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Tom Clancy, "Every Man a Tiger (Revised): The Gulf War Air Campaign "
English | ISBN: 0425207366 | 2005 | 672 pages | AZW3 | 1220 KB
General Chuck Horner commanded the U.S. and allied air assets-the forces of a dozen nations-during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and was responsible for the design and execution of one of the most devastating air campaigns in history. Never before has the Gulf air war planning, a process filled with controversy and stormy personalities, been revealed in such rich, provocative detail. And in this revised edition, General Horner looks at the current Gulf conflict-and comments on the use of air power in Iraq today.

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Anna Marmodoro, "Everything in Everything: Anaxagoras's Metaphysics"
English | ISBN: 0190611979 | 2017 | 226 pages | EPUB | 444 KB
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (Vth century BCE) is best known in the history of philosophy for his stance that there is a share of everything in everything. He puts forward this theory of extreme mixture as a solution to the problem of change that he and his contemporaries inherited from Parmenides - that what is cannot come from what is not (and vice versa). Yet, for ancient and modern scholars alike, the metaphysical significance of Anaxagoras's position has proven challenging to understand. In Everything in Everything, Anna Marmodoro offers a fresh interpretation of Anaxagoras's theory of mixture, arguing for its soundness and also relevance to contemporary debates in metaphysics. For Anaxagoras the fundamental elements of reality are the opposites (hot, cold, wet, dry, etc.), which Marmodoro argues are instances of physical causal powers. The unchanging opposites compose mereologically, forming (phenomenologically) emergent wholes. Everything in the universe (except nous) derives from the opposites. Marmodoro shows that this is made possible in Anaxagoras system by the omni-presence and hence com-presence of the opposites in the universe, which is in turn facilitated by the fact that for Anaxagoras the opposites exist as unlimitedly divided. She argues that Anaxagoras is the first ante litteram 'gunk lover' in the history of metaphysics. He also has a unique conception of (non-material) gunk and a unique power ontology, which Marmodoro refers to as 'power gunk'. Marmodoro investigates the nature of power gunk and the explanatory utility of the concept for Anaxagoras, for his theory of extreme mixture; and finally contrasts it with the only other metaphysical system in antiquity positing (material) gunk, that of the Stoics.

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Evidence-Based Medicine and the Search for a Science of Clinical Care By Jeanne Daly (editor)
2005 | 290 Pages | ISBN: 0520243161 | PDF | 1 MB
Patient management is the central clinical task of medical care. Until the 1970s, there was no generally accepted method of ensuring a scientific, critical approach to clinical decision making. And while traditional clinical authority was under attack, there was increasing concern about the way in which doctors made decisions about patient care. In this book, Jeanne Daly traces the origins, essential features, and achievements of evidence-based medicine and clinical epidemiology over the past few decades. Drawing largely on interviews with key players, she offers unique insights into the ways that practitioners of evidence-based medicine set out to generate scientific knowledge about patient care and how, in the process, they reshaped the way medicine is practiced and administered.

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Evidence-Based Practice in Perioperative Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery by Davy C.H. Cheng
English | EPUB | 2021 | 755 Pages | ISBN : 3030478866 | 118.9 MB
This comprehensive yet concise book addresses current best practice in the combined areas of cardiac surgery and anesthesia, interventional minimally invasive cardiac procedures, perioperative management and monitoring, and critical care recovery. This book not only provides the latest best practices in the perioperative management of cardiac surgical patients, but also it summarizes the current clinical guidelines and algorithms from leading cardiac programs and professional societies.

Contemporary best practice approaches are written by experts from leading cardiac surgical centers. The preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management and recovery of surgical patients, including medication, monitoring techniques, and innovative surgical procedures, are presented by experts in the field of cardiac anesthesia and surgery. Perioperative clinical care guidelines, postoperative recovery pathways and models of care are presented with supporting protocols.
Evidence-Based Practice in Perioperative Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery is aimed at all cardiac anesthesiology consultants, fellows, and trainees; all cardiac surgery consultants, fellows, and trainees; nurses in perioperative care and those involved in patient recovery management; cardiac program administrative professionals; and all critical care consultants and trainees looking after cardiovascular surgical patients in the modern era.

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Evolution in Computational Intelligence: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2023) by Vikrant Bhateja, Xin-She Yang, Marta Campos Ferreira, Sandeep Singh Sengar, Carlos M. Travieso-Gonzalez
English | EPUB (True) | 2024 | 678 Pages | ISBN : 9819967015 | 117.6 MB
The book presents the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2023), held at Cardiff School of Technologies, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, during April 11-12, 2023. Researchers, scientists, engineers, and practitioners exchange new ideas and experiences in the domain of intelligent computing theories with prospective applications in various engineering disciplines in the book. This book is divided into two volumes. It covers broad areas of information and decision sciences, with papers exploring both the theoretical and practical aspects of data-intensive computing, data mining, evolutionary computation, knowledge management and networks, sensor networks, signal processing, wireless networks, protocols, and architectures. This book is a valuable resource for postgraduate students in various engineering disciplines.


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Evolution of Matter and Energy on a Cosmic and Planetary Scale by M. Taube
English | PDF | 1985 | 302 Pages | ISBN : 3540133992 | 34.9 MB
My intention in this book is to describe in simple language, using a minimum of mathematics but a maximum of numerical values, the most important developments of science dealing with matter and energy on cosmic and global scales. In the conventional literature all of these findings are distributed among books and journals on physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, biology, energy, engineering, and the environmental sciences. The main purpose here is to attempt to give a unified description of Nature from the elementary particles to the Universe as a whole. This is used as a basis for analysing the future development of mankind. The future evolution of the Universe, galaxies, stars, and planets gives some hope for the destiny of mankind. The problem of matter and energy flow on the Earth appears soluble even for the distant future. There seems to be no reason why a long period of human development on this planet should not be possible. The book has been prepared based on my lectures at the Warsaw University from 1959 to 1968 and during the 15 years 1969-1983 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule) in Zurich and at the University of Zurich. I wish to give my sincere thanks to the Swiss Federal Institute for Reactor Research at Wurenlingen for their constant support. I am especially grateful to Mrs. Christine Stratton for setting up the English text and to Mr. R.W. Stratton and LG. McKinley for their helpful criticisms and remarks.


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Evolution of Silicon Sensor Technology in Particle Physics: Basics and Applications, Third Edition by Frank Hartmann
English | EPUB (True) | 2024 | 477 Pages | ISBN : 3031597192 | 228.6 MB
This third edition of a well-received monograph provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art of detectors and their evolution. In addition to the silicon sensor technology described in the second edition, the book covers the following new topics: precise timing detectors (3D sensors and sensors with intrinsic gain layers), passive CMOS sensors, new developments in HV-CMOS sensors, and sparking in strip and pixel detectors. The chapter on the HL-LHC CMS upgrades has been updated, and the historical overview has been enriched with a section on the UA2 SPD pad detector system.

The book includes a wealth of schematics and photos of detectors. It is also valuable for detector courses at the master/PhD level.

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Ex Captivitate Salus: Erfahrungen der Zeit 1945/47 By Schmitt, Carl
2015 | 101 Pages | ISBN: 3428148096 | PDF | 1 MB
Als Deutschland im Frühjahr 1945 besiegt worden war, haben nicht nur Russen, sondern auch Amerikaner in dem von ihnen besetzten Gebiet Massen-Internierungen vorgenommen. Die Amerikaner nannten ihre Methode automatischen Arrest. Carl Schmitt, obwohl nicht zum Personenkreis der automatisch Arrestierten gehörend, war in den Jahren 1945/46 in einem dieser Lager, danach im März 1947 für zwei Monate in dem Nürnberger Gefängnis des internationalen Gerichtshofes, als Zeuge und möglicher Angeklagter. Eine förmliche Anklage wurde nie gegen ihn erhoben. Schmitt befand sich gemeinsam mit vielen anderen in einer Situation der Diskriminierung, wie sie für ein Massenzeitalter typisch geworden ist. Seine Reaktion in den Jahren der Abgeschlossenheit war, eigene Positionen vor letzten Fragestellungen zu klären.Carl Schmitt hat oft in Briefen und Widmungen seine Leser aufgefordert, dieses kleine Buch so zu lesen, als wäre es eine Reihe von Briefen, die an ihn persönlich gerichtet sind. Nur so sei die Art der Darlegung gerechtfertigt und verständlich als eine Mitteilung aus Grenzsituationen des Gefängnisses und des Lagers. Arnold Gehlen schrieb dem Verfasser im September 1950, dass er dieses Buch bewundere, denn die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Vergangenen kann nicht so geführt werden, dass man zugleich sein Alibi nachweist und sich innerhalb der Kategorien der Gegenseite bewegt. Ihr Buch hat dieses Niveau in produktiver Weise überstiegen.

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Sergey Lemeshevsky, "Exact Finite-Difference Schemes"
English | ISBN: 3110489643 | 2016 | 246 pages | EPUB | 56 MB
Exact Finite-Difference Schemes is a first overview of the topic also describing the state-of-the-art in this field of numerical analysis. Construction of exact difference schemes for various parabolic and elliptic partial differential equations are discussed, including vibrations and transport problems. After this, applications are discussed, such as the discretisation of ODEs and PDEs and numerical methods for stochastic differential equations.

Basic notation
Preliminary results
Hyperbolic equations
Parabolic equations
Use of exact difference schemes to construct NSFD discretizations of differential equations
Exact and truncated difference schemes for boundary-value problem
Exact difference schemes for stochastic differential equations
Numerical blow-up time
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Exam Nation: Why Our Obsession with Grades Fails Everyone - and a Better Way to Think About School by Sammy Wright
English | November 19, 2024 | ISBN: 1847927521 | True EPUB | 320 pages | 0.7 MB
Exams, grades, league tables, Ofsted reports. All of them miss the point of school and together they are undermining our whole approach to education.

'An essential read - as entertaining as it is insightful - for anyone who cares about the way we treat young people' Observer
What is school for? Drawing on his twenty years as a teacher, hundreds of interviews and his experience on the UK Government's Social Mobility Commission, head teacher Sammy Wright exposes the fundamental misconception at the heart of our education system. By focusing on the grades pupils get in neatly siloed, academic subjects, we end up ranking them and our schools into winners and losers: some pupils are set on a trajectory to university - the rest are left ill-equipped for the world they actually face.
Wright's entertaining and hugely important book shows that schools are - and should be - so much more than this. With wisdom and humour, balancing idealism and pragmatism, he sets out what a better way would look like and how we might get there.

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Excursions into Greek and Roman Imagery
by Eva Rystedt
English | 2023 | ISBN: 0415409063 | 290 Pages | True ePUB | 10.7 MB

This book provides an enquiry into the distinguishing traits of Greek and Roman figural imagery. A detailed analysis of a wide range of material conveys an understanding of the figural imagery of classical antiquity as a whole, counterbalancing studies conducted on single genres.
Through in-depth studies of six major production categories―Greek painted pottery, Roman decorated walls, Greek gravestones, Roman sarcophagi, Greek and Roman official sculpture, and Greek and Roman coins―the reader gains insights into the making of classical figural imagery. The images are explored within their contextual frameworks, paying attention to both functional purposes and pictorial traditions. Image-viewer relations offer a perspective that is maintained across the chapters. The bottom-up approach and the many genres of imagery discussed provide the basis for an extensive synthesis.
Lavishly illustrated with over 100 images, Excursions into Greek and Roman Imagery provides a valuable resource for students of classical antiquity and history of art. The book also offers classical scholars, museum curators and others interested in classical art a fresh approach to the figural imagery of antiquity.

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Alessandra Barotto, "Exemplification and Categorization: The Case of Japanese "
English | ISBN: 3110721953 | 2021 | 220 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
The book aims to examine the relationship between exemplification and categorization, using linguistic data from Japanese to better understand how people create and communicate conceptual categories in real-life situations (cf. the notion of ad hoc categories). In the book, exemplification is defined in functional terms as a process through which a speaker signals that a given entity should be construed as representative of a larger category of similar entities. The status of example can thus be encoded by means of dedicated analytical markers that overtly signal the exemplifying relation (e.g. for example), but also by making explicit reference to the larger category from which the examples have been selected. Through a case-study on four Japanese exemplifying markers (ya, nado, tari, toka), this book aims to understand (i) how examples are used and encoded by speakers to make reference to conceptual categories, (ii) what types of categories speakers can create and communicate by means of exemplification, (iii) how the relationship between exemplification and categorization can be used by speakers to achieve specific discourse effects, such as vagueness and politeness.

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Existentialism in Pandemic Times: Implications for Psychotherapists, Coaches and Organisations By Monica Hanaway
2022 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 1032186895 | EPUB | 1 MB
Building on Monica Hanaway's previous publications, this timely volume considers the benefits of bringing an existential approach to psychotherapy, coaching, supervision, and leadership, particularly in times of crisis. The book uses an existential lens to examine the impact Covid-19 has had on our mental health and ways of being, making connections between situations that challenge our mental resources and the unique ways existential ideas can address those challenges. Featuring contributions from renowned existential thinkers and practitioners, the book connects personal experiences with clinical examples and philosophic ideas to explore concepts like anxiety, relatedness, and uncertainty as they relate to key existential themes, helping to inform coaches and therapists in their work with clients. Existentialism in Pandemic Times is important reading for coaches, therapists, psychologists, and business leaders, as well for scholars and researchers interested in applied philosophy.

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Exodus Church and Civil Society: Public Theology and Social Theory in the Work of Jürgen Moltmann (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies) By Scott R. Paeth
2008 | 232 Pages | ISBN: 0754662012 | EPUB | 1 MB
This book investigates the intersection of theology and social theory in the work of Jürgen Moltmann. In particular, it examines the way in which his concept of the "Exodus Church" can illuminate the importance of the idea of civil society for a Christian public theology. The concept of civil society can aid in moving from the narrower category of "political theology," a term used frequently by Moltmann to emphasize the church's public commitment, to a broader understanding of theology's public task, which takes into account the plurality of ends and institutions within society. The idea of the Exodus Church enables deeper understanding of Christian ethical participation within a complex modern society.

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Exoskeleton Robotic Systems
by Ionuţ Daniel Geonea, Cristian Copilusi Petre
English | 2024 | ISBN: 372582469X | 268 Pages | PDF | 43 MB

This Special Issue Book presents a collection of articles highlighting recent achievements, applications, studies, and review articles within the field of exoskeleton robotic systems. These contributions cover a wide range of applications of these systems, from the rehabilitation of the upper and lower limbs to assisting human gait when ascending and descending stairs, actuator selection criteria, and the implementation of actuation moment control algorithms. Over the past 20 years, the therapies available in rehabilitation clinics have improved substantially, aided by robotic rehabilitation systems, which have seen rapid progress and increased performance. This progress has contributed to the diversification of the applications of exoskeleton robotic systems, namely, to provide assistance in the following: in climbing up and down stairs, to workers in various activities (carrying weights, working with raised arms, or in a bent position), and even in executing sit-to-stand movements. Exoskeleton robotic systems are used in a wide range of fields, both medical (rehabilitation, paraplegics, and amputees) or non-medical (rescue operations, construction work, etc.). The progress of exoskeleton robotic systems is notable and is visible in both lower-limb and upper-limb exoskeletons. However, there remain challenges, such as optimizing control systems and human-machine interactions.

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Elio Della Noce, "Expanded Nature: Écologies du cinéma expérimental "
English | ISBN: 3031707281 | 2024 | 338 pages | EPUB, PDF | 44 MB + 12 MB
This book explores the emergence of ecological consciousness in the work of contemporary experimental filmmakers. If it can be said that experimental filmmakers are "expanding" the artistic field through an exploration of the potencies, modes of dissemination and performance of the moving image, in the Anthropocene these practices strive for another kind of expansion: to expand our experience of nature. Appending flowers to the film strip or burying it in the ground, inventing observational devices, allowing the camera to be affected by natural forces, engaging one's own filming body in a symbiotic relationship with the environment, reconstituting ecosystems at the moment of projection: the ecologies of experimental cinema presented in this book constitute forms of practice and engagement that awaken a heightened sensibility towards the living world through cooperative links, casting other beings as subjects and agents of filmic processes, and, finally, reshaping the economy of filmmaking. Thus, ecologies of perception, medium, production, and multinaturalism are deployed, contributing to the restoration of our sensory bond with the natural world.

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Expanding the Limits of Individual and Family Therapies: A Critical Realist Approach
by David Pocock
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3031763084 | 293 Pages | True ePUB | 1.28 MB

This book invites individual therapists to think systemically (including issues of social justice) and family therapists to explore a deeper understanding of the individual in contexts, including the domain of the unconscious. Using a critical realist framework, it promotes multiple perspectives―often novel combinations from dissimilar psychotherapy traditions―to expand holistic understanding and provide a richer variety of resources to bring to co-constructed therapeutic encounters. It uses a critical examination of the often-unspoken philosophical underpinnings of psychotherapy practices to re-vision a range of theory and practice considerations―theory choice, the role of science, knowing and not-knowing, emotion in the system, power and autonomy, collaboration and change, and sameness and otherness. All the preceding elements of the book are then brought together in the clinical topics of triangulation, aggressive out-of-control behaviour, and self-harm. Numerous brief case vignettes and longer case examples ensure that theory is always grounded in practice.

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Wolfram Schommers, "Expansion of Physics through Nanoscience: What Is Time at the Basic Level?"
English | ISBN: 3110524600 | 2020 | 429 pages | EPUB | 17 MB
In contrast to other publications this work discusses Nanoscience strictly at the ultimate level where the properties of atomic matter emerge. The renowned author presents an interdisciplinary approach leading to the forefront of research of quantum-theoretical aspects of time, selforganizing nanoprocesses, brain functions, the matter-mind problem, behaviour research and philosophical questions.

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Expectations vs Realities of Information Privacy and Data Protection Measures: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview by Indranath Gupta
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2025 | 586 Pages | ISBN : 9819967775 | 4.8 MB
This book is a machine-generated literature overview of the legal and ethical debates over privacy and data protection measures in the last three decades, showcasing the expectations vis-à-vis realities of their presence and application in different sectors. The book identifies the role and application of consent in different situations. Over time, consent in its various forms and types, informed, explicit and otherwise, ensured data subjects have a measured understanding of the purpose of data processing. The idea of consent with time has been challenging to implement with the rapid advancement of research in different areas. It remains the most critical fulcrum, yet there are instances when the implementation continues to challenge.

Owing to the nature of this sub-discipline, it remains a work in progress yet portrays a comprehensive range of issues. The entire narrative is being explored through two such machine-generated overview volumes and this is the firstof the two. These volumes have consciously tried to remain both jurisdictional and technology neutral while considering a range of data protection and privacy issues. Towards that end, this book has chapters that capture overarching issues about data protection and privacy; conceptualizes data protection from different perspectives and its existing debates with other rights and developments in a democratic society; provides a snapshot of developments happening in various jurisdictions and how data protection framework engages with other laws. It also broaches the critical issue of consent and how consent as a requirement has evolved and integrated with health research and other allied areas. The subsequent volume, titled 'Operationalizing Expectations and Mapping Challenges of Information Privacy and Data Protection Measures in the Last Three Decades', would focus on different sectors and how these sectors have been tackling different expectations concerning data protection and privacy. It will also showcase how technology plays a catalyst in implementing data protection requirements. The book highlights the future research areas in the context of data protection and privacy. The volumes are an invaluable resource for not only researchers, but also policy makers, practitioners, corporate sector, across disciplines, and anyone looking to get an idea about the evolution privacy, data protection issues and the application of consent over the last three decades since 1990.

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Experiencing God Directly: The Way of Christian Nonduality By Marshall Davis
2017 | 111 Pages | ISBN: 1521325022 | EPUB | 1 MB
We can know God directly. We can have immediate awareness of oneness with God in the present moment. It is not mediated through a church, a religion, a creed or a spiritual path. This is not theological knowledge about God. It is not a religious experience facilitated by a worship service. It is not a spiritual experience elicited by religious disciplines or practices. It is not a revelation of God mediated through Scripture or communicated by spiritual teachers. This is direct unmediated awareness of God. Jesus called this the Kingdom of God. He experienced it at his baptism, and it was his earliest message. Jesus described it to Nicodemus as being "born of the Spirit." The apostle Paul referred to it as being "in Christ." It was Moses' experience of God as "I AM" at the Burning Bush. It was the experience of Job when he met God in the whirlwind. It produces what the New Testament calls the "fruit of the Spirit" in our lives - qualities like Love, Joy, and Peace. It is "the peace that surpasses all human understanding." It is sometimes called nondual awareness. This is just another term for union with God. It is the experience of mystics in the Christian tradition, and it is echoed in other spiritual traditions. It is the Way, the Truth, and the Life that is Jesus Christ. This is the heart of Christianity. And it is available now. All we have to do is wake up to this always present awareness of God. That is what this book points to. Marshall Davis interprets nondual awareness in language familiar to Christians. He calls it Christian Nonduality. He explores the teachings of Jesus, the Wisdom literature of the Hebrew Scriptures, and the writings of the apostles in the New Testament. He shows how all these writings communicate this experience of oneness with God. He concludes with practical instruction on how the reader can experience this same awareness now.

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