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Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future of Humanity by Oluchi Ike
English | September 20, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D1KCRS2T | 126 pages | EPUB | 1.31 Mb
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the most significant technological advancements of our time. From self-driving cars and virtual assistants to sophisticated algorithms that drive decision-making across industries, AI is reshaping our world in ways that were once the realm of science fiction. As we stand on the brink of this new era, it is essential to understand the complexities and implications of AI-not just for technology, but for humanity as a whole.

This book, "Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future of Humanity," aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of AI, its development, and its impact on various aspects of our lives. Whether you are a seasoned professional in the tech industry, a curious student, or someone seeking to understand how AI affects everyday life, this book is designed to be accessible and informative.
In the chapters that follow, we will delve into the foundations of AI, exploring its history, the key technologies that power it, and its diverse applications across sectors such as healthcare, transportation, finance, and education. We will also address the ethical considerations that accompany AI's rise, including bias, privacy concerns, and the implications for employment and social dynamics.
As we navigate this complex landscape, one thing becomes clear: AI is not just a tool for enhancing efficiency or driving economic growth; it is a force that has the potential to reshape our very existence. The choices we make today regarding the development and deployment of AI technologies will have far-reaching consequences for future generations.

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English | April 29, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D2ZYS9MH | 518 pages | EPUB | 8.85 Mb
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most important and transformative technologies of our time. It is being used in a wide variety of applications, from self-driving cars to medical diagnostics. But what exactly is AI? How does it work? And what are the challenges and opportunities it presents?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), in its essence, refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and be able to progressively improve based on the information they collect. This multidisciplinary field crosses areas such as computer science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, among others, to create machines capable of reasoning, perception, and learning.
The topics covered in this book, such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Ethics and Transparency in AI Projects, among others, have been carefully selected to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date view on AI.
Through clear explanations, practical examples, and a didactic approach, this book aims to guide the reader through the vast and dynamic field of Artificial Intelligence, providing essential knowledge and comprehensive perspectives for those who wish to understand, apply, and explore the full potential and possibilities offered by this revolutionary technology.
This book answers all of these questions and more. With 1,121 questions with clear and concise answers, this book is the ultimate guide to understanding AI. It covers everything from the basic fundamentals to the most complex concepts.
If you're interested in learning more about AI, this book is for you. It's perfect for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone who wants to understand the technology that's changing the world.
Some of the topics covered in the book:
- Fundamentals of artificial intelligence.
- AI applications.
- Data Requirements for AI.
- AI Development and Training.
- AI challenges.
- Information, data and geoprocessing.
- Evolution of artificial intelligence.
- AI milestones.
- Basic concepts and definitions.
- Complex concepts.
- Machine learning.
- Natural language processing.
- Computer vision and robotics.
- Decision algorithms.
- Data privacy.
- Automation of work.
- Large-scale language models - LLMs.
- Machine Learning in the context of Artificial Intelligence.
- The role of data in the age of artificial intelligence.
his book is a comprehensive compendium of essential topics in the field of artificial intelligence, covering everything from the historical evolution and important milestones of AI to basic concepts such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, decision algorithms, data privacy, work automation, and more.
Who this book is for:
The book " Artificial Intelligence Unraveled 1121 Questions & Answers From Basic To Complex" is intended for technology professionals, students, managers, educators and interested parties in general who want to explore and understand the universe of artificial intelligence in an accessible and comprehensive way.
About the Author.Prof.
Marcão, with extensive experience in information technology and marketing, works as a business consultant, career mentor and content producer. Author of more than 110 books, he uses innovative methodologies for efficient projects contributing to information architecture.

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As Derrotas Mais Notórias de Roma: A História e o Legado da Batalha de Cannae e da Batalha da Floresta de Teutoburgo (Portuguese Edition) by Charles River Editors
Portuguese | October 12, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJZN27W7 | 224 pages | EPUB | 14 Mb
Embora os romanos tenham levado a melhor sobre Cartago na sequência da Primeira Guerra Púnica, o lendário general cartaginês Aníbal pôs os romanos de joelhos durante mais de uma década durante a Segunda Guerra Púnica. Embora os historiadores militares ainda se surpreendam com o facto de ele ter conseguido manter o seu exército em Itália, perto de Roma, durante quase 15 anos, os estudiosos ainda estão perplexos com algumas das suas decisões, incluindo a razão pela qual nunca tentou marchar sobre Roma.

De qualquer modo, Aníbal era uma ameaça tão grande que os romanos responderam de uma forma sem precedentes quando os cartagineses retomaram a campanha na primavera de 216 a.C., capturando a cidade de Cannae, um centro de abastecimento crucial, e colocando-se ao longo da linha que os comboios dos portos e armazéns do sul precisavam de percorrer para chegar a Roma. Roma reuniu o maior exército da história da sua cidade, uma força de 80 000 a 100 000 homens, e marchou para sul com os cônsules Varro e Paullus à frente do exército. Este gigante militar ignorou as tácticas de atraso que Maximus favorecera, totalmente determinado a destruir Aníbal de uma vez por todas e o mais rapidamente possível. Políbio descreveu a incrível dimensão deste exército romano: "O Senado decidiu trazer oito legiões para o campo de batalha, o que nunca tinha sido feito em Roma, sendo cada legião composta por cinco mil homens, para além dos aliados. ...A maior parte das suas guerras são decididas por um cônsul e duas legiões, com a sua quota de aliados; e raramente empregam os quatro de uma só vez e num só serviço. Mas, nesta ocasião, tão grande era o alarme e o terror do que poderia acontecer, que resolveram trazer para o campo de batalha não apenas quatro, mas oito legiões."
O resultado foi um massacre, uma das batalhas mais cruéis da história do mundo. Cerca de 75% do exército romano foi abatido na luta que se seguiu, o que corresponde a cerca de 50.000-80.000 soldados, dependendo das estimativas iniciais consideradas exactas. Entre as baixas encontrava-se o infeliz cônsul Paullus, dois terços dos Tribunos Militares da cidade, uma série de oficiais e nobres das mais proeminentes famílias romanas e quase um terço do Senado. O exército de Aníbal matou tantos romanos proeminentes que os seus homens recolheram mais de 200 sinetes de ouro de romanos mortos, tendo mandado enviar os anéis para Cartago para demonstrar a sua vitória completa.
Todas as grandes nações ou impérios tiveram pelo menos uma terrível perda ou desastre militar na sua história, e o Império Romano, talvez o maior império que alguma vez existiu no mundo ocidental, não foi exceção a esta regra. Embora Roma tenha certamente sofrido derrotas e massacres no decurso da sua longa e célebre história, nenhum deles foi tão perturbador para o Império como a batalha da Floresta de Teutoburgo, em 9 d.C. Esta batalha, que teve lugar na Alemanha, é também conhecida como o desastre de Varian, em homenagem ao governador da província romana, Germania Publius Quinctilius Varus. Varus não era apenas o governador romano das secções da Germânia controladas pelos romanos, era também a mais alta autoridade militar, podendo tomar decisões sobre quem, o quê, onde, quando, porquê e como das manobras e operações militares. Era Varus, portanto, quem comandava diretamente as legiões romanas destruídas na batalha.
A batalha continua a ser pertinente não só para os historiadores e arqueólogos militares, mas também para os oficiais militares modernos de todo o mundo. Ainda em 2009, o Army Command and General Staff College dos Estados Unidos da América publicou um trabalho que se centrava nas legiões romanas na Floresta de Teutoburgo. Este trabalho consistia numa análise da batalha para ajudar a compreender as falhas cometidas por Varus e a forma de as evitar.

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As Maiores Batalhas da História: A Batalha de Okinawa (Portuguese Edition) by Charles River Editors
Portuguese | August 19, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DDQHL2J1 | 81 pages | EPUB | 14 Mb
Perto do final de 1944, quando as forças aliadas estavam a avançar pelo Pacífico e a aproximar-se cada vez mais do Japão, foram elaborados planos para invadir as ilhas Ryuku, sendo a mais proeminente Okinawa. Os planeadores militares previram que a campanha anfíbia duraria uma semana, mas em vez de enfrentar 60.000 defensores japoneses, como previsto, havia cerca de 120.000 na ilha no início da campanha, em abril de 1945. A Batalha de Okinawa foi a maior operação anfíbia no teatro de operações do Pacífico, durou quase 3 meses e acabou por ser a mais feroz no teatro de operações do Pacífico durante a guerra, com cerca de 60.000 baixas americanas e mais de 100.000 soldados japoneses mortos. Para além disso, a batalha resultou numa estimativa de 40.000 a 150.000 baixas civis japonesas.

Okinawa foi testemunha de todos os horrores concebíveis da guerra, tanto em terra como no mar. As forças terrestres americanas em Okinawa tiveram de lidar com o mau tempo (incluindo um tufão), fossos anti-tanque, arame farpado, minas, grutas, redes de túneis subterrâneos e soldados japoneses fanáticos que estavam dispostos a usar escudos humanos enquanto lutavam até à morte. As forças navais aliadas que apoiavam a invasão anfíbia tiveram de enfrentar os famosos kamikazes do Japão, pilotos suicidas que aterrorizavam os marinheiros enquanto tentavam freneticamente abater os aviões japoneses antes que estes pudessem atingir os navios aliados. Como recordou um marinheiro a bordo do USS Miami, "vinham em enxames de todas as direcções. Os canos dos canhões do nosso navio ficaram tão quentes que tivemos de usar bocas de fogo para os arrefecer". Como observou o The Marine Corps Gazette, "A Batalha de Okinawa provocou mais problemas de saúde mental do que qualquer outra batalha no Pacífico durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O bombardeamento constante da artilharia e dos morteiros, juntamente com as elevadas taxas de baixas, levou a que muitos homens sofressem de fadiga de combate. Além disso, as chuvas causaram lama que impediu os tanques de se moverem e os rastos de retirarem os mortos, obrigando os fuzileiros (que se orgulham de enterrar os seus mortos de forma correta e honrosa) a deixarem os seus camaradas onde jaziam. Isto, juntamente com milhares de corpos, tanto de amigos como de inimigos, espalhados por toda a ilha, criou um cheiro que quase se podia saborear. O moral estava perigosamente baixo no mês de maio e o estado de disciplina numa base moral tinha um novo barómetro baixo para um comportamento aceitável. As atrocidades impiedosas cometidas pelos japoneses ao longo da guerra já tinham provocado uma alteração de comportamento (assim considerada pelos padrões tradicionais) por parte de muitos americanos, resultando na profanação de restos mortais japoneses, mas a tática japonesa de utilizar o povo de Okinawa como escudos humanos trouxe um novo aspeto de terror e tormento à capacidade psicológica dos americanos."
Dada a natureza horrível do combate e o facto de ter sido incessante durante várias semanas, não é de surpreender que Okinawa tenha tido um profundo efeito psicológico nos homens que combateram, mas também influenciou grandemente o pensamento dos líderes militares que planeavam campanhas subsequentes, incluindo uma potencial invasão do continente japonês. Os combates em locais como Iwo Jima e Okinawa contribuíram em grande medida para convencer os conselheiros militares americanos de que invadir o Japão causaria milhões de baixas, o que acabou por ajudar o Presidente Truman a utilizar as bombas atómicas em Hiroshima e Nagasaki, num esforço para acabar com a guerra antes de ter de tentar uma invasão.

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Ascolto Attivo, Perfezionalo in 5 Giorni: Teoria e Tecniche di Comunicazione Pratiche per Comprendere e Connetterti con Chiunque Immediatamente (Italian Edition) by Luca Nuvole
Italian | August 27, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DFHG4GFP | 107 pages | EPUB | 1.37 Mb
Vorresti sentirti più sicuro nelle conversazioni? Vorresti capire meglio chi ti circonda per rafforzare le tue relazioni personali e professionali?

Questo libro è un programma di 5 giorni che unisce teoria e pratica per migliorare significativamente la tua capacità di ascoltare consapevolmente gli altri.
Immagina di poter comprendere meglio le persone, imparando a selezionare le informazioni importanti e memorizzando i dettagli cruciali delle conversazioni, così da trasformarle in un'opportunità per trovare soluzioni ai problemi e migliorare i rapporti con gli altri. Questo libro è proprio il tuo percorso guidato per diventare una persona più aperta e attenta, con maggiore sicurezza in te stesso e con la capacità di trasformare ciò che ascolti in azioni concrete di aiuto verso gli altri.
Il libro è organizzato in 5 capitoli, da leggere uno al giorno. Ciascun capitolo include una parte teorica e una parte di esercizi.
Amerai questo libro perché, in soli 5 giorni, comprenderai le basi per:
✅ Sviluppare una maggiore autostima come ascoltatore, per porre tutta la tua attenzione sugli altri senza distrazioni personali.
✅ Sviluppare un atteggiamento non giudicante, che ti permetta di ascoltare con apertura e rispetto, creando un ambiente di fiducia.
✅ Imparare a focalizzare la tua attenzione selettivamente, filtrando le informazioni rilevanti e memorizzando ciò che è più importante.
✅ Trasformare l'ascolto in azione concreta, utilizzando le informazioni raccolte per prendere decisioni informate, risolvere problemi e migliorare le relazioni.
✅ Superare le barriere che ti impediscono di ascoltare pienamente, mantenendo il controllo della conversazione e restando concentrato sui tuoi obiettivi.
E non è tutto, questo manuale è particolarmente prezioso perché:
✅ Offre un percorso progressivo con 3 passi per chi desidera affinare le proprie capacità di attenzione verso gli altri.
✅ Combina teoria e pratica con esercizi specifici progettati per migliorare la tua capacità reale di comprendere la prospettiva e i bisogni degli altri.
✅ Incorpora esempi concreti e situazioni di vita comuni, rendendo i concetti immediatamente applicabili alla tua realtà quotidiana.
L'ascolto attivo ha la potenzialità di migliorare immediatamente le tue interazioni, portandoti fiducia e rispetto da parte di colleghi e clienti, e potenzialmente rendendoti un leader più efficace e rispettato. Pensa a come la comprensione e la disponibilità verso gli altri possono migliorare la tua vita, facendoti sentire sicuro di poter aiutare gli altri e di ricevere il giusto supporto quando necessario.

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Pam Scheunemann, "Ash As in Trash (Word Families Set 6)"
English | 2003 | pages: 25 | ISBN: 1591972604 | PDF | 0,6 mb
Introduces, in brief text and illustrations, the use of the letter combination "ash" in such words as "trash," "rash," "dash," and "splash."

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Christopher M Edmonds, Calla Wiemer, Heping Cao, "Asian Economic Cooperation in the New Millennium: China's Economic Presence"
English | 2004 | pages: 446 | ISBN: 9812387625 | PDF | 1,9 mb
This volume is the outgrowth of a conference held at Peking University in May 2002, jointly sponsored by the American Committee on Asian Economic Studies, the Peking University School of Economics, and the China Reform Forum. The contributors include leading scholars from Asia as well as specialists on Asia from the US, Europe, and Australia. The book delves into issues of trade and investment, exchange rates and macroeconomic policy, and preferential trade agreements and other forms of economic cooperation. The overall message is one of regional dynamism animated by concerted efforts to build a favorable institutional environment. China is a great motivating force in this dynamism and a key player in the development of regional agreements.

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Asian Flavors: The Ultimate Guide to Authentic Sauces, Sautées and Easy Recipes (Raw and Unfiltered) by Camilo Cesarino
English | September 22, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CY62CZCN | 190 pages | EPUB | 12 Mb
What will you find in this book?Essential sauces and seasonings The foundation of any good Asian cuisine is its sauces. This book will not only give you basic recipes, but will teach you how to create homemade sauces that will transform your dishes. Learn how to make homemade soy sauce, authentic teriyaki sauce, Szechuan sauce that will set your taste buds on fire and many more. No more relying on supermarket sauces full of chemicals and preservatives; here you will learn how to make your own, full of freshness and flavor.Cooking techniques without complications From handling the wok to how to make the perfect stir-fry, this book breaks down the most used techniques in Asian cooking in a simple and clear way. Did you know that the key to a good stir-fry is high and fast heat? We explain it all, step by step, so you can cook with confidence and get restaurant-worthy results.Iconic dishes and recipes that can't fail In "Asian Flavors," you'll find recipes for classic dishes that can't miss in your repertoire. From the explosive flavor of Szechuan-style Chicken, to the comforting and balanced Korean Bibimbap, to the sweet and savory Pad Thai and the addictive Chow Mein. With over 60 recipes, you'll have a wide variety of dishes for every occasion.Refreshing Desserts and Dishes Asian cuisine is not just spicy and savory; it also knows how to create refreshing desserts that balance out an intense meal. Try the smooth Green Tea Ice Cream (Matcha) or the vibrant Green Papaya Salad, which bring that hit of freshness your palate needs after a meal loaded with complex flavors.Accessible, easy-to-find ingredients Forget the idea that you need exotic ingredients found only in specialty markets. This book is designed so that you can make authentic Asian cuisine with ingredients you can get in any supermarket.Final tips to perfect your cooking This book is not just a collection of recipes. We walk you through it from start to finish, with practical tips to master every technique and make every dish come out perfect. If you're not willing to get your hands dirty and learn from your mistakes, this is not the book for you. But if you are serious about cooking and want to perfect your skills, we guarantee that, step by step, you will become a master of Asian flavors.Why this book?Written for cooks of all levels Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cook, Asian Flavors is designed to suit everyone. Each recipe is clearly explained, with easy-to-follow instructions, but without losing authenticity. In addition, we provide you with alternatives and tips if you can't find a specific ingredient.Learn to cook like a pro at home Forget about take-out and surprise your family and friends with dishes that look like they're straight out of a fine dining restaurant. With the techniques and recipes in this book, you'll be cooking authentic Asian dishes in no time and with ease.Tested and Guaranteed Recipes Every recipe in this book has been carefully tested to ensure consistent results. No more recipes that don't work or ingredients that don't fit.Ideal for improving your diet The recipes you'll find in Asian Flavors are not only delicious, but also healthy. Asian cuisine is full of fresh ingredients, rich in nutrients and low in saturated fats. With these recipes, you will not only be improving your cooking skills, but also your diet.

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Asian Steam: Delicious Recipes and Secrets for Bamboo Vaporizer Mastery by Camilo Cesarino
English | August 1, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DBZTS3K4 | 220 pages | EPUB | 3.79 Mb
Discover the age-old secrets of steaming and transform your culinary skills with "Asian Steaming: Delicious Recipes and Secrets to Bamboo Steamer Mastery"!

This book is your ultimate guide to exploring Asian cuisine, from the traditional to the innovative, using the bamboo steamer to create dishes that delight the palate and feed the soul. Perfect for food lovers who want to cook healthier without sacrificing flavor, this book will teach you how to master the art of steaming with confidence and creativity.
Explore the Asian Culinary Tradition:
Begin your culinary journey with an introduction to the rich history of bamboo steaming and its role in Asian cuisine. Discover how this cooking technique preserves nutrients and enhances the natural flavors of foods, making every bite an explosion of authentic flavor. Learn about the different types of bamboo steamers, how to select and maintain them to ensure your dishes are perfect every time.
Recipes that Delight:
From irresistible classics like dumplings and BBQ pork buns to innovative steamed dessert creations, each recipe is designed to inspire and satisfy. This book includes more than 100 detailed recipes, each accompanied by step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow, even for novice cooks.
Dive into Specific Sections:Entrees You'll Love: Start every meal with delicious entrees that combine freshness and tradition. Discover how to make steamed vegetable spring rolls or shrimp toast with a unique twist.Main Dishes with Attitude: Explore hearty dishes that combine fresh ingredients and modern techniques, such as steamed chicken with glutinous rice or steamed salmon with ginger and scallions.Sweets and Desserts that Break the Scheme: Give your meals a finishing touch with desserts that defy convention, from steamed matcha cake to Korean Injeolmi rice cake.
The Steaming Chef's Manifesto:
With expert tips and tricks, you'll learn how to adapt ancient recipes to modern kitchens, fusing tradition with technology to create innovative dishes. Steaming techniques will allow you to experiment with new flavors and textures, taking your culinary skills to the next level.
Questions to the Chef: Unfiltered Answers:
Find honest answers and practical advice to common kitchen questions, with a touch of wisdom and humor. This unique section will give you the tools you need to face any culinary challenge with confidence.
Benefits of Steaming:Healthy Cooking: Steaming retains nutrients and reduces the need for extra oils and fats, helping you cook healthier.Versatility: From meats and fish to vegetables and desserts, steaming adapts to any type of ingredient.Sustainability: It uses less energy than other cooking methods, making it a more environmentally friendly option,
Perfect for Asian Cooking and Culture Lovers:
This book is ideal for those who want to explore Asian cuisine in an authentic and healthy way. Whether you're looking to improve your cooking skills, surprise your friends with exquisite dishes, or simply enjoy the simplicity and flavor of steaming, "Asian Steaming" will guide you every step of the way.

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Aspect-Oriented Programming: Enhancing Modularity and Separation of Concerns for Cleaner, More Maintainable Code by Theophilus Edet
English | January 12, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DMF913CH | 790 pages | EPUB | 1.46 Mb
Enhance Code Modularity with Aspect-Oriented Programming Techniques

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP): Enhancing Modularity and Separation of Concerns for Cleaner, More Maintainable Code is an in-depth guide to using AOP for creating better-structured, modular code across two major programming languages: C# and Java. Discover how to leverage AOP to address cross-cutting concerns, streamline your codebase, and significantly improve maintainability.
Unlock Modularity and Separation of Concerns with AOP
AOP allows developers to address cross-cutting concerns - like logging, error handling, and security - without cluttering core business logic. This book teaches you how to use C# and Java with AOP to create modular code that's cleaner and easier to maintain. Whether you're managing large codebases or building scalable applications, AOP can help you achieve clearer separation of concerns.
Master Core AOP Algorithms for Seamless Integration and Efficiency
Dive deep into the algorithms and data structures that make AOP a powerful tool. This book explores essential algorithms like Cross-Cutting Concerns Algorithms to handle code functionality across modules, Join Point Selection Algorithms for efficiently defining code insertion points, Advice Weaving Algorithms to embed additional behavior, and Aspect Weaving Graphs for understanding dependencies in complex systems. You'll learn how to use these techniques to create adaptable and highly modular code structures.
Optimize AOP Across C# and Java for Dynamic Code Management
Tailored to C# and Java developers, this guide reveals how to implement AOP effectively in both languages, leveraging their unique strengths. In Java, you'll explore AOP frameworks like AspectJ for implementing aspect-oriented concepts, while C# examples focus on built-in features and third-party libraries to achieve similar results. Practical examples in each language demonstrate how to structure code that's both modular and adaptable.
Build Maintainable, Scalable Code for Long-Term Project Success
Ideal for developers aiming to streamline code management, AOP provides an elegant solution for maintaining complex systems. This book covers best practices, frameworks, and step-by-step guidance, making it perfect for developers, architects, and engineers seeking to enhance code modularity, readability, and scalability.

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Victoria Kidwell, "Assemblies Made Easy (Classmates)"
English | 2004 | pages: 107 | ISBN: 0826471994 | PDF | 2,5 mb
magine you are a mathematics teacher who gave up English and Drama when you were eighteen years old. Faced with writing a mini-production, which must be suitable for both a group of teenagers who want to look cool in front of their peers and teachers who expect a decent Description and a positive outcome, would fill you with dread, panic and stress. Kidwell not only offers practical advise on how to approach assemblies but also a selection of five minute assemblies as examples.

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Mark J. Van Ryzin, Debbie Meier MacArthur Fellow Co-chai, "Assessing What Really Matters in Schools: Creating Hope for the Future"
English | 2009 | pages: 129 | ISBN: 1578869692 | PDF | 0,7 mb
Since the 1960s, efforts to reform education―including various curricular changes, reading approaches, teacher preparation, money for the disadvantaged, and different instructional approaches―have failed to bring about true systemic change because the reforms fail to deal with a different definition of learning. The Hope Study was created to discover whether a radically different learning environment would achieve different outcomes. In detailing the outcome of the Hope Study, Assessing What Really Matters in Schools gives hope to innovative and progressive schools, to new and different accountability systems, while changing the conversation from an achievement discourse to a human development discourse.

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Asterisk 1.6 by David Merel, Barrie Dempster, David Gomillion
English | September 30, 2009 | ISBN: 1847198627 | 240 pages | MOBI | 1.17 Mb
The book offers readers both a detailed description as well as step by step instructions on deploying software solutions as well as Asterisk configurations. are provided in sections to give a visual perspective of the instructions. For Asterisk configurations actual sample code is listed in the book which can be directly inserted into your Asterisk solution. This book is aimed at anyone who is interested in building a powerful telephony system using the free and open source application, Asterisk, without spending many thousands of dollars buying a commercial and often less flexible system. This book is suitable for the novice and those new to Asterisk and telephony. Telephony or Linux experience will be helpful, but not required.

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Michele Barone, Emilio Borchi, Andrea Gaddi, "Astroparticle, Particle And Space Physics, Detectors And Medical Physics Applications"
English | 2006 | pages: 1162 | ISBN: 9812567984 | PDF | 65,3 mb
The exploration of the subnuclear world is done through increasingly complex experiments covering a wide range of energies and in a large variety of environments - from particle accelerators, underground detectors to satellites and space laboratories. For these research programs to succeed, novel techniques, new materials and new instrumentation need to be used in detectors, often on a large scale. Hence, particle physics is at the forefront of technological advancement and leads to numerous applications. Among these, medical applications have a particular importance due to the health and social benefits they bring. This volume reviews the advances made in all technological aspects of current experiments in the field.

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Atkins Diet Recipes that are Too Good to be True!: The Atkins Diet Cookbook: Weight Loss Plans that Don't Include Exercise! (Atkins Diet Recipe Collection) by Alicia T. White
English | October 13, 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BJ6XFDDG | 57 pages | EPUB | 11 Mb
There are so many weight loss and weight maintenance diets available that it can be challenging to decide which one to follow.

However, choosing a weight loss diet should be based on what it can offer you rather than what it tells you to eat and what it tells you not to eat.
While many weight loss diets advise you to stop eating a specific type of food to lose weight, this strategy does not work for everyone.
Then there's the Atkins diet, which doesn't require you to give up or avoid a specific food group to lose weight.
What the Atkins diet does is help you reduce your intake of the type of food that causes weight gain and, as a result, can trigger serious illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and heart disease.
So, while following the Atkins diet to lose weight, you can reduce your carbohydrate intake while increasing your intake of low-carb vegetables, fat, and protein.
It doesn't mean that you will avoid carbohydrates altogether.
Nonetheless, the Atkins diet allows you to consume a small number of carbohydrates (about 20 grams) during the first phase (the Induction phase), gradually increasing your carbohydrate intake as the diet progresses.
The Atkins diet uses a four-(4) phase diet strategy to help you achieve a great weight loss plan without side effects.
The first phase is the initial phase in which your body goes into ketosis to help you lose weight quickly.
At this point, you can only eat fat, protein, and 20 grams of carbohydrates.
During the second phase, you can reintroduce some foods into your diet, most notably lower carbs.
This method allows you to figure out how many carbs you can eat while still losing weight.
The third phase of this diet will teach you how to keep the weight off.
It would be best if you had lost enough weight by this point only to have a few pounds to lose.
Finally, the final phase will require you to stick to this routine for an extended period to maintain your new size.
The Atkins diet promises to be interesting, and before starting it, you should have a guide to help you with your transition.
This recipe book is the perfect Atkins diet transition guide for you!

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Atkins Diet Recipes That Cut Calories and Help Weight Loss: The Atkins Diet Cookbook: Impressive and Delicious Low Carb Weight Loss Meals (Atkins Diet Recipe Collection) by Alicia T. White
English | October 13, 2022 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0BJ6WLXLV | 76 pages | EPUB | 16 Mb
I have come across many people who want to lose weight but don't want to put themselves through strenuous exercise regimens.

Before doing my research on the Atkins diet, I held the opinion that there is no weight loss strategy on earth that can be successful without including exercise.
When I started the Atkins diet, it proved me wrong.
I started it when my friend started a different weight-loss plan.
She was also required to do some exercises as part of her weight loss diet plan, aside from the specific foods she was supposed to eat.
So, in addition to eating a specific diet, she is also exercising, whether on the treadmill, by doing pushups, planks, jumping rope, or anything else that can help her lose weight.
The results were crystal clear after a few months.
She had trouble losing a few pounds, whereas I had lost sizeable body weight.
Not that her diet strategy wasn't or wouldn't be successful.
The outcomes simply demonstrate that I was able to lose weight while following the Atkins diet without the aid of exercise!
Not to mention that the Atkins diet works quicker than her diet, too! The differences were so noticeable!!
That's when it dawned on me that starting the Atkin diet is a great way to lose weight quickly and without stress.
Then it is time for you to get a copy of this recipe book that will help you lose weight, enjoy good foods, and avoid exercising altogether if you have been on a weight loss diet and it seems like you are wasting your time.
You won't regret purchasing one right away!

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Douglas A. Levine, "Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology"
English | 2013 | pages: 464 | ISBN: 1841849790 | PDF | 335,6 mb
A core text from the renowned Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology, Third Edition covers the latest developments in both open and minimally invasive surgery. Supplemented with full-color photographs, practical explanations, and video clips, the book provides a detailed overview of the major gynecologic oncology procedures. With expanded topics to include more areas of interest, the book continues its tradition of emphasizing technique and surgical approach.

Topics include:
- Conization, surgical staging, vulvar surgery, and radical hysterectomy
- Paracentesis, chest tube placement, and central venous access
- Sentinel node mapping and minimally invasive lymph node dissection
- Intraoperative radiation therapy, inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy, and myocutaneous flap reconstruction
- Nerve-sparing approaches, laterally extended parametrectomy, and urinary diversion
- Peritoneal surface malignancy surgery, including heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy application
In addition to the commonly performed procedures, the book also illustrates many advanced techniques currently in use only at specialized centers throughout the world. This comprehensive atlas presents the insight of national and international leaders in gynecologic oncology, making it an essential resource for a broad-based audience, including medical students, those beginning their surgical training, and senior practitioners.

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Atomic Structure Theory: Lectures on Atomic Physics by Walter R. Johnson
English | February 5, 2007 | ISBN: 3540680101 | 324 pages | PDF | 3.13 Mb
Atomic Structure Theory is a textbook for students with a background in quantum mechanics. The text is designed to give hands-on experience with atomic structure calculations. Material covered includes angular momentum methods, the central field Schrödinger and Dirac equations, Hartree-Fock and Dirac-Hartree-Fock equations, multiplet structure, hyperfine structure, the isotope shift, dipole and multipole transitions, basic many-body perturbation theory, configuration interaction, and correlation corrections to matrix elements. Numerical methods for solving the Schrödinger and Dirac eigenvalue problems and the (Dirac)-Hartree-Fock equations are given as well. B-spline basis sets are used to carry out sums arising in higher-order many-body calculations. Illustrative problems are provided, together with solutions. FORTRAN programs implementing the numerical methods in the text are included.

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Randal Elder, Mark Beasley, Chris Hogan, "Auditing and Assurance Services"
English | 2016 | pages: 897 | ISBN: 0134065824, 1292147873 | PDF | 19,5 mb
For the core auditing course for accounting majors.

An Integrated, Up-to-Date Approach to Auditing and Assurance Services
Comprehensive and up-to-date, including discussion of new standards, codes, and concepts, Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach presents an integrated concepts approach to auditing that details the process from start to finish. Based on the author's belief that the fundamental concepts of auditing center on the nature and amount of evidence that auditors should gather in specific engagements, this edition's primary objective is to illustrate auditing concepts using practical examples and real-world settings.
The Sixteenth Edition remains up-to-date with examples of key real-world audit decisions and an emphasis on audit planning, risk assessment processes, and collecting and evaluating evidence in response to risks.
Also available with MyAccountingLab®
MyAccountingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn and test their understanding.
NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyAccountingLab does not come packaged with this content.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyAccountingLab search for:
0134435095 / 9780134435091 Auditing and Assurance Services Plus MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText - Access Card Package
Package consists of:
- 0134065824 / 9780134065823 Auditing and Assurance Services
- 0134148614 / 9780134148618 MyAccountingLab with Pearson eText - Access Card - for Auditing and Assurance Services

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Authentic Nude Living: Embracing Freedom, Confidence, and Courage in Your Natural Naked State by Kristin Williams
English | August 21, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DDY56H4T | 44 pages | EPUB | 0.09 Mb
If you've ever felt that little spark inside you-the one that whispers there's more to life than squeezing into clothes that don't feel like you-then you're in the right place. This book is all about embracing freedom, confidence, and courage in your natural, naked state. It's about shedding more than just clothes; it's about letting go of societal expectations, self-doubt, and anything else that's been holding you back from living your most authentic life.

Why Authentic Nude Living?
Let's get real for a moment: how often have you felt completely at ease in your clothes? Not just comfortable, but truly free? If you're like most people, the answer is probably "not often enough." I used to be the same way-constantly adjusting, pulling, and tugging at my clothes, trying to find some semblance of comfort in layers that felt more like armor than anything else. But then, something amazing happened: I discovered the joy of being nude.
It all started on a lazy Sunday morning. I was home alone, with no plans and nothing urgent to do. I decided to ditch the clothes for the day, just to see what it would feel like. Let me tell you, it was liberating. As the day went on, I felt lighter, more relaxed, and more in tune with myself than I had in a long time. By the time the sun set, I knew this was something I wanted to explore further.
That first experience set me on a path to discover what it truly means to live authentically-without the layers, without the masks, and without the need to conform to what society tells us we should be. And now, I'm excited to share that journey with you.
Overcoming the Fear of Vulnerability
Nudity has a way of stripping away not just clothes, but also the insecurities that come with them. It forces you to confront yourself in the rawest form, but it also gives you the opportunity to embrace who you are without any filters. It's about being real with yourself and finding the courage to love your body exactly as it is.
In this book, we're going to dive deep into the feeling of freedom that comes from liberating your body from clothes. We'll talk about how nudity can boost your confidence by helping you own your natural beauty. We'll explore the courage it takes to be real with your insecurities and how that courage can transform your life in ways you never imagined.
What to Expect?
Here's what you can look forward to in the pages ahead:
* The Feeling of Freedom: We'll explore what it really feels like to liberate your body from the confines of clothing. You'll learn how nudity can help you experience life more fully and authentically.
* Confidence: We'll delve into how owning your natural beauty-flaws and all-can give you a confidence boost like nothing else. You'll discover practical tips for embracing your body and feeling great in your skin.
* Courage: We'll tackle the tough stuff-those insecurities that have been holding you back. You'll learn how to face them head-on with courage and grace, and how nudity can help you heal and grow.
* How To Be Nude More Often: You'll get practical advice on how to integrate nudity into your daily life in ways that feel natural and comfortable. From morning routines to bedtime rituals, you'll find plenty of tips to make nudity a regular part of your day.
* Creating and Finding Nude-Friendly Situations: Finally, we'll talk about how to create and find opportunities to be nude, whether you're at home, in nature, or even in social settings. You'll learn how to build a lifestyle that supports your nude living journey and connects you with others who share your values.
By the end of this book, my hope is that you'll feel empowered to embrace your natural, naked state with confidence, courage, and joy.

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