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Kalliopi Nikolopoulou, "Hunting for Justice: The Cosmology of Dike in Aeschylus's Oresteia "
English | ASIN : B0DFSSGKL4 | 2025 | 264 pages | PDF | 5 MB
Utilizes Greek tragedy to investigate the fundamentally arbitrary and violent nature of justice.

A purely political understanding of justice does not convey the cosmological origins of the ancient conception of justice, Dikē, in Aeschylus's Oresteia. Drawing from Walter Burkert's anthropology of the hunt in Homo Necans, which articulates an ancient cosmology and implies a theory of (tragic) seriousness that parallels Aristotle's naturalist interpretation of tragedy, Hunting for Justice argues that justice is rooted in predation as exemplified by the Furies. Although the Oresteia has been read as the passage from the violence of nature to civic justice, Kalliopi Nikolopoulou offers an original interpretation of the trilogy: the ending of the feud is less an instance of political deliberation (as Hegel maintained), and more an instance of nature's necessary halting of its own destructiven'ess for life to resume. Extending to contemporary contexts, she argues that nature's arbitrariness continues to underpin our notions of justice, albeit in a distorted form. In this sense,
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Tatiana Thieme, "Hustle Urbanism: Making Life Work in Nairobi"
English | ISBN: 1517917980 | 2025 | 360 pages | PDF | 2 MB
Exploring hustle as a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon in contemporary Nairobi

In Nairobi's underserved neighborhoods, "hustle" has emerged as both a vital survival strategy and a way of life for youth. Exploring the multiple meanings and manifestations of the hustle economy across different scenarios of provisioning, distribution, exchange, learning, and mobilizing, Hustle Urbanism draws on more than a decade of ethnographic engagement to center the logics, perspectives, and inventive strategies of a group of youth who constantly navigate job scarcity, inadequate basic services, and climate-induced harms.
Tatiana Thieme shows how young people develop tools of resistance against the legacies of colonial violence and uneven urban development while carving out spaces of opportunity for themselves and their peers. The stories she includes bring thick ethnographic detail and longitudinal perspective to the lives and livelihoods of youth whose diverse skill sets and knowledges span from circular economies and eco-activism to hip hop and local leadership. Filling a significant gap in both existing scholarship and popular discussion,
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Hydrogen Applications and Technologies by Mohammad Reza Rahimpour, Mohammad Amin Makarem, Parvin Kiani
English | November 6, 2024 | ISBN: 103246612X | 396 pages | MOBI | 15 Mb
Hydrogen has wide applications across many industries, including petroleum refineries, hydrotreating processes, and metallurgy applications. In addition, a number of valuable chemicals, such as ammonia, alcohols, and acids, are manufactured directly or indirectly with hydrogen. Hydrogen Applications and Technologies covers the utilization of hydrogen in petrochemical products, vehicles, and power generation systems, as well as in refinery hydrotreating, metallurgy, welding, annealing, and the heat‑treating of metals.Describes the application of hydrogen in producing valuable chemicals in detailComprehensively discusses hydrogen utilization as an energy sourceCovers the application of hydrogen in power generation systems and across various industriesReviews hydrogen's role as an agent in chemical reactionsPart of the multivolume Handbook of Hydrogen Production and Applications, this stand-alone book guides researchers and academics in chemical, environmental, energy, and related areas of engineering interested in development and implementation of hydrogen production technologies.

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Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metals and Alloys
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031836804 | 809 Pages | PDF (True) | 85 MB
This book provides a complete description of hydrogen technologies from the basic theoretical underpinnings to the different production routes for various applications. It summarizes the most recent research findings with respect to theory and the broad array of industrial technologies currently in place as well as those under development with high potential. Special attention is given to the hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms at room and high temperatures as well as problems related to hydrogen in liquid and high-pressure compressed states. The author further describes the hydrogen diffusion embrittlement issues related to different types of metallic materials from steel to light alloys to nikel-based superalloys.

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Härtetest für Unternehmensgründungen: Vor dem entscheidenden Schritt in die Selbständigkeit By Kirschbaum, Günter
2006 | 112 Pages | ISBN: 3896442481 | PDF | 1 MB
Ein erstes und wichtiges Anliegen dieses Härtetests ist es, dass wir Ihr Gründungsvorhaben vor dem entscheidenden Schritt in die Selbständigkeit zunächst einmal auf den Prüfstand stellen und dabei jeden einzelnen Punkt mit einem klaren und kritischen Blick betrachten. Dazu werden wir die rosarote Brille ausziehen, denn die Statistik lehrt uns, dass fast die Hälfte aller Neugründungen schon nach kurzer Zeit scheitert. Daher möchten wir Sie mit unserem Härtetest für Unternehmensgründungen vor dem entscheidenden Schritt in die Selbständigkeit zu selbstkritischen Reflexionen anregen und alle noch so euphorisch gestimmten Existenzgründungsträumer auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückholen.

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Höchste Gerichte an ihren Grenzen By Hilf, Meinhard; Kämmerer, Jörn Axel; König, Doris
2007 | 194 Pages | ISBN: 3428125169 | PDF | 1 MB
In diesem Band berichten Repräsentanten deutscher, europäischer und internationaler Gerichte über Grenzen - Barrieren und Konflikte - unterschiedlicher Art, auf die sie bei ihrer Rechtsprechungstätigkeit stoßen. Alle Beiträge gehen auf Gastvorträge zurück, die in den letzten Jahren an der Bucerius Law School gehalten wurden. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Jurisdiktionskonflikte im Mehrebenensystem; auch aktuelle und brisante Rechtsfälle werden im Zusammenhang hiermit beleuchtet. Darüber hinaus lassen sich oft gerichtsspezifische Grenzen nachzeichnen: technische, organisatorische und mitunter auch sprachliche.Für den Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften zeichnet dessen Präsident Vassilios Skouris spezifische Grenzen beim Vorabentscheidungsverfahren, in der Grundrechtsjudikatur und bei der Gerichtsorganisation nach. Aus Sicht des Generalanwalts bestimmt Francis Jacobs die Position des EuGH zwischen Staats- und Völkerrechtsordnung samt der ihnen zugeordneten Gerichte. Die von beiden Autoren betonte Kooperation sieht Hans-Jürgen Papier, Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, im Verhältnis zum EuGH als verwirklicht an. Spannungen bestehen zwischen Karlsruhe und dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte. Dies wird, wie Hans-Georg Ress berichtet, auch in Straßburg so gesehen, wo man außerdem mit Grenzen anderer Art - wie Kapazitäts- und Rechtskulturgrenzen - konfrontiert ist. Oberste Instanzgerichte wie das Bundesarbeitsgericht sind laut Bertram Zwanziger vielfältigen externen Einflüssen ausgesetzt, ziehen daraus mitunter aber auch Nutzen. Mit dem EFTA-Gerichtshof präsentiert dessen Präsident Carl Baudenbacher ein sehr eigenständiges, im stetigen "justiziellen Dialog" mit dem EuGH stehendes europäisches Gericht. Hans-Peter Kaul repräsentiert den Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs im Haag. Wie andere Völkerrechtsgerichtshöfe stößt dieser vorwiegend auf logistische und kapazitäre Grenzen.

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I Have America Surrounded: The Life of Timothy Leary by John Higgs
English | 1 May 2006 | ISBN: 1905548257, 9780007328550 | True EPUB | 352 pages | 1.9 MB
The brilliant first biography of the man President Nixon called 'the most dangerous man in America'.

Timothy Leary was one of the most controversial and divisive figures of the twentieth century. President Nixon called him 'the most dangerous man in America.' Hunter S. Thompson said that he was 'not just wrong, but a treacherous creep and a horrible goddamn person.' Yet the writer Terence McKenna claims that he 'probably made more people happy than anyone else in history.'
A brilliant Harvard psychologist, Leary was sacked because of his research into LSD and other psychedelic drugs. He went on to become the global figurehead of the 1960s drug culture, coin the phrase 'tune in, turn on and drop out', and persuade millions of people to take drugs and explore alternative
lifestyles yet the tremendous impact of his 'scandalous' research has been so controversial that it has completely overshadowed the man himself and the details of his life. Few people realise that Timothy Leary's life is one of the greatest untold adventure stories of the twentieth century.
Timothy Leary led a life of unflagging optimism and reckless devotion to freedom. It was, in the words of his goddaughter Winona Ryder, 'not just epic grandeur but flat-out epic grandeur.' Leary's life is undoubtedly one of the greatest untold adventure stories of the twentieth century and this book presents it for the first time in all its uncensored glory.

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IA PARA PRINCIPIANTES: Guía para escépticos, automatiza tareas y aumenta tus ingresos con ejercicios fáciles y divertidos que cualquiera puede hacer ¡NO ... HABILIDADES TÉCNICAS! (Spanish Edition) by Tony Williams
Spanish | January 2, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DS56VLWZ | 167 pages | EPUB | 2.67 Mb
Comprenda la IA y libere el potencial que tiene para su vida en menos de 7 días, ¡incluso si nunca antes ha codificado una sola línea!

¿Sientes curiosidad por la IA pero te intimida su complejidad?
¿Te preguntas cómo afecta la IA a tu vida sin sumergirte en la jerga tecnológica?
¿Te preocupa quedarte atrás y que la IA se adueñe de tu trabajo?
No estás solo.
Un sinfín de personas comparten las dudas que tienes, pero eso puede cambiar gracias a los amplios conocimientos que te ofrece este libro.
"IA para principiantes" ofrece información clara y accesible, así como ejercicios paso a paso diseñados específicamente para principiantes, que le pondrán en el camino hacia la comprensión de la IA con confianza.
He aquí un vistazo a lo que descubrirá en esta guía transformadora:Los 3 conceptos básicos de la IA simplificados para facilitar su comprensión, incluso para los principiantes absolutos3 ejercicios paso a paso MÁS 1 proyecto avanzado que no requieren experiencia técnica previa para seguirlos y terminarlosVea cómo la IA ya está integrada en su vida cotidiana, desde recomendaciones inteligentes hasta útiles asistentes virtuales, y aprenda a tomar el control.Cómo la IA puede mejorar su trabajo y aumentar la productividad sin sustituirle.9 aplicaciones prácticas de la IA en diversos sectores que no ha tenido en cuenta.Información exhaustiva sobre la gestión de los retos éticos y los problemas de privacidad de la IA.Las 5 habilidades que puede desarrollar para seguir siendo relevante en esta era impulsada por la IAEjercicios sencillos para practicar conceptos de IA sin escribir una sola línea de código.Descubra herramientas para principiantes que le permitirán experimentar con la IA sin esfuerzo.Cómo la IA está transformando campos no técnicos y cómo puede formar parte de esta transformación.Una hoja de ruta fácil de seguir para pasar de principiante informado a entusiasta, incluidos los siguientes pasos para convertirse en una persona experta en IA.La verdad tras los conceptos erróneos más comunes y las dimensiones éticas de la IA.Consejos para utilizar la IA de forma creativa e innovadora tanto en el ámbito personal como en el profesional....¡y mucho más!
¿Tiene dudas sobre la adopción de la IA? No es el único. Muchos han comentado: "No soy lo suficientemente experto en tecnología" o "La IA parece demasiado avanzada". Este libro desglosa conceptos complejos en pepitas digeribles, ofreciendo una guía directa y eliminando la jerga abrumadora.
Le sorprenderá lo sencillo que puede llegar a ser.
La IA evoluciona rápidamente y afecta a más aspectos de nuestras vidas minuto a minuto. Si comprende los fundamentos ahora, se empoderará con habilidades y conocimientos relevantes para el futuro, lo que cambiará su forma de percibir la tecnología.

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Ibis: A Novel by Justin Haynes
English | February 11, 2025 | ISBN: 1419772775, 9798887072432 | True EPUB | 352 pages | 1.1 MB
A bold, witty, magical new voice in fiction, Justin Haynes weaves a cross-generational Caribbean story of migration, superstition, and a search for family in the novel Ibis.

There is bad luck in New Felicity. The people of the small coastal village have taken in Milagros, an 11-year-old Venezuelan refugee, just as Trinidad's government has begun cracking down on undocumented migrants-and now an American journalist has come to town asking questions.
New Felicity's superstitious fishermen fear the worst, certain they've brought bad luck on the village by killing a local witch who had herself murdered two villagers the year before. The town has been plagued since her death by alarming visits from her supernatural mother, as well as by a mysterious profusion of scarlet ibis birds.
Skittish that the reporter's story will bring down the wrath of the ministry of national security, the fishermen take things into their own hands. From there, we go backward and forward in time-from the town's early days, when it was the site of a sugar plantation, to Milagros's adulthood as she searches for her mother across the Americas.
In between, through the voices of a chorus of narrators, we glimpse moments from various villagers' lives, each one setting into motion events that will reverberate outwards across the novel and shape Milagros's fate.
With kinetic, absorbing language and a powerful sense of voice, Ibis meditates on the bond between mothers and daughters, both highlighting the migrant crisis that troubles the contemporary world and offering a moving exploration of how to square where we come from with who we become.

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ICELAND TRAVEL GUIDE 2025: Exploring the Land of Fire and Ice Including Color Images, Road Maps, Itinerary and Great Interior by GEORGE R. MYERS
English | November 21, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DNTHVRMD | 115 pages | EPUB | 2.17 Mb
Iceland Travel Guide 2025

What if your next adventure took you to a land where volcanoes, glaciers, and geysers shape the landscape?
Uncover the wonders of Iceland like never before with this comprehensive, up-to-date guide, designed to help you explore the Land of Fire and Ice in 2025. From the iconic Blue Lagoon to the untouched beauty of remote highlands, this guide will take you off the beaten path to the true heart of Iceland.
Five Key Benefits of This Book:Expertly Curated Itineraries: Whether you have 3 days or 3 weeks, our suggested itineraries will help you explore Iceland's must-see sights as well as its secret corners.Insider Tips: Benefit from local advice on hidden gems, the best time to visit, and how to avoid the crowds.Updated Travel Information: Get the latest details on transportation, accommodation, and safety, ensuring a seamless journey.Photographic Inspiration: Discover breathtaking photography spots and tips to capture the Icelandic landscape in all its glory.Cultural Insights: Learn about Iceland's rich history, unique culture, and the traditions that make this island nation truly special.

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Il modo più semplice per smettere di guardare il porno:
Smettere di fare pornografia in modo immediato e indolore, senza forza di volontà o alcun senso di privazione o sacrificio

Italiano | 2025 | ASIN: B0DYZKZKSF | 138 Pages | PDF | 2 MB

Personalmente, la versione originale di Google Sites (che non è stata scritta da me) mi ha cambiato la vita. Se sei come la maggior parte delle persone, hai scoperto il porno quando eri relativamente giovane e lo hai usato da allora. Finché non ti sei imbattuto nella schiacciante, ma in qualche modo censurata, letteratura che metteva in guardia dai pericoli. Come me, probabilmente hai avuto successo con serie di varie lunghezze, ma alla fine hai sempre ceduto a impulsi illusori. Sono lieto di segnalare che questo metodo funziona in modo completamente diverso ed è stato l'unico metodo che ha funzionato.

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Im Schwarzen Loch: Leben wir in einer kosmischen Falle?:
Entschlüsselung des Universums, der Singularitäten und der Geheimnisse der Raumzeit

Deutsch | 2025 | ASIN: B0DYYYMVDH | 67 Pages | EPUB | 1 MB

Was, wenn alles, was wir über das Universum zu wissen glauben, falsch ist? Was, wenn Raum und Zeit, wie wir sie erleben, in etwas viel Größerem, Mysteriöserem und Komplexerem eingeschlossen sind, als wir uns vorstellen können? Inside the Black Hole: Leben wir in einer kosmischen Falle? fordert die grundlegendsten Annahmen der modernen Wissenschaft heraus und präsentiert eine atemberaubende Theorie, die deine Sicht auf das Universum für immer verändern wird.

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English | October 25, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DL1ZWJ17 | 56 pages | EPUB | 1.07 Mb
We live in an era of radical transformations, where artificial intelligence (AI) continuously redefines the limits of creativity and textual production. In the midst of this revolution, there is an imperative need to understand and manage the growing proliferation of machine-generated texts.

This book offers an in-depth analysis of the main challenges faced in detecting AI-produced text, exploring everything from the technical underpinnings to the ethical and social implications.
Among the most important topics covered are:
- Data modeling in the age of artificial intelligence and its relevance to text generation.
- The era of ambiguous authorship, where the distinction between human and AI-generated texts becomes increasingly complex.
- The historical evolution of AI in text generation, with emphasis on the advent of ChatGPT and its revolution in textual production.
- The ethical and social implications of using AI in content creation, including issues of originality and trust.
- The technical foundations of AI detection, covering principles of computational linguistic analysis and machine learning algorithms.
- A comparative analysis of the main AI detection tools available on the market, evaluating their characteristics, advantages, and limitations.
- The practical applications of these technologies in various sectors, such as the academic environment, journalism and digital marketing.
- A detailed case study on ChatGPT's impact on AI-generated text detection, illustrating the challenges and emerging strategies.
- Reflections on the future of coexistence between humans and generative AI, highlighting the need for an ethical and sustainable approach.
By reading this book, you will achieve transformative results, including:
- In-depth understanding of AI text generation and detection mechanisms.
- Practical tools to implement detection solutions in different professional contexts.
- Ability to critically evaluate available detection technologies and select the most appropriate ones for your needs.
- Knowledge about the ethical and social implications of the use of AI in textual production.
- Emerging strategies to address the challenges presented by advanced models like ChatGPT.
- Clear vision about the future of human-AI interaction in content creation.
This book is intended for a wide range of professionals seeking to position themselves at the forefront of information technology and ethics, including:
- Educators and academics concerned with the academic integrity and authenticity of the works.
- Journalists and media professionals who want to maintain the veracity and quality of their publications.
- Digital marketing experts looking to balance automation with brand authenticity.
- Developers and data scientists interested in the practical applications of AI.
- IT managers and leaders who need to integrate AI technologies into their operations.
- Students and artificial intelligence enthusiasts who want to deepen their knowledge.
This volume is part of a larger collection, "Artificial Intelligence: The Power of Data," which explores, in depth, different aspects of AI and data science. The other volumes address equally crucial topics, such as the integration of AI systems, predictive analytics, and the use of advanced algorithms for decision-making.
About the author
Prof. Marcão, with extensive experience in information technology and marketing, works as a business consultant, career mentor and content producer. Author of 150 books, he uses innovative methodologies for efficient projects, contributing to business and personal development.

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English | October 28, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DL8TZ5F2 | 56 pages | EPUB | 1.05 Mb
The Singularity Is Closer Than You Think is an invitation to explore the future of artificial intelligence in all its complexity, taking you to a deeper level of understanding about the singularity.

This is one of the most intriguing themes in today's technology, which provokes us to imagine a point at which artificial intelligence overtakes human intelligence and begins to transform every aspect of society. Part of the Artificial Intelligence: The Power of Data collection, this volume reveals the transformative power of AI, guiding the reader on how these technologies shape our world, influence economies, and can challenge our very conception of humanity.
The book offers a careful and accessible analysis of essential topics, making it ideal for any professional looking to understand AI and its implications. Combining theories and historical reflections from thinkers such as Alan Turing,
Vernor Vinge, Ray Kurzweil, and Nick Bostrom, this volume contextualizes the evolution of AI and the singularity from its most diverse perspectives. For readers, this means access to engaging and informative content that goes beyond the basics and prepares them for an inevitable future where artificial intelligence plays central and autonomous roles.
Among the most important topics covered in the book are:
- The concept of singularity and its relevance to the future of technology and society.
- The role of AI in the economy and the corporate world.
- Ethical and technical challenges surrounding the development of a superintelligence.
- A historical analysis of the thinkers who have shaped the contemporary view of singularity.
- Recent advances in AI, neural networks, big data, and the development of conversational AI such as ChatGPT.
- Future scenarios: the possible relationships between humans and machines, whether in terms of cooperation or domination.
With this book, the reader will get:
- In-depth understanding of the impacts of AI on the economy, including its role in transforming businesses and creating new economic models.
- Clarity about the ethical issues involved, allowing for more informed decisions aligned with human values.
- Knowledge about core theories and thinkers influencing AI, to develop a critical perspective.
- The ability to anticipate change and prepare for the future by understanding the role of AI in different industries.
- Tools to adapt to a new era of innovation, applying the concepts discussed in different contexts.
This book is intended for:
- Technology professionals who want to broaden their understanding of AI and singularity.
- Business managers and strategists interested in understanding how AI can be a competitive differentiator.
- Students and researchers seeking a complete overview of the fundamentals and implications of AI.
- Technology and future enthusiasts who want to participate in the most relevant and advanced discussions of the digital age.
This volume is part of a larger collection, "Artificial Intelligence: The Power of Data," which explores, in depth, different aspects of AI and data science. The other volumes address equally crucial topics, such as the integration of AI systems, predictive analytics, and the use of advanced algorithms for decision-making. By purchasing and reading the other books in the collection, you will have a holistic and deep view that will allow you not only to optimize data governance, but also to enhance the impact of artificial intelligence on your operations.
About the author
Prof. Marcão, with extensive experience in information technology and marketing, works as a business consultant, career mentor and content producer. Author of 150 books, he uses innovative methodologies for efficient projects, contributing to business and personal development.

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Stephen Macedo, "In Covid's Wake: How Our Politics Failed Us"
English | ISBN: 0691267138 | 2025 | 392 pages | PDF | 4 MB
What our failures during the pandemic cost us, and why we must do better

The Covid pandemic quickly led to the greatest mobilization of emergency powers in human history. By early April 2020, half the world's population-3.9 billion people-were living under quarantine. People were told not to leave their homes; businesses were shuttered, employees laid off, and schools closed for months or even years. The most devastating pandemic in a century and the policies adopted in response to it upended life as we knew it. In this eye-opening book, Stephen Macedo and Frances Lee examine our pandemic response and pose some provocative questions: Why did we ignore pre-Covid plans for managing a pandemic? Were the voices of reasonable dissent treated fairly? Did we adequately consider the costs and benefits of different policy options? And, aside from vaccines, did the policies adopted work as intended?
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English | July 18, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D9PV53WM | 271 pages | EPUB | 0.90 Mb
"In the Executive's Chair: Navigating Corporate Challenges" is the definitive guide for current and aspiring executives seeking to excel in the complex world of corporate leadership. This comprehensive book provides the insights, strategies, and tools necessary to overcome the myriad challenges faced by today's leaders.

Dive into fifteen critical areas of executive leadership, including:
- Crafting strategic visions and balancing short-term and long-term goals.
- Building high-performing teams and fostering a collaborative culture.
- Mastering financial acumen, from understanding financial statements to managing risks.
- Navigating corporate governance, stakeholder relationships, and ethical standards.
- Leading through organizational change and driving innovation and growth.
- Managing risks, enhancing operational efficiency, and embracing digital transformation.
- Focusing on personal development, work-life balance, and continuous learning.
With real-world examples, actionable strategies, and expert advice, **In the Executive's Chair** equips you with the knowledge and confidence to lead with purpose and achieve lasting success. Whether you are a seasoned executive or an emerging leader, this book is your essential companion for navigating the dynamic and demanding world of corporate leadership.

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In Verantwortung für das Leben: Sozialethische Perspektiven By Kramer, Rolf
2009 | 260 Pages | ISBN: 3428128974 | PDF | 1 MB
Der Mensch ist nicht der Schöpfer dieser Welt. Aber er gestaltet sie mit. Menschliches Leben vollzieht sich nicht nur im Blick auf die Erhaltung des Menschen. Es muss zugleich das tierische und pflanzliche Leben mit bedenken, wenn es um die Wahrnehmung von Leben und um die Verantwortung dafür geht. Aber natürlich haben sich die Menschen zuerst um das menschliche Leben zu kümmern. Dazu gehören auch Fragen der vorgeburtlichen Probleme wie die des Sterbens und die Hoffnung über den Tod hinaus. Außerdem umfasst der Schutz des Lebens das Klima und seine Wandlung durch die Energiepolitik. Dabei heißt es besonders, auf die nachfolgenden Generationen Rücksicht zu nehmen. Dies hat zur Folge, dass sich die Menschen um die gesellschaftliche, staatliche und um die wirtschaftliche Ordnung zu kümmern haben.Leben ist immer mit der Sinnfrage verbunden. Wo diese gestellt wird, erhebt sich auch die Frage nach der Verantwortung für den ganzen Ablauf des Lebens. Alles in allem stehen wir bei einer Behandlung des Lebens und der Lebensgestaltung mitten in der religiösen Problematik und damit vor allem in der nach der Lebensgestaltung."Leben ist eine kostbare Gabe, die dem Menschen, dem Tier und auch den Pflanzen gegeben ist. Gott ist der, der das Leben schützt. Von ihm erfahren die Geschöpfe das Leben. Aber kein Lebewesen entgeht dem Tod.Jeder Mensch besitzt eine Würde. Sie ist nicht verlierbar. Wo menschliches Leben existiert, da herrscht seine Würde. Immer kommt dem Menschen, gleich welcher Herkunft, Rasse oder Religion er ist, die gleiche Würde und das gleiche Recht zu."Aus: In Verantwortung für das Leben, S. 237

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Inclusion Emergency: Diversity in architecture by Hannah Durham, Grace Choi
English | June 1, 2024 | ISBN: 1915722128 | 192 pages | PDF | 28 Mb
Architecture is at a tipping point.

Voices of the under-recognised are increasing in volume and are agitating for change. If we don't collectively listen, re-adjust and change our outlook, we risk limiting the relevance of our profession in today's society and, ultimately, the places we create.
Capturing insight from leading voices in the profession, this book encourages understanding and reflection. It addresses critical questions, providing steps towards meaningful change.
It will help those who are under-recognised to find the role models, community and tools to feel confident, supported and valued. It will also help those intimidated by change to understand why it's so important and provoke constructive action.
The topics and experiences provide a rich foundation for building an inclusive future that truly represents the diverse population we serve.
This is a call for change. Now.

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Incorporating Purpose: The New Legal Foundations for the Corporation and its Management (Elements in Corporate Governance) by Blanche Segrestin, Kevin Levillain, Armand Hatchuel
English | March 6, 2025 | ISBN: 1009623494 | 76 pages | PDF | 3.31 Mb
In this Element, emerging legal forms of purpose-driven corporations are analyzed, revealing two important insights. First, within the traditional corporate law, a purpose is neither protected nor enforceable over time. While companies can have goals beyond profit, these are controlled by shareholders, who also appoint corporate managers. To protect social or environmental ambitions, especially during shareholder changes, a legal commitment from the company is essential. Second, these new legal forms highlight the need to redefine the corporation's legal foundations. In an era when management decisions impact entire populations and the planet, the law inadequately conceptualizes the conditions necessary for responsible management. The Element argues that embedding a purpose in the constitution of corporations can provide these new legal foundations. Ultimately, the Element suggests that purpose provides a unified theoretical framework for understanding the variety of corporate legal forms and for discussing their respective potentials and limitations in holding corporations accountable in the face of upcoming transitions.

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Viney C. Bhutani, "India's Himalayan Frontiers: History and Politics "
English | ISBN: 1138594571 | 2025 | 282 pages | EPUB | 855 KB
This book looks at the historical and political dynamics of the Sino-Indian border dispute in India's Himalayan Frontiers.

Going back into Tibetan history, the author examines the making of the McMahon Line at Simla Conference of 1913-14. It also takes a look at some of the neighbouring areas that had interaction with Tibet, as well as the border areas of Assam and Burma, both of which were British Indian provinces. By using new archival materials, this study further goes to consider the events during the years following the defining of the McMahon Line, which, verily, did not have a sound juridical basis even if it has been regarded by scholars as a suitable boundary. It further explores different aspects of the northern frontiers of India and Sino-Indian border dispute and relations.
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