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Schmitt-Lektüren: Vier Versuche über Carl Schmitt By Augsberg, Ino
2020 | 130 Pages | ISBN: 3428159128 | PDF | 1 MB
Die hier zusammengestellten Schmitt-Lektüren sind Lektüren Carl Schmitts im doppelten Sinn des Genitivus subiectivus und des Genitivus obiectivus: Es geht ihnen darum, nicht nur die Schmitt'schen Texte wieder zu lesen, sondern zugleich mitzulesen, was, also welche Autoren, welche Texte, Carl Schmitt selbst gelesen hat - und vor allem, wie er sie gelesen hat. Die Untersuchungen lesen Schmitts Schriften nicht primär, wie man eine Spur liest, die zu einem bestimmten Ziel hinführen soll. Im Vordergrund ihres Interesses stehen nicht die inhaltlichen Aussagen. Die Untersuchungen interessieren sich vielmehr vor allem für die dahinterstehenden Verfahren, mit denen sich Carl Schmitt selbst erst seine eigenen, inhaltlich hochumstrittenen Positionen und Begriffe erarbeitet.Reading Schmitt ReadingThe four essays compiled in this volume are readings of Carl Schmitt in the double sense of the genitivus subiectivus and the genitivus obiectivus. Their aim is not only to re-read Schmitt's texts, but at the same time to read what, i.e. which authors, which texts, Carl Schmitt himself read - and above all how he read them.

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Semiotics: Principles & Problems
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819600367 | 213 Pages | PDF (True) | 2.2 MB
This book attempts to build semiotics on a new foundation, which is "meaning-making". At the very beginning, the central terms of signs and semiotics are redefined, as the old definition for sign (one thing standing for another) is far from satisfactory. Sign is a perception that is regarded as carrying meaning. In this way, semiotics, now built on the foundation of meaning-making and meaning-cognition, is a science of meaning. All the principles are now under the scrutiny of the new definition, and many issues are answered more succinctly. Therefore, the new definition is extended to the new fields of cultural activities in human society, and a series of problems arise.

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Jeffrey Escoffier, "Sex, Society, and the Making of Pornography: The Pornographic Object of Knowledge"
English | ISBN: 1978820143 | 2021 | 238 pages | PDF | 3 MB
Hardcore pornographic films combine fantasy and real sex to create a unique genre of entertainment. Pornographic films are also historical documents that give us access to the sexual behavior and eroticism of different historical periods. This book shows how the making of pornographic films is a social process that draws on the fantasies, sexual scripts, and sexual identities of performers, writers, directors, and editors to produce sexually exciting videos and movies. Yet hardcore pornographic films have also created a body of knowledge that constitutes, in this digital age, an enormous archive of sexual fantasies that serve as both a form of sex education and self-help guides. Sex, Society, and the Making of Pornography focuses on sex and what can be learned about it from pornographic representations.

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Sheaves in Topology by Alexandru Dimca
English | PDF (True) | 2004 | 253 Pages | ISBN : 3540206655 | 22.6 MB
Constructible and perverse sheaves are the algebraic counterpart of the decomposition of a singular space into smooth manifolds, a great geometrical idea due to R. Thom and H. Whitney. These sheaves, generalizing the local systems that are so ubiquitous in mathematics, have powerful applications to the topology of such singular spaces (mainly algebraic and analytic complex varieties).

This introduction to the subject can be regarded as a textbook on modern algebraic topology, treating the cohomology of spaces with sheaf (as opposed to constant)coefficients.
The first 5 chapters introduce derived categories, direct and inverse images of sheaf complexes, Verdier duality, constructible and perverse sheaves, vanishing and characteristic cycles. They also discuss relations to D-modules and intersection cohomology. Later chapters apply this powerful tool to the study of the topology of singularities, polynomial functions and hyperplane arrangements.
Some fundamental results, for which excellent sources exist, are not proved but just stated and illustrated by examples and corollaries. In this way, the reader is guided rather quickly from the basic theory to current research questions, supported in this by examples and exercises.

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Shell Shock Cinema: Weimar Culture and the Wounds of War by Anton Kaes
English | September 13, 2009 | ISBN: 0691031363, 0691008507 | True EPUB | 328 pages | 3.5 MB
How war trauma haunted the films of Weimar Germany

Shell Shock Cinema explores how the classical German cinema of the Weimar Republic was haunted by the horrors of World War I and the the devastating effects of the nation's defeat. In this exciting new book, Anton Kaes argues that masterworks such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, The Nibelungen, and Metropolis, even though they do not depict battle scenes or soldiers in combat, engaged the war and registered its tragic aftermath. These films reveal a wounded nation in post-traumatic shock, reeling from a devastating defeat that it never officially acknowledged, let alone accepted.
Kaes uses the term "shell shock"―coined during World War I to describe soldiers suffering from nervous breakdowns―as a metaphor for the psychological wounds that found expression in Weimar cinema. Directors like Robert Wiene, F. W. Murnau, and Fritz Lang portrayed paranoia, panic, and fear of invasion in films peopled with serial killers, mad scientists, and troubled young men. Combining original close textual analysis with extensive archival research, Kaes shows how this post-traumatic cinema of shell shock transformed extreme psychological states into visual expression; how it pushed the limits of cinematic representation with its fragmented story lines, distorted perspectives, and stark lighting; and how it helped create a modernist film language that anticipated film noir and remains incredibly influential today.
A compelling contribution to the cultural history of trauma, Shell Shock Cinema exposes how German film gave expression to the loss and acute grief that lay behind Weimar's sleek façade.

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Adrian Piegsa, "Shopify für Dummies"
Deutch | ISBN: 3527721045 | 2024 | 336 pages | EPUB | 41 MB
Mit Shopify bauen Sie Ihren eigenen Online-Shop, der perfekt zu Ihren Bedürfnissen passt. Adrian Piegsa gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über die Shop-Plattform, zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie sich zurechtfinden und worauf Sie achten müssen. Sie lernen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie Ihren Webshop mit Kategorien und Produkten anlegen, Bestellungen abwickeln und Ihren Erfolg optimieren. Darüber hinaus erfahren Sie alles über Vertriebs- und Werbemöglichkeiten von Shopify und erhalten Tipps und Tricks im Umgang mit der Software - speziell für den deutschsprachigen Raum.

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Sicherheit statt Freiheit?: Staatliche Handlungsspielräume in extremen Gefährdungslagen By Blaschke, Ulrich; Förster, Achim; Lumpp, Stephanie; Schmidt, Judith
2005 | 191 Pages | ISBN: 3428118723 | PDF | 1 MB
Der Schutz vor Gefahren gehört zu den grundlegenden Leistungen, die der Bürger vom Staat erwartet. Er will in Frieden und Sicherheit leben. Umso bedrohlicher sind die Szenarien, die seit den Anschlägen von New York, Madrid oder Beslan die sicherheitspolitische Diskussion prägen. Terroristen schrecken nicht mehr davor zurück, neben staatlichen Würdenträgern auch die schutzlose Bevölkerung anzugreifen. Neue Begehungsweisen wie das Abstürzenlassen entführter Verkehrsflugzeuge rücken ins Blickfeld. Der Rechtsstaat überprüft und erweitert sein Handlungsinstrumentarium zur effizienten Vorbeugung und Abwehr solcher Gefahren.Doch jeder Eingriffsbefugnis wohnt eine Beschränkung der Freiheitssphäre des Bürgers inne. Dabei gehören die Freiheitlichkeit unserer demokratischen Grundordnung und die Begrenzung staatlicher Macht durch einen umfassenden Grundrechtsschutz gerade zu den besonderen Wesensmerkmalen unseres Staatswesens - nicht zuletzt angesichts unserer historischen Erfahrungen. So gerät das spannungsreiche Verhältnis von Sicherheit und Freiheit erneut ins Blickfeld: Wie viel Freiheit muss eine demokratische Gesellschaft opfern, um sicher leben zu können? Wie viel darf sie opfern, will sie nicht die eigenen Prinzipien preisgeben?Im vorliegenden Band dokumentieren die Autoren die Erkenntnisse der Fachschaftstagung Jura im Cusanuswerk vom 29.10.-1.11.2004. Neben grundlegenden Fragen zu Sicherheitsarchitektur und Grundrechtsdogmatik widmen sie sich dem Kernbereichsschutz bei der Datenerhebung, der Verfassungsmäßigkeit des Luftsicherheitsgesetzes und der Zulässigkeit von Folter in extremen Gefährdungslagen.

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Simple Guide to Livewire : Practical Guide by V. Telman
English | October 7, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DF5RXGW4 | 103 pages | EPUB | 0.64 Mb
Simple Guide to Livewire

Unlock the power of Livewire with our comprehensive guide! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this simple yet informative book provides step-by-step instructions, practical examples, and insider tips to help you master Livewire efficiently. Enhance your Laravel projects effortlessly, build dynamic interfaces, and improve user experiences without the complexities of JavaScript.

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Simple Guide to PyTorch: Practical Guide by V. Telman
English | October 15, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DFV2YYM9 | 96 pages | EPUB | 0.67 Mb
Unlock the power of deep learning with "Simple Guide to PyTorch"! This comprehensive manual is perfect for beginners and seasoned developers alike. Dive into the essentials of PyTorch with easy-to-follow tutorials, practical examples, and hands-on projects. Whether you're looking to build neural networks or enhance your machine learning skills, this guide provides the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. Start your journey to mastering PyTorch today and transform your ideas into reality!

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Sit, Stay, Grow: How Dogs Can Help You Worry Less and Walk Into a Better Future
by Angelika von Sanden
English | 2025 | ISBN: 1761451103 | 176 Pages | True ePUB | 42 MB

Complete with a foreword from Dr Russ Harris (author of The Happiness Trap and ACT Made Simple), Sit, Stay, Grow is a joyful guide to observing and learning with the dog in your life.
In this book, counsellor Angelika von Sanden invites us to face life's challenges supported by our furry friends, but also to join into their playfulness and joy, and to use the daily dog walk as a time for meaningful contemplation.
Across fourteen chapters, Sit, Stay, Grow explores how dogs can inspire us to have fun, teach us how to tackle difficult questions and to take different perspectives. Complete with a short 'Taking a thought for a walk' activity at the end of each chapter, this simple and accessible practice can help you lead a more enriching life.
As well as giving us their unconditional love, in good times and in bad, dogs are great listeners. Observing their habits and how we interact with them, can help us live with less worries and more moments of happiness.

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Sixties British Pop, Outside In: Downtown, 1956-1965 by Gordon Ross Thompson
English | August 30, 2024 | ISBN: 019067234X | 494 pages | MOBI | 25 Mb
Downtown, 1956-1965-the first volume of Sixties British Pop, Outside In-describes the rise of London's music and recording cultures through the stories of those who empowered Britain's youth to be young. As the generations born in the postwar world entered adolescence and demanded a say in their lives, British musicians responded by creating music reflecting youth's quest for love and recognition. With waves of technological innovation sweeping through a world where political and economic superpowers postured for domination, deep-seated English values helped shape both pop music and its audiences.

The music that reverberated in hundreds of local clubs and halls began as fervent attempts to imitate an ongoing American cultural invasion that television helped bring into front rooms across Britain. The emergence of British blues and rock 'n' roll began when broadcasters allowed teens to discover Tommy Steele, Cliff Richard and the Shadows, Adam Faith, Helen Shapiro, and others. These pioneers provided an opening for the Beatles to lead a northwest invasion of an unsuspecting London. Soon, from across the nation, the Rolling Stones, the Animals, the Kinks, and a host of other groups, and singers such as Petula Clark, Tom Jones, and Donovan were feeding their music into the same media stream that the US had dominated. Americans, reeling from the assassination of a president, embraced the unmitigated joy and optimism they heard and called it the British invasion.
Based on extensive research and drawing on vintage and original interviews, Downtown, 1956-1965 frames the extraordinary rise of British pop in an era when pharmaceutical discoveries and electromagnetic innovation were altering lives. A community of musicians, producers, music directors, engineers, songwriters, ✅Publishers, promoters, broadcasters, and journalists provided songs, made and played recordings, organized concerts, and wrote about music expressing the exuberance of youth culture. They brought audiences together and gave individuals identity. Moreover, the fruits of their efforts set in motion the musical world in which we live today.

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Sixties British Pop, Outside In: Volume 2: Itchycoo Park, 1964-1970 by Gordon Ross Thompson
English | August 30, 2024 | ISBN: 0190672390 | 424 pages | MOBI | 13 Mb
Itchycoo Park, 1964-1970-the second volume of Sixties British Pop, Outside In-explores how London songwriters, musicians, and production crews navigated the era's cultural upheavals by reimagining the pop-music envelope. As the generation born during the postwar years approached adulthood, they gravitated to music that resonated with their lives. Mainstream pop remained true to the basics, but some British artists conjured up sophisticated hybrid forms by recombining elements of jazz, folk, blues, Indian ragas, and western classical music while others returned to the raw essentials. Encouraging these experiments, youth culture's economic power challenged the authority of their parents' generation. Improved amplification opened larger and more lucrative concert venues while the spread of studios with enhanced technologies allowed artists and production crews the means to improve performances and recordings.

British charts began to reflect London's postcolonial heritage as groups such as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Kinks, and the Who all listened for ideas and sounds that would distinguish their recordings. On stage, the Yardbirds, Cream, Led Zeppelin, the Nice, and others led by instrumental virtuosi developed British versions of American blues and rhythm and blues while the Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, and King Crimson painted imaginary worlds. And, although Engelbert Humperdinck and other men lamented independent women, Dusty Springfield, Sandie Shaw, and Lulu used their cultural capital to question systemic sexism.
Based on extensive research, including vintage and original interviews, Itchycoo Park, 1964-1970 presents sixties British pop, not as lists of discrete people and events, but as an interwoven story. Communities of musicians, producers, music directors, engineers, songwriters, ✅Publishers, promoters, broadcasters, and journalists interacted as they provided songs, made and played recordings, organized concerts, and celebrated the optimism of youth. They brought audiences together and gave individuals identity while establishing the musical world in which we live today.

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Snow Crash: A Novel by Neal Stephenson
English | 2 Jun. 2011 | ISBN: 0241953189, 9780141924045 | True EPUB | 448 pages | 2.5 MB
"This Snow Crash thing-is it a virus, a drug, or a religion?"

Juanita shrugs. "What's the difference?"

The only relief from the sea of logos is within the well-guarded borders of the Burbclaves. Is it any wonder that most sane folks have forsaken the real world and chosen to live in the computer-generated universe of virtual reality?
In a major city, the size of a dozen Manhattans, is a domain of pleasures limited only by the imagination. But now a strange new computer virus called Snow Crash is striking down hackers everywhere, leaving an unlikely young pizza delivery man as humankind's last best hope.
The perfect cyberpunk sci-fi read, Snow Crash is an equally worthy successor to William Gibson's Neuromancer and predecessor to Ernest Cline's Ready Player One.

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Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2018, Volume 1 by Kedar Nath Das
English | EPUB | 2020 | 994 Pages | ISBN : 9811500347 | 155.3 MB
This two-volume book presents the outcomes of the 8th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, SocProS 2018. This conference was a joint technical collaboration between the Soft Computing Research Society, Liverpool Hope University (UK), and Vellore Institute of Technology (India), and brought together researchers, engineers and practitioners to discuss thought-provoking developments and challenges in order to select potential future directions.

The book highlights the latest advances and innovations in the interdisciplinary areas of soft computing, including original research papers on algorithms (artificial immune systems, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and particle swarm optimization) and applications (control systems, data mining and clustering, finance, weather forecasting, game theory, business and forecasting applications). It offers a valuable resource for both young and experienced researchers dealing with complex and intricate real-world problems that are difficult to solve using traditional methods.

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Software Engineering Application in Informatics: Proceedings of 5th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2021, Vol. 1 by Radek Silhavy
English | PDF (True) | 2021 | 1020 Pages | ISBN : 3030903176 | 107.9 MB
This book constitutes the first part of refereed proceedings of the 5th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2021 (CoMeSySo 2021). The CoMeSySo 2021 Conference is breaking the barriers, being held online. CoMeSySo 2021 intends to provide an international forum for the discussion of the latest high-quality research results.

The software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence are crucial topics for the research within an intelligent systems problem domain.

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Jim Peterik, Dave Austin, "Songwriting für Dummies"
Deutch | ISBN: 3527720707 | 2023 | 400 pages | EPUB | 12 MB
Von der Song-Idee zur Hitsingle: In diesem Buch finden Sie alles, was Sie wissen müssen, um mit Ihrem Song in der Musikindustrie Erfolg zu haben. Finden Sie den Stil, Rhythmus und Reim, der zu Ihrem Genre passt, und fesseln Sie Ihre Zuhörer mit eingängigen Texten und unvergesslichen Melodien. Mit vielen Übungen und Beispielen unterstützen die Autoren Sie bei den grundlegenden, kreativen Elementen des Songwriting, aber auch bei dem, was danach kommt: Demotape, Online-Marketing, digitale Downloads, Urheberrecht, Verträge, Agenten und Plattenfirmen - so lernen Sie, wie Sie mit Ihren Werken die größten Erfolge erzielen können.

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Soybean Production Technology: Crop Pests and Diseases
English | 2025 | ISBN: 9819781035 | 361 Pages | PDF (True) | 14 MB
This book is dealing with the crop protection in soybean covering all the major insects' pests, diseases and weeds infesting soybean. The main focus of the book is to provide a single point comprehensive reference on the pests and diseases in soybean covering all the latest advancements in the field. The book covers the taxonomic status, symptomatology, morphology, epidemiology and management of all the major pests and diseases in soybean. Special attention is given to different components of integrated pest management and the latest biotechnological interventions in the field. The pests and diseases are a major constraint in the soybean cultivation leading to significant yield losses. Meticulous understanding on these pests is critical for the accurate identification and adoption of the effective management strategies against them. This play a crucial role in enhancing the soybean production and thereby help in meeting the globally increasing demand for vegetable oil and protein.

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Spymaster: The Memoirs of Gordon M. Stewart, CIA Station Chief in Cold War Germany by Gordon Stewart, Thomas Boghardt
English | October 7, 2024 | ISBN: 311134844X | 212 pages | MOBI | 2.85 Mb
Germany was the epicenter of the Cold War. Across the Iron Curtain, hundreds of thousands of soldiers faced each other, and if World War III were to break out, contemporaries feared, surely it would happen here. The country's frontline status made it an El Dorado for spies, who gathered information on military targets, penetrated political parties, and trained partisans for stay-behind operations. For the Americans, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) came to take the lead in this silent - and sometimes not so silent - contest. In the heyday of the Cold War, the agency's German station employed nearly two thousand officers - in addition to countless spies and informants. Ultimately, this covert empire reported to the CIA station chief in West Germany and his deputy. And for many years, either of those positions was held by Gordon Matthews Stewart.

Gordon Stewart was well prepared for this assignment. He studied German history and literature during the 1930s and lived in Munich and Hamburg as a visiting student. Here, he personally witnessed the Nazi takeover, even catching a glimpse of Adolf Hitler at one of his notorious rallies. When the United States entered the war in 1941, the newly established Office of Strategic Services (OSS) recruited him as a specialist on German affairs. In the summer of 1945, he arrived in Germany with an OSS detachment. Eventually, the OSS morphed into the CIA, and Gordon Stewart would run the agency's espionage organization in Germany for some twenty years.
From CIA headquarters in Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, and eventually, Bonn, Mr. Stewart directed all intelligence operations in central Europe. Initially, he hunted down Nazi war criminals, but the Cold War compelled him to bend his efforts toward the Soviet bloc. During the 1950s, Mr. Stewart directed espionage operations against East Germany, organized the training of Ukrainian partisans at U.S. bases in Bavaria, and participated in a scheme to dig a tunnel into East Berlin to eavesdrop on Soviet and East German communications. He also recruited and handled sources inside the West German government, including the chief of the Bundesnachrichtendienst, Reinhard Gehlen; the highest-ranking West German military officer, General Adolf Heusinger; and top policy-makers of the Christian and social democratic parties.
Mr. Stewart's memoirs, introduced by renowned intelligence scholar Thomas Boghardt, offer not only a fascinating look inside the CIA's largest overseas station; they also tell the story of a deeply conscientious and highly accomplished intelligence officer, whose experience, intellect, and moral compass shaped American policy toward Germany and Europe during the turbulent years of the early Cold War.

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SRI LANKA TRAVEL GUIDE 2025: Discovering the Charm and Beauty of The Pearl of Indian Ocean Including the Rich Heritage and Hidden Gems of the Island Paradise by GEORGE R. MYERS
English | January 20, 2025 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0DTLW1KXY | 89 pages | EPUB | 4.38 Mb
Are you ready to uncover the hidden treasures of a tropical paradise? "Sri Lanka Travel Guide 2025" is your ultimate companion for exploring this enchanting island, filled with breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, this guide will help you navigate through the must-see sights and off-the-beaten-path gems that make Sri Lanka truly special.

Benefits of This Book:Comprehensive Coverage: This guide offers detailed insights into every corner of Sri Lanka, from the bustling streets of Colombo to the serene beaches of the south and the lush tea plantations in the hill country. Discover historical sites, vibrant markets, and stunning national parks that showcase the island's incredible biodiversity.Practical Tips: With essential information on transportation, accommodation options, local customs, and dining recommendations, this guide equips you with everything you need to plan your trip efficiently and enjoyably. Save time and avoid common pitfalls with expert insights.Cultural Insights: Immerse yourself in the local culture with recommendations for festivals, traditional dishes to try, and experiences that connect you to the heart of Sri Lankan life. Gain a deeper understanding of the island's rich heritage through curated cultural experiences.Itineraries for Every Traveler: Whether you're looking for a quick getaway or an extended adventure, this guide provides ready-made itineraries tailored to different interests and time frames. Explore unique routes that highlight the best of Sri Lanka's attractions.Insider Recommendations: Benefit from insider tips on where to find the best local spots, avoid tourist traps, and experience authentic Sri Lankan hospitality. Discover hidden gems that are often overlooked by mainstream travel guides.Whether you're seeking relaxation on pristine beaches or thrilling wildlife safaris, this guide is your key to unlocking all that Sri Lanka has to offer. Start planning your dream vacation now!

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Standortmarketing im Bundesstaat By Battis, Ulrich; Kersten, Jens
2008 | 88 Pages | ISBN: 3428128788 | PDF | 1 MB
In einer globalisierten Wirtschaft verschärft sich der Wettbewerb um Investitionen. Eine Vielzahl europäischer Staaten wirbt mit nationalen Agenturen äußerst effektiv für den eigenen Wirtschafts- und Investitionsstandort.Dieses Standortmarketing geht über die Imagewerbung hinaus. Es kombiniert die inländische Standortcharakterisierung mit einer Marktanalyse im Ausland, um mögliche Investoren zu identifizieren. Es reagiert nicht nur auf die Nachfrage durch potentielle Investoren, sondern spricht ausländische Investoren gezielt an. Es umfasst ein breites Serviceangebot, das Investoren vor, während und nach ihrer Ansiedlung erwartet: Informationen über Investitionsstandorte, über technische und soziale Infrastruktur, über Firmengründungen und Personalressourcen, über Rechts- und Steuerfragen, über Finanzierungshilfen und Subventionsangebote, Planungsvorschriften und Umweltstandards. Darüber hinaus setzen Investoren voraus, dass Standortagenturen sie im Hinblick auf komplexe Verwaltungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren begleiten. Deutschland fehlt es bisher an einem solchen Standortmarketing aus einem Guss. Um international konkurrenzfähig zu sein, muss die Werbung für den Wirtschafts- und Investitionsstandort des Bundes und der Länder durch eine Bundesgesellschaft koordiniert werden, die den verfassungsrechtlichen Anforderungen des Bundes- und Rechtsstaatsgrundsatzes sowie des Demokratieprinzips genügt.Die Verfasser dieser Studie führen Überlegungen fort, die in einem dem Bundesrechnungshof erstatteten Rechtsgutachten entwickelt wurden. Die Ergebnisse flossen in Beratungsbeiträge des Bundesrechnungshofes für die Bundesregierung und das Parlament ein.

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