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Alister Mathieson, "Tourism: Changes, Impacts, And Opportunities"
English | 2005 | pages: 427 | ISBN: 0130994006 | PDF | 7,9 mb
Tourism provides a comprehensive and balanced discussion of the impacts of tourism. The authors address the nature of tourism and tourists and the economic, physical and social impact that can result from their activity.

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Transforming the Digitally Sustainable Enterprise
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031801245 | 610 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 28 MB
In the context of the global trend toward digitalization, it presents the results of innovative, high-quality research in the field of information systems and digital transformation. The book covers a broad range of topics, including digital innovation, business analytics, artificial intelligence, and IT strategy, each of which has and will continue to have significant impacts on companies, individuals and societies alike.

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Cristián H. Ricci, "Twenty-First Century Arab and African Diasporas in Spain, Portugal and Latin America"
English | 2022 | ISBN: 103242429X | PDF | pages: 267 | 3.7 mb
This volume considers the Arabic and African diasporas through the underexplored Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Africans, and Mahjari (South American and Mexican authors of Arab descent) experiences in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America. Utilizing both established and emerging approaches, the authors explore the ways in which individual writers and artists negotiate the geographical, cultural, and historical parameters of their own diasporic trajectories influenced by their particular locations at home and elsewhere. At the same time, this volume sheds light on issues related to Spain, Portugal, and Latin American racial, ethnic, and sexual boundaries; the appeal of images of the Middle East and Africa in the contemporary marketplace; and the role of Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American economic crunches in shaping attitudes towards immigration. This collection of thought-provoking chapters extends the concepts of diaspora and transnationalism, forcing the reader to reassess their present limitations as interpretive tools. In the process, Afro-Hispanic, Afro-Portuguese, and Mahjaris are rendered visible as national actors and transnational citizens.

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TypeScript from the Ground Up: A Practical Guide with Examples
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0F279MV59 | 306 Pages | EPUB | 6 MB
TypeScript from the Ground Up: A Practical Guide with Examples equips readers with a thorough understanding of a modern programming language that extends JavaScript with static type-checking and other advanced features. The book emphasizes clarity and precision, building foundational knowledge through detailed explanations and practical examples that cater to both beginners and experienced developers looking to enhance their coding practices.

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Unapologetically ADHD: A Step-by-Step Framework For Everyday Planning On Your Terms by Nikki Kinzer, Pete D. Wright
English | September 4, 2024 | ISBN: 1394265425 | 304 pages | PDF | 10 Mb
Step-by-step yet flexible blueprint to plan long term goals, projects, and tasks when living with ADHD

Written by Nikki Kinzer and Pete D. Wright, co-hosts of the hit podcast Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast with more than one million annual downloads, Unapologetically ADHD helps readers plan for long term goals, projects, and tasks that need to get done, providing a step-by-step outline for success that still allows for plenty of individual flexibility. An accessible and also fun read, this book is intentionally organized into clear sections within chapters and includes engaging visuals throughout.
Readers get access to various coaching strategies, such as powerful questions and exercises, to help them move towards planning success on their own terms. In this book, you'll find information on:Understanding how the ADHD mind works and how to manage "all or nothing" modeLetting go of the shame that so many with ADHD feel and the concept of RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria) acceptanceUsing practical tips that can be applied immediately to help you feel more in control of your life
With a perfect balance between planning strategies and real conversations on what it's like to have ADHD, Unapologetically ADHD earns a well-deserved spot on the bookshelves of everyone with ADHD who wants to master an often-challenging executive function to live a more structured and fulfilling life.

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Mark R. Cohen, "Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages"
English | ISBN: 0691139318 | 2008 | 328 pages | AZW3 | 654 KB
Did Muslims and Jews in the Middle Ages cohabit in a peaceful "interfaith utopia"? Or were Jews under Muslim rule persecuted, much as they were in Christian lands? Rejecting both polemically charged ideas as myths, Mark Cohen offers a systematic comparison of Jewish life in medieval Islam and Christendom-and the first in-depth explanation of why medieval Islamic-Jewish relations, though not utopic, were less confrontational and violent than those between Christians and Jews in the West.

Under Crescent and Cross has been translated into Turkish, Hebrew, German, Arabic, French, and Spanish, and its historic message continues to be relevant across continents and time. This updated edition, which contains an important new introduction and afterword by the author, serves as a great companion to the original.
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Understanding Allergic Airway Diseases: Contemporary Treatment Paradigm by Parteek Prasher, Mousmee Sharma, Sachin Kumar Singh
English | June 26, 2024 | ISBN: 9819719526 | 280 pages | MOBI | 5.55 Mb
The book explores the intersection of nanotechnology and allergic airway diseases. With a focus on diagnosis and management, each chapter delves into specific areas of interest. Beginning with an introduction to the diseases, the book progresses to uncover the pathophysiology and immunology underlying allergic airway diseases. The epidemiology chapter provides insights into the prevalence and impact of these conditions. A significant portion of the book is dedicated to nanotechnology applications, with chapters on metal and metal oxide nanoparticles, nanomicelles, carbon nanotubes, liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles, solid lipid nanoparticles, dendrimers, nanofibers, and quantum dots. These chapters delve into the potential of these nanomaterials in managing allergic airway diseases, highlighting their unique properties, and promising therapeutic approaches. Finally, the book concludes with a chapter on future directions, exploring emerging trends and potential advancements in the field. This book will be a valuable resource for academics, caregivers, researchers, and industry professionals working in the field of airway allergic diseases. It includes translational and clinical researchers, under-graduates and postgraduates (Masters), PhDs, and post-doctoral researchers of various disciplines, including pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology, immunology, and medical and health sciences.

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Katja Ritari, "Understanding Celtic Religion: Revisiting the Pagan Past "
English | ISBN: 1783167920 | 2016 | 240 pages | AZW3 | 611 KB
Although it has long been acknowledged that early Irish literature contains both pre-Christian and Christian elements, there's been no sustained study of the challenges involved in understanding the interrelation of these worldviews. Understanding Celtic Religion draws attention to the importance of reconsidering the relationship between religion and mythology, as well as the concept of "Celtic religion" itself. When scholars are attempting to construct the Celtic belief system, what counts as religion, and how does that differ from mythology? This volume, the first interdisciplinary collection of articles to critically re-evaluate the methodological challenges of the study of Celtic religion, will appeal to both scholars and lay readers of Celtic literature, as well as anyone interested in ancient and medieval cultures.

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Vincent Parrillo, "Understanding Race and Ethnic Relations"
English | 2013 | pages: 189 | ISBN: 1292041277 | PDF | 2,9 mb
For undergraduate and graduate introductory level courses in race and ethnic relations.

Introducing the core theories, concepts, and issues concerning race and ethnic relations in the United States.
Based on the top-selling title by the same author, Strangers to These Shores, this book provides a framework for understanding the interpersonal dynamics and the larger context of changing intergroup relations.
Following a presentation of introductory concepts in the first chapter-particularly that of the stranger as a social phenomenon and the concept of the Dillingham Flaw-the first group of chapters examines differences in culture, reality perceptions, social class, and power as reasons for intergroup conflict. These chapters also look at the dominant group's varying expectations about how minorities should "fit" into its society. Chapters 2 and 3 include coverage of some middle-range conflict and interactionist theories. Chapters 4 and 5 explore the dimensions and interrelationships of prejudice and discrimination, and Chapter 6 covers the dominant-minority response patterns so common across different groups and time periods. This chapter presents middle-range conflict theories about economic exploitation too. Chapter 7 employs holistic sociological concepts in discussing ethnic consciousness; ethnicity as a social process; current racial and ethnic issues, fears, and reactions; and the various indicators of U.S. diversity in the 21st century.

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Henry M. Miller, "Unearthing St. Mary's City: Fifty Years of Archaeology at Maryland's First Capital"
English | ISBN: 0813066832 | 2021 | 366 pages | PDF | 34 MB
This volume summarizes the remarkably diverse archaeological discoveries made during the past half century of investigations at the site of St. Mary's City, the first capital of Maryland and one of the earliest European settlements in America. Founded in 1634, the city had disappeared by 1750, yet the archaeology documented in Unearthing St. Mary's City reveals its untold history.

Contributors to this volume review new research approaches and methods developed recently at Historic St. Mary's City. They study the archaeology, architecture, and people of the lively seventeenth-century colonial hub. They also explore the landscapes of agriculture, enslavement, and remembrance that developed at the site in the centuries after the capital's relocation to Annapolis. In their chapters, contributors delve into subjects such as soil analysis, ceramics, diet, forts, burials, plantations, state houses, tenants, tobacco pipes, gaming, and the education of women.
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John J. McKetta Jr, "Unit Operations Handbook, Vol. 1: Mass Transfer"
English | ISBN: 0824786696 | | 1040 pages | EPUB | 74 MB
Emphasizes the design, control and functioning of various unit operations - offering shortcut methods of calculation along with computer and nomographic solution techniques. Provides practical sections on conversion to and from SI units and cost indexes for quick updating of all cost information.;This book is designed for mechanical, chemical, process design, project, and materials engineers and continuing-education courses in these disciplines.

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Unterirdische Kriegsführung im Ersten Weltkrieg: Geschichte und Erbe der Kämpfe unter und zwischen den Schützengräben (German Edition) by Charles River Editors
German | October 5, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJL7GP36 | 108 pages | EPUB | 4.85 Mb
Der Erste Weltkrieg, zu seiner Zeit auch als "Großer Krieg" oder "Krieg, der alle Kriege beendete" bekannt, war in seinem Ausmaß ein noch nie dagewesener Holocaust. Er wurde von Männern aus allen Teilen der Welt geführt, und Millionen von Soldaten kämpften in brutalen Zermürbungsangriffen, die sich über Monate hinzogen und kaum eine Atempause zuließen. Zig Millionen Artilleriegranaten und Hunderte von Millionen Gewehr- und Maschinengewehrkugeln wurden in einem Konflikt abgefeuert, der die Fähigkeit der Menschen demonstrierte, sich gegenseitig in einem noch nie dagewesenen Ausmaß zu töten, und wie immer brachte ein solcher Krieg technologische Innovationen in einem Tempo hervor, das den Boom der industriellen Revolution stagnieren ließ. Der Erste Weltkrieg war der erste wirklich industrielle Krieg und schuf ein Paradigma, das mit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg seinen Höhepunkt erreichte und auf das während des Kalten Krieges und für den Rest des 20. Jahrhunderts praktisch die gesamte Ausrüstung, Innovation und Ausbildung ausgerichtet war. Bis heute ist die moderne Kriegsführung gleichbedeutend mit Panzern und massiven Infanterieschlachten, obwohl es seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg keine Konfrontation dieser Art mehr gegeben hat (außer kurzzeitig während der Operation Wüstensturm).

Das bleibende Bild des Ersten Weltkriegs ist das von Männern, die in schlammigen Schützengräben festsitzen, und von riesigen Armeen, die in einem Kampf festgefahren sind, den keiner gewinnen kann. Es war ein Krieg mit Stacheldraht, Giftgas und schrecklichen Verlusten, als Offiziere ihre Truppen in Massenangriffen über das Niemandsland und in einen Kugelhagel führten. Auch wenn diese Eindrücke nur allzu wahr sind, verdecken sie doch die Tatsache, dass der Grabenkrieg dynamisch war und sich während des gesamten Krieges ständig weiterentwickelte, da alle Armeen darum kämpften, einen Weg zu finden, die gegnerischen Linien zu durchbrechen.
Die meisten Bücher und Dokumentarfilme über den Krieg konzentrieren sich auf das Gemetzel in den Schützengräben und schildern das unaufhörliche Bombardement und die Heckenschützen sowie die Angriffe und Gegenangriffe, die Millionen von Menschenleben forderten. Dies war die Erfahrung der meisten Frontsoldaten während dieses großen Konflikts, aber es war nicht die einzige Erfahrung. Unterhalb der Schützengräben fand ein weiterer Krieg statt, ein Krieg mit Tunneln und Minen, der von Männern geführt wurde, die tagelang kein Sonnenlicht sahen und in ständiger Angst vor Einstürzen und feindlicher Entdeckung lebten. Diese Männer, die im zivilen Leben meist Bergleute gewesen waren, lebten ein Leben im Zwielicht, arbeiteten lange Stunden in Stille und Dunkelheit, während über ihnen große Schlachten tobten. Sie litten unter Müdigkeit, Stress und dem Wissen, dass sie jederzeit von einem unsichtbaren Feind getötet werden konnten. Trotzdem hielten sie durch, und die Minen, die sie unter den feindlichen Grabensystemen verlegten, wendeten das Blatt in mindestens einer großen Schlacht.
Unterirdische Kriegsführung im Ersten Weltkrieg: Geschichte und Erbe der Kämpfe unter und zwischen den Schützengräben untersucht einen der am meisten vergessenen Aspekte der Bodenkämpfe während des Ersten Weltkriegs. Zusammen mit Bildern von wichtigen Menschen, Orten und Ereignissen erfahren Sie mehr über die unterirdische Kriegsführung des Ersten Weltkriegs als je zuvor.

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Urbicide: The Death of the City by Fernando Carrión Mena, Paulina Cepeda Pico
English | PDF,EPUB | 2023 | 930 Pages | ISBN : 3031253035 | 130.4 MB
This book uses the reflection of academics specialized in the urban area of Latin America, Europe and the United States, to initiate a comparative debate of the different dynamics in which Urbicidio expresses itself. The field or focal point of analysis that this publication approaches is the city, but under a new critical perspective of inverse methodology to that has been traditional used. It is about understanding the structural causes of self-destruction to finally thinking better and then going from pessimism to optimism.

It is a deep look at the city from an unconventional entrance, because it is about knowing and analyzing what the city loses by the action deployed by own urbanites, both in the field of its production and in the field of its consumption. This suppose that the city does not have an ascending linear sequential evolution in its development but neither in each of its parts in the improvement process, showing the face that commonly not seen but others live.
The category used for this purpose is that of Urbicidio or the death of the city, which contributes theoretically and methodologically to the knowledge of the city, as well as to the design of urban policies that neutralize it. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the book has an inclusive view of the authors. For this reason, gender parity, territorial representation and the presence of age groups have been sought.

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Pete Jennings, "Valkyries, selectors of heroes: their roles within Viking & Anglo Saxon Heathen beliefs"
English | ISBN: 1519789262 | 2015 | 102 pages | AZW3 | 2 MB
Valkyries are the choosers of the heroic slain warriors within Anglo Saxon and Viking Heathen mythology. Their roles have changed and yet they have retained their imagery of fiercely independent, strong women. This book brings together the historic sources to explore what and who they are, and includes over 30 illustrations, mostly in colour.

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Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Computing
English | 2025 | ISBN: 131651613X | 731 Pages | PDF | 22 MB
Can you trust results from modeling and simulation? This text provides a framework for assessing the reliability of and uncertainty included in the results used by decision makers and policy makers in industry and government. The emphasis is on models described by PDEs and their numerical solution. Procedures and results from all aspects of verification and validation are integrated with modern methods in uncertainty quantification and stochastic simulation. Methods for combining numerical approximation errors, uncertainty in model input parameters, and model form uncertainty are presented in order to estimate the uncertain response of a system in the presence of stochastic inputs and lack of knowledge uncertainty. This new edition has been extensively updated, including a fresh look at model accuracy assessment and the responsibilities of management for modeling and simulation activities. Extra homework problems and worked examples have been added to each chapter, suitable for course use or self-study.

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Mikael Shainkman, "Viking Mythology: Thor, Odin, Loki and the Old Norse Myths"
English | ASIN : B00MGU42LU | 2014 | 95 pages | AZW3 | 0,2 MB
Stories of the hammer-wielding Thor, wise Odin, beautiful Freya and evil Loki have fascinated people throughout the ages. Even today, almost a thousand years after the last Scandinavians abandoned the old gods for Christianity, the Viking myths continue to captivate new generations of readers. Scandinavian artists have been inspired by these myths for hundreds of years. Art museums all over Scandinavia display paintings with scenes from Norse mythology, and authors and painters still draw on the language and content of the old myths. Also artists elsewhere in the world are inspired by the Norse myths. Richard Wagner borrowed heavily from Viking lore when he wrote his operas, and it's hard to imagine the fantasy worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien and George R. R. Martin without the inspiration from Scandinavian mythology.

This book offers the modern reader a gateway into the wondrous world of Norse mythology with all its gods, goddesses, heroes, giants, elves, dwarfs and other creatures. But at the same time, this is more than just a collection of the ancient myths. This book also places all these gods and myths in their historical context and explains the religion of the Vikings, with its sacred calendar, its holy places and its sacrifices.

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Kathleen O'Neal Gear, "Vikings in North America: Pursuing the Myth of Paradise"
English | ASIN : B00TDPZ56M | 2015 | 43 pages | AZW3 | 1056 KB
With VIKINGS IN NORTH AMERICA, W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear, renowned archaeologists and bestselling authors of America's Forgotten Past series, discuss the fascinating myths that compelled the first Norse explorers to brave the oceans to reach North American shores.

At the ✅Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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Voices in the Band: A Doctor, Her Patients, and How the Outlook on AIDS Care Changed from Doomed to Hopeful By Susan C. Ball; NEH CARES grant
2015 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 0801455421 | PDF | 1 MB
"I am an AIDS doctor. When I began that work in 1992, we knew what caused AIDS, how it spread, and how to avoid getting it, but we didn't know how to treat it or how to prevent our patients' seemingly inevitable progression toward death. The stigma that surrounded AIDS patients from the very beginning of the epidemic in the early 1980s continued to be harsh and isolating. People looked askance at me: What was it like to work in that kind of environment with those kinds of people? My patients are 'those kinds of people.' They are an array and a combination of brave, depraved, strong, entitled, admirable, self-centered, amazing, strange, funny, daring, gifted, exasperating, wonderful, and sad. And more. At my clinic most of the patients are indigent and few have had an education beyond high school, if that. Many are gay men and many of the patients use or have used drugs. They all have HIV, and in the early days far too many of them died. Every day they brought us the stories of their lives. We listened to them and we took care of them as best we could."-from the IntroductionIn 1992, Dr. Susan C. Ball began her medical career taking care of patients with HIV in the Center for Special Studies, a designated AIDS care center at a large academic medical center in New York City. Her unsentimental but moving memoir of her experiences bridges two distinct periods in the history of the epidemic: the terrifying early years in which a diagnosis was a death sentence and ignorance too often eclipsed compassion, and the introduction of antiviral therapies that transformed AIDS into a chronic, though potentially manageable, disease. Voices in the Band also provides a new perspective on how we understand disease and its treatment within the context of teamwork among medical personnel, government agencies and other sources of support, and patients.Deftly bringing back both the fear and confusion that surrounded the disease in the early 1990s and the guarded hope that emerged at the end of the decade, Dr. Ball effectively portrays the grief and isolation felt by both the patients and those who cared for them using a sharp eye for detail and sensitivity to each patient's story. She also recounts the friendships, humor, and camaraderie that she and her colleagues shared working together to provide the best care possible, despite repeated frustrations and setbacks. As Dr. Ball and the team at CSS struggled to care for an underserved population even after game-changing medication was available, it became clear to them that medicine alone could not ensure a transition from illness to health when patients were suffering from terrible circumstances as well as a terrible disease.

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Voltaire Almighty: A Life in Pursuit of Freedom by Roger Pearson
English | January 1, 2005 | ISBN: 0747574952, 0747579571, 9781596918771 | True EPUB | 480 pages | 11.8 MB
Voltaire Almighty provides a lively look at the life and thought of one of the major forces behind the European Enlightenment. A rebel from start to finish (1694 - 1778), Voltaire was an ailing and unwanted bastard child who refused to die; and when he did consent to expire some eighty-four years later, he secured a Christian burial despite a bishop's ban.

During much of his life Voltaire was the toast of society for his plays and verse, but his barbed wit and commitment to human reason got him into trouble. Jailed twice and eventually banished by the King, he was an outspoken critic of religious intolerance and persecution. His personal life was as colourful as his intellectual life. Of independent means and mind, Voltaire never married, but he had long-term affairs with two women: Emilie, who died after giving birth to the child of another lover, and his niece, Marie-Louise, with whom he spent the last twenty-five years of his life. The consummate outsider; a dissenter who craved acceptance while flamboyantly disdaining it; author of countless stories, poems, plays, treatises and tracts, as well as some twenty thousand letters to his friends; Voltaire's long, hyperactive life makes for engaging and entertaining reading.

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Watkins' Manual of Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery
by Leon Watkins;

English | 2023 | ISBN: 1975175522 | 644 pages | True EPUB | 70.57 MB

Ideal for podiatry residents, students, and practitioners, Watkins' Manual of Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery, Fifth Edition, provides fast access to must-know clinical information on anatomy, pharmacology, microbiology, disease prevention, and management of foot and ankle disorders. Author and illustrator, Dr. Leon Watkins, offers concise yet comprehensive coverage of everything you need to know-from arthritis, imaging, and wound care to implants, pediatrics, and trauma, all in an easy-to-digest list format that makes study, review, and reference quick and easy.
Features updated coverage of new procedures, trauma interventions, and new antibiotics-all aligned with information you need to know for exams.
Contains full-color artwork throughout, including photos of dermatologic conditions and clear illustrations of the instruments you're most likely to use.
Includes podiatric abbreviations and glossary for quick reference, as well as an enhanced index with drug names.
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