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Meditations (Timeless Classics) by Marcus Aurelius
English | October 8, 2024 | ISBN: 1577154614 | 208 pages | PDF | 3.06 Mb
Delve into this stunning gift edition boasting the complete collection ofMeditationswith an introduction by Pierre Baumann.

The personal writings of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who ruled from 161 to 180 AD, not only reflect on the philosophical idea of Stoicism, but also on this powerful man's day-to-day life and issues that still plague us all. Considered to be one of the most influential writings, Meditations is as relevant today as when it was originally published.
Marcus Aurelius fans worldwide will fall in love with this stunning hardcover gift edition complete with gorgeous foil cover detail, decorative endpapers, and a ribbon marker.
The Timeless Classics series from Rock Point brings together the works of classic authors from around the world. Complete and unabridged, these elegantly designed gift editions feature luxe, patterned endpapers, ribbon markers, and foil and deboss details on vibrantly colored cases. Celebrate these beloved works of literature as true standouts in your personal library collection.

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Candace Richards, "Mediterranean Collections in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Perspectives from Afar "
English | ISBN: 1032735236 | 2025 | 360 pages | PDF | 7 MB
This volume brings together academics and museum professionals responsible for ancient Mediterranean collections across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand to report on their collections' legacies and their ongoing value for research, education, and community engagement in the twenty-first century.

An introductory chapter offers an overview of the themes that unite these Mediterranean collections: their colonial legacies, their more recent history, and the network of scholars who have fostered their development. Subsequent chapters offer thematic case studies from the perspective of curators, museum professionals, educators, and researchers working with collections across Australasia. They explore several themes, including museum archaeology, provenance studies, pedagogy, and participatory programming and engagement, and they address two issues that are of interest to everyone who engages with museum collections today: restitution and the ethical management and display of human remains. Taken together, these contributions situate the region's collections on a global scale, highlighting their continued relevance in the present and for the future. The volume includes a distribution guide to all known ancient Mediterranean collections in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, a much-needed resource for students, provenance researchers, and museum professionals.
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Menschenbilder im Wandel ihrer Aspekte: von Vernunft- zu Mischwesen: Ideengeschichte einer Verfassungsanthropologie By Grawert, Rolf
2013 | 249 Pages | ISBN: 3428141849 | PDF | 1 MB
Das Grundgesetz und die Menschenrechtskodifikationen gehen vom Menschen als einer Selbstverständlichkeit aus, wenn sie ihm eine Würde und das Recht zu leben zuschreiben. Die Ideen- und Rechtsgeschichte zeigen jedoch, dass Menschenbilder Ansichtssache sind. Seit der Renaissance und verstärkt während der Aufklärung haben die Vorstellungen, die Menschen sich von sich machten, erhebliche Wandlungen erfahren, je nachdem, welche Kriterien den Ausschlag geben sollten: die Schöpfung? die Physis? der aufrechte Gang? die Vernunft? Seitdem der Orang-Utan entdeckt und das Tierische im Mensch thematisiert wurden, geriet die Abgrenzung zum Tier zu einem Dauerproblem der Selbsterkenntnis. Medizin und Naturwissenschaften verdrängten dabei die Theologie aus der Deutungshoheit. Das Problem ist dringlicher geworden, seitdem Vorstadien des Menschen biotechnologisch produziert, menschliche und tierische Gene und Organe miteinander verbunden und Menschen technisch optimiert werden. Die Antwort auf die Frage, welcher Art Mischwesen wie mice with human brains oder Menschen mit Gehirnsimulatoren sind, entscheidet darüber, ob die produzierten Wesen instrumentalisiert und beseitigt werden dürfen oder ob ihnen Menschenwürde und Lebensrechte zustehen.Die Untersuchung diskutiert die unterschiedlichen Denk- und Interessenansätze, mit denen Ethik und Recht einerseits, Forschungsneugier und Gesundheitsindustrie andererseits ihre streitigen Folgerungen ziehen. Sie verfolgt die These, dass das vom Bundesverfassungsgericht gezeichnete Menschenbild nicht mehr genügt und der Nachzeichnung bedarf, sollen die stattfindenden Entartungen nicht dem Pragmatismus einer wechselhaften Gesetzgebung überantwortet bleiben.

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Menschenwürde - Demokratie - Christliche Gerechtigkeit: Tagungsband zum Festlichen Kolloquium aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstags von Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde By Masing, Johannes; Wieland, Joachim
2011 | 140 Pages | ISBN: 3428137299 | PDF | 1 MB
Unter den Themen Menschenwürde, Demokratie und christliche Gerechtigkeit fasst der Band Vorträge eines wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums zusammen, das anlässlich des 80. Geburtstags von Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde im September 2010 in der Siemens Stiftung in München abgehalten wurde. Böckenförde wird in seinem Wirken als Wissenschaftler, als Verfassungsrichter und als engagierter Katholik gewürdigt. Den Charakter des Versprechens "Unantastbarkeit" der Menschwürde auszuloten unternehmen Beiträge von Christoph Enders und Ute Sacksofsky. Der Spannung zwischen Demokratie und der europäischen Integration wenden sich die Beiträge von Jutta Limbach und Hans Hugo Klein zu. Reinhard Marx hinterfragt die moralische Dimension der freiheitlichen Marktordnung unter dem Gesichtpunkt der christlichen Gerechtigkeit. Neben einer Laudatio von Dieter Gosewinkel sowie den Dankesworten des Jubilars enthält der Band eine vollständige Bibliographie der Werke von Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde.

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English | July 20, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0D9TQDQCT | 195 pages | EPUB | 1.03 Mb
In "Mental Mastery: Unlocking Your Brain's Full Potential," embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology, this book equips you with practical insights, strategies, and techniques to optimize your mental health, enhance cognitive function, and unlock the limitless potential of your mind.

Discover how to cultivate a resilient mindset, develop emotional intelligence, and harness the power of positive thinking to navigate life's challenges with grace and courage. Explore the science of the brain, uncovering the secrets of neuroplasticity, neurotransmitters, and brain waves, and learn how to harness these insights to enhance your mental clarity, focus, and creativity.
From stress management and mindfulness practices to goal setting and building a support system, "Mental Mastery" offers a comprehensive roadmap to help you thrive in today's fast-paced world. Whether you're seeking to improve your productivity, enhance your relationships, or cultivate a greater sense of well-being and fulfillment, this book provides the tools and knowledge you need to unlock your brain's full potential and live a life of purpose, passion, and joy.
Empowering, insightful, and transformative, "Mental Mastery" is a must-read for anyone ready to unlock the extraordinary power of their mind and unleash their full potential.

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Tasaku Tsunoda, "Mermaid Construction: A Compound-Predicate Construction with Biclausal Appearance "
English | ISBN: 3110670801 | 2020 | 882 pages | PDF | 5 MB
This volume provides detailed studies of the crosslinguistically unusual mermaid construction in seventeen languages of Asia, including Modern Standard Japanese, and one language of Africa. This construction appears to be absent in languages of Europe, Oceania and the Americas. The name - mermaid construction - alludes to its paradoxical make-up, where the structure closely resembling a verb-predicate clause ends with what may look like a noun-predicate clause. Superficially it looks biclausal; however, syntactically it is monoclausal. It has a compound predicate which contains an independent noun, a clitic or an affix derived from a noun, or a nominalizer. Its compound predicate has a modal, evidential, aspectual, temporal, stylistic or discourse-related meaning. The paradox is resolved from a diachronic perspective insofar as a biclausal structure is reanalyzed as a monoclausal one. This volume shows how a noun may be reanalyzed to become a constituent of a predicate. It constitutes an important contribution to research on grammaticalization and in particular, the grammaticalization of nouns and more generally, to the typology of syntactic reanalysis.

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Eyal Peretz, "Messengers of Infinity: On the Pictorial Logic of Leonardo da Vinci "
English | ASIN : B0DFT4PR61 | 2025 | 112 pages | PDF | 6 MB
The first philosophical engagement with the pictorial work of Leonardo, seen as a systematic whole.

Presented here is the first philosophical engagement with the pictorial work of Leonardo, seen as a systematic whole. It is not written from the point of view of an art historian, even as it tries to benefit from art historical insights and procedures, but that of contemporary continental philosophy and theories of modern artistic media. Author Eyal Peretz's main objective is to understand the historical and logical place Leonardo's paintings occupy in the transition from the age of medieval sacred images to Renaissance or early modern painting. Leonardo, Peretz argues, introduced a media revolution, which has still not been fully assimilated and understood. His "modernity" is still ahead of us. Written in a clear and engaging style,
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Mark Feng Teng, "Metacognition in Language Teaching "
English | ISBN: 1009581317 | 2025 | 92 pages | PDF | 1103 KB
Metacognition, the awareness and regulation of one's own learning process, is a cornerstone of effective language learning. This element is a ground-breaking text that offers a comprehensive guide to incorporating metacognitive strategies into the teaching of reading, writing, vocabulary, and listening. This element stands as a bridge between theoretical frameworks and actionable teaching practices, enabling educators to enhance their students' language proficiency in a holistic manner. This element is replete with case studies, examples from diverse learning contexts, and evidence-based practices. It is an invaluable resource for language educators who aspire to cultivate independent learners capable of self-assessment and strategy adjustment. By fostering metacognitive awareness across all facets of language learning, this element empowers students to take charge of their own learning journey, leading to more profound and lasting language mastery.

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Jennifer Ledford, "Methods for Teaching in Early Education"
English | ISBN: 1138088544 | 2019 | 258 pages | PDF | 15 MB
Methods for Teaching in Early Education is a comprehensive textbook offering a thorough introduction to early childhood teaching methods, with a particular focus on inclusive practices.

Aligned with both NAEYC standards and CEC's Division for Early Childhood recommended practices, this text explores various early childhood teaching principles and strategies, providing useful guidance for identifying and choosing between approaches. Covering topics from child-directed strategies to working with professionals in early childhood, the authors provide extensive support to prepare teachers for classroom planning and instruction. Each chapter opens and closes with representative vignettes of the challenges faced by today's early educators, and helpfully highlights key terms and objectives to inform learning goals. With the addition of sample worksheets, suggested exercises and helpful references, this book fully supports future teachers in understanding how they might implement these strategies in practice.
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G. R. Chintala, "Microfinance and Financial Inclusion in India: The NABARD Story"
English | ASIN : B0BNBJL4C3 | 2022 | 344 pages | AZW3 | 4 MB
The success of microfinance in the last three decades has shown that if given adequate infrastructural and governmental aid, the poor can be bankable. Microfinance and Financial Inclusion in India traces the origin of microfinance in India and examines its growth, delivery and institutional models, and the challenges it faces. It advocates more engagement with the poor clientele through an appropriate product and process mix that could contribute meaningfully to India's economic development. The book also looks into the trailblazing initiatives launched by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to promote microfinance and inclusive banking services. It explores self-help groups and joint liability groups that can leverage social capital to support microentrepreneurs and small farmers with adequate and timely institutional credit. This book captures the fascinating journey of Indian microfinance by delving into NABARD's work, the use of technology to transform banking for the poor and the dream of universal financial access.

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Microplastics in Environment: Source, Potential Risks, Analytical Challenges, and Remediation Strategies by Ganga Ram Chaudhary, Moondeep Chauhan, Bunty Sharma
English | November 15, 2024 | ISBN: 1032742046 | 260 pages | MOBI | 18 Mb
In recent years, the pervasive presence of microplastics in the environment has emerged as a pressing global concern. As we grapple with the complexities of this issue, it becomes increasingly evident that a comprehensive understanding of microplastics' sources, risks, analytical challenges, and remediation strategies is essential for effective mitigation and safeguarding of our ecosystems and human health.

Microplastics in Environment comprehensively explores the growing concern surrounding microplastic pollution. From their emergence as a significant environmental pollutant to their potential risks and various remediation strategies, this book delves into every aspect of microplastics' impact on ecosystems and human health. With chapters authored by experts in the field, readers gain insights into the sources, classification, properties, and dynamics of microplastics in different environmental compartments, including marine environments, soils, and indoor settings. Analytical challenges related to the identification, quantification, and characterization of microplastics are thoroughly discussed, along with emerging computational approaches to unravel the microplastic mystery. The book highlights recent trends in using bioindicators to monitor microplastic pollution and its adverse impacts on animal health. Additionally, the book explores trends, challenges, and opportunities in plastic recycling and future directions for addressing microplastics.
Microplastics in Environment compiles current knowledge and identifies gaps, serving as a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners working towards a cleaner, healthier planet. It aims to support those dedicated to safeguarding our planet for future generations.
FEATURESFocuses on microplastic pollution in the environment and highlights the emergent need to reduce and eliminate microplastic pollution.Includes special chapters on microplastic classifications, estimation tools, and the role of computational modeling in microplastic.Discusses microplastic occurrence in marine, soil, air, and prevention strategies in different environmental settings.Furthermore, it explores different remediation strategies, current trends, challenges, and opportunities in plastic recycling.

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Microservices Design Patterns with Java: 70+ patterns for designing, building, and deploying microservices (English Edition) by Sergey Seroukhov
English | May 24, 2024 | ISBN: 9355517009 | 510 pages | PDF | 13 Mb
Java microservices: The ultimate pattern guide

Key Features
● Covers 70+ Java microservices patterns in detail.
● Practical code examples for immediate application.
● Strategies from architecture to deployment explained.
Microservices, a popular software architecture style, breaks down applications into small, independent services built with Java, a versatile and widely used programming language. This book serves as a roadmap for mastering design patterns that solve common problems encountered during microservices development in Java.
Start with microservices setup for team success. Discover various architectural styles and communication approaches for seamless service interaction. Learn effective data management within microservices. Acquire skills for handling unforeseen scenarios in transactions and crafting secure APIs for user service access. Lastly, grasp crucial monitoring, testing, and deployment practices to identify and address issues, ensuring smooth production deployment.
"Microservices Design Patterns with Java" positions itself as an indispensable tool in the arsenal of today's software professionals. It not only aids in navigating the complexities of microservices architecture but also enhances the reader's ability to deliver robust, high-quality software solutions efficiently.
What you will learn
● Architect scalable, resilient microservices using Java-based design patterns.
● Implement efficient communication and data management strategies within microservices.
● Design secure, robust external APIs for microservices integration and interaction.
● Monitor and maintain microservices with advanced logging, tracing, and health checks.
● Deploy microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, and serverless platforms effectively.
● Automate CI/CD pipelines for microservices for streamlined development and deployment.
Who this book is for
This book is for seasoned microservices developers seeking to expand their repertoire of design patterns and practices, as well as for newcomers looking for comprehensive guidance on patterns and practices throughout the entire development lifecycle. It is tailored for architects, developers, team leads, and DevOps engineers.
Table of Contents
1. Defining Product Vision and Organization Structure
2. Architecting Microservices Systems
3. Organizing and Documenting Code
4. Configuring Microservices
5. Implementing Communication
6. Working with Data
7. Handling Complex Business Transactions
8. Exposing External APIs
9. Monitoring Microservices
10. Packaging Microservices
11. Testing Microservices
12. Scripting Environments
13. Automating CI/CD Pipelines
14. Assembling and Deploying Products

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Business Insights: Transform your business processes with the practical implementation of Dynamics 365 AI modules by Dmitry Shargorodsky
English | March 29, 2024 | ISBN: 180181094X | 178 pages | MOBI | 1.38 Mb
Streamline your business operations by leveraging AI across key functions using practical examples and insightful case studies

Key FeaturesUncover the practical applications of Dynamics 365 AI across sales, customer service, marketing, and financeExplore Dynamics 365's integration with advanced AI tools such as OpenAI, Azure Open AI, and MS CopilotLearn from real-world examples and case studiesPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description
If there is one hot topic being discussed in every boardroom meeting today, it's AI. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI proving to be a game-changer, it's essential for business professionals to master this tool. Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Business Insights will help you harness AI across key business functions to streamline processes and enhance customer experiences.
Written by a seasoned professional with 15+ years of experience, this book guides you through Dynamics 365 AI's practical applications across sales, customer service, marketing, and finance departments. You'll learn how to enhance customer experiences, streamline sales processes, optimize marketing strategies, and improve financial forecasting. This book also explores the integration of generative AI tools such as OpenAI Service, Azure Open AI, language models, and Microsoft Copilot within the Dynamics 365 ecosystem. With real-world examples, case studies, and expert insights, you'll discover the transformative potential of this powerful toolkit. As well as driving sales insights and implementing fraud protection, you'll explore emerging AI trends, Microsoft's roadmap for Dynamics 365 AI, and the upcoming features.
By the end, you'll be all set to unlock new growth opportunities using Dynamics 365 AI.
What you will learnOvercome common challenges in Dynamics 365 AI implementation with easeDelve into the practical applications of advanced generative AI toolsIntegrate cutting-edge tools such as OpenAI Service, Azure Open AI, language models, and Microsoft Copilot with Dynamics 365 AIDerive insights from real-world examples of successful AI implementationDiscover best practices and strategies for leveraging AI to find useful business insights and enhance operationsExplore Microsoft's roadmap for Dynamics 365 AI and the forthcoming trends in AI for businessWho this book is for
This book is for Dynamics 365 consultants, architects, and IT managers, willing to implement AI in their organizations. Business consultants advising on business technology, especially those focused on Microsoft Dynamics 365, will find it useful for enhancing their skills. A basic understanding of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and its suite of business applications will be beneficial as the book's focus is on implementing the tool's AI modules. Familiarity with the principles of artificial intelligence and how it is applied in a business context will also be helpful.
Table of ContentsIntroduction and Architectural Overview of Dynamics 365 AIMicrosoft Dynamics 365 AI Architecture and FoundationsImplementing Dynamics 365 AI for Sales InsightsDriving Customer Service Excellence with Dynamics 365 AIMarketing Optimization with Dynamics 365 AIFinancial Analytics with Dynamics 365 AILeveraging Generative AI in Dynamics 365Harnessing MS Copilot for Enhanced Business Insights"Virtual Agent for Customer Service" in the Context of MS Copilot and Microsoft DynamicsFraud Protection with Dynamics 365 AIFuture Trends and Developments in Dynamics 365 AI

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Microsoft Excel 2025: A Step-by-step Practical Guide for Beginners and Advanced Users
English | 2025 | ASIN : B0DYPK2K17 | 45 Pages | EPUB | 4 MB
Are you ready to revolutionize the way you work with data? Whether you're a complete beginner, a business professional, or an Excel expert looking to sharpen your skills, this book is your ultimate guide to mastering Microsoft Excel 2025!

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Military Machines: Combat Vehicles for Land, Sea & Air
Parragon Books | 2015 | ISBN: 1472374606 | English | 232 pages | PDF | 174.16 MB
Spanning land, sea and air this military pocket guide book dissects over 60 incredible battle-ready machines from history, using stunning 3-D cut-away illustrations and fact boxes, along with fascinating war scenes that show how this cutting-edge equipment has been so effectively utilized in times of combat. Discover how the astonishing rate of technological advancement has soared throughout the years!!

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Mindful Eating: A Arte de Emagrecer com Consciência Alimentar (Portuguese Edition) by RSPF Livros
Portuguese | December 6, 2023 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CPP44MDJ | PDF | 11 Mb
Descubra o Segredo para Emagrecer com Prazer!

Você já tentou todas as dietas da moda e se cansou do ciclo de perda e ganho de peso? Chegou a hora de dar as boas-vindas a uma abordagem completamente nova para o emagrecimento.
A Arte de Emagrecer com Consciência Alimentar é o guia definitivo para transformar sua relação com a comida. Prepare-se para uma jornada de descoberta, autoconhecimento e mudanças reais que duram para sempre!
Coma Com Prazer, Emagreça Com Sabedoria!
Este não é mais um livro de dietas chatas e restritivas. Este é o seu bilhete para uma vida em que você pode apreciar cada mordida, enquanto observa os quilos indesejados desaparecerem. Esqueça as privações! Este é um convite para desfrutar da comida com consciência.
O Que Você Encontrará nas Páginas Deste Livro?
✅ Estratégias de Mindful Eating que funcionam na vida real.
✅ Dicas práticas para desfrutar da comida e perder peso ao mesmo tempo.
✅ Histórias inspiradoras de sucesso de pessoas que transformaram suas vidas.
✅ Guia completo para mudar sua relação com a comida e seu corpo.
Por Que Este Livro é Único?
Este não é apenas mais um livro de emagrecimento. É um guia moderno, despojado e incrivelmente inspirador para aqueles que estão prontos para uma mudança duradoura. Dê um passo em direção a uma vida mais saudável, equilibrada e consciente!
✨ Não Espere Mais! ✨
Agarre a chance de conquistar o seu melhor eu agora. Seja parte de uma revolução na forma como vemos a comida, o emagrecimento e a nossa relação com o corpo.

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Mitgliedstaatliche Handlungspflichten bei Beeinträchtigungen des freien Warenverkehrs durch Private By Keun, Iris-Carola
2006 | 154 Pages | ISBN: 3428117859 | PDF | 1 MB
Privatpersonen haben weitreichende Möglichkeiten, den freien Warenverkehr und damit die Errichtung des Binnenmarktes zu gefährden. Zu denken ist dabei vor allem an Streik- und Blockademaßnahmen im Import- und Exportgewerbe, Demonstrationen und sogenannte "Buy-national"-Kampagnen.Iris-Carola Keun widmet sich der Frage, ob den Mitgliedstaaten als Garanten für den freien Warenverkehr eine Handlungspflicht obliegt, derartige privatautonome Maßnahmen zu unterbinden. Nach Erörterung der dogmatischen Rechtsgrundlage einer solchen Handlungspflicht untersucht die Autorin umfassend die Folgeprobleme dieser Rechtsfigur. Sie geht den praktisch bedeutsamen Fragen nach, unter welchen konkreten Voraussetzungen eine mitgliedstaatliche Handlungspflicht entsteht, welchen Inhalt sie hat und welche Rechtfertigungsgründe für die Untätigkeit eines Mitgliedstaates bestehen. Abgerundet wird die Untersuchung durch eine Analyse der primär- und sekundärrechtlichen Reaktionsmöglichkeiten auf die Verletzung einer Handlungspflicht.

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Modeling, Design and Simulation of Systems: 17th Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2017, Melaka, Malaysia, August 27 - 29, 2017, Proceedings, Part II By Mohamed Sultan, Mohamed Ali, Herman Wahid, Nurul Adilla Mohd SubhaShafishuhaza Sahlan, Mohd Amri Md. Yunus, Ahmad Ridhwan Wahap
English | PDF | 2017 | 801 Pages | ISBN : 9811065012 | 107 MB

This two-volume set CCIS 751 and CCIS 752 constitutes the proceedings of the 17th Asia Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2017, held in Malacca, Malaysia, in August/September 2017.
The 124 revised full papers presented in this two-volume set were carefully reviewed and selected from 267 submissions. The papers contained in these proceedings address challenging issues in modeling and simulation in various fields such as embedded systems; symbiotic simulation; agent-based simulation; parallel and distributed simulation; high performance computing; biomedical engineering; big data; energy, society and economics; medical processes; simulation language and software; visualization; virtual reality; modeling and Simulation for IoT; machine learning; as well as the fundamentals and applications of computing.

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Modern Chinese Foodways (Food, Health, and the Environment) by Jia-Chen Fu, Michelle T. King, Jakob A. Klein
English | March 4, 2025 | ISBN: 0262551314 | 360 pages | PDF | 26 Mb
An edited collection that explores the multifaceted experiences of Chinese culinary modernity both within and outside of mainland China from the mid-19th century to present.

Modern Chinese Foodways defines some of the major processes by which Chinese food and foodways have become modern, with a focus on the period from the mid-nineteenth to the twenty-first century. The editors, Jia-Chen Fu, Michelle T. King, and Jakob A. Klein, highlight four prominent areas of change: commodification of food production; the scientization of expertise and the development of new food technologies; the creation of new culinary identities based on gender, ethnicity, and nation; and the circuits of migration taking place since the nineteenth century.
This collection argues that Chinese food and foodwaysare very much modern-not a given in the face of the chorus of voices that insists on emphasizing its ancient roots-in ways that both recall the experiences of other cultures, as well as in ways unique to China's own historical trajectory.
The book combines incisive, original scholarship by thirteen leading voices in the field with editorial essays on the past and future of Chinese food studies to frame the field of inquiry for the next generation of Chinese food studies scholars. Demonstrating the significance of modern Chinese foodways to the phenomenon of culinary modernity writ large, which is still largely shaped by Euro-American perspectives and priorities, Modern Chinese Foodways is the first book of its kind.

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Modern Chinese Medicine Food Cures: A Personalized Approach to Nutrition by Melissa Carr
English | January 21st, 2025 | ISBN: 180501319X | 336 pages | True EPUB | 2.46 MB
This book explores food, nutrition, and dietary recommendations from a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach. 'Modern Chinese Medicine Food Cures' helps both practitioners and their patients navigate a landscape saturated with conflicting dietary advice. This book is a tool to allow practitioners to meet people where they are so they can help them. It is also accessible enough for patients to use it for their own self-care and dietary adjustments.

Dr. Melissa Carr provides a modern approach to nutrition that is based on TCM's rich history of using food therapy to personalize health and wellness. She outlines how TCM can systematically assess an individual's health, as well as ways it evaluates how specific foods can impact our bodies. Readers are offered a self-assessment tool to help understand the five elements for TCM diagnosis and the application of nutritional suggestions by element.
The basics and key elements of Western nutritional advice are also included, as is a handy reference of food recommendations for common symptoms and illnesses, while focusing on foods and herbs that are familiar and generally easily accessible to Western readers.

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