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Revival Movements as Conflict Agendas of the Popular in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries by Veronika Albrecht-Birkner, Stefanie Siedek-Strunk
English | February 5, 2025 | ISBN: 3031751167 | 294 pages | PDF | 13 Mb
This open access book focuses on the potential for conflict between high and low culture during the transformations of the popular in the field of religion in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Specifically, the contributors to this edited collection consider the so-called 'Revival Movements' that came up as a symptom of differentiation and pluralisation of Protestantism in reaction to the Enlightenment, rationalism, and criticism of religion, and explore the attempts at theological self-empowerment of Christian laymen and laywomen.

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RFID Security and Privacy: Concepts, Protocols, and Architectures by Dirk Henrici
English | PDF (True) | 275 Pages | ISBN : 3540790756 | 5.4 MB

In the beginning of 2003, I found a short article about the privacy implications of RFID technology in a newspaper. It raised my interest, and after reading some early research papers on the topic, I thought: "There must exist better solutions. " I c- cerned myself with the topic in my spare time. After having developed my rst - lutions, I asked my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Paul Muller ¨ , whether I could write a paper about my results. As the topic did not t into any running project or at least the overall research directions of his group, he could have answered no. But instead, he encouraged me to do it. The paper became a success, and many other papers about new concepts and solutions followed. Now the answer is obvious: There exist better solutions. I have dealt with the topic over the past years. Now I want to share the basics as well as current research results with the reader. This book is surely not a bedside reading. But with all the presented concepts, it can broaden the mind of the reader concerning security,privacy, and RFIDsystems. Iwishthe reader many new insights. There are many people I would like to thank. First of all, my thanks go to my ¨ supervisor, Prof. Dr. Paul Muller. He gave me room for creativity and plenty of rope to work on my own.

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Rinascere: Il Potere del Cambiamento Positivo
Italiano | 2025 | ASIN: B0DZQJDMVL | 44 Pages | EPUB | 0.7 MB

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RNA Structure and Function by Jan Barciszewski
English | PDF EPUB (True) | 2023 | 662 Pages | ISBN : 3031363892 | 101.3 MB

This book focuses on the current status of our understanding of RNA, a key biological molecule. The various RNAs covered are messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, noncoding RNAs, modified nucleosides, and RNA enzymes. The different chapters detail methods to investigate RNA structure and function, the chemistry of modified RNAs, and the latest advances in our understanding of the vast array of biological processes in which RNA is involved.
RNA, in one form or another, touches almost everything in a cell. RNA has both structural and catalytic properties. RNA fulfills a broad range of functions. These molecules are no longer seen as passive elements transferring the genetic information from DNA into proteins but regulate the activity of genes during development, cellular differentiation, and changing environments. RNAs are involved in various aspects of cell physiology and disease development. Discoveries of RNA with unexpected diverse functions in healthy and diseased cells,such as the role of RNA as both the source and countermeasure to cancer or severe viral infection, stimulate new trends, passion, and solutions for molecular medicine.
In this book, fundamental questions about the biochemical and genetic importance of RNA, how mRNAs are generated and used to produce proteins, how noncoding and catalytic RNAs mediate key cellular processes, how to determine RNA structure and how to apply RNA in treatment of diseases.
This book is an essential resource for researches in academia and industry contributing to the development of new RNA therapeutics. The book is geared toward scientists from the graduate level on up and particularly appeals to active investigators in RNA biology, molecular biology, and biochemistry.

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Amy Duvenage, "Roads to Decolonisation"
English | ISBN: 1032735945 | 2024 | 320 pages | PDF | 3 MB
Roads to Decolonisation: An Introduction to Thought from the Global South is an accessible new textbook that provides undergraduate students with a vital introduction to theory from the Global South and key issues of social justice, arming them with the tools to theorise and explain the social world away from dominant Global North perspectives. Arranged in four parts, it examines

key thinkers, activists and theory-work from the Global South;
theoretical concepts and socio-historical conditions associated with 'race' and racism, gender and sexuality, identity and (un)belonging in a globalised world and decolonisation and education;
challenges to dominant Euro-American perspectives on key social justice issues, linking decolonial discourses to contemporary case studies.
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Matthew Kennedy, "Roadshow!: The Fall of Film Musicals in the 1960s"
English | ISBN: 0199925674 | 2014 | 320 pages | PDF | 19 MB
Full-page newspaper ads announced the date. Reserved seats went on sale at premium prices. Audience members dressed up and arrived early to peruse the program during the overture that preceded the curtain's rise. And when the show began, it was-a rather disappointing film musical.

In Roadshow!, film historian Matthew Kennedy tells the fascinating story of the downfall of the big-screen musical in the late 1960s. It is a tale of revolutionary cultural change, business transformation, and artistic missteps, all of which led to the obsolescence of the roadshow, a marketing extravaganza designed to make a movie opening in a regional city seem like a Broadway premier. Ironically, the Hollywood musical suffered from unexpected success. Facing doom after its bygone heyday, it suddenly broke box-office records with three rapid-fire successes in 1964 and 1965:
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Rot: An Imperial History of the Irish Famine by Padraic X. Scanlan
English | March 11th, 2025 | ISBN: 1541601548 | 352 pages | True EPUB | 2.39 MB
A "stunning" (Maya Jasanoff, author of The Dawn Watch) and revelatory new history of the Irish Great Famine, showing how the British Empire caused Ireland's most infamous disaster

In 1845, European potato fields from Spain to Scandinavia were attacked by a novel pathogen. But it was only in Ireland, then part of the United Kingdom, that the blight's devastation reached apocalyptic levels, leaving more than a million people dead and forcing millions more to emigrate.
In Rot, historian Padraic X. Scanlan offers the definitive account of the Great Famine, showing how Ireland's place in the United Kingdom and the British Empire made it uniquely vulnerable to starvation. Ireland's overreliance on the potato was a desperate adaptation to an unstable and unequal marketplace created by British colonialism. The empire's laissez-faire economic policies saw Ireland exporting livestock and grain even as its people starved. When famine struck, relief efforts were premised on the idea that only free markets and wage labor could save the Irish. Ireland's wretchedness, before and during the Great Famine, was often blamed on Irish backwardness, but in fact, it resulted from the British Empire's embrace of modern capitalism.
Uncovering the disaster's roots in Britain's deep imperial faith in markets, commerce, and capitalism, Rot reshapes our understanding of the Great Famine and its tragic legacy.

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Rousseau in Preußen und Russland: Zur Geschichte seiner Wirkung im 18. Jahrhundert By Kroll, Frank-Lothar
2012 | 65 Pages | ISBN: 3428140338 | PDF | 1 MB
Der Blick auf die Rezeption des wohl maßgeblichsten intellektuellen Wegbereiters der Französischen Revolution in jenen beiden Staaten, in denen diese Revolution, der Dämon von 1789, nicht die geringsten unmittelbaren politischen Auswirkungen hatte, der Blick auf Rousseau in Preußen und in Russland als den beiden großen konservativen Ostmächten innerhalb der europäischen Pentarchie, kann und wird zumindest ebenso viel über die Verfasstheit dieser beiden Staaten im Revolutionszeitalter offenbaren wie über den Genfer Philosophen selbst. Die Beantwortung der Frage, wie sich die in ihrem Ausmaß und in ihrer Intensität höchst unterschiedlichen Formen der Rousseau-Rezeption in beiden Ländern am Vorabend des Revolutionszeitalters entwickelten, steht im Mittelpunkt der Ausführungen.

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Gerd Althoff, "Rules and Rituals in Medieval Power Games"
English | 2019 | ISBN: 9004408487 | PDF | pages: 296 | 2.4 mb
Gerd Althoff´s new book collects fifteen of his more recent contributions, most of them previously published in German, which elucidate the functioning of prestate societies. Examples from the Frankish and later German realm (800-1200) are used to clarify how rules and political rituals governed behavior in the power games between kings, churchmen and nobles. Such rules (Spielregeln) and rituals guided public and private behavior despite the fact that they existed only as unwritten customs. The long-overlooked significance of this way of establishing order has sparked a vivid and controversial international discussion in the last decades which continues today.

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Römische Jurisprudenz in Africa: mit Studien zu den pseudopaulinischen Sentenzen By Liebs, Detlef
2005 | 157 Pages | ISBN: 3428116178 | PDF | 1 MB
Auch wenn heute auf den ersten Blick nicht mehr viel, nur noch Ruinen davon übrig sind, so war doch Nordafrika von Libyen bis Marokko bis zur arabischen Eroberung ein wichtiger Bestandteil des römischen Reichs. Es war sogar eins der am gründlichsten romanisierten Gebiete, in mehr als 600 Städten nach römischem Vorbild organisiert. Man sprach dort mitunter noch punisch, überall aber lateinisch bzw., in Ostlibyen, griechisch. Bedeutende lateinische Dichter, Fachschriftsteller und Kirchenväter waren in Africa zu Hause, wie die Römer den Hauptteil der Provinz nannten; oder sie stammten von dort. Deshalb wäre es erstaunlich, wenn Africa zur Kulturleistung der klassischen römischen Rechtswissenschaft und des römischen Rechts nichts Nennenswertes beigetragen hätte. In der Tat verkünden zahlreich erhaltene Inschriften, dass unter den vielen Millionen römischer Bürger, die dort nach römischem Recht lebten, auch verhältnismäßig viele Juristen praktizierten.Mustert man nun die literarische Hinterlassenschaft der römischen Juristen auf eine mögliche Herkunft aus Africa hin, so ergeben sich bei Werken, die bislang nicht lokalisiert werden konnten oder einfach in Rom angesetzt wurden, dass mehrere von ihnen am ehesten in Africa entstanden. Dazu gehört vor allem ein Kompendium, das wegen seiner Anspruchslosigkeit und wegen des Pseudonyms, unter dem es in Umlauf gebracht wurde, später zur meistgebrauchten römischen Juristenschrift avancieren sollte: die "Allgemein anerkannten Meinungen, an den Sohn" (Sententiae receptae ad filium), angeblich von dem berühmten Juristen Julius Paulus, der um 200 n. Chr. in Rom wirkte. Seit Längerem ist anerkannt, dass das Werk nicht von ihm stammen kann. Nunmehr wird dargetan, wann genau es entstanden ist: um 300; und wo: eben in Africa. Dadurch haben wir jetzt genauere Informationen über das in Africa praktizierte römische Recht, das mannigfache Provinzialismen aufweist. Auch sie werden entfaltet.

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Rückzug des Staates und Freiheit des Einzelnen: Die Privatisierung existenzieller Infrastrukturen By Hochhuth, Martin
2012 | 300 Pages | ISBN: 3428138902 | PDF | 1 MB
Der Staat privatisiert Universitätskrankenhäuser, Häfen, Bus- und Bahnlinien, Schwimmbäder, Kraftwerke, Straßen, Abfallbetriebe. Fachleute im Internationalen Währungsfonds, in Weltbank, EU, Regierungen, Medien und fast allen Parteien fordern es. - Aber wessen Wohlstand und welche Freiheit fördert dieser Rückzug des Staates?Der Freiheit dient auch freies Wirtschaften. Doch herrscht eine Verwechslung: als bestünde die Freiheit des Menschen in der Ungebundenheit eines seiner Werkzeuge. Jene Fachleute verwechseln Freiheit mit der zügellosen Eigendynamik des Abstraktums Geld.Die in den USA 2007 ausgebrochene Finanzmarktkrise wurde seit 2009 zur Euro-Währungskrise und hat bis 2012 bereits mehrere demokratische Regierungen gestürzt. Sie bestimmt unausweichlich Wahlen und Abstimmungen oder verhindert sie sogar, wie im November 2011 das griechische Referendum. Die Regierungen und Parlamente steuern sie, soweit sie sie überhaupt noch steuern, im Interesse der privaten Nutznießer der deregulierten Finanzmärkte.Praktiker aus Recht und Ökonomie, Wissenschaftler verschiedener Fakultäten und entgegengesetztester politischer Sympathien untersuchen in diesem Buch die Privatisierungspraxis und -ideologie $aen détail,$z mit Schwerpunkten nicht nur auf der Finanzkrise. Sie schlagen zudem auch den geschichtlichen und philosophischen großen Bogen.

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Safe and Simple Food Allergy Prevention: A Baby-Led Feeding Guide to Starting Solids and Introducing Top Allergens by Malina Linkas Malkani
English | November 12, 2024 | ISBN: 1637745354 | 296 pages | MOBI | 22 Mb
Starting with your baby's first bite, reduce the risk of food allergies and make mealtimes easy and fun with dietitian-approved tips and 80+ family-friendly recipes.

How you feed your baby during infancy can lower the risk that they will develop food allergies as they grow. Starting solids with simple, wholesome finger foods and offering baby-friendly versions of common allergens like peanuts and eggs early and often helps encourage self-feeding, early motor skills, and lifelong adventurous eating.
From the author of Simple & Safe Baby-Led Weaning, this accessible, practical guide to starting solids will empower you to safely introduce top allergens, navigate existing food allergies and intolerances, engage your baby in family meals, and build a balanced baby meal from recipes the whole family will enjoy.
With easy-to-follow tips from pediatric dietitian and infant feeding expert Malina Linkas Malkani, this comprehensive handbook includes:
A flexible 9-day road map for safely introducing top allergens
Practical advice for navigating food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities
4 weeks of meal plans to ensure your baby is exposed to top allergens frequently
80+ nutritious cornerstone recipes that will make meal prep simple and satisfy the whole family
Guidance on balancing finger foods, purees, and breast milk or formula
Tips to encourage your baby's oral motor development, palate expansion, caregiver bonding, fine motor skill advancement, and more
Safe and Simple Food Allergy Prevention will help you sail through the process of starting solids and introducing allergens, streamline your approach to mealtimes, and feed your family with confidence and ease.

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Safe Havens for Hate: The Challenge of Moderating Online Extremism by Tamar Mitts
English | March 4th, 2025 | ISBN: 069125852X | 281 pages | True PDF | 5.40 MB
Why efforts to moderate harmful content on social media fail to stop extremists

Content moderation on social media has become one of the most daunting challenges of our time. Nowhere is the need for action more urgent than in the fight against terrorism and extremism. Yet despite mass content takedowns, account suspensions, and mounting pressure on technology companies to do more, hate thrives online. Safe Havens for Hate looks at how content moderation shapes the tactics of harmful content producers on a wide range of social media platforms.
Drawing on a wealth of original data on more than a hundred militant and hate organizations around the world, Tamar Mitts shows how differing moderation standards across platforms create safe havens that allow these actors to organize, launch campaigns, and mobilize supporters. She reveals how the structure of the information environment shapes the cross-platform activity of extremist organizations and movements such as the Islamic State, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and QAnon, and highlights the need to consider the online ecosystem, not just individual platforms, when developing strategies to combat extremism.
Taking readers to the frontlines of the digital battleground where dangerous organizations operate, Safe Havens for Hate sheds critical light on how governments and technology companies grapple with the tension between censorship and free speech when faced with violence, hate, and extremism.

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Salad for Days: Breezy ways with veg, all year round by Alice Zaslavsky
English | April 15, 2025 | ISBN: 192261677X | MOBI | 26 Mb
"Stunning, fresh, luscious!" - Yotam Ottolenghi

"An exciting and enticing triumph. I predict every reader will head to the kitchen to start roasting, grilling, tossing and slicing vegetables, herbs and fruits. This book is a winner!"" - Stephanie Alexander
The new salad-forward book from the author of In Priase of Veg - a James Beard finalist.
Times have changed and salads have had a glow-up. This book is your guide to making every day a salad day, and every meal a moment to get your veggies on. For warmer days, there are salads designed to refresh and replenish, using juicy, sun-drenched ingredients and the brightest of colors. For cooler days, there are salads that will sustain, nourish, and ground, giving hearty food a counterpoint so that you finish the meal feeling better than you started.
Salad for Days is both a seasonal reference guide and a daily roster to boost your repertoire, packed with inspiration (cauliflower tabouli with lemony tahini and pomegranate) as well as food that comforts (honeyed butternut risoni salad with marinated feta). It also includes an indispensable "what to make when" list for using up particular vegetables, as well as a huge dressings inspiration index to return to time and again. With this book, you'll have salad for every day of the week!

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Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Companion:
Mastering the Essentials for Exam Success and Beyond

English | 2025 | ASIN: B0DPRWKRS8 | 250 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 19 MB

Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification, second edition is a comprehensive guide for budding and intermediate developers aiming to deepen their understanding of Salesforce. This book will start with the basics of Salesforce, shedding light on the limitations of its declarative platform and guiding readers on when to choose programmatic development or explore App Exchange solutions. The journey through the book will then delve into various configurations like data management and analytics, segueing into how to customize the application's appearance and functionality at an organizational level. Subsequent chapters will explore enterprise sandbox design patterns, process automation tools within Salesforce, and their appropriate applications. Finally, the book will tackle designing mobile-compatible applications and delve into Salesforce reporting.

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Marc Gidal, "SamBop NYC: Brazilian Jazz in New York City during the New Millennium"
English | ISBN: 0197619053 | 2024 | 256 pages | PDF | 11 MB
In New York City during the first decades of the new millennium, over two hundred professional musicians play music that combines jazz with Brazilian genres. Blending American and Brazilian music, these musicians continue the legacies of bossa nova, samba jazz, and other styles, while expanding their skills, cultural understandings, and identities.

SamBop NYC explores Brazilian jazz in New York City-the music, musicians, cultural issues, and jazz industry. It draws on interviews with over fifty musicians active between the years 2000 and 2020, featuring experts like Eliane Elias, Dom Salvador, Eumir Deodato, Maúcha Adnet, Vinícius Cantuária, Luciana Souza, Duduka Da Fonseca, Romero Lubambo, Anat Cohen, and Cidinho Teixeira. The book provides a new framework to interpret the mutual developments of musicianship, intercultural competencies, and affinities with Brazil and the U.S.
To understand the imbalanced demographic diversity among musicians, the book analyses nationality, race, class, and gender among the musicians, as well as their instrumentation and professional dynamics. Navigating these social, cultural, and capitalist forces, the musicians in this book have applied their natural talents, determination, family support, and decades of hard work to pursue their artistic interests and career goals, to audience delight.
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Sapiens [Tenth Anniversary Ed]: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
English | February 4, 2025 | ISBN: 006342200X | 464 pages | EPUB | 79 Mb
New York Times Readers' Pick: Top 100 Books of the 21st Century

The tenth anniversary edition of theinternationally bestselling phenomenon that cemented Yuval Noah Harari asone of the most prominent historians of our time-featuring a new afterword from the author.
One hundred thousand years ago, at least six human species inhabited the earth. Today there is just one. Us. Homo sapiens. How did our species succeed in the battle for dominance? Why did our foraging ancestors come together to create cities and kingdoms? How did we come to believe in gods, nations, and human rights; to trust money, books, and laws; and to be enslaved by bureaucracy, timetables, and consumerism? And what will our world be like in the millennia to come?
InSapiens, Professor Yuval Noah Harari spans the whole of human history, from the very first humans to walk the earth to the radical-and sometimes devastating-breakthroughs of the Cognitive, Agricultural, and Scientific Revolutions. Drawing on insights from biology, anthropology, paleontology, and economics, and incorporating full-color illustrations throughout the text, he explores how the currents of history have shaped our human societies, the animals and plants around us, and even our personalities. Can we ever free our behavior from the legacy of our ancestors? And what, if anything, can we do to influence the course of the centuries to come?
Bold, wide-ranging, and provocative,Sapiensintegrates history and science to challenge everything we thought we knew about being human: our thoughts, our actions, our heritage...and our future.

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Savory Baking: An Innovative Pastry Cookbook with a Healthy Twist, Bake Your Way to a Healthier You! by Erin Jeanne McDowell
English | October 11, 2022 | ISBN: 035867140X | 384 pages | MOBI | 115 Mb
Food & Wine's 28 Cookbooks and Food Books to Add to Your Shelf This Fall

Bon Appétit's 27 Best Cookbooks of 2022
From theNew York Timesbestselling author ofThe Book on PieandThe Fearless Baker, a savory baking book for delicious baked goods at any time of day.
Savory Bakingis the next best thing to a private baking and pastry class from star food stylist and baking expert Erin Jeanne McDowell, given in her signature fun and reassuring style. Not only are each of her recipes intensely crave-able, they also offer inventive inspirations and variations for endless, out-of-the-box customizations and more flexibility.
Take her Buttermilk Biscuits, for instance, which comes together in a single bowl. You can cut them in different shapes-Erin prefers squares so there's no scrap dough left. And she suggests adding cheese (or fresh herbs or bacon) for bolder flavor. Or substituting the buttermilk with sour cream or crème fraiche for a je ne sais quoi tang. Or adding her green chile gravy when serving. Or make a monkey bread made of biscuit dough! Or...
Chapters span all day (and night) for freshly baked goods whenever the mood strikes:Easy and Essential BakesStovetop SavoriesYeasted DoughsPizzas, Flatbreads, and Stuffed BreadsPastriesSnacks, Bites, and AppsPies and TartsAnd for those who can't shake the sugar, there are "sweet tooth breaks" throughout. With Erin's can-do encouragement, expert tips, and "Prep School" features to get you equipped with basic techniques throughout, this sweeping and beautifully photographed guide to savory baking will exponentially expand your savory baking repertoire with a ton of delicious fun.

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Sawyer Think: How a Small Company Disrupts Markets and Changes the World by Kurt Avery
English | November 19, 2024 | ISBN: 1636985475 | 252 pages | PDF | 3.36 Mb
Learn how businesses can leverage their success to drive positive social impact.

Kurt Avery delves into a range of proven business and marketing techniques, including some developed through his own professional experiences as the founder, owner, and president of Sawyer Products.
Sawyer Products has achieved remarkable success with its innovative water filtration and insect repellent products, but it hasn't stopped there.Sawyer Thinkreveals how the company has harnessed its profitability to make a significant charitable impact worldwide and provides a clear roadmap that other businesses can follow.
Sawyer Thinkaims to inspire and empower business leaders to think beyond the bottom line and use their resources to create meaningful change. It includes a step-by-step guide on increasing charitable giving and philanthropic efforts while also enhancing overall profitability and sustainability.

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Scalable Multi-core Architectures: Design Methodologies and Tools by Dimitrios Soudris, Axel Jantsch
English | PDF (True) | 2012 | 232 Pages | ISBN : 144196777X | 6 MB

As Moore's law continues to unfold, two important trends have recently emerged. First, the growth of chip capacity is translated into a corresponding increase of number of cores. Second, the parallelization of the computation and 3D integration technologies lead to distributed memory architectures. This book describes recent research that addresses urgent challenges in many-core architectures and application mapping. It addresses the architectural design of many core chips, memory and data management, power management, design and programming methodologies. It also describes how new techniques have been applied in various industrial case studies.

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