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Error Control for Network-on-Chip Links by Bo Fu , Paul Ampadu
English | PDF (True) | 2012 | 159 Pages | ISBN : 1441993126 | 5 MB
This book provides readers with a comprehensive review of the state of the art in error control for Network on Chip (NOC) links. Coverage includes detailed description of key issues in NOC error control faced by circuit and system designers, as well as practical error control techniques to minimize the impact of these errors on system performance.


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Ertragsbesteuerung bei Liquidationen: Ein Rechtsformvergleich aus verfassungsrechtlicher Sicht By Keß, Thomas
2008 | 193 Pages | ISBN: 3428122542 | PDF | 1 MB
Das deutsche Unternehmensteuerrecht ist seit jeher rechtsformabhängig ausgestaltet. Thomas Keß leitet in seiner Dissertation zunächst aus den Grundrechten her, dass sich diese Rechtsformabhängigkeit bei den hinter den Unternehmen stehenden natürlichen Personen nicht auswirken darf, wenn die Rechtsform keinen Einfluss auf deren wirtschaftliche Leistungsfähigkeit hat oder wenn kein anderweitiger Rechtfertigungsgrund vorliegt. Der Verfasser wendet diesen Grundsatz anhand des Beispiels der Besteuerung in der Liquidationsphase auf das System der Unternehmensbesteuerung an. Er stellt die steuerliche Ungleichbehandlung durch Einkommen-, Körperschaft- und Gewerbesteuer heraus und prüft, ob diese gerechtfertigt werden können. Keß kommt dabei zu dem Ergebnis, dass erhebliche Unterschiede in der Steuerbelastung der verschiedenen Rechtsformen existieren, die verfassungsrechtlich mehr als fragwürdig sind.

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Es reicht jetzt!: Frauen in der katholischen Kirche stehen auf By Maria Hagenschneider
2020 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 3843612242 | EPUB | 1 MB
Der Missbrauchs- und Vertuschungsskandal hat die katholische Kirche in den Grundfesten erschüttert. Inzwischen ist klar, dass die Ursache dafür nicht nur persönliche Verfehlungen Einzelner sind, sondern dass es Strukturen gibt, die Machtmissbrauch begünstigen. Der "synodale Weg" soll daran etwas ändern. Wie für Tausende engagierte Frauen ist für Maria Hagenschneider klar: Eine Erneuerung kann nur gelingen, wenn den Frauen in der Kirche der gebührende Platz zukommt. Sie lassen sich nicht mehr mit theologischen Formeln abspeisen. Für viele Frauen aus der Mitte des kirchlichen Lebens stellt sich die Frage: Werde ich endlich ernst genommen oder werde ich gehen? Die Zukunft der Kirche hängt davon ab.

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Escaping From Eden; Does Genesis Teach That the Human Race Was Created by God or Engineered by ETs? By Paul Wallis
2020 | 150 Pages | ISBN: 178279512X | PDF | 1 MB
History; Mythology; Universe; Theistic Evolution; Creation; Creationism; Theology; God; Spirit; Bible; Biblical; Christianity; 'This generation's 'Chariots of the Gods'', George Noory, Coast to Coast AMHow many cataclysms and reboots of history are buried in our collective unconscious?The familiar stories of the book of Genesis affirm that God made the universe, planet earth, and you and me. However, various anomalies in the text clue us that we are not reading the original version of these stories. So what were the original narratives and what did they say about who we are and where we all came from? What was the earlier story of human origins, almost obliterated from the Hebrew Scriptures in the 6th century BC, and suppressed from Christian writing in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD? And what does any of this have to do with Extra Terrestrials? Escaping from Eden will take you on a journey around the world and into the mythologies of ancient Sumeria, Mesoamerica, India, Africa, and Greece to reveal a profound secret, hidden in plain sight in the text of the Bible. Far reaching and deeply controversial, this book points to truths about ourselves, the universe and everything that you may have long suspected but not dared to speak!

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ESD Design for Analog Circuits by Vladislav A. Vashchenko , Andrei Shibkov
English | PDF (True) | 2010 | 474 Pages | ISBN : 1441965645 | 25 MB
This Book and Simulation Software Bundle Project Dear Reader, this book project brings to you a unique study tool for ESD protection solutions used in analog-integrated circuit (IC) design. Quick-start learning is combined with in-depth understanding for the whole spectrum of cro- disciplinary knowledge required to excel in the ESD ?eld. The chapters cover technical material from elementary semiconductor structure and device levels up to complex analog circuit design examples and case studies. The book project provides two different options for learning the material. The printed material can be studied as any regular technical textbook. At the same time, another option adds parallel exercise using the trial version of a complementary commercial simulation tool with prepared simulation examples. Combination of the textbook material with numerical simulation experience presents a unique opportunity to gain a level of expertise that is hard to achieve otherwise. The book is bundled with simpli?ed trial version of commercial mixed- TM mode simulation software from Angstrom Design Automation. The DECIMM (Device Circuit Mixed-Mode) simulator tool and complementary to the book s- ulation examples can be downloaded The simulation examples prepared by the authors support the speci?c examples discussed across the book chapters. A key idea behind this project is to provide an opportunity to not only study the book material but also gain a much deeper understanding of the subject by direct experience through practical simulation examples.


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Essay on Machines in General (1786): Text, Translations and Commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics - Volume 1 by Raffaele Pisano
English | EPUB | 2021 | 364 Pages | ISBN : 3030443841 | 406 MB
This book offers insights relevant to modern history and epistemology of physics, mathematics and, indeed, to all the sciences and engineering disciplines emerging of 19th century. This research volume is the first of a set of three Springer books on Lazare Nicolas Marguérite Carnot's (1753-1823) remarkable work: Essay on Machines in General (Essai sur les machines en général [1783] 1786). The other two forthcoming volumes are: Principes fondamentaux de l'équilibre et du mouvement (1803) and Géométrie de position (1803).

Lazare Carnot - l'organisateur de la victoire - in Essai sur le machine en général (1786) assumed that the generalization of machines was a necessity for society and its economic development. Subsequently, his new coming science applied to machines attracted considerable interest for technician, as well, already in the 1780's. With no lack in rigour, Carnot used geometric and trigonometric rather than algebraic arguments, and usually went on to explain in words what the formulae contained. His main physical- mathematical concepts were the Geometric motion and Moment of activity-concept of Work . In particular, he found the invariants of the transmission of motion (by stating the principle of the moment of the quantity of motion) and theorized the condition of the maximum efficiency of mechanical machines (i.e., principle of continuity in the transmission of power). While the core theme remains the theories and historical studies of the text, the book contains an extensive Introduction and an accurate critical English Translation - including the parallel text edition and substantive critical/explicative notes - of Essai sur les machines en général (1786). The authors offer much-needed insight into the relation between mechanics, mathematics and engineering from a conceptual, empirical and methodological, and universalis point of view. As a cutting-edge writing by leading authorities on the history of physics and mathematics, and epistemological aspects, it appeals to historians, epistemologist-philosophers and scientists (physicists, mathematicians and applied sciences and technology).

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Alireza Korangy, "Essays on Modern Kurdish Literature "
English | ISBN: 3110630036 | 2023 | 220 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Literature, images, and metaphor are often where most of a nation's history are embedded. A study of modern Kurdish literature highlights a fealty to a rich literary past and a rich source of historiography. The articles in this volume address many facets of the literary in the Kurdish world: proverbs, feminist literature, and resistance in literary works, poetry, prose, etc. In the end, the volume offers a general paradigm of the complex literary framework of the Kurds, their continuous resistance for nationhood in their history, and their modern reinventing of the self. An overview of some of the works in modern Kurdish literature points to both asymmetry and commonality in comparative literary studies. These works highight the thematic reach in Kurdish literary studies.

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Essays on Propertian and Ovidian Elegy By T. E. Franklinos, Jennifer Ingleheart
2024 | 334 Pages | ISBN: 0198908113 | EPUB | 1 MB
This volume brings together eleven chapters on the genre of Latin elegy by leading scholars in the field.Latin elegy is typically thought to have flourished for a brief period at Rome between c. 40 BC and the early decades of the first century AD; it was the pre-eminent vehicle for writing about amatory matters in this period and among its principal exponents were Propertius and Ovid, whose works constitute the focus of this volume. Their poems and poetic collections were, however, by no means restricted to the themes of love, even if amatory concerns often surface at unexpected moments in texts that are not ostensibly concerned with love. Both poets were alive to their precursors' writings in elegiacs, and so aetiological themes and reflection on contemporary political circumstances form an integral part of their poetry. Such concerns are explored in some of the chapters on Propertius, on Ovid's Fasti and exile poetry, and also in a Renaissance elegy that looks closely to its literary heritage as it comments on the concerns of its day. Some contributions to this volume also shed new light on the typically elegiac conceit of separation, notably in amatory and exilic texts, while others look to conceptions of Roman identity and the relationship between the natural world and the cultural, political and literary spheres. All of the chapters share an interest in the close-reading of texts as the basis for drawing broader conclusions about these fascinating authors, their poetry, and their worlds.

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Essays on the Intellectual History of Economics By Jacob Viner; Douglas A. Irwin
2014 | 418 Pages | ISBN: 0691042667 | EPUB | 1 MB
Ranking among the most distinguished economists and scholars of his generation, Jacob Viner is best remembered for his work in international economics and in the history of economic thought. Mark Blaug, in his Great Economists Since Keynes (Cambridge, 1985) remarked that Viner was "quite simply the greatest historian of economic thought that ever lived." Never before, however, have Viner's important contributions to the intellectual history of economics been collected into one convenient volume. This book performs this valuable service to scholarship by reprinting Viner's classic essays on such topics as Adam Smith and laissez-faire, the intellectual history of laissez-faire, and power versus plenty as an objective of foreign policy in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Also included are Viner's penetrating and previously unpublished Wabash College lectures. "Jacob Viner was one of the truly great economists of this century as both teacher and scholar. This collection ... covers a wide range with special emphasis on the history of thought. Today's economists will find [the essays] just as thought-provoking and as illuminating as did his contemporaries. They have aged very well indeed."--Milton Friedman, Hoover Institution "Jacob Viner was a great and original economic theorist. What is rarer, Viner was a learned scholar. What is still rarer, Viner was a wise scientist. This new anthology of his writings on intellectual history is worth having in every economist's library--to sample at intervals over the years in the reasoned hope that Viner's wisdom will rub off on the reader and for the pleasure of his writing."--Paul A. Samuelson, MIT "I am frankly jealous of those who will be reading Viner's essays for the first time, marvelling at his learning, amused by his dry wit, instructed by his wisdom. But although I cannot share their joy of discovery, I shall be able to savor the subtleties that emerge from rereading these splendid essays."--George J. Stigler, University of Chicago "This volume will be a treat for the reader who appreciates scholarship, felicitous use of language, and the workings of a great mind. The Wabash lectures are gems, and the introduction by Douglas Irwin contributes significantly to our understanding of Viner's accomplishments."--William J. Baumol, Princeton University/New York UniversityOriginally published in 1991.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.

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Timothy M. Maus, "Essential Echocardiography: A Review of Basic Perioperative TEE and Critical Care Echocardiography Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 3030843483 | 2022 | 437 pages | PDF | 38 MB
Building on the success of the previous edition, this review book includes all of the original content plus several new chapters dedicated to the education and implementation of transthoracic echocardiography and point-of-care ultrasonography. Chapters feature board review-style questions and answers to assist readers with board exam preparation. This book also includes the most up-to-date echocardiography content and practice guidelines.

This book fills an educational gap in the perioperative and critical care echocardiography landscape. It addresses essential perioperative and critical care echocardiography topics in an accessible manner for those who provide acute care and resuscitation in any environment, including the operating room, intensive care unit, and the emergency department.
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Essentials of Biotechnology
by Ulhas K. Patil, Kalyani Muskan
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9389633311 | 415 Pages | True PDF | 7.2 MB

Essentials of Biotechnology is meant for undergraduate biotechnology and life sciences students. The book discusses the basics of interdisciplinary subjects which is required for developing the conceptual understanding in biotechnology and to acquire research attitude. It elaborates fundamental concepts which are absolutely necessary for budding biotechnologists. It is an attempt to cover broad spectrum of biological dimensions with biotechnological exploration. Section-I elaborates theoretical aspects of basic biology, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology with correlation to modern applied aspects. Section II is grounded in the experimental approach. Each experiment is described with sufficient details. The figures and tables provided with experiments will be helpful to the students and the instructor for better understanding of the scientific principles and skillful execution of the experiments.

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Essentials of Genetics
by Pragya Khanna
English | 2020 | ISBN: 9389520770 | 494 Pages | True PDF | 21 MB

The book covers both the classical and molecular fields of Genetics to enable the students to form an integrated overview of the genetic principles. During the past couple of decades the science of Genetics has grown at an unprecedented pace and the purpose of this book is to provide up-to-date basic information on the subject that emphasizes the multifaceted complex questions of life. The chapters are descriptive, explicit and provided with relevant material that is organized in a way so as to provide logical and consistent transition of classical genetics into modern genetics. It discusses all the aspects of current research in Genetics, Developmental Biology and Genomics. The explanations are clear, lucid and straightforward, with diagrams and plenty of illustrative examples. A pleasant touch is the appearance of a scientoons relating to the text at the end of each chapter.

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Essentials of R for Data Analytics
by Saroj Dahiya Ratnoo, Himmat Singh Ratnoo
English | 2021 | ISBN: 9390421926 | 620 Pages | True ePUB | 13.1 MB

With widespread and exponential growth of data, people with data science background are in great demand. Data analytics, a subdomain of data science, is meant to turn data into insight and actionable knowledge. Data analytics mainly deals with exploring, visualizing, transforming and modelling data for making predictions. Learning R is an essential step towards becoming a data analyst.

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Milton J. Dehn, "Essentials of Working Memory Assessment and Intervention "
English | ISBN: 1118638131 | 2015 | 336 pages | AZW3 | 907 KB
Improve academic learning outcomes with accurate working memory assessment and evidence-based interventions

Essentials of Working Memory Assessment and Intervention is an accessible, practical guide to accurately and efficiently assessing working memory. This comprehensive resource explains the theories of working memory, with an emphasis on cognitive load theory, and provides step-by-step guidelines for organizing a cross-battery assessment, selecting appropriate instruments, interpreting results, and formulating individualized interventions and educational programming. In-depth case studies illustrate typical profiles found in children and adolescents with working memory deficits, and the companion CD features worksheets, testing charts, and other useful resources. Reader-friendly design elements including Rapid Reference, Caution, and Don't Forget boxes, and practice questions, bullet points, and icons make this guide useful for both study and desk reference.
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Esther: A Commentary By Jon D. Levenson
1997 | 165 Pages | ISBN: 0664220932 | EPUB | 1 MB
The book of Esther has been preserved in ancient texts that diverge greatly from each other; as a result, Jews and Protestants usually read a version which is shorter than that of most Catholic or Orthodox Bibles. Jon Levenson capably guides readers through both versions, demonstrating their coherence and their differences. The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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Eternal Flame: The Authorized Biography of The Bangles by Jennifer Otter Bickerdike
English | February 18, 2025 | ISBN: 0306833344 | True EPUB | 416 pages | 29.4 MB
The authorized biography of the quintessential '80s pop band The Bangles, who scored massive hits with "Manic Monday," Walk Like an Egyptian," "Hazy Shade of Winter," and more

From their first meeting in 1981, the Bangles were ambitious, focused, and intentional; their hard-work and determination resulted in millions of records sold across the globe, before becoming the first all-girl band to have five "Top 10" hits. Not long after coming together, they toured the world, released #1 records, and collaborated with the biggest artists of the day. They seemed unstoppable-until tensions within the band, artistic differences, and the pressures of sudden celebrity tore them apart less than a decade later.
ETERNAL FLAME is the story of those eight years: of a diverse and vibrant Los Angeles music scene, unfettered work ethics and self-belief, the dawn of MTV, the unpredictable consequences of fame, life as a touring band, and their rapid rise to global domination-then imploding at the height of success. But it's also a story of the very real challenges faced by women attempting to follow their artistic dreams in a media and music industry ecosystem which seemed set up for their failure from the start.
With unprecedented access to founding members Debbi Peterson, Susanna Hoffs, and Vicki Peterson, ETERNAL FLAME is the first authorized biography of this iconic group, featuring exclusive stories, input, and interviews from the pioneering band members themselves as well as those that knew them best. From playing the club circuit in 1980s' LA to bunking with Sting during a PR trip to the UK to topping the Billboard charts, to interludes with Prince and appearances on the definitive MTV, ETERNAL FLAME traces the band's rise to superstardom, taking readers behind-the-scenes and sharing with them never-before-shared anecdotes and personal ephemera.
As Debbi herself notes, "I think it's about time that our true story was told. People only see certain aspects of the Bangles, especially as the media has twisted the past and we have been misrepresented for a long time. Plus, certainly in the eighties, we were women making it in a man's world. I think that needs to be celebrated."
Dynamic, daring, and deliciously entertaining from start to finish, ETERNAL FLAME is a tribute to one of the greatest pop bands of the 20th century-and a long-overdue corrective that restores The Bangles to their rightful place in music history as feminist trailblazers.

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Eternalized Fragments: Reclaiming Aesthetics in Contemporary World Fiction (Cognitive Approaches to Culture) by W. Michelle Wang
English | May 19, 2020 | ISBN: 0814214371, 081425585X | True EPUB/PDF | 204 pages | 15.8/2.1 MB
Eternalized Fragments explores the implications of treating literature as art-examining the evolving nature of aesthetic inquiry in literary studies, with an eye to how twentieth- and twenty-first-century world fiction challenges our understandings of form, pleasure, ethics, and other critical concepts traditionally associated with the study of aesthetics.

Since postmodern and contemporary fiction tend to be dominated by disjunctures, paradoxes, and incongruities, this book offers an account of how and why readers choose to engage regardless, articulating the cognitive rewards such difficulties offer. By putting narrative and philosophical approaches in conversation with evolutionary psychology and contemporary neuroscience, W. Michelle Wang examines the value of attending to aesthetic experiences when we read literature and effectively demonstrates that despite the aesthetic's stumble in time, our ongoing love affair with fiction is grounded in our cognitive engagements with the text's aesthetic dimensions.
Drawing on a diverse range of works by Gabriel García Márquez, Kazuo Ishiguro, Arundhati Roy,Cormac McCarthy, Jeanette Winterson, Jennifer Egan, Italo Calvino, Flann O'Brien, and Alasdair Gray, Eternalized Fragments lucidly renders the aesthetic energies at work in the novels' rich potentialities of play, the sublime's invitation to affective renegotiations, and beauty's polysemy in shaping readerly capacities for nuance.

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Ethica Thomistica, Revised Edition: The Moral Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas By Ralph M. McInerny
1997 | 129 Pages | ISBN: 0813208971 | PDF | 1 MB
First published fifteen years ago, Ethica Thomistica is widely recognized as one of the finest introductions to St. Thomas's moral philosophy. Though the book has been out of print for several years, scholars and students still refer to it as the standard resource on Thomistic ethics. In this much-anticipated, revised edition, Ralph McInerny revisits the basics of Thomas's teachings and offers a brief, intelligible, and persuasive summary. Chapters: Morality and Human Life; The Good for Man; Ultimate End and Moral Principles; The Structure of the Human Act; Good and Evil Action; Character and Decision; Prudence and Conscience; Religion and MoralityABOUT THE AUTHOR:Ralph McInerny is Michael P. Grace Professor of Medieval Studies and director of the Jacques Maritain Center at the University of Notre Dame, where he has taught since 1955. He is founder and ✅Publisher of Catholic Dossier magazine; cofounder of Crisis magazine; and author of several books published by CUA Press, including Aquinas on Human Action (1992), The Question of Christian Ethics (1993), and Aquinas and Analogy (1996).PRAISE FOR THE BOOK:"Remarkable for its moderation and common sense. . . . [McInerny] rapidly sketches selected themes from Thomistic moral thinking: what distinguishes the moral activities of man, what is distinctive of moral goodness (in Aristotle and in Aquinas), an analysis of practical reason in relation to natural law, the bases for judging good and evil moral actions, the roles of intellect and will in voluntary activity, the work of virtues as components of moral character, the functions of prudence and conscience, and finally the relation of ethics to religious belief. . . . For the person who desires a quick and understandable introduction to this subject, this little book can be recommended as readable and reliable."―Vernon J. Bourke, Speculum"An important contribution both to moral philosophy and to its teaching. . . . [McInerny] has put us all in his debt by writing it."―Alasdair MacIntyre, Teaching Philosophy"A clear, thorough and readable introduction to the thought of one of the intellectual giants of the Catholic moral tradition."―National Catholic Register

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Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention (From the Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies / Kroc Institute Series on Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding) By Stanley Hoffmann
1997 | 126 Pages | ISBN: 026800935X | PDF | 1 MB
In 1995, the Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame, hosted the first of the Theodore M. Hesburgh Lectures on Ethics and Public Policy. At this inaugural gathering renowned author and scholar Stanely Hoffmann delivered two lectures on the problems of humanitarian intervention in international relations. This timely volume presents Hoffmann's lectures to a wider audience, together with responses made at the conference by Robert C. Johansen an James Sterba, and an introductory essay contributed by Raimo Varynen, director of the Kroc Institute.In his first and premiere lecture, Hoffman attacks from a theoretical perspective the political, legal, and moral problems of outside intervention in the affairs of a state. He analyzes the traditional principle, i.e., economic and environmental interdependence, human rights concerns, nuclear proliferation, and the growing international consciousness of the widespread dangers of domestic chaos. As a matter of practical ethics in the "real world," Hoffman proposes norms and guidelines for controlled, impartial, collective intervention and the enforcement which must accompany it.In his second illustrative lecture, Hoffman delivers a stinging indictment of international community in the case of the tragic disintegration of Yugoslavia, which he uses as a case study to illustrate the failure of collective intervention. In the responding essays, Johansen presents guidelines for humanitarian intervention short of sending in troops, and Sterba argues that Hoffmann's basic norms can be derived from Kant's moral philosophy.Because Hoffmann's principles--and indictments--can be readily applied to other tragic events and cases of international turmoil, The Ethics and Politics of Humanitarian Intervention will be a valuable tool in the hands of students and scholars of international relations.

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Michael J. Quinn, "Ethics for the Information Age Ed 9"
English | ASIN : B0CW18MTX4 | 2024 | 576 pages | PDF | 78 MB
Ethics for the Information Age takes a thoughtful approach to evaluating the social and ethical considerations of new and emerging technologies. It considers not only the short-term benefits of technology, but possible long-term effects as well. The text is designed to provide you with a solid grounding in ethics and logic, an understanding of the history of technology and a familiarity with current and cutting-edge information technology.

The 9th Edition is extensively updated to cover many new developments and controversies related to the introduction, use and misuse of information technology in modern society. New material aligns with the beta version of the ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Computer Science Curricula 2023 as well as cutting-edge topics such as generative AI and ChatGPT; the impact of COVID-19; social media's role in protests; and more.
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