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Staat und Religion: Der moderne Staat im Rahmen kultureller und religiöser Lebenselemente By Schreckenberger, Waldemar
2006 | 116 Pages | ISBN: 3428122291 | PDF | 1 MB
Im Zentrum der Vorträge steht das Verhältnis von Staat und Religion, das auf eine bewegte Geschichte zurückgeht. Nach vielfältigen Formen der wechselseitigen Abhängigkeit der Religion von staatlicher Herrschaftsmacht ist im demokratischen Rechtsstaat die freie Religionsausübung des Einzelnen gewährleistet. Er kennt nur noch begrenzte Formen staatlicher Mitwirkung für Kirchen und Religionsunterricht. Das gemeinsame Medium ist die "gesellschaftliche Öffentlichkeit": die individuelle Gotteserfahrung verbindet sich mit der weltoffenen Zuwendung zur sozialen und kulturellen Mitgestaltung, insbesondere zu einer "Solidarkultur". Die "homogene" Einheit der Gesellschaft bestimmt zugleich die Grenzen für grundlegende - und sei es religiös motivierte - abweichende Verhaltensformen. Auf schwierige Probleme trifft die Begegnung mit verschiedenen globalen Religionssystemen, dem Christentum, Judentum und dem Islam.Ziel der Erörterung ist es, die unterschiedlichen, aber auch gemeinsamen religiösen Entwicklungen in den Grundzügen offenzulegen. Denn nur eine vertiefte Kenntnis der Glaubensüberzeugungen und ihrer lehrmäßigen, dogmatischen Grundlagen erlauben eine sinnvolle Verständigung. Im Vordergrund steht das historische Verhältnis von staatlicher Macht und institutioneller Religionspraxis, das verschiedene Formen der Theokratie hervorgebracht hat. Sie haben im Islam ihren strengsten Ausdruck gefunden. Letztlich bieten sie aus islamwissenschaftlicher Sicht kein unüberwindbares Hindernis für eine globale Friedensordnung.

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Staatliches Liegenschaftsmanagement, Staatsverschuldung und Staatsvermögen By Schmid, Nils
2007 | 220 Pages | ISBN: 3428121961 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Neuordnung der Liegenschaftsverwaltung von Bund und Ländern als Teil der Verwaltungsmodernisierung - ein bisher eher stiefmütterlich behandeltes Thema - wirft grundsätzliche haushaltsverfassungsrechtliche Fragen auf, die unter Einbeziehung des Landesverfassungsrechts behandelt werden. Angesichts des gewaltigen Ausmasses der Staatsverschuldung ist die vorliegende Publikation auch von hohem praktischem Interesse.Nils Schmid fasst die Merkmale von staatlichem Liegenschaftsmanagement zusammen und stellt die Entwicklung in Bund und Ländern systematisch dar. Trotz privatrechtlicher Ansätze bleibt der Landesbetrieb die Standardlösung. Neben Strukturfragen wie der Eigentumszuordnung und der Wirtschaftlichkeit stellen die regelmäßig in Nebenhaushalte mündenden Reformen grundsätzliche Fragen nach der Geltung der Haushaltsverfassung. Die Einheit des Budgets und die Kreditgrenzen der Verfassung müssen ihrem Sinn und Zweck nach auch hier gelten. Schließlich machen Immobilien einen beträchtlichen Teil des Staatsvermögens aus. Eine "Renaissance des Staatsvermögensrechts", gestützt auf die Vermögensbilanz des Staates und das Werterhaltungsgebot, ist daher geboten.Introducing new facility management methods and re-organizing state and federal agencies accordingly has been part of modernizing public administration in Germany since the 1990s. This raises various constitutional issues treated in this book.The first part gives a brief survey of how the state and federal real estate management agencies have been reformed since the mid-1990s, mostly leading to a Landesbetrieb (a public sector agency with a certain degree of managerial independence).The second part concentrates on state and federal constitutional norms regulating budgeting and borrowing. Financing public needs through off-budget funds, as created by the new structures of real estate management on the state and federal level, violates Art. 110 and 115 of the Constitution, which aim at comprehensive parliamentary control over public expenses and borrowing.The last section discusses the nucleus of public property law that can be found in the German Constitution. Particular emphasis is put on state constitutional law since real estate owned by the Länder underpins their sovereignty. Full-fledged public accounting rules and the principle of maintaining public property are important checks to overborrowing and to selling off public assets.

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Staatliches Selbstverteidigungsrecht gegen terroristische Gewalt By Scholz, Michael
2006 | 207 Pages | ISBN: 3428121805 | PDF | 1 MB
Michael Scholz befasst sich mit einem der heikelsten und zugleich aktuellsten Themen des Völkerrechts. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die Selbstverteidigungsbefugnisse gegen den internationalen Terrorismus auf dem Hoheitsgebiet anderer Staaten, etwa solcher Staaten, die Terroristen einen Zufluchtsort gewähren oder von ihnen mangels dort vorhandener effektiver Staatsorgane als "sicherer Hafen" genutzt werden.Daneben behandelt der Autor aber auch die völkerrechtliche Zulässigkeit von Abwehrmaßnahmen in hoheitsfreien Räumen und auf eigenem Staatsgebiet. Angesichts des Bedrohungspotentials privater Akteure, das die auf zwischenstaatliche Auseinandersetzungen angelegten Völkerrechtsnormen an ihre Grenzen stoßen lässt, wirft er völkerrechtliche Grundfragen zum Selbstverteidigungsrecht und der Zurechnung terroristischer Gewalt an einen Staat neu auf. Scholz gelangt dabei unter Verwendung von IGH-Rechtsprechung, Völkerrechtswissenschaft und aus der (insbesondere neueren) Staatenpraxis heraus zu sehr differenzierten Voraussetzungen und Begrenzungen des Selbstverteidigungsrechts gegen den internationalen Terrorismus.Die Publikation bietet einen klar gegliederten Problemaufriss und ermöglicht eine fundierte Einführung in die Thematik. Dies macht sie für Rechtswissenschafter, Politikwissenschaftler und Völkerrechtspraktiker gleichermaßen lesenswert.

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Staatsgefüge und Zusammenbruch des zweiten Reiches: Der Sieg des Bürgers über den Soldaten. Hrsg., mit einem Vorwort und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Günter Maschke. Anhang: Die Logik der geistigen Unterwerfung By Schmitt, Carl; Maschke, Günter
2011 | 164 Pages | ISBN: 342812362X | PDF | 1 MB
Der Sieg des Bürgers über den Soldaten - der Untertitel von Carl Schmitts schmaler und letztlich rätselhaft bleibender Schrift aus dem Jahre 1934 hat manchen heutigen Leser verblüfft, der zunächst einen kapitalen Fehler des Setzers vermutete. Müßte es denn nicht Der Sieg des Soldaten über den Bürger heißen und ging das Zweite Reich nicht an seinem Militarismus zugrunde, an der Übertragung der militärischen Subordination in das zivile Leben [...]? War es nicht der aus Preußen über das Reich hereinbrechende Militarismus gewesen, der, zur Zeit Bismarcks noch leidlich kontrolliert und kanalisiert, in der Ära Wilhelms II. die zivile Sphäre deformierte und zersetzte und schließlich zur Überwältigung der politischen durch die militärischen Gesichtspunkte führte? [...]Je öfter man Schmitts Schrift liest, desto häufiger stellen sich Fragen ein, Fragen, die immer neue, gewagtere Fragen gebären. Wie bei vielen anderen Texten dieses oft scheinklaren Schriftstellers weiß man auch hier häufig nicht, welche Antwort er nahelegen und welche Wirkungen er auslösen wollte.Aus dem Vorwort von Günter Maschke

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Staatssoziologie: Soziologie der rationalen Staatsanstalt und der modernen politischen Parteien und Parlamente. Mit einer Einführung und Erläuterungen hrsg. von Johannes Winckelmann By Weber, Max; Winckelmann, Johannes
2011 | 158 Pages | ISBN: 3428135105 | PDF | 1 MB
Als Fazit der staatssoziologischen Lehre Max Webers, die getragen ist von dem Pneuma seiner Persönlichkeit, läßt sich erkennen: für Max Weber gilt es, gegen die zerstörende Gewalt der politischen Emotionalität einzusetzen die gestaltende Kraft verantwortungsbewußter menschlich-freiheitlicher Vernünftigkeit, gegen die destruktive Macht der entmenschlichenden Rationalisierung und Mechanisierung den tatkräftigen Aufschwung der Geister und der Herzen. (Aus der Einführung)

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Priscilla Dionne Layne, "Staging Blackness: Representations of Race in German-Speaking Drama and Theater"
English | ISBN: 0472056247 | 2024 | 342 pages | PDF | 7 MB
Staging Blackness provides a multifaceted look at how Blackness has been staged in Germany from the eighteenth century, the birth of German national theater, until the present. In recent years, the German stage has been at the forefront of discussions about race, from cases of blackface to fights for better representation within the professional community. These debates frequently invoke larger discussions about the politics of race in German theater and their origins and beyond.

Written by scholars and theater professionals with a wide variety of historical and theoretical expertise, the chapters seek to explore the connections between the German discourse on national theater and emerging ideas about race, analyze how dramaturges deal with older representations of Blackness in current productions, and discuss the contributions Black German playwrights and dramaturges have made to this discourse. Historians question how these plays were staged in their time, while cultural studies scholars contemplate how to interpret the function of race in these plays and how they can continue to be staged today.
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Anastasia Dakouri-Hild, "Staging Death: Funerary Performance, Architecture and Landscape in the Aegean"
English | ISBN: 3110475782 | 2016 | 409 pages | EPUB | 64 MB
Places are social, lived, ideational landscapes constructed by people as they inhabit their natural and built environment. An 'archaeology of place' attempts to move beyond the understanding of the landscape as inert background or static fossil of human behaviour. From a specifically mortuary perspective, this approach entails a focus on the inherently mutable, transient and performative qualities of 'deathscapes': how they are remembered, obliterated, forgotten, reworked, or revisited over time. Despite latent interest in this line of enquiry, few studies have explored the topic explicitly in Aegean archaeology. This book aims to identify ways in which to think about the deathscape as a cross between landscapes, tombs, bodies, and identities, supplementing and expanding upon well explored themes in the field (e.g. tombs as vehicles for the legitimization of power; funerary landscapes as arenas of social and political competition). The volume recasts a wealth of knowledge about Aegean mortuary cultures against a theoretical background, bringing the field up to date with recent developments in the archaeology of place.

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Staging, Playing, Pyrotechnics and Magic: Conventions of Performance in Early English Theatre: Shifting Paradigms in Early English Drama Studies
by Philip Butterworth and Peter Harrop
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1032050365 | 346 Pages | True ePUB | 5.12 MB

In this selection of research articles Butterworth focuses on investigation of the practical and technical means by which early English theatre, from the fifteenth to the early seventeenth century, was performed. Matters of staging for both 'pageant vehicle' and 'theatre-in-the-round' are described and analysed to consider their impact on playing by players, expositors, narrators and prompters. All these operators also functioned to promote the closely aligned disciplines of pyrotechnics and magic (legerdemain or sleight of hand) which also influence the nature of the presented theatre.
The sixteen chapters form four clearly identified parts―staging, playing, pyrotechnics and magic―and drawing on a wealth of primary source material, Butterworth encourages the reader to rediscover and reappreciate the actors, magicians, wainwrights and wheelwrights, pyrotechnists, and (in modern terms) the special effects people and event managers who brought these early texts to theatrical life on busy city streets and across open arenas.
The chapters variously explore and analyse the important backwaters of material culture that enabled, facilitated and shaped performance yet have received scant scholarly attention. It is here, among the itemised payments to carpenters and chemists, the noted requirements of mechanics and wheelwrights, or tucked away among the marginalia of suppliers of staging and ingenious devices that Butterworth has made his stamping ground. This is a fascinating introduction to the very 'nuts and bolts' of early theatre.
Staging, Playing, Pyrotechnics and Magic: Conventions of Performance in Early English Theatre is a closely argued celebration of stagecraftthat will appeal to academics and students of performance, theatre history and medieval studies as well as history and literature more broadly. It constitutes the eighth volume in the Routledge series Shifting Paradigms in Early English Drama Studies and continues the valuable work of that series (of which Butterworth is a general editor) in bringing significant and expert research articles to a wider audience.

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Harold Shukman, "Stalin: A Pocket Biography "
English | ISBN: 1803992751 | 2024 | 106 pages | AZW3 | 486 KB
A pocket biography of one of history's most ruthless leaders

Joseph Stalin was one of the most ruthless and authoritarian dictators in world history, who plunged Russia into a barbarous nightmare, leaving behind a damaged nation and a legacy of grief.
This concise biography presents Lenin's heir from his humble and troubled beginnings to the highest rank of all: General Secretary of the Communist Party. Stalin: A Pocket Biography is an accessible account of a complex tyrant, perfect for students or anyone taking a first look into modern Russian history.

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Lars T. Lih, "Stalin's Letters to Molotov: 1925-1936 "
English | ISBN: 0300068611 | | 308 pages | EPUB | 1351 KB
"It is thus important to a) fundamentally purge the Finance and Gosbank bureaucracy, despite the wails of dubious Communists like Briukhanov-Piatakov; b) definitely shoot two or three dozen wreckers from these apparaty, including several dozen common cashiers."― J. Stalin, no earlier than 6 August 1930

"Today I read the section on international affairs. It came out well. The confident, contemptuous tone with respect to the great powers, the belief in our own strength, the delicate but plain spitting in the pot of the swaggering great powers―very good. Let them eat it."―J. Stalin, January 1933
Between 1925 and 1936, a dramatic period of transformation within the Soviet Union, Josef Stalin wrote frequently to his trusted friend and political colleague Viacheslav Molotov, Politburo member, chairman of the USSR Council of Commissars, and minister of foreign affairs. In these letters, Stalin mused on political events, argued with fellow Politburo members, and issued orders. The more than 85 letters collected in this volume constitute a unique historical record of Stalin's thinking―both personal and political―and throw valuable light on the way he controlled the government, Descriptionted the overthrow of his enemies, and imagined the future. This formerly top secret correspondence, once housed in Soviet archives, is now published for the first time.
The letters reveal Stalin in many different and dramatic situations: fighting against party rivals like Trotsky and Bukharin, trying to maneuver in the rapids of the Chinese revolution, negotiating with the West, insisting on the completion of all-out collectivization, and ordering the execution of scapegoats for economic failures. And they provide important and fascinating information about the Soviet Union's party-state leadership, about party politics, and about Stalin himself―as an administrator, as a Bolshevik, and as an individual.
The book includes much supplementary material that places the letters in context. Russian editor Oleg V. Naumov and his associates have annotated the letters, introduced each chronological section, and added other archival documents that help explain the correspondence. American editor Lars T. Lih has provided a lengthy introduction identifying what is new in the letters and using them to draw a portrait of Stalin as leader. Lih points out how the letters help us grasp Stalin's unique blend of cynicism and belief, manipulation and sincerity―a combination of qualities with catastrophic consequences for Soviet Russia and the world.
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Standardization Strategies in China and India: Industrial Policy and Geopolitics and Implications for Europe by Joachim Freimuth, Siglinde Kaiser, Monika Schädler
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2025 | 481 Pages | ISBN : 3658455829 | 24.2 MB
In today's digital era, the significance of standards in modernization and innovation cannot be overstated. Often overlooked as purely technical aspects, they today reveal their profound economic and political impact. Focusing on India and China, this book sheds light onto the standardization approaches of these two dynamic nations.

With insights from both academic and practical perspectives, this book shows how China's centralized planning and structured institutions contrast with India's emerging hybrid model, which reflects its rich diversity. Both countries possess untapped technological potential that is poised to reshape the global standardization landscape.
What do these developments mean for the German and European economies? Find out in the concluding chapters as the authors explore the implications of these standardization trends on a global scale. This book is essential reading for professionals navigating the ever-evolving intersection of modernization, innovation, and global standards, as well as for researchers interested in a better understanding of standardization strategies.

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Stanley Kubrick Produces by James Fenwick
English | December 18, 2020 | ISBN: 1978814887, 1978814879 | True EPUB | 266 pages | 1 MB
Stanley Kubrick Produces provides the first comprehensive account of Stanley Kubrick's role as a producer, and of the role of the producers he worked with throughout his career. It considers how he first emerged as a producer, how he developed the role, and how he ultimately used it to fashion himself a powerbase by the 1970s. It goes on to consider how Kubrick's centralizing of power became a self-defeating strategy by the 1980s and 1990s, one that led him to struggle to move projects out of development and into active production.

Making use of overlooked archival sources and uncovering newly discovered 'lost' Kubrick projects (The Cop Killer, Shark Safari, and The Perfect Marriage among them), as well as providing the first detailed overview of the World Assembly of Youth film, James Fenwick provides a comprehensive account of Kubrick's life and career and of how he managed to obtain the level of control that he possessed by the 1970s. Along the way, the book traces the rapid changes taking place in the American film industry in the post-studio era, uncovering new perspectives about the rise of young independent producers, the operations of influential companies such as Seven Arts and United Artists, and the whole field of film marketing.

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Start with the Art: The Smart Way to Decorate Any Room on Any Budget by Natalie Papier, Stephanie Sisco
English | October 29, 2024 | ISBN: 0316565059, 9780316565066 | True EPUB | 272 pages | 70.4 MB
Transform any space into a room you love-no matter your budget or style-with this smart, accessible, fun guide to decorating from the lead designer on Magnolia's Artfully Designed

Most interior decorating books save hanging pictures on the wall for last. But Natalie Papier, star of Magnolia's Artfully Designed, wants you to start with the art. To create a room you love, simply begin with something that moves you.
Art is everywhere, and Papier shows you how to find it-whether it's a beloved heirloom object, a painting, a fun collection, or a textile. With visual guides, insightful ideas, and straight talk, she helps you build from your inspiration to incorporate the textures, patterns, colors, and furnishings that make spaces feel perfect for you.
This revolutionary approach gives you endless freedom to decorate with what you already have, liberating you from budget pressure while transforming rooms that speak to-and from-the soul.

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Aliza Green, "Starting with Ingredients: 100 Delicious Ways to Make Use of What You've Got"
English | ISBN: 0762470763 | 2020 | pages | AZW3 | 13 MB
From apples and zucchini to delicious meals, revolutionize your home cooking with this colorful, cheerful, and neatly organized edition of a kitchen classic.

This reinvigorated, revamped collection of delightful dishes distills a master class for the home cook to its most enjoyable essentials. The brand-new Starting with Ingredients has a colorful, more easily digestible format, offering the very best and most versatile ingredient-driven recipes for every day. Navigate easily through more than 100 recipes with brightly colored tabs, sidebars, and culinary lore sprinkled throughout. Start with a few delicious ingredients:
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Stasis: Crowd Violence and Religious-Political Discourses in Late Antiquity
by Jonathan Stutz
English | 2024 | ISBN: 3161626370 | 265 Pages | PDF | 1.96 MB

Building on the premise that episodes of violence also manifest through texts and narratives that originated within specific communicative settings, Jonathan Stutz explores the manifold interconnections between (religious) violence and late antique rhetoric. By focusing the fourth century in particular, he addresses a period of time that was marked by profound political transformations and religious conflicts. The author delves into various examples where manifestations of collective violence became the object of strategies of legitimation and de-legitimation, as well as of moral and theological discourses. Throughout the different chapters, he examines how orations, homilies, letters, and polemical treatises provided a platform for emperors, rhetors, and Christian church leaders in their aim to define their own role and that of their interlocutors within the conflicts they witnessed.

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State and Religion: The Australian Story By Renae Barker
2018 | 242 Pages | ISBN: 1138684538 | EPUB | 1 MB
With its increasingly secular and religiously diverse population Australia faces many challenges in determining how the state and religion should interact. Australia is not unique in facing these challenges. States worldwide, including common law countries with shared legal and religious heritages, have also been faced with the question of how the state and religion should relate to one another. Countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and the United States have all had to grapple with how to manage the state-religion relationship in the present day. This book provides a comprehensive historical review of the interaction of the state and religion in Australia. It brings together multiple examples of areas in which the state and religion interact, and reviews these examples across Australia's history from settlement through to present day. The book sets this story within a wider theoretical context via an examination of theories of state-religion relationships as well as a comparison with other similar common law jurisdictions. The book demonstrates how the solutions arrived at in Australia is uniquely Australian owing to Australia's unique legal system, religious demographics and history. However this is just one possible outcome among many that have been tried in common law liberal democracies.

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Achim Rohde, "State-Society Relations in Ba'thist Iraq "
English | ISBN: 1138780138 | 2014 | 272 pages | EPUB | 4 MB
Scholarship on Iraq under the Ba'th regime has traditionally focused on the rule of Saddam Hussein and his narrow inner circle. The centrality of the former president in Iraqi politics until spring 2003 and the tyranny of his regime were evident, and available sources concerning developments inside Iraqi society during that period were scarce.

This book explores whether traditional paradigms of totalitarian rule can be applied to Ba'thist Iraq, closely examining state-society relations and uncovering the nature of the regime and how Iraqis lived with it. The study creates a conceptual framework for understanding the inner dynamics of a dictatorship that encompasses a variety of disciplines - comparative historiography, political science, literary and art criticism, and gender studies. Drawing on a comparative reading of the historiography of other regimes commonly perceived as totalitarian dictatorships, particularly Nazi Germany, the author looks beyond the spheres of state politics, economy and jurisdiction to also include the so called 'soft issues' of social norms, cultural and ideological production. By interpreting recent Iraqi history along such lines, the author demonstrates how cross-regional comparative perspectives and an interdisciplinary approach can contribute to the study of Iraq.
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Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Regular and CMRxRecon Challenge Papers: 14th International Workshop, STACOM 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 12, 2023, Revised Selected Papers by Oscar Camara, Esther Puyol-Antón, Maxime Sermesant, Avan Suinesiaputra, Qian Tao, Chengyan Wang, Alistair Young
English | PDF (True) | 2024 | 507 Pages | ISBN : 3031524470 | 96.4 MB
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart, STACOM 2023, as well as the Cardiac MRI Reconstruction Challenge, CMRxRecon Challenge.

There was a total of 53 submissions to the workshop.
The 24 regular workshop papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 paper submissions. They deal with cardiac segmentation, modelling, strain quantification, registration, statistical shape analysis, and quality control.
In addition, 21 papers from the CMRxRecon challenge are included in this volume. They focus on fast CMR image reconstruction and provide a benchmark dataset that enables the broader research community to promote advances in this area of research.

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Seema Sharma, "Statistics for Business and Economics : Using Microsoft Excel & Powered by IBM-SPSS, 3ed"
English | ISBN: 935424632X | 2021 | EPUB | 36 MB
Statistical analysis is inevitable for decision making in business, economics, and other fields of scientific enquiry. Strategies for optimum utilization of resources need to be backed by appropriate analysis. Also, insightful statistical analysis is becoming increasingly important in today's world of information load. This book is an attempt to present the understanding of the statistical tools in an easy, interesting, and useful manner and to equip the readers with knowledge of what, why, and how to use the wide-ranging statistical tools.

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Status Epilepticus - Recent Advances in Epidemiology, Electroencephalography, Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Adults and Children
by Boulenouar Mesraoua
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1839689854 | 149 Pages | True PDF | 6.74 MB

Depending on its cause, duration, and age of the population studied, mortality from status epilepticus (SE) is significantly increased, with case fatality rates ranging from 4.6% to 39%. These data are alarming! In addition to the prognosis of SE, this book highlights recent advances in the definition, EEG characteristics, and management of SE in adults and children. It is easy to read and contains the essential elements that the emergency physician needs to recognize SE, particularly in its subtle presentation of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) as succinctly described in one of the chapters.

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