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Hyperbolic Problems and Regularity Questions by Mariarosaria Padula, Luisa Zanghirati
English | PDF (True) | 2007 | 229 Pages | ISBN : 3764374500 | 2.3 MB
This book discusses new challenges in the quickly developing field of hyperbolic problems. Particular emphasis lies on the interaction between nonlinear partial differential equations, functional analysis and applied analysis as well as mechanics.

The book originates from a recent conference focusing on hyperbolic problems and regularity questions. It is intended for researchers in functional analysis, PDE, fluid dynamics and differential geometry.

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Hyperfunctions and Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces by Henrik Schlichtkrull
English | PDF | 1984 | 197 Pages | ISBN : 0817632158 | 10.5 MB
During the last ten years a powerful technique for the study of partial differential equations with regular singularities has developed using the theory of hyperfunctions. The technique has had several important applications in harmonic analysis for symmetric spaces.

This book gives an introductory exposition of the theory of hyperfunctions and regular singularities, and on this basis it treats two major applications to harmonic analysis. The first is to the proof of Helgason's conjecture, due to Kashiwara et al., which represents eigenfunctions on Riemannian symmetric spaces as Poisson integrals of their hyperfunction boundary values.
A generalization of this result involving the full boundary of the space is also given. The second topic is the construction of discrete series for semisimple symmetric spaces, with an unpublished proof, due to Oshima, of a conjecture of Flensted-Jensen.
This first English introduction to hyperfunctions brings readers to the forefront of research in the theory of harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces. A substantial bibliography is also included. This volume is based on a paper which was awarded the 1983 University of Copenhagen Gold Medal Prize.

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Hypertrophie des ärztlichen Sozialrechts: Verfassungs- und europarechtliche Grenzen sozialrechtlicher Regelungen des (zahn-)ärztlichen Berufsrechts anhand ausgewählter Beispiele By Schüffner, Marc; Schnall, Laura
2009 | 95 Pages | ISBN: 3428131223 | PDF | 1 MB
In der Vergangenheit hat der Bundesgesetzgeber unter Rückgriff auf die konkurrierende Gesetzgebungskompetenz für die Sozialversicherung in immer größerem Ausmaß Regelungen geschaffen, die das ärztliche Berufsrecht tangieren. Marc Schüffner und Laura Schnall beleuchten die verfassungs- und europarechtlichen Grenzen solcher sozialrechtlicher Bestimmungen des (zahn-)ärztlichen Berufsrechts anhand ausgewählter Beispiele, die diese Problematik besonders anschaulich verdeutlichen.Zunächst erläutern sie die formellrechtlichen Grenzen des Gesetzgebers in diesem Bereich. Nach Darstellung der Gesetzgebungskompetenzen beschreiben sie am Beispiel des Vertragsarztrechtsänderungsgesetzes die Überschreitung der Gesetzgebungsbefugnis des Bundes. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung der materiellrechtlichen Grenzen des legislativen Gestaltungsspielraums nehmen die Autoren sodann die einschlägigen Grundrechte der Ärzte in den Blick. Anschließend untersuchen sie die Vereinbarkeit verschiedener sozialrechtlicher Regelungen des ärztlichen Berufsrechts mit diesen Grundrechten und den einschlägigen Staatsstrukturprinzipien des Grundgesetzes. Zu den untersuchten Regelungen gehören die Bonus-Malus-Regelung bei der Wirtschaftlichkeitsprüfung, die Sanktionen bei kollektivem Zulassungsverzicht der Vertragsärzte, der Sicherstellungsauftrag im Basistarif der privaten Krankenversicherung und die inzwischen abgeschafften vertragsärztlichen Höchstaltersgrenzen. Dabei erörtern sie auch die europarechtlichen Bezüge. Die Autoren zeigen auf, dass die Verfassung der Hypertrophie des ärztlichen Sozialrechts entgegensteht.

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Hypnosis in the Realm of De-Sign by Maurício S. Neubern
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2024 | 231 Pages | ISBN : 3031812956 | 7.9 MB
This book presents a new theoretical framework for the study of hypnosis based on an innovative epistemological approach called De-sign. This approach transcends the opposition subjectivity-objectivity and presents itself as a metaknowledge that integrates design and semiotics and proposes a phenomenological method of inquiry that helps overcome some of the traditional challenges to create theoretical models to explain hypnosis.

Both hypnosis and De-sign are critical practices against absolute notions of reality, especially regarding time, space, and otherness. Both of them consider the importance of epistemological notions such as imagination, feelings, and desire, that modern science commonly marginalizes. Hypnosis and De-sign implicate people in partnership, being critical to a dominant notion of control. Thus, the book presents in-depth discussions on major themes of hypnosis, bringing clinical practice closer to the reflections brought by De-sign.
Hypnosis in the Realm of De-Sign shows how to integrate semiotic systems, pragmatism, and De-sign principles to analyze actual hypnotherapeutic experiences. As with every De-sign situation, each patient requires a unique therapeutic strategy and approach that is individually appropriate for them. The author thereby encourages therapists to become de-signers, working with - not for - their subjects to create a context within which their subjects can awaken their therapeutic potential. By doing so, patients can then bring into focus that which could be, rather than focusing on that which is.

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Hämatologische Erkrankungen: Atlas und diagnostisches Handbuch by Torsten Haferlach
Deutsch | EPUB | 2020 | 200 Pages | ISBN : 366259546X | 162.54 MB
Knapp und präzise ist zu häufigen und seltenen Krankheitsbildern, die für die tägliche Routine des Hämatologen relevant sind, das diagnostische Vorgehen beschrieben. Von der Zytomorphologie ausgehend werden die notwendigen Bezüge zur Zytogenetik, Molekulargenetik und Immunologie mit einbezogen. Über 800 Abbildungen von typischen Blut- und Knochenmarkausstrichen illustrieren die Befunde und können als Vergleichsbilder für die eigene Diagnostik verwendet werden. Die aktuelle WHO-Klassifikation von 2017 ist umfassend berücksichtigt.

Neu in dieser 3. Auflage ist neben der Darstellung der WHO-relevanten Diagnosen und Befunde eine noch intensivere Betonung der Bezüge zwischen Phänotyp und Genotyp der hämatologischen Erkrankungen. Dieses Konzept entspricht nicht nur aktuell dem klinisch notwendigen Standard, sondern zeigt auch den Weg in eine zukünftig zunehmend Genotyp-basierte Vorgehensweise mit dem Ziel der sog. Präzisions-Medizin auf.
Aus dem Inhalt: Störungen der Erythropoese - Reaktive Blut- und Knochenmarkveränderungen - Angeborene Anomalien der Granulozytopoese - Benigne Veränderungen der Lymphozyten - Aplastische Anämien (Panmyelopathien) - Speicherkrankheiten - Hämophagozytische Syndrome - Myeloproliferative Neoplasien (MPN) - Myeloische und lymphatische Neoplasien mit Eosinophilie und Anomalien von FGFR1, PDGFRA, PDGFRB oder mit PCM1-JAK2 - Myelodysplastische/myeloproliferative Neoplasien (MDS/MPN) - Myelodysplastische Syndrome - Myeloische Neoplasien mit Keimbahn-Prädisposition - Akute Leukämien - Lymphatische Neoplasien - Histiozytäre Neoplasien und Neoplasien der dendritischen Zellen - Tumoraspirate bei Knochenmarkbefall
Der Autor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Torsten Haferlach, MLL Münchner Leukämielabor GmbH, München

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I (Think) I Want Out: What to Do When One of You Wants to End Your Marriage by Becky Whetstone
English | February 4, 2025 | ISBN: 0757325394 | True EPUB | 336 pages | 4.4 MB
I (Think) I Want Out is an essential couples guide that provides comprehensive information, answers, and guidance on how to navigate a marriage crisis.

Among the 600,000 annual divorces that transpire within the United States, almost all of them begin with a marriage crisis. Whether your partner told you they want to leave the marriage, or you are wondering how to break the news that you want out, this breaking point can be filled with overwhelming emotions, worry about children becoming collateral damage, and ill-advised counseling that make navigating this process more frightening and confusing than it has to be. These heartbreaking times can propel couples into a state of fear, panic, and uncertainty about what steps they should take, sometimes leading them to divorce when reconciliation might have been possible. Known as the "Marriage Crisis Manager," marriage and family therapist Becky Whetstone fills in these gaps by speaking to both partners on how to manage themselves and their relationship in the healthiest of ways, regardless of the eventual outcome.
In I (Think) I Want Out, Whetstone's coaching offers clear understanding on why everyone feels crazy and overwhelmed during one of life's most difficult experiences. By promoting peacefulness and self-care, she emphasizes the importance of both partners slowing down throughout the process. With engaging exercises and worksheets, Whetstone organizes an intelligent plan so all parties can successfully manage the crisis in a way where smart, rational decision-making can take place, and mistakes are minimized. Some of the many useful strategies and insight Whetstone provides help couples understand:
How the marriage crisis happened in the first placeThe stages of marital deterioration and how to diagnose the severity of the marriage crisisHow our nervous system impacts the way we feel and influences our actionsWhat factors to consider: mental and physical health, abuse, and addictionWhen it's time to separate and how to do it peacefully in a way that avoids separation limbo and moves the couple forward toward the end goal of a definitive decisionHow to manage the crisis and possible divorce amicably, ensuring the best outcome for the children
With the inclusion of useful templates that show couples how to separate in a way that encourages reconciliation and offer a plan for families whose intended divorce is done in a respectful way that encourages a good co-parenting relationship moving forward, this useful guide helps is an invaluable tool for any dissolution of a marriage.

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I Am Human, Food for the Archons: Humanities Psychic Connection, Simulated Realities, Parallel Worlds, and the Manipulation of Mankind... By Dennis Nappi II
2019 | 185 Pages | ISBN: 0991137590 | EPUB | 1 MB
Through this work, you will find that you are not alone in your experiences - as the author delivers validation to your most fearful spiritual encounters. Food for the Archonsbrings to light the collective vulnerability of the human condition. However, you will come to find that when you peel back the veil, what was once your greatest weakness is actually the source of your long-forgotten power, and a beacon of hope for yourself and all mankind.Through research, experience, and intuition, the author explores the following:We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulationsWe are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication.Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite.Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.This book explores the potential of human consciousness to access information beyond the 5-senses via an electromagnetic field generated by the human heart. It is through our ignorance of this field, however, that mankind's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are being heavily influenced and manipulated. We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations.We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication, healing, and the acquisition of knowledge. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

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I Dream of Joni: A Portrait of Joni Mitchell in 53 Snapshots
by Henry Alford
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1668019507 | 352 Pages | True ePUB | 2.88 MB

The eternal singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell is seen anew, portrayed through a witty and comprehensive exploration of anecdotes, quotes, and lyrics by Henry Alford, "the most graceful of humorists" (Vanity Fair) and a writer for The New Yorker.
Joni Mitchell's life, psyche, and evolving legacy are explored here in vivid technicolor-from her childhood in Saskatoon, Canada, to her arrival in Laurel Canyon that turned her into, as Alford puts it, "the bard of heartbreak and longing." Each period of Mitchell's life is observed via the artists, friends, family, and lovers she encountered along the way, including James Taylor, Leonard Cohen, Georgia O'Keefe, Prince, and, most significantly, Kilauren, the daughter Mitchell gave up for adoption at birth but then reconnected with decades later.
Presented in the impressionistic vein of Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret, I Dream of Joni explores in fifty-three essays, with the author's trademark wit and verve, the life of the legendary singer-songwriter.

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I Got Abducted by Aliens and Now I'm Trapped in a Rom-Com (Cosmic Chaos, Book 1) by Kimberly Lemming
English | February 18, 2025 | ISBN: 0593818636 | True EPUB | 304 pages | 3.1 MB
A hilarious and sexy romance about a woman who gets dropped on a strange planet only to fall for not one, but two, aliens, from the author of I Got Drunk and Yeeted a Love Potion at a Werewolf.

Dorothy Valentine is close to getting her PhD in wildlife biology when she's attacked by a lion. On the bright side, she's saved! On the not-so-bright side, it's because they're abducted by aliens. In her scramble to escape, Dory and the lion commandeer an escape pod and crash-land on an alien planet that has...dinosaurs?
Dory and her new lion bestie, Toto, are saved in the nick of time by a mysterious and sexy alien, Sol. On their new adventure, they team up with the equally hot, equally dangerous Lok, who may or may not be a war criminal. Whether it be trauma, fate, or intrigue, Dory can't resist the attraction that's developing in their trio....
As this ragtag group of misfits explore their new planet, Dory learns more about how and why they've all ended up together, battles more prehistoric creatures than she imagined (she, and questions if she even wants to go back home to Earth in this hilarious and steamy alien romance adventure comedy romp.

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Harris O'Malley, "I Got Her Number, Now What?: A Geek's Guide to Texting, Snapchatting and Sliding into DMs"
English | ISBN: 0996377271 | 2018 | 143 pages | AZW3 | 494 KB
Does texting terrify you? Does texting terrify you? Are you tired of getting ghosted and watching promising connections dwindle away into nothing? Do you wish you knew exactly what to say and how to say it? Dating coach and relationship expert Harris O'Malley (AKA Dr. NerdLove) will teach you everything you need to know about harnessing the power of text to turn a phone number into an incredible relationship. When it comes to meeting women, getting her number is only the start. If you want to make sure that getting her number leads to an actual date, then you need to understand the secrets to turning that initial contact into a powerful connection. Whether you somebody at a bar, trying to connect at a party, moving the conversation off of a dating app or simply trying to start a conversation over social media, understanding the rules of text will turn your dating life around. You will learn: o How to get her number o How to start a conversation with any woman, whether via text, Snapchat or DMs o Exactly when to text and what to say to capture her interest o How to guarantee that she'll want to return YOUR texts. o The number one mistake men make when that kills their chances with women - and how to avoid it o And how to turn those numbers into dates and relationships. Whether you want to land a date with that one perfect person or make sure you never spend another weekend alone, mastering the art of texting will be like getting a superpower no other man has. It's time to take your love life to the next level and answer the question: I got her number... now what?

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I Had to Row Across the Ocean : A Woman's Solo Odyssey By Tori Murden McClure
2009 | 306 Pages | ISBN: 0061718866 | EPUB | 1 MB
In this memoir combining high adventure and romantic quest, the first woman to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean discovers that the most important goal is not to prove that you are superhuman, but to fully embrace your own humanity.

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Jules Delorme, "i heard a crow before i was born"
English | ISBN: 177310408X | 2024 | pages | PDF | 3 MB
i heard a crow before i was born.

i heard tsó:ka'we before i was born.
i heard a crow before i was born opens with a dream-memory that transforms into a stark, poetic reflection on the generational trauma faced by many Indigenous families. Jules Delorme was born to resentful and abusive parents, in a world in which he never felt he belonged. Yet, buoyed by the love shown to him by his tóta (grandmother) and his many animal protectors, Delorme gained the strength to reckon with his brutal childhood and create this transformative and evocative memoir.
Across chapters that tell of his troubled relationships, Delorme unwraps the pain at the centre of his own story: the residential schools and the aftershocks that continue to reverberate.
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Tamika D. Mallory, "I Lived to Tell the Story: A Memoir of Love, Legacy, and Resilience"
English | ISBN: 1982173491 | 2025 | 304 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
A raw, heartfelt memoir of perseverance, redemption, and triumph from Tamika D. Mallory, trailblazing social justice leader, activist, and cofounder of the Women's March.

In I Lived to Tell the Story, Tamika Mallory takes us beyond the headlines and podiums, offering an unfiltered look at the moments that shaped her-not just as an activist but as a woman navigating love, loss, and self-discovery.
From her early days as the daughter of civil rights organizers in Harlem to her battles with the personal pain that many never imagined-the trauma of sexual assault, the pressures of motherhood, the fallout of public scrutiny, and the fight to reclaim her peace-this is Tamika as the world has never seen her before.
A follow-up to her "masterful" (Marc Lamont Hill) debut,
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I Make Envy on Your Disco: A Novel by Eric Schnall
English | May 1, 2024 | ISBN: 1496239016 | True EPUB | 296 pages | 1.3 MB
"A funny and moving debut."-Charles Arrowsmith, The Washington Post

"A love letter to Berlin, to travel, and to saying yes to life."-Alan Cumming
It's the new millennium and the anxiety of midlife is creeping up on Sam Singer, a thirty-seven-year-old art advisor. Fed up with his partner and his life in New York, Sam flies to Berlin to attend a gallery opening. There he finds a once-divided city facing an identity crisis of its own. In Berlin the past is everywhere: the graffiti-stained streets, the candlelit cafés and techno clubs, the astonishing mash-up of architecture, monuments, and memorials.
A trip that begins in isolation evolves into one of deep connection and possibility. In an intensely concentrated series of days, Sam finds himself awash in the city, stretched in limbo between his own past and future-in nightclubs with Jeremy, a lonely wannabe DJ; navigating a flirtation with Kaspar, an East Berlin artist he meets at a café; and engaged in a budding relationship with Magda, the enigmatic and icy manager of Sam's hotel, whom Sam finds himself drawn to and determined to thaw. I Make Envy on Your Disco is at once a tribute to Berlin, a novel of longing and connection, and a coming-of-middle-age story about confronting the person you were and becoming the person you want to be.

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Rufus Chambers III, "I Stand: The Road To Manhood"
English | ISBN: 0615761496 | 2013 | 138 pages | EPUB | 228 KB
The road to authentic manhood is a difficult terrain and requires a roadmap that is proven and full-proof.The absence of fathers in homes has created a huge void in the lives of countless men, women, and children of all ethnicities, ages, and socio-economic backgrounds. The love of a father is a universal fertilizer that allows males to be nurtured and grow with confidence, assurance, and purpose. Without this love, boys become men with deep-rooted voids and insufficiencies that they carry into marriage and fatherhood, never truly embodying the true essence of manhood.I STAND takes readers on a journey through the foundational pains that many men are currently struggling to overcome. It provides a remedy for men to move past the debilitating stings of childhood rejection and advance into authentic manhood rooted in the unconditional love and acceptance of God.I STAND addresses breaking the cycles of past generations, dealing with the pain and emotion of scars, learning how to forgive, eliminating excuses, and finding mentors for the journey. This book is the roadmap for broken men who are ready to be whole!

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I Want to Burn This Place Down: Essays
by Maris Kreizman
English | 2025 | ISBN: 0063305828 | 176 Pages | ePUB | 1.15 MB

A debut essay collection by the inimitable cultural critic Maris Kreizman-an introspective, searing account of the life experiences that have pushed this former "good Democrat" even further to the political left
At the heart of this funny, acerbic, and bravely honest book of essays is Maris Kreizman, a former rule follower and ambition monster who once believed the following truths to be self-evident: that working very hard would lead to admission to a good college, which would lead to a good job at a good company, which would then lead to personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose, along with adequate health care and eventual home ownership and plenty of money waiting in a retirement account. Like any good Democrat and feminist, she believed that if she just worked hard and played by the rules, she was guaranteed a safe and comfortable life.
Now in her forties, the only thing Maris Kreizman knows for sure is that she no longer has faith in American institutions or any of their hollow promises. Now she knows that the rules are meant to serve some folks better than others; and, actually, they serve no one all that well-not even Kreizman. Disturbed by the depth and scope of the liberal myths in which she once so fervently believed, Kreizman takes readers on an intimate journey that revisits some of her most profound revelations, demonstrating that it's never too late to become radicalized.
With Kreizman's signature wit and blunt self-reflection,and more than a little transformative rage, I Want to Burn This Place Down is a book for anyone who wishes they could go back in time to give their younger selves the real truth about the fractured country they have inherited-and the encouragement to rebuild something better in its place.

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I Will Lift My Eyes Unto the Hills: Learning from the Great Prayers of the Old Testament By Walter C. Kasier Jr.
2021 | 168 Pages | ISBN: 1683591828 | EPUB | 1 MB
All Christian desire to pray more effectively. What better way to learn how to pray than to study the great prayers of the Old Testament. This volume, written by a recognized Old Testament scholar and author of numerous books, explores 11 such prayers―e.g., Abraham interceding for Sodom, David praising God for his kingly dynasty, Solomon asking for a listening heart, Hezekiah pleading for help against an arrogant army, and Daniel confessing sins on behalf of the entire nation of Israel. This book is an answer to the prayer, "Lord, teach us to pray."

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I Wish I Had a Heart Like Yours, Walt Whitman By Jude Nutter
2009 | 124 Pages | ISBN: 0268036632 | PDF | 1 MB
In "Return of the Heroes," Walt Whitman refers to the casualties of the American Civil War: "the dead to me mar not. . . . / they fit very well in the landscape under the trees and grass. . . ." In her new poetry collection, Jude Nutter challenges Whitman's statement by exploring her own responses to war and conflict and, in a voice by turns rueful, dolorous, and imagistic, reveals why she cannot agree.Nutter, who was born in England and grew up in Germany, has a visceral sense of history as a constant, violent companion. Drawing on a range of locales and historical moments―among them Rwanda, Sarajevo, Nagasaki, and both world wars―she replays the confrontation of personal history colliding with history as a social, political, and cultural force. In many of the poems, this confrontation is understood through the shift from childhood innocence and magical thinking to adult awareness and guilt.Nutter responds to Whitman from another perspective as well. It was Whitman who wrote that he could live with animals because, among other things, they are placid, self-contained, and guiltless. As counterpoint, Nutter weaves a series of animal poems―a kind of personal bestiary―throughout the collection that reveals the tragedy and violence also inherent in the lives of animals. Here, as in much of Nutter's previous work, the boundaries between the animal and human worlds are permeable; the urgent voice of the poet insists we recognize that "Even from a distance, suffering / is suffering." Here is both acknowledgment and challenge: distance may be measured in terms of time, culture, or place, or it may be caused by the gap between animals and humans, but it is our responsibility to speak against atrocity and bloodshed, however voiceless we may feel.

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I'm Not Really Here By Tim Allen
1997 | 304 Pages | ISBN: 0786889322 | EPUB | 1 MB
The popular actor and comedian shares his observations on why things are the way they are while sharing his offbeat opinions about the meaning of life and his personal role in it.

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I've Got Questions: The Spiritual Practice of Having It Out with God by Erin Hicks Moon
English | February 4, 2025 | ISBN: 1540904083 | True EPUB | 256 pages | 5.4 MB
When your faith as you know it has been commodified, nationalized, scandalized, and rebranded beyond recognition, is it even possible to recover the "good" of Jesus from this cluster of epic proportions?

Writer and podcaster Erin Moon has questions, and this book is her open letter for anyone who feels iffy, conflicted, or just downright devastated by this disconnect. With empathy, insight, and the therapy of memes and a good laugh, Erin maps out not a rigid prescription but an open-hearted pathway for you to reclaim what you once loved about your faith home and light a match to the rest.
As it turns out, God is not afraid of your questions. To the contrary, the fullness of the Christian story is found not in a certainty checklist but a vision of a people who wrestle with God. This is the story to which Erin turns and guides you through, as you
· understand the good, bad, ugly, and just plain bizarre of your faith origins
· find permission to lament, ask questions, and name pressure points
· make peace as you set your own new boundaries and rebuild
Consider this your open invitation to get gut-level honest about where it started, and heart-level hopeful about where it can go from here.

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