Infix PDF Editor Pro 7.4.2 + Protable RePack by TryRooM | 33.4MB
Using Infix PDF Editor, you can open, modify and save PDF files. It is simple and does not take much time: you can change text, fonts, images, etc. And unlike other PDF editors, Infix works like a regular text editor, and is really easy to use. Elimination of typos: fast correction of errors in PDF files.
Use existing PDF files: make changes to the PDF without accessing the source file. Save paper: fill out forms without having to print on paper. It doesn't matter how much text you need to change: a single word, paragraph or a whole page. Infix is the only PDF editor that can insure you by changing the formatting and layout of the text. After saving, all changes will fit seamlessly into the file.
Features of Infix PDF Editor:
Advanced features for working with graphics PDF. Infix Pro includes a set of tools for processing graphics, for example, objects can be grouped, hidden or blocked, they can be changed and cropped masks can be conveniently aligned with the existing vertical ruler, in addition to which grids, guides and page fields are provided.
Insert from PDF. Use existing PDF documents as components - just place them on the page. Like any other object, they can be rotated and moved, as well as resized. Using Infix, any document can be converted to PDF, respectively, any type of document can be imported into PDF.
Combine PDF with drag and drop. Drag and drop any number of PDF files into Infix for later merging into one document. You can add headers and footers and page numbers to all pages of a document, using the powerful multi-page copy feature.
Translation of PDF documents using translation tools and XML. Export PDF to XML format to work in any automated translation application and import translated text (XML) back to PDF. In Infix, the translated text will be placed in the same way as in the original document, and the need to change the layout and replace the fonts will be minimal.
Combine PDF with drag and drop. Effective text fitting provides the best look for Infix Server templates and common illustrations. In Infix Pro, you can configure automatic text fitting options and specify which features should be changed. You can fit text in multiple columns or across pages.
Search and replace in multiple PDF documents. Infix Pro implements powerful search functions in several PDF documents and even in directories filled with such documents. The search is performed on all documents, while the original documents are not changed, and all errors or processing problems are recorded. In addition, the search and replace function can be applied to hyperlinks: this is convenient, for example, if the address of the company's website has changed.
Search in PDF and replace by font, color or size. More diverse search criteria allow you to limit the results by size, color or font of the text - this is convenient when replacing text in headers and footers, without having to change the main text of the PDF document.
Censorship text. Convenient and simple censorship function, which allows you to select and delete any piece of text. In this case, the source text is guaranteed to be deleted, and a black bar is substituted in its place.
Block PDF elements in templates. Setting limits in PDF files created for clients: the ability to block objects, move objects only vertically (to maintain alignment), restrict the use of sets of colors and fonts.
Censorship text. Create PDF templates for Infix Server. Marks up areas of text that should be replaced using the organize function. Ability to specify the type of text layout during replacement. Layout of images, definition of cropping and alignment parameters used during replacement.
The Professional edition includes all available functions:
Editing and typesetting, standard text editor tools
Convert PDF to ePub, RTF, HTML
Convert any file to PDF using Infix PDF Printer
Combining multiple PDF files into one
: stamps, notes, signatures, text selection, etc.
Photo Albums: Add hundreds of photos and create a PDF album
Translation of PDF documents into other languages using XML
Creating chart caption arrows
Search and replace text:
in formatted text
in hundreds of documents
in bookmarks and notes
in hyperlinks
Work with layers - the ability to show / hide / rename to facilitate editing
Text censorship - conveniently and efficiently delete text in confidential documents
Efficient automatic bookmarking
Copy objects to multiple pages
Auto pagination
Create a chain of text blocks and export their contents in HTML, ePub, RTF, etc.
Font redefinition - editing PDF files that it would be impossible to edit or export without this function
Grid, guides and margins - easy layout
Add inline or custom watermarks to pages and remove these marks.
PDF virus immunity (including Java malware scripts)
Features RePack'a:
Type: installation, unpacking (Portable by TryRooM)
Languages: Russian / English (Other languages can be downloaded with Internet access)
Treatment: carried out (patch).
Deleted: complete infix PDF Printer (considered by many to be bulky, slow and not very functional)
Command line switches:
Silent unpacking: / VERYSILENT / Р
Silent installation in Russian: / VERYSILENT / I / RU
Silent installation in English: / VERYSILENT / I / EN
Silent installation without integration: / VERYSILENT / I / NM
Do not create desktop shortcut: / ND
Do not create a shortcut in the Start menu: / NS
Selecting the installation location: / D = PATH
Key / D = PATH should be indicated with the most recent
example: setup_file.exe / VERYSILENT / I / D = C: \ MyProgram