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Why Aquinas Matters Now (Interfaces) by Oliver Keenan
English | November 7, 2024 | ISBN: 1399404180 | True EPUB | 240 pages | 0.7 MB
Oliver Keenan brings the medieval philosophy of Thomas Aquinas to life.

Thomas Aquinas is more than a medieval curiosity. He was a reluctant revolutionary, a scholar, poet and saint whose work unleashed an epoch-defining explosion of philosophical creativity in the thirteenth century. Writing at a time of war, injustice, poverty and alienation, Aquinas' thought reaches across the ages and speaks to us today.
As Oliver Keenan argues, Aquinas matters now not because he was right about everything but because he can teach us a new way of looking at the world. A powerful voice for community, justice, friendship and peace, Aquinas' profoundly non-violent philosophy shows us how to be human in a deeply dehumanizing world. The era that he knew was defined by conflict and divisive politics, much like our own - his unfailing belief in the power of communication to overcome alienation and despair is an important lesson for us all.
This book brings Aquinas' challenging but deeply rewarding philosophy to life for readers new to his work, as well as those already familiar. Oliver Keenan has spent his working life researching and engaging with Thomas Aquinas, culminating in this moving and original account of why he matters now - perhaps more than ever.

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Why Not Build the Mosque?: Islam, Political Cost, and the Practice of Democracy in Greece
by Dimitris Antoniou
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1512827177 | 246 Pages | PDF | 7.2 MB

An ethnography of a long-unbuilt mosque in Greece that explores government operations and contemporary democracy
Why Not Build the Mosque? tells the story of the Greek state's centuries-long attempt to build a central mosque. After the fall of Ottoman Empire, Greek Orthodoxy entwined with Greek nationalism, and by the twentieth century, the state came to imagine Islam as incompatible with a Greek-speaking Orthodox Christian identity. And so as late as 2020, the contemporary Greek state did not have a mosque, even as its Islamic population grew and increasingly required a place of worship.
Focusing on the failed effort in the early 2000s to build a mosque in a suburb of Athens and on the subsequent, successful realization of the project in 2020, Dimitris Antoniou investigates the roles that the Orthodox Church, politicians concerned about the "political cost" of supporting a mosque, and the community played in the project's delays, failures, and its bittersweet success. The mosque that was ultimately built in 2020 was itself a compromise, a modest building that failed to deliver on the dreamed-of and finally illusory building discussed in the 2000s.
As Antoniou brings readers from under-the-radar home mosques to the offices of polling companies, politicians, and media corporations, he reveals that the years-long debate over if, how, and where to build a mosque wasa matter greater than religion or nationalism alone. Indeed, the story of the central mosque in Athens compellingly demonstrates how productive unrealized plans can be for some stakeholders―here politicians and members of media who built reputations on their support for or opposition to the unbuilt mosque―while leaving other stakeholders unable to move a project forward even when the will of the majority is with them. Ultimately, Why Not Build the Mosque? sheds light on what it takes for a government to make tangible changes―to infrastructure, in development, for a community―happen in contemporary democracies.

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Colm McKeogh, "Why Peace, Quaker? Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 0473413590 | 2017 | 84 pages | EPUB | 177 KB
Quakerism is not the peace testimony and the peace testimony is not pacifism but peace has a special place in Quakerism and here a Quaker gives four reasons why. The reasons are not uniquely Quaker and they can motivate the search for peace and also inform the use of force. In answering the question that is the title of this book, Colm McKeogh uses the four gospels to give expression to fundamental values that point towards peace. Peace is not the primary value of the gospels - Jesus does not say that peace is the way, the truth and the life. In the gospels however can be found teachings that underpin the value of peace, teachings to do with human potential, the faith that life can be better, the borders of the community and the nature of truth. First, the gospel of Matthew focuses on the full development of the individual. Second, Mark's gospel calls on us to believe that a better way of doing things is in our power. Third, Luke's gospel challenges us to see our common humanity as transcending borders of faith and nation. Fourth, the gospel of John reminds us that the truth about ourselves is something we seek still. In these four teachings of Jesus can be also found support for a Quaker commitment to peace. How much peace can there be if we are creative and not conformist, if we believe change is possible, if we challenge borders rather than be contained by them, and if we see our love as of enduring significance? That remains to be discovered.

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Why Read the Bible in the Original Languages? By Takamitsu Muraoka
2020 | 111 Pages | ISBN: 9042942002 | PDF | 1 MB
A comparison of multiple translations of the Bible in any language shows that they differ at hundreds of places, pointing to the continuing disagreement among Bible scholars and translators in their analysis and understanding of those places. To learn Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the original languages of the Bible, is admittedly not everybody's cup of tea. Knowledge of them does not necessarily provide a solution to these difficulties. However, there are not a few things in the biblical text which can be missed out if it is read only in translation. A range of linguistic issues touching on the three original languages are discussed in the light of actual examples. Matters of culture and rhetoric are also taken up. A special chapter is devoted to the Septuagint as a bridge between the two Testaments. The book is written in a non-technical style, hence easily readable by non-specialists, but specialists may also find things of interest. No Hebrew or Greek alphabet is used.

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Maximilian Klose, "Why They Gave: Care and American Aid for Germany After 1945 "
English | ISBN: 3515136533 | 2024 | 265 pages | PDF | 3 MB
What motivates people to give to those in need? How do their actions reflect the historical moment in which they occur? Founded in 1945, the Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe (CARE) allowed U.S. citizens to send humanitarian aid to friends, family, and strangers overseas. Germany was the most popular destination for CARE packages, with numbers exceeding those of all other European destinations combined. Maximilian Klose examines why Americans were more likely to give aid to their recently defeated enemies than to their allies or to the victims of Nazi aggression. Embedding a diverse selection of case studies in the social, cultural, and political debates of the early postwar era, the study finds that these acts of giving were much more than altruistic deeds. In fact, donors used humanitarianism for their own purposes. Some gave to people who reflected their own worldview and sense of importance, or who could strategically advance their power on either side of the Atlantic. Others supported causes they considered essential to the progress of German-American relations in the early Cold War. In all cases, humanitarianism was at least as much about the donor as it was about the recipient. "In his deeply researched book, Maximilian Klose tells a fresh and fascinating history of humanitarian giving. Examining the multiplicity of motivations that led individual Americans to help feed the German people after the Second World War, his book paints a complex and intimate portrait of both aid donors and aid recipients. With an eye toward agency and emotions, Klose shows how ordinary people shaped foreign relations at a pivotal moment of world history."Julia F. Irwin, T. Harry Williams Professor of History, Louisiana State University, author of Catastrophic Diplomacy: US Foreign Disaster Assistance in the American Century "Maximilian Klose's well-written book on CARE is a very welcome addition to existing literature on humanitarian relief, exceeding in significance by far the immediate confines of its case. By putting the question of "why" people were motived to provide aid at the heart of his meticulously researched study, Klose adds both substance and nuance to our understanding of the forces at play in an age of ever more "complex humanitarian emergencies."Daniel Roger Maul, University of Oslo, author of The Politics of Service: American Quakers and the Emergence of International Relief, 1917-1945 Winner of the 2023 Franz Steiner Prize in Transatlantic History and the Dissertation Prize awarded by the German Historical Association's Working Group on International History

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Wide Awake The Everyday Miracle of Spiritual Breakthrough By Quidam Green Meyers
2002 | 204 Pages | ISBN: 188539537X | EPUB | 1 MB
What is the reality of Enlightenment? How is spiritual freedom being lived the 21st Century? In this revealing text, Quidam Green Meyers speaks to some of the West's top spiritual teachers and writers on the topic of contemporary Awakening. Those interviewed include Matthew Fox, Alan Cohen, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Catherine Ingram, Saniel Bonder, Dasarath, Isaac Shapiro, Lama Surya Das, Wayne Liquorman, Akash, Neelam, Howard Raphael Cushnir, Satyam Nadeen, Arjuna Nick Ardagh and Antonio Duncan.

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Wide World of Weird: Over 100 Reports of High Strangeness By Michelle Belanger
2020 | 200 Pages | ISBN: 165392554X | EPUB | 1 MB
What mysteries await in our weird world? Take a tour of the eerie and the unexplained courtesy of paranormal researcher Michelle Belanger. Collecting over a hundred articles from prior work with publications like the Paranormal Insider, Alternate Perceptions, and Fate Magazine, Belanger explores topics like the Bell Witch, the Hopkinsville Goblins, demonic possession among the nuns of Loudon, UFOs over ancient Egypt, and many other strange and spooky topics.

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Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers Exploiting Thermal Noise Cancellation by Federico Bruccoleri , Eric A.M. Klumperink , Bram Nauta
English | PDF | 2005 | 191 Pages | ISBN : 1402031874 | 6.5 MB
Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) are commonly used to amplify signals that are too weak for direct processing for example in radio or cable receivers. Traditionally, low noise amplifiers are implemented via tuned amplifiers, exploiting inductors and capacitors in resonating LC-circuits. This can render very low noise but only in a relatively narrow frequency band close to resonance. There is a clear trend to use more bandwidth for communication, both via cables (e.g. cable TV, internet) and wireless links (e.g. satellite links and Ultra Wideband Band). Hence wideband low-noise amplifier techniques are very much needed.

Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers Exploiting Thermal Noise Cancellation explores techniques to realize wideband amplifiers, capable of impedance matching and still achieving a low noise figure well below 3dB. This can be achieved with a new noise cancelling technique as described in this book. By using this technique, the thermal noise of the input transistor of the LNA can be cancelled while the wanted signal is amplified! The book gives a detailed analysis of this technique and presents several new amplifier circuits.
This book is directly relevant for IC designers and researchers working on integrated transceivers. Although the focus is on CMOS circuits, the techniques can just as well be applied to other IC technologies, e.g. bipolar and GaAs, and even in discrete component technologies.

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Wider Angst und Hass: Das Fremde als Herausforderung zur Entwicklung By Verena Kast
2017 | 144 Pages | ISBN: 3843609195 | EPUB | 1 MB
Wieder einmal sind wir konfrontiert mit viel Hass in der Welt-und mit viel Angst. Noch nie waren so viele Menschen auf der Flucht, um Tod und Zerstörung zu entgehen. Es stehen große Veränderungen an, und das löst Angst aus. Oft scheint es, dass diese Angst auch noch künstlich geschürt wird. Sie schlägt dann um in blanken Hass. Menschen suchen nach Schuldigen, die eliminiert werden sollen: die Fremden. Die renommierte Jung?sche Analytikerin Verena Kast zeigt: Die Veränderungen, die das Fremde mit sich bringt, können auch eine Herausforderung zur Entwicklung sein-wenn wir bereit sind, uns wider den Hass zu entscheiden und zu lernen, mit der Angst umzugehen. Es gilt, uns mit den Fremden, die zu uns kommen, aber auch mit dem Fremden in uns selbst neu in Beziehung zu setzen. Ein hochaktuelles Buch, das wichtige Impulse für ein neues Zusammenleben gibt.

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Wie alles begann: Begegnungen mit Jesus - Annäherungen an Lukas 1-6 By Michael H. F. Brock
2015 | 128 Pages | ISBN: 3843607028 | EPUB | 1 MB
Die Bibel ist ein Buch voller Geschichten. Dieser narrativen Tradition folgend lässt Michael H. F. Brock Maria und Elisabet zu Wort kommen. Sie begleiten ihre Söhne Jesus und Johannes - ihre Geburt, ihr eigenes Leben, ihre Suche nach Gott. Zwischen der Tradition und dem, was er mit den Menschen seiner Zeit erlebt, ringt Jesus mit seinem Vater um einen neuen Weg, den er im Elend der Menschen entdeckt. Anschaulich und engagiert nimmt der Autor teil an Jesu Lebensweg, am Beginn seines Wirkens und begleitet die ersten Kapitel des Lukasevangeliums mit Fragen, die sich heutigen Leserinnen und Lesern der Bibel stellen. So werden sie zu Zeitzeugen eines Menschen, der um Menschlichkeit ringt.

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Wie ich meinem Kind zu einem starken Selbstwertgefühl verhelfe By Heinz-Peter Röhr
2017 | 176 Pages | ISBN: 3843609993 | EPUB | 1 MB
Nur wenn Kinder ein starkes Selbstwertgefühl haben, können sie sich gut entwickeln. Störungen der Selbstwertentwicklung haben dagegen oft psychische Probleme und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten zur Folge. Viele Eltern möchten daher die Selbstwertentwicklung bei ihren Kindern fördern. Dies gelingt jedoch nur, wenn sie selbst ein starkes Selbstwertgefühl besitzen. Und wenn sie verstehen, was das Selbstwertgefühl ihrer Kinder untergräbt. Anschaulich zeigt Heinz-Peter Röhr, wie Eltern negative innere Programme bei ihren Kindern erkennen und hilfreich damit umgehen können. Auf diese Weise ist es ihnen möglich, das Selbstwertgefühl ihrer Kinder so zu stärken, dass sie dem Leben gewachsen sein werden.

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Wie man aus Trümmern ein Schloss baut: Die Geschichte meiner Erblindung und wie ich wieder Lebensfreude fand By Dörte Maack
2020 | 212 Pages | ISBN: 3843612609 | EPUB | 1 MB
Dörte Maack führt das Leben einer schillernden Zirkusartistin - bis sie die Diagnose einer unheilbaren Augenkrankheit wie ein Schlag trifft. Sie fasst zwei Pläne. A: Nicht blind zu werden. B: Wenn doch, sich das Leben zu nehmen. Sie klammert sich an jeden Strohhalm, doch die Erblindung schreitet fort. Am Tiefpunkt angekommen, spürt sie gleichzeitig wieder etwas Boden unter den Füßen. Es reift Plan C: Sie geht als blinde Moderatorin und Rednerin zurück auf die Bühne und lernt mit dem letzten bisschen Sehrest den Mann ihres Lebens kennen, der für sie fortan nicht mehr älter wird. Bewegend und mit viel Witz schildert Dörte Maack den Prozess dramatischer Veränderungen, die sie mit Mut und Zuversicht selbst in die Hand nimmt. Das Buch inspiriert Menschen in schweren Lebenskrisen, den Hindernissen zu trotzen und in das Leben zu vertrauen.

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Wie wir gut zusammen Leben: 11 Thesen für eine Rückkehr zur Politik By Jürgen Manemann
2013 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 3843603650 | EPUB | 1 MB
Der Protest gegen "Stuttgart 21", der Erfolg der Piraten-Partei und die Occupy-Bewegung sind deutliche Anzeichen dafür, dass sich Bürgerinnen und Bürger kritisch auf der politischen Bühne zurückmelden. Machte bis vor Kurzem noch der Begriff der Politikverdrossenheit die Runde, scheinen die Menschen ihre Einflussmöglichkeiten kreativ zurückzuerobern. Die Botschaft ist unmissverständlich: Politisches Handeln soll dem guten Leben aller dienen, statt die Interessen einiger weniger zu vertreten. In 11 Thesen bringt Jürgen Manemann auf den Punkt, was Politik heute auszeichnen muss, wenn sie als wertorientiert gelten will. Manemanns Thesen sind prägnant, klug und diskussionswürdig. Und sie regen nicht zuletzt an, sich mit neuen Ideen von Politik einzubringen, sei es lokal, regional - oder auch in Berlin.

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Wieder Land sehen: Selbsthilfe bei Depressionen By Christian Firus
2016 | 160 Pages | ISBN: 3843607435 | EPUB | 1 MB
Wer an einer Depression erkrankt ist, leidet. Die Stimmung ist gedrückt, die Sorgen nehmen überhand, man fühlt sich den Anforderungen des Alltags nicht mehr gewachsen. So schwer eine Depression auch zu ertragen ist, die Heilungschancen sind sehr hoch. Christian Firus beschreibt prägnant und einfühlsam, was Betroffene selbst tun können, um ihre Depression zu lindern. Seine Empfehlung: Gut für sich selbst zu sorgen und seine Bedürfnisse, Werte und Grenzen ernst zu nehmen, ist der erste und wichtigste Schritt raus aus der Depression. Zwölf wirksame Strategien leiten dazu an, das Leben wieder in die eigene Hand zu nehmen und damit die Lebensfreude zurückzugewinnen.

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Wild Creative: Igniting Your Passion and Potential in Work, Home, and Life By Tami Lynn Kent
2014 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 1582703558 | EPUB | 1 MB
Realign yourself with the creative currents that flow deep within, and you'll see your work and home life transformed and inspired by this completely new understanding of creativity.At its root, creativity is the practice of engagement; it's the marriage of feminine and masculine energy. By restoring that creative energy-and thus seeking our dreams-we can realign ourselves with an ancient, limitless presence, and reawaken the wild creative within. In Wild Creative, Tami Lynn Kent shows you how to tap into your creative center and access the natural, sustaining energy that is inherently yours. In doing so, you'll embark on a journey to achieve your dreams and restore your inner creative map. In addition, you'll discover that when creativity and inspiration take center stage in your life, miracles both large and small unfold. Not only does Kent offer a wellspring of valuable insights, she also details her own experience building a framework of creativity that has served the well-being of herself, her family, and her business. Wild Creative shows how, by following the creative source within each of us, we can nourish a vibrant and successful life.

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Wild Track: New and Selected Poems By Kevin Hart
2015 | 198 Pages | ISBN: 0268081808 | EPUB | 1 MB
The poems of Kevin Hart have nurtured international poetry audiences for nearly four decades. Translations of Hart's work have appeared in Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, and Vietnamese, among other languages, and bear witness to the growing interest in Hart's poetry both in the United States and abroad. This volume performs a valuable service by bringing together the best of Hart's work from seven published collections, some of them now out of print, and from his forthcoming book, Barefoot. Wild Track reveals a poet capable of articulating genuine feeling and considerable philosophical depth. This volume confirms Hart's standing as one of the most sophisticated poets writing today.

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Wild West Village: Not a Memoir (Unless I Win an Oscar, Die Tragically, or Score a Country #1) by Lola Kirke
English | January 28, 2025 | ISBN: 166803557X | True EPUB | 272 pages | 7.95 MB
In this darkly humorous memoir-in-essays, actress and singer-songwriter Lola Kirke untangles an extraordinary upbringing in a family of eccentric, messy artists and explains how a big city girl went a little bit country.

"Lola is a wise, witty, and unsparing writer." -Lena Dunham
"Probably the only book I'll read this year." -Zoë Kravitz
The youngest daughter of a rock star father and clothing designer mother, Lola and her siblings (including actress Jemima and celebrity doula Domino), spent their childhoods freshly plucked from their English heritage in an eclectic West Village brownstone, hosting everyone from Cuban exiles to Courtney Love. But behind the enviable exterior of worldly coolness, was a home in disarray.
In Wild West Village, Kirke chronicles a search for self amidst the chaos of the affairs, addictions, and afflictions surrounding her, detailing misadventures in everything from masturbation to marijuana, Cadbury's to country music, and a dream of salvation on the silver screen.
Filled with unforgettable characters and insights into identities forged in fire, Wild West Village locates humor and lightness in life's darker situations. Irreverent and high-spirited, these are the stories of a young woman, teetering between a twang and a British accent, trying to fit in with larger-than-life personalities while secretly coming into her own.

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Wiley Innovation Advisory Council, "Wiley Innovation Black Book Enterprise 4.0, 2020"
English | ASIN : B084CW3V1L | 2020 | pages | EPUB | 57 MB
Truly the Voice of the Industry, the Wiley Innovation Black Book is an annual presentation by Wiley, bringing together the collective wisdom of industry thought leaders in form of possibilities and future scenarios of how the technology and businesses of the future are expected to transform. The theme of Wiley Innovation Black Book 2020 is Enterprise 4.0-the Enterprise of the Future. The truly digital enterprise in Industry 4.0 centers around digital business models and customer experiences, augmented by digital interfaces and data-based innovative processes, products, services and capabilities. \

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Will You Be Alive 10 Years from Now?: And Numerous Other Curious Questions in Probability by Paul J. Nahin
English | November 24, 2013 | ISBN: 0691156808, 0691196362 | PDF | 235 pages | 3.5 MB
A collection of stimulating probability puzzles from bestselling math writer Paul Nahin

What are the chances of a game-show contestant finding a chicken in a box? Is the Hanukkah dreidel a fair game? Will you be alive ten years from now? These are just some of the one-of-a-kind probability puzzles that acclaimed popular math writer Paul Nahin offers in this lively and informative book.
Nahin brings probability to life with colorful and amusing historical anecdotes as well as an electrifying approach to solving puzzles that illustrates many of the techniques that mathematicians and scientists use to grapple with probability. He looks at classic puzzles from the past-from Galileo's dice-tossing problem to a disarming dice puzzle that would have astonished even Newton―and also includes a dozen challenge problems for you to tackle yourself, with complete solutions provided in the back of the book.
Nahin then presents twenty-five unusual probability puzzlers that you aren't likely to find anywhere else, and which range in difficulty from ones that are easy but clever to others that are technically intricate. Each problem is accompanied by an entertaining discussion of its background and solution, and is backed up by theory and computer simulations whenever possible in order to show how theory and computer experimentation can often work together on probability questions. All the MATLAB® Monte Carlo simulation codes needed to solve the problems computationally are included in the book. With his characteristic wit, audacity, and insight, Nahin demonstrates why seemingly simple probability problems can stump even the experts.

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William Desmond and Contemporary Theology By Christopher Ben Simpson; Brendan Thomas Sammon
2017 | 332 Pages | ISBN: 0268102244 | EPUB | 1 MB
In William Desmond and Contemporary Theology, Christopher Simpson and Brendan Sammon coordinate, through a collection of scholarly essays, a timely exploration of William Desmond's work on theology and metaphysics, bringing the disciplines of philosophy and theology together in new and vital ways. The book examines the contribution that Desmond's metaphysics makes to contemporary theological discourse and to the renewal of metaphysics. A central issue for the contributors is the renewal of metaphysics within the post-metaphysical, or anti-metaphysical, context of late modernity. This volume not only capably demonstrates the viability of the metaphysical tradition but also illuminates its effectiveness and value in dealing with the many issues in contemporary theological conversation. William Desmond and Contemporary Theology presents Desmond's contemporary, yet historically aware, continental metaphysics as able to provide revealing insights for the discussion of the relation between philosophy and theology. Simpson and Sammon argue, moreover, that Desmond's contribution to linking these two fields makes his an important voice in the academic conversation. Students and scholars of Desmond, contemporary philosophy, theology, and literature will find much to provoke thought in this collection. Contributors: John R. Betz, Christopher R. Brewer, Patrick X. Gardner, Joseph K. Gordon, Renée Köhler-Ryan, D. Stephen Long, John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Cyril O'Regan, Brendan Thomas Sammon, D. C. Schindler, Christopher Ben Simpson, and Corey Benjamin Tutewiler.

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