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Aristotle and Tragic Temporality (Cycles) by Sean D. Kirkland
English | February 28, 2025 | ISBN: 1399536451, 9781399536479 | True EPUB | 264 pages | 0.7 MB
Aristotle and Tragic Temporality treats a theme that has drawn scholarly attention for millennia: Aristotle on time and our experience of it. It does so, however, in a wholly unprecedented way, grounding its interpretation in his Poetics and Ethics, rather than the natural philosophy of the Physics.

Sean D. Kirkland first takes up Aristotle's discussion of our tragic temporal situatedness―our having to act, think, and live always between a determining past we can never fully master and a projected future we can never fully anticipate. It is this condition that comes powerfully to light for Aristotle on stage in the performance of a tragic drama. The familiar Aristotelian 'virtue ethics' then becomes something radically new in the transforming light of the Poetics' temporality - an outline of how humans can inhabit that irremediably tragic condition, never overcoming or suspending it, and arrive nonetheless at something like happiness and excellence.

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Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Healthcare
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1394229798 | 504 Pages | EPUB | 25 MB
As technology advances, healthcare has transformed, particularly through the implementation of CPS that integrate the digital and physical worlds, enhancing system efficiency and effectiveness. This increased reliance on technology raises significant security concerns. The book addresses the integration of AI and cybersecurity in healthcare CPS, detailing technological advancements, applications, and the challenges they present.

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Nguyen Hong Thao, "Asia and UNCLOS 30 Years' Implementation: An Assessment "
English | ISBN: 9819715555 | 2024 | 305 pages | PDF | 4 MB
This book provides critical legal analyses of latest developments in ocean law and policy by leading Asian legal scholars in the 5 years leading up to the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) entering into force on 16 November 1994. The Asia's maritime domain, including both the Pacific and Indian Oceans, is currently facing a plethora of serious challenges, ranging from maritime and territorial disputes (especially in the South China Sea and East China Sea), competition between superpowers, piracy and armed robbery at sea, the degradation of marine environment, IUU fishing, to sea-level rising. This book allows readers to explore and understand how the scholars in the region examine, conceive, understand, and suggest solutions to these challenges.

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Attract or Repel: Seven Keys to Magnetize Your Company and Build the Culture of Your Dreams by Walt Brown
English | March 11, 2025 | ISBN: 1637746156, 9781637746165 | True EPUB | 240 pages | 5.7 MB
Get off the people treadmill, stop "quiet quitting," and start attracting and retaining strong performers-with a simple yet powerful organizational health assessment.

Your company's power is defined by those employees who Buy in, feel Included, have Trust, and are Engaged-those who have BITE. The health of your organization ultimately comes from the net energy of your people, as measured by this "BITE Index." In this guide, seasoned CEO and expert consultant Walt Brown shares his groundbreaking seven-question survey to definitively measure your company's BITE . . . and how to turn those questions into seven promises to create an environment where employees thrive and contribute to your company's success.
An essential guide to building a healthy and prosperous organization, Attract or Repel will help you:
Measure organizational health, intentional culture, initiative, and quiet quittingEngage all employees, especially remote employeesAttract the best candidate for a job despite labor shortages and talent warsOptimize and elevate your people for a competitive and engaged workforce
More than a management philosophy, Attract or Repel is about how you define what you want, create a powerful work culture, and empower your people to keep it going. This book will show you how to get the most out of your organizational operating system-whether it's developed organically, or imported from systems like EOS, 4DX, Rockefeller Habits, Scaling Up, Pinnacle, Holacracy, and others.
If you can measure your organizational health, you can take action. This is the ultimate handbook to attract the right people, foster collaboration, and drive sustainable progress.

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Audrey Hepburn und Katharine Hepburn: Hollywoods berühmteste Stars (German Edition) by Charles River Editors
German | September 11, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DGWM7FHX | 189 pages | EPUB | 16 Mb
Zu Beginn ihrer Karriere war keine Schauspielerin so umstritten wie Katharine Hepburn. Am Ende ihrer Karriere wurde keine Schauspielerin mehr geliebt als Katharine Hepburn. 1938 wurde sie als "Kassengift" bezeichnet, und es ist klar, dass Hollywood nicht bereit für die junge Hepburn war. Doch selbst nachdem sie von der breiten Öffentlichkeit verachtet worden war, behielt Hepburn eine Anziehungskraft, die sie jahrzehntelang beim Publikum beliebt machen sollte, und nach einem turbulenten ersten Jahrzehnt als Schauspielerin wurde Hepburn zur wohl größten Kassenschlagerin der Branche. In einer Zeit, in der die meisten Schauspielerinnen keine Hauptrollen mehr bekamen, sobald sie das mittlere Alter erreicht hatten, blieb Hepburn auch nach ihrem 60. Hepburn spielte von den frühen 1930er bis zu den frühen 1990er Jahren in einigen Rollen, und es ist wichtig zu sehen, wie sich die Art von Hepburns Rollen von ihrer Jugend bis zu ihrem hohen Alter veränderte.

Hepburn ist nicht nur eine der bekanntesten und am meisten gefeierten Schauspielerinnen der Geschichte, sondern ihre Karriere ist auch deshalb von großer Bedeutung, weil sie die Amerikaner dazu zwang, ihre Erwartungen an das Verhalten von Frauen neu zu bewerten, sowohl in den Filmen selbst als auch abseits des Drehs. Als die Gesellschaft begann, der Bedeutung starker Frauenrollen mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken, gewann Hepburns Karriere noch mehr an Bedeutung. In einer Zeit, in der von Frauen erwartet wurde, passiv zu sein, war sie eine kämpferische, individuelle Figur, die eine mutige Alternative zu den Konventionen der Weiblichkeit bot, die in der amerikanischen Kultur lange Zeit bestanden hatten. Durch eine Untersuchung von Hepburns Erziehung und familiärem Hintergrund ist es möglich, genau zu verstehen, warum Hepburn mit einem solch ikonoklastischen Geist ausgestattet war. Neben der Untersuchung ihres Hintergrunds wird in dieser Studie auch das breite Spektrum ihrer Karriere betrachtet, wobei wichtige Faktoren wie die Entwicklung ihres Images während ihrer gesamten Laufbahn berücksichtigt werden.
Obwohl ihre Karriere vor mehr als 30 Jahren endete, ist Audrey Hepburn immer noch sehr beliebt und hat einen starken Einfluss auf die Art und Weise, wie die Menschen Schönheit und Kultiviertheit sehen. Sie ist nach wie vor eine amerikanische Ikone, obwohl sie erst 1953 (im Alter von 24 Jahren) in die Vereinigten Staaten zog und die meiste Zeit ihres Lebens in Europa verbrachte, während ihre Rollen in Filmen wie Roman Holiday (1953) und Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) immer noch als Inbegriff von zarter Weiblichkeit und Eleganz gelten. Nach ihrer Renaissance in den 1990er Jahren hat ihre Popularität nicht nachgelassen, und obwohl sie nur in 25 Filmen mitwirkte, genießt Hepburn in der Welt der Unterhaltung großes Ansehen. Als das American Film Institute seine Liste der 100 größten Schauspielerinnen des letzten Jahrhunderts aufstellte, stand Hepburn nach Katharine Hepburn und Bette Davis an zweiter Stelle.
Audrey Hepburn ist als eine der herausragenden Schauspielerinnen der Geschichte heiliggesprochen worden, aber die meisten anderen Schauspielerinnen auf der Liste des American Film Institute haben in weit mehr Filmen mitgewirkt als sie, und viele ihrer Filme sind heute fast völlig vergessen. Frühstück bei Tiffany, Roman Holiday und Funny Face (1957) sind noch immer bekannt, aber Paris, wenn es brutzelt (1964) und Wie man eine Million stiehlt (1966) gerieten schon bald nach ihrem Erscheinen in Vergessenheit. Angesichts der relativen Unbekanntheit vieler Hepburn-Filme lohnt es sich, darüber nachzudenken, was genau es war, das Hepburn eine so anhaltende Popularität und Bedeutung verlieh. Offensichtlich war sie sehr attraktiv, aber das sind viele Schauspielerinnen auch; tatsächlich schien es Hepburns Fähigkeit zu sein, sowohl attraktiv als auch engelsgleich zu sein, die sie auszeichnete.

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Fiona Hum, "Australian Uniform Evidence Law Ed 2"
English | ISBN: 1009010727 | 2022 | 666 pages | PDF | 3 MB
Now in its second edition, Australian Uniform Evidence Law provides a clear, accessible introduction to the law of evidence. Following the structure of the Evidence Act 1995 (Cth), the text introduces students to basic principles, then covers more complex elements of evidence law. Cases and excerpts from legislation have been selected to guide students through the application of the Act. This edition has been updated to include significant recent case examples and decisions. Each chapter includes a summary of key points, definitions and practice questions to encourage students to apply their knowledge to realistic scenarios. The final chapter comprises longer-form, complex problems designed to test students' understanding of the concepts and rules covered in the Act as a whole. Guided solutions to each question are provided so students can check their understanding. Providing clear explanations and examples, Australian Uniform Evidence Law is an essential resource for all students of evidence law.

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Automation 4.0: Object-oriented Development Of Modular Machines For Digital Production
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9811297010 | 353 Pages | PDF (True) | 94 MB
The fourth industrial revolution places a number of additional demands on the design and automation of processing machines. Digitalization and automation are making products and their manufacturing processes not only more sophisticated, but also more individual. Growing demands on availability, logistics, quality and extreme price sensitivity are not leaving the production environment unscathed. This book analyses the challenges and provides meaningful examples of solution scenarios for effective production in the age of Industry 4.0.Automation 4.0 shows readers how the requirements of Industry 4.0 may be projected onto known design principles. The resulting functions are illustrated using real-life examples from industry to create a roadmap for drawing up a specification sheet for the design of a versatile processing machine. Numerous practical examples illustrate the modular, function- and object-oriented design of individual machines and systems as a solution for increasing efficiency throughout their entire life cycle. To this end, a procedure for the design of versatile machines based on object- and function-oriented modularization is presented and illustrated and elaborated step by step on the basis of the requirements.This book presents solution strategies that address the additional demands of modularization on the structure and component selection of automation systems flexibly, sustainably and with minimal engineering effort. These include aspects of real-time capability as well as machine safety and the selection of a suitable fieldbus, human-machine communication and the ability to interact in digital production. Finally, the topics of AI-supported quality assurance, simulation and digital twins are also addressed and the current state of research on the interaction of Industry 4.0 components is conveyed.The book offers a comprehensive overview of the development of sustainable machines, particularly in terms of cost-effectiveness for very small batch sizes. It is not only for students of automation technology and mechatronics, but also for industrial, development and design engineers.

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Babette's Bread: Stories, Recipes, and the Fundamental Techniques of Artisan Bread by Babette Kourelos
English | October 15, 2024 | ISBN: 1771514108 | 288 pages | MOBI | 207 Mb
A Globe and Mail Best Cookbook of the Year

"This primer on bread from Babette Frances Kourelos is for new bakers and pros alike." -Town and Country Magazine
From crusty baguettes to bubbly focaccias and robust sourdoughs, Babette's Bread is a comprehensive and unpretentious guide to bread-making, with useful advice on how to make fresh homemade bread fit into even the busiest of schedules.
For Babette Kourelos, the happenstance baking of a humble cottage loaf completely changed the trajectory of her life, leading her away from a career in law to answer a different calling: bread. Before long she'd begun to fill orders from friends and neighbours. Seeking more comprehensive training, she undertook an apprenticeship with renowned French master baker Gerard Rubaud in the woods of Vermont. Bringing her newfound skills back to her native South Africa she opened a wildly successful bakery in Johannesburg's Maboneng Precinct, which she operated until moving to Canada in 2020.
Babette's Bread is an accessible primer dedicated to demystifying and simplifying this nourishing staple skill. In her introductory chapter, Babette guides home bakers through each stage of the bread-making process, from sourcing quality ingredients to fermentation, shaping, baking, and storing. She then moves into chapters on straight dough breads, pre-fermented, cold fermented, sourdough, sweet and enriched, rye, whole grain, steamed, and quick breads.
With her simple, unpretentious approach, Babette provides newbie and seasoned bakers everything they need to take back this affordable, soulful domestic practice. From a basic white sandwich loaf to, pizza dough, koulouri, challah, hot cross buns, stollen, beer bread, cornbread, pitas, bagels, pretzels, and buttermilk rusks-Babette's Bread takes inspiration from around the world and offers a range of mouth-watering breads to try.
With more than 60 recipes, accompanied by photos of delectable loaves and sun-filled work spaces, and interspersed with anecdotes from Babette's childhood, her apprenticeship in Vermont, and the day-to-day running of her bakery, this is a complete guide to fitting bread-making into your life.

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Joyce C. White, "Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2B: Metals and Related Evidence from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don "
English | ISBN: 1931707782 | 2019 | 296 pages | PDF | 13 MB
The foundation of archaeometallurgy is the study of excavated assemblages of metals and related remains. This volume presents in detail how the metals and such remains as crucibles excavated from four sites in northeast Thailand have been studied to understand the place of metal objects and technology in the ancient past of this region.

In addition to typological examination, hundreds of technical analyses reveal the technological capabilities, preferences, and styles of metal artifact manufacturers in this part of Thailand. Detailed examination of contexts of recovery of metal remains employing a "life history" approach indicates that metal objects in those societies were used primarily in daily life and, only occasionally, as grave goods. The most surprising find is that casting of copper-base artifacts to final form took place at all these village sites during the metal age period, indicating a decentralized final production stage that may prove to be unusual for metal age societies. These insights are made possible by applying the methods and theories introduced in the first volume of the suite of volumes that study the metal remains from Ban Chiang in regional contest.
Thai Archaeology Monograph Series, 2B
University Museum Monograph, 150
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Karen Robson, Lawrence W Neuman, "Basics of Social Research, Third Edition"
English | 2014 | pages: 399 | ISBN: 0205927904, 1292020342 | PDF | 3,3 mb
Note: To purchase the Interactive eText, please search for ISBN 10: 020599170X / ISBN 13: 9780205991709.

Basics of Social Research helps students understand what researchers do and why, while preparing them to think critically about how content findings are created.
The information in this text is presented in an easy to understand manner that allows students to see the importance of properly conducted research.
Updated Canadian content focuses on real research examples from Canadian studies to make social research accessible to students, and to demonstrate how social research has real-world applications.
Themed boxes, summary problems, and review questions facilitate student learning and help students understand that social research requires dedication, creativity, and mature judgement.

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Before You Climb Any Higher: Valley Wisdom for Mountain Dreams by Jonathan McReynolds
English | February 18, 2025 | ISBN: 1400338875 | 224 pages | EPUB | 1.51 Mb
We long for mountaintop experiences, but they're difficult to achieve and impossible to maintain without the rest, nourishment, and strength found in lush, life-giving valleys. GRAMMY Award winner Jonathan McReynolds shows us why having a valley mindset is not what you think-it's about receiving God's grace, love, and encouragement as His beloved child.

Life is full of mountains to ascend, driven by our dreams, ambitions, and callings. But it doesn't take much for even the strongest climbers to grow weary or lose their way. It's important to have a "mountain mindset" to help us establish goals, to make steady progress, to achieve success, to do big things for God. A great mission requires from us a little grind, a little hustle, a little competition. But also plenty of time in the valley.
Most people equate valley moments with difficulty and pain, but a "valley mentality" is different according to Jonathan McReynolds. He's reached the mountaintop-GRAMMY Award, nationwide tours, millions of followers, and more-but he experienced more refreshment, rest, and encouragement from the Lord off the mountain. He writes, "The valley is not about finishing anything, studying anything, or doing anything, but simply being a child of God." In Before You Climb Any Higher, readers will discover:Taking breaks from climbing is necessary for your mental healthWays to find rest, renewal, and authentic community in the valleyIdentity should never be wrapped up in success and accoladesHow to prepare for the mountain climb with lessons learned in the valleyIt's possible to live abundantly in the valley and on the mountain
We are more than our accomplishments, more than our mountaintop accomplishments. We are sons and daughters of God, who is calling us to rest in the valley, to replenish our souls, to be formed by the Spirit, to discover abundant life that is found only in Him.

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Befreiende Konzernabschlüsse nach US-GAAP (§ 292a HGB): Verstoß gegen Verfassungs- und Europarecht? By Erdbrügger, Andreas
2005 | 203 Pages | ISBN: 3428116720 | PDF | 1 MB
Nach § 292a HGB können deutsche Konzerne ihre Rechnungslegungspflicht durch Vorlage eines nach international anerkannten Vorschriften erstellten Konzernabschlusses erfüllen, soweit dieser mit der 7. EG-Richtlinie im Einklang steht. Der Autor befasst sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der verfassungsrechtlichen Zulässigkeit der Bezugnahme auf die Vorschriften fremder Normgeber und dem Einklang zwischen US-GAAP und 7. EG-Richtlinie.Der Verfasser beginnt mit einer Analyse des Begriffs der "international anerkannten Rechnungslegungsgrundsätze" und kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass jedes Regelwerk international anerkannt ist, das von einem überwiegenden Teil der Abschlussadressaten einer Gesellschaft gewünscht wird. Im Anschluss befasst sich Andreas Erdbrügger mit der Frage, inwieweit die Bezugnahme auf Vorschriften fremder Normgeber mit dem Verfassungsrecht vereinbar ist. Nach Darstellung verschiedener Möglichkeiten der Bezugnahme auf fremde Normen, werden diesen verfassungsrechtliche Anforderungen zugeordnet und § 292a HGB entsprechend eingeordnet. Der Verfasser kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass es sich um eine verfassungsrechtlich unbedenkliche Substitutionsnorm handelt.Im europarechtlichen Teil wendet sich der Autor zunächst der Frage zu, inwieweit der deutsche Gesetzgeber an die Umsetzungspflicht für EG-Richtlinien gemäß Art. 249 EG-Vertrag gebunden ist. Es zeigt sich, dass der Gesetzgeber seine formelle Umsetzungspflicht mit dem Einklangerfordernis des § 292a HGB auf die bilanzierenden Unternehmen übertragen hat und dass diese Übertragung die Umsetzungspflicht verletzt. Aus der Übertragung der Umsetzungspflicht auf die Rechtsanwender leitet der Verfasser her, dass diese in gleicher Weise an die 7. Richtlinie gebunden sind wie der Gesetzgeber selbst und dass damit keine Lockerung der Bindungswirkung einhergeht.Sodann geht Andreas Erdbrügger zu der Untersuchung über, inwieweit die US-GAAP mit der 7. Richtlinie im Einklang stehen. Die Prüfung wird anhand ausgewählter Bilanzierungsprobleme vorgenommen und zeigt, dass bis zum Inkrafttreten der Modernisierungs-Richtlinie 2003 die US-GAAP in zahlreichen Fällen nicht im Einklang mit der 7. EG-Richtlinie standen. Daraus folgt, dass jedenfalls zum Zeitpunkt des Erlasses des § 292a HGB keine befreienden Konzernabschlüsse nach US-GAAP aufgestellt werden konnten.

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Berührende Online-Veranstaltungen: So gelingen digitale Events mit emotionaler Wirkung by 1Stefan Luppold
Deutsch | EPUB | 2021 | 390 Pages | ISBN : 3658339179 | 127.7 MB
In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie digitale Veranstaltungen emotional berühren können. 28 erfahrene Event-Manager und Kommunikations-Experten haben ihr Know-how zusammengetragen, wie Berührung auch auf Distanz gelingen kann. Sie zeigen, was es dazu in den Vorbereitungen, im Verlauf über Ankommen und Einstieg, im dialogischen Prozess bis hin zum Check-out und nach der Veranstaltung braucht.

Der Raum für die Begegnung von Menschen muss inszeniert werden - bei virtuellen Begegnungen, noch detaillierter, einfühlsamer und zielgerichteter als bei physischen. In diesem Buch erhalten Sie Inspirationen, wie Sie das Gefühl des Getrennt-seins überwinden und Menschen in einen echten Kontakt bringen können - vom internationalen Management-Meeting bis zur lokalen Bürgerbeteiligung, vom intensiven Online-Training bis zur virtuellen Zusammenarbeit in der Online-Lehre.
Anhand vieler Praxisbeispiele erhalten Sie Ideen, wie Online-Meetings auch hinsichtlich Emotionen, tiefgreifendem Dialog und soziodynamischer Prozesse gelingen können.
Aus dem Inhalt
Wie kann die virtuelle Realität das Gefühl der tatsächlichen Teilnahme erzeugen?
Wie lassen sich persönliche Begegnungen intelligent matchen?
Wie und mit welchen Methoden gelingt Interaktivität?
Wie werden Veranstaltungen inhaltlich relevant und menschlich authentisch?
Welche vielfältigen und einfach zu bedienenden Werkzeuge oder Methoden haben sich bewährt?
Wie kann eine wirksame Dramaturgie Raum für echte Gefühle schaffen?
Wie bereiten wir uns persönlich vor, wenn wir eine Online-Veranstaltungen durchführen wollen?
Die Herausgeber
Prof. Stefan Luppold leitet den Studiengang „BWL - Messe-, Kongress- und Eventmanagement" an der staatlichen DHBW Ravensburg.
Wolfgang Himmel ist Erwachsenenbildner und begleitet außergewöhnliche „Expeditionen" von Organisationen in eine gute Zukunft.
Hans-Jürgen Frank ist Dialogarchitekt®. In analogen und digitalen Arbeitsräumen schafft er visuelle und künstlerische Zusammenhänge für die Lösungsentwicklung gemeinsam mit vielen Stakeholdern.

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Better Than New: Tips for Upcycling and Refinishing Furniture by Chloe Kempster
English | November 26, 2024 | ISBN: 1789941598 | 160 pages | EPUB | 187 Mb
Give old furniture a new lease of life, save money and help the planet with this beautifully illustrated guide to upcycling.

Renovating tired old furniture can make it look as good as new - or even better! It can be a cost-effective and more sustainable solution than buying modern replacements, encouraging creative thinking and resulting in eye-catching and unique pieces.
In this colourfully illustrated guide by furniture artist and upcycling expert Chloe Kempster, you can learn all the tricks of the trade to revitalise well-loved but worn out furniture. Throughout the 15 step-by-step examples in this book - ranging from a textured bombe chest to a decoupaged wardrobe, and a hand-painted floral cupboard - there is plenty of advice regarding design and preparation, the types of paint and variety of decoration that can be used, and ideas for how to make your project really stand out.
Whether you are tailoring something to fit a new look in your home or revamping pieces to sell on to others, this book offers inspiration and advice both to keen beginners and those wanting to expand their existing skills.

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Beyond the Salvation Wars: Why Both Protestants and Catholics Must Reimagine How We Are Saved by Matthew W. Bates
English | March 11, 2025 | ISBN: 1587436566, 1540961737, 9781493422012 | True EPUB | 288 pages | 1.95 MB
God has provided salvation, but when does it begin? What is required of us? Can we lose it? These and other disputed questions have divided Christians for centuries. Matthew W. Bates has already shown that the gospel is about King Jesus and that faith includes allegiance. In Beyond the Salvation Wars, he unpacks additional truths from the Bible and the early church to describe how salvation happens.

Bates offers a new model, encouraging Protestants and Catholics toward long-term unity. But his proposal contains strong medicine: it doesn't sugarcoat current Protestant and Catholic errors but diagnoses with precision for the future health of the church.
By using accessible writing and stories, Bates shows what Scripture teaches about baptism, election, regeneration, assurance, and justification. A companion to his previous book, Gospel Allegiance: What Faith in Jesus Misses for Salvation in Christ, this book will appeal to those who want to discover core truths about how we are saved-for their personal journey as well as for final Christian unity. A discussion guide with questions for classes and groups will be available.

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Robert Richmond Ellis, "Bibliophiles, Murderous Bookmen, and Mad Librarians: The Story of Books in Modern Spain "
English | ISBN: 1487542364 | 2022 | 320 pages | PDF | 4 MB
The word "bibliophilia" indicates a love of books, both as texts to be read and objects to be cherished for their physical qualities. Throughout the history of Iberian print culture, bibliophiles have attempted to explain the psychological experiences of reading and collecting books, as well as the social and economic conditions of book production.

Bibliophiles, Murderous Bookmen, and Mad Librarians analyses Spanish bibliophiles who catalogue, organize, and archive books, as well as the ✅Publishers, artists, and writers who create them. Robert Richmond Ellis examines how books are represented in modern Spanish writing and how Spanish bibliophiles reflect on the role of books in their lives and in the histories and cultures of modern Spain. Through the combined approaches of literary studies, book history, and the book arts, Ellis argues that two strains of Spanish bibliophilia coalesce in the modern period: one that envisions books as a means of achieving personal fulfilment, and another that engages with politics and uses books to affirm linguistic, cultural, and regional and national identities.
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Michelle Enzinas, "Big Buttes Book: Annotated Dyets Dry Dinner"
English | 2017 | pages: 516 | ISBN: 1988274214 | EPUB | 16,3 mb
In 1599 Henry Buttes wrote a slightly comical cookbook for the Bacon family, in order to raise funds for the construction of a church.

For the first time in modern history you may review Buttes' eight course feast, based on Elizabethan humours, edited for the modern kitchen. Original recipes, commentary on the medieval humours of each main ingredient, stories to amuse a Tudor noble, and explanations of Buttes' dry witticisms (plus a comprehensive glossary), make this book both the resource and discussion piece for your explorations into Tudor cuisine.
For those who like to experiment with cooking and want to have some historical fun playing in the kitchen or at the campfire.

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Big Impact Without Burnout: 8 Energizing Strategies to Stop Struggling and Start Soaring by Bianca Best
English | March 11, 2025 | ISBN: 1786789264, 9781786789273 | True EPUB | 320 pages | 8.3 MB
Global business leader and single mother of 4, Bianca Best, reveals the 8 powerful and transformative strategies for ambitious women to achieve success with integrity and joy. This is a plan for reaching for the stars and seizing them without burning out, through inner balance and magnificent outer shine.

Are you craving more time and energy?
Is stress taking its toll on your productivity?
Do your ambitions feel increasingly hard to achieve?

You are not alone. Too many brilliant women are exhausted and dimming their lights unnecessarily. This book is your powerful solution and inspiring path to achieving your dreams with grace, joy and integrity.
Bianca Best is an award-winning executive, coach, thought leader and mother of four, who has learned how to succeed without compromising body, mind or soul. After years of burnout, she mastered how to blend ambition with wellbeing. And then a funny thing happened, her impact and happiness soared! This is her practical, proven and invigorating roadmap: just 8 essential strategies to holistically shift from stress and struggle to empowered rising and achieving.
With graceful productivity as your superpower, you'll find your inner balance then unleash your magnificent outer shine, taking your boldest work into the world, building influence and respect, maximizing your income and value, all while feeling purposeful, peaceful and energized.

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Bindung der Mitgliedstaaten an die Gemeinschaftsgrundrechte: Die Grundrechtsbindung der Mitgliedstaaten nach der Rechtsprechung des EuGH, der Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union und ihre Fortentwicklung By Brosius-Gersdorf, Frauke
2005 | 95 Pages | ISBN: 3428118944 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Diskussion über die Bindung der Mitgliedstaaten an die Gemeinschaftsgrundrechte wurde durch den Europäischen Verfassungsvertrag neu entfacht. Sie entzündet sich an der Horizontalvorschrift des Art. II-111 Abs. 1 Satz 1 VVE, die den Anwendungsbereich der Charta für die Mitgliedstaaten mit einer Formulierung umschreibt, die der EuGH lediglich für einen Teilbereich der Grundrechtsbindung der Mitgliedstaaten verwendet.Frauke Brosius-Gersdorf widmet sich in ihrer Arbeit der Reichweite der Bindung der Mitgliedstaaten an die Gemeinschaftsgrundrechte und ihren Funktionen. In einem ersten Schritt gibt sie einen Überblick über die Rechtsprechung des EuGH zur Grundrechtsbindung der Mitgliedstaaten. Anschließend zeigt sie, dass Art. II-111 Abs. 1 Satz 1 VVE die Grundrechtsbindung der Mitgliedstaaten im Grundsatz übereinstimmend mit der Judikatur des EuGH regelt. In einem dritten Komplex unterbreitet die Autorin Vorschläge für eine Fortentwicklung der Bindung der Mitgliedstaaten an die Gemeinschaftsgrundrechte.

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Birds, Sex and Beauty: The Extraordinary Implications of Charles Darwin's Strangest Idea by Matt Ridley
English | March 13, 2025 | ISBN: 0008645523, 0008750513, 0063342987, 9780008645540 | True EPUB | 336 pages | 67.4 MB
The New York Times bestselling author of Genome and The Evolution of Everything revisits Darwin's revelatory theory of mate choice through the close study of the peculiar rituals of birds, and considers how this mating process complicates our own view of human evolution.

In all animals, mating is a deal. But few creatures behave as if sex is a simple, even mutually beneficial, transaction. Many more treat it with reverence, suspicion, angst, and violence. In the case of the Black Grouse, the bird at the center of Matt Ridley's investigation, the males dance and sing for hours a day, for several exhausting months, in an arduous and even deadly ritual called a "lek." To prepare for the ordeal, they grow, preen and display fancy, twisted, bold-colored feathers. When achieved, consummation with a female takes seconds. So why the months of practice and preparation that is elaborate, extravagant, exhausting and elegant?
The full answer remains a mystery. Evolutionary biologists can explain why males are generally the eager sellers, females the discriminating buyers. But they struggle to explain why, in some species, this extravagance goes beyond the mere gaudy, taking on bizarre shapes, postures, and behavior. And further, why these bird displays seem beautiful to us humans, a species with seemingly no skin in the game.
Using an early morning "lek" as his starting point, Ridley explores the scientific research into the evolution of bright colors, exotic ornaments, and elaborate displays in birds around the world. Charles Darwin thought the purpose of such displays was to "charm" females. Though Darwin's theory was initially dismissed and buried for decades, recent scientific research has proven him newly right-there is a powerful evolutionary force quite distinct from natural selection: mate choice. In Birds, Sex and Beauty, Ridley reopens the history of Darwin's vexed theory, laying bare a century of disagreement about an idea so powerful, so weird, and so wonderful, we may have yet to fully understand its implications.

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