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Die Religionsfreiheit im Verfassungsrecht der USA: Historische Entwicklung und Stand der Verfassungsrechtsprechung By Funke, Thomas Gerrith
2006 | 184 Pages | ISBN: 3428113799 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Verfassung der USA stellt Religionsfreiheit und weltanschauliche Neutralität des Staates an die Spitze ihres Grundrechtskataloges. Die Auslegung des "First Amendment" durch die Verfassungsrechtsprechung der vergangenen zwei Jahrhunderte zeugt von der Bedeutung und Vielfalt von Religion in Nordamerika.Von den Pilgervätern bis zum Rehnquist Court zeichnet der Autor die Entwicklung der Religionsfreiheit nach. Schulgebet, Bekleidungsvorschriften, Sonntagsschutz und Tieropfer werden ebenso behandelt wie der Schutz der nordamerikanischen Ureinwohner. Im Zentrum steht dabei die aktuelle Frage, ob nur kollidierende Verfassungsgüter oder schon die allgemeinen Gesetze einen Eingriff rechtfertigen. Die weltanschauliche Neutralität verbietet in den USA finanzielle Zuwendungen an Religionsgemeinschaften und setzt der Darstellung von religiösen Symbolen enge Grenzen. Andererseits darf der Staat die Religionsgemeinschaften auch nicht wegen ihres weltanschaulichen Charakters benachteiligen.Ein weitgehender Schutz von Religion führt in einer weltanschaulich heterogenen Gesellschaft zu Konflikten. Der Autor beschreibt den Lösungsansatz des US-amerikanischen Verfassungsrechts und schließt mit einigen Parallelen zur aktuellen Diskussion in Deutschland.

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Die Strafanpassung im Rahmen der Tagessatzgeldstrafe: Der Versuch eines Ausgleichs zwischen Verfahrensökonomie und Opfergleichheit unter Berücksichtigung des Steuerrechts By Farivar Meemar, Andrea
2009 | 218 Pages | ISBN: 3428129318 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Tagessatzgeldstrafe des deutschen Strafrechts befindet sich in einem Dilemma zwischen Opfergleichheit und Verfahrensökonomie. Zum einen wird seit Jahrzehnten versucht, die Geldstrafe - zumeist über die Definition des Nettoeinkommens des § 40 StGB - möglichst opfergleich zu gestalten, zum anderen finden in der Praxis kaum Ermittlungen die Tagessatzhöhe betreffend statt. Dort wird zumeist geschätzt bzw. die Angaben des Täters ungeprüft übernommen. Dies zeigt Andrea Farivar Meemar anhand einer Literaturanalyse sowie einer zu diesem Thema von der Autorin durchgeführten Befragung von Richtern und Staatsanwälten. Das bestehende Dilemma ist jedoch auflösbar, wenn die Festlegung der Tagessatzhöhe zur schematischen Strafanpassung wird. Faktor dieser Strafanpassung sollte in der Regel das Nettoeinkommen sein. Andrea Farivar Meemar stellt deshalb eine Neudefinition des strafrechtlichen Nettoeinkommens unter Berücksichtigung sowohl von verfahrensökonomischen Aspekten als auch von Opfergleichheitsgesichtspunkten vor. Diese Definition orientiert sich am Steuerrecht und geht von den im Einkommensteuerrecht bestehenden Größen aus. Zudem wird die familiäre Situation des Täters berücksichtigt. Im Ergebnis stellt die Autorin ein Rechenschema vor, welches erlaubt, die Tagessatzhöhe unter Zuhilfenahme von Steuerdaten einfach zu berechnen. Im Hinblick auf das Steuergeheimnis des § 30 AO, das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht und das Nemo-tenetur-Prinzip untersucht sie steuerrechtliche, datenschutzrechtliche und verfassungsrechtliche Bedenken und befindet im Ergebnis eine entsprechende gesetzliche Öffnung des Steuergeheimnisses zur Umsetzung des Rechenschemas für erforderlich.

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Die Untreuestrafbarkeit von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern bei der Festsetzung überhöhter Vorstandsvergütungen: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur rechtlichen Behandlung von Vorstandsvergütungen in deutschen Aktiengesellschaften By Dittrich, Elisabeth
2007 | 259 Pages | ISBN: 3428122852 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Vergütung von Vorständen deutscher Aktiengesellschaften bietet wissenschaftlichen Zündstoff - nicht zuletzt die Zahl der Veröffentlichungen über rechtliche Fragen des vor kurzem mit strafprozessualen Absprachen beendeten Mannesmann-Prozesses hat gezeigt, wie intensiv die Angemessenheit von Vorstandsvergütungen auch im Schrifttum diskutiert wird.Die Autorin greift die wesentlichen rechtlichen Probleme hoher Vorstandsvergütungen, wie sie Gegenstand des Mannesmann-Prozesses waren, abstrakt auf und geht der Frage nach, inwieweit sich hohe Vorstandsvergütungen bewilligende Aufsichtsratsmitglieder einer Aktiengesellschaft der Untreue nach § 266 StGB strafbar machen können. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht dabei der Begriff der untreuespezifischen Pflichtverletzung unter Berücksichtigung des ultima-ratio-Prinzips des Strafrechts: ein Verhalten, welches gesellschaftsrechtlich erlaubt ist, kann und darf strafrechtlich nicht sanktioniert werden. Ausgehend von dieser Prämisse ist das Augenmerk der Verfasserin im Besonderen auf die gesellschaftsrechtliche Dimension von Vorstandsvergütungen gerichtet.

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Digital Advertising in the Post-cookie Era: Strategic Campaign Planning Across the Customer Journey
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3658470992 | 219 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 4 MB
This book explains how companies can successfully plan and implement their online campaigns - even after the end of third-party cookies. Campaigns on social media platforms, in search engines, and through display advertising can still be effective if potential customers are targeted accurately.

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Digital Electronics - Logic Gates
by Prasun Barua
English | 2022 | ASIN: B0BMSZSGYS | 96 Pages | AZW3 | 0.9 MB

Welcome to Digital Electronics - Logic Gates! This is a nonfiction science book which contains various topics on logic gates of digital electronics. A logic gate is a device that serves as a foundation for digital circuits. They carry out fundamental logical functions in digital circuits. Most electronic devices we use today contain logic gates of Some kind. Logic gates, for example, can be found in technology such as smartphones, tablets, and memory devices. Logic gates in a circuit make judgments depending on a mix of digital signals from their inputs. The majority of logic gates have two inputs and one output. Boolean algebra is the foundation of logic gates. Every terminal is in one of two binary states at any one time: false or true. True represents 1 and false represents 0. The binary output will vary depending on the type of logic gate being utilized and the mix of inputs. A logic gate can be compared to a light switch, with the output being 0 in one position and 1 in the other. Integrated circuits typically employ logic gates (IC). This book contains various topics such as Digital Logic Gates, Logic AND Gates, Logic OR Gate, Logic NOT Gate, Logic NAND Gate, Logic NOR Gate, Exclusive-OR Gate, Exclusive-NOR Gate, Exclusive-OR Gate, Digital Logic Gates in A Brief, Pull-Up Resistors and Universal Logic Gates. This is the first edition of the book. Thanks for reading the book.

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Digital Mavericks: A Guide to Web3, NFTS, and Becoming the Main Character of the Next Internet Revolution
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1394220898 | 196 Pages | PDF | 7 MB
In Digital Mavericks: A Guide to Web3, NFTs, and Becoming the Main Character in the Next Internet Revolution, founder, NFT collector, and tech entrepreneur Debbie Soon delivers an exciting and eye-opening exploration of the seismic changes and tremendous opportunities that can be found at the intersection of creativity and technology. You'll learn about how blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are challenging the way we think about our careers and discover inspirational stories behind the personal triumphs and challenges experienced by successful artists, entrepreneurs, and technologists.

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Digital Processing of Random Oscillations by Viacheslav Karmalita
English | June 17, 2019 | ISBN: 3110625008 | 97 pages | MOBI | 1.26 Mb
This book deals with the autoregressive method for digital processing of random oscillations. The method is based on a one-to-one transformation of the numeric factors of the Yule series model to linear elastic system characteristics. This parametric approach allowed to develop a formal processing procedure from the experimental data to obtain estimates of logarithmic decrement and natural frequency of random oscillations. A straightforward mathematical description of the procedure makes it possible to optimize a discretization of oscillation realizations providing efficient estimates. The derived analytical expressions for confidence intervals of estimates enable a priori evaluation of their accuracy. Experimental validation of the method is also provided.

Statistical applications for the analysis of mechanical systems arise from the fact that the loads experienced by machineries and various structures often cannot be described by deterministic vibration theory. Therefore, a sufficient description of real oscillatory processes (vibrations) calls for the use of random functions.
In engineering practice, the linear vibration theory (modeling phenomena by common linear differential equations) is generally used. This theory's fundamental concepts such as natural frequency, oscillation decrement, resonance, etc. are credited for its wide use in different technical tasks.
In technical applications two types of research tasks exist: direct and inverse. The former allows to determine stochastic characteristics of the system output X(t) resulting from a random process E(t) when the object model is considered known. The direct task enables to evaluate the effect of an operational environment on the designed object and to predict its operation under various loads.
The inverse task is aimed at evaluating the object model on known processes E(t) and X(t), i.e. finding model (equations) factors. This task is usually met at the tests of prototypes to identify (or verify) its model experimentally.
To characterize random processes a notion of "shaping dynamic system" is commonly used. This concept allows to consider the observing process as the output of a hypothetical system with the input being stationary Gauss-distributed ("white") noise. Therefore, the process may be exhaustively described in terms of parameters of that system. In the case of random oscillations, the "shaping system" is an elastic system described by the common differential equation of the second order:
X ̈(t)+2hX ̇(t)+ ω_0^2 X(t)=E(t),
where ω0 = 2π/Т0 is the natural frequency, T0 is the oscillation period, and h is a damping factor. As a result, the process X(t) can be characterized in terms of the system parameters - natural frequency and logarithmic oscillations decrement δ = hT0 as well as the process variance.
Evaluation of these parameters is subjected to experimental data processing based on frequency or time-domain representations of oscillations. It must be noted that a concept of these parameters evaluation did not change much during the last century. For instance, in case of the spectral density utilization, evaluation of the decrement values is linked with bandwidth measurements at the points of half-power of the observed oscillations. For a time-domain presentation, evaluation of the decrement requires measuring covariance values delayed by a time interval divisible by T0.
Both estimation procedures are derived from a continuous description of research phenomena, so the accuracy of estimates is linked directly to the adequacy of discrete representation of random oscillations. This approach is similar a concept of transforming differential equations to difference ones with derivative approximation by corresponding finite differences. The resulting discrete model, being an approximation, features a methodical error which can be decreased but never eliminated. To render such a presentation more accurate it is imperative to decrease the discretization interval and to increase realization size growing requirements for computing power.
The spectral density and covariance function estimates comprise a non-parametric (non-formal) approach. In principle, any non-formal approach is a kind of art i.e. the results depend on the performer's skills. Due to interference of subjective factors in spectral or covariance estimates of random signals, accuracy of results cannot be properly determined or justified.
To avoid the abovementioned difficulties, the application of linear time-series models with well-developed procedures for parameter estimates is more advantageous. A method for the analysis of random oscillations using a parametric model corresponding discretely (no approximation error) with a linear elastic system is developed and presented in this book. As a result, a one-to-one transformation of the model's numerical factors to logarithmic decrement and natural frequency of random oscillations is established. It allowed to develop a formal processing procedure from experimental data to obtain the estimates of δ and ω0. The proposed approach allows researchers to replace traditional subjective techniques by a formal processing procedure providing efficient estimates with analytically defined statistical uncertainties.

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Digital Transformation and Business Sustainability: From Theory to Practice
by Jain, Geetika, Ghoreishi, Malahat

English | 2025 | ISBN: 1032560746 | 159 pages | True PDF EPUB | 6.79 MB

Digital transformation brings new opportunities, but also disruption, to the way businesses work. The application of technologies such as blockchain, AI, Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data has the potential to revolutionize how businesses operate and incorporate sustainable practices within manufacturing processes and supply chains, creating value and redeveloping business models. Digital technologies can also enable more efficient collaboration between various partners across the globe and increase transparency in the supply chain. But while the adoption of new technology can have benefits for businesses, customers and the environment, individual businesses' uptake of new technologies is highly variable, leading to disruption in the supply and value chains.
Digital Transformation and Business Sustainability: From Theory to Practice provides insights into the principle of digital transformation and the key technologies that enable businesses to put the principle into practice. The early chapters set out what digital transformation means for business and how an organization can be ready for it. This book then asks a series of critical questions about digital transformation, such as whether it enables inclusive markets and how compatible it is with digital inclusion and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. The issue of business sustainability is then addressed in a series of chapters looking at digital transformation and the circular economy.
Featuring diverse cases and examples drawn from across the global economy, and assessing both the theory and practice of digital transformation, this book is an ideal resource for postgraduate students on management courses, professionals on executive education courses, researchers and lecturers.

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Neil Gilbert, "Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy: Pearson New International Edition"
English | 2013 | pages: 293 | ISBN: 1292041706 | PDF | 14,0 mb
A conceptual framework for analyzing social welfare policy Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy provides a comprehensive and widely-used framework for analyzing social welfare policies. The text encourages readers to develop their own thoughts on social welfare policy and to explore policy alternatives. Theoretical points are illustrated with examples from a cross-section of program areas including income maintenance, child welfare, model cities, day care, community action, and mental health. The text familiarizes students with the content of major social welfare programs such as TANF, OASDHI, SSI, and Title XX. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: * Understand current policy issues * Reflect on where they stand in regard to controversial policy issues * Understand major social welfare programs * Better understand CSWE's core competencies and practice behaviors

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Direkte Nachfolge in eine offene Handelsgesellschaft im Vermächtniswege: Ein Beitrag zum Recht der Anteilsübertragung durch Vermächtnis By Gallenkamp, Götz
2010 | 185 Pages | ISBN: 3428126505 | PDF | 1 MB
Die Nachfolge in unternehmerisches Vermögen ist integraler Bestandteil der strategischen Unternehmensplanung. Die frühzeitige Nachfolgeplanung ist unerlässlich, um das Unternehmen am Markt zu erhalten. Vermächtnislösungen zur Unternehmensnachfolge sind aufgrund ihrer großen Flexibilität durch den "schuldrechtlichen" Charakter des Vermächtnisrechts "populär". Andererseits ist die Rechtsprechung bereit, den praktischen Bedürfnissen des "Geschäftslebens", entgegen der Grundentscheidungen des historischen Gesetzgebers, im Recht der Erbfolge durch Sonderentwicklung bei der Nachfolge in Personengesellschaftsanteile entgegenzukommen.Götz Gallenkamp arbeitet in diesem Zusammenhang das Bedürfnis für eine unmittelbare Übertragung von OHG-Gesellschaftsanteilen auf einen (Unternehmens-)Nachfolger und die mögliche Umsetzung einer solchen Singularsukzession mittels eines Vindikationslegates heraus.

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Disability Praxis: The Body as a Site of Struggle
by Bob Williams-Findlay
English | 2024 | ISBN: 0745340989 | 234 Pages | PDF | 1.43 MB

'A masterful intervention that is particularly pertinent for an age of austerity, pandemic, and rising living costs' Robert Chapman, author of Empire of Normality
'A brilliant and much-needed contribution to current debates' Ioana Cerasella Chis, University of Birmingham
'A comprehensive analysis which also intelligently looks at how disability can fit into the modern world' Joshua Hepple, activist, writer and disability equality trainer
The rise of the extreme right globally, the crisis of capitalism and the withdrawal of all but the most punitive arms of the state are having a disastrous impact on disabled people's lives.
Bob Williams-Findlay offers an account of the transformative potential of disability praxis and how it relates to disabled politics and activism. He addresses different sites of struggle, showing how disabled people have advanced radical theory into the implementation of policies.
Examining the growth of the global Disabled People's Movement during the 1960s, Williams-Findlay shows how a new social discourse emerged that shifted the focus away from seeing disability as restrictions on an individual's body, towards understanding the impact of restrictions created by capitalist relations. He shines light on the contested definitions of disability, asking us to reconsider how different socio-political contexts produce varied understandings of social oppression and how we can play a role in transforming definitions and societies.

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DK Top 10 Seoul (Pocket Travel Guide) by DK Travel
English | November 26, 2024 | ISBN: 0241678609 | 128 pages | MOBI | 87 Mb
One of Asia's cultural capitals, Seoul is the perfect blend of traditional and modern, and is both fashion hub and food lover's paradise. Your DK Eyewitness Top 10 travel guide ensures you'll find your way around this dynamic city with absolute ease.

Our regularly updated Top 10 travel guide breaks down the best of Seoul into helpful lists of ten - from our own selected highlights to the best museums and galleries, and the most authentic restaurants, tearooms, bars, shops and markets.
You'll discover:
* Seven easy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day trip, a weekend, or a week
* Detailed Top 10 lists of Seoul's must-sees, including comprehensive descriptions of the Gyeongbok, Changdeok and Changgyeong palaces, the fascinating neighbourhoods of Insadong, Dongdaemun and Buamdong; the National Museum of Korea, Nam Mountain, Bukhansan National Park, Bukchon Hanok Village, and the nearby city of Gwacheon
* Seoul's most interesting areas, with the best places for shopping, going out and sightseeing
* Inspiration for different things to enjoy during your trip - including culinary highlights, festivals and celebrations, hidden gems off the beaten track, and great things to do for free
* A laminated pull-out map of Seoul and its environs, plus five full-color neighborhood maps
* Streetsmart advice: get ready, get around, and stay safe
* A lightweight format perfect for your pocket or bag when you're on the move

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DK Top 10 Singapore (Pocket Travel Guide) by DK Travel
English | November 26, 2024 | ISBN: 0241678994 | 128 pages | MOBI | 105 Mb
Home to the lush Singapore Botanic Gardens, ornate historic architecture andtowering skyscrapers, Singapore embraces the new and the old, all with sustainability at its heart.

Make the most of your trip to this tropical city-state with DK Eyewitness Top 10. Planning is a breeze with our simple lists of ten, covering the very best that Singapore has to offer and ensuring that you don't miss a thing. Best of all, the pocket-friendly format is light and easily portable; the perfect companion while out and about. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings Singapore to life. DK Eyewitness Top 10 Singapore is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime.
Inside DK Eyewitness Singapore you will find:
Up-to-date information with insider tips and advice for staying safeTop 10 lists of Singapore's must-sees, including National Museum of Singapore, Thian Hock Keng Temple, Marina Bay and SentosaSingapore's most interesting areas, with the best places for sightseeing, food and drink, and shoppingThemed lists, including the best national parks and gardens, arts venues, architectural sights, museums and much moreEasy-to-follow itineraries, perfect for a day trip, a weekend, or a weekA laminated pull-out map of Singapore, plus five full-color area mapsAbout DK Eyewitness:
At DK Eyewitness, we believe in the power of discovery. We make it easy for you to explore your dream destinations. DK Eyewitness travel guides have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 1993. Filled with expert advice, striking photography and detailed illustrations, our highly visual DK Eyewitness guides will get you closer to your next adventure. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations, from pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides. Named Top Guidebook Series at the 2020 Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards, we know that wherever you go next, your DK Eyewitness travel guides are the perfect companion.

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Do As I Do 2nd Edition: Using Social Learning to Train Dogs by Claudia Fugazza, Fumi Higaki
English | April 1, 2024 | ISBN: 1617812889 | 108 pages | PDF | 11 Mb
Train dog based on social learning ? Yes!

Recent research suggests that dogs can engage in social learning which includes the ability to observe the actions of other dogs and imitate them to learn new behaviors. The big news for dog trainers is that author Claudia Fugazza and her colleagues in Europe have discovered that dogs can also imitate people. This natural skill can be used to teach dogs new behaviors using the Do As I Do protocol presented in this book-DVD combination. The Do As I Do method is particularly useful in working with service dogs and canine athletes who must masters skills such as ringing a bell, jumping over a hurdle, spinning and dozens more.
Learn about:
The fascinating research which shows that dogs can observe, then imitate human behavior and remember it over time.
How you can start with a known behavior, then teach the dog to perform the behavior after observing you demonstrate it, followed by the new cue Do it! Eventually the dog learns that Do it! means to do whatever has just been demonstrated by the trainer.
How this method can build a closer bond between you and your dog, bring new energy and joy to your training efforts and challenge your thinking about how dogs learn.
Since the first edition of this book was published, scientific advances have moved rapidly and there have been many new discoveries on a dog's social learning skills and the most relevant ones are now included in the new edition. These provides insights into a dogs' mind, and are written by a scientist studying dog cognition, in a language intelligible for the public.A modification to the Do As I Do protocol reflects the significance of the Foundation Phase, which, while often the most time-consuming, is crucial for success in all following phases.
The Second Edition contains self-assessment tests, which ensure both the owner and the dog are ready before moving on to the next phase of training. This edition also includes troubleshooting examples, which provide practical solutions to common challenges that may arise during training.
What experts are saying about Do As I Do
Fugazza brings an exciting blend of science, experience and innovation to this training program. Do As I Do is great for trainers, great for dogs and great for their relationship.
Karen B. London, co-author of Play Together Stay Together
A clearly written protocol for teaching dogs how to imitate their trainer as a new technique to add to the trainer's tool box. As someone who has studied dog imitation myself, I am pleased to see this available outside scientific circles.
Ken Ramirez, author of Animal Training: Successful Animal Management
It is rare that a groundbreaking new training concept is presented to the dog-training and dog-owning world. Claudia Fugazza not only brings this fascinating training method to the dog world, she does it in a charming and captivating style that simply begs readers to start teaching their dogs to imitate.It's the next thing in dog training you don't want to miss it. I predict the Do As I Do method will catch on like wildfire; here at Peaceable Paws we are already incorporating it into our classes, workshops, seminars and academies, and having fantastic fun with it!
Pat Miller, author of Do Over Dogs and How To Foster Dogs
This pioneering book provides trainers with the information they need to try this new method for themselves. This will generate a lot of fun for the participants and further data to expand our understanding of this intriguing concept.
Kathy Sdao, author of Plenty in Life is Free: Reflections on Dogs, Training and Finding Grace
Claudia Fugazza lives in Italy and is completing her PhD research in the field of social learning in dogs at Eotovos Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary.

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Carey Doberstein, "Doberstein: Distributed Democracy "
English | ISBN: 1487507259 | 2020 | 234 pages | PDF | 2 MB
The governance of health care in Ontario has long provided opportunities for citizens and stakeholders to participate, deliberate, and influence health care policy and investment decisions. Yet, despite providing opportunities for deliberation and influence amongst citizens, we don't know how democratic the system actually is.

Distributed Democracy advances an original analytical framework to guide an investigation of democracy and accountability relationships in complex policy making environments. Applying the analytical framework in the context of health care governance in Ontario from 2004-2019, Carey Doberstein shows that the popular criticisms of health care governance in Ontario are misplaced. The democratic system of local health care governance is often plagued by severed connections among the various layers of deliberation and policy-making. An incisive analysis with considerable relevance for policy-makers and across academic disciplines,
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Drugs for Medical Management of Obesity: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819616506 | 400 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 5 MB
This book covers pharmacological activity and the role of the medications used for the medical management of obesity. The chapters provide information on the prevalence of obesity, basic principles of obesity management, a brief history of anti-obesity medications (AOMs), and discontinuation of AOMs due to their safety concerns. Further chapters include information on currently approved AOMs for obesity management by healthcare regulatory authorities including their effect on weight loss and other important clinical parameters, short-term and long-term use of AOMs, medications for genetic obesity, and the use of AOMs in obesity with associated co-morbidities as per their safety considerations and contraindications. A separate chapter is on drugs that are either under a clinical trial phase or awaiting approval.

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Dynamisches Change Management:
Ein kontext-orientierter Ansatz zur Unterstützung der Anpassungsfähigkeit von Organisationen

Deutsch | 2025 | ISBN: 3658455314 | 257 Pages | PDF (True) | 2 MB

Die Herausgeber zeigen anhand der soziologischen Systemtheorie einen Referenzrahmen auf, der nicht nur die klassischen Aspekte der Veränderungstheorie thematisiert, sondern auch das Zusammenspiel von formaler und informeller Ebene sowie der Schauseite (Außenwirkung) von Organisationen verdeutlicht. Eine Referenz an die Theaterwissenschaften - „wenn Luhmann auf Shakespeare trifft" - verdeutlicht die Eigenarten in der Kommunikation nach außen. Das organisationale Change Management bezieht sich dabei nicht nur auf die Strategien und deren Umsetzung, sondern berücksichtigt vor allem den schnellen Anpassungsbedarf in Organisationen.

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Easy Thai Cookbook: The Step-by-step Guide to Deliciously Easy Thai Food at Home by Sallie Morris
English | July 24, 2018 | ISBN: 1844838935 | 216 pages | MOBI | 8.48 Mb
Genuine Thai food made easy with more than 70 authentic, mouth-watering recipes, explained step by step.

Perfect for beginner cooks or Thai food enthusiasts alike, this book is an ideal guide to thisdelicious and exoticcuisine. Showcasing the ingredients and techniques used in Thai cookery, this book take you, step by step, through the processes involved in creating tempting, genuine Thai dishes.
Part 1 introduces you to the world of Thai cooking, explaining ingredients, equipment and cooking methods, and basics such as stocks, pates, rice and noodles.
Part 2 gives you delicious recipes for snacks and appetizers; soups; salads and vegetables; curries; stir-fries; fried dishes; steams, bakes and barbecues; and desserts. Try Prawn Satay, Pumpkin and Coconut Cream Soup, Thai Beef Salad, Thai Mussaman Curry, Stir-Fry Scallops with Chilli and Basil Leaves or Coconut Milk Ice Cream.
Part 3 shows you how to put the recipes together to create stunning meals, whether you want a filling bowl of noodles on a weekday evening or a sumptuous weekend feast for friends or family. With twelve menu plans, giving clear instructions and invaluable tips on preparation and timing, theEasy Thai Cookbookenables even the novice cook to prepare the perfect meal for any occasion.

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Ecosystems of Extremes: Climate, Soils, and Sustainable Land Use in the Central-Eastern Sahara
by Fayez Alaily
English | 2025 | ISBN: 3031769090 | 283 Pages | PDF | 42 MB

This book explores the environmental conditions, particularly the climate and soils, of one of the driest regions on earth, the Central-East of the Sahara. These factors control the ecosystems and determine the land's suitability for use. The area receives only 0.5 mm of precipitation annually and contains one of the largest aquifers in the Sahara, with fossil groundwater. The region's lithology includes Cretaceous formations and crystalline rocks, largely covered by quaternary sediments. Exogenous activities have shaped various landscape types, such as ergs with different dunes, deflated depressions with playas, and yardangs.
Soils in the region are primarily formed through physical processes and are often shallow, sandy, and enriched with soluble salts. The book provides a detailed analysis of their physical and chemical properties, genesis, and relation to environmental factors and sociological aspects. It also discusses rare ecosystems, including those dependent on food imports and those that arise episodically and last for a few years.
Considering all ecological parameters, a land assessment system for irrigated agriculture is developed, along with descriptions of suitable cultivation methods and optimal irrigation systems. The book's contents are based on data from several expeditions and laboratory work funded by the German Research Foundation.

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Edges of Care: Living and Dying in No Man's Land
by Noam Leshem
English | 2025 | ISBN: 0226835952 | 297 Pages | PDF | 73 MB

A firsthand look at the lives of those who reside in no man's land-the violence they endure and their immense resilience.
"No man's land" invokes stretches of barren landscape, twisted barbed wire, desolation, and the devastation of war. But this is not always the reality. According to Noam Leshem in Edges of Care, the term also reveals radical abandonment by the state. From the Northern Sahara to the Amazon rainforests, people around the world find themselves in places that have been stripped of sovereign care. Leshem is committed to defining these spaces and providing a more intimate understanding of this urgent political reality.
Based on nearly a decade of research in some of the world's most challenging conflict zones, Edges of Care offers a profound account of abandoned lives and lands, and how they endure and sometimes thrive once left to fend for themselves. Leshem interrogates no man's land as a site of radical uncaring: abandoned by a sovereign power in a relinquishment of responsibility for the space or anyone inside it. To understand the ramifications of such uncaring, Leshem takes readers through a diverse series of abandoned places, including areas in Palestine, Syria, Colombia, Sudan, and Cyprus. He shows that no man's land is not empty of life, but almost always inhabited and, in fact, often generative of new modes of being. Beautifully written and evocative, Edges of Care reveals the unexamined complexities and political dynamics hidden within and around places governed by callous indifference.

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