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Hack to The Future: How World Governments Relentlessly Pursue and Domesticate Hackers by Emily Crose
English | December 5, 2024 | ISBN: 1394169825 | 336 pages | MOBI | 2.49 Mb
Understand the history of hacking culture and the genesis of a powerful modern subculture

In Hack to the Future: How World Governments Relentlessly Pursue and Domesticate Hackers,veteran information security professional Emily Crose delivers a deep dive into the history of the United States government's nuanced relationship with hacker culture and the role the latter has played in the former's domestic policy and geopolitics. In the book, you'll learn about significant events that have changed the way the hacking community has been perceived by the public, the state, and other hackers.
The author explains how the US government managed to weaponize a subculture widely seen as misanthropic and awkward into a lever of geopolitical power. You'll also discover how:The release of the Morris worm and the Melissa virus changed the way hackers were seen and treated in the United StatesDifferent government agencies, including the National Security Agency and NASA treated - and were treated by - domestic hackersHacking went from being an exclusive hobby for socially awkward nerds to a substantial lever of geopolitical power in just a few decadesPerfect for anyone with an interest in hacking, tech, infosec, and geopolitics, Hack to the Future is a must-read for those who seek to better their understanding of the history of hacking culture and how we got to where we are today.

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Haftung des Verwalters einer Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft By Haas, Markus
2007 | 213 Pages | ISBN: 3428120906 | PDF | 1 MB
Markus Haas widmet sich der bislang noch kaum zusammenhängend behandelten Haftung des Verwalters einer Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaft. Er untersucht zunächst Rechtsstellung und Pflichten des Verwalters und erörtert anschließend die allgemeinen Haftungsvoraussetzungen. Dabei widmet er sich besonders dem Verwalterverschulden und entwickelt einen konkret auf die Verwalterhaftung zugeschnittenen Sorgfaltsmaßstab.Einen Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Auseinandersetzung mit Fragen des Ausschlusses und der Beschränkung der Haftung des WEG-Verwalters. Im Vordergrund steht die Untersuchung, inwieweit eine Begrenzung des Schuldgrades in Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen möglich ist. Ferner wird auf die Entlastung des Verwalters eingegangen. Markus Haas setzt sich mit der gegenwärtig intensiv diskutierten Frage auseinander, ob der Beschluss über die Entlastung des Verwalters eine Maßnahme ordnungsgemäßer Verwaltung darstellt und gelangt im Anschluss an die neueste Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofs zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Entlastungsbeschluss grundsätzlich ordnungsgemäßer Verwaltung entspricht. Abschließend behandelt der Autor die Verjährung von Ersatzansprüchen sowie Fragen der Beweislast, der gerichtlichen Zuständigkeit und der Antragsbefugnis.

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Haftungsbeschränkungen bei Personenschäden nach dem Unfallversicherungsrecht: Eine kritische Analyse der Neuregelung in §§ 104 ff. SGB VII By Lepa, Meike
2004 | 213 Pages | ISBN: 342811339X | PDF | 1 MB
Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, die mit dem Inkrafttreten des SGB VII verbundenen Neuerungen im Bereich der unfallversicherungsrechtlichen Haftungsbeschränkungen einer kritischen Analyse zu unterziehen.Die Verfasserin behandelt die praxisrelevanten Probleme der Auslegung der neuen Vorschriften. Dabei finden nicht nur die Auslegungsprobleme des Haftungsausschlusses bei Tätigkeiten mehrerer Unternehmen auf einer gemeinsamen Betriebsstätte (§ 106 Abs. 3 Alt. 3 SGB VII) eingehende Berücksichtigung. Untersucht werden - neben zahlreichen Detailfragen etwa im Bereich der Schulunfälle - beispielsweise auch die Unstimmigkeiten, die sich durch die Neuregelung des Ausnahmetatbestandes bei Wegeunfällen ergeben. Meike Lepa macht zudem auf die bislang nahezu unbemerkt gebliebenen Auswirkungen der neuen Konkurrenzregelung in § 135 SGB VII für den Haftungsausschluß aufmerksam, die zum Fortfall des Problemkreises des "doppelten Versicherungsschutzes" führt. Die Untersuchung erstreckt sich auch auf die Frage der inneren Rechtfertigung der Neuregelung.Es zeigt sich, daß die Ausweitung der Haftungsbeschränkungen im SGB VII beträchtliche Legitimationsprobleme aufwirft und einen Wandel im gesetzgeberischen Konzept erkennen läßt. Die bisherigen Gründe der Haftungsprivilegierung müssen um den neuen Rechtfertigungsgrund des besonderen Schutzbedürfnisses des Arbeitsnehmers als Schädiger ergänzt werden. Eine verfassungsrechtliche Überprüfung führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß einzelne Neuregelungen durchgreifenden verfassungsrechtlichen Bedenken unterliegen.

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Mark Wood, "Halloween Crafts: Eerily Elegant Decor"
English | 2001 | pages: 130 | ISBN: 0873492919 | PDF | 14,1 mb
Halloween Crafts: Eerily Elegant DecorLet Mark Wood and Kasey Rogers take you on a ghoulish frolic far away from ho-hum Hallowe'ens in this, their refreshing reinvention of the spooky holiday. In Halloween Crafts: Eerily Elegant Decor, you'll learn how to make your own "Instant Ancestors," Creepy, Drippy, Candles, stylish masks with panache, incredible centerpieces, decorations and place settings. Take a break from the traditional orange and black with Mark's collection of Red Imps, or start a neighborhood tradition with "Canned Hallowe'en."

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Handbook of Chinese Language Learning and Technology
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819759293 | 505 Pages | PDF (True) | 21 MB
This handbook explores quantitative linguistics, pedagogy, and Mandarin language acquisition in an integrated fashion and helps readers grasp how insights from quantitative linguistics can shed light on Mandarin language acquisition. It focuses on issues related to language processing, learning, and teaching and how these aspects are affected or enhanced by corpus-based and computational linguistics. By following a data-driven approach, the handbook demonstrates how theoretical problems in the acquisition of Chinese can be resolved with empirical evidence. The book serves as an essential resource for students and researchers wishing to explore the fascinating field of Chinese language processing and acquisition.

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Handbook of Massive Data Sets (Massive Computing) By James Abello, Panos M. Pardalos, Mauricio G. C. Resende
English | PDF | 2002 | 1209 Pages | ISBN : 146134882X | 132.26 MB

The proliferation of massive data sets brings with it a series of special computational challenges. This "data avalanche" arises in a wide range of scientific and commercial applications. With advances in computer and information technologies, many of these challenges are beginning to be addressed by diverse inter-disciplinary groups, that indude computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians and engineers, working in dose cooperation with application domain experts.
High profile applications indude astrophysics, bio-technology, demographics, finance, geographi cal information systems, government, medicine, telecommunications, the environment and the internet. John R. Tucker of the Board on Mathe matical Seiences has stated: "My interest in this problern (Massive Data Sets) isthat I see it as the rnost irnportant cross-cutting problern for the rnathernatical sciences in practical problern solving for the next decade, because it is so pervasive. " The Handbook of Massive Data Sets is comprised of articles writ ten by experts on selected topics that deal with some major aspect of massive data sets. It contains chapters on information retrieval both in the internet and in the traditional sense, web crawlers, massive graphs, string processing, data compression, dustering methods, wavelets, op timization, external memory algorithms and data structures, the US national duster project, high performance computing, data warehouses, data cubes, semi-structured data, data squashing, data quality, billing in the large, fraud detection, and data processing in astrophysics, air pollution, biomolecular data, earth observation and the environment.

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Handbook of Signal Processing Systems by Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Ed F. Deprettere, Rainer Leupers, Jarmo Takala
English | PDF (True) | 2010 | 1099 Pages | ISBN : 1441963448 | 24.5 MB

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce this timely handbook to the research/- velopment communities in the ?eld of signal processing systems (SPS). This is the ?rst of its kind and represents state-of-the-arts coverage of research in this ?eld. The driving force behind information technologies (IT) hinges critically upon the major advances in both component integration and system integration. The major breakthrough for the former is undoubtedly the invention of IC in the 50's by Jack S. Kilby, the Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics 2000. In an integrated circuit, all components were made of the same semiconductor material. Beginning with the pocket calculator in 1964, there have been many increasingly complex applications followed. In fact, processing gates and memory storage on a chip have since then grown at an exponential rate, following Moore's Law. (Moore himself admitted that Moore's Law had turned out to be more accurate, longer lasting and deeper in impact than he ever imagined. ) With greater device integration, various signal processing systems have been realized for many killer IT applications. Further breakthroughs in computer sciences and Internet technologies have also catalyzed large-scale system integration. All these have led to today's IT revolution which has profound impacts on our lifestyle and overall prospect of humanity. (It is hard to imagine life today without mobiles or Internets!) The success of SPS requires a well-concerted integrated approach from mul- ple disciplines, such as device, design, and application.

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Handbook on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031731425 | 525 Pages | PDF (True) | 13 MB
This handbook provides a comprehensive guide on how natural language processing (NLP) can be leveraged to enhance various aspects of requirements engineering (RE), leading the reader from the exploration of fundamental concepts and techniques to the practical implementation of NLP for RE solutions in real-world scenarios.

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Ruscher, "Hate Speech "
English | ISBN: 1009534688 | 2025 | 86 pages | PDF | 1181 KB
Hate speech comprises any form of hateful or contemptuous expression that attacks, degrades, or vilifies people based on their social identities. This Element focuses on hate speech targeting social identities that are devalued by a society's dominant groups, and that is likely to evoke, promote, or legitimize harms such violence, discrimination, and oppression. After detailing the ways in which hate speech is expressed (e.g., through derogatory labels, metaphors, offensive imagery), the production of hate speech is explored at theindividual level (e.g., prejudiced attitudes), group level (e.g., realistic intergroup threat), and societal level (e.g., hierarchy maintenance; free speech protections). A discussion of the effects of blatant and anonymous hate speech on targets (e.g., anxiety and depression) and nontargets (e.g., stereotype activation; desensitization; fomenting violence) follows. Finally, the effectiveness of mitigation efforts isexplored, including use of computer-based technologies, speech codes, confrontation, and counterspeech.

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HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership Lessons from Sports (featuring interviews with Sir Alex Ferguson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Andre Agassi) by Harvard Business Review, Sir Alex Ferguson, Bill Parcells
English | February 6, 2018 | ISBN: 1633694348 | 160 pages | MOBI | 0.70 Mb
Leadership and management lessons from the sports world.

The world's elite athletes and coaches achieve high performance through inspiring leadership, mental toughness, and direction-setting strategic choices. Harvard Business Review has talked to many of these high performers throughout the years to learn how their success translates to the world of business.
If you read nothing else on management lessons from the world of sports, read these 10 articles by athletes, coaches, and leadership experts. We've combed through our archive and selected the articles that will best help you drive performance.
This book will inspire you to:Improve on your weaknesses, not just your strengthsTake care of your body for sustained mental performanceIncrease your confidence and manage your energy before an important eventTurn a struggling team aroundUnderstand the limits of performance metricsFocus on long-term goals to overcome setbacksUnderstand where the analogy of sports and business doesn't work
This collection of articles includes "Ferguson's Formula," by Anita Elberse with Sir Alex Ferguson; "Life's Work: An Interview with Greg Louganis"; "The Making of a Corporate Athlete," by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz; "The Tough Work of Turning a Team Around," by Bill Parcells; "How an Olympic Gold Medalist Learned to Perform Under Pressure: An Interview with Alex Gregory"; "Mental Preparation Secrets of Top Athletes, Entertainers, and Surgeons," an interview with Daniel McGinn by Sarah Green Carmichael; "SoulCycle's CEO on Sustaining Growth in a Faddish Industry," by Melanie Whelan; "Life's Work: An Interview with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar"; "Major League Innovation," by Scott D. Anthony; "Looking Past Performance in Your Star Talent," by Mark de Rond, Adrian Moorhouse, and Matt Rogan; "Life's Work: An Interview with Mikhail Baryshnikov"; "How the Best of the Best Get Better and Better," by Graham Jones; "Life's Work: An Interview with Joe Girardi"; "Why There Is an I in Team," by Mark de Rond; "Life's Work: An Interview with Andre Agassi"; and "Why Sports Are a Terrible Metaphor for Business," by Bill Taylor.

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Healing Beyond Hurt: A Self-Help Guide for Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships (Thriving in Life) by Maria Holden
English | February 8, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CVB3P1DB | 131 pages | EPUB | 4.00 Mb
IF YOU'RE FEELING TRAPPED, MANIPULATED, AND EMOTIONALLY DRAINED BY TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS... Then it's time to uncover the path to freedom and healing!

Do you constantly doubt your self-worth due to a narcissistic partner or family member?
Are you struggling to heal from the emotional scars left by toxic relationships?
Do you feel isolated and unsupported, and long for understanding and a way to reclaim your life?
If you said yes to any of these questions, then "Healing Beyond Hurt: A Self-Help Guide for Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse and Toxic Relationships" can help!
Narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships can leave you feeling lost, confused, and alone. As someone who has endured manipulation, gaslighting, or emotional control, the impact on your psyche can be profound and lasting-making it difficult to trust others, establish healthy boundaries, and reclaim your confidence.
This guide can help you navigate the complex emotions and trauma associated with narcissistic and toxic relationships. With practical tools and compassionate advice to help you understand, cope with, and ultimately heal from these damaging experiences, you'll learn torecognize the signs of toxic behavior, set healthy boundaries, and rebuild your self-esteem.
Here's what you can gain:Recognize Toxic Patterns: Learn to identify the traits and behaviors of narcissistic and toxic individuals so you can avoid future harm.Heal Emotional Scars: Discover techniques to address and heal the emotional wounds left by toxic relationships, and restore your mental well-being.Establish Healthy Boundaries: Develop the skills to set and enforce boundaries, so you can protect yourself from further manipulation and abuse.Build Self-Esteem: Rebuild your confidence and self-worth, and empower yourself to reclaim control over your life and decisions.Navigate Emotional Triggers: Understand and manage emotional triggers, and ultimately reduce their impact on your daily life and interactions.Develop Coping Strategies: Boost resilience and strength by implementing effective coping strategies tailored to your unique experiences and needs.Foster Supportive Relationships: Learn to communicate your needs and surround yourself with supportive, understanding individuals.Embrace Forgiveness: Free yourself from the trenches of the past using the power of forgiveness as a tool for healing and moving forward.Rediscover Your Value: Find and celebrate your intrinsic worth by recognizing that you are enough just as you are.Break the Cycle: Gain the knowledge and tools to break free from the cycle of toxic relationships, so you can pave the way for healthier, more fulfilling connections.And more!
Healing is a journey, not a destination. If you've ever felt trapped, hopeless, or overwhelmed by the effects of a narcissistic or toxic relationship, this book is for you.
Look forward to breaking free from the chains of emotional abuse, rebuilding your self-esteem, and stepping into a future filled with love, joy, and healthy relationships. "Healing Beyond Hurt" is here to guide you every step of the way by offering support, understanding, and a clear path to recovery.

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Ioannis Trisokkas, "Hegel and Heidegger on Time "
English | ISBN: 1009581856 | 2025 | 76 pages | PDF | 2 MB
This Element discusses Heidegger's early (1924-1931) reading and critique of Hegel, which revolve around the topic of time. The standard view is that Heidegger distances himself from Hegel by arguing that whereas he takes time to be 'originarily' Dasein's 'temporality,' Hegel has a 'vulgar' conception of time as 'now-time' (the succession of formal nows). The Element defends the thesis that while this difference concerning the nature of time is certainly a part of Heidegger's 'confrontation' with Hegel, it is not its kernel. What Heidegger aspired to convey with his Hegel-critique is that they have a divergent conception of man's understanding of being (ontology). Whereas Heidegger takes ontology to be grounded in temporality, Hegel thinks it is grounded in 'the concept,' which has a dimension ('logos') manifesting eternity or timelessness. It is argued, contra Kojève, that Heidegger's reading (but not necessarily his critique) of Hegel is, in an important respect, correct.

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Christopher Fynsk, "Heidegger's Turn To Art: The Uses of Rhythm"
English | ISBN: 1350410039 | 2025 | 214 pages | PDF | 2 MB
In this major new contribution to Heidegger studies, Christopher Fynsk provides an original account of Heidegger's reflections on art, and in particular the poetic work of art, to explore the central yet overlooked Heideggerian idea that all art has a rhythmic character. Following the development of Heidegger's thoughts on rhythm, this book focuses especially on the critical moment of Heidegger's turn to art in the mid-1930s and his reading of Friedrich Hölderlin's river hymns. This not only allows for a new reading of his monumental essay "The Origin of the Work of Art", but also a sustained analysis of his engagement with Hölderlin and Aristotle. Importantly, it further reveals the centrality of rhythm to Heidegger's thought and its relation to his other ideas. Indeed Fynsk connects rhythm to Heidegger's theorization of usage, "der Brauch", and in turn the role of usage to his reflections on the relation between being and human being. Drawing on a wide range of art, from cave paintings to Francis Bacon, this is a significant and insightful study of the ontology of rhythm in Heidegger and beyond.

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Rudolf Theelen, "Heilpraktikerprüfung für Dummies"
Deutch | ISBN: 3527721738 | 2025 | 544 pages | EPUB | 3 MB
Sie haben Ihre medizinische Grundausbildung zum Heilpraktiker fast abgeschlossen? Sie wollen sich nun auf die schriftliche und mündliche Prüfung vorbereiten und den prüfungsrelevanten Unterrichtsstoff erarbeiten? Für Ihre Prüfung ist es wichtig, das erlernte Wissen aus Ihrer Heilpraktikerausbildung zu verknüpfen, nach Symptomen zu ordnen und die pathologischen Hintergründe übergreifend zu verstehen und zu differenzieren. In diesem Buch finden Sie zahlreiche typische Prüfungsfragen und passende Herangehensweisen. So vorbereitet werden Sie die Fragen schnell und richtig beantworten können.

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Heisenberg's War: The Secret History Of The German Bomb by Thomas Powers
English | August 11, 2000 | ISBN: 9780306810114 | 640 pages | EPUB | 1.93 Mb
"Full of fascinating characters, deeds of heroic daring . . . [a] powerful book." - New York Times

One of the last secrets of World War II is why the Germans failed to build an atomic bomb. Germany was the birthplace of modern physics; it possessed the raw materials and the industrial base; and it commanded key intellectual resources. What happened?
In Heisenberg's War, Thomas Powers tells of the interplay between science and espionage, morality and military necessity, and paranoia and cool logic that marked the German bomb program and the Allied response to it. On the basis of dozens of interviews and years of intensive research, Powers concludes that Werner Heisenberg, who was the leading figure in the German atomic effort, consciously obstructed the development of the bomb and in a famous 1941 meeting in Copenhagen with his former mentor Neils Bohr in effect sought to dissuade the Allies from their pursuit of the bomb. Heisenberg's War is a "superbly researched and well-written book" (Time) whose extraordinary story engrosses-and haunts.

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Kerry Fine, "Hell-Bent for Leather: Sex and Sexuality in the Weird Western "
English | ISBN: 1496241541 | 2025 | 380 pages | PDF | 3 MB
Hell-Bent for Leather: Sex and Sexuality in the Weird Western builds on the Locus Award finalist Weird Westerns: Race, Gender, Genre. This new collection takes a deep dive into the myriad ways sex and sexuality are imagined in weird western literature, film, television, and video games, paying special attention to portrayals of power and privilege. The contributors explore weird western challenges to assumptions about varied genders and sexualities, drawing our attention to how the western can reinforce existing gender and sexual paradigms or overturn them in delightful, terrifying, or unexpected ways.

Primary texts range from CBS's campy BDSM-inflected steampunk western The Wild Wild West to the Star Wars franchise's popular leather-daddy bounty hunter
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Herbert Marcuse as Social Justice Educator: A Critical Introduction
by Charles Reitz
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032945931 | 181 Pages | True ePUB | 1.08 MB

Demonstrating the continued relevance of Marcuse's work, Herbert Marcuse as Social Justice Educator details how his teachings remain a countervailing force to the conventional wisdom in intellectual and political matters today.
By drawing on Marcuse's critical analysis of the political economy, a profound concern for environmental issues, and an explicit critique of educational philosophy, this book illuminates not only the content and contours of Marcuse's work but its importance for developing critical social scientific thinking and theoretical insight into contemporary issues such as genocide and ecocide, fascism and democratic crises, political economy and social inequality, and the role of culture and media in forming compliant consumer-citizens.
From Charles Reitz, a prominent leader in Marcuse studies, this book will be an essential guide for instructors, students, and learners in sociology, social theory, political science, and environmental studies.

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Herbert Marcuse as Social Justice Educator: A Critical Introduction
by Charles Reitz
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032945931 | 181 Pages | True PDF | 6.8 MB

Demonstrating the continued relevance of Marcuse's work, Herbert Marcuse as Social Justice Educator details how his teachings remain a countervailing force to the conventional wisdom in intellectual and political matters today.
By drawing on Marcuse's critical analysis of the political economy, a profound concern for environmental issues, and an explicit critique of educational philosophy, this book illuminates not only the content and contours of Marcuse's work but its importance for developing critical social scientific thinking and theoretical insight into contemporary issues such as genocide and ecocide, fascism and democratic crises, political economy and social inequality, and the role of culture and media in forming compliant consumer-citizens.
From Charles Reitz, a prominent leader in Marcuse studies, this book will be an essential guide for instructors, students, and learners in sociology, social theory, political science, and environmental studies.

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Here Be Dragons: Treading the Deep Waters of Motherhood, Mean Girls, and Generational Trauma by Melanie Shankle
English | February 18, 2025 | ISBN: 0593601203 | 224 pages | EPUB | 2.02 Mb

* From the author of Nobody's Cuter than You comes a poignant, deeply personal story about trusting God to heal generational wounds so you can be a strong, loving presence for your teenage daughter.
In medieval times, uncharted waters were marked on maps as Here Be Dragons to signify that no one knew what dangers might lie ahead. Melanie Shankle quips that the years spent raising our teenage daughters could be labeled the same due to the uncertainties before us.
Like a lot of moms, Melanie found herself in need of a parenting map when her teenage daughter, Caroline, entered her sophomore year of high school where she encountered relentless mean girls and brutal heartache. While trying to equip her daughter to deal with the toxic social dynamics of high school, Melanie was hit with a cruel realization: The shame, criticism, and verbal abuse she had endured throughout her own life was wrought by one particular mean girl-her own mother.
Melanie hoped to raise her daughter to be a warrior, and she realized she couldn't do that unless she became healthy enough to fight her own dragons. She invites you into her story as she explores her complex family dynamics, discovering what it takes for any of us to survive and ultimately thrive in spite of wounds that remain. This was the beginning of her journey of trusting God to help break generational cycles that had told the women in her family to find their value in everything but His love.
Filled with personal stories and written in the same whimsical and honest style Melanie is known for, Here Be Dragons will have you both laughing out loud and crying-sometimes on the same page-as you confront the challenges of raising your own strong, independent daughter while fighting dragons along the way.

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Michel Serres, "Hermes II: Interference (Volume 73) "
English | ISBN: 0816678855 | 2025 | 216 pages | PDF | 1211 KB
Unveiling the hidden connections in the network of knowledge

Hermes II: Interference is the second in a series of works by philosopher Michel Serres using Hermes, god of communication, as an archetypal symbolic figure for reflecting on philosophy and the arts and sciences. Serres delves into the concept of interreferentiality, proposing that every node-whether it be knowledge, objects, or people-exists within a network where it both receives and transmits information. He argues against the existence of a dominant center or pole within these networks, emphasizing that each node can temporarily serve as a focal point depending on context.
Serres presents unique insights into topics such as the nature of knowledge, the world of objects, intersubjectivity, the origins of geometry, the interplay of music and background noise, and empiricism. By identifying parallel structures across these areas, Serres unifies them into a comprehensive theoretical framework, revealing hidden connections and potential future influences. Additionally, this work includes a critique of Gaston Bachelard's
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