. In the high-stakes arenas of legal and corporate deliberations, where the accuracy and adaptability of statistical analysis can be the tipping point, this advantage has proven invaluable.In Bayesian A/B Decision Models, Westland extends the application of Bayesian A/B testing across a wide array of fields, including healthcare, marketing, and finance, as well as in more specialized sectors where traditional A/B testing and Frequentist approaches may be insufficient due to their limitations. The book features a comprehensive technical appendix with complete computer code for all examples discussed, offering readers practical tools that can be customized and implemented in their work.Whether you're an experienced statistician, an emerging analyst, or a professional exploring the potential of Bayesian A/B testing, this book provides a thorough overview and detailed applications that highlight the unique benefits of this innovative statistical approach.

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Ioannis Ntzoufras, "Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS"
English | 2009 | pages: 506 | ISBN: 047014114X | PDF | 26,8 mb
A hands-on introduction to the principles of Bayesian modeling using WinBUGS

Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS provides an easily accessible introduction to the use of WinBUGS programming techniques in a variety of Bayesian modeling settings. The author provides an accessible treatment of the topic, offering readers a smooth introduction to the principles of Bayesian modeling with detailed guidance on the practical implementation of key principles.
The book begins with a basic introduction to Bayesian inference and the WinBUGS software and goes on to cover key topics, including:
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms in Bayesian inference
- Generalized linear models
- Bayesian hierarchical models
- Predictive distribution and model checking
- Bayesian model and variable evaluation
Computational notes and screen captures illustrate the use of both WinBUGS as well as R software to apply the discussed techniques. Exercises at the end of each chapter allow readers to test their understanding of the presented concepts and all data sets and code are available on the book's related Web site.
Requiring only a working knowledge of probability theory and statistics, Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS serves as an excellent book for courses on Bayesian statistics at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in the fields of statistics, actuarial science, medicine, and the social sciences who use WinBUGS in their everyday work.

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by Thomas J. Faulkenberry

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032744006 | 171 pages | True PDF EPUB | 9.63 MB

Bayesian Statistics: The Basics provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to Bayesian statistics, specifically tailored for any researcher with an interest in statistical methods. It covers the theoretical foundations of Bayesian inference, contrasting it with classical statistical methods like null hypothesis significance testing. The book emphasizes key concepts such as prior and posterior distributions, Bayes' theorem, and the Bayes factor, making them understandable even for readers with minimal mathematical backgrounds. Methodologically, the book offers practical, step-by-step guides on how to conduct Bayesian analyses using the free software package JASP. Each chapter focuses on applying Bayesian methods to common research designs with real-world data. Readers will benefit from the clear examples, visualizations, and JASP that ensure the learning experience is interactive and easy to follow. Full of practical content, the book emphasizes the advantages of Bayesian model comparison over traditional approaches, especially in quantifying evidence for competing hypotheses. Readers will also learn how to perform sensitivity analyses to assess the impact of different prior assumptions on their results. By the end of the book, readers will get both the theoretical understanding and practical skills to implement Bayesian methods in their own research, making it an invaluable resource for both novice and experienced researchers studying Bayesian statistics.

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BDSM. Tales of a Master : A true story: an exploration of healthy perversion by Robert De Ville
English | December 29, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D22PGL7X | 287 pages | EPUB | 0.68 Mb
The stories of several women, each with her own personality, intertwine along the protagonist's life. Only the first is an experienced slave who will help him delve into the world of BDSM; the others are novices. With each of them Robert will begin a long journey deeper and deeper into the abyss of human fantasies and perversions, and each step will be a challenge for him and his slaves.

"Tales of a Master" was born with the aim of revealing to the so-called 'normal' world what lies behind the acronym BDSM, going beyond the simple description of various erotic techniques of the S&M type. The text, therefore, in addition to describing scenes of domination of various kinds, aims to highlight the "relationship" itself; it aims to recount the extreme diversity, richness and complexity of human relationships that can arise between two people, one of whom is dominant and one submissive.
In addition to the stereotypes of BDSM-type encounters, the key lies in understanding the different personalities and the cultural and social backgrounds of the people involved. It will be the interplay between the personalities, with their strength and fragility, and the power of the BDSM act, with its triggering and disruptive charge, that will bring people into relationships that, in addition to satisfying their libido and urges, will lead them to greater self-awareness. And this is for both submissive and domina

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Farnoosh Torabi, "Be Money Smart: A Practical Guide for Starting Out, Starting Over and Staying on Track"
English | ISBN: 0132888068 | 2012 | pages | AZW3 | 500 KB

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Be Smart Pay Zero Taxes: Use the Buy, Borrow, Die Strategy to Get Rich and Stay Rich by Mark J. Quann
English | March 4th, 2025 | ISBN: 163006310X | 384 pages | True EPUB | 10.64 MB

Discover the strategies the ultra-wealthy use to grow their fortunes and legally avoid taxes - made simple for EVERYONE - with the ultimate guide to reducing your tax bill to zero. Learn the secrets the rich use to get rich, and STAY RICH, including:
* Master the S.M.A.R.T. system: Strategies to Maximize Assets and Reduce Taxes.
* Build your "Perfect Portfolio": It is LIFE-CHANGING!
* Leverage "The Five Pillars" of investing - stocks, real estate, life insurance, cryptocurrency, and precious metals - a bulletproof, tax-free financial plan.
* Implement the "Buy, Borrow, Die" strategy to grow and protect tax free wealth.
* Live off the "Borrow Button": Unlock tax-free financial freedom by borrowing against your investments and never selling your assets.
* Learn how ANYONE can build $6 million in wealth, retire early, and live tax-free without relying on traditional retirement accounts.
* Turn modest earnings into millions, be financially independent, and LIVE RICH!
NEWSMAX: "If you want to pay NO TAXES get: BE SMART PAY ZERO TAXES: Use the Buy, Borrow, Die Strategy to Get Rich and Stay Rich! It's possible!"

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Bryony Harcourt-Brown, "Bearded Collie"
English | 2014 | pages: 151 | ISBN: 162187009X | EPUB | 21,6 mb
This new Special Limited Edition provides everything a new owner needs to know about caring for and training a Bearded Collie. Author Bryony Harcourt-Brown, a long-time Beardie breeder from England, has written an insightful chapter on the breed's origins in its homeland, and guest author Christine Walkowicz has provided an insider's view of the breed's development in the US. This colorful handbook also covers the breed's characteristics and breed standard as well as helpful information about selecting and rearing a puppy, behavior and specific health concerns. With an emphasis on positive-training methods, the chapters on training cover everything from socialization and preventing puppy problems to house-training and obedience lessons. The well-illustrated chapter on preventive healthcare, written by popular author and veterinarian Dr. Lowell Ackerman, discusses all aspects of canine health including selecting a qualified vet, inoculations, parasite control and more. Every owner of a Beardie will welcome this comprehensive and entertaining new guide as a valuable addition to his home library.

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Beautiful Piano Melodies: 53 Timeless Songs & Arrangements for Adult Pianists eginners: Easy to Play Piano Sheet Music for Adults and Teens - Includes Video Tutorials, MIDI & MP3 Downloads by Tuneonmusic Official
English | January 31, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DVPKMZGV | 109 pages | EPUB | 11 Mb
Beautiful Songs & Melodies: 53 Stunning Piano Arrangements for Inspired Playing

Unlock the magic of piano music with this stunning collection of 53 beautifully arranged songs. Whether you're an adult beginner, an intermediate pianist, or someone rediscovering their love for the piano, this book is designed to inspire, motivate, and bring joy to your playing.
From the timeless elegance of Beethoven and Mozart to the cinematic power of Game of Thrones, the emotional beauty of anime soundtracks, and the energy of contemporary hits-this book offers a diverse and captivating selection of pieces that sound impressive while remaining accessible.
What's Inside?✔ 53 carefully arranged piano pieces - a mix of classical, anime, film, and pop music✔ Easy-to-follow sheet music - stays true to the original while being approachable for learners✔ Structured progression - gradually increasing difficulty to keep you engaged✔ Exclusive FREE learning resources: Video tutorials to guide your practice MIDI files for interactive learning MP3 recordings so you know how each piece should sound Access all materials at:
Songs You'll Love Playing Classical Favorites: Für Elise, Ode to Joy, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Pop & Rock Hits: Shake It Off, Come Together, Enemy Cinematic Soundtracks: Game of Thrones, The Rains of Castamere, Interstellar Anime Essentials: Gurenge, Merry-Go-Round of Life, Blue Bird, Zankyou Sanka✨ Perfect for:✔ Self-learners seeking inspiring and beautiful pieces✔ Pianists returning to the instrument after a break✔ Anime, film, and classical music lovers✔ A thoughtful gift for music enthusiastsFeel the music. Express yourself. Enjoy the journey.

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Before Before: A Story of Discovery and Loss in Sierra Leone
by Betsy Small
English | 2025 | ISBN: 0472077295 | 219 Pages | True ePUB | 1 MB

Sierra Leone is often sensationalized as a place of extreme violence and suffering-of blood diamonds, child soldiers, war amputations, and Ebola and now the highly addictive drug Kush. Before Before captures daily life in a different country, one Betsy Small first encountered as a Peace Corps worker between 1984-1987, and then rediscovered when she returned decades later with her daughter. Living in Tokpombu, a remote community of forty rice-farming families, the author faced struggles that changed her forever and witnessed the growing tensions in this rainforest village-between the young and old, between the traditions of oral history and honoring the ancestors valued by the elders and the siren call of the illicit diamond mines faced by the youth.
Before Before offers a rare portrait of everyday people, with particular focus on the lives of women and girls, before the brutal war of 1991 tore the country apart. Through Small's account of immersion in another world as she witnessed injustice and was welcomed as a friend, readers are invited to explore the shared ground of our humanity.

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Before Before: A Story of Discovery and Loss in Sierra Leone
by Betsy Small
English | 2025 | ISBN: 0472077295 | 219 Pages | PDF | 1 MB

Sierra Leone is often sensationalized as a place of extreme violence and suffering-of blood diamonds, child soldiers, war amputations, and Ebola and now the highly addictive drug Kush. Before Before captures daily life in a different country, one Betsy Small first encountered as a Peace Corps worker between 1984-1987, and then rediscovered when she returned decades later with her daughter. Living in Tokpombu, a remote community of forty rice-farming families, the author faced struggles that changed her forever and witnessed the growing tensions in this rainforest village-between the young and old, between the traditions of oral history and honoring the ancestors valued by the elders and the siren call of the illicit diamond mines faced by the youth.
Before Before offers a rare portrait of everyday people, with particular focus on the lives of women and girls, before the brutal war of 1991 tore the country apart. Through Small's account of immersion in another world as she witnessed injustice and was welcomed as a friend, readers are invited to explore the shared ground of our humanity.

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Tom Vanderbilt, "Beginners: The Joy and Transformative Power of Lifelong Learning"
English | ISBN: 0525432973 | 2021 | 320 pages | EPUB | 1092 KB
An insightful, joyful tour of the transformative powers of starting something new, no matter your age-from the bestselling author of Traffic and You May Also Like

"Vanderbilt elegantly and persuasively tackles one of the most pernicious of the lies we tells ourselves-that the pleasures of learning are reserved for the young." -Malcolm Gladwell, bestselling author of Outliers
Why do so many of us stop learning new skills as adults? Are we afraid to be bad at something? Have we forgotten the sheer pleasure of beginning from the ground up? Inspired by his young daughter's insatiable curiosity, Tom Vanderbilt embarks on a yearlong quest of learning-purely for the sake of learning. Rapturously singing Spice Girls songs in an amateur choir, losing games of chess to eight-year-olds, and dodging scorpions at a surf camp in Costa Rica, Vanderbilt tackles five main skills but learns so much more. Along the way, he interviews dozens of experts about the fascinating psychology and science behind the benefits of becoming an adult beginner and shows how anyone can get better at beginning again-and, more important, why they should take those first awkward steps. Funny, uplifting, and delightfully informative,
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