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Stealing Horses to Great Applause: The Origins of the First World War Reconsidered by Paul W. Schroeder
English | February 18, 2025 | ISBN: 1804295795 | True EPUB | 384 pages | 0.5 MB
Stand-out theoretical and empirical explanation of the origins of the First World War by one of the great historians of international diplomacy

Stealing Horses to Great Applause presents arguably the finest considerations yet of the origins of the First World War. Breaking with accounts which focus on the actions of a single state or the final countdown to hostilities, Paul W. Schroeder describes the systemic crisis engulfing the Great Powers.
They were more interested in colonial plunder overseas (stealing horses to great applause, in the old Spanish adage) than the traditional statecraft of European peace-making. Preserving the balance of power required preserving all the essential actors in it, including a tottering Austria-Hungary. This the British in particular failed to recognise. The Central Powers may have started the War but that does not mean they in any real sense caused it. In the end Schroeder recalls the verdict of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: All are punished.
Stealing Horses to Great Applause includes appraisals of Niall Ferguson and A. J. P. Taylor, and an extensive unpublished final paper rethinking the First World War as "the last 18th-century war."
With an introduction by Perry Anderson.

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Bill Sweetman - Stealth Bomber: Invisible War Plane, Black Budget
Airlife Publishing | 1989 | ISBN: 1853100978 | English | 184 pages | PDF | 111.47 MB

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Steering The Craft: A Twenty-First-Century Guide to Sailing the Sea of Story By Ursula K. Le Guin
2015 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 0544611616 | EPUB | 1 MB
From the celebrated Ursula K. Le Guin, "a writer of enormous intelligence and wit, a master storyteller" (Boston Globe), the revised and updated edition of her classic guide to the essentials of a writer's craft. Completely revised and rewritten to address modern challenges and opportunities, this handbook is a short, deceptively simple guide to the craft of writing. Le Guin lays out ten chapters that address the most fundamental components of narrative, from the sound of language to sentence construction to point of view. Each chapter combines illustrative examples from the global canon with Le Guin's own witty commentary and an exercise that the writer can do solo or in a group. She also offers a comprehensive guide to working in writing groups, both actual and online. Masterly and concise, Steering the Craft deserves a place on every writer's shelf.

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Steps: A Guide to Transforming Your Life When Willpower Isn't Enough by John Ortberg
English | February 4, 2025 | ISBN: 1496447042 | True EPUB | 320 pages | 3.1 MB
Is there really any hope for a spiritual way of living that actually works?

Admiration, comfort, love, power, success, pleasure, escape, control: we're all addicted to something, whether we realize it or not.
In this deeply heartfelt book, author John Ortberg offers a guide for transformation when we know something needs to change but we can't do it on our own. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus and using the framework of AAs 12 steps as a guide, Ortberg offers all of us a freeing roadmap for:
Giving up our exhausting and fruitless efforts to fix, manage, and control our own livesDistinguishing between when willpower is essential and when it is futileDiscovering how God can do for us what we can't do for ourselves, andliving authentically, joyfully and in communion with God and other people.
Ortberg shows us how to discover:
Our spiritual attachment stylesOur core doubtsThe benefits of practices like prayer, meditation, and mindfulnessGod's sufficiency in our inadequacy
In Steps, find what's needed to experience a new freedom, a new fellowship and a new happiness no matter our circumstances.

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Pier Luigi Di Patre MD PhD, "Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology Review"
English | ISBN: 6059259073 | 2015 | 488 pages | PDF | 152 MB
Based on the sixth edition of Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology , this multiple choice question and answer resource covers all aspects of Surgical Pathology and is an ideal review tool for board preparation, recertification exams, or just brushing up. Now significantly revised, it includes more than 1,000 questions and answers that emphasize differential diagnostic aspects of problem solving, accompanied by more than 600 full-color illustrations.Key Features

Offers a systematic review of Surgical Pathology, including skin, soft tissue, bone, and joints; breast; central nervous system; endocrine system; hematopoietic and lymphatic systems; head and neck; intrathoracic organs and blood vessels; alimentary canal and associated organs; urinary tract and male genital system; and female reproductive system and peritoneum.
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Steuerverfassungsrechtliche Probleme der Betriebsaufspaltung und der verdeckten Gewinnausschüttung: Rechtsgrundsätze versus Gerichtspraxis By Schachtschneider, Karl Albrecht
2004 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 3428117123 | PDF | 1 MB
Die gewerbesteuerrechtliche Betriebsaufspaltung überschreitet als Rechtsfortbildung der Finanzgerichtsbarkeit die Grenzen des steuerverfassungsrechtlichen Gesetzlichkeitsprinzips und der richterlichen Begriffsmacht. Den Gewerbebegriff dehnt die Praxis entgegen dem Typus Gewerbe in den Bereich der Verwaltung eigenen Vermögens aus. Die "Gemeindeeinkommensteuer" verstößt gegen die Eigentumsgewährleistung und setzt sich dem Willkürvorwurf aus.Die körperschaftsteuerrechtliche Praxis zur verdeckten Gewinnausschüttung nutzt den Fremdvergleich. Beamte und Richter bestimmen die Angemessenheit von Gehältern, aber auch die Richtigkeit von Preisen. Das ist mit den Grundsätzen Vertrag und Markt unvereinbar. Die Vergleichsmethode hat keine gesetzliche Grundlage und verletzt Grundprinzipien des Rechts.Beide Abhandlungen sind aus Gutachten hervorgegangen, die im Auftrag der Stiftung für Unternehmensethik und soziale Verantwortung, Liechtenstein, erarbeitet wurden.

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Still Lives: Jewish Photography in Nazi Germany
by Ofer Ashkenazi, Sarah Wobick-Segev
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1512826359 | 368 Pages | True ePUB | 63 MB

How German Jews used photographs to document their experiences in the face of National Socialism
Still Lives is a systematic study of the ways Jews used photographs to document their experiences in the face of National Socialism. In a time of intensifying anti-Jewish rhetoric and policies, German Jews documented their lives and their environment in tens of thousands of photographs. German Jews of considerably diverse backgrounds took and preserved these photographs: professional and amateurs, of different ages, gender, and classes. The book argues that their previously overlooked photographs convey otherwise unuttered views, emotions, and self-perceptions. Based on a database of more than fifteen thousand relevant images, it analyzes photographs within the historical contexts of their production, preservation, and intended viewing, and explores a plethora of Jews' reactions to the changing landscapes of post-1933 Germany. Here, the authors claim that these reactions complement, complicate, and, sometimes, undermine the contents of contemporaneous written sources.
Still Lives develops a new methodology for historians to use while reading and analyzing photographs, and shows how one can highlight an image's role in a narrative that comments on, and assigns meaning to, the reality it documents. In times of radical uncertainty, numerous German Jews used photography to communicate their intricate, confused, and conflicting expectations, fears, and beliefs. Through careful analysis of these photographs, this book lays the foundations for a new history of the German-Jewish experience during the National Socialist years.

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Still Protesting: Why the Reformation Still Matters By D. G. Hart
2018 | 224 Pages | ISBN: 1601786026 | EPUB | 1 MB
In this book, D. G. Hart investigates what was at stake in the sixteenth century and why Protestantism still matters. Of note is the author's recognition that the Reformers addressed the most basic question that confronts all human beings: How can a sinner be right with and worship in good conscience a righteous God who demands sinless perfection? Protestants used to believe that this question, along with the kind of life that followed from answers to it, was at the heart of their disagreement with Rome. Still Protesting arises from the conviction that the Reformers' answers to life's most important questions, based on their study of the Bible and theological reflection, are as superior today as they were when they provided the grounds for Christians in the West to abandon the bishop of Rome. Table of Contents: Introduction: Are Protestants Losing? 1. Why the Reformation Happened 2. Sola Scriptura 3. The Gospel 4. Why Church Government Matters 5. Vocation: Spirituality for the Ordinary Life 6. Is Protestantism New? 7. Is Protestantism Divided? 8. When Ordinary Is Extraordinary 9. Is Protestantism Responsible for Modernity? 10. What if Rome at Vatican II Abandoned Being the Church Jesus Founded? Conclusion: How to Become a Saint

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Stirling's Men: The Inside History of the SAS in World War II
by Gavin Mortimer
English | 2025 | ASIN: B0DCP5FR9B | 464 Pages | True ePUB | 5.3 MB

The story of the greatest Special Forces unit the world has ever seen, told by the men who fought together.
In 1941, maverick officer David Stirling - adventurer, gambler, rake - created the Special Air Service. The soldiers came from all walks of life: miners, desert explorers, Guardsmen, bored clerks in the pay corps. All felt frustrated by the conventional army and were determined to make their mark on the war. Together they created a tradition that would survive the capture of their leader, the death of so many of their comrades and even the disbanding of the SAS after the end of the war.
With the co-operation of the regimental association, Gavin Mortimer interviewed nearly sixty veterans, including many of the desert 'Originals', many of whom had never before revealed their role. They spoke openly, with honesty and humour, about life in the SAS; the gruelling training that broke all but the toughest; the thrill of raiding desert airfields; the danger of parachuting into occupied France; and the fear of being caught by the Germans, knowing that Hitler had ordered the 'liquidation' of captured SAS soldiers.
This is the SAS at war, in their own words.

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Karl K. Sabelfeld, "Stochastic Methods for Boundary Value Problems: Numerics for High-dimensional PDEs and Applications"
English | ISBN: 3110479060 | 2016 | 208 pages | EPUB | 33 MB
This monograph is devoted to random walk based stochastic algorithms for solving high-dimensional boundary value problems of mathematical physics and chemistry. It includes Monte Carlo methods where the random walks live not only on the boundary, but also inside the domain. A variety of examples from capacitance calculations to electron dynamics in semiconductors are discussed to illustrate the viability of the approach.

The book is written for mathematicians who work in the field of partial differential and integral equations, physicists and engineers dealing with computational methods and applied probability, for students and postgraduates studying mathematical physics and numerical mathematics.
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Stochastic Models, Information Theory, and Lie Groups, Volume 1: Classical Results and Geometric Methods by Gregory S. Chirikjian
English | PDF (True) | 2009 | 396 Pages | ISBN : 081764802X | 6.2 MB
The subjects of stochastic processes, information theory, and Lie groups are usually treated separately from each other. This unique two-volume set presents these topics in a unified setting, thereby building bridges between fields that are rarely studied by the same people. Unlike the many excellent formal treatments available for each of these subjects individually, the emphasis in both of these volumes is on the use of stochastic, geometric, and group-theoretic concepts in the modeling of physical phenomena.

Volume 1 establishes the geometric and statistical foundations required to understand the fundamentals of continuous-time stochastic processes, differential geometry, and the probabilistic foundations of information theory. Volume 2 delves deeper into relationships between these topics, including stochastic geometry, geometric aspects of the theory of communications and coding, multivariate statistical analysis, and error propagation on Lie groups.
Key features and topics of Volume 1:
* The author reviews stochastic processes and basic differential geometry in an accessible way for applied mathematicians, scientists, and engineers.
* Extensive exercises and motivating examples make the work suitable as a textbook for use in courses that emphasize applied stochastic processes or differential geometry.
* The concept of Lie groups as continuous sets of symmetry operations is introduced.
* The Fokker-Planck Equation for diffusion processes in Euclidean space and on differentiable manifolds is derived in a way that can be understood by nonspecialists.
* The concrete presentation style makes it easy for readers to obtain numerical solutions for their own problems; the emphasis is on how to calculate quantities rather than how to prove theorems.
* A self-contained appendix provides a comprehensive review of concepts from linear algebra, multivariate calculus, and systems of ordinary differential equations.
Stochastic Models, Information Theory, and Lie Groups will be of interest to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in applied mathematics, the physical sciences, and engineering.

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Stochastic Models, Information Theory, and Lie Groups, Volume 2: Analytic Methods and Modern Applications by Gregory S. Chirikjian
English | PDF (True) | 2012 | 460 Pages | ISBN : 0817649433 | 4.3 MB
The subjects of stochastic processes, information theory, and Lie groups are usually treated separately from each other. This unique two-volume set presents these topics in a unified setting, thereby building bridges between fields that are rarely studied by the same people. Unlike the many excellent formal treatments available for each of these subjects individually, the emphasis in both of these volumes is on the use of stochastic, geometric, and group-theoretic concepts in the modeling of physical phenomena.

Volume 2 builds on the fundamentals presented in Volume 1, delving deeper into relationships among stochastic geometry, geometric aspects of the theory of communications and coding, multivariate statistical analysis, and error propagation on Lie groups. Extensive exercises, motivating examples, and real-world applications make the work suitable as a textbook for use in courses that emphasize applied stochastic processes or differential geometry.
Stochastic Models, Information Theory, and Lie Groups will be of interest to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in applied mathematics, the physical sciences, and engineering.

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Stoicism for Inner Strength By Einzelgänger
2023 | 189 Pages | ISBN: 8854189553 | EPUB | 1 MB
The ability to remain strong and untroubled in the face of adversity is one of the hallmarks of the Stoic sage. But how do we accomplish this? The ancient Stoics clarified that true strength lies within our minds: the only area in the world that's truly up to us. Surviving Stoic texts and fragments contain a goldmine of wisdom on unleashing the power of the mind.The challenge, however, is to find and translate this wisdom in a way that's simple and comprehensible in our modern context while still maintaining its profundity. Einzelgänger studied the ancient Stoic texts and has been creating a (growing) collection of essays on applying Stoic philosophy in everyday life.Most of these essays have been published on YouTube in video format. Due to their popularity, Einzelgänger decided to revise a selection of these essays on Stoicism and inner strength and release them in book format. The texts have been edited and improved, and the book contains three exclusive chapters exploring the Stoic basics.The ancient art of cultivating inner strength remains relevant in today's world, which characterizes itself by polarization, shifting global powers, and conflict. Stoic philosophy can help us find fortitude in trying times and become resilient to what's to come.The author behind the pseudonym Einzelgänger is a lover of wisdom in the widest sense of the word. He also creates content on YouTube about many different subjects in the areas of philosophy and psychology, from movie analyses to explorations of Stoic ethics and Buddhist teachings to reflections on Taoist scriptures. Einzelgänger creates to entertain, inspire, and resonate.

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Stomp Off, Let's Go: The Early Years of Louis Armstrong by Ricky Riccardi
English | January 6, 2025 | ISBN: 0197614485 | True EPUB | 488 pages | 15.2 MB
The revelatory origin story of one of America's most beloved musicians, Louis Armstrong

How did Louis Armstrong become Louis Armstrong?
In Stomp Off, Let's Go, author and Armstrong expert Ricky Riccardi tells the enthralling story of the iconic trumpeter's meteoric rise to fame. Beginning with Armstrong's youth in New Orleans, Riccardi transports readers through Armstrong's musical and personal development, including his initial trip to Chicago to join Joe "King" Oliver's band, his first to New York to meet Fletcher Henderson, and his eventual return to Chicago, where he changed the course of music with the Hot Five and Hot Seven recordings.
While this period of Armstrong's life is perhaps more familiar than others, Riccardi enriches extant narratives with recently unearthed archival materials, including a rare draft of pianist, composer, and Armstrong's second wife Lillian "Lil" Hardin Armstrong's autobiography. Riccardi similarly tackles the perceived notion of Armstrong as a "sell-out" during his later years, highlighting the many ways in which Armstrong's musical style and personal values in fact remained steady throughout his career. By foregrounding the voices of Armstrong and his contemporaries, Stomp Off, Let's Go offers a more intimate exploration of Armstrong's personal and professional relationships, in turn providing essential insights into how Armstrong evolved into one of America's most beloved icons.

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Stone Yard Devotional: A Novel by Charlotte Wood
English | February 11, 2025 | ISBN: 9798217047352, 1761069497 | True EPUB | 304 pages | 1.5 MB
Shortlisted for the 2024 Booker Prize, a novel about forgiveness, grief, and what it means to be good, from the award-winning author of The Weekend.

"Stone Yard Devotional is as extraordinary as you've heard." -Ron Charles, The Washington Post
"An exquisite, wrenching novel of leaving your life behind." -Lauren Christensen, New York Times
Burnt out and in need of retreat, a middle-aged woman leaves Sydney to return to the place she grew up, taking refuge in a small religious community hidden away on the stark plains of rural Australia. She doesn't believe in God, or know what prayer is, and finds herself living this strange, reclusive existence almost by accident.
But disquiet interrupts this secluded life with three visitations. First comes a terrible mouse plague, each day signaling a new battle against the rising infestation. Second is the return of the skeletal remains of a sister who disappeared decades before, presumed murdered. And finally, a troubling visitor plunges the narrator further back into her past.
Meditative, moving, and finely observed, Stone Yard Devotional is a seminal novel from a writer of rare power, exploring what it means to retreat from the world, the true nature of forgiveness, and the sustained effect of grief on the human soul.

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Stop Bullshitting Yourself: A Practical Guide to Personal Growth with a Mindful Approach, Perfect for Winter 2025, Embrace Positive Change by Drew Hanlen
English | February 11, 2025 | ISBN: 0063413353 | True EPUB | 240 pages | 9.99 MB
Legendary NBA trainer Drew Hanlen-performance coach to stars like MVP Joel Embiid and Jayson Tatum-reveals his proven, step-by-step system for personal and professional transformation that has fueled the success of some of the top athletes and business leaders in the world.

If you clicked on this book, it's because somewhere deep down, you know you've been bullshitting yourself. You know that making more money, landing a better job, and finally getting in great shape will make your life better. But for some reason, you've settled.
You've read self-help books, listened to peak-performance podcasts, dieted and exercised, and tried countless other remedies. But you still haven't found solutions to your biggest problems. What can you start doing to finally turn your life around?
The answer is to Stop Bullshitting Yourself. This book is a game plan for doing just that.
For the past two decades, Drew Hanlen has helped many of the world's best basketball players reach levels that they didn't think were attainable-from winning gold medals, championships, MVP and scoring titles to being selected to the All-Star and All-NBA teams.
In Stop Bullshitting Yourself, you'll learn the system that has propelled them to success, and how to apply these same strategies to every aspect of your life.
Designed for those who are tired of making empty promises to themselves and who are ready to make real change in their lives, Stop Bullshitting Yourself provides a step-by-step approach to:
Audit and eliminate the excuses, thoughts, and habits holding you back.Develop detailed Blueprint Bubbles to facilitate action using simple, achievable steps.Design MicroShifts, repeatable behaviors that break down your goals into manageable chunks.Put in The Unseen Hours: work that works.
If you're tired of making excuses and ready to achieve the results you've always wanted, let's get started.

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Meredith Gordon LCSW, "Stop Enabling. Start Living.: Help for Parents of Highly Dependent Adult Children"
English | ASIN : B0DCPZFKCK | 2024 | 45 pages | EPUB | 258 KB
When your child is an adult, there is no more parenting work left to do. The time to raise, teach, imbue, educate, and [fill in the blank] is over. It was over long ago. The problem is no longer about "parenting"-it is about how you view your role as a parent.

Parents of highly dependent adult children really are good people. I learned this working as a clinician. These clients were caring individuals. They were also exhausted and confused, despite being intelligent and quite wise in other realms of their life. Despite loving their kids, and liking them, too.
But the kid they love wouldn't "adult." Nothing seemed to help. The parents stepped in over and over. They had stopped expecting that their child could figure things out-albeit imperfectly-for themselves. This perpetuated the problem for everyone.
All these parents have one thing in common: They had stopped expecting that their child, an adult, could figure things out-albeit imperfectly-for themselves.
Parents, if you are reading this, know that you didn't cause your child's failure to launch. But it is worthwhile to consider that you likely contributed to it, probably without knowing. And still are.
As with my other ebooks (which focus on navigating the rocky road of life with a narcissist), Stop Enabling. Start Living. can be read out of order. Even the shortest sentences can serve as powerful tools, perfect for meditation and reflection. As time passes and your outlook changes, entries will take on different meanings that speak to you in new ways. Your only job is to take your new perspective and apply it to better care for yourself. There is no requirement to "not think" about what is troubling you. As you read, let those worries exist without acting on them. Let them co-exist with what you learn.
Help and hope is available. Stop Enabling. Start Living. offers distilled insights gleaned during my decades of clinical work with families, adult children of aging parents, and the parents themselves. This short read is packed with information you'll return to over and over, help that will guide you toward a better relationship with yourself and, by extension, a more realistic, mutual relationship with your child.
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Stories and Memories, Memories and Histories: A Cross-disciplinary Volume on Time, Narrativity and Identity
by James Griffith
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9004713328 | 241 Pages | True PDF | 22 MB

This edited volume brings together authors from a wide variety of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities. A historian first investigates understudied samizdat literature, a film critic then analyzes Balkan cinema via psychoanalysis, a psychologist examines contemporary European border policies, and a political scientist analyzes the Confederate-memorial debate. Philosophers consider the space of those memorials, ethno-national narratives in India, the Anthropocene and the mind's historical imaginary, and the notion of home. Literary critics examine recent developments in modes of storytelling and images of Orientalism. What emerges is a new understanding of history, memory, and time.

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Rebekka Schuh, "Stories in Letters - Letters in Stories: Epistolary Liminalities in the Anglophone Canadian Short Story "
English | ISBN: 3110726726 | 2021 | 243 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
This book deals with letters in Anglophone Canadian short stories of the late twentieth and the early twenty-first century in the context of liminality. It argues that in the course of the epistolary renaissance, the letter - which has often been deemed to be obsolete in literature - has not only enjoyed an upsurge in novels but also migrated to the short story, thus constituting the genre of the epistolary short story.


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Stories Left in Stone: Trails and Traces in Cáceres, Spain
by Troy Nahumko
English | 2024 | ISBN: 1772127744 | 327 Pages | PDF | 7.67 MB

Stories Left in Stone explores the lives, histories, and artistic legacies of Cáceres and Extremadura. Author Troy Nahumko has lived in the old town of Cáceres, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for over a decade. His journey starts at the Cave of Maltravieso, where prehistoric art stirs a profound curiosity about the city's rich tapestry of past and present. Amid the dazzle of cobbled medieval streets, 12th century Moorish walls, fortified palaces, and 60,000-year-old handprints, Nahumko asks how locals characterize their city and leave their own marks. Through personal narrative and interviews with locals, expats, and experts, he shares sociological, archaeological, and historical insights. Nahumko's storytelling paints a vivid and empathetic portrait of the people and heritage of this lesser-known province of Spain, as he surveys its history, cuisine, and stunning natural beauty.

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