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Recht und Rechtskommunikation in modernen Rechtssystemen: Zur rechtstheoretischen Standortbestimmung des russischen Zivilrechts im Kontext der deutschen und europäischen Rechtsordnung By Kabanov, Stanislav
2010 | 198 Pages | ISBN: 342813396X | PDF | 1 MB
Das Potential einer deutsch-russischen Zusammenarbeit im Bereich von Wirtschaft, Politik, Recht und Kultur ist heute bei weitem nicht ausgeschöpft. Stanislav Kabanov untersucht die Ansatzpunkte, Voraussetzungen und Folgen einer weiteren Modernisierung des Rechts, die gegenwärtig auf dem europäischen Kontinent unter rechtsstaatlichen Bedingungen und in zivilgesellschaftlicher Perspektive möglich und nötig erscheint. Eine rechtliche Modernisierungspartnerschaft, wie sie die Europäische Union und Rußland derzeit aufbauen, kann sich - cum grano salis betrachtet - des deutsch-russischen Vorbilds bedienen. Im Fokus dieser Untersuchung steht ein rechtstheoretischer Zugang zur Problematik, so wie er sich vom Standpunkt juristischer Methodenlehre und einer allgemeinen Theorie von Recht und Staat - aus russischer Sicht würde man wohl eher sagen von Staat und Recht! - ergibt. Es geht jedoch nicht um eine Globalisierung des Rechts, letzteres verstanden als eine apriorische mundiale Universalstruktur, sondern eher um die Grenzen seiner Modernisierung und um die in der zeitgenössischen Rechts- und Gesellschaftstheorie wachsende Einsicht, daß wir es auf nationaler, internationaler und transnationaler Ebene der Positivität des modernen Rechts mit multiplen Modernitäten und Rechtskulturen zu tun haben.

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Rechtskraftdurchbrechungen von Strafentscheidungen im Wechsel der politischen Systeme: Eine rechtsvergleichend-historische Untersuchung des Strafverfahrens in Österreich, der NS-Zeit, der DDR und der Bundesrepublik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung d By Hanne, Nicole
2005 | 209 Pages | ISBN: 3428116429 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Autorin befaßt sich mit der Frage, wie bereits rechtskräftige Entscheidungen abgesehen von der Wiederaufnahme des Strafverfahrens in unterschiedlichen politischen Systemen abgeändert werden können. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema ist die gerichtliche Praxis ebenfalls berücksichtigt. Ausgehend von den Erfahrungen zur Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde in Österreich und während der NS-Zeit sowie zur Kassation in der SBZ/DDR, wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob sich der bundesdeutsche Gesetzgeber sowohl nach 1945 als auch nach 1990 zu Recht bereits zweimal gegen die Einführung einer Kassationsmöglichkeit rechtskräftiger Entscheidungen entschieden hat.Nicole Hanne stellt Bezüge zum geltenden Rechtsmittelsystem und den Zusammenhang zwischen Gerichtsaufbau, Instanzenzug und Ausgestaltung der Rechtsmittel her. Mit der Frage der jeweiligen Antragsberechtigung ist dabei auch das Verhältnis von Staatsanwaltschaft und Gericht angesprochen. Die neuen Ergebnisse der Untersuchung könnten die Argumentation in der Diskussion um die geplante Reform der Gerichtsbarkeit wesentlich schärfen.

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Rechtsphilosophie nach 1945: Zur Geistesgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland By Hofmann, Hasso
2012 | 76 Pages | ISBN: 3428138031 | PDF | 1 MB
Statt der abstrakten Definition philosophischer Hauptströmungen scheint es fruchtbarer, die $aPhasen$z rechtsphilosophischen Denkens nach 1945 im Kontext der politisch-sozialen, kulturellen und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik zu betrachten. Dabei geht es nicht um fest umrissene Zeiträume. Doch lassen sich schwerpunktmäßig vier Perioden unterscheiden. Der Naturrechtsrenaissance der konservativen Konsolidierung der westdeutschen Gesellschaft folgt in einer Zeit der Reformen und Zukunftsplanungen eine Modernisierungswelle des Rechtsdenkens. Die Krise des Sozialstaats aber bringt gegen alle theoretischen Analysen des Rechts die praktische Philosophie mit ihrem Zentralbegriff der Gerechtigkeit zurück. In der Weltgesellschaft der Globalisierung schließlich beschäftigt sich das wieder vereinte Deutschland mit der Universalisierbarkeit der europäischen Menschenrechte.

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Rechtsphilosophische Grundlagen des Ressourcenschutzes: Zu den normativen Ebenen der ökologischen Frage By Heidrich, Martin
2004 | 234 Pages | ISBN: 3428115163 | PDF | 1 MB
Martin Heidrich widmet sich thematisch der Frage nach der Regelung bzw. Regelbarkeit der ökologischen Frage in rechtsphilosophischer Hinsicht. Methodologisch handelt es sich daher um eine Grundlagenbetrachtung, welche die Regelungsebenen des Ressourcenschutzes und die diesen normativen Ebenen zuzuordnenden Theorien sowohl formal als auch inhaltlich systematisiert. Dabei findet die Auseinandersetzung auf zwei normativen Ebenen statt, nämlich einerseits auf jener der Moral und andererseits auf jener des Rechts, nachdem zunächst gezeigt wird, daß trotz formaler Abstraktheit beider Begriffe hinsichtlich ihres materiellen Gehalts dennoch eine gewisse Permeabilität zu konstatieren ist.Im Ergebnis gilt für die normative Ebene der Moral, daß das anthropozentrische Naturverständnis argumentativ zum einen unhintergehbar und zum anderen auch per se nicht notwendigerweise aufzugeben ist, da dieses - entgegen der mannigfaltigen Kritik - unter Berücksichtigung der innerhalb des anthropozentrischen Lagers entwickelten Korrektivansätze keine systematisch begründeten, destruktiv-exploitativen Tendenzen aufweist. Auf rechtlicher Ebene kann die Idee des freiheitlich verfaßten subjektiven Rechts ebenfalls gegen den Vorwurf eines etwaigen, sich für die ökologische Frage destruktiv auswirkenden Besitzindividualismus verteidigt werden. Zudem ist aus dem freiheitlichen Teilhaberecht Kantischer Prägung ein für die ökologische Frage brauch- und entwickelbarer Begriff der iustitia distributiva zu entnehmen.

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CrimethInc. Workers' Collective, "Recipes For Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook A Moveable Feast"
English | 2005 | ISBN: 0970910142 | PDF | pages: 626 | 55.6 mb
Beautifully designed A-Z of the totality of revolutionary politics. This brand new Crimethinc book is the action guide - the direct action guide. From affinity groups to wheatpasting, coalition building, hijacking events, mental health, pie-throwing, shoplifting, stenciling, supporting survivors of domestic violence, surviving a felony trial, torches, and whole bunch more. Incredible design, and lots of graphics give it that hip situ feel. Loads to read, to think about, and to do. At 650 pages, you could always throw the damn book at a suitable target. What are you waiting for?

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Redefining Global Governance: A Tax, Trade and Investment Perspective in the EU and beyond (Emerging Globalities and Civilizational Perspectives) by Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama, Frederik Heitmüller, Julien Chaisse
English | December 19, 2024 | ISBN: 3031697928 | 324 pages | PDF | 10 Mb
This open access volume offers a unique interdisciplinary analysis of the current structure of global governance on tax, trade, and investment. It explores the interplay between actors, critiques current norm-making procedures, and proposes concrete solutions for improvement. It considers the impact of global governance in local contexts in Asia, Europe, and Africa, and includes perspectives from scholars based in these continents. It takes a comparative approach that goes beyond a siloed perspective to undertaking comparisons between the ways in which similar problems have been addressed in different areas--making the contributions highly relevant to scholars and policymakers worldwide. The volume includes case studies and provides concrete suggestions for improving global governance of tax, trade, and investment. This highly topical open access volume is of interest to a global readership in the fields of international law and taxation, globalization, international relations, and international trade economics.

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Pablo A. Goloboff, "Refining Phylogenetic Analyses: Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data: Volume 2 "
English | ISBN: 0367420279 | 2022 | 312 pages | EPUB | 7 MB
This volume discusses the aspects of a phylogenetic analysis that go beyond basic calculation of most parsimonious trees. Practical application of all principles discussed is illustrated by reference to TNT, a freely available software package that can perform all the steps needed in a phylogenetic analysis. The first problem considered is how to summarize and compare multiple trees (including identification and handling wildcard taxa). Evaluation of the strength of support for groups, another critical component of any phylogenetic analysis, is given careful consideration. The different interpretations of measures of support are discussed and connected with alternative implementations. The book reviews rationales for estimating character reliability on the basis of homoplasy, with particular attention to morphological characters. The main methods for character weighting and their practical implementation, several of them unique to TNT, are discussed

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Reinventing the Power Grid: Renewable Energy, Storage, and Grid Modernization by Nesimi Ertugrul
English | November 27, 2024 | ISBN: 1032685956 | 584 pages | PDF | 57 Mb
In this comprehensive guide for practicing engineers and students, Ertugrul explains the field of renewable energy and distributed generation technologies and describes the transformation occurring in power grids due to the rise of renewable energy sources and emerging technologies.

This book covers key areas such as the status of grid transformation, photovoltaic (PV) solar energy, wind energy systems, distributed energy resources, microgrids, grid‑scale and domestic battery storage systems, e‑mobility and emerging distributed energy technologies. The text presents an equilibrium between theoretical concepts and practical applications, with each chapter emphasizing both theory and practical application. Each chapter commences with a lucid explanation of the subject matter, which is then succeeded by an investigation into its real‑world applications and implications. Supplementary material is also provided, such as real wind data files, PV data files and Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB®) and Excel codes. This includes a sample real data set from grid‑scale autonomous microgrid test platforms and household, distribution and transmission‑level power system data. The book also incorporates a section consisting of problems, quizzes and solutions. This element prompts the reader to put the theoretical knowledge to use in addressing real‑world challenges, thereby cultivating a more in‑depth grasp of the topic. Through this in‑depth approach, readers will be able to apply their comprehensive knowledge and practical understanding to decision‑making regarding future challenges in the energy industry.
This book is an invaluable guide for professionals working in the field, particularly those who aim to stay updated on the latest technologies and trends. Undergraduate and postgraduate students will also benefit from the book's comprehensive approach and inclusion of real‑world data and problems to solve, which will build their expertise and give them a solid foundation for their future careers.

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Reiseberichte und andere Zeugnisse über den deutsch-britischen Pas de deux in der Geschichte By Kielinger, Thomas
2023 | 48 Pages | ISBN: 3428188446 | PDF | 1 MB
Deutsche und Briten werden nicht voneinander lassen und nie übereinander abschließend urteilen können. Der fundierte Kenner der englischen Geschichte und Gegenwart Thomas Kielinger nimmt diesen Umstand zum Anlass, um die nichtsdestotrotz engen Verbindungen zwischen Großbritannien und Deutschland anhand ausgewählter Reiseberichte und anderer Zeugnisse zu beleuchten. Welche historischen Umstände, Erwartungen und Vorannahmen prägen das gegenseitige Bild? Wie ließen sich ebenso stereotype Annahmen und Vorurteile überwinden? Kielinger versammelt in diesem Band sowohl allgemeine wie pointierte Schilderungen von Tacitus über Goethe bis Churchill und liefert damit einen ausgesprochen kurzweiligen Einblick in die bewegten und lebendigen kulturellen Verflechtungen zwischen Briten und Deutschen.They are often referred to as two Germanic cousins. But when you look closely, this comfortable generic description of Britain and Germany often dissolved into a picture of fierce competition which, when issues of national pride were at stake, could turn into veritable enmity. Overall, however, it was friendship which ruled across the English channel. Thomas Kielinger, veteran correspondent from Britain and author of a number of celebrated biographies of Winston Churchill and the two Queens Elizabeth, has harvested travel documents as well as other telling sources - often prejudices - of the German-British entanglement, from Tacitus to political aberrations in the 20th century, to paint both an enlightening and entertaining panorama which tries to get to the bottom of a perennially fascinating story.

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Reliability of Nanoscale Circuits and Systems: Methodologies and Circuit Architectures by Miloš Stanisavljević , Alexandre Schmid , Yusuf Leblebici
English | PDF (True) | 2011 | 215 Pages | ISBN : 1441962166 | 6.1 MB

This book is intended to give a general overview of reliability, faults, fault models, nanotechnology, nanodevices, fault-tolerant architectures and reliability evaluation techniques. Additionally, the book provides an in depth state-of-the-art research results and methods for fault tolerance as well as the methodology for designing fault-tolerant systems out of highly unreliable components.

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Remote Instrumentation and Virtual Laboratories: Service Architecture and Networking by Franco Davoli, Norbert Meyer, Roberto Pugliese, Sandro Zappatore
English | PDF (True) | 2010 | 514 Pages | ISBN : 144195595X | 12.1 MB

Accessing remote instrumentation worldwide is one of the goals of e-Science. The task of enabling the execution of complex experiments that involve the use of distributed scientific instruments must be supported by a number of different architectural domains, which inter-work in a coordinated fashion to provide the necessary functionality. These domains embrace the physical instruments, the communication network interconnecting the distributed systems, the service oriented abstractions and their middleware. The Grid paradigm (or, more generally, the Service Oriented Architecture - SOA), viewed as a tool for the integration of distributed resources, plays a significant role, not only to manage computational aspects, but increasingly as an aggregator of measurement instrumentation and pervasive large-scale data acquisition platforms. In this context, the functionality of a SOA allows managing, maintaining and exploiting heterogeneous instrumentation and acquisition devices in a unified way, by providing standardized interfaces and common working environments to their users, but the peculiar aspects of dealing with real instruments of widely different categories may add new functional requirements to this scenario. On the other hand, the growing transport capacity of core and access networks allows data transfer at unprecedented speed, but new challenges arise from wireless access, wireless sensor networks, and the traversal of heterogeneous network domains.
The book focuses on all aspects related to the effective exploitation of remote instrumentation and to the building complex virtual laboratories on top of real devices and infrastructures. These include SOA and related middleware, high-speed networking in support of Grid applications, wireless Grids for acquisition devices and sensor networks, Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning for real-time control, measurement instrumentation and methodology, as well as metrology issues in distributed systems.

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Remote Working: A Research Overview
by Alan Felstead
English | 2022 | ISBN: 1032160985 | 137 Pages | True PDF | 4.1 MB

The coronavirus pandemic forced work back into the home on a massive scale. The long-held belief that work and home are separate spheres of economic life was turned on its head overnight.
Many employees were new to this way of working and many employers had to manage a disparate workforce for the first time. This book reviews what impact this shift had on the lives of millions of employees, the organisations which employ them and the societies in which they live. It also looks to a future in which more work is carried out remotely - at home, in the local café, restaurant or bar, or while moving from place to place. The book syntheses the existing evidence in an accessible and easy-to-read way.
It will appeal to all those who want a quick and concise introduction to the major themes associated with remote and hybrid working. This will include teachers, lecturers, students, academics and policy-makers as well as those who have experienced the challenges and benefits of homeworking first-hand.

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Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer
by Jacob H. Rooksby
English | 2020 | ISBN: 1788116623 | 507 Pages | PDF | 2.92 MB

Universities everywhere are increasingly being encouraged to translate their research findings into practical applications that will further the common good through technology transfer, a process in which intellectual property (IP) laws and systems play a central role. This Research Handbook skilfully places IP issues in technology transfer into their historical and political context whilst also exploring and framing the development of these intersecting domains for innovative universities in the present and the future.
Written by leading experts from across the world, this Research Handbook offers new insights into our understanding of this area and its practical implications, situating IP and technology transfer within larger dialogues concerning the future of the research university. It illuminates a complex ecosystem in which the stakes are high and best practices are nuanced. Not overlooked are the most timely and controversial topics in the field, including inter partes review proceedings, conflicts of interest, patent enforcement and the public good, 3D printing, and university treatment of data.
This Research Handbook will prove critical reading for scholars of both technology transfer and IP, as well as for practitioners working in these fields. Stakeholders such as university presidents and governing boards and members of higher education organizations will also find it insightful and useful.

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Research, Development and Innovation in the Creative Industries (Routledge Focus on the Global Creative Economy) by Ruxandra Lupu, Marlen Komorowski, Justin Lewis
English | February 20, 2025 | ISBN: 1032772026 | 118 pages | PDF | 1.91 Mb
What does effective research and development look like in the creative industries and how might it lead to successful innovation? This book is an answer to that question.

Building upon place-based creative industry research, the book focuses on evidence from the media sector, while encompassing a range of creative practices, from digital tourism to dance. Leveraging unique empirical data from the Welsh creative industries, the authors map a series of pathways for creative businesses. In so doing, the book offers new frameworks for assessing innovative practice and highlights options for tailored institutional funding.
Channelling research insights, this shortform book helps researchers, policy-makers and reflective practitioners to understand how to deliver effective strategies for the creative sector.
The Open Access version of this book, available, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

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Linor L. Hadar, "Research-Practice Partnerships in Education: Practitioner-Researcher Collaboration in the Israeli Context "
English | ISBN: 1032741600 | 2025 | 194 pages | PDF | 2 MB
This edited volume broadens the discussion on Research-Practice Partnerships (RPPs) in education by extending the focus beyond the US context, providing an in-depth exploration of an RPP designed to enable partnering schools to evaluate and understand pedagogical processes or practices through engagement in school-based research.

Integrating current literature, case studies depicting RPP dynamics, and research findings, this book demonstrates how RPPs transcend traditional boundaries, bring together diverse educational stakeholders, and expand perspectives to inform educational practices and policies. In addition to providing a theoretical review of the RPP framework and its application in the field of education, the chapters present several case studies that address key aspects of school partnerships, including collaborative development, role formation, conflict resolution, and more. This book ultimately supports a broader understanding of the RPPs' workings and dynamics through unique perspectives from academic faculty members and practitioners.
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Reskilling and Upskilling: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review (HBR Insights) by Harvard Business Review, Peter Cappelli, Ginni Rometty, Boris Groysberg, Raffaella Sadun
English | March 4th, 2025 | ISBN: 9798892791007 | 224 pages | True EPUB | 2.93 MB
Reskilling is the new imperative in the war for talent.

As the pace of technological change accelerates, the demand for new skills is increasing. And as technologies like AI take on new tasks and jobs, smart organizations aren't waiting for their new workforces to appear. They are investing in reskilling the workers. They're adopting a skills-based approach to hiring and developing talent. And they're leveraging digital learning tech to upskill their employees dynamically and efficiently. What new approaches should your organization be taking to build the workforce you need-now and tomorrow?
Reskilling and Upskilling: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review brings you today's most essential thinking on rebuilding and retraining your workforce. It explains how to launch the right skilling initiatives, how to measure their impact, and how to prepare your company to compete in the new skills economy.
Business is changing. Will you adapt or be left behind?
Get up to speed and deepen your understanding of the topics that are shaping your company's future with the Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review series. Featuring HBR's smartest thinking on fast-moving issues-blockchain, cybersecurity, AI, and more-each book provides the foundational introduction and practical case studies your organization needs to compete today and collects the best research, interviews, and analysis to get it ready for tomorrow.
You can't afford to ignore how these issues will transform the landscape of business and society. The Insights You Need series will help you grasp these critical ideas-and prepare you and your company for the future.

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Restitution und Kompensation bei Sachschäden By Kolbinger, Martin U.
2005 | 248 Pages | ISBN: 3428116658 | PDF | 1 MB
Restitution und Kompensation sind als verschiedene Konzepte für den Ersatz von Sachschäden allgemein anerkannt. Trotzdem erscheint die Zuordnung gängiger Detaillösungen zu dem einen oder anderen Konzept oft zufällig. Ausgehend vom tatsächlichen Phänomen des Schadens identifiziert der Autor die Verwirklichung des tatsächlichen Interesses des Geschädigten als Ziel der Restitution. Demgegenüber dient die Kompensation einem rein wirtschaftlichen Ausgleich. Da der Geschädigte sein tatsächliches Interesse selbst definieren darf, ist auch die Lieferung einer Ersatzsache ohne weiteres Restitution. Damit scheidet der Wiederbeschaffungswert zur Bemessung der Kompensation aus. Maßgeblich ist statt dessen der Verkaufs- oder der Ertragswert. Auch wenn § 249 Abs. 2 S. 2 BGB mit diesem Prinzip bricht, ist der Geschädigte berechtigt, sein tatsächliches Interesse anläßlich des Schadens zu ändern und über den Mindestherstellungsaufwand frei zu disponieren. Was darüber hinausgeht, ist lediglich Vorschuß. Dies bietet dem Autor Anlaß, sich allgemein, auch prozessual, mit Vorschüssen zu befassen. Schließlich zeigt Kolbinger, daß sein Ansatz auch in Fällen mit mehreren Berechtigten an einer Sache zu stimmigen Lösungen führt.

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Restorations of Empire in Africa: Ancient Rome and Modern Italy's African Colonies (Classical Presences) by Samuel Agbamu
English | June 28, 2024 | ISBN: 0192848496 | 320 pages | MOBI | 2.69 Mb
The histories of Europe and Africa are closely intertwined. At times, this closeness has been emphasized, at other times, suppressed and denied. Since the nineteenth century, European imperial powers have carved up the continent of Africa among themselves, drawing borders and charting shorelines; in the process, inventing Africa. This was a project anchored in ancient Greek and Roman representations of Africa.

For Italy, colonialism in Africa was a matter of consolidating its project of national unification, nominally completed in 1870 with the capture of Rome. By asserting its position as an imperial power, the young nation of Italy hoped to join the club of European nation-states and, in so doing, be rid of the perception that it was a country somewhere in between Europe and Africa. Yet, Italy's colonial endeavour in Africa was also a project with deep historical meaning. Italy posed its imperial project in Africa as a national return to territory which was rightfully Italian. Italian ideologues of imperialism based this claim on the history of Roman history on the continent. When Italian soldiers disembarked on the beaches of Libya during Italy's invasion of 1911-1912, and came across the ruins of Roman imperialism, they were, according to prominent cultural and political figures in Italy, rediscovering the traces of their ancestors. Yet, when Italian imperial ambitions set their sights on East Africa, regions that had not been conquered by Rome, how could Italy nevertheless shape its imperial project in the image of ancient Rome?
This book charts this story. Beginning with Italy's first imperial endeavours on the African continent in the last decades of the nineteenth century and continuing right through to Italy's current attitudes towards Africa, this book argues that empire in Africa was a central aspect of Italian nation-building, and that this was a project which anchored itself in memories of ancient Rome in Africa. Although Fascism's invasion of Ethiopia (1935-1936) is the best-known moment of Italian imperialism in Africa, this book shows that Italian imperialism, modelled on ancient Rome, has a history which long predates Mussolini's movement, and has a legacy which continues to be acutely felt.

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Amie Thomasson, "Rethinking Metaphysics"
English | ISBN: 0197787800 | 2025 | 280 pages | PDF | 9 MB
In Rethinking Metaphysics, Amie Thomasson aims to change how we think about metaphysics: what it can do, and why it matters. Traditional metaphysics has aimed to discover deep truths about the world. But this has led to rivalries with science, epistemological mysteries, and a despairing scepticism about how we could gain knowledge in metaphysics.

Thomasson argues that the problems with prior approaches to metaphysics arise from a problematic assumption that all discourse functions in the same way. Drawing on work in linguistics, she shows how to develop a richer view of linguistic functions that enables us to see why this assumption leads us astray. By better understanding the plurality of linguistic functions, she argues, we can also disentangle ourselves from many old metaphysical problems-including problems about properties, numbers, morality and modality.
In place of the traditional model, we should think of metaphysics as work in conceptual engineering-including both a reverse engineering project aimed at understanding how various parts of our language and conceptual scheme work and what functions they serve, and a constructive engineering project that investigates what concepts and language we
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Retrofitting Engineering for Fatigue Damaged Steel Structures
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031801458 | 223 Pages | PDF (True) | 32 MB
This book summarizes the numerous cases of fatigue damage of steel structures that have been reported over the past years, as well as the repair and retrofitting technologies that have been proposed and applied to solve the issue. It focuses on the causes and repair practices and provides comprehensive information to anyone with interest in the topic. This book was written as part of the activities of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), Commission XIII (Fatigue of Welded Components and Structures) Working Group 5 (Life Extension of Welded Structures by Repair, Retrofitting and Structural Monitoring; hereafter referred to as IIW XIII WG5). The author is the former chairman of IIW XIII WG5.

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