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Employability for PhD Students in STEM
by Jatinder Vir Yakhmi

English | 2024 | ISBN: 0750355409 | 196 pages | True PDF EPUB | 6.96 MB

One may have a degree qualification, even a PhD, moreover a PhD in a STEM subject, but might still be struggling to get a job. We discuss 'WHY' that happens, and how to get over it. We discuss three most crucial skills required by STEM PhDs: communicating ably through technical writing; impactful public speaking before peer-audiences, or mixed audiences; and avoiding the trap of a 'single-subject cocoon' by gaining expertise in at least two, if not more, non-overlapping subjects. Besides, a STEM PhD should also stay ahead of the emerging digital technologies by learning to work comfortably with AI and related high-tech tools like big data, machine learning and chatbots.

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Empreendedores Fora da Curva: Histórias de Quem Mudou as Regras do Jogo (Portuguese Edition) by RSPF Livros
Portuguese | July 13, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D9FRLCST | 217 pages | EPUB | 0.35 Mb
Em "Empreendedores Fora da Curva - Histórias de Quem Mudou as Regras do Jogo," mergulhamos nas histórias fascinantes de visionários que desafiaram o status quo e transformaram suas indústrias. Este livro revela os segredos, as estratégias e as lições dos empreendedores mais inovadores e resilientes do mundo, oferecendo uma fonte rica de inspiração e aprendizado para qualquer pessoa interessada em empreendedorismo.

Ao longo das páginas, exploramos a jornada de líderes icônicos como Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Sara Blakely, Richard Branson, Howard Schultz, Oprah Winfrey, entre outros. Cada capítulo oferece uma visão detalhada das inovações radicais, dos desafios superados e das transformações lideradas por esses indivíduos que, com coragem e persistência, mudaram as regras do jogo.
Dividido em seções temáticas, o livro aborda tópicos cruciais para o sucesso no mundo dos negócios:Coragem para Quebrar Paradigmas: Histórias de como a coragem e a determinação permitiram que esses empreendedores desafiassem normas estabelecidas e criassem novas realidades.Resiliência em Tempos de Crise: Exemplos inspiradores de resiliência e superação em momentos de adversidade, destacando estratégias que ajudaram a transformar crises em oportunidades.Inovação Radical: Um olhar sobre as inovações disruptivas que redefiniram indústrias inteiras e os processos de inovação que permitiram tais avanços.Liderança Transformadora: Análise das práticas de liderança que promoveram culturas de inovação e inspiraram equipes a alcançar resultados extraordinários.Impacto Social e Sustentabilidade: Como esses empreendedores equilibraram objetivos financeiros com responsabilidades sociais, criando valor sustentável e positivo.Tecnologia e Disrupção Digital: A revolução tecnológica e digital que está transformando indústrias e modelos de negócios tradicionais.O Futuro do Empreendedorismo: As tendências emergentes e os desafios futuros que moldarão o próximo capítulo do empreendedorismo global.Lições Aprendidas: Os principais segredos e práticas dos empreendedores fora da curva, oferecendo um guia prático para aplicar essas lições em negócios próprios.Cada capítulo é enriquecido com análises profundas, exemplos práticos e reflexões inspiradoras, permitindo que os leitores não apenas aprendam sobre as histórias de sucesso, mas também encontrem maneiras de aplicar esses insights em suas próprias jornadas empreendedoras.
"Empreendedores Fora da Curva" é uma leitura indispensável para qualquer pessoa que deseja desafiar os limites, inovar e deixar um impacto duradouro no mundo dos negócios. Com uma abordagem envolvente e acessível, este livro promete inspirar e capacitar a próxima geração de empreendedores a mudar as regras do jogo.

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Empreendedorismo Disruptivo: Reinventando Setores e Transformando Mercados (Portuguese Edition) by RSPF Livros
Portuguese | April 6, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D13LS4JP | 94 pages | EPUB | 0.15 Mb
"Empreendedorismo Disruptivo - Reinventando Setores e Transformando Mercados" é uma exploração abrangente e inspiradora do papel fundamental do empreendedorismo disruptivo na sociedade contemporânea. Este livro apresenta uma análise aprofundada dos princípios, estratégias e práticas que impulsionam a inovação disruptiva, oferecendo insights valiosos para empreendedores aspirantes, líderes empresariais, acadêmicos e profissionais interessados em compreender e aplicar os princípios do empreendedorismo disruptivo em suas próprias vidas e carreiras.

Ao longo das páginas deste livro, os leitores serão conduzidos por uma jornada fascinante, que abrange desde os fundamentos da disrupção até a arte de identificar oportunidades, o poder da inovação, casos de sucesso inspiradores e reflexões sobre a construção do futuro. Através de estudos de caso reais, estratégias práticas e insights perspicazes, os autores exploram como os empreendedores disruptivos estão desafiando as normas estabelecidas, reinventando setores inteiros e transformando mercados com suas ideias inovadoras.
Este livro não apenas oferece uma compreensão aprofundada do empreendedorismo disruptivo, mas também inspira e capacita os leitores a abraçar o espírito do empreendedorismo disruptivo em suas próprias vidas e carreiras. É uma leitura obrigatória para qualquer pessoa que deseje criar um impacto significativo no mundo, desafiando o status quo, buscando oportunidades de inovação e construindo um futuro mais vibrante, inclusivo e sustentável para todos.

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Empreendedorismo Sem Limites: Quebrando Barreiras e Criando Oportunidades (Portuguese Edition) by RSPF Livros
Portuguese | July 6, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D8ZBTYV4 | 185 pages | EPUB | 0.39 Mb
Descubra "Empreendedorismo Sem Limites - Quebrando Barreiras e Criando Oportunidades", um guia abrangente que mergulha fundo no universo do empreendedorismo contemporâneo, oferecendo não apenas uma exploração dos fundamentos essenciais, mas também um conjunto prático de ferramentas para aplicar esses princípios na sua jornada empreendedora. Este livro é uma verdadeira imersão na essência do empreendedorismo moderno, começando pela construção de uma mentalidade resiliente que não teme desafios, mas os abraça como oportunidades de crescimento e aprendizado contínuo.

Entre suas páginas, você encontrará inspiradoras histórias de empreendedores que superaram grandes obstáculos, compartilhando lições valiosas sobre como enfrentar o medo do fracasso e cultivar a perseverança necessária para alcançar o sucesso. Estratégias testadas e comprovadas para estimular a criatividade e fomentar a inovação dentro da sua empresa são apresentadas de forma acessível e prática, acompanhadas de ferramentas que ajudarão você a desenvolver um planejamento estratégico robusto e eficaz.
Além de abordar temas fundamentais como liderança, gestão financeira, marketing e vendas, este livro explora o potencial das tecnologias emergentes, como inteligência artificial e blockchain, mostrando como essas ferramentas podem impulsionar o crescimento e a competitividade global do seu negócio. Também é destacada a importância da diversidade e inclusão no ambiente empreendedor, oferecendo insights sobre como criar um espaço de trabalho que celebre e valorize a multiplicidade de experiências e perspectivas.
Prepare-se para uma jornada transformadora onde não há limites para o seu potencial empreendedor. Esteja pronto não apenas para desafiar o status quo, mas também para explorar novos mercados e criar um impacto positivo significativo em sua comunidade e além. Com "Empreendedorismo Sem Limites", você terá em mãos não apenas um livro, mas um guia prático e inspirador que o capacitará a moldar o futuro do seu próprio negócio, deixando um legado duradouro de inovação, sucesso e sustentabilidade.

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Empreendedorismo Social: Negócios que Impactam o Mundo de Forma Positiva (Portuguese Edition) by RSPF Livros
Portuguese | February 10, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CVFGBGB6 | 147 pages | EPUB | 0.22 Mb
"Empreendedorismo Social: Negócios que Impactam o Mundo de Forma Positiva" é uma jornada inspiradora e prática pelo universo do empreendedorismo social. Desde a definição do conceito até a exploração de modelos de negócios inovadores, o livro oferece uma visão abrangente sobre como os empreendedores sociais estão transformando desafios em oportunidades para criar impacto positivo.

A narrativa começa com uma introspecção sobre o poder da mudança que empreendedores sociais carregam consigo, explorando a essência do propósito social que impulsiona suas ações. Ao longo das páginas, os leitores são guiados por histórias inspiradoras de empresas que unem lucro e propósito, como Patagonia, TOMS, Airbnb, Warby Parker e Etsy.
O livro vai além das histórias inspiradoras, mergulhando em temas como inovação, sustentabilidade, envolvimento comunitário e modelos de negócios sustentáveis. Cada capítulo oferece insights práticos, ferramentas e recursos para aqueles que desejam iniciar ou aprimorar seus próprios negócios sociais.
Desafios e oportunidades, sustentabilidade financeira, medição de impacto e resistência às mudanças são abordados de maneira aprofundada, proporcionando uma compreensão holística do empreendedorismo social. O livro culmina em uma convocação à ação, inspirando os leitores a aplicarem os aprendizados e se tornarem agentes ativos na construção de um mundo mais justo e sustentável.

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Enablement Essentials : The Definitive Collection by Werner van Zyl
English | October 9, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DJT25TL7 | 307 pages | EPUB | 4.88 Mb
This comprehensive volume, blending the insights of three pivotal works by Werner van Zyl, offers a holistic roadmap to mastering enablement within your organization."The Essential Guide to Enablement" lays the foundation, illustrating how strategic enablement programs can elevate employee performance, productivity, and satisfaction. Through this guide, discover how to foster a learning culture that equips your workforce with the skills needed to thrive.Building on these principles, "The Enablement Skill Stack Framework" introduces a robust, four-tiered model that integrates training, on-the-job practice, targeted development, and managerial mentoring. This framework is an expert blueprint for organizations committed to cultivating talent and future-proofing their workforce.The journey concludes with "Content in Context," which emphasizes the crucial role of content as the driving force behind successful enablement strategies. In a world awash with data, this book reveals how strategic content management can turn information overload into actionable insights, ensuring that your enablement efforts are both focused and effective.Together, these three works offer a powerful, cohesive strategy for organizations seeking to unlock their team's full potential and achieve sustained growth in a competitive marketplace.

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Engineering the Metaverse, Enabling technologies, platforms and use cases
by Raj Pethuru, Kumar Prasanna, Sharma D. P., Saini Kavita, Narendra Kumar Rao B., Kosuri Harshavardhan, Panini Challa Nagendra and Ranjana R.

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1839538805 | 438 pages | True PDF EPUB | 37.83 MB

TRIZ is a brilliant toolkit for nurturing engineering creativity and innovation. This accessible, colourful and practical guide has been developed from problem-solving workshops run by Oxford Creativity, one of the world's top TRIZ training organizations started by Gadd in 1998. Gadd has successfully introduced TRIZ to many major organisations such as Airbus, Sellafield Sites, Saint-Gobain, DCA, Doosan Babcock, Kraft, Qinetiq, Trelleborg, Rolls Royce and BAE Systems, working on diverse major projects including next generation submarines, chocolate packaging, nuclear clean-up, sustainability and cost reduction.
Engineering companies are increasingly recognising and acting upon the need to encourage successful, practical and systematic innovation at every stage of the engineering process including product development and design. TRIZ enables greater clarity of thought and taps into the creativity innate in all of us, transforming random, ineffective brainstorming into targeted, audited, creative sessions focussed on the problem at hand and unlocking the engineers' knowledge and genius to identify all the relevant solutions.
For good design engineers and technical directors across all industries, as well as students of engineering, entrepreneurship and innovation, TRIZ for Engineers will help unlock and realise the potential of TRIZ. The individual tools are straightforward, the problem-solving process is systematic and repeatable, and the results will speak for themselves.
This highly innovative book:
Satisfies the need for concise, clearly presented information together with practical advice on TRIZ and problem solving algorithms
Employs explanatory techniques, processes and examples that have been used to train thousands of engineers to use TRIZ successfully
Contains real, relevant and recent case studies from major blue chip companies
Is illustrated throughout with specially commissioned full-colour cartoons that illustrate the various concepts and techniques and bring the theory to life
Turns good engineers into great engineers.

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Entgeltregulierung im Eisenbahnsektor By Gersdorf, Hubertus
2007 | 72 Pages | ISBN: 3428125819 | PDF | 1 MB
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Netzwirtschaften steckt die Entgeltregulierung im Eisenbahnsektor noch "in den Kinderschuhen". Pionierarbeit ist notwendig. Der Verfasser leuchtet den de lege lata bestehenden Rechtsrahmen für die Entgeltregulierung im Eisenbahnbereich aus. Das geltende Recht gewährt den Eisenbahninfrastrukturunternehmen bei der Festlegung der Trassenpreise einen erheblichen Gestaltungsspielraum, der sich zwischen den sogenannten Vollkosten und den (Grenz-)Kosten bewegt, die unmittelbar aufgrund der Zugfahrt anfallen. Hubertus Gersdorf geht weiter der Frage nach, ob es sich empfiehlt, die in anderen Netzwirtschaften geltenden Regulierungsmaßstäbe de lege ferenda in das Eisenbahnrecht zu implementieren. Hierbei ist zu berücksichtigen, dass sich ein Eisenbahninfrastrukturunternehmen aufgrund des intermodalen Wettbewerbs mit anderen Verkehrsträgern nicht wie ein Monopolist verhalten kann. Deshalb verbieten sich vorschnelle Adaptionen der in anderen Regulierungsregimes geltenden Prinzipien.

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Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Social Responsibility: The Importance of Agenda 2030
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031775120 | 338 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 24 MB
This edited collection unveils the pivotal role of entrepreneurship in realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Global scholars converge to scrutinize entrepreneurship's centrality in the transformative framework endorsed by the United Nations.

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Entzündungshemmende Smoothies: Deine tägliche Portion Gesundheit
Deutsch | 2025 | ASIN: B0DY838K4T | 126 Pages | EPUB | 12 MB
Hast du dir schon einmal gewünscht, deine Gesundheit ganz nebenbei zu verbessern - und dabei jeden Schluck zu genießen? Mit diesen entzündungshemmenden Smoothies wird dieser Wunsch wahr! In diesem Rezepte-Buch erfährst du, wie du täglich eine Extraportion Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Antioxidantien in dein Leben integrierst, ohne dabei auf köstlichen Geschmack zu verzichten. Mit diesem Smoothie-Buch, das auf den neuesten Erkenntnissen zur entzündungshemmenden Ernährung basiert, bekommst du ein einfaches, aber unglaublich effektives Werkzeug für deine tägliche Portion Gesundheit.

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Environmental Chemistry: Advanced Concepts and Applications
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819600723 | 268 Pages | PDF (True) | 11 MB
This book is a comprehensive guide that explores the intricate relationship between chemistry and the environment. The book offers a systematic study of various aspects, including basic chemical concepts, atmospheric chemistry, phase interactions, water pollution and treatment, the atmosphere and its chemistry, particles in the atmosphere, photochemical smog, the geosphere, geochemistry, and soil chemistry. It offers a blend of theoretical explanations, practical examples, detailed illustrations, and tables to facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject matters. The book's uniqueness is its ability to simplify complex scientific concepts and present them in an accessible and engaging manner. It employs a didactic approach, making learning a proactive and enjoyable process. Readers appreciate the in-depth exploration of topics such as the law of conservation of matter, the role of the atmosphere in safeguarding life on Earth, the formation of photochemical smog, the evolution of the geosphere, and the role of soil colloids in soil chemistry. It emphasizes the importance of understanding these concepts to address environmental challenges effectively. The key benefit for readers is gaining a comprehensive understanding of environmental chemistry, its concepts, and its real-world applications. This book serves as an essential resource for those aiming to gain in-depth understanding of the subject and its significance in preserving our planet. This makes it particularly appealing to students, researchers, and professionals interested in environmental sciences.

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Environmentally Sustainable Primary Care by Matt Sawyer, Mike Tomson
English | November 7, 2024 | ISBN: 1032793570 | 322 pages | MOBI | 21 Mb
This practical guide for primary care provides a context-specific introduction to the sustainability challenges associated with good health-care delivery and provides easy-to-implement yet impactful actions that can be taken to reduce and mitigate the impact of primary care on the living world while also looking at the impact of the changing planet on health care that people will encounter.

The chapters address the following key questions: What is the issue? What can I do/what can my practice do? How do my actions help patients, practice, and planet? Included throughout are case studies, vignettes, and anecdotes of previous successful interventions, while a checklist of the most impactful actions for others to follow, as supported by the current evidence base, provides a convenient summary. References and additional resource recommendations give directions for further guidance. The book looks at the four pillars of primary care - dentistry, General Practice, optometry, and pharmacy - and includes international contributions.
Providing invaluable direction to turn good intentions into meaningful action, this book will be invaluable to health professionals and practice managers across all primary care disciplines and to students preparing to enter practice in those fields. It will also be of interest to integrated care system administrators and to health policymakers.

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Equality: What It Means and Why It Matters
by Thomas Piketty and Michael J. Sandel
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1509565507 | 128 Pages | ePUB | 0.1 MB

In this compelling dialogue, two of the world's most influential thinkers reflect on the value of equality and debate what citizens and governments should do to narrow the gaps that separate us. Ranging across economics, philosophy, history, and current affairs, Thomas Piketty and Michael Sandel consider how far we have come in achieving greater equality. At the same time, they confront head-on the extreme divides that remain in wealth, income, power, and status nationally and globally.
What can be done at a time of deep political instability and environmental crisis? Piketty and Sandel agree on much: more inclusive investment in health and education, higher progressive taxation, curbing the political power of the rich and the overreach of markets. But how far and how fast can we push? Should we prioritize material or social change? What are the prospects for any change at all with nationalist forces resurgent? How should the left relate to values like patriotism and local solidarity where they collide with the challenges of mass migration and global climate change?
To see Piketty and Sandel grapple with these and other problems is to glimpse new possibilities for change and justice but also the stubborn truth that progress towards greater equality never comes quickly or without deep social conflict and political struggle.

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Erased: A History of International Thought Without Men by Patricia Owens
English | January 21, 2025 | ISBN: 0691266441, 9780691266824 | True EPUB | 432 pages | 13.6 MB
How a field built on the intellectual labor and expertise of women erased them

The academic field of international relations presents its own history as largely a project of elite white men. And yet women played a prominent role in the creation of this new cross-disciplinary field. In Erased, Patricia Owens shows that, since its beginnings in the early twentieth century, international relations relied on the intellectual labour of women and their expertise on such subjects as empire and colonial administration, anticolonial organising, non-Western powers, and international organisations. Indeed, women were among the leading international thinkers of the era, shaping the development of the field as scholars, journalists, and public intellectuals-and as heterosexual spouses and intimate same-sex partners.
Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, and weaving together personal, institutional, and intellectual narratives, Owens documents key moments and locations in the effort to forge international relations as a separate academic discipline in Britain. She finds that women's ideas and influence were first marginalised and later devalued, ignored, and erased. Examining the roles played by some of the most important women thinkers in the field, including Margery Perham, Merze Tate, Eileen Power, Margaret Cleeve, Coral Bell, and Susan Strange, Owens traces the intellectual and institutional legacies of misogyny and racism. She argues that the creation of international relations was a highly gendered and racialised project that failed to understand plurality on a worldwide scale. Acknowledging this intellectual failure, and recovering the history of women in the field, points to possible sources for its renewal.

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Eros and Empire: The Transnational Struggle for Sexual Freedom in the United States
by Alexander Stoffel
English | 2025 | ISBN: 150364166X | 277 Pages | PDF | 10.3 MB

The history of queer politics in the United States since 1968 is commonly narrated as either a progressive campaign for state recognition or as a subcultural rejection of prevailing gender norms. But these accounts miss the true scale of queer politics in the post-war era. By centering transnational relations, practices, and infrastructures in the history of sexual rebellion, Eros and Empire provides an alternative view of US-based struggles for sexual freedom. Alexander Stoffel analyzes three prominent US-based social movements-gay liberationism, Black lesbian feminism, and AIDS activism-to argue that they were fundamentally shaped by their transnational entanglements. Departing from popular domestic framings of these movements, Stoffel recasts the history of radical queer thought and action as a project of erotic worldmaking. This project mobilized queer affects of pleasure, desire, and eroticism in the fight for revolutionary transformation on a world scale. The transnational perceptions, activities, and consciousness of queer radicals, Stoffel argues, not only conditioned the trajectory of queer history, but also radicalized wider anti-imperialist, socialist, and abolitionist struggles past and present. In this ambitious and interdisciplinary work, Stoffel reconsiders the United States' revolutionary sexual past and creates new opportunities for the study of sexual formations in relation to questions of capital accumulation, empire, and resistance.

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Erving Manuel Goffman: Biographical Sources of Sociological Imagination
by Dmitri N. Shalin
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032849991 | 440 Pages | PDF | 13.5 MB

Erving Goffman is the most cited American sociologist. There is no shortage of studies exploring Goffman's scholarship but no extant biography of Erving Goffman. The chief reason is that a man who looked behind the facades people erect to protect their private selves, zealously guarded his own backstage. This book is the first comprehensive biography of Goffman, an intellectual of Russian-Jewish descent, who turned the "Potemkin village" trope into a powerful research program. The present study shows how key turns in Goffman's career reflected dramatic events in his family and personal history. It is based on the materials gathered in the Erving Goffman Archives, a repository curated by the author who has been collecting documents and conducting interviews with Goffman's relatives, colleagues, and friends. The archival work turned up documents which improve our understanding of Goffman the scholar, the teacher, and the man. The approach adopted in this investigation sheds new light on Goffman's scholarship which has had an enormous and continuous impact across the social sciences and humanities.

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ESG Integration in the Banking Sector:
Navigating Regulatory Frameworks and Strategic Challenges for Financial Institutions

English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031816765 | 121 Pages | PDF (True) | 3.4 MB

In recent years, macroeconomic dynamics, social transformations, technological innovations, and regulatory developments have caused significant changes in the banking industry, but most especially the need to integrate ESG factors into corporate strategies. Exploring the commitment towards sustainable business as not only a regulatory compliance obligation but as a value creation opportunity, this book explores ESG factors and sustainability issues in the banking sector and proposes a holistic approach to ESG risks. It presents useful suggestions and guidance for the promotion of further development and practical initiatives on ESG in banks, and will be of interest to researchers, government regulators, supervisor authorities, and policymakers in banking and financial services.

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J. Hunger, "Essentials of Strategic Management: Pearson New International Edition"
English | 2013 | pages: 192 | ISBN: 1292020903 | PDF | 2,9 mb
For undergraduate and graduate level Strategic Management courses. Get straight to the heart of important strategic management concepts. This brief text offers a concise explanation of the most important concepts and techniques in strategic management. Further, cases and simulations are a perfect supplement to Essentials of Strategic Management, while its brevity also makes it suitable for use in corporate and executive training programs. This edition contains new information to reflect the latest changes in the discipline while remaining brief and to the point.

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Estate Planning Simplified: A Quick and Easy Handbook to Maximize Financial Security, Preserve Family Wealth, and Navigate Wills, Trusts & Legacies by Jacob Reynolds
English | August 13, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DD5N67M9 | 184 pages | EPUB | 11 Mb
Don't Leave Your Loved Ones Without a Clear Plan: Discover the Fool-Proof 5-Part Guide to Securing Your Legacy Today!

Estate planning can leave you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, scratching your head over legal stuff, taxes, and jargon.
And you're left asking: "Where do I even begin?", often just putting off this crucial plan!
The culprit? Not having a simple estate planning guide that speaks your language.
It's like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Without the right guidance, you might end up with informal wills that leave your heirs feeling overwhelmed.
This handbook is like your reliable puzzle solver, helping you navigate through the complexities, and making sure your family goes through a seamless and confident transition, fostering financial security and peace of mind.
Picture having a step-by-step guide that transforms the daunting task of setting up your will, trust, and legacy into a straightforward process.
Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing your estate plan is designed to prevent family conflicts over assets, providing clear instructions that lessen the chances of disagreements and disputes.
Visualize a future where your estate planning includes strategic measures to minimize taxes - making sure that your hard-earned assets stay within the family.
You can achieve all these and more without having to feel lost.
With this comprehensive guide on estate planning, you'll be protecting yourself from critical errors that could lead to contested wills or financial losses - letting you preserve your family's wealth and legacy for many years.
Inside this simple, easy-to-follow guide on planning your estate, discover:The foolproof 5-part guide to leaving your legacy, even if you know nothing about setting up a will or trust.Why you shouldn't ditch estate planning, and what the state plans for your assets if you don't.How to choose a personal representative, and the factors to consider before designating someone.10 crucial parts that make up a well-structured estate plan, including the legal requirements and considerations you shouldn't miss.The essential section you need to add to your will to prevent others from causing disputes over your wishes.A step-by-step guide on creating, updating, and canceling your will, even without a lawyer.The 5 types of debts and estate management expenses, and how to handle them with ease.The 6 examples of trusts and how to find the right one for you, plus practical steps on how to set them up.How to reduce the most common estate taxes you can expect to pay.And so much more.
Say goodbye to the tedious task of reaching for the dictionary with every legal term, avoiding the inevitable yawns, and the struggle to stay awake with every turn of the page.
This guide takes a refreshing approach by ditching the jargon, offering you a practical and straightforward handbook.
Filled with easy-to-read content, checklists, and useful tools, it ensures that the estate planning process remains as simple and accessible as possible.

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Estratégias de Crescimento para Startups: Da Sobrevivência à Dominância de Mercado (Portuguese Edition) by RSPF Livros
Portuguese | February 2, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CTXR5QN6 | 124 pages | EPUB | 0.26 Mb
Em um mundo onde a inovação é a moeda corrente e a mudança é a única constante, empreendedores audaciosos buscam o caminho do sucesso nas startups. "Crescimento Sustentável" mergulha nas complexidades do ecossistema startup, guiando os leitores por um cenário repleto de desafios distintos e oportunidades emergentes.

Da construção das fundações iniciais à busca pela dominância de mercado com estratégias avançadas, este livro oferece insights práticos e inspiradores. Explore métodos inovadores para destacar sua startup em um mercado saturado, mergulhe nas estratégias de financiamento inteligentes para impulsionar o crescimento e descubra como expandir horizontes, alcançando novos mercados com confiança.
Ao longo desta jornada, os leitores aprenderão a desenvolver uma cultura organizacional sólida, liderança eficaz e estratégias avançadas para se destacarem na multidão. Com estudos de casos reais, lições de startups bem-sucedidas e um olhar profundo sobre as práticas organizacionais que impulsionam o aprendizado contínuo, este livro é uma bússola indispensável para empreendedores em busca de crescimento sustentável em um mundo em constante mudança.
Seja você um fundador de startup, investidor ou entusiasta do empreendedorismo, "Crescimento Sustentável" oferece uma visão abrangente e prática para enfrentar os desafios, abraçar as oportunidades e prosperar no emocionante universo das startups. Esteja preparado para uma jornada que transcende as páginas, inspirando ação e catalisando o crescimento em cada passo da trajetória empreendedora.

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